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Feather Bede Are Recoininentled
for lavalids and Brain
W orkers.
There is a good deal moxe in the
art of sleepieg correctly than, ore)
might suppoSe,
coniforteble night's reot depends
upon a soft bed for one thitig. The
bed i-tould be soft enough to yield
to every oweele of the body. If there
is an tithing 000t, ti: e bed should
not he herd enough to hurt it.
A feather bed was not uitliont its
advanteees. Indeed, in these days.
feather Ledo woold a.great deal
toward benisider, insomnia.
There aro many ?,•eolle whose
eentes are so delicate that tile body
cannot rest cemfortatie. at eight in
the ordinary bed. Each neeve eeerrts
strained, Argl the eliobteet movement,
wakees the sleeree. Or teweice it
is not easy to go to sleep ogaia.
reatlier bede eir invaline ate good
thinge; elect for brele woriart, and
for all wee. get very tired every
day. The tiourtie with the feather
bel, the great ohjection to it, is
that it is difileult to renovate it.
The eeeteati objection is ite heatiug
qualities. in a house that is 1,ept
too bet vier tho body would 17e
beexed beyond eedurence by a, feath-
er bed.
But IT the redless :deeper will get
tlin ted of feathers or of down
will keep it well shahcal up and
' w13 elecp in a moderately cool room.
then the fret et t •••
of insomoia he toben.
etep collies in the find -
the correct pillows, There ie
goneral rule to be laid down
pillow question. Drain work.
11 fuliblooded people eliould 4
I Tim lima) II1Gif.
It is positively injarions to s•leel)
via,. the blood rushing into tt.o;
brain. Rush of blood to the head
will cameo headache. and illany Phr-
Good Blood Makes the Lungs
Stroug and Expels Disease.
The time to cure coesueeption is
aot after the lungs ere hopelessly
involved and the docter hes given
you up. Consumptioo preys lama
wealames. Strength is the only
measure of sefety. Do not let the
blood become thin aid watex-y. That
is :tui open invitation to easeneo to
take poeseesion of. your sten. Dr.
WilliamsPink Pills ere the best
tonic and eteengtb builder knowto
tee:ideal scieure. I1e eeord of this
inediLlue proves conclueively thet•
tetertWJn the symptoms of Con.
surraption develop it builds up, stren-
gtheee anol invigorates the patien
to a pelet ithere the disease disa,
e .bi ct o.'
Proof. Mies Blanche Durand, S
Edmond, qua., says Wt4J� ou
boa: ieg
La September, 1901, I go
nry feet wet erel toek cold. 1 tree
ed the cold le the usuel way, bix
the eoegh eeemed to cling to me
A0 eenerid Mc/Atha peened by and
evae wet getting better, I weet to
do: tor in d anrary, 1902, and h
told rco Oat aly limos were afrocte
;end 1 was io consteoption. Return
ing bome a friend in whom 1 he
much confidence etcongly urged re
to tales: 1)r. Williams,' Pinle
began takings the oils and sow
,fouinel tiles weze helping WO. Ti
coogli ceer less severe; APPeti"
improved and my strength began to
ero, 1 medicated taliiing the pill.
fte about two Months, when I foun
MT health ii, -11v restorel and I hav
• t
not ;•ince moeriertecti goy -weal-mess
1 ton eisre Dr. wolioztue rip* Pills
saved my life,"
Such Cases tis those prove the pow-"
a Dr, 1110bl:ref Pink Pille. Ty
itrialto new rich, red blood, and In
:this way cause oil disectecs due to
had blood end weak nerves. You
ran net tbeso pito front any medicine
dealer or hz.• mail at 50 cents a box
or an bonee for $2„;.71, by writinn
the lir. hiceliclue Co.«
Flroe)o. out.
o oae has maid that every raft
t, ze crank until hie idea sueeeecle. 0
t, that notion, or the common idea tis
t everything good aooner or later b
t- comes the food for argument, th
t Man and his treatiimet have been Su
lected to much -unconsidered and 17
1 considerate comment, not pronoun
edly either fair or impartial.
