HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-3-24, Page 3TH 4 soinoen setuinia drotohels kiTiroheek1.1 titrtt wthe doorwereid
-e • hine about Jesus Chriet ?" The vi-
er knew that his vision was divine
awl that he was called to a ditty
which he might have shrunk Irma
0 is Bidding YOU to Go Forth to visiml• No longer f-ls the offer 01
t_ if he had not seen the preparatory
- salvation to be made to the Jews
Spiritually Save Men
etnikerea eceotoing, to Act of the -.;;4.f.: GOP SPIWKS. "
batoent Qatuola. ut the Ye.ae,.
TliouttAnd Nom ituuttred atm T
the •-• pe& TeTY eAnPhatiCallY on t
tee Daily. of 'Ioronto,
livpaciwent of Agriculture. Ottawa nntetrento What right has any m
t.e apply to himself the Ninety -a
A deenteteh frOnl 1-95 4"igeies Rfty6; psalm of ii)avid, as did a man so
1Z1T- Flank Witt Tahnaga preach.- time ago in one of our eastern eitit
pol front Li'e following tP:tet. Acts zo, Ve pondered over these verses d
1 I, -And he saw heaven ok:oned and in and day out: "For he shall g
("srluio VeSfiel. desceeding. ' his angels charge over thr..e to le
Theoey4 often little niore than the thee in all thy ways. They sh
inte oreo guessing. It is soinethoes bear thee up b their hands. lest th
the wao ef cenceating the fact that da*h. thy foot against A stone." Th
snot do it: e a thing, by using ,in order to demonstrate ids belief
eeieeti 'c langliege. It is the verbal this eayittg, that man jumped feo
er, we have of dressing speeu- the top of a four storey building a
n to make it look plausible. But brae nearly every bore 11; hott t'f
certaiu voussAlons hopes- :Bo you suppose a vision like di
aaoll.7(•, and j‘karned answers ;came from. God or iron) the e
onlY make the phenomeort the later() i'What right hos a, n,an to imagi
thoq he can get f •
nr using the Bible es fotish or
;amulet. opening' it at random ai
Aa in the material world, so h xpeeting the first verse Ids eve fa
ineittal and spirituel world there are upon to be God's imigment in refe
forte and phenomena whieb We know -cure to some ondecided matter. As
to be certainly true, titteigh aro eau- :have Room, in my own
to exPlein theine !awl, recmt1117e two or three peo le ^ in tre
enlY; no longer were the messeugers
of Christ to regard the gentiles ea
common or unclean. So much the
vision had taught him, ancl so Peter
went with the men and preached
Chriet to the gentile centurion, and
his he totted that the gospel was the
an power of God unto, eatiation to the
eet gentile as well as to the Jew.
lye, God's visimis are Lever haphazard
ingruries.. When the good !on-lid:as
.111 One Lay in the city of Damascus had
, the counnatul fri a vision that he
7.,;; :t-hould place the hands of holy or-
dInintL,..on. upon the ldItereSt etemy Of
"" t brietiaa di!cciples he et tirst
doubted. the div.tre ituthentitity of
the vision. Aoanias looLesi lap at
• first into the heaNers nod iti surorke
sz*id4 4. •
: "Lord, 1 iii,IVO beard by tua»y
• or tots man, bon much esti he 114th
'done to the saints. at JeriNalem.
mystc aloes.
Not Inn Not Sant Canna or.
dain Saul of Tarsus." llot hardly ,
et manias es. e..ed t.te
lls house TO *Melt, Clod badeei,ected him i
r- wkera tkieo itrorgial Lint agger-
ing, WWI ;1
of Saul it was th o arch et.eny Savd.1
1- 4 Lk. tat 1, 'Si 'Jon
WOS diline. When Simeon had the .7
Its an siteli, although hit of doing? 'What right, has a Illa
the "'Mr 5” 8181 the ',when irt doubt about any matter
fores" nor the causes Which "go to a fortune teller or to a serce
jwodeetd th'*' results. For instance, ler or a professor of di‘inatiort
wo are nearly all ready to grant the ; to regard the voice of rt profession
power or human telePuthY. or file lo-;:eltarlatan as the voice of God? 01
1 1. rm. 1111uoll 11111111 141100 no, my iriends. God's nice is it
other lettnan ndnd even nt din- heard in the. dark paneled rooms
tanco. Sitting in Public meeting' ielre. It is not, hcard from the lips t
8111le tligitt eNrrelso the power of ,tbente who are Icooing dishonest live
wilt anion a person, and soon he will „It is not heard amid fanatic vapo
turn round end look ot you, aHings. 'Men God speaks to man h
though that person could give no :speaks as lie did. to Peter in kloppa
reason why he turned and on the house top at zulanoon.
