HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-3-24, Page 1THIRTY-FIRST YEAR—NO 19 HURON & Minn 1 4 ESEX GAZ FITT Ei EXETER, ONT,, CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, MARdili 24th 1904 +— SEEDS + Any person wanting first class Seeds will fiacl it to their advantage to call and examine our Seeds, We have now on hand Red and Alsike Clover Seed And Timothy Seed We also have a quantity el good, clean SPELTZ, which yields from Go to 7o bushels to the acre and takes the place of pease for hogs. Sugar Making ip Pails Sap Spouts, Sap Pans and Sugar Kettles. We have a good Stock at right prices. Hardware We 1ve the largest stock a Iiardware in troughing and Builders' Supplies of all kinds. Lift Pumps eall on us. T. HAWKINS & Rave - and SON New. Spring CREDIT Goods Roller Mills We ezm rnko it worth your while to order a w Suit now instead of Waiting till spring. Can't afford. to rest en our oars because it 'happens to be mid. winter. It is worth something to us by way of advertisement. Everybody doesn't know yet what NVO mean by Good Cutting and Fitt•ing Good Sewing Ana stitching Good Linings and Show. We expect to pay something for an introduction. Come in and see. ..1111froma W. W Taman. iflorcisertit TaUor „awatommtimoNIMIIM•0101.}1.116.11•00. PIANOS Our Stock is the Mostcomplete we %eve ever shown. Pianos and Organs For the parlor we have Pia120s and .Organs a the most beautiful designs and finish and quality unsurpassed, Sewing Machines Our seevutg machines are a, class 'by themselves. In working qualities and 'finish Thn Best. For the Children We have Sleighs galere, at all ..prices. Also Shoo'Fly Rockers, Games 'Whistles, Mouth Organs, etc. In Music We have the latest Popular Songs and Instrumentals. liernan Books and Sibles also in stock. Call and see us and get one of our Artistic Colanders Martm. Gristing and Choppin Promptly Done. We are giving excellent sa- bisfaction in flour since re- modelling our mill. Hensell Sutherland, ,'(otary Public, enaveYart cer, Commissioner, b,iro Insurance Agent, and Issurer or Alarrtage Licenses. Legal documents. to loan en real estate at low rates et Interest, two Years old iiauty last, sired . -Art's. ;lax' Nereis,%\l/olt113 been OfneeetthePeateillee Ileasall Derry Down. The buyers well?M , rno tbe sick list for the past two - R, Bullard ha sheen very in John Fletcher, Usborue and, mr. Hee_ weeka is recovering. carefully erawet at reasonable rates. blowsy Eden -Via Samuel Hicksof the 2nd eon- ceasion, Usborne, eoid three hue ey ht draugmares two, er which were JOHN WHITE & S visiting friends. a1 Brussels for ; AVV:.?k. 1,1 re t oi.x.!Dcir.f,',a " A. Wt't2,;77. 1b73$0.11. • 1 1 for about a week. ry Rowe, Lender: Road. The price -Mr. Richa.rd liciegarclea sale of 1 -Mr. Owen Geiger wain I.;xeter, received, for the three was113fi.27.50 farm st ock and implements...vitt ta1;:e i ler . we 0 on Toosclay last OD busenee.s. Mr. Ilitt•-s has else.. four 'tarty- vlace or 'gar oh t]] -,31rs. White coetinues without draught ma-raa :tivtal foal 'that helms -Alr. and Mra. Scott Darr havare-, ' 30 days much change, being atilt very.low. refund 8925 for. Ineeide of a moznh tut reti 'holm from Oteir liennrcenoen I e - -.Mr. Geo. nice:Wee a. v., Ls ill 01- they will register. Wa. extend to them out hearty- con, tawa altiendiag his Parliamientury gra?, Wallows. prIenS duties. Kipmen -Mee George Campbell, of Hibbert 1 Phaff has purchased a new was marrierl to MLss JUlia Schneider, eat Stock=taking Sale „gespoi.,„„,..7.7.0,0404„, or licirobolza, on the flth inst. We easeeenee 3n the west 'end front Mr. eine d. Blair anit aen. Juh, ore.sn- to the -4,1 „ntr many- nriAhes for welsh- ill -die, , neis week : a long. anj --Air, G. E Capeland. ef werenen: 'aMing the Hen- , njrie. ZutporAtun, w'afoend s in Seaforth are wen cndmove Wheal:al his hav on Tuesday presses brought home from the Chat,. ham district. been M for ttiama,tinie, is now stead- g1in1ng- -'M J1IU131:ALCUCord, wilo trio -Mr John C. Meagan. brotiter 0 me. te, eteeleene ie. here visit in - R. ?Welles, pato:caster at Kin- the old .home people pot), .apent 1:4qpilay with his neiz!e, lfr5 C. A. Mel/oven. ....