C Austrian Jew by birth, Dr. Mai
d morek came to Paris a few year
e since to steely with. Pasteur, who wo
d so attracted by bine as to give point
#ed eneourogereent to his eteeer bite
I est in serum work. Ire has now di
it,inguished bireself end is best blow
e tor a sound and etweeeeful treatmen
e ,ierf puerperal fev-er, A light. tal
tfair-baireel man, modest in speech
s 'deprecating in matinee. be hold
hi 1 Is 1'
meter to t ,e pursuit of lite „de wit'
e wiStr:11, perehitent •enthusiosto witeJ
D Joseph Marmorek Effects
Cures by Subcutaneous In-
lectioo of a New Serum,
This is an attempt to write pini
ly end soberly of miervellaue tido
that lies happexted.
Dr. dosertli Marmorelt has cur
tuhereulosis---dethnte„ established, u
gueetionable tuberculosis-ehy ti
eubeitteneous haiection of a now $e
Int: invented :031.1 used by bint at 1*
clinique in Paris to over 100 at
eras •diering the past year, says
liter in 'Tile Lotolon
flhJ 111 LUUK
A. Cassidy, the Well -
g own Sportsman, Tells Why
He is Grateful te the Great Can.
#1, adieu Xidnoy Remedy.
it Ottawa, Ont., Mereth 81-(Speeiel)
r- e-rew people- in the Capital aro as
well known and Popular es Mr.
a "Sam" Cassidy, proprietor of the
4, Bijou Hotel, Itetealf Street, As a
henter nsberemn or More than
local reputetien, be has beCotne
t I 11 w *„. 4 .orl and
•-t, gun all over the •countzor, and molly
(Loettle alzlo enlebielln-soeo°t sojourn walre
counted ono:mg persooal friends.
1 The news, therefore, that he has
o: felled e. Complete eure for a clanger-
- oue malady wIll give oeneral Satf0-
factien, Speaking of it 'he saes:
"My friends an know then 1 bave
• been troulded for yeees with Stone.
• in toe Kidneys; that facets% 1 con-
milted the best phyeicians ad tried
r rearly every remedy 1 coehreljnic of,,
et 1 17:44(7aitilenatbireleet°e:oetal.fertf:trci fold •rint
Doeees Kidney- rine woititi vire nee-
. • As a last reSort I tried then -1i P.M
they bave cured ire. c;neret
PS 1410 JARS ilt
fleys. and I feel the wartoer,t mutt;
r the lxideeys, Lochrehidw
ills will cure it.
sons ate made ill by no greater thing,
than atelting wth ello Lead too low, i
Thee() who have been sleeping with
tbc bead fiat should try Om piatt of
lifti;ef ft. granually. At fleet the
neet: nill to unvonifortable, but soon ,
it will be a halt, to thvp with tl.o ,
•bead raised. .'
It you are a light sleeper. and most ;
people at some time or other have
• trouble getting to sleep, you may ,
try ire pillow eltre. This rolls for
r -oft pillaws, of two Mee% One is to 3
• t under the bead and the other
s to make the neck comfortable. '
Ti e rule is to inele your neck corn- 1
fartable when eciti go to b/rolna
°Wake your head as easy as you!
Then Mahe your noel., eomfor-"
* 1
wan .e. a N ee) given by a
t physician to an insomnia pa-;
tient, .
, "lf you go to sleep with the neck ;
• uusupported you will not Sleep long" •
.., Noel a physician to a. banker. "Al-
ter your bend Is comfortable. begin
aed prop up your neck. Pince a ,
504011 pillow under it, tan t and
totn the corners of your pillows and!
keep On until your bead is parrot) .
supported. Then fall asleep and yeti
will sleep until morning."