loct',ed. Indeed, so powerful some- broad daylight. Ile speaks to ma
is this toglienee of ono hotean tin a rational way and at a ration
roi over another that many stu•qtimo,
{tents of criminology have come to
the heli,4 that some murderers who TTIF1 TELF/PATtlIY OF SATAN.
wield or dagger or max the pistol There is a, vision sent by GO(
laPY itP ali'fA,37 the helpless and pli-!Tilone Is 41»et Satanic telepathy
anP, litStrVIltellltti 4411kUPWR CrillAin-•iettrist. hone of our hone and flee
to al -ion thot he should not t1ie beforo '
r., :'., he bad lieen URI Lard's Christ he :
Id - kuew the vision was Oh Lie 1.viten t,
el 'Nary the Virgin placed in his e.rinS it
1 :tile infAirt eluiSt. leo, 0 ionn and :
nt .WOniatt, tliO 141.11te gospel work. You
of 'feel it, You know it. Why ? lie. 1 i
)1, Catate V.11110 .T. speak there eels:ell bee)!
v, , fore your mind 1O1110 °tie num, seine , t
1„ one woman. some One OWL ,tol; enn '; I
a : save. You aro like Peter Standing h
„,..:11pon the house top, You are lioten- 8
ing to the reessenger of Gornellus..5
A 3.1F...'.,SAGE OF SAI,V.A.T1ON, --
f filE S. S. I,ESSOX Singing while at work leads the
One more UK/light is Suggested bY
Peter's experience. This yi,ion o.
the sheet coming down from the tided into interesting happy chan-
heavens filled with all manlier of teheels.talertdexii.intyaskbeofwatshietitilgamdisheswasobr.
four footed beasts and creeping INTEBNATIONAI. 'LESSON,
but wbatever the task lo hand .-
Ptjoeliti.lzeiglig's i%aJti:e.:Linlh°.ewlistvnt'sf,cc:(1iiieii.,taii:utcatii5;lotaot Text eiviteliweX. LA:s'.:0:111,2n:Tvi' ear;ttte,VeY R - l'alilt()tYn::e.0111siv:113'gf:Ctef:4,3010ezild'isciste:cl'velollir tpill'e°°:,;2.e")1s;_sm's.?1°14
only as a messoge of salvation, but
a. comme.nd, especially for young these household duties if onl% the
Nit-ims 01 St. John tt..,k. o ii NO :ott. l'IV::3. r t -1 1,- 1 1 h 4
111eu uud 0-031101, to ',:r...0 to work- 1110, 9. -,on 1. ---The boyhood of Jes,IS PHIlinri;. e.0.01-rreakinel‘4418PITrYtile,1:enrkw(ilsrk PLaY°:
ehad iliiisti,,:eAmcl5ifilierpeol: .1 ,...,‘.. itizian d.i ol4),:ta 1 ii.:77.-_;:";:i;;-..1.4k:skis..(i)e-"efe'.41:.e.s.'et4.IN'U'i';1;4i7-- S.°8770It'atv;944riS8 vn'7°.0-rIthi's bdert111 ak'g1' er.l'iero ll*, 0-
patmos 1-„, was a f,ebk,, wernmit .n.t... dont sod stature and in favor with hard, better for the bends ;Ind twine
t::::11:17: no florlsti, n jp4.1:15:t ,(.11.fo,r1,,:fillf.ti:11:7,:iiin;...: , toeu: anu:col riunt:ton.L'I't t er:13.:11viev I::: at ,itl 1.0 lie tic:ills_ li to, ,raor:1:::e'rer, dobi"t ,lahzid.ictis 11,..:1070 b:t o
pis earmiy work ws i la, tic; le„ .,,, tered loam ilia public. ministry. --“I t t1 0 1 0111 0,,r.‘ of Litradrunt home lite
- in heavest. II - . •sson is. to un mind, ills first, and fr 1.)0,11 and clOtheS,
UO r.'Is ftr*.. . IC %
F.atver.s busie i on the farm mo,st be tfroken xii...
is'. el. Hot the Ilion .1,,,,,,,,, t...1,,,,t.„ most he about wy
wili he, ii -Ft'' ht. the wit:4151W lea, of 1
That feeliso, of work never linished f
v. as in the rg.,-!1",5At..1, prime .1,01;s011 11.---Tbe ImOtiog °I. iLoilT 2‘tlftelgtitfiletiainfit atilL Piesoirteetraitztvie-asilage- ,
,e, .