-arbe St, Andinw-e church p?Ople -Dr. Vergusen, who hankan eye have sel lied with tre Neer:woe com rev geed homes, has recently march- linInle3,4 ;"411?" the' tiAnt. need a fine driver. (mile o Lhevilely, 1, ote -Mr. Ifarburn florist is making ex Lvo praperatioun for a la;r.,ge Moorerville spring trade in plants of all kinds. ,-Tho laraes band will receive aid --Me,sers. Jolat 'V, and ;Tits, Si .p5on from the council again thie year. This werro iu 3F,,,x,Ate.r on lots:tress last Sat-. NVO ane ,sure will meat wtthneneral •-1 e int ay. approval. -Mr. Fred $inepeon has sow his fined o the house for a umber --Mr, Wm. Mgr. who, bas b4eu L c°01t1 Iravoymtlizza(g,thotab000lta foe the it d. \reeks through illness. is now able to -A utunbar of the . nnile front here e_geltr;tlignagina' nd c irling oontinuet the Al tembtl the con"ri'-- :3. LtIcall ou order of the day, the continued cold ThurodAY eveningla6l- veal her beinz Tory favorable at w• ttsirste 1.1;tru%liet: lufl‘iiilltc'e;' 'rC gIraIlittsitigbo*tli°eYre, thope 5pOlqa, ..-:nr. WaiLer .1.41t1C3ALer, w.To Is in 3,11);,1 Itobert, Giarke, on sundaer. ill'oeinilerliltaaae aihrietuha n(glan'!v3e(ir;bleftgli cotnts S• iTel?ali4sSsimEneklotienneti?erel'ial‘tevardinat:nol e ul operettiont _ Miss Pearl Isle% on Wednesday leen The W. Q. T. 1,1 t " .k rs te von. - g tile local option UONV, awl. is iner:ting NNILL13, vent eneouragesunene, he net any too 400n, -Walte4r Lancaster, who eneler- nt an eweration for appendleititein Vtotaraa Hospltal, London expente to he able to return about 'the cud of " month. D. ilegaNuth, who reeveived painful injuries zoom few•weeke aeo stZeTS Averaged 'b,110and, inirie, \Tittle aasiatiug his on in handling mentos seld welh Fiale ome. 701,1g boron 13 now gong eyer '40800.00, and wa.en,old by round ugain smartly. RailliPs, auctioneer, of neneelat, in Kay -A very eucc.:squi auction was belil on Tuesday. ;if last rek. for August Ehnes, of the township a /fe. Ikenes sold. as bigh as $185.00; I 'year old coltatte as*. 117,00; COWS /averaged $50.09; 7 twoeyear-ald DasliWood -Mr. and Mrs. (.Fritz spent; f‘ y nieht J. Kellormann. 4 --IL-S Maud Writ, akter sponding-a few 2;10)101S in Brantford, returned last wecx. Lewis Xlienstiver, jr., le home from .;ria ror a few days. Louis holds a od Tosition as porter in ram fif tb3 aro4:A. 01,3u,o 41731'o4at By town.ili, who has cuarge of J. rcelwrwan's millinenv department for the spring seas= commenced hcr, duttes on Monday. Mtn, Gibdon corocs ljgbly r•acorn- . mended. -Bev- d. C. 31toritoek an d fatiliV were Lagracahly surprised on Thum. day evening lost when a sleighload, of their friends from Crediton'and Shin- to. came unexiretedly ta enjoyean ev- ening together. The evening was pent in plea„sant conversation :rad siliging. Aittar •olulli an exctalieW lunchprovaled by visitors was hearti V enjoyed by all proomat. They all went home feeling pleased taut thank- ful for having been,there. this, lacing .s.szbly the last occasion for them to isit Ilev. Mr. If or1ocl0-5 family in D'hNI. clod. /- (Ttm late for Mst issue) and Mrs. Henry 13eaveripint Sunday itv town. -Albert Sheller, of Zurich oils/ on friends her on Sunday. -IL Fenn spout 5untla:st at Lour) Iwith his brother-in-law, J. Rea -Will Beaver, of rtvrayra, was vls- gatIme(b i" less 1414n 4Q" "Ix"' :4r. '81A" iting friends in the lac the a,vieriAiln:701a:::::alveda a oertmon 'Mewl 13.