HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-4-14, Page 5MEDICAL 13ROWNINOI, M. D., M. (1. • P. 8,, Graduate Victoria ljni. varsity. office and residenence. Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. DENTAL TT laNnMAN, L. D.S. AND BINSMAN. L.D. a D Sallonor Oraduate of Toronto. University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or had after efinate, °face in Fan - eon's Week. Went sid.eof Main treeEse:ern D;A. APBERSON, (D. D. 6.1.118. DBINTIS'11. goner Gradnate of the Toronto UniversitY and Royal college of Dental Surgeons of Onlarionwith honors Also postIrracituate of Cnicago Solroof ol Prostbetie Dentistry (with honorabloanention. Everyttungitnewn to Um Dental Profession doin thiseonion Bridge worn, crowns, al. Itiminurn, geld and vulcanite plates ail done in Ore neatest manner possible. A perfectls harmless Anaeathetie Wied. few painless extrac- tion. Oflice one door south of Carling Ydre'ss4Oro Zaxeter,Oot. nf.,ISUEANCE, MONEY TO LOAN Private funds in Ion on Farm pronerty at Fon And one half per gent EIINEST ELLIOTT NIONEY TO LOAN We have nulitnited nrinato fain/sten /Great meat upon farm or village property At /owes rates of interest. DICKSON 4 VARLING Exeter. rIQNEY TO LOAN. We bavo a large 1211201212tO eout pate foods t loan co farm and, vilittge properties 12t)o Of interest. GlaAllel/All 4 STANIIDAY Barriaters Soilcitotn, 'Alain*. Exeter. ... ; „.. .aSON & CARLING, Barristers. Solicitors. Non/ilea, Oonveyancera, Commiannarere.Solleitezs for tin+ aolsees Dank, F4e. Merlon to Lean at loweat rotes of interest. OFFE;-- ICAnnIN eT1114E'r, EXETER, til.1;. CARLING R. 8. T21041;SON Do you Wail a Buggy We have the finest• ntook in town all the latest tyles, the newes Colors. Our prices aro low as can be' tonn • for first•cla.ss ntaterial and 'workman ship, BEFORE YOU BUY eee F ussell 0 Doors SOuth Towr TE Wheat per busbell Oats new Barley F.1021r„ Butter .„... Eggs Wool Pok live weight — Pork Dressed Turkey Ducks in Chicken • • • • • • 40 • to 05 to 81 to 43 $2.50 15 • 12 LEAMINGtON ,SUSINESS (SI -LEGE NO LIKE THE PRESENT To begin a Business or Shorthand Course, We cannot get eaougb graduates to fill the calls upon us nor ofnee help. can place Ann:lore young Well at an average ealann of nilo per month to start. New couratnfrorn Fob. I, o4. IVrite • for catalog "D" 4- in 14RDNIN,Principal. °cells W.11114' Are,tl'altagall, 4 "Lha Alnaro- naltian ns. very ill with Imeuintinia. Rutberforti, of Alyiner, is the gunst ner sister, Mrs. C. Gidley. M. alames A. Sanders; inf is visiting relatives and friend--; t own. The nlissos Verda, and l'earl I. etc, of London, are guests of Urs. N. 1). lint -don. ;lir. T. Ogden left for Alberta, this Tburad,ay) morning. Ile will reuaain tor the so:urger. w S1140100 $44014 bas noenniatrad. it he ilitl=1" nottso,ireplacing'i the one ecently blown down. Mr.zentl Mtn Jahn Willis .froul Ca nova.r. Minhigan ' tended tbe funeral nen A/annoy, of their neirra, Allan S. .4„. Eno -cent, Jr. Thomas, Elarton, and ...NESS It",; after a pleasant vt with, Trots ha and around Eipport bare tuxd; to174.,,:sty. ui QUF.S;7i0 n Or: LIALDINZ is a vital question with loin- dreds inen. who are bald or pa rti- UOW to ovennenle the dihfil- .4 brit by boldnem Ls a sinrota when you consi..tor tho nen- e ion of triode= art in the =Ailing Vigs and Toupea. The cf ' Llarenweud, oZ- Toronto, tq -r on Tue,stlay, Apt:11 10th, when o a: the ContratUeeL possilde for ttny who wishte him to do sz., at his priva.t.o Ut8 at ;la Central lictel .41)1' 1.1•.33uonstra1.i121giV•otl„ to ▪ v 41IO r rfecz 113414:3111,-,leiS Ot ,1 1101. 