HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-3-24, Page 5tri I AMES WHO HAVE NOT YET VISITED our spring display of Dress Goods and 2 Suitings have a pleasant visit yet iu store. The Zit sooner you, come the sooner you will realize the 0.4A good service this store offers. Here you will find 5, Everything fashion calls for that is stylish and dressy that is new and up to date. OPPLFASTONE & GARDINER. POPELESTONE & G.A.RDINE General Merobants. RE3S Gensnal Merchants, GO ..For soon The Latest Novelties 10 Suitings The htest uov1ties in Light Weight Fli y Fabries The liolee and select eolors shades are aluiost bewildering. Suitings y adopted for tailor-made or shirt waist separate shirts ete Lightweight Fltbries ee- ially adopted for veiling, tea, house or stret dresses. LIGHTW FABRICS Knelt Voiles Fancy Knop Lus Twine Voile Silk and Wool Ottoman Silk Grenadines Wool Grenadines Wool Panamas Canvas Cloths Crepe de Chene IVioltair de Chene Silk and Wool Eolienne This is an enumeration of SUMNGS Scotch Tweed Suitings Sathi finish Austrian liox Cloth, Pebble Suitings, r ickered Cheviot Suit hr Athole, West of land Suiting, 'y Friezes y Iiarnespuns, tin Cloths serge Suitings adies' Cloths *tench. Cords few of our many teaders. 1•••••••••••• LACE CURTAINS prom 250 to $7 a pair We have imported 400 pairs of lace' curtains at a reduction of from I0 to 25% and can show a •most ex - • elusive lot of the best productions of European designs. 2 We pride ourselves in this big collection, and say our selections have been the very best we have yet made. CARPETS Hemp Carpets at 20 and 25c Union Carpets at .... y3,..40, and soc Tapestry Carpets at.. . . 75, 95c 43atirinto-Virear CiOthing. Made b3 Coppley,Nloyes Ec. Randall Hamilton These goods are all shrunken, sewn with linen thread and silk and are most perfect goods in make and up-to-date in style. Men's Suits at 4,50, 5.00, 6,0o, 7,00, 7.50, 8 50, „ . • . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • 9 00, $10.00. el• Boys' Suits at 1.75;2.00, 2,254 2.50, 2.75, 5,00, L'I0 Men's Tweed and Worsted Pants at 1,25, 1.40, it,' . . • • . . . . • . . . . : . 1 .75, 1.8 5 , 2.00, 2.50, $3 .0o Boys' rnickers at •. 50, 75, 95, $1.00 •0 • Don't .Ferget Our Big, Collection of Wall Papers Exclusively Colin McArthur's, IVIontreal •This is the only factory . in Canada using the per- f.:ct equipment asknown as the DOUBLE PROCESS. On making a comparison between our goods and some others, yon will notice that the printing is clear and 40 sharply defined, and that the colors stand out perfectly FLIM. in our papers; and they are all made by the Double ct-a Process. . off ;:t! 10 Per Cent o on oods Punch- - ased From us for Cash Re- deemable in Silverware. Atf t. LBAMINGTON 1.),sitiEss NO I E LIKE THE PRESENT To begin a Business or Shorthaeed Cone, Wecanuot get carrualt gregluatos to Olt nue c1te 'open us for ottlec bolo. Can Plage 21't 1132)rO ottra /24qi1 AS CM age.1Y of Vevermooth to start. New 2gQ1n9:11 from 1.'0, 1. oll 1YrIte for catalog "110. A, 1411ROWN, Prineipal. °cols • and Mrs. It. .9, ants ,a1 t leo Gibson ttupl ia I s leeert on Wt.tinaestiday. drien (literitten. wlieltas 14.00 . seriously ill durinitU wit fzu reeks, is we aro pleased to state, • iropronting, .1r. Clots, ,Nta J. rinson, of Andersex n 00 grs.J. fli Chark. B.0. were, the guo-s ;VM. John, White LI& we-ek. ion solo a Farm Si(el; an4 be te on lot 12. concession 0. May, April SOL Alberi, rTix...ter, if. Alrenn auction.. r. D. A. ettivare. Who in hailing at nt ItinhouIefivis Uhuot'W (Friday) intends Kings ,t4Ite. Ont., wito•re a;ge,neral 3419 on Vriday, t. ruchelsea, was a ° n'OcCens. 