HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-3-24, Page 8A Few Leaders for larch
me Real Money Savers
Creep uren'e no, one Beaverized SterviCeat?le Sclotnal Stioe ic
Ear (304 , large 4ize,, a Beaoty. povs aro olds
Reguler $3,7., (Kt one clearing. ii 1 b 1 ' , i • „1„ tu .
priee *'2,5Mt), .; e4 k• y pols ant ger e will
, „ ri„ i out. any shees ooik enough, hut they
Orie oaly„ teen's natural. auabv - wont moor out too Atoo.00 Groin cox
P oe Coat, large fiall hides, we clark..:thae gee sea as .t.doin a$ eoure ether
shade, worth $18.0i) cleaving 'nice, kieete„ that e bee ett.,e they are made
!from genuiree watee (=lain era skin
One only la -idles Fur Lured Celle, tr.rit eoled with the celebreted Ahrens
plain eleth, equirrel Holum, fur coller, ' oke tanned SOIle terither, weter proof
14004 value oe "5.0 clearing at otily!andweer Ineeef. Every pair eold lee -
S heet% 3 der guarantee, year money barn; if
Eight entv. L Wit,: Fur Coats, As.' 'shoes 33re 1,10t• " rePresented•
traelian. Itoseiart. Laud) and Electric Rigtot Up tco• tile Minute
seat, all at a speetal diScpunt of 20 Poo Ceur metes new seeing'. bat eenwh
t below our reguler close prices. we •sae swell we mean etiet. whaOOflt, we
e in and see the Values. I s.ey, ioyle quelity :not 1;31tla 14 What
4 ' . t 309 pieces. mill ende plicate, ii, - we (Weer V011o tott*et in rtorgiielt ad
to 2 zide in eaeli piece dark and Amerivan Vartkeee.
eight eolore, perfect tlyes, choice pat-
terne. Regular valiree 121o. or
garell price yoor elroiee for W.
29 only, largest size white bone),
comb Bed Spreads, pnee white* loyely
Onish.ePeCial dioe patens only OSte
Ask to Fee our special' bleck eatee
Undelskirtes rere ValneiS e. $1.0
ud 4.2.1
ur new
order vc
WJL PeperS,
Yee,. we've a, big, We aper t
04 Beet we an se you go
money ott youe ring papere. We
hnr met trom the inaraufactoret owl
netomets the advantage 0
enr 'tying, We have a, lot of
to 23r3 ;toile of
viper. o
s then half value.
be our s o
time to Inv
trade is good, pwbaps b
It groceries, and a
t pay other houses,
opened up. We
it would be well
pe the rush and
Yes our roeei
warys selhotee fr
we bitless than
Mr. :Ind Mrs. R. N. Rowe and Mise
Rewe aro in Toroet to, this week.
Champlere A- T. te. M., of Bran
Eerie le the guest of her friende Miss
Amy .3clans.
Aople. erewees rei:etieg, tater:won
inn are! profirabie.
Faty years aga 1.3-o Amputation of
Irela rut wael eight m•inim-re; So -tin,•,'
; • lezs avdo. fenr and a le !!!
Lenoring flewers are uoder the sae\
ne with every openine eeer they baee
t.er deepite ell preeent appeararree to
tb-c eu z ry,
. Sherringten, ot Wellteroan anO
Qaree„. of Ootawa, will be In Ex-
zie.t, on Trws,d4y, Ofareh Oth.S.
fez; 134.Z P.44414rt5.
Mareh 17:1i lent yea.r the farm -
ere nere busy with, Ore spring work of
oteeving etee This yeerwetrindzatlithe
• 4.,es blocked meth now.
;VI-. „Echo Oieweome and Mies Mate,
liewceme, drove to (Mutate on Sun-
dey to t their friont4 gios
off. Mies Nen-come will remain for
a fewdeeee- further visit.
vale Sale. --Private retie dhouse
effeete on Eridee. and Saturdly
mons a this week, Mare trith
ual 2kloh. Awing the offecteeis
end real stove, ei.pply to gre.
ireaseY, th ked nan-
Meerys. d suddenly
oro rearnieee
C.ete abenz le) yeere (roe
rot esident ef St. Meri-e,
Fulaseriliere who lire at a distanoe
31. here not Wen receiving the Thu.
in Low recently,- svill rinderstend
the owebable ion wheiothey reed
about our disorgenized sorviee.
