Exeter Times, 1904-4-14, Page 2ene al Fourosatkin Has Selected a Strong Position, eLlort has •been made by '0111,1D'S 111,4,RIIE Ts toogs, -7 to -7,50; country dress - farmers to nteet, the deznanct Art- ed hogs, $7; live hogs,leggs ion Department of Agriculture, to ItZ°1i0BTS .1.1•°74 'Tar'. T-MAI:iiIi:7' er°attlerY, 1•9i. to 2Q°;• 11°11' "lade* 2°4 etsteabl)luthp0f:orlonts gartor-(t,.titirlgio;rpeottesa toot; TA ADE GENT.R.E..s. 2to.ii20;1°; tfaUatel'tegri;ut ss d1:1\11rlyi j'n3_ar To 183,4e°; wheat, and other cereals. for distri- Velees of Cattle, Grain, Cheese, soils, 16 to 17c; creamery, 18 to notion to farmers at the cost of pro- and, otiaer jairy, ,I.(.„ducc, 181e. Cheese -Ontario, •9t to 101e; duction, That would entail a"' lahgh et rotenle and Abroad. Townships, 91 to 3.0e. exPense and eveneld be undertaking _ do themeelves. The Dereartment of .111as-a kIr bAntP;11.1111°3":;;(1."°'sikeiast-s-14::'T/hve" 41(11 peals havabeen made to the Donna- -New laid. 3.8e. Butter -Winter Wet*. that iStrznera are quite able to STRONG reruising between h. ladivost /Northern Japan end Agriculture is trillion. to graut such II tc-e-. 410 itTegolar. No, 2 white esist p oek a allOa nS May e nee.:.‘sSary to alld red *Mater quoted at 92 to 03e e, the I & defence otinst the eTapanese advance from owe. is a strong poeitioa, sr-ea:coed by Getz, Noul'op&fein. oear Peng-Bo- osereetheeres, it is believed the Ilusalatio ad to hotel out so long as poet- sit/de At Antaog, conneztrule the Pekin road. pleee has Intley urLettiveatages for defence. - 1,:".ort•O‘fel nr..m;‘, aceordiaty, to otivit_',4 ie.) strong out along -the road here -eye Alija and 141,1M, its advance inipeded by de, atiith raesie theatete4t to is ward lb., EzIpplir-s, WI.Vien are dragged by coolies, r,,411Ziritli; egt Atte s' mereh from, 01:011p,,,,la to th'-1 Yvan, For :7evt,r,ty miles t%Ir river is fathoms 1,1'We. ar.:1 1-ong- teapho b and haer.ed by ielaula, whence tle. Itussian slearP- /41,014',"I'S f".411 hohaes the Japarteee 11,0 Res. -Less hztve entreocheed th .t.a h tee- ilt.- near lIat-Vizezzg to tier hoot -tress & the Japarreoe in " etercetel landirig at -the I•lao-Tore4. hOSS J ate Net 44 "vessee, Le. loo iigte haen th the•thealigeeeies elerzezeis Whits' e neval Lotillorhies The pion is cepleitgel es Iliteeht, /04,4)g/4i-his thet. jeLe prepand Teti:1g nolal the Par Plot , v.iti ;Leo, hy wo atist7nt.'t 3;e - 1t 0!2is Win IA* made tee 1 nevel erne' earatierg rort Artie/ the rielzie. Sea ;ma Viadivoetee - firele joie:tog Vic, 41 hiatteroff', conattetel oossittie, Leal thus giving the erne/hit:led thrierg oreoriod4,,reove toto Tt4,79, pe'egialZ this voler•oaret Oen, Ste; re ! threAtened rising of tbe 'rong- eneourae,-,e. private enterprise in an 10W freights. Sining wheat is Amen- limas in Nerthetet eerea; has it is endeavor to cope with the situation. linal aTc qast. g°0s° at $2 t° UNITED- STATES MARKETS. Milwaukece, April 15. -Wheat -No. 1 Northern, $1; No. 2 Northern, 96 to 98e; old Jtely, 87;ie bid. Bye -No. 1, '2 to 73e, 13a•rley---No, 62 to ;stated, indueed Mr. Jordan, the in matters of this hind the best re- 8 Oa wheat steadn °ei 4-14-1Ple'' 4° t°, ---,;59e* ettorerement to send troops to pro- fort Buffalo, Aprd 1.2.-Flour-Quie.t. f ;teet tile l'Arititill minee.e in that part (11/011-ET,s. entssocranerox. ern at 97e, and No, 3 Northern at ". !at Georgien Bey oorts; No. 2 North- ,emote_spring dna; N-0. la Northern 1 , '."7-- ee the country. With a view herther to encourage ;03 to 91e. No. 1, hard is nominal Deuvhteit'telr5°79e.c- eN°I.O.-28tcroTetgsex l'5;4Ntoo. the production mid more general vee . At $1.02. riling in transit prices , •d •• ' ' i • ' 111ritisle Minister, to tisk. the Corean sults are obtained front organized el= with No, 1 Northern eelling at $1. t° 51e; 'Tub'''. 'STA.-!''T,5 'NOT PR-0^11ARED, seed Of hest quality-. an a teai are 60 above those ouoted. No. e mate eel Barley-Nothins heOats-Dull; leo, 5 oneced, 421c; k it is 210,c believed that the II,US- ,;! nOlInCtrIlleat was puede in the sOhriag 1 ORtsh-111-0 toorlw't is steall•-•-* lvith 1 clo.,inogr'4. Ilye-1•No..43: cluott's1 at -54° - an troops between Auttmg aIkti. rl-t' 1903. invitims farrners, who had !foil' offerings and little dollarld• X°. 'Ix -north of Antunge. comprises ; Chiutienchang (about ten Miles ;been esihing .