40 de, so at his :p.rivatf• ' • R:;molul.o,r the , ill at pout, . Tr. Cochrane, or V41 n; szal Mrs. Donslaugh's rest o 1 ;love 1.0 ourNillage to reside,. BILIusiamill rOu,rn2d frem Alma, Midi, where .sh, .nt the past six months. TLt Epworth LNI{2;110 A nu ito L) -. 11y on Sunday. and Monday WaJ h every way a aucers.s. mons on.Sun- day by Rev, R. W. gnowleS, were much anjo,yed and tbo Rev, gen:le- man wos greeted by largo and ap- preclAtive congregaitions. On, 31!en. 14 to 144 ..$1.60 to $1.60 02Z5 to 14 PASTURE •,,Cattle, wanted for summer pasture by tho month or season, good grazing' and plenty Of Water on the land. — Zohn Blatc_hford, littronclo.le P. 0. YINIIIM***1•16totOOK ---- F FARM FOR. A well improved farm, 170 aereoo an eon. -10 and 11;in the townshiplorlaid4 situated about thnee miles from Granton. About 100 acres:un- der gross, Good buildings on thepre- ntises. For particulars apply to Mr, Michael O'Mara, Granton; IP.O. FOR SAL Part Lot 23, con, 6, in Osborne. con- taining five acres of land, Good brick house, stable, good orchard •and .sgar- den. 'This propetty is 4 mile• rrom Thames Road Post, Oftice,and must be -111K)so1d to close estate. Terms easy. For particulais apply lo TztozrAs CAMER- ON Esq., Farquhar Po. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders -will he received by the undersigned, on behalilof the Usiaanc .Municipal Conlon "until Friday tho 6th day ot May, for the con- struction orDrainage Work in the Township of Usberne known as the Gardiner Drain. ac- cording to report, plans and specifications of In W. Farncombe, c, E. of London, which may be seen at my canoe or rhe office of the Engin- eer. Each tender must be accompanied by a deposit of $50.00 which w.11 be forfeited to the lqunicinalicy should any party. whose tender is accepted, fail to execute I lie necessary con- tract and bond for die completion of the work. The deposit of imsnceersful tenders will be re. ',turned. neaeors will be opened at on Saturday nap 71h at two o'clock, The low- est or any tender not necessarity accepted. VIts sots llIontitY, Clerk Tp. Usborne. -VVhalon, April 1,2211, ;COI, somazenmyampara•-trunc-ats vratrawn*.****.. UORiTHORN DURHAM 'BiTIELS • for sale.—The undersigned has fox - sale 7 pure bred Durham Bulls, willa peciirgree, •or eligable for registration My aged 'bull which is the sire of ,the (Ahern, is includ4ed in ,the inn:fairing . and hatsaproved himself a sure, atock getter. He „was sired by Riverside S tamp, which (Lid such good rix in the herd of J, and W. B. Watt. of Salem, and is a halt nrother to Stat of Morning, recently owned bv James Snell, of Hullett, which 'took first •prizct at Londina fair and .sold at his dispersion „sale 'for 5;400. Appin on Lot 16, Conceas1o122, •Tfay, or 'nutty. Eider, Hensall P. 0. - aa nn.a.naa,a.nnnnnana..a...an.