HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-4-14, Page 4Not merel3-, siturn rnust be fresh and =1St bo1
The it will absorb the delicio and fragranc
33b4e Ribbon—take all the good out o
Le it steep at least six, minutes lit if possible—i
eatbenware teapot, and you'll have he best eup of te
your life.
ue Rath
ion Te
no - fac
cvectietrEet' Notps .ca
Ooonp`,4.xlion„ 1)14AFTii co ail voila
a!(.44 statea. teogitt and aeld:at ittwe41
1,1?;poss1tist oV $1.00 an -1 upwards 3..ec-lvi:41. -14-4ter4,si -:q
aeanalett lottryearley.alud added to prinazaat jutto nit and Paaainher
also is-medauthatiatteas current rani orb-ea:rat anased.
Aclivcillg5 wade to fart.ers, sloe% dettets turd Inv -mess U4 -
.::%;e1 on tatraaa favaratao terro.F.• fq.,:r Dem, €'4,
...Mon 4
. . .
.„ .. . '--1•40e0.000,00
ett t,q,. ti4,1•174)1Ullt t nr 4 31 anhoba.
,,11. cat -eat Seta ;al t ;40. C ;
oaloetad. ratans pUi
he PontinitheatIn 4411h:hat tart In•
Dickson a C4rlinu, Solicitors. IN. 1-WIFIDO1. Mcutager.
$1•411:0; o
17 244
t rat of
1d by, IV Vilz4 L;turier flit
„ate a L..4,1g,chy rc.. Trunk,
rTris a the zr.w e Ana. lica'
bii Ctaler Ivottla stilt% ay 111 -Art.
icd sta..
ralinta b tneaa
contented jam. taltrewtal
ruta.V.:eva taa'ta CLutlen4 been Lluut tid.t by t
1,.31 Vey..*rn,41.4.•ut X1its daalings with Ilia
$11;e11 wer,tt ahrikra-i' rlrlInt" 44 111,.P1'' mi. 1' D' Mex'k
.n th tail, p.n.,. eane.aett 1: *natty disadvantages taj.',
A Lit ,t3 paivtarntatant's schent.t from' Cava-
llo autaxt and Quebar standimainaa,
Za. V
tbouce, „to thc
aultzt,Qu Of ti..2
hit.. '441Q
oaf- 1 thu
is eoirn
s fo
ant, at
at Ilea At
e dattatated
whialt wilt auaice. lar,ge
ibo ateltaa., a.tilw 14'441144;
'Air. R. L. 'Borden. t Cow-erv•ta
tive leattar painted out the many de-
fact:s of the 31114,4ucluirmts and demand
1 that tha fa$t sums invelvad. In tile
rLej laouhl ba devoted not th
a building or a road c be hande
tt itrEvatte corporation lan'tto
tha cort-rt act ion of railwa.ys which
ail remain the aarcperly of the peo-
plete ba operated in th2ir intareata
anal for t hair benefit. Be recem recruited
ha scheme involviztg as it does the ex -
of $150,000,000 by the COUTA-
try arid only I-44,50(4000 by theaG rand
ata riot in the . inierts of
Ilia people who will' derive no:ado:an-
tarp :diem the undertaking, Ile -al-
so allowedt1.0 t many provisions which
had been pronounced inaportant by- the
You know the medicine that
makes pure, rich blood--
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your
mother, grandmother, all your
folks, used it. They trusted
g a!,A
a a ,ttl'
it. Their doctors trusted it.
Your doctor trusts it. Then
trust it yourself. There 18
health and strength in it.
utrore1 terribly from ittligestion ancl
thiti blood. Lfount' RD relief until 1took
Ayer's] ererlaparille. Four 1.0ttles rratut-
uently cured rue."
I0s, F. P IIATT, i',Kiecio
$1.00 a bottle. , (1, ATICII CM,
All dru 7 8,.
Aloes Pills are g.entin laatative.
They greatly aid the Skastaparilia.