1:11`;, 51014 hr.:ought good over .ittdtt being realized. .nr. Vlii,fir Ma-ry4 ve:eldol t initter In Lis tuaial good 514:4-°. Friday March 2b. Auctien(Al-.,P houFeltold rorniture. at Mr. AlwareP. refdeence at the aiiintitery......n. Brots, IlltetioUvr. 17. A. Alward, proprietur round.—A roll or MILs„ Owner may *o same on proving property and yint; for this alivertmtinortt, Tiros orrice,. F04tuovitttilti,t; NO1. Attitit WEIX-4titrifirt low'seafAbinsf nitro- nrei **-t: :Arty parsiv trattitatii of" uto-PateiNfar,. e walla ic.etb11.4-4,-. Web 1,ttlev:IlAiciirr utei vel.41di Wile.. 334 the!b ootc, tur.a. OtVaall ta the 'Mite:. tri k-Ti^r°47r.oil yr+ bane., its Analnet Is_ ;to! aZiag and tabe 04104/or neettie I -eaves the lends bLiss re 5 in VictorUsi onto weeks paSt,..., =facets hos o e expects to leave the 1rspt. week. it may be SiNlia Few weizs elm Ls able to return recovery ba5Inton rapid and in to nanny. R ply 'Was Sent...-aho follow fee -erred In roply' to a letter:It nLo on or the three thousand barrels apples shipped last tall from, Shake sKere. by Bic. It.Lantr, or this plicz —Rt. :tniirew's Ere. $cotiond. To ---arodarol—X bought a 'el or Soldwins containing a letter :on you, on Nov. stil, 100, from INtessrs.Brougi ai Sou. Dande«. They were first elasoLrt.Jnperfeet Gen- dition and cost me 4r-1-0 (4.25) in Dundee, to which oncoltilling carriage U o St. Andrews saust ;be added. Th -y rem, I assure you , the fittest barrel C Iialdwins I (won bou.ght, and I tould have no objection to gettiog tally more or the 'sante. "Yours tru. Andrew linxten, General Grocer. ets A it C; Still Another 1.),i4h1.51t,-,Artztr o •;31.s... ' dand .no king a ourrus efforts Mada by' the G. "1`, hard and fasti aw ilia commotte't tro and which 2.6-04tQa in most of. tire . into -deep wa1;,r, and fitiallyL a tacit km braocie lines 0Aperlod up last to give tha bill a ytitar's hoist was it was hoped' that the $eettsonof vied by largesteajority. lir 1i...trim., ...51Z3i-t- he fry pro - .se n ruzilina pounce of e sugar ini2nrot 1901,.ond Lao.. bcrzinning to command a ready :vieareerer it is introduced. 1i3 b,e,er, factory c.shut (town; . ArkAtrtgelowiuk nerlele tQ, tr•Ori tft;t hi, frOV.1 04. 2 idockaacs halt, been •passed.; ;Rut .Pri- day last tttt;Zatt saw Atte lioes tied up. A cr!vrin front tite east bringing the ratia-ay.5 ,oncet zitbr to a .stanelte:td1, Op e-!atetrritrY a train on the L: U. a. was Kent out Erma London to Wing i19311, owl across tool:0=41744w. Tiw t rain did not rialskits journey haw - ever, in the vity or Exeter, suaw 'ard ice had gathered On the traek,and • 'witen the iccometiva struck it, it WIS 0, 'ROW t IMO cnt SlIndaY IttOrnr3118. raWn it ‘1125 replaiNtel'en the. track. Post- mastE,t, christie drove in the seeec of Me a i•eek and succeeded, in oe.iting off the tuail for ranter and ilensall, tho I. for it'Sturday w4 boa onk saa:i s'IV::: at 1W15.t A'NZ.trytiiiiiff • ii°.w nib,• 0.1;e,s, I o.ba in good working arthttr on on unit lutes, and trams ara, to,w ftrittlifIg pret ty touch on scheizah time, I1,5 242011 2225 Ur, road is elea..,4 zight wilt immediately begin to •h; oved n Eche tresting, home of Mr- anti Urn tIn$ pc.1.0o or 0 'VC -iv tanning (avant r tore:lt 130. 1014 thou'detue‘,.h Mtss Latte Allay Eked marriao to. .541r, llOggins, on of the late. ,t1.1. , cf Kxeter. 'line ceremony gorgted a* 7 lo'clocic, by 4it) Gedwirt.Ain the pr's?nan Arty lavtked :wets, Tfr: "Vik,111 tINVt.t,F t•le ti..tr t charMing, attired itt lt or create coloretlea.; edW4LViCiut silk, lace u4 earrittw a bonnet maimat hair rerns r18 bbon, Tbe AritW Adare W.:we tt Voile drA w4 errt pink The groom wsupperred by Obaries Pietro', 14 broth - the bride, it,ri t nuretialei re performed. and 'a via tiaras coalved, a, very dainty - 4, The presents bestowed open ynun g couple own owner. 