$0111C-' special attention to 2 white Silloted at 33c ?lOr al Ond• "4iiiileig°11; APril 12'e-eplVtleini(`‘tlbt47,r the .tibe gl,.owing of eee0 grebe to unite i west, and 311c low freights. No. 1 gaer. 9e; I jellei137,:s. 9°''' ;mom leussma tarot', and conseqoent- ';'outt forat an Association et se a grew, white quoted at 320 eaet, and NO• .-,1 ''-*e; °"' "r4---"' ---°, 1 hard, 067`e; ;torat or near these places probably g_iy the engagement which he looked 'ere Rules ape -telling the association.; nt1,1841.1tcy_eals,titc.• markd is quiet, with '7gie:.1 111.°0119tuble•-r111?.ir9s5tleo;eNtz?nts, N$5°-.1.0t5betrIol And esenclartis & perfection for petli-; 1 411,1lelli.otc,i.belocrlegeZietiltreelriatettioonxisl.y a fore- ,Igre.e41 sr ed will be controlled by an ' the kleraaml limited. No. 2 (111°tez1 $5‘sc'e°114 PatPnts' S4.05 to $5.0'57 t trencheeent,s at st;'veral points on +1,.-, „esaeeietiana There are tare. thietye;ertaghts• ' !advisory bonrd eoulposeal of ihoresen -It 41e middle freiehts No 3 evtrzte first elearii" $3.60 to .:3.65; ec°11d The RUSSiallS 411.4., constructing en- tot. ° "- '''' ' ' ' 4 e/eare $2 50 to 80 60 teemin front the *rations branch ;at 43c, and No 8 at 41e middle ' * ' `.."-- ' ,tt'enehnlen,ts, however, ;Lux. not • five Peet?, growers alio are naeuebers Of f. Pc•as--The market is turehAnged, LINT" SI " " I 7 "OCK VA:111<P.M Yalu ond rumen, Rivers These en - yet e0111plete(4 ima jf the Japapeae Weste,rt! Canada „Association, iheeith X.9., 2 WtOted at 6.5C west and Toronte, April 12.-Ilusiness wa eeea lorang their, .1,4.413,. pass 9por 4• 4ler4' WOrp. SuperrisN1 and inepeete t (36e east, !active in butvhera' cattle to -don, g e t 'a destuact advaotage arhl =alio It IlsePt or the amount and pedigree oi ;prices easier. No. 3 Aanerican yet -1 A linuted umnber m exporters , more difficult for u lea sose !shed. roam:off la- them, According to Oew quOteti al, 54e on track Torou- were sold. Tile Quality of these r 1 tha, at d„rt,nee w h„21t „ e Le, supet in:et:dent. 'Records are Coru-The market in quiet, with ' and prieeS' W°1.0111.141Y 1111°1"tai'sed. $ tr- S 0 , ;Concentrate to oppose them. Tee ice, t▪ oe roles of iht, eesecietion, eaeet ;, 4%, tee 3 lueeed t c car 1 r. wa 0o1 but the merket Wa q iet on the Yalu s meitieg rapidly end 11:4.1o.lier ia reel -tired to give a (t..3aito r;;orn„ nouns& f/g4o west for and prices were weak. 110 enquirer remade- roads studio proneittneselguarantoo as to the pority, Vit.:010;r. .!,470110w., mut 38e fee nzi-sed. ;Wee light. aitery operetta -me meet ditoctota koot fre front seedo of oosiouel Ilye-The neerLet is emehatitted with! 1-0ek°rF" a" fl"ler" liePt 1 0 STAMP ALL ARMS. ' anintivate4 :Newspapers state that tho Bo lo•ongit othe: shins have ordered that the ;Irene the higitea the Chinese troops at Liao -Val peterebarg , and m that neighhorbOOti staue 'ellowse- • ed with the Russinia nutria -11 ,• • 1111111Rited arnIti et „is, ale ell lots. of sesd sold bv No. 2 quoted at ht1 to 000 east ani de104". btl"he 1111111 re" -'1148 Pre- • •• w't • Th * soeiat ion certineate West. ee 3 en:ether of toneeeo ti ye years during „ w ith demand gem o• 2, 1/11101 sheep were in fair dentend while width lotntl selection leas betel fol- 411 at 50 to lite ohddle t ; Vioure-NinetY °hut., Oltel" grein-fed Mock. The run made heleo. henena trees bnee been et.riaped, rats to o ( oun, anti noelberry and • oils weerle an:1 otheritiee soil; :1 to Straight rollers of sPeelal hrands for .country stations, said thut a great ceps 111 the (ewe of coffee plants vented. buyere eeeuring sutlielent eupe how the peellyee of the seed - the ; nueherheat--Tih e. soch°1-1g" v.-1.4)44,rs aro particularly Wanted, piers. Stoek eAlves. Mid NNW*, keep p..: Towel. •" lembrz sold frivly at firm prim for REDUCING THE ,..FLEET. NOttit Anserica VeSsels to England. A Halifax despatch says: Naval fieials here have x•cceived intiout that as the result of the French $1 settiement the British fleet in No American waters will be reduced. largo fast cruiser Arimine, gag of Admiral Sir A. L. Doug will be sent to join the IV -editor" ean squadron, of which Adm Douglas will take command, and Ariadne will he replaced by a so cruiser. At present Italliax is headquarters. of the Commander Chief of the North American West Indict; station, And as Buell, comparatively large fleet is statle here. The Newfoundland fish() fleet get supplies here. The sh et present 021 the station are the 0 ship Ariadne, first-class cruiser Che second-ciaser ;cruise:Ts Thibu Retribution, Calypso; Nanteaue, screw sloop; Alert, screw sloop; 0 ozobine„ steel screw steam vessel; defatiteable, second-class