fllildaellii.dsi,11 ntolt‘ce ttilieirtiiiTioorla:Aitle o7if Till ' etiltleTilexatP,tilsttat?,Ialitit., ;2.1i,.1.;•11)2roZt. ye. fill: tele: jef:11„ineia.,;retill-,7 1,..04.0!,0es. the, happiels1,1
ifnact.to it (:,rini :Is gt lamata ii,!ALI:4..1';s,;,,i,1.1.1-7,0.3!j, ,ilith4!...hr,Vinig,4..)11,tnroorf.t.(1:eirt1;111ttistbat 1.,Iiikt,1;e:ila-ii 1 If a wowaa tou Laroduce into
stviwart I� conseer,ro. ora. e.t.qy , wouahl have a herald, eviln 1:1iliatt the ' her every dos' rotitit e of work an
end vigor to b is servi-e. :Aoinet I- log profit.. t. who would prep:ere -Ills tyn.1;• tort to clarnlo 1,41 Lome, I° reiw 1
we may do for him !1,•,,F.,:. phr/it.1/1 :b-forq biat. dlobriel tO;c1 Znelle,EZIei it to high even-a:tents and look for- -
and meotal c'ecaleirc :”%tti..if,-.-fs it—tih-xt Mb, son who'll God -avoid Nive Ivara, alweys to tke eittisfaetion
eelf: sometbirg we ma* tee fiefore 'tee eel, ebenni be ceped joint and tat t lial.ing things rk;,:4„ la c .4 rt.4, „„,
• •
. ,
o-rselves slell join the gre.Nt "slie.A , v. w,,ga horod the ve,..iah in the ,111:0 ,,rill tic.efu Weigh/cr. Au occasional
. . , A c . .
,-.2, 0.
... L ...5 1.:',. ont .
7 . P o
, sil)i,rit 4E14 pewec of 1,311,,qt 0[Atlik i, „ , MI er:tlon seele as a tisit. an ent'Ir"-
---.........-4. !17).
!will he better amireelateil
1 temment, of a gond beoi5: to read
ITssort IIL-.-The baptism and t,
enter1airl1ee1, or a good
ESTI() 131..: ,
cen 114ti 1,11y verfoi•med ,
f ,lestis ollatt„ iii., I 3: '
. den To:4, Vett. Hi.,
cl mit Tol..0 c„ 1 t • .' i s
' rat. lo. a VOice frOnl I100.11„ fic;yii
tVI t4 mit,' ul
0/4014S ,II .4
. iS lily tio3oleil SEM, ./A wh011l , a '
them floe, pot, Uas and 1,ut
... ' ,. ta +=IP ; t
words as these or th‘-‘ tlolden ' „...';:.'!,* 'iltei 0*-14tnt
"ell. pleased."' Consider the s...,OZ- t .i.43' tt v pal-LnaittzIlliit airillii.-i-
tO *O1
dition "Ilear ye Ulm" and feet how =elle.*
Text in lVatt. :who 5,, with the al-
0 1,vc. gave heed to ,I ii* Pion; Lig* Ills Ps'i171sr:fll'ille' gbm.;
41-4.911,; Wolciert aro
..., . . .
;IIIIPO'slikie It IS to o3ou.;. clod oult1-.9
o1'g his.
LOOS and mato soup for six in font- :fll'st w(u'lis 111 this 1":'-'" l't lits : ooi ane .ensii,h, nn.,Lenn hi,,e„1 a c
ly. "seerind recorded word's of verve 15 of: ,
11,111te Sotto, ---For IN:, mulp wo -MN lesson and concerning all temp- ' Pe1101,.. 111 •untiCe a sel:arate reel
ook the hm.vs and la's le... from the .tution tube coo fort from 1, ,( 1. N., , r', C41. I'lle Fcrvil rer't f‘irred vitit
•oo,i,ed chickens and sh,ot:ored two ;la, aud OVPITOIlle (IS d'es.:s /lid. tsa°21 "auk* alld had a raelad' "
4 ravi to hOld Lilo Ville taut. The
ours hal 11 g twu 11"°' I,' 1' tile 1, Losson INT.—doses relcer-d et Naz-. . far end of each 3f.e was tutheobed
pt°cti.elf tilVtencid(Nlitliae.lteAd‘i;,11y41;•,1"',7:/ot",ler p ,14,:exttli. zotnakaLiTy. ,:tlie:4311)ellin,,e4°1,1,4,1te: 1 1./fttiu. ,‘Avcy.1-1.410313.;orit'181.1011 ftill.,'t.:41..leilde2.1tolvf)ItillIde 1
,ertnieeili broken tine ,wd *.intmer
ill tendet—about oi.e..ludf hour, Just .
not**, peelaring iihnsof to be the Jeep all of the reelF, dry arid (IIIII. '
IS OWI1, and ins own received loin ? Welt): ;1;:td„ made a L,latitting roof to:
iefore, serc.ing put in a itorioe cup of
le_lt, the whites of two ,.,1,,, , to n htlt Were SO 1' '-v'" at late that ;A sleet* thie viith Prel 4 701 morel,.
weet cream, one teasptio, tol of salt
rte.. 4 f te,36,,00nftii orr 1,..14..! sot, sp01,a„. they Nrould net ocrept wain. arranoer,zools for dryirot tiot4.11V;a.
