Exeter Times, 1904-3-24, Page 4The Englishman's idea a breakfast is a Ilea thy one. Toast, jam and tea—a chop mebbe—just enough food for the stomach to assimilate properly—the warmth of the tea to draw the blood to the stomach and assist digestion. Blue Ribbon Tea is tlfe daintiest and crispiest leaves a the tea plant. It is pure tea—free of tannin --appetizing and nutritious. Try the Red Label Brand for your breakfast. toe Ribbo. ey,tort....Te ied ern 40c...14.tedbe. ......e................•••••• ...*(4.... <7... so + * Tine lir10121601t. , (Incorporated by Act of rarlionto *3) • • ll'ar, AnTilondaEDi............ ...,,........ .... kI.1,1l! 0,C(ft) capital i,41.1., PAID 1N......,......... .......... aa000,000.00 * Reserved' Fund....',q_... ....,............... E50,000.00 : 17 Rranehe.a "a Ontario, uote, Autierta.11.1t1saCo:.a...:.' and al to:taln. 4. exeTER BRAN...,1K, • Open Every Lawful Pay iron) la a. at to 3 r, ao excel): 77i nit..Liyi t .1. ...I. to 1 4,•,. ..4. : carryier5' Sesics Note cashed or co:teetal, Farm; topplied . Oneonta/auto% laitaVTS on all volute lin the Dondo krt. Welt n.t ale (ma I. -a• 40 - Pad Stow. tough: and aol 1 ar, lowcat ratei of %nth toaa. * * SAVINGS rtePARTmErvr • 01, *t.00 an1 upwards roceiv,I. Intortst man- • arlep.azol tackled to prlootpal Juno Wilt rut I Dereaber zoo. De- ilsa isuati awl alguest eurrent vote of betriat alInvcd, rnade to tumers.stoek dootterR tIn t tustAhar,,s n on fe‘orable terms. Alt,eqtS at Exeter for Dom. Gooeztettom. Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, 3Itmager. • • t policy of * ivailiam it vase Nei ne that t1 gncancolor 4 u * £R0r will sorve as an rnewi efforts .0 satelgua ab- late lie hoed of the op - e now reegnized as the great man 0 18 20 27 aor......... 7 14 2/. 281i WEBNcsnAT.,,8 15 .4 20 1 0 2.3 EXET.FiE 11.11,41ES, VON, MIDDLESEX PERTH AJI tbe news of Interest to Trnie' Readers Mappening iu tbese Counties. Huron The dates aol for Seal/Jab rzieesi,r,i fixed fctr ,lorto 7, 8 ;awl O. ale'', Dr. Danielfloott 1113 astora,to •er Nor th etreiat church auderiPh. !Rev. A. j.c.. moo, or Coiliortto Church, Londou,1,sOPOR invited to nacnint, paa.to r th* .arattimak.i. arch, ,Saa forth The Dotlarieh Oz•gan Co. hes receiv eI -requests front .lopan for oatalegu es, ,and with them came au iatinia tien ibat orders, would likaly rQis The barbers of Wiughara have de oided rajse thetprice or hair -out tiog front 15 cents/to 20 cakitta, The nzw prim wia go into effest oa lat ar April. Mr, Jamas Lookbarl porcha from 31r. roator, of Varna, hia ou hundred aore wood lot in S !dr Lock:hoz t intends taking Lite timber off the Jana, 'White employed ot the salt block, Clinton on Friday la.st,'"31r. Thos. oJ4 d weal struck tha eye ba piece ter steel front A OrCiloan Which luilloted a. painful. wound. W.0QP,a4-1Ival); ;gra alak headaelte, d prevent its reatirn, Carter'is Lit - Liver Villa, Thia is not ;talk, bit ti tin One oil; idcso. Sea odverti lot. Sunlit small dose • not; or the board of, wan - 'era. t the Serkforth I'rearbytarisin orol the roatract foraltio.routoilel. ng .of the charelt wis. awarded to AqrS. Gut tridgo ond Edge. ofiClin. zl.§9000. Pain from indlgeastion, tlyeta!poia, and Lao beaaty eating is relieved by QUM by tatting tomtit: Caater'a Litt! 1,iver tuanietRately, a tater idinner. BOW. Jtnitia, or Belorauv3Ian, for- ri.y Staforth and 311.