4 Itandson.to. The groont's.gift ' bratio wats a handsome uprizitt •Ottfa43 WOW prewrit Crain , retrulia,Fors.„'st, Alvins'kert II:infield and til‘11.51' 14141ta. !dr will take upatove. in. tire the newly furalsbed oltezeal by tato groom en slim- Tbe Jleirrwitla ▪ tininCOngt'ottlilatintlin. 1"2 .• tba, munificent in 744 t..alar4!.. c 1roff4ciattt aft, t; fora po.t,.,tiffiaa„ A thincrea Tcavitto w ir'' anal a bt pas,'no ,,,..0.083 the local officials there itr soin5t taii.qatka tigurc ;2 9 telbP,:ivd, vateit sept to Ottawa. and ve CAI 21111 OM*, Utakt h.vertkri was corre41.- Tb l eight. oik'ric 1'''t eat office eeco pezzimg elizir heads ir know bow Cher ar.a goebez 417.Ve ire this, 0,Xtrg, W78, Sussex, Engiana. there is flee, level stretch of road vory nakielt witb automobile owners. The naptation to scorch has been such az numerous complaints bave en dr.'s at to enpba dna, the tov.la ttOVO VIneed an ord.er with antki firokfor ,one or its fastest ltines• It wU be by the town able 'in rxmlnilert; rxi search-- 111ot „bbe ,u, 70341:1-eriegriaz rritol _mom. firm :bat sold the otheriti?s OW flyer is is dart. Immobile us,tracisra, ported eh Mio.-'s S -o tleq, Odra, •ninitivtulgitority •ot, art, witn ; I 1.1.111 ' t) V34 tL he ' *bet the ilmollOraliarn will be at OttiterS4 Ott - vier, on 'Critley evening', will ha tlict twat T11011115 WilAttti' • Via tar woll, tore ViSits Allewell soprann:. end air., Gralialta, lab -ciao enterteinutent: thotlist Church last might nted with an orgaa so- 5,ploralente Ter llens, biro 'to bo :atusWirki.r t. Mr% p2.51eZt,‘,. d and werhttlrf..in,I 80, • Ida ranze, aud iustbr ut eel aered, and secular— intelligence or ir.ttorpretution, 4 wu•tanly: Queerest, 1Zer hat Atid4t, probably Torrinztozen bi ine' in, the matter or ex. pirutiion. thuttgb .A.r.ditti's waltz on dintlayed the finest erenotitve ability and non rupturoar unCOre. in 1140 Old SCOLC11 ballmds Urs. Ileweit was most pleasing'. Mr. Bewail is the pas - o1 a rich -toned teary- baritone lvoice, and artfunati itinillittAittEtrat• trent he titar,t. 'llabrias the Oret,ae Wtta Z1V911 with a virile Deatbring that draw /tenth a, hpanty eacorle ',Honor and Atinis' frcni Ilandent 4Sittnson,' was also ;Ina iliFlphiptl‘ mar/table ficribi lit y and vocal .power. Mr. SI nit Mrs. Bowel' joined at the irj (Ironed's hcaptiful due411t. •Iforev,n with the Lord; in which there -wail good balance,•bIendinmand espe4ssion. 31..r. Graham is a. gentle- man .tif * comma.ndittvg. lEterrsicenulity, with a good volcc,'and proved himself finished elocutionist, and won re- pealed clan:rest*. histreally able pre- rttata,tons. Ulm entnetatinizoont was o. high order,;and uruche un- joyeal by these who heard it." couple oil icel gr3-U, „wUi giv;!, tluut a wz...1454 ;t khurts:- itrr will provide a ca age for ,the ding. a boob fl. makck tir.nt present or a dogen pktures of rqty.,olvc.4. aul an ivq.,iiraexteer wit tbNal with a NV2Mtialig 011 4 sl8t.2,t an Utz Ilantatozt accordance with orders from • rntel-.4 rams NO 11 Ize,, al% church eboir6t tire dioret,?_ of livollitan r.Snell a ritartz.,,Th may al - •"11 the diocese of Low, atilt Ott thc, prom JrI choruses connit. cr,b mplished all at tip talwia unsitterablef time, to hoy... qualified to !slick MI so - awl alio parts, It alopears tht Ia in:ss Pope Pius tamers tit.t Oeorgien or plain chant rattsic, and L s es:Rested. o may at on early ;late re- enneuneemmi, berifirig(81 nperance policy tiNittl8 a the goad linc,4 or ii.Lea • iu:. eled c.rivfrom icens„:s 1 fines a tbel !qruetraffio .1.903 7 coRn.parod• -with i•ii01,300 aureual r;:iiorl. of -thn- dn Ord sr of Oddfdlows shows ova ibere was £u Ontario•al. the t8of U te year 208 11.g-,8lowing a bertallipef 246014 Inereas? ' par of 111. During vd.ar 2,811 mernbetv... "received. as se1r, Lte: $4;77,73rfriTil-. totiel t8l,or.i.e. benefits and relict eggregetted$ 9.e4.so. ottairerag...s or $.22513.22 • oadi day. 