01u. 01 whom the Spirit liv Isiah • 2111111Y 3101'4'.ewl`eu havo very Poor
tia 1.,..th. 04,0 in the 1,,, ,ttont At ili,ey WOilid fain have killed 11141,1x.elft that ti. 1.11'3rullroglui4 to i
r0 CO
be tureen mad pour tio. —3.-„Ift oter With a word Ile could hu',. -e MUNI on:** woman, Eaery hack yard shool
.gat.uni 'ed Patentor% hool:-. or elealln
53".nden oe„ov. alum, eight feet from
I our ()is, Iihuersgrie,oulicatici. 40 tv,i,udie.tinclierz,,,,:thusi.awnoltt
"St. laors at the eel . to /4w:fit tight
n inv 'fiorn the hnOs. 1%14 of good ,
, I , .
gether and leave ti
brown, then add entee4h
cONer Your potatoes out' cnt ti
line„ and aCci pew r tSZ
tAStO, i generally taLe vie 4
calliug you to ear4y the news of fitall
Vat1011 to sortie waning soul. t
4' lint there is still another fact:1
1 about God's 1:40718 which it would 8
1 be well 0 0 I 1 1410114 110
iclivinO telepathy comes to the des- I
ypised mules home fteaptently as s
the ruier's palace, Who was t
U Peters host at the hou-,e whew be t
0 had this dhlue vic•ion lie r,
1114n iMINe IMPOIed 0011 to COM -10,! our slesh. was tempted by tn
mit their murderous deeds. 'Mesmer- llsfons of sin as Well as we. In th
ism, hypnotism, bewitchery, eitehant;fourth cimPter of Luke we rend tha
ent, uro merely long parses defining Satan tOOk JeMIS up to a big
this mysterious power. which. almost 31100ifirtill amti in "%IMOD shoWeel Mit
twerywhere in the intellectual world hint ail the kingdoms of the wort
is beginning' to he recogniwed, ono anti said: "All this power will I giv
men are asking whether it may not thee and the glor,y them, for the.
sometimes dethrone the supremacy of 'Is delivered unto Me, and to whom
the individual will. iisoever wilt, I will give It. If thou
(lospEL ,41,1"1„4,LTITy. [therefore. will worship me all shot
be thine." Then Satin' took. Jesu
As one human mind has an influence ,to the pinnacle of the temple on
over another 1111mou 11111111, Wo also !asked him to cost himself down from
know that there in a spiritual tele- gthence, to Prove thet he Wan the Sal
PanY, n subtle/ ulYsterioun Influence ;of God. But JeS113, instead of obey
whidt the other world exerts upon the Satanic vision, tweed unt
our ourall, Visional messuges as di- the devil and answered, "It Is writ
root and unnzis1-*tkabis s w ten, thou shalt not tempt the Lord,
come to Peter upon the house top or thy God," If being so pure and
Simon,» house in ,Joitria nmy alSO holy as our Lord was approached by
come te us. We may be enable to temptation and assailed by a temp -
explain bow the divine monifestationS ter who linsed his wicked SuageS-
come ta, the human mind. God Will tions on possop„ ,/,.,,criotare, bow
speak to us now if we will only Int 'careful should we be when a vision
afi surely aa he spoke in Mailer 4coznes to us, as it came to Peter 011
4%1Sefi to WS servants of olci. If we Ithe house top, to make .sure that the
look to God continually for gold- Ivision is heaven sent for car geld
once, to us. too, shall the promise be lance and not a temptation front the
Nulled, "'rhino ears shall he a 'enemy sent to our own destruction.
word behind theo saying. This is tint Divine telepathy, as with Peter,
sem walk ye in it." Tho PurPose 01, often manifested with God's children
this sermon is not to analyze the aft°, some great trial or sorrow or
causes of divine telepathy so much . or uno um come upon
as to sUggest Ways in which God them. 'When the casket is Ahmed in
may be speaking to MS children the home it is apt to be felt, as
these (Jaya.