POO:rly Paid Teachers
Canadian itaasoolated riatas
nou thaa of the 45,000 c rtificat
I N'ational Union tearliere in Eng..
land and 'Wales 35,909 receive 'attlaries
-s than. 021a vaeek. An Ontario
evaapaper 'prixos this uniihr the cap -
ion, "Teachers "Poorly Paid.- It is
videatt that 34,090 to-aeleths, iar about
6 per cent. recaitat 440 a atea1t—S.1.110
year,cr more. -there aro in Ontario 8-
500 oublic acIxotal teachers. The aver
mg..; SalaTy or natio teathers in: 19041
was 8436 a year, ler $8.38 at 'week ;
tha. average salara- of female teaehers
was6313, Cr Sti a week, Further, In
rural Ontario, the salaries of male
teachers were" not so ,hight as they
ware in 1877, and, hue atz1ari f te-
male teachers were no higher than
!hay :slava in 1987. Poorly pal:1 ea -
chars are to be round in Canaria as
"ell as in England.
The W. C. T. U. and Tetnperance
Legislation League are opposed I to
nyi hing :abort of Prohibition, and say
not hing is gained by subs tit tuing the
Iflask sdispensary system for the, glass
6yztein and co* naend :that it would
a moral loss for thercommunity 'to
become partners in the liquor busi-
ness, as would be the case if Govern-
ment dispensaries were established.
Illiera seams t a be no definite 1tn
cif tictian upon, which I be w.thcaliltL
and Baptist ministers will work when
they itakaa tap Pi -zanier Ross'a reply.
Lea dixag a as say a he LO3,7it
anent will mat, be naked to taloa a.ay
balf-way measure, but meet, accad)t
the responsibility of the refusal ta
tut kat a step which he 'confesses to, tba-
, . . ato?, to be Sarale mInast ur.s
who are free froth▪ ' predilec.
tLon nciin Lo the opinion that the
Otailing et' the 'Alliance aor thc alaat
inst.augurs an approaching election,
0'00 LLat as the demi t a Lion t1af NAla
ad on the Premier was altogether Lib
Yra.l. and pranonn.ec.,,d in ihs politics,
I ILe anstree C 1.112 Premier Is a bold
raep to, whip the clergy ,th.to lino to
support. him in a leSS radical rneessorQ
than abolition of the bar.
14th, 1001.
1 All the news of interest to
I Times Reziders Hayppning
in thee Counties.
' I-,-11.1rori
Wer Ithabeenreeeived ich,of
t eided ao 1 lattleasr.s. or or,, at,atia 0 V. Jacob a eeler.
in Notil
:t 1)AkOta.
Winghain. by
Joan 10,0 0 to Wal -
It tta of 9, ale-
kzr & 014-hO'lg', for the improve -men- of
their uphtlatering factory plant.
Mr. riamtcrt /lilt has purohasad a he
Myth plakaaing mill fuer the James
11111 Estate anti n.4I coati:lane lila buil-
ding and ccAltracLIng b'esIn'AS 4=o sue,
essfully carried on by his late broth -
r for seVeral years.
l'Ohile avarking a t tha new boatEn
,a altip yards. tlaalerlicla Robert
hater bail a ckse call. /la was
er the sea ffalding. when 41 ii:" avy
lace ef' oak fall- sik.11 tag him, on the
alto. top :artiosa or or.,
ethw a weturi Ma°, requal ttvar,
;stitches to brintetcaether.
The 'G od ;rich ,St a r says ; 3fai ay buil-,
'nga: that were to he ereeted thia
otr will mai be ereeihal on aaeaant-
Ilite aeare;:ay nail : itiatit pries P:Il.7
lieling material. fand it Li gealti tlir,41:
"i. slat:, 4r,f things atilt :prevent the
a dials szatting the;r uelv eheroh
444 w.r.,T.t„ (ClUri,V.a' 1904.