'r113 aecomulo.-2d; fund et ni (lea etts Le i,172;841 1l"1 E OA.o I arinWttrica,Matr. Made, without qua,liTicatio/cs., flenr-Atai4 in the' preparation in Oat, n'orld that goo. anteg.gt cure It in the Lt. is the only Ili,: Mtl. imposstble to cure an e no of Piles witlt olnannen r. in,factions. ontwar atEn)CA,I, Grademtp Vict.; veraity, otlice and re,,adeaeztee LePointory,Exeicr. _ L. .. 1-1'N..1141 3), L. al '; otpr llneiltit oo ,zooto toontist. xtrrc.oci withut o1,aitt or Qifen. 00102.2m F. k3Qa4s 1QJi. Wait sidoot -1a.tte tOE Wtt- 0.1C- DIAINIT,13ST. Reborevaduate of tlliet Toronto 1.'terensitt ad Royal Colleze of Iltotgl Sur,reong or otarle,with twoors • Atm Post-gracturoooX hicaso School of Prostlletio Itera1e-Pi-5' 102)111 onelr-stAttat011ti•Nt. ;VerithIng 121121'301 t 2,1 Profe,;stor, elattua office.•Vridge crowoi. al. 4 Mint, 5Ok1 naVi NV6p1ate tot dapo Pte.te,,t, mariner pose:Ale.L 4t*4'tJ7 SirgIc.,2;11417:23 t,:heca for pa ^ s -rac. eo orl.cath of 1" rap issued witi ev,^4 lfrtn tvbiab conedn 4+44 ONEY TO LOAN ret 17.:ST /41.70 f ONRY TO sou nemie. u the •wnship, on T- r. and ,31r zit ler Consumption is a human weed flourishing best in weak lungs. Like other weeds it's easily destroyed while young; when old, sometimes 'am possible. Strengthen the lungs as you Would weak land and the weeds 'will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork is good too, but it is very bard. to digest. The time to treat consump- tion is when you begin tryin to hide it from yoursel Others see it, you won't. Don't wait until you can't deceive yourself any longer. Begin with the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion. If it'll *or th-13 Centralia • —Ifrs. (Dr.) itrabonald, Del raj t , L'3 visiting her parents, Rev. 73.L. Hut- ton at the paresonage. —Rev. Mr. Andonson, or Kirkton, very accoptaldy filled the 'of the Methodist thorth berexon Sunday lost t • Rev. 13. L. Hutton taking Atr. .anderatni's work at Eirkton. —iThe several ,familles from our Inieberhooft, who are waiting /,'.or cars 'to move their household to the North-west are becoming anxious, as Lha tspring work out there will soon commence. ENERAL NEW S The Standard, the new •paper re- cently started in Windsor, ihas sus - ',ended publieation of its daily eat - Saturday editions will be continued. it isn't reall3r • consumption 50 much the better ; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment. If it. is consump- tion you can't expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat- ment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can, eat all you can, that's the treatment and that's the best treatment. 0110 Door liOrtil.01 FOgt) )01116e • Terms---Casll •or Produce. 9' tt OPPEESTONE & GARDINER:, POPPLESTONE & ,GARDINER. Geliterid ti Merchants. •Greneral. Morelli/rats. • A. sad and. fatal accident occurred at Lake Clho.ries on February by niitich Susan Spicier, 6., .gi,r1 of 18 years was killed. She was,in the barn pulling on a rope alit:ad:hod to, a loose piece of. timber overhead, used a6 heist whsn .the beam fell; crush- ing out her life, almost instantly., Tin) •1 -p:0 -will of the:total number or letters .posibecl, will be 'genea.tally milted to be a Lair indication of Hie progress of the general dietivelopin.aot or the emintry. The report of the '1' cis t master General, just • is.st shows 9ha if 253,791,000 lottors were t ed. in Canada last year. 