Christ Appeared unto MAry on the
Gospel telepathy, in the first place
a er mein. It is very apt to
conies to tied's children as it did to be manifested vividly in times of be -
Peter upon Simon's house top, in reavement.
O Simon the tanner. He was in ' r
t xttobability the roost despb NI Mau
h in all tbe coast capital at thot thne. ,
O AntOng On; JOVIS the dealer in cured s
ihides of animals was looked upon as
0 g, a 6014 outcast. The harlot, the s
1.,4nurderer. the insu"rectionist. b
-!rnore respected than he The con-ls
domed erhubtal might be pardoned
1 lof his crimes even though he was the ,11
s thief who waylaid the poor Man on i
d . the road to Jericho, but the tan-. 1
Imes calliog was tuner forgiven. As a
linen shrank from contact with the t
_ leper, whose touch might communi-' r
O cote his loathsome direase to the t
_ healthy person, so the Jew shrank 0g
arter s
le Liver Pins
f&teear SiGr*,+7.ture of
rtnrix fito,1 rp with *wild ir/icts
hem, %Id; is /;!,, treiy 424. ,04-,41% all, hut the cloy of v
train the stack before. eaqieg the was /lot :vet. Ile uatrat to say
lce. and the vermicelli. to destroy,
(;Inger snaps —one e 'beaten Lecson V„.-..„
velt„ Mte C311) Or Anala'Ss'so Oro table..;e10,8 /Lae v„.
1 (8U8 0
100141‘11 of vinegar, one t.O.Impoon-,..rebn via.. 81. .91.
al at ginger* °"e tald"sl"flaal 44 "word, then era ye my disco Not , light props shookt be provided vett
oda, ;MN, in dour to ;wee a stiff ,
of wlitLe mit hut Ilis second or third. ikon; stilts in the small ends to hot
cup C:t'13 to these men, os we fate When ;tile Minty. The lines shoul
"."•-• "'"" studying' the lioion, mid each time ' be 'brought in with tl'u eittliT8 *121
Spiced (calmly
„Itt baung..powder dough, roil 'a. call to follow mow tally. Our hod- Irrops l•eat4 set up in a dr
gin n3 tor e0010,08, sprf...d v;111 hot- contle
or, sugar sprinble with ci,amxtsaictalt1 1t
tonits 40311;r3W Itioi ,t1r7isti obey. Li
tul gro.ted soda -nem roll 0,,,,de and
he rolling -pin then roll a4 for ,telly LeF,.on sahimth capecna„
'Women who study I o
oils. Cut an inch thia, wpt tbtliml tilfark 1., 2 1-3.1). Golden Text. ooking their boot Isestt w teat
011 mitt) mok nod halo irdeicly in '4Luke iv„ 40, "Ile /aid Ms hands on eSt tunonat of ;Mottle
. h
refiged ranii.
Palma APO(' 1/11011114s* --3 ,„ e'e, r''' ,. every one of them and healed them," neckwear. and beep their rib))
you , f
Ole and cover with pieces of pastry a con/1,1,s on ms dany ii,r,„ ulet, N... gastilitte for Ovoid, g ribbons, and i
aVe as make pie mist and.
broad daylight. By that I do not
mean that, it necessarily conies to us CALL POR PRACTICAL
n8 it did to Peter at the sixth hour This,g0Spel tall for practical work
or when the St= 18 highest hi. the is the raore Impressive and immanent
meridian, but I do mean this; When because God's visious ore never bap -
God speaks to num he speaks to him hazard; they, are never purposeless
when lie is rational, when he is wide or meruiingless" 'dreams. Theje al -
awake, when his senses are on tho
alert, net when he is cooped t»> itttation, 'WhenPeter looked off from
some dark, deceitful retreat of a spir- Simon's house top he saw a great
itualistic mm ediuor when lee-isr toss- sheet let down from the heavens, :fill-
ing about on his couch at -Midnight ed with "all manner of four footed
in uneasy slumber as the result of his beasts of the earth, and wild beasts,
digeative organs having been over- and creeping things, and-it:title of
loaded. There, is a vision of the spir- the air." That viSiOn was a symbol
it and a vision of the flesh. There
is a vision which comes from God
and one that '1St like the nightmare,
plie product of our own brain under
e"the disturbance of physical or mental
conditions. There 'must be careful
' discrimination lest we accept foolish
fancies and mischevlous impulees as
the voice of God. That which is
born of the flesh is flesh,. and that
which is born of the .spirit is spirit. 't° -thee. Wilt thou, come and tell
woe's have, a very practical interpre-
of the fact. that Jesus died to save
the gentile as well as the Jew, the
despised barbarian as well rea the
circumcised. Hardly had the vision
ended alien Peter hoard a loud rap-.
ping at the lower gate. "Who is
there? Who is there ?" was asked.