Vopies eV. I he open ure mailed regale
laity from lige efrire every Thursday
r. C
eeer 2f
•Leer bery e few en
Ther homes. In thu
*slang the loss of Willey, but lio thew
w much safer and better it Would 1,e U thee
people were to bring thew mortey tte this Benk
t Interest On it and watch it grow.
in guron Vounty
aslewood Honsafl Zteriole Clint°
ign Bank of Canada
uey abdut
not only
Ex et el on
.AN & S
loge Licans
It Rings,
oleos, Qtocks
Spootnolos Etc
feud, ON
pairing a Specialty.,
DR OVENSs„%mi?ing:
Saeoirelet, Deselses,
,Eyel Earl Nose and Throat
irleit4 Exeter monthly.
'Glasses Properly Fitted
• Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. Mon
C MMEROLAte HOTEL. Dates of visits,
EDNE.SDAyS, Pea. March 2, 'March 39.
y Jane 1, June 23, julr 27, Sept. 7, O. 4,
Nov. 3, London °Mee 223 queens Ave,
T e copy for changes must be Jett
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
• advestiserriente accepted up to noon
• Wednesday a each. week.
TliDRSDAY. MARCH 24th, 1904
Read Popplestone & Gardiner's add
on page 5-
Sovereiga Bank ad will interest
those who are running risks.
Mr. and Airs. R. E. Piekarcl return-
ed home on Monday from Toronto.
Mrs. Powell and Miss Cora Fowell
ofteran extended visit with friends
at Woodstock have returned home.
Miss. Bell. McIntyre, of Springbank,
is spending a few days in toem, the
eguest of Miss Hannah Horney.
Mr Thornes Erandford has parchas-
.ed Mr. W R. Elliott's farm of 100
acres on Lot 7, Con. 2, Stephen. The c
price paid was $3,250,• t
'Cla XIL. X .Ag..
33eers the The Kind Yoe Have Always Bought w
Ir..1". E. Tom, P. S. 1. paid au
chools a visit this week.
Mrs. .r. G. Szanbnry has returne
owe from a visit with her parents it
Ur, Win. Walker ba' purchaeed
the property. of Mr. Richard Williams
orth Brid. paying $2,50.
Miss Lille McGinnis, who has spent
the winter at her borne here, returned
to Dakota, Monday
Mr. Edgar Westeott, who has ze
covered front his recent severe illness,
left this week for Seafortle where he
has secured er position in a barber
Mr. and Atm T. IL McCallum re
turned on Friday last trona Toronto
where Mr. McCellurn had been attend-
ing the Grand Lodge of the A. 0. IT
e enI tt. 4d a . hearty tr-
LW 00M,
• ni
nbri lievo
their preni-ee
Ti. Srgu dhur
3rm iLay, 14ea
Mpnotent aa
ThOillaa Green
• Smith neld ethre
bull.e rduging in a
hteeu month, and
Tars cild. Mr. Ginenway
;IA2,61 .theni ter wo. on his ewu
rr. inIlanitobzo They ere u per.
ir fine lot, as Mr GIAZI1W4y
IS1 t4b.e.; auything
it Inetitute Me:tinge. P
e Meetings throughout The Pro
me have heeti arrenge44n
dietrlete or rireults. The.
ject of these ineetingstis to bring
It of the Fruit Growelas' Aseet-
"nto closer touch:with the far
bo produce frult,:and also to
being together the fruit inen in ever).