Oi'l.C.4Wr lltlii nest, if spa rad Rao.
ntil-traon, of Tiverton, fa a her 44
.. A. Ara -I -arse% E:f Goiariela
i :. eaatiplaa ,all :,. fifty yt-at ...'
ta a' in the Preabsterla
tnialoaatt la a Irt 01 ; w
,...... .4,-...fl23 la stiii hala a
ry 1 ahLe
1,1 : C1,tt:;:
P Of 1.1ta"-
a a, be ,• a
oat a,.• 'ay4,..,t, o tlarc?;t
114t) 1:' . takiog t rio for
41.44'. r uefsia Ire:tit-la
„II ol et , Catattaaany,
tar !tate- inatelled at
Cincharla i t ti 'Milli itina, °which
' -ztable thent ny ,ilur.,,bef
4.V4. Zi r41';,:..h, 41:,',31 A -Wally. Tirt'
aitlaitaa , is tha hala 1;ital wattnia
41 •f"';14kil',...aW Iltutve , x -e . f ' eallaitait
- -'2ralataaver hora'a at taranar
' 4 lure a saw mill tat fa
et ;- Lwfattionary tvmpin i,
,,j1 wC
vela tan:tailor; ,
7", • Ps ova A " A
:Sy • lam
You, Ev.e. of 1 10'
may •,
-lot,,,...1a,tat of the atoulaelt
le for snnwli siektre-..i and sufft
organ of the body al
bt °Mad; ZW,' the nixtrint
omtach not
a right he blood ea rrie • to th.
liver neraia a and khan yt
tInt rit £'n—Thy baaottia
unalai. Ur: parform 41.11.1r
wozk—bwi'. doggyd, seU, mut
their di:gra:SS spill -donna
may ton stimulative tem-
ry eller by the, tak..ing. of Ititinoy
liver, nerve Or heart specific, but the
eause remains.—The 4tozaa011 i t
n• it, and so leang. h lacaaps load-
aw, biro with impurity—waate,
longN% ill the blond iranvort and <1?-
dis?a,se ?1,:tune1s t1c.
k places— \Thar; ya tz bat, shalt
t U tomaclt first. A well Lorn-
th weilb,..17. in,t,the
Sysient treatment, i., a new 4111:1-
V247 that has a marveloua influenoe
in etracting system . i Inca t s, Ad.
(1. e . Wilson -41c Co, laifiagaza Patio.
Om.. ler free sample. Itegular aiz,•
TIt tali known aa rezIiiaa pro
pat Ilea or iron) combined aiiii other
tonies and at most. perreet ntrviire, 41.4"4.4
found ;in Carter's Iron III111s; whieh
strengthen the nerves ,tmi body and
eve the blood awl et -Implosion.
Mts. Jennie Ilrewry, mothatrar.31isa
•RothlynaMeKillop, of London, mat
with an unfortunate accident last
week. She watta fcund lying uneons-
iims upent tlie colter 'floor, loving
in seine way „fallen .ira °the darknaaa,
sustaining a severe fracture of Ilea
night arra bewteen the wriat anti el-
There diet/ ,audlonly early Sunday
morning, at Iltlerton, Mrs. Pa.triek,
wige. of Squire Win. Patrick. .Deceaar-
ed 'haat bee.n ailing the ptevich.a even-
ing, and p•ras.sed away a.bout 2 a. an.,
while teitting in a eliair in her room.
The cause of her death DIOS heart
falluaet Mrs, 1)al rick was in her 7Ist
111.r. ;Jahn Itainey of the towniltip
et L'ullar ton; has sold one of his
farms, the so acme .on :the east half
of lot 7, concession 6, Fullanten, to
Mr. •341itt B. Baker or the Latinate
township fo r $3,500. ThiS farm was
taken up by Mr. Baker's fah.er sixtty
years ago, and has sine changed
linads Several Limes.
Itching Ski.
Distr.oss by day Tani night—
That's tho complaint of those who
are so unfortunate as to be afllickad
with Eczema or Salt Rheurn---and oat -
"1 was taken with an itching on nay
arms whiell prolcd very disagreeable. I
concluded it was salt rheum and bought a
bottle et Hood's Sarsaparilla. In two days
after I began taLing it I felt better and it
was not long berme I was cured. Have
never had any skin disease since." IVIED.