cruiser; P las, third-class cruiser. Pour of above ships were employed patrolli the NewroundlAnd treaty coast deal the fishing seeteon„ tion wro rth 'Phe the loO, F011, THEI LE181111E OF Lilt $TUDY OP THE CLASSICS AP -e ntovED IN GERMANY. Ierineipal Peterson. of Speaks of the 1Yrethods of That Country. Au eloquent plea for n, centinitouo. and well -thought-out scheme of ' na- tional education woes made by PrIncire • pal Peterson, of McGill, before the. iral Ontario Educational Society at the Toronto on Wednesday night. A gen- tall eral principle that should he applied the thronghout the country, was the -ine traimog of the faculties, teaching the end pupil to thiele. Competent critics: a told vs. to -day that smattering and ned superficiality were the curse of the ries, educational system. It hod beeu ip$ said that it was, wise uot to have ag too many subjects in the corricalum, re-- or to wetter our energies over 0... ewe, ranee of looseiy-eenneeted subieetsl. via° range FOR LEISI..TRE. 01- It was Germany, Prioeipal Petereon In- :laid, -that bad most reason to be sat- al- isfied with its educational system and the it wee Germany that the clasesicks ng were most approved. The idea that ng education was for trading purposes only was repudiated as far beset as 4 Ploto. • T'lle making of a livelihood Was not everything; the leisure or lite had &so to be provided for. One of the reasons for so much slipshod English in this cOnatrY was - because of the neglect of Latin. Some- thing Ws needed here to eimplify the otudy of Latin. lib cousidered Um text -books here entirely too eledmr- ate. Tie W0111(1 Pot, however, advo- cate the atody of Greek, whilh a PoPil -wee struggling with the groundwork of Latin, SUPERANNUATION DIES. The proposed superannuation schema for teachers diOci a natural death. Mr. J. H. Peetnean, representing tho committee, reported that After sever, - Al years of endeavor they had with- in the past month received a letter from lIon. Mr. Harcourt, stating that no legislatien 'would be introduced this assion that would lead to any contribution front the public aunts. Tlie COMMittee was therefore (Ls - 5 ' cherged from its duties. D. Young delivered his presitieutiol address to 1,1w assoelotion. Ile de- clared ateeivet exantluation and epee- it:dieing, It ‘31.'1,1PLY AND P111110 tipon the ouestion of salaries ifs. Young expressed the belief that they could not be increased exce.0, by a ideerease in the supply, and it was leure that experiemael and mature imen asel women would not rentals in ithe profession if they wore to be !jostled aside by gills in their teen.) land mere lads. 1 -4. FRUIT TREES AFPECTED. PLAGUE OF LOCUSTS. s bora, in German East Afri- ca., is Devastated. Berlin despatch eoys :-Swarms locusts have devastated the val- 21 of "Gaumbara, in German East They were tirst noticed outing from Wembo, Vela 22. It is -0011-01ficially sI ;Atha that the itleSt, rribIe snowstorm would not give an idea. of the numbers of locusts. The trees on which thee. settled 04'7 .a . • '1, to• 4144' j , tei ; 14' 41 e4F, fle4 144 Zr Marie ..;,cnoill:4tion saela 4, etteta,eir lea it te-191 tette gel taltethis 4:;41 if it is 4,N+. 0 h i^r.11r.w. tot +J'ep;td-^r••4. 1,441,; 19 Admired '1'oati's rot 6:1 2.2 1'4121h telew that oi Alludes:1 hfak- etrolif. 'Pie. fore 4,t, U: 17 t eurrenz lett emoes frtne eaerres ;Is lieiug shoe 1.3ten. wilt JAPAXESE despatch to the London Tho Clerioo Puye that the Russian parwers. f We5tern Canada, v4,110 oneleateged; Loyorw 1-3," activP, pricPS were onehanged. tical.crly hlacio of )(ea bits i4°°(1 F'ed °I 11116'1.i. °kits. '11°°14'stl° "Rd° Ilw".°11 at "1 t° 'delay took piece in the forwarding (a • vitt d to levee:ow t'4' the aS- lerlarMrti. :NO, 1 petentS, $5.30; Nor shipped on .Pui•stl---------------- 4ey hart-. carets that are; free 2* on Iona- 1 freights in buyers* socks for ;export. Drovers 1410144; cattle ir°01- °II' been left the fereste or hems, else- t ;rye, nooey aml other grain, ere in. ,o4..n0 )44% ;',Sanitoba, floors ot Lewis thee were NI•hlelt tit° ------------------------1 ea too Japaneet, spies L wang Tuesday. The 14021 oi the new fort Oleo t loos. .