A great many women and men, 1
too, eleop better sitting up he a
their than in a, bed. "The reason," t
said a Nip:iciest, "Is that the ilea a;
sepported better when they are
.1(e, ing in that woy. I
But before she gees to eleep the
Woman who wants to be pretty will
cornpo e her features. She will try
to think of pleasant things. The
Woman who goes to sleep worrying
min wake up dux ing the night. Plea-
sant thiteghts will zaahe
Is another rule for the woman
who wants. to sleep soundly and 0
• wal e up pretty: Don't go to bed g
until you are sleepy. The rule of go- ria
ing to bed at 10 o'clock, whether c
You are eleepy or not, makes many s
al, with its feeterhor
leine nom AvcinazAatio-s of
tvy Szl'etieN. of ftith, its plasteriug
mud and penetrath-Ag foolnei-,s, has
almost, toialy vaniq od from within
the Ware of the capitel. The decals
are Inagulheent. Fri:minus. (leen, ad
Wirelike anode and well drained, The
narrow, ditty lanes have been wid-
ebeth, gutters hate been covered, and
rOadwans leoadeneti: until, with its
trains, Rs cars and its lighte, its
miles of teleoeank iinee, its Railway
S111 Ix II .1,71. 1 lel* 1 • . 514(1
glom windowe, Seoul is within sums
ureble distance of becoming the
highest, most illtVreStipg dean
est eily 11), the EOM. iS Still not
ono whit Fairopeenived, fur the pie
tnresqueness of the purely Covean
principles and etendarde of nrchitec-
tore hos been relielously mainteined,
and is to bo oleerved in all future
improvements. 'Phis transformation
is largely due to detlan's examPl0.
and to English °Mead energo awl
The reporter was interviewing he
lew millioneire. "Is it true that
you are going to 011(1011 thair in
hat University?'" "IOndow chairl"
he thundered; "why, I can give a
Whole set o' furniture, an' I'll do
t, toe, Say Unit in yer raper.
'There ain't notlan' clomp about Yee."
When your child-whet)er It is a
big thild or a little baby - suffers
frolo any or the xninor ailments
whith come to children, or is nerv-
us or .fidgety and doesn't sleep well,
ive it Baby's Own Tablets. This
edleine is the quithest and surest
ure, alai the safest, because it is ab-
olutely harmless. It will help the
an ix:sown:la patient out of an other- f
eon healthy person,
A woman afflicted with luau:mitt
went to a phyeician for a cure. "1 h
go to bed every eight at 10 o'clock" Said said ' and T water,. at 8. From ft
that time until 6 I lie awake. Then I
L eleep an hour very heavily," c
; "Try going to bed at 12 o'clock t
Ir a while," said the physician. n
A week later the woman came to d
his• office with besetting face and li
have tried your remedy," eaid 2
elle, "and it worked. 1 I go to sleep
et 12 and sleep like a top until 7.
I find that I did not need more than
eevenhours' sleep."
"That," said the physician, "has
ctu-ed the insomnia patients in
this country. There aro people wbo
need nine hours' sleep a night, and
others that do not need over seven.
it is a all a matter. of personal
lei "eyn• rasy.
Prepare &ourself slowly and com-
fortably for bed. Do not go to bed
until you are sleepy. And then make
yourself perfectly easy. These are
the. rules for getting a good night's
re--t.The woman who counts sheep
jumping over a wall in the hope of
getting sleep will find relief in this
Way. The men who says the alpha-
bet, the norvous v..ornan who cannot
keep her mind off the liouse, end the
head of the family ose affairs clis-
terb Min to the point of distraction
--all of these will find that sleep is
not so far away if only they know
how to woo it hither. '
The, charge of transmitting wire
less 'ea -moos from ship to ship at
sea is sixpeoce a word, with the ad-
dress and siguattire free. From ship
to shore the rate on the American
side is 22 for ten words and 12 cents
for coca additional word, \Vial lir)
chant:, for atairess and sigeature. on
the English sicia tlie charge 10.r a
aeceieram from a liner is 6 sbil-
hugs tor twelve words and sixpence
for each additional word, the sigua-
t use mad- acidresre being charged for. •
eeble n te 1) babey
the well grown child. Mrs, P. D.
Kirk, The Barony, N.B., says: "1
ave used Baby's Own Tablets with
ost satisfactory results, and do not
,e1 safe without thetn in the 1iou.
find that one dose is usually sufli-
lout to cure the small ailments of
he stoinach or bowels." If you do
ot find tae Tablets at your medicine
macre write direct 'to The Dr. Wil -
runs' Medicine Co., Brockville, -(Int.,
nd they will be sent Rost paid at
5 cents a box.