"I am a messenger from Cornelius,"
is the answer. "I am. not a Jew,
but a g,entile, sent by a holy angel
team contact with the tanner. whose
Presence in a home bronght cere- s
moniel contamination. The door of c
mo;1 or Median) oh,' 0 (*j¼34..';.(*j¼34..';.Anointed with the Ildly Ghost rind tellitP Ana fret41-1001'lltg. itY frefitte:: Pare r.with power going about doing good, cleanings and pressLgs. Iliany
hospitality was iiiwuys shimmed shut to
311 the face of the tanner.
1.0n ebont. the ,eu,,„ petit18); teaching, healing, comforting. al..' c1earr4 a courtly hut is apt to leave
anehnotiall.teanedioehoto,eenanieg31.tou tlorotunkr1111i;vholey'rsinfull silt.l11,i'tit;otg4C441/(;: jiiit;t1,1.2ellislItlitV1111;"iCouttlthleilvtetrittIitilbOserte(td)trvt,:fitit,i
By the old Jewish law, if a bus- p
hand died without any children his g
brother WaS compelhol to merry the
widow. But a widow was not com- b
polled to marry that Wattle). if lie n
was a tanner. Not even the Jewish ta
law would compel a Women to ;suffer y
such an ignominy, lf a man married o
a womau without teatime her l'e woe ju
a tanner, she could have 'the 'matte- to
'menial bonds instantly annulled, as m
soon as the deception was found 11
tamers among the Jews as there P
out. Of course, there had to be I'v"el
fe; Soren hot' eitli butter and an-. 111 PrIv411e Ituuses• or hY tlu.‘ waYside' "
revealing nod to sinful ne'm the :water and tit tile seal% Wash tb
ar as it Oret4 ine•
01 "s of God inifest Phu thlt '°11
Qutsll's rod ?•ing. olt1 1401, or ' ' soap 81.ettly on the fabric, and af
read crumbs in a. (mart or warm rie miula 311Va to God.
41*1 ter washing, rinse two or three times
half an hoer, then ruiti level' ViT.—Je,us forv.i; sills slottr water. Ribber) inuSt novel
blespoonful of cottniene, Deat (Af 11. 1-12).t' is , ; 1,e rubbed and 1.1 e beNt way to elean
Olks or four eggs 'Ain leacuPiel II, 10, "The Son or man bath power it is to place each piece on n smooth
f sugar; 0.0e1 to the milk with tint on eat* to Sergi\ e sees," The man table and USe piece of the ribbm
he and grated rine Of one lemon, Carried by his f„ lends and let down for a sponge, enless the ibbon i
oid hlavItte. tlii:ictlfitre4ili alarm.. When done through tile rour into tbc presence of y stiff, w; en a small bresh can be
it meringue of half (no iet as lie prearhed to a crowded d to bettor advantage. The laSt
10 whites of the eggs I eaten mitil eeetaiete welled heaurR for /
ry stiff with fuer teables mo. tub) of his 14ov, but one Lord saw that he sr‘alst?fordteelriertstlelos0111tattlecs°oIrptilks, n1'131'1111:
owdered seloar. Over thi • tTreml a heeth..1 more the SergiNeUes (.1 his Mee and vielet may be set with
alum, visible' a small lump, to a
quart cif cold wader, and 'vinegar is
good for the different shades e
The best way to dry sl,ort
hlesipoonfel of cottolene with two Matt. is lawito to do
litliTgtenhs of libbon is to prees them
eiespoonpeie eornstarvh, g dd WO3 ti.e Sabbath day:' Ti.ese
sinootely over a clean window pane,
taideepeeefels of sugar, and self righle00:-., religions 1'e03-io we;"1,e, and long pittezi met be (hied by
ur over grathially a pint rind a making a god of UK: t4abbaili d
stretehieg an smoothly as possible
In of home,: wetter, when smoothly instead of worShippil g 'ivin
for every cold I have h4
st eight years. with Wonder.-
* I vever see friend, with. si
cough or cola but that recommend it...,
111. At Ellsworth, Zuelzsouville,
HAO OVER 500 13011.5.
This may scout an oraggeration to you,
.; BUT rr TRUE,
r I All sufferers from Bad Blood elzould read
t I about this miraculous ouzo by
- I CURED IN 1885.
3Ir, David F. Mott wrote us frOM
' ; g , e sal
I suffered from impure blood and had
over 500 boils, but since taking BIM -
1 DOOM BLOOD BITTERS 1 ant entirely
» 4 cured, anti can recommend it to any .per-
son troubled with bad blood.