(lisle let that they may talir over their
wok before opring opene. Two prae-
al toxii, mon Who zirb cfempeneut
help the fruit growers by Aunesi-
R. Improved methods of; cultivation
pruning an cl g -rafting will addrese
tbrese nweitnge. The flowing arc
the dates and places in this district
kona, Saturday, 3.3terch 2Gth, Lu-
ray, • -Monday Ilarth 28lh; Exoterau-
ezda,y, INIrirek 339th; Zuriob, Wodnes-
dee Mareir ZOthe Goderich, TIniretlay,
Marcie 31st; Illytlt, Frida,yo.A.pril 1st
Bruseele, Setleirdayo April 2nd ; !Lucke
now, Monday, April 4th; Rine:Li-dine,
Tuesday /torn 5t5r.,
Lin er skirts
Ladies' Fine Black Stn a $1g.irt- with three
Frills, made full, special, , . slv25
No. 2---Ladiee Black Skirt mad of Fine Mewer,
Led Sateen, very silky
three wide
Frills, special—
lteavy me
• *
Skirt with eveu Fii1b, made
rized sateen,xtr„., speeial
„ 0 0 0* $ 2
)(goo Akt
T. IL TThe
Main street per nage
fertably tilled on ‘Vedneed43,
n by W. 0. IV members,
the tnalill:44Kietilligt. A. very a
Wit'a given by Ur, Godwin an
tencti to throughout. milt mat
Wien, 44Dercee" AVMS LIAO sub.
malted ley thew fee, whew
e Inulwoecrent, btrirtirauelstrriutti,ea4 linfed
m whence eltould pro -
e." 'ellestettel te life
of the reeurrected life
in to 0411,1SIty4 nn
witle organize
elnistian Tem.
Retied to exit-
executing ways
save the tempted
ot. Tmee ways euggested as a
nean to that end; tirstemeral suasion
nd, Iegdeu Woe, third prayer."
at. limes Fonemeirsee-The
rm wrieel 14 central on the
rd and 24th. hie the centre of
We equinox, within the Meeenty
;race, at Moon's Bret quattet. altel OX-
treme north deelination, *and under
he pressure of *limit:4.'10 ennitmetien
ith Sun nerd Earth. The elerenry
brace extends over this period Wel)
fact almoSt insures a. continuation ;A
cloudy tuni perhaps &twiny, reoI y
weather fxoni the previous period.
Rabat all events. warmer weather
And rapiabcfailing barometer will tent
in more decided disturbancee vu and
touching the 23rd and 2itle The sixt
storm period is central on the 20th,
beginning on the 27th and running
to A pril, The muses bearing on the
Period are, Earth's equinox, the W-
ean equinox, the conaunction of Jupi-
ter, and the Moon in Perigee on the
29tio on the celestial equator on the
Seth, and full on the 31st. This is a
eombination that should arouse our
interest and excite oue expectations.
About the 27th a. general chenge to
warmer will begin to move out of
western extremee, attended by frilling
barometer, gathering cloudiness and
threatening. During the 20th, 30th
and 31st, these conditions will break
into general and active storms. There
will be danger of tropical storms, hur-
ricanes and ticial waves on the Gulf
and other seesaw' coasts. Very low
barometrec pressures wtli peeved in
many Plactee. Rein, wind and thun-
derstorme will visit most southern A
parts, and a boreal storm, amount. A
ing to a blizzard, will Sweep
over the northern to central states. I
In the extreme northwest the wintery t
aspects of these disturbances will be o
severe for the season. and before the
high ba,rozneter following- the storms
has flnally disappeared, the boreal o
wave will be driven far southward
and eastward. This March cold iva,ve
. One of the events 0
on will be Spacion
. openingse. g.
T ci . 4 k
29th and sott. You are invited.
We are sorry to learn •er the illness
of one of Ithe J, O. Flerning's little
thoys. There was no school in the
Principal's room on Tuesday hitonse-
Mr, James Stewart, of i'soorne,who
has bean sick with pleurisy and who
had an operation preformed upon
himself by Dre. Beowning and Me-
Diarmil is now doing nicely.
13.1r. W. T. Goodison and Mr. A.
Solieston of Sarnia spent Sunday the
guest of Mrs. Jolene returning home
on Monday accompanied by Mrs.
Geodison who has spent the past week
with her me they here.
Grand display of Xillinery at
E. J. Spackma.ntsoe4tuesday and
Wednesday neeekt will be opening
days and ypt- are cordially invit-
ed to attend.