=ai:”=a74 i'a liana labor ultimata tire oonside i n g the d vino bili ty of send inn a &A- nna) be to _England t0 pain 1 CLIt the ls Late of Ibe hi box; market in 'Oil nr IROAta TINY TONIC TABLiil do cure itidigestion a.nd Constipation,. Cure those two ailments, and lassitude, brain -fag, insomnia, headache and other nerve de- rangements will disappear. A healthy stomach, perfect digestion and pure blood mean good appetite, sound sleep and greater capacity for work and play. ,Iron -Ox Tiny Tonic Tablets a,fter each meal, will do it. Why not try? Fifty iroaox Tablets, in an attractive aluminum pocket case, 25 cents at druggists, or sent, postpaid, ou receipt of iorico. The Iron -ox Remedy Co., Li ed,Wellierville, Oat ) 1M—rsM. 'rM.atthew Finitbeinar iCharles and. David: Fahner Virrft?"MMIMMT?"Ittlt""llfil"MtlrfrItlitMlitiirtirlttlfrrt!tlfttiMttiMttilltrrttiMIMtl T1ELB T 1 M E S, AP RI L 14th 1904. th I ; turnout andosewho swere prosent. and Fred Clark left on Tuesday morn- .1fr....- were amply repaid y ,..p enteaaingient. 'The proceeds 'nlera up- wards of $$0,00. .A social waa held or Tueaday evening and a very social time w12 kkIK.24t. Ander.son —2t1.1!i1 •Werr.y visi cinj line hour:: in Exaren. —Mr. W. IL S. 13rctu11 has tan:tired pee4L1On at Comet" C. 8. A tkin•naart paid a ft y,ing' Witt). friends TorOnt o. ---2diss N. 'nf. Switzer spent: Kanter holidays at lier home, here. I—Miss Florn.co 'Burns, bas gone to Toronto to, vit trie.nds ija th city: lt. Hardy and, son, Nelson, lf...ft for, flit'ir lionra tin Chilliwliaalf, Colo in pia. School, Ile pt. rt.—The felloon'alk t lie school report for school soilaNq. 1 Blanstiard tor the niontla of'f_ IV., Ileitis Walks 79, Sjanian- -Lien '73, hiveritt Switzer15, Fran- eo!' z•parlang 7, t.;..c4e• Rateltnl-o 71 Wiglit 63, 'Willie. IXardi mt.; 63; Jr. 1V.. jtohn Switzer 86, .1..41fel ifye /0„ Ivan Stephen 69; Sr. III, Zienta ika SO, Elia Dicic.iloion 73; crri-Ot 6121 Jr. 1fl, AlCred Robei•t- Rustin 38; IL, 'Willi Switzer 75, Mattel Harding 74, 3f.lt 71.--L. G. lNianniall, Tea - W113: CATABsItylsITE131)0IS0NS TUE CaAarriott germ excites mollen, offensive secretions am thrown off and pass into the' eiroul,t- tion. contaminating the rivem or and tIOOS =belt 14;0 whole body. Every catarat vieUn1. oltoul(1 use, fragrant •Itealing Otidarrhezone, 1 houreet cure ler every type of catar.r.ir yet; 1;e0Vared. Cit tar.rhozone con% 'Call to core becausi its' vapor kills lite germ.; and reanorc,s ilia eau9 of the trouble, Then it aowiliea and belle, the eoug1i anat,enfrA>s fed up condition of Die no-, and titre - at. Trns or thousands haw.' loeneur- H t, ('atarthozolle which is gull irse only Caterrhoze1.te2 (10211- 0,.; our,it 5„1.00; trial sizo 2rte. Lima oaCautrth on Fritts, 211 Bastar. ez,ia rronto1. 1it 1. 1h.t.5,1nlu'rry. of Z was 1241 L1z liti,, �n busin:osl on y —:\a;. I, tura .0 ivis, of Pa fow, clays visiting at her gran no. thr Schatit. i Flossiti Preszi:a tor, of (1011, ..qient. the Easter fvocalion u the per.mtat root. —.31r, P. tt. Bastard .11,1s leasocl.l.tts flaber's farm for 21 terra of paars. avnh you suceess, 1.111111p. —Jr, Jame s Flynn held u succws. ful wood -bop on h'riday last, and get a large quantity, cr wooa cut. —Mr. and Mr,$. Weroidge, or Lan - den, mho ,40.111/! a Lew days ,vis,kin. £rLxxs