•1•'-'°5"t•ti.)11 allt1 lattIo‘ shsl ht/x,win'' 0 2 Phtolts 1.11.41 stroo' h'Itere 1.1oermeg dut r,ot reacie tha nearket, tt redostry in their terra operzt- $1.O0 on track, Toronto. tioes. Theo mar co/Int:Pace hs, sow-; illifeed-Bran ateatlY at g17 to , hes n ;lot in the earning spring' with '';$17.40, and elvertre at $1,$,O0 here. tl•the 1;1"; f-1.tainohle Sled. There will otetalaie points bran 900041 at 1: l4' a reathe anarhet for all the. eael $10.50 and shorts ot 817,50; Mani- ""`' t T I REPId 1711 this afternoon. TREny THIBET, Exporters" eattle Wero. tied lonel "gOunglausbanwl Thnszlet -4.55 to ecL1,84) pee cat. Ono Soon. A" attINQ It'ne d°111i1laletl the Mar - despatch seyet het for botcher:4' cattle to -day, und , , tee he prodereed Inent,110l.e. at 'UAW. bran Si.144,$. and shorts .1.1.!itics In.141 sarong. Vie (parte : t ft 001 *fl Brodrit•k on Wednesday re- s that win Pav htmtisarovly for ..4t $21 beria 1 Pzaett lotv. ego& 10 " ("'"5P4t"' 111."1 Col' 1.44"g" buir- STANDARD "EXCE LENC1z1 H'AS. t 21 The BEEN° LOWERED. Con-oearative a urtive :f, Varietier. Di "tb. Localitieo 4- retelda lel e e u O122.' ashen in it, .,,. F r. II. Chola ('1x17,-* 13 ii -44 mu. 14e2%ie , tit et 'woo niilliste (Notre, lege* oi Eteglaud 41. 21 riell in ghat. 1,1," gTood rat, ero it! re:Leh, it IR el,tiltlatv(1 :WO n.4 ion e of bush;lo. 111 view tit the 2'. tfly incansitir orocioetiol i . ; ; le 11 4 1 e 1110411/41 iv., revort, rot oohs that .4es iteeseelt. ;toilet sweet- etetiatatt, ,tittr; 1)!amttonrd improvril 17 (h.; 1„..,tj.,114.11 heeler that it zloty ettlet lune to gee it ' ;in Atvor le foreign comet:lie, alter ;it utiest thul unirket. • -A . t17*t, llizth, seuntlas(l 4); PNCI'lielle ;has alreahtte 00 appreembly infortehteitat hue) , ttt ,gthrough the !zero:lett:tine of wheat o feoltio• that Jtepaster trete-ports witli inferior litellitne, rIlerougl eeteren 140 t Cr1.(1 112' l44 4 estra iroteleie prOligleing: blend, the special politieal ogee perters% 84.45 to $4•80/ gtlotl 16/0188 h. 00 Denial% expediliou to Thibet Ott bushels of seed wheet, alothe. Appleo-Theeseis moot common to fele, $3, to reach Gyanatee. sixteen miles gat'here is now on amoral demoted foe COM -TRY Le4,20 to $4./IS; tzar to good, $3.80 what the t.0102e1 suxe be expects OtreZa .1144 l'Oliga (Owqr b•^..""^' t° "*" irom 1,,basea, the vapital of Thibut. • , er, eg 00 , erea,,a. oereess steatly at te. per tovt. Leek, the ;do A4441,INT. • illifor the aStOtt, 111•1ed ptiIll a les-ite Celn; meat , 111.1tcherS" 241241MI/or/ere' 1/1111s wer° altbin a wand there meet Chineee represeretativt•s and high ts Ixat ee ogisher; tat %elle...wow. " SI .50 $1.00, mut t ; entoes aaeo aold. (Imo ataa,o, toe arta pricos nre 1L111,0-anevd. W.'s; Thilpolan ofileys, and muhe a set - of Con= per lb. Evainarated tepoll ;41.75 (43.P°r‘ °°"8. 4"" 1r° Gement by vibe% further bloodebed 9,1nr. feeders, aud $2,50 up for lights, • ANit j'*' In, Trade in feedere watt./ lit 'I" 1 Will b° We'"*Iited. 1 3 t1* 021 qoaselito of butter and $1.0:4 to 81.70. Pr44111 1'14'314 42'1' cilmt"11 11.41 tkii"r;114. "11111" ;31°ek.IVALUABLE RELICS STOLEN Davazas, was !law :-Pvetiers, 1,4,100 to 3.200 lbs.. „Leo, eaperted from Canadian porgis 4 l-----------arl"442I111"1 °$3.911 to $4.45; feeders,. 800. to 34-, Beeid on Geological Survey ,Ittuse- a il 3 te , . , 8. t • *21 11'etetr-re raeada too peers hens 1" 3888•••••••••••.11.25/1'.7$7 11013,7013,323 $2 for comb. g41,05 per ewt • elite colli,etiim (If latlion and 1.,'skilito 421 1^ lth1 ............25,2511.737... 185,9141,11.1tt hil a Ion hero, We quote T. -Items ewes, 8/3„:10 to logical Survey Itfusemn. l'hey are of 1.- i •••••••••••. I01.4.4.0-8 ---; 33)7, zettraa• •Tit ,- litarhet ie dull. without Sel; iir.ht Nbeop $2 75 10 $1,25. a hind thot ca»not lx, eteelly repleeed, , ,18 to 3,30J ▪ ..„() to •-4, at n g (3 a I S• 4200 1149„ $8.50 to $3.75; sloehers• um at Ottawa. ..1 g 11 famea ; utet 1,4orPwt, Wiiet et 0 to quo to tititl 11221., 83 / ;;;13.75; ;octet. 13111 ter Me. l'heeee, 7e 101. Ile for hullo tool ut 81.2:5 to '` valves, 4110 0 600 lbs., 83,:if 11 to -Au Ottttwa tloshatelt sayn: A 1.41(1- /"' -204.130.1 95 ,..3$O,027.;-11301,1 lay- No. 3 inlet qnot ell ett ! Trade iu Sheep coot ineed net Ivo. relies bas bPell Stelell AVM tile t;eo- ' 11 • 1"2-• '27.8;75,078 -2110.9 113, 1 (11 ' 111:evitige, and iiricea nomiu al aro-awl 1;1104s, $3.25 lo ,R11.7:1; gra ite-fed j The t lyres /undo 282144 of faits* loys in _ . • 'l Th*' 1;,(.1;I• ••••••• . . 1.1 28.04 1 /119.11-hr.1 SO.Oti ou t here. lambs, $5.50 170 $0.50; bore -nerd ; order *0 got neeees t 1110 teases. Ile - 0 • Ahle to:too& of butler and ebeeeed :dal& :-;vrItp-.