The greatest newspaper in the world
is the London, England, Times. A
few weeks ago the names of 122noble-
men, eminent educators, noted minis-
ters, and. philanthropists, and physi-
cans and editors of world-wide renown
were published in that paper at the
lose of an appeal for some kind of law
o prevent the terrible harm that was
eing done to English boys by the
igarette. This movement had the
armest sympathy of the Duke of
yfe, the Archbishop of Canterbury,
nd the Bishop of London
000 0000Q0 0 0,00 00 00 0000000 00$00.000000
zee/scales for Itself
9.10_0.9 9.9*
2 e6 CURit
e witbire 30 lidinutes, or no -Duey refenaea •
AlI Draggiste oenitaited. The Eterald Remedy Co.. Montreal •
ues ae an
he sea.
s Millinery
er the date
encsday, March
The Spring Fair.—At ri-teeiting of
the directore of the."Senth lIttron Ag -
remit ural Soolety held at "kile.11,
Waa resSOlred to hold the annual
opting show for theiexhibilton ot en-
tire stock Brucetield, on Wednes-
day, April 21th. The ehow will he
condnoted on the samalines as the
lase two years- The horsas will be
shown but will not be jOillged, and no
prizes will be awarded. The soeieto,
howe.ver .allowe -three dollars forteach
house ishown to assist In paying ex..
pees. 'This system proved i7C,..sat-
alsractory to both the rexhibitors and
ispectators and .broug•lit. out a
good. displeer of bailees ' and it is ex -
Peeked that thisrywar :the shorir :will
be latger and better than ever before
The bulls will be judged as usual and
vere liberal prizes are 'offered for
oompe.sition. An arx;alleement was
eine made wieli tbeVOlterrebeer and Us-
ilaurne branch society- for the
of a union branch fall show on tbe
grounds or that society at Exeter.The
show will he held as usual on the
Ifirst Monday and Tuesday after tire
-Western Fair at Landon.
property in Exeter with suitable resi-
dence thereon. Good investment.
Apply to (tA.DATAN & STANr3URY.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if' it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove'''. signature
is n each hos. 25e.
ock cordially invitee every lady to at-
tend be Spiing Opening Millinery
Display Tuesday (evening) twenty-
intb and following deys,
• ortioE.—Miss MoTaggart, Het-
sall, wiehes to remind all those who
placed their orders with her for "The
Frying, Pan" attachments that they
are now ready for customers at the
store of Thos. Hawkins & Son.
EAT AN APPLE.—IF you are sudden-
ly seized with a desire to quarrel
with some one or indulge in profanity
eat an apple. If there is a craving for
a smoke or alcholia stirnulation, •sub-
stitue an apple, and while eating it
do a little quiet reflection. This is the
advice of John T. Stenson, Director
nee laid up teeth Rittettue
, after appleing Winn
hetet Uwe,. wee tektite'
My mother who 14 04,1Ulgt".
hentuat ism would not be wit
out for Allytliing., lerfogo quie
relief to her. It is the rest linarne
ever had. tor sprains, •'wahine an
eral purpoeee. 1 14-INQ used. it f
r yeare and want no other.
dist, and a eincere Christian, wa
v hind hearted and alwaya read
elp those In need. The rental
interred in the 11xeler eerne
' TU4.41147 aCtOrT100%
At popular prices is represented here. It bas all
been marked at prices to make this the business snot i
Exeter this spring.
New Dress Goods
arriolog daily in all shades of
Vertetiene, Vieueme, Cheviots
Volts, Bollennes, Orpe do
Chertet Twine Cloth and all
the new spring drees goods,
Ladiee' Nigh,t Gawus,Skirts
Drawers aed Corset Covers
made of beautiful cambric
torehou lace and insertion. A
big choice in Whitewear at
low prices4
Coining right aloog now. Tile
new waist:togs in basket and
floral wear. silk ser voiles
all shades, crepe de elle0O
alleitedee. A oleo variety to
home front.