IDA E. WARD, cove Point, Md,
Ward- applications do 130; Cure.
They can't.
The source of the trouble is in the
blood—make that pure and this scal-
ing, burning, itching skin disease will
disappear. -•
Hood's Sarsaparilla
ids the blood of ail impurities and
urea all eruptioiaa.
1)1 r Witc Goose Wheat
on wheat tfront
of view $ZlsOb.
tiri tO the baltar4
nnl ag Otuario, This
bans o of' late
luction or interiax
in Ontario has- aJard I ef boznewgrowu fl.
rovinc until it does no;
marltet, In Piet t143$
Shr,,Y t wLUaultoba
, wile with cur hozn?..grown
rbi in ord prodoue a :itiar4et.
e flour.
asous that these inferior qua.
ie ef rhea t have betqz ixt
iarATty of,IW, do.
-1.10 in nit X044:11. Tilt,
oL 1110farruor 45vntri to have
irds « crop rt ;her
tutn 114laaraataa at quality in tha
lui preduee& Th3re is nu need to
th? wisdom of lids not hod en
F r.r the farmer. It is inuer-
entVized as onof tiorstets whicl
the tianelitteas or tile tlismiSiOn
aubjni. -will it pay to amour,
tto, oattaath of macaroni witzatii'
ear ta
ratlea A
ai it qtmlities for bread.mak
Ti40 I hara
v11, -
114d aost o
ay. advanii
a . of I ' a
eihns ro
eOUZlU can ls rown ,11:. vileisrytritrir 1;411:
f1111';4Cicalltia';14131‘14) 111. durirlt
;14 la not so oaa t ticked la
r 4,0m Irgs..s.
a. The: avoraaa yhal d :or ;ova la
vela good er,ni Under Why ay. eon.
aalattati attic arae Citt'Ulll 0 S 10I Ilr.4
ell v Iefoda o° wheat.
Th., amount or dr a 111011 10 ftr-
!IlUli$‘C,lac:11114?a .LinbInfart'tQaaarl •!;:liStatt'ilott'''Itt3298,,fii4er
a wattage et pauaoti ran aaa fro
9(11 o 11.49.
fro m m al•
% eat dc.m 00 t dry out after ,bak--
tg as readily an does bread ntatla
£ronl the aliafter arlejles Of Wheat,
6. In Addition to the lar(r.sence,ef
1arre lpereentage or dry.g/ttten, mac -
rani wheat 1j also rielt in albumin
eida and L; comacquentlyanutritions,
diaativantage.s are I-
1. It is anfaoptlia r hacallse it is 10
haul as to require additional power
in milling.
t. This has loft it without a mar -
kat. sr, being'produeed in very
larate quail; itieaa it b 'nog 6U'lpfitviellt
ly w al known to a t trat,t title attention
of the publie.
S. "Among the faranatrs Wild Goose
sheat has the repatation of making
dailt flour; but this may be due to
the tart that all millers are not fa-
miliax with this wheat and a.r4" not
alwrtys favorably disposed towards it
n 'any case.
4. 11 in scum/limos very ha lly lex-
jorod by black stem rust.
5. 11 is partieularlaa ;sensitive ;to
climate chturges Per exampel in
Sao th Russia. the Arnaulka va riot y
gives 'the hest results ;only when
grown ottliin a :limited area, border-
ing tit: Ayr Sea,
in order to bring the subject near
r home, it will be nee,,ssary to con-
sider the soil bee t. adapted to the
growth of macaroni wheat, The eon
tatituents required are: A lamge prat -
portion el decayed vegetable matter,
plenty Of potaah plioaphate and lime.
in Ihissiri the diaot iet aheri this
-Wheat is grOWX1 MOS; exlenstively is
composed xnasily or rich black earth.