1. Is afor to finical with s
then ete no landliten with it,
"Tomray," said the teacher, "whet
is the half of six?" Tontiny-"I
don't know, sir," Teacher -"Now
Tommy; if two men stole six dollars,
and they agreed to divide it equally
between them, hew much would they
get each?" Tommy (whose father is
magistrate)---"Perbaps fourteen
days, sir."
Dr. Ag1-4ew-3s Ointment Cures
feifee„-Ttclaing, Bleeding and Drexel Piles.
Comfort in one application. It cures in
three to six nights. It cures all skin
diseases in young and old. A remedy
beyond compare, and it never fails.
Bride (exchanging bridal costume
Lor travelling dress) -"Did 1 appear
nervous at x0.1 dhring the ceremony,
Brideselaid (envious) -`..A.
little at first, cloar; but not after
George bad said 'I will!' "
La grippe, pneamonia, and infiu-
enea often leave a easier ceugh
• wlien,they're gone. ,
It is a clan roue thine to eoglee
Cure it with
c. 9
ZThe Lung
Ve.sre T
once .
The cure that le guaranteed by
yeer druggist.
P.rfees: S. C. "31717,,tt.s & Co. 100
pee, se $1 Derteo, Termite. con
• 15-04
is tho real geonis of eincerity,
Of Ids recent researthes taward
euro for tubercuamis, lie wlites
(Mows: "'I'be true tin has bit
to exiceped research, AN AIO way
n discovered to cultivate the
ne more Severe wit:tees-et. than on
,lteipposed to be extiect. Four
Unless the soap you
use has this brand you
are not getting the best
-Len re e on Vete
and doubt than the. of ttlo
Fr voveral leindreda of years Lb
heads of the-houee of tiourteney were
eat is a Owlet Laing aware of
IedeCe, k far wero they from being
aequainten with the digeity tent,
should have been theirs 'V at they
aeceRted baronetcle, and viseountles„
and uera proud to hold them
After three centuries had pane ,
however, an astute leieyer discoveto
ed the pateet ammxg some old re-
cords, and rotted that there were
two 7n/teeing words, "de cm•porte,"
tareelly Inserted be •patent&
71he coiary meant that the earl -
emu ecale be initeeitel hy collateral
;bele% and a Coertenais 1Sn1a
tee a hord COO, estobli,d_ed his
to qt. wooer; 1de ;offs.
eeuge 1:e recoveresi wee the One
Vreated Iry gnehn Marr'h
Flvo three the ettaltiom
us on a feeding ground approact
ing as nearly an poesible the natural
conditions. The present method I
adopt for oetting the texin is the
• test tubee in this wayX
"Yelling bacilli are bred 'primitives`
9 deSignated them in a corrimuni-
tion to the International Con.
wens of 4:tulicitte of 1990) on a nour-
ishing ground counisting of leueottro-
lc ealf's serum, (white corpuscles) and
Uvcr broth. •mixed with glycerine.
After it Vert -tin noniber of (^bargee
which bacillus undergoes on this
inew feeding ground one is highly as-
tordshed to lind no tulawcultrie, but,
en the control:v. tonic sob,
stance, whielt 'tills Mall animals, and
to which tuberculous animals are no
less riexesitive thon healthy ones,
, "One can, at this point Matte Vile-
, bits awl guinea edge immune anstinSt
isubstootent, infection. Horses are also
Iiinmenired with this filtered, bacilli -
free product containing the toxins,
and fr011t bleed tit the animals is
Otiteined the new anthem:le Forum.