Ready IVIade Clothing -
We are the sole sellers a
t h celebrated Piccadilly
Brand and every suit is guar.-
anteed. Our epring eta& is
complete. The new out ha the
ewellest of seotelt tweed pate
terns. COMO and examine
New Prints
and Ginghams
A very large raw of them
in all caters and patterne at
ery low prices,Oe Se 1.0C 1*,
BOOtS and Shoes
We eell the Peerless brand
awl guarantee every pair ter
omfert, style and tit. All
styles, Oxfords, lace or but-
ton, at popular prices.
House Furnishing for Spring
wilt find us with one of' the best seiee
Wall Paper, Window Shades, Lace Curtain
{roods to be found anywhete.
.Furinture Si Und4rta..king....
ith .00 An Old Reeident—Th
, e Saturday morning
of or Exeter's oldest and
/11 hig respected residents, in
Arr. writ. Welsh, at the
4 1,ind rroonths,
, , native of Bolton, Bevone
Mine, Engdand, and VMS merried i
I e51 , t o Mies Mere' Thomas, daughter
cr Capeulu Thome.% of Penzance,
ecrnwall, Bngland. and M •
eleb. reeved to Canada the elme
year 'cot tling in Loedon, where the
lived for fee: etere, which tile.
.iemoved to Exeiter, where theerhav
onlinued to reeele ever since. Mr
11.44 tontrarior end lmilde
end most energetic inOhis ocoupatio
but wres laid aside from oetivo work
;Omni, eighteen yeare ago, a victim or
ereeplog pargyeis. During all these
years he had been an invalid, beep ter
no., more enfeebled as the years woro
en, and during thet past few year.s was
confined 1 the house -but bore all his
illnese with opatiprice and embmnn
Ills .end was peaeoful, ' death coming
over him as a gentle sleep. Ire was
nounber of (he Main-st Methotlist
elnuch. Ills family, all of whour are
comfortably dettled in life, are W. .1.
'W,eiele of Kansas City; MOO', and J.
IL, -of tiOrlamozoo ; Mrs. W. G. Bissett
of Exeter ; Mee. .1. Floyd, of Seatorth •
Mits. Ink:tatter, or Paris '; Mrs. (ID r.;
era l Director a
in Furniture tinning ',trough March.
iz'ans Sure
Tell your Friends to cal
Practicable Embalmer. Opera /10USO Block
4444 313***********4100444.
You are
titite Right
********INOMMIIIIIIMAIMMOIN WID11101611114111111111111111111111111111116
When you insist on having
e: liarvey Bros.' Flou Our
" Is made from the choicest
Ontario and Manitoba wheat.
r. Holloway, Wingliam and Mrs.:
IrDioNall, of Liatowel, most of ev,hord
etre present tha funeral /service,
n Tuesday aliteginoon. The syntiea-'
hy or thet entire community is es: -
ended 'to. the sorrowing widow i and
t her inembers. of I:heifer/Wee
Dna th of Mrts. rs ens. - de a ill
Jana -Wilcox. relict of the late 'Woe
arsons, occurred, at the residence Of
ler 'daughter, Mrs, Naggith, Pair-,
ield, on Prides-, March 18th, 1904.
et:eased Ives born in Cornwall, Eng.
n :IF2f; and was. eighteen years •of
ge when she came. to this country.
Her first home was in Darlington,
fterwards she and her husbandt may -
d 46 the west, settling on the. farm
n the London Road, a ehort distance
emir of Eater which Os now ocoupi-
d by their son Mr. S. Parsons. !from
here they moved teethe village and
bout twelve years ago her husband
re-dneeased her. •A,Ers. Parsons al-
elys enjoyed good health, was or a
right sunny disposition, and had at -
aired the ripe age of 80 years 5
orahs and 15 days. Sometime in
eptember last while par,i eking o,f
ome corn at box mid-day meal one of
he kernels went down her bronoleal
uhes, 0.f toewards lodging on her
ungs, this brought on Si:)V,Crs`,' ioar-
ey.sms of coughing, fted owing t o her
dvarieed yerarts her hod,y became en-
echIed, she not being able to obtain
my front his irr:,quent, sly.isms
'hich followed. Leiceitiised led a (levet
d Christian lifo and was fully pc -
Lo leave 1hI8 world for the
r ea E Beyond, Tile rere a ins .1 o
ourn the hiss of a noble end kind
ottiet',.; Mrs. Richard Cen-
r alio ; 'Mrs. Jaeob Cobbled iek, lee w-
,s,ile. 3,1r.s. Wm. Tz. Cole; Bowman-
; :Kr& ,Tamcs •Lindsay ;
•r6. j.:1131t:S Nichols, Port Trope Mr.
m. at,,om,, Lilmont on , Lewis; of
ibi Lby ; Sasnotson, of Exeitior ;
Parsons, or Dillonralo,.010o. Mr.