'illio, ,profit On silver coinage receiv- , - ad by the . Government last year aroonnts to ,"14:6,24795, and .on copper We will send you eetnege 5,ao,45.to., 2,tio. is duelto the • silveo (er copper, They consist of 'in sion free. ' ' '' , ' ` , alloy to make (toot more dural)le,and Ba am* that thil picture 1? there Core the Ger., urnment benefits to . *ha 1°'"' °la 'Abc't '" ore tho ',. the C`2 tent of the ,'Isilver or co 1.1,-• re.- It't.r4La,Pulfstiron o;oulovuty? bt?itia c'f' ! Pi a c e a ItY 'the alloy% ' , t I ". scow & BowNA• ,1( \\7'11. 'etilate, r 'Lilo wiritil betivecin trie-ig'11' runners should be increasedby legls. ChenciniS, i lalion occupied an hour and a half" Toronto, Ontario. of :the time of the 'Agroulturc' Com-. ' mittee .or he Lrgislature on Friday a little of the Emui.- oGius'ario riot of! llura vote futedfitro 1;$0tlowsateo, Si'ANDURY to . Exew.r. sles,i'elters.Notarieki.< ner.q.solie.itors for ?owes:. rates e Jv y data her.° We have the Guest. stook it tow ioi (latte oyou Want ail the latest styles, in the nellteSt lora, Our prices elow as can h onn rfirst-tdoss material rind wo Itnt. and 5 rue vibe .rh„se are 01%114"'n icipixs; ------- but. if 5on :‘ Dwelt 01b, liellis Sor4ilt, °iv?, van Chattga them." loVed •wife of Jimmy' 'Mal: rts, tilstvereu‘s ns:brInlirlatv'Nel 1141211;01;NIS4.-111°°S1)treplIbPetni .13en%Yr:. h choice. Some; of"tb? 1904. ;Taro Wilcox, freliCt .0 • ttb oy Wye ratty ly that their choice is 1 William ParlF.Dits, of Exetker„ 'neither." which cosi!, it is likely 80 years 5 inonthfand 15 days.. Lo be all orf. Stilt roost or "the "Imps will feel the pressure or necessity im the ;party to do something whicir will d'-trac,t publie attention. Crept the .Nerranent record, the Garyrbar- , the machine operators, and such subjects. What they •eltnt iss whirl& win cover a multi t ode ot Isins,— .11orttre31 Star There b. n ranter emanating •ttont Liberal zouree5 at the Parlz.ment V.-M.10111gs .o the erect Ora 0:antler Item has Cormalated a third alterna- tive for dealing with the •prohibition question, which he will put to his followers in canons. The two plans have 1.WO features, --I, Highenses. 'Chat is, reduction of the number of licenses in a. municipality, and raising*1 of the price of licenses so that the amount of revenue to ho derived will be the no. 2, Lice= inspectors not •to be allowed to remain longer than a limited ,period n one place. It is claimed that such a proposal would receive the support of some of the nacre extreme opponents of !Ube first tWO schemes already mentioned. ,Tha evidence taken intthe enquirly into the Sault wages payments indi- cates that there wereseveral large sized Ethiopians in the:fence. It was pretended by the Ross: Governrocut the t it was paying Lbe wages at work - VII. An a matter of fact, it paid on- ly the claimet 530,000.a.-ypar offici- als, who coulti bo useful •politically. the Isecond place ,it appears Malt cerl in patties wore paid j who wera not on the pa,y:lint at all. rinaliy, it 12, made clear that payments ware made on election day, -anti .that the vole for the Government was associat ed with it, Thp Seaticerth lExposi;tor, Liberal though it is, protests against tha corrupt use oE the public funds, aud not widloaut, reason, ,The Gov- ernment is now doing its best teamed off invest,igation into its ;relations h 'Mist entitle Strult queStioxe, but it ia to be loped that its eigtOri3 Will frustrzlited /11he amount now in. volved its .$2,000,000, and the people (night to know all about it. oo, and$z;artigatv% last. The committee adapted ,•ti‘c cirinciple ?or tbooytu, n.11, when it ron-ox Tablets Reeotrt- mended as a Good ion- ic—From Lansdowne, Ont. February 9, 003. Having used about three boxes of your Iron -ox Tab- lets, have no hesitation in rec- ommending them to anyone troubled with dyspepsia and constipation, and as a good tonic. I consider them a very superior remedy. H. 5. YOUNGE, Lansdowne, Ont. Pifty Iron -ox Tablets, in an attractive aluminum pocket case, 25 cents at arug- gists, or sent, postpaid, On receipt of pike. The Iron -ox Remedy Co., Lim- ited, Walkerville, Ont. • • • • • • • • • • .