This soil is alkali rather than acid in
its character ; and it is the alkali
Laking alie place' or the acid tint
gives macaroni wheal its ipeculiar eh-
al,aaeleritaties. Wiith lids though' in
mita; and the knowledge that the dir-
ect TV 223 table deposits from forests
are acid in their nature, it will ha
seen that Canadian soil generally is
not as well adaptedlo th:a growth of
the wheat under consideration; as are
the alkali plains of Amex:lea or the
steppes of Russia'. In spite of 'Ulla'
Lac t , however, as far, back as i9oa,
three and ,one-third million bushels cte
Wild Gooae wheat w,era shipped in
tha L year from Canada ft o Nays:tanks,
On the chest and relieves that tight
faieling and hard Gough:like Nerviline
wst1e E. P. Renshall, ol Silt -ton- "1
never nee any either }neniedy balahiLar-
vi tine and find it aea ayes as a general
h011isehold linirnatat bast of. all. Chil-
ds en's colts and inn a m mato r y pi
are quickly cured by 1Oerviline a rad 1.1.1
3 °Lica on CO ds. 00 ughs ud soj 1,11re.,
a 1 is unequalledby az:wild:lig 1 cver
uae, I . .NI3 r•v i Line is 13 ci:t h po tv arra
plettaant anti reliable." Every mahar
alioulcl use Neryiline. Price 2. 1
—Mr. Chas. Manta bas dispeaeilef
his journal, Tho Drumbo Jaie Leaf,
1 to Mt. W. E. Wiley, late of the Lila
oral, Rileihmond
Jaioes 31urphy and Andrew! Ma -
Laughlin were arreated in lia.tuilton
ebaroed with dynamiting the private
Intuit of 0- J. ;Stitehell, ai; Flesharton,
wben.1,2,000 was sI °len.
Tne majority of temperance worlra
ors not swayed by, political pressure
thiaak that Mr. -ItArnitne,y's poliey re -
*parting tire liquor traffic, of an izu.
pile:vet:4 local optiott law would .be thet
one more acceetublo to Xbe mangle.151
under this the appeintment of the ia-
spe:ctera.te would be removed from
poliei is.
Customs officials have discovered
idnleefi 04f eXtelm.d.veultiskty- snatrr-
gling operations carried on ate:toss the
border at Port iluron. l'he Canadian
whisky is 'brought across the rivenin
small beats luring the night and land
ed at secluded spots, lIalf ixdozenli-
quor dealers aro said to beimplicwed
in _basing ,parebased the sniug•gled
w1lis4-3.7. The work it is ,said,
llas been carried on for over
ypar, -an(1 litewands of dol.-
' .worth of spirits brought over
Tin first package of ilem-Roi
in.fallible Pila enr.;..) thal
sa small town In taxi Stet
11 bre...sta.
made the cure of .11 DQ.SE4 of pil
was corasidered hopelas.
„ ntiws s.proad and although this
nly two y.ears ago lite demand
*ell Dr. J. $. Icoaltaritt, of LW.
the discoverer, toprep.are.
tt for gonoral New it Is beteg
sent to all parts of Oa world,
It will ,curz any case of Pio. There
4 174 mentaes treatment in tkarit btry,
.9old for .51.09, witb absolute guar -
Is sale b.• drurgists
Tram was C
ii1.4410.i:. Train was
1 bte benefit, of a
FT.Ile watlled to the pi
15 Iler of tile 8unday
s -' re
"First leu'sea t,the. said, and Arra.
(I 'Lhe astonished children with vim-
tand giap.N.. tizadignifi?Itser.
amble fclloweti. Tt.1 Suncia;.-
- KtriatonamtreramiKriteed with--
out Dvall, 1144,, minister demanded LI.
"Mr. Train, du yott know tio differ.
os betwt<en u crank ,and a foul:"
T11. lecturer then, himself up ve,1
, tt Vran* I
TiAtt. th ° ernok,Itui E di1Tata
O i ch yelar nous -4T Tont Titit. a
1i 'maudi s1
Id' ib LimUy rtui
^.ty,iuor luting:rat T
sC e pracowortity effort tu
up wilb. all thsis t11hzg. is. 4'411
iN4e.41 i 51 weakta?ti or
tateti condition of the nervous sys..
tem, Illicit results in dyspepsi.<,
.recti.ve nutrition ot both bully and
brain, 4tzusi in etteenzecaszs in cent-
pleie nervous prostration. It is clear
Cly tic?n, that what is noetled is whtr.,
will sustain ,tho sy,stecas,pyo vigcr ontl
line to the nerves, and keep titdi.
e,tive and assimiIa.tiv- functions JO-
Itby and active. Franz personal lcnow.
leap? we can, rcuoinraeral Sat'.