rAurnxl, home tacit, ,week. —Mr. D. Dioteriell ha4 srarted to gather eggs en tlt: lin: for Ilis many friends aro plaasaal fame 111121. —ItDai Mar the, 33as%. rd , 'ef ro- 114221(1 Mins Maud. and Russell,a,e Lon- don ha's s'pent Lho Eautart 21..").. - tion "under ,the parental root raturn ea home last week. —113uilding operations; are boontin.g agaht this summer, .Mr. Richard Gl- e nville goLu 'to enlergo ;his •harr and tput a foundation undVr it,Ur. RoUrt. Mawhinney has the material ready for his barn. Mr. Joan Iiiestle going 1 o build a naw drive shed J ean Jikd.5 things up -So -dot ea 52 Sodom —Mi. :Irm. Ch—in—g---and family have left for the North Mes•t- -Mr. Zahn Skov and Mr. Pfaff are aino on 'the sick list. —Messrs. II. Isaac and"Wrn. Santlars ban Iheill „annual. wood -.bees Its t week. —Mr. Than McDonald is confined:, o Iiia bed with a severe o ttack an 111.1":2U- 1oula. His brother, Jos. who ints been ill is renovering. . ., I"-alatinas Nanny Snaith has Jet on in vitsit. to 'her eistner in Buff -Gina sale was accempanital by he r niece, who has been visiting here. A deep gloom was coat over the en- tire. comnrunity on Thursday, April 7 when it! became , known 1 hat, 'Kra. Ji..h.n. Carrick had! passed %Ivey atter an Mazes.; of only nine. clays: Hew- deatth was not altogether unexpected ais oho; had 'been annkining, since firbt taken. taick, and on Wedne,sdar noon became unconscious in wbich' sta te sbe rem ai rind )1E111 Thursday' evening Ole .passed away. She was!a kind and loving mother, an affectionatewife and an obliging neighbor. She leaven L o mourn her loss besides a sorrowing husband, six small children theyoun- cat ionly nine days old, her aged par- tItus and a' puttrbe)" cif 'brbthers and sisters. . Crediton NOIICE.--For Painting, Paper -hang- ing, and Graining a specialty, apply to R. A. Anos, Crediton, —Mrs. Ered Faber is still very', M. —Rev. IX. 0 Morlookacq iDhSthWoo1j was in. the, village 'on Tuesday; last. —The nranyl natlenda of Mr. 'Wm. —Mr. Samuel Heist, 1e.ft Jfor bis bome in Kilmanagh, Mich. .lasf; Fri- day. _ Lewis are pleased tonsee, him around --naev, Mr. Inutnon of Oen.t.ralia, and Env. R. InnoWles eancnaarged pies latst 6:unclay.. • —Rev. A. Hann, on Stratford, after naandirran at few days visiting reintivi cat in. 411re, village TO turned to his :home an. ',Monday. —Mr. Nelson Weiner and, Chas. Fink banner ,on t Tuesday-. , for Uncle Sum's domain where they have se- cured work' for 'the aurnmer., —Mr. and Mrs. John Humble, of Sar Ma; e,sienit.' Sunday wth relatives An town 'arid w/th her, parents, Mr. arid III, dor .Lha Wean, *bare they in- ierid ia tek o.p land. —Mx. 'Geo. Eil,bnr, cf Detroit,. aryl Maus l+311ber, et Buffalo, return ed 'home on Te, 4a nighi last ovaing to laic serious il1n,s of their motio;r. .20p- --Mr. Jagab ltaIst has moved in ,g= tviih Mr. Charles Brown. whore, bo will make Lis future horn-, anti) ts rented1ii,s baus to Mr. Claude:pia.- et 4, 'ixxepu1 of oti r school.. —We arze sorry to hear the sat, den death of Mr. Tlioroas Yearlean ta- who died. on April 1111.1. Me. Yearley was .an old and respected xesidguit of tiris vicinity and ,Ivas esteerned by all fr., reinains were interred in Lite Ex- etsr oeratitery 021. wearrep-day lath az one o'cloakk; • vine , —Our blaciasnlitla bas sold Ins to Mrs. M. Fletcher, for a goo4 e. —Mrs. W. 0, Webster,. of ,SVallt. 