-ae Jonitio at of Tuckersinittt •n-ntv, quietly 'ledaltho Egnamilvillemansaon day /ling or last naallr. rtar• a 1 t Menu. of Sainforth, V. Hearn, or Tookor, nuke, ntattlied pea= e. ri4mg ihtee yeara aid, for W:t3 paid til3 bandaeutu num or Wes. knows gottatug when he .,„A.e.T, I:, .Grants, 1h4 .thiriaseniyea.r-old laarr Illx. Thus. ArThor, nCIIUUCIt, got his riga band caugbt ,iann root pulper last week. Tho flesh was torn off the thumb. but it is hoped he will, hove Um tree use or his hand in a few weelra. Tim atm) between Mr. Gideon lima Jit J oL Iletisall, end the Doll Engine Co. or Se.aforllt, which was to havo been tried at Goderiell, lea week was andeably and tottisractority fled between the pales wiihoot go- ng into court.. The property owners or,Winghant will an Tuesday, April Uth aext, be called upon to say: alrether or not they are in favor of thc town gran.. Lig aid ID the 'Walker & Gkgg up- holstering rectory in the way or loan of 810,000, relea'able lu ten years wItalout internist. A young loan named MeLetunson Mr. Robt. McLean, or Q-04.rich1ylliiil dr /tin,: through Ilarpurboy on INron- day' had the miarortitne to got his horse so seriously initirea that H tool to be t.hot. Tho auhrtal got lift root info r hole in the snow with the re- sulr that its leg wits broken. N. J. 'Turney, or Seaforth has, pur- chased the Thos. Adams fiat.= of 100 acros on the ard concession or Metall. I•about• 2 miles nonth -or town,ed a price in Lhe neighborhood or $5,900. Mr. Adams will .shortly take a trip to Alberta, With a view or locating in the west. A. militia order issued from Ottawa es !the names of the best shotA in connection with tlittRifle Association throughout Canada. Those in this county ars iktr. John Logan, Gad- arithi Mr. Thomas Lee, :Londesiboro Mr. F. Neagel, Auburn; Mr. Neil:Tay- lor, !Myth, and Captain Wilson, Sea - if or Lb. iThe :report of the,Regiatrar-Geneir- al nor Cpattorio for 1902 'slime that: Huron county occapies a good posi- tion In regard to (heath rate. II:way- el/age yea.rly death rate per thousand for ton years, 1803-1902. was 5.4, the second lowest in the Province. Tbo bowest averatgai rate) for jaia years was 9.1, Durrerin county. , Af- ter Huron come 13ruce, Grey and Peel oath 9.5, Ilaldinland, 9.6, and PetrOh,, 9.8. Allthe other countiesnre over 10. Under power conferred by tan tote, tffie ,Tiosia-oafice Dopartmegi has ae.- cider] to in.stituta% a. system of insur- ance of inland regislerod.letters. The insurance fee for $10 will be three ,ceuts, -fa r$15 four (bents, for a20 five Tutrum&V.... ... 10 17 21 31 a lilting aucce ritanaaio..,,..... 4 11 18 2o 1 alio Treceded Idxu \Xt. E. L. Borden 23 I Three' years have zerveddo briug out i Tannsmsx. MARCH 24th, 1001in thaft '"4.41‘enialli illicalt°.$ will°1 ;Izit,s:ovlaloilienaocade:larerth,eistroinairaneattanandilniodaussetheatonlahrlestivzhati:;d. Arr. Borden enjoy.s the'roputation as mau whose whole nature is perme- ated with high Ideals lio regarda honor .among public mon as saero,a, Tie is te Canadian who belazaves that his native land has within its confines ihe Nople and the reaources which unite to make a nation, and his line or action as leador pl the Consarva- i ye. 'party has been to promote the forrned t ha t poa,t-earda or thin des - f employment of those elements for tho friptiou may now be interchange:I, ba- ..... j4,trar canada and tin, platedstat:.% advaneennant or Canada. With an ,eaol between Canadand Frazee albbat a deing power behind him, ho a el and hi; followers loolc with. confidence :pcat-eard rates, that is -013e cent for to the Canadian people to riupport a card3,passing batweon Canada anil 1 ha -Un ited Slatespolicy which his done so inuch to up- . ana two cents --t he pos build Canada, and whirls mill in prop - till onion 'iota -for cards paaaing be- , or helots et ili further advance her in - tweet: Canada and France. The post- master is advised that the Postal Ad - POSTAL CHANGES Itt rA. ilea •to the'regulation oxx Sation 1 or the "InformatiOn for rozt: Alaatara" on pago 7, or tile; ,ne- ceinter Quarterly Supplement, all lowing a apace to be reserved roe Nrti•ien communications on the ad- dress. &de of postal post-earda; •lo be rased only in the domestic postal ser - yap of Canada, the post maater isin- xrx n tat o r ant horn Nigeria has