• S, Phillips as a firetaentee , -enesa J. can. iile1100011, or, z.wicb, leambling. The male- quarteltetateng mtetioneter; Wa5 WO guest. of:the *Assail Ilartlieb en-SV,,nittlia'Yiternate lat. for Bra.ntford ou Monday, where he hassecured post. Lion. wt.1.1 the Mew:or-Earns C-. Sidt es home ..rrom t - ford, where he has been emplOyed for the past: two 140111.115(iI1 a large roller auction of • Mrs. C. :Mil- ler last Friday was well al tended aud everything was disposed of at a good Pr.--1711enry 'Willert, 41,raver or ...Alio place has rented the la attore fartn on 1 he. 14 th concession, Seenhen, late.- ly occupied. by ..he. late 4. "%Salo:attar, Sr. -The eitty, acre loc. one-hult wia north the village VMS bought: be - le Tiernan, butcher for $1800; While the lionmstead almo domposed or bo acres WilS purehas.ed bJII. L. lira rt. the ptice paid betng ..800, tha4),1"othedist church, lasx Sunda.y wisbes to state that he, eau eilcome woo. exeendingly well. in again soon. -11,1rs. 3. lerclilwen, who halibeen so seriously ill, is r,ecovering. Ewen, her daughter, who is one or the 111 1niros at the Bos 1. Sweit spveit besotted, erNew York, Is herne'enursing her Ing- ther. ussian War Is again on, which has caused wheat to go up with leaps and bounds. Any farmeis holding good clean wheat will find it to their advan- tage to see J. Cobbledick who has large orders to fill. Grain received at Exeter, Cen- tralia and Clandebeye. Bnyfield Z1' - aunday. ' o Kerr 'oE Clinton was in twn -Mieees Fanny Allen and Jennie '.,NI.orrisli who have been the guess of the Rev. E.. A. ,Shaw and were foe eight days at. the Nippen eireult par- sonage, 'returned h.omet by (livery as the ralas to the.north were not run- ning% 'They wore from Mr. Shaw's Cornier circuit. Bonmilior. OW day recently Kathleen Blackall, the little datughtor ofithe propriator ,of .Lhe Queen's hotel ihad tt 010$310.11. 'Wihen 'going to sehool,she run acitass a 'ditch which waa.cavared with snow ,b01: the valet, ga,vo may and, she fell Mee the wafer 'below which was over four feet cleten Timely aesist- erica saved the littree,irl from drown - Death et Miss linnthron.--Miss lassie 33onthron, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Benthron, or the 3rd, concession of • Hay, near 'Hensel' pawet1 from this life: on Wednesday, of hist Iveek. Miss Bouthrontwas mast amiable young woman, only 28 year of age, and one te whom lift was iu many respeota most pleasant. She had suffered fronnill health for eating's atl ast were extreme, she bore aehut 4W0 1-3:111% being 'a victim of all with patience, frequently expreea that dread disease. consumption. Al- sing her dire to go and be with thongh so young and she had e1very- her Lard, I the mime tum willing thing around her, LQ. Make life at- an suffer his n-111 hon. Deceased is eurvived by two sisters and two brothers of 'Moose Jaw, and ene.bro- ilter or Hensall. A. husband and five catildren mourn the loss of a (leveled wife and loving mot hey.. Exeter Municipal Conn Council met pureuent te talent at £awn Hall, ,":4ar- aeat COU14111.01,"t2oik, 311nates or previous meeting 2.e114 and Oonfirro ed.". Taylor-aeluir.-Tbat the Lender or the Wilkinson Plow Co: for wheel enreperat $443.00 being 1110 lowese be aceepteet-Carried. Wo fatal Mr. 131a tch- tford's communinaelon the referred to I he .town solipiter.-Varrfari. Muir- Weetl.