2110 .1t41 i tar holidays ,wit „sister, ,Mrs. Aninew, I .....,sonre, of tne fainaern have Ina aria d lc plough, but the land is in a ory 'unfit condition ao yet. •.31r. and ,Mra, Thomas And,rew (.1, lie, attended their .3r,eti`p; sal friendliar a few. dais. O. C. F. aro do'ing a roll - a business and expect,' to imitiato ;Ater or new members on Frides niug• Mr. Alberl Andrew7, st was wt•It a lOtsind and gcod s were realized. The a1-,,ortt7'an was very," wet and. disagre,,,abl, but the bidding waal-a.st, aud t13's 52111, wat ever by 0,30, 'Ivaliziog ov'o •1700 Mr, Andrew exacpts to move to Ex-- ater nliertly ro rrando. ele.••• rf...?". 1 RX..,.. CO.., • 5icidttiph Co 'I The ,Councit ruet pursio.ni 21) ad., j.-iuunnent. Th3 Way. and ;01 tlie members 15;21'0 presont, eNcept; court- ,cillor Stanley NV 1,10 W2.1.3 tib• an. Caro- ogli Mow, 'Tim following accounts wera arder,, otl to be paid :— Wm Culbert, resiairinc-- wi-lrm. and 'opening roach div, a, $1.00 ;' 3( 12 D0111)4, de. ",1•00; Tilos. IiielvIns, d(1. I;P3.00; 3. Lewis, do, 75c.; N, do., fi'l,(10; "%Vatter liodpini, dioS41,00; Juo. Ryan do,$1.2. Areli. 1%lallitArgry do,. div. 4, 1,8,00; .1. Er 29), do. 'lit,. 4. •••••=7.00.; Cleo. CohleIgh do., -Small-. Ifill .1 -no. Olney. work ,on C, S. R., div. 2, .5.‘',2.00;; Robert Flynn, opening d, <Hy, 2, P7.00; F1 A. Ryan. •.% ark 1211 oad, div, 1, 4.00; I:bus. Arinitas- ork. ou road, div.'3, $1.60; 3. Ilyi 'Wear. on new road, ,Salit25; Jrr1.0,"1.i. ey, work on. L. Ito' t8.001 I11. Flynn do, $1.50; Jos. Simipsowdo, 41.5o; U. Barnet 1,, do, Ett60.: li',.tfurver.'fitag ; M. :Yle,ad, do :!;1.00; It. Quilleil, s1.00 2 Ryan. do, t21.0.00; ; Wesleyll Sta. '11131110;1 S. B., 12204o y, •=4,75; Ben- e 1.angfur2l, plank via work on read, „$.1,21.1; Jno. Dog...,.. wrok 1.1.W T02111, 00.) ; . NV. Quileuil, work on L. 13., mait‘ty, '•;,1.0i); e1,9f1,,r, fro sv,.., 122 (1, Welt: on road. div.l. '1,2.65; .1. A. Ryan, kaoping 10124 open div. 1, •,.t..1.10; Jae. lioltard, plow brokm 211 read, div. 1, 2127.002 0. Chapman, bind - lug rolls and e121225n11.4,P1.651 J. Fox, treorsu ror, men! in g pinvinci: i 1; i U d i - I (MS 112 London, n1.10; W. D. na a 11 - ley, elerk, tueetinz nrevincial itndi- torn in London; with roils, 814.50. Tb e council adjourned 20 meet again or. ,Monday- ,tay 212(1, 1904, at/10 a. 'in. Wr. D. STAN'LEY, Clark-. 12 Eden SO11001 Report ;file following io he result of the' Roister Promotion Examination. of S. S. No. 4, Osborne. The percentage or total number of market is ,f/iven. 1V Cla,..--Lyditi Bandford 73, Alma MI6, 73, Bar lin Lux Lc n 71. Inromoted from Sr, 111, to' .1 V,— Ficcsie "Ltunber 94, Alien. Pearl Hunter 85, Eileen C,ave 84, Edna. Luxion 82, Fra.nk Inindlord 77, May - Skinner 76, Russnll May 76, 4;!11,1e Rooke 74, Frank. Rooka 74, Erniz Lux- ton 54. From Sr. III. to IV. Without Mi- ters-, Frank Rimier 81, Alvin Essery 66, Richie Hicks 53, Nana MoCurdy 58, Willie Webber 55, Arthur Kerslake Promoted Froin Sr. II Lo TIL—Cenall Skinner 89, Vera Kerslake 82, Bella, Davis 81, Willie Essary (absent for sickness, but .prometed 0 11) &menu of work during terra) Promoted Prom Jr, rr to Sr. II.