'Experiments wore (Met made on tub-
lermilous 'liniment: then on litinain sub-
ject% Tho baeilli which have boon
tl'eatecl for e. protracted time with
this leucotoxic heated serum are re:A-
l-11y mastered ond realise% bed ‘vithoue
forming the usual abscess. without
causing a general infection; while
forming an inoculatory instrinnent
ageinnt subsequent tuberculosis in-
however, atter stone 'unsuccessful
experimentn, Ih., Marmorek in the
serIng of last year began to make
active and successful tux° of serum,
nten.dily continuing' treatmeut on now
over 100 coneumptives, end so far
-with a fine ebsenc-e of failure,
]dr. Israel Zangwill, the author,
brought the treatment before the
notice of a dying man Plorence
who was suffering frora intestinal tub-
erculosis, aggravated by six fistulas,
tbe largest over thirtoen Indies in
length. Count Hochberg, the, patient
in •question, is the brother of the
better known Prince Henry of Pless,
and bad become so weak from. this
trouble that in April last he was in-
capable of standing without the
greatest, effort and pain, was too
week either to stretch or to hold up
a book wbile reading, and Was visit-
ed regularly by, most violent cold
sweats, shivering fits, and recurring
So, after recourse to the most
pronxinent German specialists and
surgeons, including the celebra.ted Dr.
Gebeirnrath von Mikulite-ch-Ratietzky
of Breslau, who had operated on him
for three of the worst fistulas, he de-
termined to try the new Parisian
euro, and from Fiore:race to Paris be
was =Tied helpless to his last hope.
Dr. Jifarrnorek, considering the case
so grave and so far advanced, deter-
mined to administer the serum daily
although his usual treatment involves
a, break after ever3r three days' injec-
tions, and, beginning treatment at
once, visited the weak and sineing
mart at his own hotel.
What followed reads more like a
fairy tale than sober fact. On the
third day the violeot shivering fits
abated; after the tenth injection
Connt Hochberg rose and walked;
after the thirteenth injection, the skin
taking a slight inihrionatory appear-
ance, it was decided that the treat-
ment had been satlicient; and two
more injections closed the emergence
from the elusive but tenacious bacil-
lus into hopeful health.
Then those who treated the Count,
who had given up hope, who had
foretold early paralysis and death,
who had reluctantly passed him from
the orthodox practitioner to the al-
leged quack, came wonderiug to
Paris. There, at an informal seance
in the patient's room, the great, Dr.
Mikullteeh, With Prof. Hartman and
Dr, Soulier of Paris, made an ex-
haustive examination, entered upon
with doubt and scepticism. but closed
with quite cordial but halt humbled v
congratulations to the wonderful man
who •had injected mysterious life un-
der Liao skin of the stomach of a dy-
ing m an.
Truly a memorable rout! No trace,
of indication of consumption could !ie
Ifoend. The th• roe fistulas bad dried a
p, only the three ugly surgical
wounals, legacie from the early oper- N
•ined, The erlat written
surgeon and epeeistliet, wee the first
to beg for a VOW of the tritomphott,
serum for experiment end ).F.„'3.# widio
the grateful Count Itoeitherg, elioett
weight late Increased now 40 riT .(1r.•!It
is rive ramtliv, with tte Evots.
briRh't one% and light sele etep
of a man in soutad health, r, ou a
tour round the world, v.:tit -tiv eta -
than and exuberanee of a le onto
has temporized with eloal erifted.
half Into the dark eternal. zt tr,,erg.i4
Cd unseathed.
Many doctors have en:roamed ini
elm?, corifielent of fitalio.„ tie 7
thing there still. yet no tone has been
recessiol in the quest. •It in dirscult
to realive or soberly appreeiete tbe
rnetemorplmele which 1;es beei
Ilnquestroued cures
brought about.
wrought, both in pulinermen, and in-
testinal tuberculosis', and euliv one
of the most pluoninent hos been her
• detailed, No error has been suggest-
ed, and If these hundred odd patients
e suffering from a common delusion.
then the flaw in the cure or the fraud
In tho curer is beyond the wit of the
writer to (Recover.
*holders have been attainted aixd fo
.11117(eIdifare. revived the earldom
of Eftword Colirteuriy, wl•otho ,
-foes reign, when oniy tomb.
age. lies t otoraltted prietin-
le Tower. 17e was relet1F0414
v •toenlyeeight years OILI
4114 IIe died at Padua, of Poison.
LTC 01' thro, teen TQLP/or) )
V. "oc 1:1T-
l're.rix J. •neerey si el e
, eet.tor pertoer of Ito Cepa of Le.