-,•I'llor.r. are some offer-, lauth4,, .50 to $5.25 per ewl.; epeeittiens of the lizoldiworlc of reoPeetit oleo whieit was exporzto in ine_s ot• t„.t'v, itieh at ot per /141-/„Spritig lambs, $5.50 lo $11.50 tstele. the indiaus, rare colletion of shells 4, etticl storage (luriog these yeern, wtts 1, :hi.' e 11 e . ; Calves rold at 4 to Oe per lb. ,or was raided. ,pk 1 a ..,t1 9 . { 41. as follows 1-4)01.072,,,I....i. ! 4 41/01Letieee:-(-11oice, cars aro quoted at , $2 1.0 $1° 4'°°}1, i (IS I' :13114 it:s1,' II" - (11('4't‘ "2"" ^-ic p. r Um" on tr.tels. bee.% witi in- 31.411:11 (.01‘1.; Were steady at $110 to ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. • . I , • eoe Aa lja, i $:15 each. 1 901 (1'*--;.."-":!:: .,11).; teal •,'S` aro titmled at 15 to a ., __ - Bachelors Will Pay Taxes. tarligties woald grow and ripen ia ., it..10.2,•••••••,....• ............................... ..,44. ..:4.070,4102071, •_,. m • -. 11 1 11 I 1 1.,. 1.1. of priine bacon quality, on (airs, tor 4, ler il el; ;..1 ot ; 4, lir 4 ; tile Otttuva Valley. 1903 ee....pl- ) geve... to 10 to 12e per lb, ' Poronto, $4.75: fats, $,.1,50; sows, Premier 'loss' bill t o ineteelse the 1 Winter Eas Done Injury Prom ; Quebec to Western, Ontario, , A despatch from Ottawa says ;Mr. W. T. Macoun, horticulturist At tlo Experimental Farm geve a talk „ , . . ()41 hursdny upon the re sulti; of the fruit (mop there during the past. ;hear, Ile sold the Winter knit closing was the most severe kuown for melly years, told that it hail affected fruit -trees from points ia the Province of Quebec to Leam- ington, in Westera Oertario. Tho reselts of experiments with grapes nt the Central Farm for some ." ,careleeeniegs thcsa mixtures are al lb, Yalu, nmi that troop); art, Linde:lowed to yearly increase, while in *althorn peints ou the Corean ',other dietricts inferior verieties have shere. Presque:dile sueletets ere 01.)V.• AO (hoe (*Leto the valut ering the moven:rm. If this lie true, .1,4f the total crop. 4184' Russian forts erect gel oi) 111 • The mben t age oi slowing only ; , other side of tial niter must le, itieffee- onnnixOd wheat May oe 311.3g..4.4 .zroni 1 o *iota ;the diltrerice ie price 1*' W4'011 -No. 1 Neoui eorrespoudout th- Not. -Lard- and tiu. neNt. two sT4rdes, as „ /Pau tt'rege“Phs, nbat NI:Vs IS :101!z• difference is most commouly due toliehle ut hority, 11224* eh.* Japanese th, of ;s0i2, Vtarelly linV8 ilaVo :IfiVallet."17 10 the Y4,114, :,rruinn in the lower gruttge, ••No, tferiox qua Ate. et ••• ••• ••• eeeeei $03 1 utlit1T-1118.414"' 13 to )Wer weTitlit;a1:11',i,e,,(L_NSs°„11„jlealgs:,1 ilVoetcett1)414(2418-44111;:s1: ItailBWay Tax -Will be Increased- e ears past ellowtel that, ,twenty-ilve . ... .....„.. 1 ............ *3,50 to $3.75; stags, 8.2 to $2,50 taxetion an railweys provides that There was al:10 exported la cold , , • 'r •t t • IttlItY IrAiliETS, Per uwt• Imunds ttf cheese, in 390e 80,3:37 Buttereellolle arc. more plentiful, mile for single. track; $1 0 extra, for compm own s in :1 OM. :2.1,209 railways shall -pay es follows: -.$130 a STATE OP SIEGE IN POLAND. i•rovittg that thee, ie Ito co:shier-Ode '1. herd" ireviolithiy has a high per- Itabeian foret• on the it ft bunit, tho;centege of tranelucent indicat a 124;11 riercentage of it good qual- ____ illy of gluten, as is 11e, qualite coat: Tr) S'Ili.S•71/.; 3121:031 ns the of the gin - '11,4 tbroitrietor •• -1. 11"11 tIr't I °Tols v" I , ,, rat lot hories Saglialile: ilaS 2. '4.4 . it,fortn, 11 t bat t „i pate.e,„ ere Red fe is the stated:1rd val•ii•ty 1 r, 1.2;0;•„,e. to u,a/e. .a.eeent „et th„, !and th.; *1 eat 17,14( 11 In Wes - „quad „:121(44) as the ie„ por_ item Canerie. 1: will sartive late 1;,i 11 inhttbst tart s hrtai, ti imied • sininp; fri)strl that alv suilirient iv vinal,(,s,ock wit,a(1,.01) (3,311s, N4 !P to 1.111 out tenet taller varietieo.*41 41.4.5100. Its milling 3311;411(1es are nut, excelled. • PIZIOST(/N 1VIIPIAT 111.3 --.411:I.,ANCII(V.Y CZAR. is a be:treed variety that hat; grown in favor among farniers in dietricts A te-o•Letell to the Ioeicicitt Iteily witan, 'tett Fife 1 -ms freeteteitly heen 3210.11 irme Getieve, says that the ,.07.,141. injurcd 1)y early frost. 