Ktparilla for trills purpose. It acts
en. all Ilivital orp.',Ine.4, builds' ui<tho
whole oystent, and fits•znen and ,v4.3)1
en fer these biolt-lpreastire daya,
Bewat`e the Corset
\ Val
With Eizta TOith: Bahota 11./wfty$ Eaught2 and Tiritieh 1MS PeOn
L. otaatha '30 years, Las borne the sigmatgre of
and Las been made under Lis
sonalszinervision since. Its infaztOys
Allow no ono to deceive Ton in this..
linitations and $4 tjust-as-,good" aro but
trUI0 withand e]ulauger the Lealt14. or
3z,..13.4Aints owl aga,ins 10.per:iment.
" t is CAST RIA
ft; iLartnieSS substitute for Castor011, Pae.
MIMS ftattl Sootiting Syrups. It is Pleasant, It.
opirma, 7103,` ether Narcotic
its age ta. its guarantee. it destroysaii'xys Worms
Pevc-ri :mess, it cures i3larr1zrea, and What
rclieVeS Teething Troubles, cures511i iL'111 Constipation
zt asrintilates the Food, regulates the
illtent;a4itt rowels2 giving healthy mu' natural sleep*
Tbe eliildretes 31anacca—The lliother/s
tIe Signature of
n Use - over 80 Vears.
. T 0 m .c m r.r
. a
sday At ral
• I- d'e anee lent to tiae face by hav Jut: team dal Item do not lea to •*
a i s....._IfYoRAppreaate the ad......leit charm ;old the younatr Davao *
see Ito. grand Asaort went, of SIVIT OBEs, BANOS I'llA4P.ADOLIttl, 0
* WAVY INtONTS NiA) W/Gs which Pnor. Dorowtvnrin vill have *
4 walla bin Consultation entirely free and utemonstrattona given regard *
bur thaet: beautifulconceptions In conceptioIn natural hair. aal
. Gentlemen Who Are Bald __Pren though 3 ou are ta'31 w
• pmection to the head and attire for ohmic 0010 01 the head and ca. mr
• eTion:Es. They aro amide to match anYalanio of halo TheY luo a vl-
grain 1.001, former Appearance by wearing.n0h.°110'Intr'talM?VliGSetin.ANt .4.0.
tar -0. 'racy are perfectly fitted to the head and 'bear no trace of art 111. 4
flaw. DWIE:sZwEND will :
take Infa;Int men lb and •
don ()mint e the Merits
Of ItWigs.:Zh" att.,: ..,..... .4.
t Forget $
L%thel Days :::
I :
0 'and Date Z
I: Tuesday Zipzpill IStin, :4:
to tJIC • cr." .
eta ia Tram:bah/a to its Use, Boa •
el tres n. London Phratellan. ;
o talon, Aor.3.--W rhing to la a 1,
Dr. n. Lucas addu
s a now tant AgA
n against thercorsef--
Ittanaely, that under certain eiroum-
'stances i tmay be responsible for can
I ter. Three cases have come under the
d•cra t or's "no Lice ,in which 'cancer. ill we -
linen started at it point at whichthe
ledge of the corset crosses at the edge
'cif the big muscles in the chest
S. A. Macdonald, chief editor of The
Globe, is to return. to the, editor-
ial chair of the Wetatnainster. The
change. however, will • not, At said,.