1,13.i.ey 4 t . Ooing Nis:root; in t
City et Tokets. Voulity cult Stamo
ob.-resold ocol that eed tnn
ptve 241'3.3 a ()NI'.
tar teeti axid geese" ceee of Vateeeh var
4sk,i4kO1 tt, CIAkkIL UN 10 317? •et lien'
t'otfore t exe, on A e X, 4. V11Y
etrylig'rerteto"ueelvitirev tirig
au**us ono tes
1;1 %no; thr
flh1ffiI011 Permanc
Anriurri Irfeetion• of the
an Company was 1?elti at t
ik 2a4. Therc t g
ent, Eon.
oxt f.oan
el t
o the airai
submit, the
o the
Venn -Nei
.(71 profits
House of Courtenay X.ost Title fo
Thxeo Hundred Years.
The cath Is annotteed at Pawner -
ham Castle, near Exete.r, of the
thirteenth Earl of Devon, in his
ntneteteldrd year says tto London
The late Earl, who was prebendarY
of Exeter Cathedi al and rector of
Powderhano succeeded his nephew in
the earldom in 1891.
The how% of Courte.nay, to which
the Earl beloged, dates back to a
very early period, and mernbere -of
the family bare for centuries been
associated with the bletery of the
touttry. The existing branch was
fatulded by Sir Philip Courteney of
Powderbain Castle, who received the
honor of knighthood frotn Edward
the Black Prince the day before the
battle of Navaret in Spain.
One branch of the Courtenays were
Counts of Odesea, and another be-
came allied to the royal family of
France, In. England the Courtenays
have been Oiled to tlie Bonvilles,
Bohuns, Spencers, St, Johns, Tal-
bots, Veres cold royal house of Plan-
With the city of Exeter the fareily
has always been closely associated.
and in olden times tbere were stout
struggles for privileges between the
Earls of Devon andr the ainyors of
the cite.
Pew, if any, titles in the peerage
have been, for long periods of their
history, Involved in more inysteey
No Nourishment In It.
It's not easy to keep up when cof-
fee has so ruined the stomach that
food won't digest.
A Mo. woman says: "I had been
an iavalid for two years from stom-
ach trouble caused by coffee, got so
bad I couldn't digest food and for
quite a while I lived on milk ' and
lime water -nothing but that -a glass
of milk and Ririe water six times a
day. In this way 1 managed to live,
but, of course did not gain.
"It was about, 5 moeths ago I
began using Postum Food CoiTee; I
did not need the milk and lime water
after that for I gained rapidly and
I can now eat a gpod meal and drialr
from 1 to 3 cups of Poetum each
meal and feel fine.
`PI would not go back to coffee for
any reasonable pay. I like Postum
better than coffee uow and make Pos-
tum by directions on box and it is
just fine; never found a better way to
male it than. on hcr7o Now this is
all true and you can eaelly prove it."
Name giyen by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich.
Postum is a brow from field graine
iith all the nourishment left in It
makes red blood and rebuilds parti-
cularly well where coffee has, done
clainage as it does to nearly all who
A days' trial of POstiom in as
lace of coffee Works. wonders. There'sl-p
reason, • t
Get , the little book, "'The Road to
VellOille" in eaeh packag-e. t
Z ,41,d) to t4zees1,^Texu-entitigal of- ip
rerit of Profit an
Bs if :ea opr: and furniture, NT', remetit
tilltiontiletostr1410 oIth: 1,7'n,n4d2.of
Shereholefere open 1 to be
are in a position to
r, results of the olterati
y deaden the post „' and bone shot pleasere
xerelle. nt character of the services renotrod by the
!cori of The Company.
Alt ot.ccieicit is lospeetfully sahrnittod
•t 't oainnt for the E
1:"! : (I ircO:rtm'en21."‘e 7 t 411
• F u11(1;i's
t -r17111,:s1 ....'..".. .