— joe Davis 81, Ava. Skinner 79, Thom as Coates 76, Willie. Walker 74,; 'Es- 4;>•-• XAt•-••• ct›-• WM^ 42.-• OOP"' tOrn”, CP** fa.* 411:0** ‘32••••• CF.* OM. P•••• CS••••• VD, CC,•-• GX,•-• ta•-• dlt•-• 11:11.-• 414,— MP— fr wear tits Month !lite Sale interest does liot grow less by the daily show- ing and I -Riling. It remains just as fresh and enthusiastic as the doz- ens of snowy white garments eompozing it Many have been car- ried fd,W,ay by ladies who appreciate the beautiful in underwear, and know when they sec it. 1\Tunabors testify to the superiority of our azg of Dainty WhiliteWegAr. A greater selling Voisame has marked the A dvett t of sprit.) g Purchase early, Latile$ White Drawers In fine cambricuoished with umbrella style, flounced, wide tucks, also heavy Cluny Lace at 25, 55, 43, 50, 65, 70, 75, 85, 90 and 95c a pair. t tiers Ce front, low round f embroidery as skirt, aft sizes at 25, 30,, 35, 45, 50, (5 a, 70, 75, and 2 INIade o n -!ed w NAIR trirn- u.I ins ▪ n, 20. 1fl .10. White 'Underskirts Particularly nobby goods, styles excellent ambrics of the be t all seams d uble sewn at 75, 950, 00, 1 75, $2 25 Don't foret us hi whjte kfrts. 50, 1 75, Ladies Chem - special beauties, elaborately trimme so and 75c, Nightdresses Soft English Cambric style, low round neck, low 2quare neck, high fronts, trirnmed with Swiss and Cambric embroideries at 50, 75c oo $1 5Q Yards Wucie This Nairn's Scotch Lino regular 2,75, now xceptional bargain as "NAIRN" is known th vel' to ake the bestlinoleum sold TCH LJNOLEUM 2 YARDS WIDE repave for Every semi ,Ion Tower Bram and above all for the rain proof qualitios and .om those who buy them. Ladies' Waterproofs at 4 0, 5 003 6 50, 7 00, $r 50. We ask Particular .Attention to our Men iain s Proof ()oats, Premier ma,ke,thoroughly rubbered and vulcaniz- e a $15.00 regular $7.00 Men's Rain Proof Coats, Premier make, the best rubber coat that is both rubber and vulcanite at *S..00 regular $10.00 MEIN'S RAIN PROOF' CL,OTIFit COATS a (loa Premier plaint co 11 In beautiful soft finished cloth, excellent coat for spring wear. We put the knife int.° these, two lines. 0110 that was 12,50 now goes at $10.00. One that *as 15.00 now goes at $12.50. Curtains of Use and Beauty BOBBINET CURTAINS by the yard at 25 and 35c. Notlingham & Scotch Lace Curtains, 54 to 60 inches wide, ,13} yards long, single or double borders with spray and floral centers very light lacy effects, designs exceptionally good, styles up to date, at 95o, 1 001 1 20, 1 40, 1 50 a pair. 1 0 Per Cent off on Cash Sales, redeemable in Silverware lestone & Gardiner 190 Wall Paper Designsto select, from. .41/* .*XX. tillittilite**MVC.1012.1.3113.•••**.ww*.u...************•••••orm eki Colbert 72, Gerrie atio7 67, Lilo 3904, Sarah A. Eacrel t, tight ot Creighton 63, Geo. Davits 60, Inedlay the late Georne Eacrett, aged: 41 r.0a.y 55. yettro.: 11 months, 22 day. Tho following, took largest mark -sin BICE. COLOR AND SOFTSKLN the .diffenent subjects. — Residng, Flossie Bunter; Writing, Richieffick.s A.rithmetie, Nellie Rooke, Frankilun- ter, ;Willie Webber, Frank Rookie, — Flossie Hunter, Pearl Hunter and Jo'e COO 11111P 1011 S ner ; 'grammar, Bert Luantort and Ed - full marks; composition, Alm!OInar; Edna 'Alston, and Hedley'' May took Dti.vits all took lull marks; Spelling, literanure Pearl 'banter, Ceml Skin- ' II na 'L'ux.ton; history, Flossie Huntien, Friank Tland.ford and Rtunsell many' all took, full roaring; drawing, Lydia Hanclford and Thomas Coates. 