-Tha 1 ouncil ad- jeurrt to mee,t at call Of re:va--Car- ried. GEO. H. DISS1eT1', Meek. Varnn Obituary,- Alary Ann Melrins, whose maiden name was!Rounit, was brim on he Goshen line of the town- ship or Stanley on November tithe 180 and departed this 11 at her late residence near Varna, on March 9111, 1901. She VMS i1 hut six- daps when she euecumbed 10 Mae dreaded dis- enne, pneumonia, In 1889 she \yes united in marriage to William M ins, who is a highly: respected farmer of• this community. Though her tsut- c-Mrts. :Tannings, and eon., Erneet, tractive, ;she never repined seem - at Patkhill, arts guests at the rectory ,ed peFfectly.reisigned toltho will of -.Mr. and Mrs. Vanstone, nee Miss A. Green, of Detroit, are visiting relatives here. ,--Perer Parker and Dave Leitch leave this welt for North Dakota We wish them a safe trip and success • The Canadian passenger Agents have fixed the rate of fairs to the SI., Louis .fair. Tickets good for, the whole season will bei sod at, at rate of 80 per centof the double fir ; good for 30 days ac a 'fate and i pneathird, and good Lor fifteen daps at single fare. Stopovee vi1L ho allowed atiin- , erxnediaete points from places ;of snit!. to Detroit, and also at Chicago. +.7111.1111•61111111•0111112461.1.1RIMIZIEMEMOM. THE— Merchants ank - of &nada HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. GAPITAL (all paid pp) . ....... .. . . .. ...$6,000,000. RESERVE AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS $2,974245 THOS"...FIZSRD, LH. REDDEN, General Manager Superintendent of Branches A ;GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Interest at. tnost favorable current rates allowed on Savings Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts. Special attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle- men., Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the world. CREDITON:isNoTHARHC) Iouvi . Manager Him an whop - she placed her .implicit trust. She was a mostazmah,e young woman and was greatly beloved by all, NV110 kneel her 'and elle will be miss ed 111 atie eamemunity, 'bat she will 1m most missed -in the home. Where Sire watt mast belovedelfeieb eyth, pa thy is Celt for the in,reteved par - cots and fritendS. Now that, 3fr. „Dryden has under, taken ito franaa, at aw to fix, tho,istyle in which young women'shall Wear their hair in factories, why doesn't lii fjs linait,on the It ti laclie,s may exhibit in churches? •••7-..m....rscr....r.ssra•••=yera.,,,,,. STANDARD '''OfrTHE WORJ.fl t; Croditon Mr. :William Drown spent Sunday itt / 111 ( li WII 11 lilts parents. Rev. Durum; of the Evangialical „It arch preach special • sermons each da.y in the'evening. Geoe,ge Ellber heft, for lee. - roil, on 'Monday, whero in;1 ia Neenr_ ed a •situe&tion. --Miss Dora Either returned to Zur loll, last Sunday after visiting f Tie/ids the tpast week. Ifenry Label' • who is at Lend- ing 11 he :Legiisle!ture at ;Teronto,,stpient 411--i''.11111S111LIldirtaitay.1,; 11?-1.:lolcns ni.B.1011O1, Who us engaged. In the D130.0011105 'W0(rkisiTo- ronto, ap VI1 V. a flew An.ys here ilast rcenk 3411 11 ber parents. She ttaciress- od the Sunday School lent „Sanday. _neer. Will. D. Gair.ier hits bought Mr. llarry Esseyy's 100 acre farm', !tin 1he 5111 canclession fen :,:3,1;.1.00.• Al, lowisery Inntvie Lo ,Crys Lai CtLy Mia,rataba, in a few weeles, where he will take ap ferImin,g, • Cromarty ('1110 hie for lest issiee -..eir. P. ISTeLachliva Ineye‘i. in:0 0111 -:5vf.iiisisng.Z3e. ta Andrew snalt , 111 1 wcelt with friends here. G. Wilson 1114(143 lila .y0.4 1 party o14c; niglit last -\5 eelc. ereNaugenone reeuseele the guest of her cotisie. e1l145 ei0e10i1- ---.11111 Currie fa rin N42443 801,1 (1, I\ [I'. leavid entr(litier, of Farqulter for ,-.1;\1 1. 