conaented to accept, as fully ptepaid Canadinn nowspaiiers and pariodioals postatit xlita : : epaid h3 'AIME agt!. Mid:6 'An ell Inn l- ima in 1 he C111,0'1:I n domes; lc itttfls. • CONSERVATIVES CONFIDENT The Contierva I bre party enters upon tfe four,th isiession of tho prese4 Parliament, conscious at a sir.engtia w,hieh .enabled it. a year ago to maks a rigtht for good governmenx unpre- cedented in the annals of Canadiatti ,political history-. The opposition haa lied its liand strengthened by the Voc'ent endorsa,tiont of thousands of For -hard colds, bronchitis, asthma, and coughs of all „ kinds, you cannot take any- r, thing better than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doctor if this is not so. He uses it. He tin ders tan d s why it soothes and heals. "r had a, terrible cough Tor weelte. bc 1Id took ayarie Cherry Pecto3 3 tet only ono a bottle rehipletely cured rne.' Mns. J. D. Thir,rotyrit, Dt. Je.,eph, Micd,. Zle Vc-D1.00. T Alf z,t F 10^,e11. :Li o A hs0 Co You lir, hatSterti recovery rjy Ingrs of 'Ayer ts Fills at 'berltln-.,e, tiartS. frfill WEEK IN itij. The fourtli ses.elon or the ninth Can- adian Parliament opened on Friday. ,On 'Thursday the Commons tit...hose aa its speaker Mr. N. A. Beicourt„ 01 ta wa n racti licy having occur're, through the elevation of lion: . i., P Brodeur to a cabinet position. The speech from thethrone was rnti barren., . Vice anno'un cc moat tha a modified contrac.t for the con- Strpotion of the Grand Trunk L'aci- ci Etc was the only im.,rorlant Measure referred to. militia bill providing' for a citizen army will be introduced. The %speech was not debatea on the day of its reading, criticism being cln:flerred until Uonday, t'.,oxrimons was advised that the fi.E.SHi011 will be ashort CM, Int in view of (ha very great inr. :s in penditure. and. Liltttaisirn to present the Grand Trurik with :us re millions, the opposition may be CN]::eted to dis. coos at length the nattily shol-VcOm- ings of the a dminisi r Sin inScird Township in ;.lia. County, of Welland Is conittering a scheme to apply what is -known as " the Ohio idea for centralizing the schools. The soli - 0/113 ki to ba VP; On fly one aohool in 'Ube toNVII.S1111), 'a t.PI graded .schoOl in the central part of the Lownsbip to he at- tended by ail the, ehildrbn of school age in the toNvuship. Routes ,will, bo laid out ccv..ring the Ivhola town - ti conl.racEs -i'be made for V.011VVallneS to run over ;these routes t k t he: CliLldri..o to school in 11 Orl Min; and bring then), borne ir the evering.. a' Bea, rhe The Kind You nave AMele Bought Sigusturo sfili Stuffed UD That's the condition of many sofferere from catarrh, especially in the morning. Great difliculty is experienced in clear- ing the head and throat. No wonder catarrh causes headacha. impairs the taste, smell and hearing; pollutes the brer.th, deranges the stom- ach and affects the appetite. To cure catarrh, treatment must be constitutional -alterative and tonic. "I was ill for four months with catarrh In the head ared treat. Had a had cough and raised blood. I had become dis- couraged when my husband bolight a bottle of Hood's Sars=mailla and persuaded LUC to try it. 1 adylso au to take it. It has cured and btzilt nac z.zp." Mr,S, Hoot Ro- t:town, 'West Liscomb, N. S. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures catarrh -it soothes and strength ene the mucous menabrane and builds up the whole system. Your Liver Is it acting well? Bowels regular? Digestion good? If not, remember Aver's Pills. The kind you have known, all your life. dyer ea„aatratareass, Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE TEffr kr.mi.T..kCO...lititSattA4S.EL penes, •and for o5'25 six tralkist In ad- • dition, or canasta tLx lull peaty:go and x•egiater chtargea toast be paid Coins. allilehts +of gold and mhiatpreoioos stonee, jewelry and other artielea' of Value 'must be either puttt in- 40.14 •boxes in accordance willdirectiona ;furnished by ,pestmasters„ or lo eon- lope.a Wi:th black or colored borders may ztot be used CM` regislerea or in insulted letters. Daniel McLeod, of eon. 4. Lon- dott EcawASIIIP, was driving borne rough, lArest Loridoo on Saturday aflernaou whale her horse roolorright anal ran awnmy. ars_ ucLeod was thrown from the sleigh awl aaltigIllted 41 ber shoulder, austainiug ition c4 thashoublor Uidpainrul ertli newpostot1fce will be opened suU uherot pa41 of Stratford ,April, anti Mr. A. ..1treEcry iftVO thargo of It' you aro tired •taking till large, old-froallioned tijnng pille. 1107 Car. I or's lattlo Liver Pills arid illicaeomo comfort. A inan can't attond every. ibiog. Oleo pill a slaata Try Mom. Tho Ni,ssouri TeleplioninAssoelittion are potting in an improved battery, iho Blue Bell. The Azsociation seems determined roulette their lioe the bast or its kind in Canada. Theyliavo de. "dad to extend the lino to Barring - u Poles and suppl'ios Lava beall piueluastd anti now await the open .6 or 4Spraug. Ttto people itEvelyn aro*eking for an extension to their vieinity, which will be granted in the future. Canada Makes Headway Find Installnied o ltu lzonaol Esildbit Arrives ut Exeluaive Mita- ealth. $L Loiu,s.-eiVe dsicif exida bits from diftellent parts'af Crtnada bare arrived at St. Louie. 4t ell° or Erna has also been placed in cold stor- ago awaiting ohipment. The exhibits heady arrived tneluilo the piciflet ea ada'a agricultural, forest and Mill. wealth. •Coaantdseloner General Wm. Ilatchison is autharlay for the Ottrtentent that the Canadian display at 41to St. 1,0uis expasitioo will ba far • ahead or the fanner efforts or the Dominion. Tile general .1.1olley; is to give prominence to th0.1120 items of natural wealth peculiar to,Cariatlit, or rather 'those not found in tbe nther countries making' oMbL1s. ffor ez- an3Dle, in minerals, Canada's alraost exclusive resources or nickel, corttn- dun", claroxne iron, laser, aral asbestos. are ,to bo feattlred, The 'display will not, be confined sbow cases, but unique and striking displayeavill also be ilinde. Separate pyramids;or asbes- tta, mice mai niehol aru to be, built and placed in prominent positions in the Canadiat quaraors, These. ItY- ranaids will West rate the process the taw undergo in the Lransition from the crude state to the Detailed pro- duct. The nickel pyramid is to he 20 feet in height. The are, as turned out of alio mine, will form. tlx base, ab- ove it will be a raeoticti ectittaining the nickel product- after ftho roasting provess. Aztove. it again will beta sec- tion containing the copper end nickel. I32,11 ter, and Lilt aik'X' or I ito pyramid will be finished in the refined nickel. Surmounting the pyramid is to be a statue made or the, refined nickel, and truly Canadian in design. .the line or preeious motels, Can- adia will not be found wanting, 11 is the intention to place in a corotnand- ing position a trophy; brigbt with gold ancl silver1n3 agr,i,culitural products the exhibits. will be superior • to any thing yet shown. ,Bri,tish Columbia giant woods exhipit will be gran ter than has beenin short people will straighten 'uni and stare when tauty get. inside the. Canadian sections at Univorsal expoAtickn. • Commissioner Hutchinson, Secret- ( a ry 'William A.. T3urns, W. 1Tamilton, the horticulturist and tarchitect,L. Fennings Taylor •have been., at the World'Fair grounds several days making ready for the reception lel Canada's cxhibi,ts. - LOUIS LARtVE. GENERAL NEWS The share -holders ot Ilia Grand Trunk 'la il way a.t the meeting in London approved of the Grand Trunk Pacific agreement with the Canadian Government When you open your newspaper it may cause you Lo feel some wonder if you know in 311 probe ro1y yo are the first. bands that have QTM:r touched its inside pages. 