11.. J. HAMILTON, Teacher. The only kind of consump- tion to fear is "neglected consumption." People are learning that con- sumption is a curable disease. It is neglected consumption that is so often incurable. At the faintest suspicion of consumption get a bottle of Scott's Emulsion and begin regular doses. The use of Scott's Emulsion at once, has, in thousands of cases, turned the balance in favor of health. Neglected consumption does not exist where Scott's Ernul- sion is. Pronip', use of Scott's if,,tmil- sion checks the disease while, it can be checked. SelOlN d BrorfN''et 7_:,CmI'11:C SCOTTyck2s. To, onto. soc. and 11.00; :211 druggists.. C.P'fmi Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waghorn,e, whoa have been living in Fullerton for the past 'forty or fifty years are leaving 'for Caledonia, wile:re IlIr. Waghorne intends working a. small Ina.rlret gar- den. C For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of MARRIED. E.EAV'ER-EFAEF.—'At Daaliwood, on 1/Vedne2sna,,y-, April 131b, by the'll,2,.v. Mr, Mariock. IsfLss E Cat f, 10 Mr]3:i- var,ot EV11111'00(1 DIFn Sieadien, on April; 11, ;Tharmaa Yearley, aged 8Q yeart and nine months. SANDE,RSON i— In , St. Mary.s, ran :Monday, April 4, 1904, Mr. jam ON May- be imitated but beauty is more ii, than tskin deep,—it is hidden lathe blood. tEliminate then poinonaus, prin. "........nnan..... oler Milts i . 1 1 ducts .citt indigestion by Ferrozone and complexion rapidly improves. In- crease the red coloring matter in tbe blood, give it more nutrition and more red !cells, do this and cosmetics won't be needed. Give, up notsmetics., They wither too quickly. trSe Fara-ozone and have your complexion Phnnly, es- tablished. There isn't a case of blot- ched !skin, poor complexion or lack on Oolor !that can.'t be:quickly remedied by Ferrozone. Try it. Price, 50c. SAIDOTHING IT OVER AL last he neare(j his street t3Ortt- or anti roan to bea ve the car. As he dienso he lifted his hat to the tstern-Eaced mr..troil who had' been dangling from a ninaa,a ad scowling down at hint. "Madam," he cautiously said,t "I Avould hav3. given you tray seartaiong ago if a dn' nrecognized the fact Gristing and Chopping Promptly Done. We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour' since re- modelling our mill. Sweitzer thai you are so much youn8'er and stronger °than myself. Good And the sour -faced matron nodded and blushed and smiled. ...seessatmeasta•Nmematm•sleima******* eseeee000eoke.opeeeek000eoe000,00,90e00.0.05Mettlitet!..9"00, al to, 21 21 It Speaks for Itself! 'a a, S.anderso,n, in his 82nd year. onnace. ClAtl-t1110E—dn 7 S Oaken on Eipril. , vinla ' Guaranteed tap Cure N=.21 ItIn 30 filinutera, 02 money retunned 1904; Meritta. Stacey, beloved w113 of John Carrick, in hor 33rd ; All Druggists,..m mailed. The Herald Remenn Co., Momtreca EAcRET,L_Tn ExaLor, an April Sib, 2122.27.002400.060604202240062124252:109C20000G9SOP9G0002,0260*(022§00290 EADAC H E 12