Lake place, until the close of th.e pre, -
sant session of the Leaisla•turea
ln the view of some Liberals three
na;usos have co,ntri•buted to' 'this ,sur, --
describing two of them, -he said ;—•: nprising ohange namely' the "barniele""
"11 occurred cn the, a•ight side in article in which edit:or Macdonald, do-
ach ease, and in iwolnen whose oc- dared that the barnacles on the ship
upa Lions led them to undue use of i.lia QC ;sta. te• must 'be removed with an iron
t. arm, and in consequence of the
exce.ssive friction of the upper edge of
the eonset. The friction -of the corset
at this avat is, therefore; the cause Of
canoeyous process developingin this
ittia titan, and to express this fact 1
eve given. it. the name cor-
catoer." •
VirSt Letter .A.ppeal... e
ing to MI.'S. Pinkllam for liel •
" Dnan Mits. Pnnsns,a1r :--I have been
under Boston. doctors' treatment for a
no hue without any relief. They a
tell ma I have a fibroid tumor. I can- 8
not sit down without great pain, and h
the soreness extends up ray spine. 1 e
have bearing -down pains both back
and front. My abdomen is swollen,
and I have had -flowing spells for three
.. years. My appetite is not good. I can-
not walk or be on my feet for any
length of time.
"The symptoms of Fibroid Timor
given in your little book accurately
describe my case, so I write to you for
advice."— (Signed) Mac. E. E. HAras,
2.32 Dudley St. (Reit-hairy), Boston, Mass.
Brayes9 Second Letter:
"Dnaat Mos. Prartnau • — Someti MP
One clay as Pat hal ted a t 1 t op
the trivet: bank a man, faaneuta ofr
his inquisitive /natal, sotpped and ask -
'How 'long have you -hauled 'wa ter
hand; his; failure to sawing that par.ty;
into lino for hte system of governm
ontrol on :the liquor quiesition, •and
thirrh. injura to the party in k.e.e.p-
in,g alive! the Gamey issne.
]During the. recent prolon'ged block-
ade, Eincaraline was inconvenienced
m ny way.Even Whiskey b eon me
scarce- One dealer indeed ran touta of'
that beverage altogether and hiring cr
livery rig he started off to goo Saag-
nam's lesta,bliahinaiit at W all -erica; Tor
n fresh suppliy. By changing horses
frequently- lie /natio the trip in good'
time and, returned ivith Nvo barrels
ta the vina,g,e nay good man?" Se.agr,am's besto Tint trip coat him.
:A121E12! s 'Dirt; 'a' 3M''' I °aid's' do you 42' including '528 j:"
,lte in a day?"
"alb, yds! I have:a problem
ago I wrote to you describing my symp-
toms and asked your advice. You re- 10
,Le, have you hauled, in all six?" - Poor man! He can't help it;
The driver of the ,w4ering coot H t b.!. H
thalmb -bask ward t award
He ge s e needs .a
e !river and relied: "All the 'w4it- 1orpcx liver pill—Ayer,
s Pills.
Plied, and I followed all your three- rn
tions carefully, and to -day 1 am a -well
woman. •
"The use of Lydia E. Pinklanan's
Vegetable Coanpcarattl entirely ex-
pelled. the tumor and streng-thened my
whole systcan. I ean,..watik. miles now.
"Lydia Praltliaan's Vea'e-
a, .e Compound is worth five dol. -
ars h drop. I advise all women who
re afflicted With tumors or female
rouble of any kind to give it a faithful
rial." (Signed) Mos. E. F. HAYES,
52 Dudley St. (Roxbury) Boston Mass
0000 farfait if original of abouo Ieticre proving
=dimness cannot be produe,t
H. 3. Taylor, ..p.o.st masTor a1 Crys-
I a5 City for the past sixteett
is dead, ageti 71 years.
"From tin ot -fifteen, sor."
r ,You, How much waiter at
you don't 'seta there n,l
ow a" ,
fley act directly on the liver,
cure biliousness. Towy.7,„_•zit,
11 1451 Ad. voe,a
Glob•a: Editor t:ha.rtges
Rev. J. A. Alacidanald will Batavia Id
the "Westminster."
,Toxionto, April 2.—I1rum.rred
bo( here and at Ottawa that 1555 Rev.
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black? liso