., •.. ,
/1. I
A W.4:11.134'=0°,1.
fur tti toreale Goo.
V'. .1. 411141N1=1V 4 .
S *I 1113 oll Dru*.11h**e.
l'eLe Laval's Kandy
41 eonnJlorary opporcd to t
of tobacco, Rats: 'The women ought
o make a ple,hre not to lehs a mall
1V110 'Ufa tobacco, and it will soon "
break up the practice." It would be
broken up nueh sooner were the
ladies to pledge themselves to hiss
'try num Who does ;lot.
• oes laaelomvanna, March 18t1I.
Ten Dollars, ten days via. Water flap.
Stop -over at Philralelphia and
nlore. Sleeper to Philaileipille. lie -
serve ficecnoreodatioas isew 9,S9 Main
Street, Buffalo.
1.,,--elorraetber elderly "No," said t y heir -
s%"1 do not you, e. trim-
inins." "But," pleaded the young
man, with all the fervor that a
string of -debts0,114 inepire, "but,
could you not leern? One is never
too old to learn, you 1:11041-."
A Oct frestrlis,--Dr. Von
Staat's rietapple Tablets would prove
great olace to Ow clishsoneereel dyspeptic
if he s:orrid but test their petency. They're
Nmilaille gems in preveeting the *eating ef
eteratch disorders by eidieg end ttimulat-
lug dtestioe--eo ef these health "'saris"
in a box, and they cost 33 cents. Recces, -
mended by r=se; makers!. p14ys2cia11e.-64
When the self-made man begins to
crow the old rootter has to octup
bath perch,
111/3... VI/no/owl; SOOTtiLk4t1 trvyr 10131 ast4
. or 0,, er flirty Vcaro
roillieos n moth, ra far Oar 10021V
.11 soothe* the chill. urti.ctis 0/.3F:um-al AV e43e1
*hal collo /err .04 borolo, sod io lbw
ruzzlots tiwolaourth"otZ. °Trott/131%4
ebrotwar Mietly
ask fat " Alus. lirna.owsSooynnar 51n741 Li -5
Tt? -tber
iivevait Accrate
He best, prays to his ratlier who
provides for his brother.
ladney Experiment,--There'S nO
time for experimenting when you've
coverd that you are a viedm of some one
form or another of kidney theme*. Lay hold
of the treanneat that thousand e have pareed
their faith to and has cared quickly sod
manently. South A...nevi-can Kidney Cure
stands pre-eminent in the world of medic -lee
es the kidney sufferer's truest friend.-ez
°TIT Or A .)OB
An old Scotch lady was much di -
tressed on reading that gas was being
introdueed to take the place of whale-
"0 dear! 0 dear!" she exclaimed.
"Whatever's to become of the puir
whales now?"
Lackawanna $10.00, ten days, ex-
tra, .stop -over at Baltimore. Cheap
side trips. Philadelphia sleeper. Pull
particulars 289 Main Street, DuOalo,
What is believed to be the deepest
gold mine in the world is being
worked at Beedigo. "Australia. The
mine In question, which is called the
New Chum Railway Mine, has sunk
its inain shaft to a depth of 3,900
feet, or only 60 feet short of three -
01 a, mile. The chief pro-
blem is how to keep the tunnels and
general 'workings cool enoxigh for the
miners to work in at such a depth.
It is uSually e,bout 108 degrees, and,
to enable the men to work at all a
pray of cold water let down from
bove has to be kept continually
laying o31 the bodies -naked from
he waist opward-of the miners,
Even then they cannot work „bard, Or
hey ;Mild faint from exhaustion
Merited 1
Dividends paNable
Balance of Prolit
• .1 • •
• • 4 0.4.44 44.4 *
e• *44444.4 44
4•44 V.
• 44 .4.44.
• .4.
4444. 4.4.44
• 44. 4110 I • 444.
r atst,
..... st,2noarrt, 68
. ••• 8,052 trii
115,000 00
15 00
ai.,441 84
....• 1.8,547 42
* 108,300 29
1.703,584 74
0- 7
Profit and Loss Account,
• rat.