'The, roason .for this is that the paper is made From r,vood oulp. The woodinan cults down a spruce tree. It is hauled to the mill. There; machinery strips 'off Lill bark, reduces the wood to pulp, and makes it into pa,per: every tarn tranes, derricks, chains, cogs?. Ypllers, steel teieith and other chanical contrivances keep, the, mate.r- ial out of human [hands. Tha im- mense rolls are ryounal I3,y- machines, loaded Into cars and wagons by ma- chinery. put into press -rooms and on presses by other machinery, nd fin- ally- printed Ltnd folded without hav- ing been directly touched by any hu- man hand, This is atntechanical ma; vet iof to -day which is, no d'oubtodur, licated in other branches of industry It •is very strik'cog. in the newspape: indluStrY, Which stands in tho very TC1 113z... or inocilla tura). p,olrf,2(0,Lion il 1-1 24th, 1904, •••••••••••••••••••••*4.44. • • GLeofiNING8 • • It is ,sajd that a well-kuown Moxia can judge found himself at the open- abg N4-aft°017:1%tth7en115 lie441°4TrOn4elana% rwer fthhTvt- tug left trader his pillow. Ills remark to ithat effect whsfeverheard by ix loiterer, and presently a messenger arrived at that joudgesiliouse and tli.%,7,aseterhtedtatlileaht 1(2ml:do bjtetedizgeoearvtanixttetd,he ht4,11an" thernavre the, jadge had sent the Line tiirkey tha rimn was carryiag. and wished it cooked for supper, as he bad limited guests- Sarah Alausitble ntatenaortta could not fail to win con - Valence. The svatob was exchanged,' for the bird by the ladY of the iloWSta heroilnre. came the judge at noon 'for Liu Midday Meal 4%1 with his first inquiry for bis, watch' the trick was exposed. The judge however appreei- leiloeudioothileirathlueeresdiellInzgi;nuigiyenaexncollusr the matter of the turkey. "'elf:Plaine the rater°. bad made the amoggestum, why not bring home, umi.a friends for -Mapper, after OR The judge returned to court, tied tite wet thy senora SAW that 'the turkey AV:14 Intepared in the manner accept- able to Mexican paIatem. IT was cicala teai turn whea amart ea1140 111 bret,111041 baste to, say Om amnia Who+ store Uxo judge Urat morning had been apprehended * the watch reeirvarail, but tile ,jutt tdeti ibe Larkey stqa PVitItMizi. I SOCIMIW, Or 1115 443V+,. IL 11)Z LIU key is already 000ktal,' taps:tett the tilritreastal housewife. PO tbought Wit for her supper, iaenerite: but .the (Nap says to it As it is, and hell send it ba again before it's cool,' o the judge's wife aped the uux'ft- 07 its way, arta within irfew min- utes her husband appeared wilt hia friends, hope .you didn't :forget to cook that turkey, Matilde" be said eliocr "I can atinceit forgive the rasa l'al 1 ituraizo;troly watch for tints:do uobs choked. Matildo's mortified re paitae as she realized that she bad nice teen viedirolzed, and the, party, lied frugally, though not without Rile on the part- of dm gue,srs, ly or Mexico Correapondencp. A EEr ICIENT TREAtuENT, FOR CATARRH, r,666.16 Will firstdestro•y the gor . • oxvito the ditsence. Then there are Immix:rtes.+ :tore ,apats in the ruiteous mentbrano to be headed. `Every re- quiromont ef a perfect cure for ta- t:tali la fowl in fragrant, •beating Ciatarrhozone, which not onlyinataut ly kills the' 'grins, but restores the diseased membrane to a mama eon- dition and prevents the relapse whit% is sure to follow alte use ofoxilitiary vemediets. Catarrhozons is a scienti- fic el.,TO for cattrat that relieves quick is more plettaant, marc ceratin to bore than any other known remedy Failure tis impossible, lasting cure Is guarantead. ,Ltse. only Catarritazone. Two mont1i:4' tritaXment VI,CO: trial 25e. Get it to-dey. Flettections of a Bachelor It is- Cooliah for a adr1 who ran aro her own liviairato get married 43 for a Matt ?who matt, • A woman has an idea that her, bal- ance in the bank depends on whether 1110 a:shier favors her or not. Some women seem to think that: a men ought to be 'able to live on the inttiest of the alimony be pays. A collego oduoation damn' a seem to help the family very much to support the boys artorwaras who gets it. Every time a woman draws a check she has a hopo that somehow tile bank won't find at out and charge atgairiat• her account.