Mr. Mott writes us from V, Broad St.,
I Utica, XX., under date of Dee. 31st,
1001. Be sityst—Some time n'to I re-
ceive4 a letter from your firm°, saying
that some years no you received. a
4 testimonial from me stating that I had
over 00 boils. Yes, sir, I bad. and
must say that I have never bad tlie
nIptiliertrla_n(e,ercif col :nteIsinee taoolgcothe
• s a glee sit lerer.
I wish 13.B.B. a world of suctesaj whieb
t surely deserves.
For Sale at all druggists or clealera,
Tnie. T. TMoinnouNt.tTez C0,017.1.1..Tharr.D.
must be hangmen for this present
generation; yet, so bitterly were the
tanne s despised in ancient times
that by the eastern law no tanner
I was ollowed to Lund his tannery
rearer t o the outskirts of a town
then fifty (1011118. It was to this
despleed home that the heavenly vi-
sion (tune, ()peeing the gate. of the
Christzan. church to the gentile na111
Bons. Your home, 0 maa, 0 wo- bo
man, may m
ay be humble; it intte be loca-
ted in what thar
e istocratic people a
call tslams; it nuts^ even have ne
been associated with the vicious pol-
lution of society; but eeen there the
voice from the heavenly mansions
may be heard. "I came not," said
the compansionate Saviour, "to call
the rierliteous, but sinners, to repen-
tance." You may be a social out-
cast, as much shunned as Simon the
tanner, but in your house, too, you
may hear a voice saying, "Come
now, and let us reason together;
though your sins be a$ scarlet, they
shall be white as snow; though they
be red like crimson, they shall be as
yer of any fruit tle at the re- eine, auil this lie atientled to first.
abider of the nieringee aitil brOWO
the oven. it,terve with cream sauce Le son Viil.-.--Jeoote and the Sob -
as follows : Mix smoothly a
balh (elatte xii, 1-13). Gel :en Text
Ixed add erof 11 pintbe
fle of milk. •them n wron a clean board,
31 eminutes. and true "fl un that day, and °I'Irwiifuri(d1 ifl
tq114;iibbon hos not; ben Iloileti Ills healieg on that day
Whiteflt;h—LaY 0 fish oPen teach them that to know the Lord 11..'il:ctles 1,11‘1,11.1114,Trycji.la02141er'egti,,‘.1),14:mee07),t.).1
the bitcle down, of the Sabbath,
who was in tlioir will need no Irma, Black ribbon
water, add two midst, v. -as better then all their self
blespootte ef salt to one fish, lighLeous doings (der. ix, 23, 21).
Nor tightly and stunner (not boil) Lesson .1X.-1.Tent ere end doers of
11 an Pour. Dress with gravy, the word (Matt. Ili, 21-29). nlolden
tter and pepper arid garnish With Text, Jos, 3, 22, "Be ye dos of the
rd. boiled eggs eliced. For the
ice, ese te piece of butter the size
an egg, one tablespoonful of flour,
If a pint el' boiling writer. Boil a
v 'minutes and add three hard
l'eci, eggs sliced.
almon loaf—One can sahaaon, four
es well beaten, four tablespoons of
tter melted, hall a cup of One
ead crumbs, eerison with pepper,
t, mace and parsley. Chop the
I and rub in the butter with the
ck of a silver spoon until it is
ooth. Beat the crumbs into the
s and add the seasoning. Put
o buttered pudding moIcl and
arn one hour. Por the sauce :
cup milk heated and thieleened
th a tablespoon of Corn starch, the
tier from the fish, one large spoon
butter, one raw egg, one spoon -
any kind of catsup, a pinch of
enne pepper and One of mace.
the egg in last and very cole-
y boil one minute. When the
cling is entirely cold, take from
mr old and pousauce over it.
re after it goes to the fable.
' t'''J----,:-'.71ar6 • -.ATV'
„...._,N• , '4.:11' - - ...>"."'N- ..LT --'—'-'-'a'-'.
e.rO-,raeice, .lapanese et
to Stock. and Which is Patti ily Choked by Da acted Russian War-
ehip Retvizato
pu d
word and not hearers only." A lot
water and leave it to dry. If the
of so called religion is mere 'talk and
ribbon has beemne rusty it ran be
an, offense to God and man. It is recolored a 3,0 black by dinning in
true 'that there is no saivatioo
black ' diamond dye for silk, and
wOrks revealed in Scripture, but only
salvatien by the precious blood of faded colored ribbons will take any FAINT MD DIZZY SPELLS,
'Christ as God's free gift to the penof the Lich. dark shades and everal.-
itent shades of the same color n be pro- .