Wiloox of Exoter,'is la brother.
will riot cuhninate. over much of the o.
country central and southward,before D
the test day of March and the opening
days of April. Dr
• «
Death of Mrs. Henry Makinse- L
Detail came after a ishort illness on a
Sunday 'evening to Sarah *Troyer, he- P
laved wife of Mx, Henry moans, 1/tre
Ofekins had been at the bed -side. of ;"7.'
her daughter -lin -law, Mrs. 'Willioen
Makins, Varna, *ir-iho died. of preen-
naonia atter a fpw.grilys illness, De-
cc:need tookesi cold and later a chin
while, attending the funeral, but
thought she would soon be better, and ;
oame home with her son, :Ali.. 13., Ma- I
kins, on Sunday of 1 asp week, but 0.
pneumonia set in and ,allhough she a
• ad 'the best or 'cane, 'passed away al- I
ter ionly a wiecit'seliness. Mrs. Mak- a:
kine. was in her ;63 year, was torn in
York township, near Toronto. and
was married to Mr. Henry Makins in P
September 1861,, two. years laver they /;-
nrovcd on a farm in Grey township, el
and latort csStanley-,,there they; -re- 01
=jinni until about a iyear 0 -go, -when t
they came to, Exciter. Besides a lov- et
leo husband 'she leaves seven sets and vi
two datvglaters. William, of Stanley;
.1.oiseph in Michigan; Edwardl and •'%,
join). W. Sealforth Gtating-e,01 Nor- Ari'.
with, Benjamin, of. Eecter,-and, Levi, L
of Varna ; Mrs. J. Smith, Zurieh ; Mrs 1)
T. ,Telins, Exeter andeMes. V. patter -
son, Stanley. 'Mrs. Meknes was a Me-
74,1s bTeehne mu ot quality eodf
lizing Give it a trial it is
a "Food" not a "Fad.
Our facilities for handling- the chop-
ping trede are unsurpassed. The new
Vissot grinder is giving great satis-
e Inc received from business firins and. 2
el MANY STUDENTS are placed in good LP
et positions each yearby the famous qw
Thisachoolstaadsfor the 'HIGHEST
9 0AaNpadaleEtoS.<Tiaxi.n_trtusiness education in G
Path, 3 be liSelllrere:11.0R7.e
8 employ our graduates a ta
e have scores of applications froothe
m -"r 3
taeollege.. ,sk to lee them the day you 0
et enter. Congruence course now. Catalogue 0
00• 41811041304300 alosecioesewirasov
These Dyes will tlye Wool. Coton,
Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath
—they are the latest and meet improv.- D e the world. y n wor Try acage.
a, pk
The remains were laid aWliy , Al
ll colors at C. LIrrz, Exeter.-
Exeter cemetery on Monday 'Jost.
A Great
and won
Notwithstanding •the battle with
the snow blockade, Ross 4e Teylor are
still an top with alarge stock of build-
ing materials, Having placed our
ardzrs for Thirty cam loads or
Lumber Lath
and Shingles
We will be in abetter position than
ever to supply or many customers
with ell they may require either from
abop or yards.
Bee Keepers Supplies ready
• delivery.
Place your Orders for Tanks early..
Estitnates cheerfully given,
in we like to see yott'St
Satisfaetien Guaranteed
Complete assorement of tio-to-date
Spa otakplies
Best Quality, Lowest Prices, also
full supply
School cooks
Note Books, Sze.
Medicines and Chemical
Toilet Articles
Brushes, Combs and Perfumes.
Drug St re