-.Niew 1Cork Prem. IF 'YOU ARE LOSING WEIGHT Your system ' is out of order and rerrozone is needed to start a .r.s. battling prow -As. FerroZone, makes new 'tissues, rorms wholeaome blood strengthens the nerves and 'reel:is you physical condition up to the proper siondard. "I lost fifteen , pounds through La Grippe" writes Cyril La- sh, or Hartford, "but., soon regained my former %vcight andinnproved my health by using Ferrozone. Its tho best re -budder, and finest. tonic: I ever used.", 11 se ire": rozon e t a s au yes health. 'Price 501!, at. druggists. The Fruit anti Nut Diet There is just ono little tiny, intini- eaimal error in the assumption that our primordial ancentars lived en- tirely without uncooked fruits and nuts. a trifling. miscalculation- which vitiates the conclusion that what tag our wants when we dangled head downward from a treeilimb will meet au'. wants now that ;we have- been tutned Pother end up. The error is thia: They didn't. No animal lives exclusively on ,vegetable or 'anima/ rood. 14114's a chiclken, carnivorous or graminivorous? Graminivorous, of counse. It lives upon corn and oats c7td, eue she. ed:eoosf, .Plitaviiet181.1 gYrisus 1 110111 011bit:11h:et eatt t3:111 xPrctl fc: many eggs YOU get, 'Ana ,thecen .)r3'01‘11 al% e 1111111 beat sea a,ps with 'their ccriaior nI nati ow the 4141fert b o zine. 1 For Infants and Children. The Kind Teti Have Always Bought —(7 Bears the Signa,turo of e11.,c,",,,,!;41,.)?‘"'7,...,;/4.: t4.1: Pi 4 momotpiltfminsort,..v111,p111,;! All •egetablePtcparatiouferAs stadia ling tteF0odar4Regu1a- Ling th2Stomachs and BOWels ci Pro1otesDigestionghaerFu1- 2e5san1nestkOntains neither Opauti,Morphine no Muni. roT IV crrEv. alWrIZIEVgar417,a4.' .ra42.14 f .a.afrIlaSA's - -Aar; &Ka+ 477,praerarrt er*exaNe,zt. Pa'rkfi,t'd vt I Remedy forf,,Ionstipa• - our Stotaach,Diarrhoea, ToriCoiusk1oFtwci's1t- ness o5s or SLEEV: VacSimile lure oti .4.Mata Ew canc. t S , For Infanta and Children The Kind You Have •Always Bought Bears the Signature of gKACT tOPYOF W I a. CP COLD. atlicklY nothing works .yesNervilino token real hot, a a glowing warmth:ail through bodYt and when rubbed on the broat and chest looaeue up the cough nIl relievea tightness and aoreneasin Lhe chest. NerviBrie is used us a pre - ',motive and cure for colda coughs and winter ilts in the-mantis/or homes be. eause ii. goes right to work and brings roller quickly. There is rio remedy:in the world with half tato power and merit or Nervilino; Invaluablo in every house. In largo bottles, Price 25e. , Irt Use For Over Thirty Years ASTORIA Tro4 CCWICAVR C9,0APANIG NVW VIAK Winter Time •0 !Winter time ; 01 Winter time; Haw now so siowao Leave us?, Begone to sante TUX 'distant sphere, You have outstayed your welcome hero: Wo ,faint and tire, of slush and mire; • Your tparting wilt not gr t lave us. 01 Winter time; or sleighbell's chime You give MS generous measurn For ,you have been at pains to lay Fresh anowdrieta every other, &IS: We've had enough °Eke and attire: Well speed you hence with plenSUre, 01 Winter tirool 01 Winter time ; , It's been an undertatood. thing That 'you should reign Ay flood and fell No more l then roar:months osta spell So frost and: snow while flowers saiould blow /a too much or a good thing. 