&iced by weakening the dye. The
ribbons may be kept free frOin wrin-•
by smoothing them ort after •
eachwearint, and winding them over
a roller and there is nothing better
for thin purpose than a small toy COULD SCARCELY .EAT..:
rolling. pin which can be bought for
a trifle.
can be ire -honed by sponging with
web :trained cold coffee cr with
equal parts of alcohol and water,
and if any .stiffnees is desired, rub
the the libbon with thin gum arabic
Heart Palpitated.
Leeson 7.X.—jestis calms the storm
(Mark iv, 35-11). Golden, Text, I's.
evil, 20, "lite ninketh the storm a
calm, so that the waves thereof are
still." Fear and alarm should have
no plaoe in the heart of a ehild of
God, for the perfect love of God
casts out all fear (I. John iv, 18)
But, like the disciples in the boat,
vve are apt to see with the natural
eyes only and merit Ills "Ilow is it
tha,t ye have no faith ?"
Lesson XI.—Deatli of Jobu the
Baptist (Matt. xiv, 1-12). Golden
Text, Bev. ii, 10, "Be thou faithful
unto clea,th, and 1 will give thee a
CrOlya of life." 'The ungodly pros-
per in this world, for the whole
world lieeh in the wicked one (Ps.
lxxiii, 12; f John v, 19). The right-
eous ate called to walk with Him
who has chosen thern and to suffer
ln Genitally and in other parts of withP1intnad not to thinkr1.
the continent cherry trees are coin- strange it. jnim -xv. 18-20; I Pet. iv.
12, 18; i, 20) . Seeing .3Tesus
11O1' planted by the ro ads de. The
road front Brunn to Gillette 60 only, in Efis hand for Ills pleasure
ad saying, "Foven so, Father," this
miles in length, is bordered with n
cherry trees. This usefuis the believers way.
l kin cl of . ,
Lessen X1 T.--,1 es us fee iS tt five
thousand (121att. xi v, 1:3-28). Gold-
en TOXI John vi, 33 "Jesest said
unto them, 1 am the Bread of Life.'''
Full of compassion, soling the multi-
tudes as sheep having no t3110pherd,
fe0ding 1 110322 as to their bodies and
speaking to 3110111 of the kingdom 01
God, this waS 1 -lis way natl should
be ours, for. Tre 30 still saying.
Ci lye ye tit ern to eat ' We in ay
secau to have no resources, ao power
to do anything, but lie who used
alai *1101 tipl r.1 the lad 's I oavos and
fishes r.,1 ill lives.
hedge -row has many paral'els in
'Austria,. Any passenger may oat of
the fruit of these, trees, except those
few about which the owner has
bound a wisp of straw in token of
reservation. The sign iS utli-rerSally
Cougar -,-'`In my opinion Th.. Doser
is the :highest type 'of n hero." Bob-
bin -77'11/12A, has ._he donor', '`What is
he doing, you alerul.' Wily, lie takes
his own '
Don't Chide the
Don't scold the little
Ones if the bed is wet in
the morning. It isn't tile
child's fault. It is saffering from a weak-
ness of the kidneys and bladder, and weak
kidneys need strengthening—that's all.
You can't, afford to risk delay. bTeglect may
entail a lifetime of suffering and misery.
strengthen the kidneys and Madder, then
all trouble is at an end.
Mrs, E. Kiduer, a London, Ont., another,
living at 499 'Gray St., says:
"My little daughter, six years old, has
had weak kidneys siriee birth., Last Feb-
reary I got a box of boa's Kidney Pills
et Strong's drug store. Since &IA.:hie-them
she has had /16 rnere kidney trouble of any
kind. I gladly make this statement be-
eauee of the benefit rey'ebild has reeteiviel
from tlus mediciae,"
111LBU 11'8
Gured Ora. Edrneni Brown, Inwood, Ont.ri
whon had 81140051 given up hope
of ever getting wolf ocalo.
She writes g "I was so run down that
was not able to do my work, was short
of breath, had a sour stomach every night
and could scarcely eat. My heart palpi-
tated, I had faint and dizzy spells and felt
weak and nervous all the time. My
husband got me a boa: of Milburn's Heart
and Nerve Pills but I told him it was no
use, that 1 had given up hope of ever
being cured. Be however persuaded 111»
to take them and before I had used hall
the box 1 began to feel. better. Two boxes
made anew woman of)0O and have beer
well and liave berin able to do my wort
00422' since.'
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills ail
50 cts. box, or 3 $1,25, all dealers or
• 4. 613rii\I