3t is from 4141 W4NinewitlY receiwt1 two ()aicor5AtWO tc.) live days earlier than Red who are oxiing to the front to ref.ree ;Fife. jf the weather I), unfavorable tient Stritserlanal. Ilis Afajesty seem- tee the ti,m, who, ripening utht„:3 idnee 1•21 very ziervous and inelariclioly. Ile it may ripen man ten (-Lys earlier Ilthoossc'd the roPtIls;" the Cossacks ;than the latter vat•iety. Some Cana - at t'hong-Jo• ant* sala/ -11/./ not he &an leillers elalui to lia.ve made care - too se,ver- yoor I12 -mom- ful 111111ing tests of Preston wheel bee every -tittle; beionies diflicuit so and openly condemn it es mode: in- fer h'0411 11 bosh," feller to the Iled Fife, Results of ,1A111 1-1% 133tests cnrried 011 muter the direction '111E YAI-TT 01 1)1. .satuulers, who originated the Tokio dei.:4,11."1:4,s to 1.0ndon 110W21- variety, irelicate that it is oaly Papers 0.21o,11 the/ Corea is free of slightly inferior to the Red Fife. Itessitios, ail (.1 there. heving crossed l'he comparative productie-eness of the Yalu Iiit 4,r. They art, said. to -varieties differs with localittegs- and "ho river at Xosar' conditions of ;soil atid climate. Agein tehoson). „rotroot ronazeed there may be quite as much diffe.e•once tha Jahtt"'" - -1 oParlese between two strains of seed of the ecottis, it, 1,- 4141ed, swarm, the Yalu. same valiety as between two distinct, hear Ni.lei het2-hellgg and then fol- sorts, so far as their capacity to „give lowed the iverh.northwai:d. rt largo yield or grain is eOucerne41 . fr)1,111d a shicadla tler°11-8.v° P°'. Whatever varieties are selected, they W11-1°31, it '18 b°11°1?°°' th° Itussians should be grown se.parately and each will utilize to the hest advantage. • A.ceording to a elhaigghai telegrzun t .1 a ea :gees. 'ado LITICC guard siiporte the te-- the. floe:Oat-1. (lore/Ices on the Olio 'free V4? muc.h scatleired and are rAill incomplete, leaking it diffi- cult:- efor gtil;Sr one, body to help an - tiller in wee of a strong e,t,taelc. at. staled • -front a, doebtful gsoorce the repictity el' the Japanese otlOarloo, to surPr,ised Rus- sit.u2S. ,Whe et -ere cumpeiled to aben- (ion 2,1; guns. ',The onler mors coecerniiig the Jap - nese fleet is a Ceueslionnablo state- hohal. 11Y. a- eIithatIese solicit` at 800111, ece•Yect with. Adenirel ,Tegio'r; pea, Litte,cks , Port Althor. Ihe sa.er.; in'. effOet that th t „ 1.) tee fiy, .01 1431* (±i.,v.i.;t10(1' jot.° sov,e/a. st111sdr'°/18.' '11'°111- bushel" 11.01e. ' eoe,"; (/1 141e111 ale watehing Port ot ether; ‚.1129-174 goof', Pule' sect of, •the filth t1 • ' °IttS fold harlchh, 'Bet (114 11231 oast,' zuldethe sie-th arid sere.rtli ' ' 1g1 af-;F/ `seed is, lintited Al - Li a :the demand ,1or 'It, is great Pounds 01 cheese, ued lit 190;3 aa,- anti prices michenged. We quote:- RtAD_ Y FOR FEDERATION each additional trunk; these retes to h(10 potauls of cheese. Piii•,s1, 1-10. rolls, 17 to 18e; choice 14),51.isiox vizs.ii.EiziEs. large rolls Loul seleetel dairy (tilts. 1;1 1 French. ITiew of the Attitude ofitlitti"0111210.‘1(04.10.rs1(1):111°4101•I'10-1(.;1%/ksS;51,1111(1,s11(1,1t1g.attteds- niero. ler 19fiel. it ellowo that 77,- 22°' '1511°8' 181 to 1°?ie. end low grades, Newfoundland. tie'erg(L.TeL411144)1f-111-rheicise,%141•Ie'f.44-le 1,11/10(3%;112:1t--.. ti) 114 111111311°L A Paris the:patch slays :-'11 is un- to apply in unorganized districts. 341 3 21 to 140; creamery prints, 21 to case of short, sections of road less upply in the organized districts, $2( derstood in official circles, shite ;than a 00 miles $15 e • 114 b 803. perenta; woae „,,m100.yod in the tOgg4e-The market is weal: on heavy ' of statements to the contrary, that •eh ' jtox- e :treed with $5 extra for addition- eceipts 'with e•tee ots quoted at 16 there ie forindetion, for the reports o • Cauadian lisheriee (luring the vear r ' 1.1.1 tricloi In view oi the feet that only $5 per mile is obtained at ores- • , • the creft and gear used being :veined Ito trh (1°:"...°11• t hat Newfoundlued will t ako steps ' ' , ent this will 'acid coesiderable to the burdens 01 the poor, downtrodden queettona, whioh herethihre had inairoilwaye. It is estimated Geol. terfered with Newfoundlund's com- twee1-1 8150,000 and $200,000 will ITO PA01)1; C114. plete. sovereignty, , • • Ibe derived iron/ this gooier°. t ,* , obiste, fishers Cheete,--Morket quiet at steady pric- to enter the Dominion of Cenada as u.10/1f-t CMPlOyed 1836:1 persons, es. We tplOte:--Finest Septembor's, the resell* of the Anglo-lorench set- Tabnenriee-s. '1411.4e;t1 .241 1111LTntiltie72e:411Teldtt(t11: 11(1143•4,;..hute Vali told eeconds, 1O1, to Gement of the shore • and iiSheries ,287,(330. In Ile•iti.sh Columbia there ere 75 ealmon canneries, vat- 3/tee:sea liogs are unehaloged, with Th.