• • • • .•=••• se mom • • • • • .r.2,=.• PASTURE _Cottle wanted for summer pasture by the month or season, good grazing and plenty of water on the land. -- John, Blatchford, Hurondale P. 0. PARM FOR SALE A well improved farna,"170 acresi on coil. 10 and 11,1n the township orBid. &AIM, situated about thnee miles trona Granton. A,bout 100 a.cresun- dergrass. Good buildings on the pre- mises. For 'particulars apply to Mr. Michael O'Mara, Granton, fr.0, LISPOBE VOI7 BUT LL AND see F Russell Two Doors South Tewr Bali. LIFTING THE BU DEN With a Gentle liand 1.4 EXETER MARXETS Wheat per bushell .... 00 to Oatsnew . .. ., . .. 30 to Barley ..— . 40 to Flour-- ... Butter to I, •41, 444. Eggs Wool-- ..• 11 Pork live r eight, .. St 0 t $-t00 Pork Dressed —,, SO 2 to 50.25 Turkey .... ... 1 Duelts ... Chicken vas* Woman's life is a battle veithnerves that salt strength and:energy. Shattercknerves aggravate and promote chronic troubles. There- Is no three in a woman's life Anti -rill fails to do good. When the sleep is restless, food causes distress, head - I ache or dizziness,pains in the side or back, indigestion, pal- pitation, appetite poor, con- stipated, all tired out, de- ressed---just one trial of Dr . Leouliardt's Axmx-PILL will "lighten the burden." that is dragging, `you down. It begins itS work in the stomach from, which the blood is fed and the nerves controlled. i32T1.-r11.1.61111/r31.C3'29 a new 32 so 15 4111.10104.... What Exhibitors say 90 per cent. of Fat Cattle exhibited at Provineial Winter Pair, 1.903,,,wers fed with Worthington's Canadian Sto- ck Tdnic. Dean Sirs— . We have been feeding your Stock Food to cattle for some time, and fith it to be an excellent tonic. We ha also fed it. to horses and pigs, arid aro quite sure it is the best stockfood we • have ever triad. Our prize wittnirtg, • cattle at the Provimial Winter Their, 1903, were ifed :Worthington's Steck, tonic. LESLIE & PEAREN. Breeder Shorthorn Cattle Act 013. Ont. Dear Sirs—., I find your Stock Food is a very ex- cellent Tonic Tor cattle ,giving th,em a good appetite and keeping their di- gestive organs in a hcalthy^ oworking condition, Thet Leer,Scotho" ehibit- ed att Winter Fair, weighed. at birth SO Ibs., at 35 months 200 lbs., makinga gain of 55 lbsper month. It pays to Wortliineglton'l atook FoomEt ANDREW RICHARDSON, Breeder ShOrthorn Cattle. Peepabon, Ont, Dear Sirs— We have used your Stock rood for both cattle and hogs and find it gives good• sa.tisfae Lion. Several of our cat- tle have shown +a gain rot overi100 lbs. per month while feeding it. JAS, 'WILSON & SONS. `Breeder of Shorthorn Cattle and, York rer,g118, , Note the Price,„ 10 lb. pal, 200 feeds, 50c, ; 50 lb. sack 52.00. Manufactured by THE WORTHINGTON DRUG CO., (!4'ae.licare For sale by Oarling Biros. Brats/2 Coat & Son, Hons.kil 3. G. To orocutooto principle, Its effects are different from anything else, and there is no mistaking its wonderful influence. Dr. Lconhardt has prepared the formula entirelyfree from i the injurious ngredients coremon to present day Pills, etc, It la the ideal system treatment. Price, 50 cents per box of dealers, or by addressing WILS ON-FrLS Go., Niagara Falls, Ontario, wh8 will also mail free sam- ple to any address, 'Pito C. P. R. will roil two ;tans day actoss tile continent in the su mer. The, Canadian Reekie,q are twini; an increasing strearn or tlla tourist travel. '