Intevest on.1 . timesand TJepoolte ... .... • . ,542 TV,.
Written off (Mice Furniture and Promises . . I.. 444 1,440 2*
Dividends -.4.4 •• • • • • • • • • • 44 • • • • • • • •• 414 . . .'.' .... . n8,778 8f
Transferred to Reserve Fund ....... .. . 0 • 45,000 OC)
Balance, I3rotit and 1.055 ........., ...... • . .,18,547 42
Balance 3tst December, 1902 ..... ,...... .......... * 2,250 37
Interest, 1ent, etc., niter payment of eupenses, including Sal-
aries, Directors' Fees, Government Taxes and reee .221,064 82 -
$228,114 69
Auditors' Certificate.
• We nave emitted the aceounts of The Dorainian Permanent Loan Com -
Pony for the twelve itionths ending Dec, 81st, 1903, and find the trans-
actions of that period accurately recorded in the bocfes of tho Coamarase
the receipts aceounted for. tho payments duly authorized and -smothers pro-
duced therefor, We 'certify to the eerrectnetes of the atcoximanying State.
meat of .Aseets and Liethilities end Profit arid Loss Account, We havo
made a careful ex.amination of the securities, checked the same with the
Mortgage Tiegister, and report ever:011'mo satisfactory.
(Signe(1) DARBY vlonoN, Chartered Aceountants.
(Signed) 0, M. irunsoisT,
Toronto, 16th February, 1904.
On motion of Mr. Stratton, setontied by Mr. Earn, the above Report
was inirmienausly adopted.
The following Directors were then re-electede-Iron, J. R. Stratton,
President Trusts and Goarantee Company; D, IV. Kern, President of the
D. W. Kant Company, Woodstock; C. i(loopfer, Manufacturer, and Dire -
tor Traders' Bank, Toronto; T. P. Coffee, and F. M. Holland, Toronto,
At a subeequent meeting of the Directors, Hon. ..T. R. Stratton was
re-eiected President, and Mr. T. P. Coffee Vice -President,
Write the Company's Office, Toronto for its
attractive offer to those desiring to invest in
detbent taros.
oa5cr Flostolleasoarimpat!eal
see -Yoe didn't hear the men -use An atqoe rable rood of the
the word "obey" in the wedding cere-
monyre-No, that's so; but they
usually have to all right.
Lever's Y -Z (Wise need) Disinfect-
ant Soap Powder is better than
other powders, as it is both soap and
disinfect ant.
Charming Young linstess-''Why,
Major, you are not going so soon?"
Major (who prides himself on being
one of those fine old -school fellows
who can say a neat thing -without
knowing it)--' 'Soon? Madam, it may
seem 80031 to you; hut it seems to
me I have been here a, lifetirrie."
ay with Catarrh I
tes Loatilsomt, It'a BISEJSthg.
Instant Relief and Pornortent
Dues Serrnerreol try the use, of Dr,
Agritotst's Onlarrnal Peneider.
Bere's strong evidence or, the quick-
ness and sureness of thot wonderftd
remedy, Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow dart
"For years I was a victim. of Chronic
Caturrh-ttied many • remedies but no
cure was effected until 1 had procured
and used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow-
der. 'First application gave me inetnet
relief, and in an lecreefely '011ort mrhile
1 "was absolutely cured' -J Head-
ley, Dundee, i3. Y. • ea
or. Agnew' s Itteart Cure re11,1)0.1- ir#
ao totnures.
Finest quality and fta.vcritr•
Rotri'tio and Economical..
• 49-21
ea tree. Kt tate
L.P"tgo# g -tz•obe.Z. o tunes
Can bo d000 y#ceoatly by our "rasa l'rocets. Try
• I44441'445 Atta8aleAE4 IlYll!NCI CO• ,
OgoiNTTRECAT,, TORO , Oen:AV/1 :17•QT.Ll'ilBECk
Po itry,
BEd r
Pi -a
And Farn-t 145
cluc1) generally"
consign it to us
aral we will get
you good pricois.
new mash
ir.CO1IR:Q.17.4'''r Ca. 1,
... 12-0n.