° TemPs suYs that (11"°81-• )311-17 DA°11.113I-431-TIS 111-78"11 PAY' T°°' icelst reasonal)ly pure. ()Li account of careless practices, in the matter of seed selection, mixtures of -undesir- able sorts have increased in the etand- ard wheat of the Ilreet. These purities coriet,et ciiiefly of tallier ma- turing varieties that shell inore read- ily tlian the Bee Fife, thes having a larger proportion of ecied from. them to conic ae "volunteer wheat" ie. the next succiiediog erop. - It is hf Touch ialltoetance to the, country, as well as to individual wheat growers, that these conditions bo overconie, lt is clear that even EL -inners tvho aro cal -014=5s ,ahout keep - Seed pure are to 170.1 17 (1 at $1„Litt),4)04), 008 persons. and produciug 110,103,-.• offerings moderate. (ler lots at 30.- 776 e1118 of salmon annually. In 25 delivered here. Cored meats are 41902 there were 03 sealing schoon- in good demand at •-oncluteged prices. e,r.s, 11-11(1 1,sst Yes -1: 24- Eight Caaa- We auote:-.1lacon long clear, 8.1, to man o .41*, ' ) land Wands in the theutli eriortolie;'-ael?' (cioa7eblootrst, clAttle,ss-s--tios'°.51102', last year took 21,126 fur seals. ▪ be smole,d total e-alue of the fisheries in ,1902 " ;nodimn ' meats -II -rats, light to was $21,950 468, Lis against $05 - 121e; (10, "eavY' 12e; 2-01)°, 731,15:1 the year pro-vious. The 10c; shoolders, 91e; backs, 333 to British Columbia salmon petit elope 14e; breakfast bacon, 13 to 131e. 40.00 1* redaction of two and a hall The value of fish caught in Oritar- io was $1,265,700, a decrease of 816217)72. The Federal expenditure in fisher- iet; was $527,944, and the reheoue $78,635. ' ituring -the last fiscal your $11,- 820,646 worth of fish products was exported to foreign countries. . 011IOESTO COOLING STATION. Mr. Blain asked what was the *017- 111 in connection with the cheese cooling, room at Wood- stock, Ont.; lip March 1st, 1904. .Mr. ITisher requested Mr. Blain to 1n1Lke 11 MO ti 011 fOr 411r11, a the CrIeStiell iliVeiVed a great deal of Qeeetions by Mr. Taylor regarding the. same espenditore at firockVine, Ont., Ciewansoille, alid Fgt. Hyahint.lie, Que., , et-cre dis- APPloES- ON •SIIIITOARD. Mr. Smith, WentWei•tli, tvit's hi. - ..formed' by ,Igr. Fisher. that -the 'peva een,nietit inspects:4r had eXalieinecl- the' compaetmente .1011.1Ch' rai)Ple$11Wpia: torea or4. the outer .V,by,4-ge 'Oeseatlian Poste' on -a. nombee•of ThiehSySteta a Opted tio. •-thesn, hc34t..Was' -r-c'10W8''S;*()Ift"4.1:all riir9CCO IfAtS; :'"g411(4.1i.esOr •„pl.rQ, EtTad .1;91..5 ••fieettlievaricOS: Ottoada„. '0.1 -it Irian tiXanttzahll., , • h, ehtltfiartnientSO,..,;e:Thiii-t..rest ofecoolhVetItilati,ott- ' Lard -The demand is fair, with pric- es unchenged. We quotel--Tierces, 83e: tubs, 81c; pails, c; campoued, 71 to 83c. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL, Montreal, April 12.- There was some demand for oats for milling purposes, and a sale of 50,000 bush- els of No. 2 white was reriorted 1117 82c per bush. high freights; there were also some enquiry for pea.s, 72e per bush. was bid afloat Tor a- round lot, and sales of car lots Were made at a figure equal -to the above; The epot, market for oats was onchanged; No. 8 white being Cpioted -at -1381c per hush, tee store. •Flour-eMarket steaclee business repoeted rapier citliet; quote Murat/ha Spring wheat, pat- 071tS,,$5.40; Menitoba stiorig-bakere.,• $5.10; , -Winter 'Wheet pateutS, $5.1.0. to 86.25; straight roilersh ,to, $5; ateeight rollers, Ju ba4s, '$2.84) ,to nom.d sinau. letS _were . Made' at -$5:82,1- tti, $2,85- petebe,ge .te fair trade is passing': in,- coentiviehatt ;pore brig. PoechaWei,- rigiota ; Manithba bran, „la bags`; ,$`20; -shoi.ts, $2i, per ten; On- ,•tario beam, lith bulb, $1,0,-50 -to' $20, ShortS,F*.0,50.to",,,s,41,,,-,- encl.: irlenitte, quality. PrOhieloitse-HeavY : do ad ten.", I. alert' - 'to:;$1...0!;''1103_1; Sheet:. cut, - ,$16. to $1.7.50; e.Arneitic,ati "cot, 'clearae$1.7 te',817•',50;-„.Anterthan'-,,,fhi: liftel'eS•a$19‘110.- CoMpotinil, lard 73- 10 So -',0641fahliati 'lard" 1:3,/,:to 90 1.0*1714. rendei'ed, 93-C :ham s 11.--r-t�. 18c; 111110.1(1 ieseultsj,,I.)d- lieretn. W4)801114titit111. t(4°11e)Sidt001C.allbnlieCatliiittliC(I'S lift01 (iq£,Iiiel1tegs 4421732 173* ;INeeertifr?