0! *Winter liino with zeal sublime, You htiII peaforui your:function; But if no influence \re bring Shall clear the way troy gentlestpring As last resort we'll ask the court To tstop you by injunetion. • CALOMEL RUINS TIfT.: SYSTEM And should only be used under a doctor's orders. Per a- mild physic take Dr. Hamikton's Pills at Man- drake and. Butternut. No gria,e, no (ain, certnin relief from headache: constipation ancr torpid lister. Cab only 1)r. Hamilton's Dills. rrice 25e. 11 lassie, seems deternined to bring China into the war. She has been us- ing (he part ,or Mancharia wlest of Newchwan,g-which she evacuated about eighteen months ago -as a base ofauppliee, in violation of Chinese au. - h L. y ,he has! be n .pre,tositiag' against ievery onovement of Chinese troops on their own iside. of the; fron- iier, and she now is deploring ,that Admiral 'Togo rclust be acting from; a base on a Chinese coast. If this is not Stopped, saly, the more orl ess in- spired utterances from St./Peters- burg. Tinsel!s will at tack China, • SHOT 1-115 WIFE A SaC Secinc...i -1.o a Elasty Alarriaoe Last October Miss Minnie tepheris- formerly- of SL Mar36, ;Ina tviiesir.; family lives near Woodham, married "Xing' Soloman" or Buffalo, an al- leged IIindoo king, but bois gener- ally supposed to be a . rull-blooded South ;Carolina negro, Ivith a great propensity for "fakmg" elairvoyancy anti other things. Ncrer comrs the denooncorneril to the miserable mar - ria ge Phey tiicaed Lo ritioneapolis ana a , tirea 1 at ithelr Myer nt Ix cl an badly . Mrs. ao l:wd bim arrete4 but WI was asquit. I the charge on the, walla the shooting was arolderttal. ife haa entered suit for divorce. ,t o trial WaS highly sensational and the Buffalo and Minneapolis papers hoax, columns or "Ito *tufo, yoga raiug it, • The court ordered the , "Mug" to - pay, $15 a mouth Itemnerhry mony pending tbo outcome or the dtvouxo proceettinga, wliich hawa been oominenotitl by' Minnie Solonloral against "Irina Solomon." Cruelty tirat Inhuman trealments, aro tlta grounds, upon which the complaint is made - The s.hooting for which Solomon on trial is given 103 ono irr the grounds for the divorce. Mrs. Solomou, formerly Miss Stephens, was outplayed ex a dressmaker with Miss Allen, or St, I'Marys, a couple or yoars sup. Tho miserable affair alumni be warning to young girls to avoid has- ty and ill-considered marriages. a,ron, those -known as .1016MAINI/6.60.011,1/61/11•••••• Miss Alice Bailey, of Atlanta, Ga., escaped the snr— geon's knife, by using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.. Dream Mos. Pia:noun :-- I wish to-, express my gratitude for the restored! health and happiness Lydia E. Pink -*,- ham's Vegetable Compound hat« brought into my Iife. "I had suffered for three years with. terrible pains at the time of menstrua- tion, and did not know what the trouble - was until the doctor pronounced it lid- flarnination of the ovaries, and. proposed an operation. "I felt so weak and sick that I felt. sure that I could not survive the ordeal, and so I told him that I would not un- clergo it. The following week 1 read. an advertisement in the paper of your Vegetable Compound in 'such an emer- gency, and to I decided to try it. Great , was my joy to find that, I aCtuallz liti- pr�ved after taking tvvo bottles, so kept taking it for ten weeks, afloat the,, end of that time I was cured1 had gained eighteen Pounds and was in.. excellent health, and am now. "Yon surely deserve great suceess, and you have my very best wishes." - Miss ALICE BAILEY, 50 North 13oule- vard, Atlanta, "Ira. -- $5000 forfelt!f original ' aboue NOVI' prOtling genumeneSS cannot be pro - All sick women would be wise - if they lirOuld take Lydia E. Pink - - ham's Vag:a-table Compound and be well. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Brom°0, 1111110 Tablets. 6 ThiS signailure, Alref."1. Seven Million boxes sold in past 12- months. Cures Grip In Two Days. on every rreve,.. box. 25c. r