-1,s1Ild States has been covetous of the Attorney -General Gibson's Assess- -French fisheries, and says France, Ment Act that the clause placing the had difileulto in making it -under- lexelliption of incomes at $1,000 was stood that. the Ishinds of Saint 'reachedlIere a haltwas made to piet".re and Miquelon. were not for permit Georhe P. Graham to sae% that for sale. while hoeselliders should he e-xempt 4 up to $ L,000, he thought young un- TREA*CHOROUS THIBPTANS. married men should bele n. separate (' a"sIs'illiefe non-liOnSeliolderS should Pired at British Offieerzi During a Parle3r° receive no exempn tiowhatever," pro- claimed ,A. G. lticlCay, after ii y, desp,ateh to The London Times, that even with' a discrimination of from Kalatzo, Tliiht, dated $200 or $300 (lie householder 64031- da3, reports tluit 200 Thihotans at ported his family paid more by rea- -the village of Somorldo, 111 troachere son of hialmuse tax than 01a the non- ously firing a volley- at a party of householder. British officers whom thc.y invited to •*I have lived in a village on a parley with them aimed badly.No salary and I have lived in fiecity on one was injured, but the actionis a salary," testified WmRi . ekard, supposed to indicate the tactics which who thought a ratio of $1,000 for the 1.1tilietans intencl to employ at cities and Se„ -00 for -towns would be Guru. The correspondent adds that ail right. reinforcements are, Lu.riving at ClYan- NO 1i1XEMPI'ION NOW. gtse to oppose 1110 British advance. ITugli Clark recalied thet there 6 been no complaint imder the ol ItUSSIA BETRE1,7CHING. tariff of $700, alld 11e suggested a re- , turn to that, - Expenditure Reduced. on Account of the War. . _ A despatch fl'onl Stg Tetersbilrg says: T1e official Messenger gives de- tails of the i-etrenchment in certain branches of State expenditure, due to tlio -Tor. free balLuice 'in -the treasurer will, be 'devoted' to War pur- poses; 1'lle 1.e4i.,en01iteent is made esPaciallY hi the civil estimetee, trodticed in the landget; for 1904, POLISH INSURRECI'ION, L'.ussian Officials Reported to be A despatch from Vierina says: The Bossiest offig,tele' Lit Ittat•saw Lire nary- ous 17119 11th14 113 • "•', -1 would like to ctslz the lion. gen- tliiman." saia.A. G. OihNay,.'-if he iO willing to taxlalecirins 311e11 with. I n large iarI1J11(.S Nviio earn- 8800 or $900 11.371510 cold pay on their iirop- erty as -well, while bank clerics and yotneg fellows pay ilottling?" •-'1f thei•ci Is eny neev of ,,otting the oninari.ied 1114*11 a.in, willing. -to joie," retateeed 111e ituntileer 4-41)2 Centre .„ , ed, , 017 ..a.tuoutTilletlt 01..40411,g 1.126 117(e4.mtion ":.$7017).•and..-at, , .-• '• Wipe' het tht, ',$500," ''-• Arr, 'oth,sou 1(44110(1 - 14-4 11610417514*10021 prOv40.614:,,,J;14.tit 171* 5(540410 -(h.. O20llliption - s1*onid 12) -87,000, -11111111 in: Russian Government Will Isstio Proelaanation. A despatch from Vienna snys :- The Cear has sent Prince hi:allies Iladziwill from Warsiew -to llaliela to induce the I'olish leaders there to use their influence against the anti- Ruse/icor eentinnents of the Russian Poles. It is reported that the Rus - elan Government has decided to pro- cleim a state of siege in Poland. POPULATION OP THE U. S. Census Bureau Estimates Show a Large Increase. A despatch from Washington says : -The Census Bureau on 'Thursday lesued a bulletin, which gives the es- timated population of the United. States for 1903, exctlusive of Alaska rind the hisular possessioos of the Unites] States, as 79,900,380. This is an increase of 3,905,81.1 since th census of 1900. The estimates show populations irt the chief cities as follows :-New York, 3,716,189; Chicago, 3,873,880 Philadelphia, 1,867,716; St. Louis has almost reached the 600,000 mark; Baltimore, 531,313; Cleve- land, 114,950; Cincinnati, 332,934.; San Francisco, 355.919; Pittsburg, 345,043; Detroit, Milwaukee and New Orleans have just passed the 300,000 mark, and 1Va8hiogton is close to that figure, Considered by Stats New York leads in population, with more than seven and a, half million. • SPECIALISTS VISIT KAISER. Eza,ini.nation Blade of the Emper- or's Throat. A despatch_ from ltirniirighant &Sys: The Post, 15137s, that two Specialists 11114de a illorone•li eseiloiitittion of the 740.1e4,0'44 till'Oat 041 lioarcl 11i4 yacht ' 'the Iloiteitzolleiei et Naples on 1.he illst of 'March), and returiied to (ler- litany ofi firet, of this 311011111, ing tvith them , epeCirnelis of tho h peroe's Tlie 11 tall Q'St in)port- ance 15 att,nehiild to the exalrililatien the i•esult or which ln*4 `not 'yet disclosed., )ST, SE74S171311V173 ,S,POT. 717 15 a inlet:akato-6;0319Se, that .t11i0- 1721) of tltee'tongtie". , the' inost 1,110 ,01.°,',011.,0- 811.1..tatattiee'so'.(114t; cj,.4111.4fro.,41 ..retOST. 1214.12., iegrae Ohh slIkat'ir,1)1.1esS 4112a.1'1111Sler •••Osh L•cettgli •