7 ret dea;?; e. e 070. Zurich Chester Benediet left en Tu- esday for North Dakota where he 'will work on it farm. -.Mr. john Roehrig left for the Qanadian • Norehweiet, an Tuostla y where he will make his future home. -IA heavy filly rising tanewaseadd at 'Well. Turnbull's sale on Thursday last for $170.00. It cerrtainly paysno anise good horses. -Mr. John Plaff: recently purchas- ed a 3-year-o1d team of the heavy draught horses, Iron' Mr. Rohn ray- match will be pla„yed in Mitchell, on lore of the Sauble line, for ea00.00. Geed Friday. • .-Mr. Louis Weber has bought •ti': house and two lots (from the 'Smaller restate, in the northern part of the town, now occupied by Fred Hu:teen -.Mr. Henry- Reichert has,purohas- ed the 100 acre farm east Of Zurich, 'known as tb_e Zettle •farin, for $5,600. Te, is the intention of Mr. Reichert to make this his future home. -fern Jahn TM/11MT, Nv.h.0 wilis:!ta- alr emtgoyed as blacksmith ;wait, Mr. John Weeeloh, started for the Niorth- .weea on Tuesday . afternoon, , where he intends to follow -up his trade. -When the St. joeeph isincl Senna- 1ford 'Electric Rai nay bra 01 1110 up in Ihe railway committee of the Leg- isia:ture ,on Tuesday, Ie1.1 o. Cameron, Gaderich, objected to theclause giv- ing: power.to run' ;through Ilensall, as paralleling the Huron Grey arid 1 13(31430 Com pally, in co r pc ra i ed last year. The biii 016 held ever fill . Thursday at request of 1 hn 31)11 '11 are holding a special sale of furniture for the before, taking stock and have greatly reducei, every article in our store during this sale, 'ALL AND SEE US and we will save you dollars. ROWE & fiTKINSON The leading Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, Practical embalmer s11 tlnte va,11/31' 1.11dtie141€i*I.,4111ro 11:0 the to tor' (nee 1110 let few Welts, bas folly ratiove Wel are. 00444d tralintrer that Mrs Brown, Nr40 far the pa* month has been very sick with pneumonia, ic able io be around again. i -air. and Mrs. ;fosialt licsrtle and , daughter, Ethel, of ihis plaec, visited with 'Mr, KaAle's sistor, Lrs 3, Vis"ber, near Exeter, on 1Ved.nt4st1ar, I }not, Bruicefield d Mrs. drill), tlrr'Y oi lan,PL'. and.11'..t34rts.11‘4.134Cairle'kaIbe . haw Balfour and '(Et .%. 1 - are t‘Quding tia. annual, theGrand.CouncA ci" C. 0. C. kit being- hold i• n "reroute, ‘, (Taunod1,3ttLf,00ralN;NttzioioNcl,e.ultket 111 fnn4- visited at the home of ,Mr, n4 Ilodgert on Sunday. Tohn Dill, who hod n- ,14wing acquaintances herb Dar the LNVO months returned to his nonee 111 1 e Vw est. ert llotlgort setae hee b,2en 411 (110 mploye a the "R. S. Ford 0 o. Mitobell, for four ycars.bas been ta- g gad for another year ,showing the esteem in which he holds with the eateene be which he Is held v. ne tee Tho long looIvel for checker 1113e et, between Fullerton, Ilalaublale and ;Nlitchell clubs came of.g ifr'4ay too b.c.40.4,,, T,700:14 n ts?1- 0.t F. ; hall hero, when forty-six 'sturdy' yeo- men faced each other or fully fear hours resuhing in a defeat Lor Len Mlle:hell dub. A.Ster the game was .finished they all:repaired to the Ru-) enloele House, where an up-to-date/ oyster supper was scrvsdtoabosit 75 guests, In the "we sum' liners" they 11 wendad their way home well plecend with .their rights outing. Be- low W.2 give the game itt t::ii detail Russeldale;--3. Brown 5; W. Drown 3. Roger 8 ; Thos Artrialtrong 1 A.. Watson 6; Jas. Davidson, 8; F. Morris 2; A. Elliott 0; G. jordar.31.e. Campbell 1 Geo. Parker 24; J. Ridge 3; R. Dakar 1; 3. ; Clark 5; Wm.. Balfour 0; 11. 13alfour 6; j. . Russell 4; F. Ilarenere3; 3. Grieves 5; II. C. Facey 5; A. Kent 2; Valetor- ris 1. Total 74. Mitchell Mcored as follows,. the first figures being wins and the neond draws. -Dr. Atkinson 0-1 ; S. A. Ilodg-e 0-1; Wo =oil, B. A., 2-1 ; We Roger 0-3; J. llogert 3-1; J. Dougherty 3-3; W. Dennison 5- r, ; W. Timms 2-2; 11, Field 2-1; Nieholeon 1-1; W. It. Cob. 11-0; S. Mord I-2; C. Moore 2-2; Ab. Div- idsen 1-0; Dr. Brown 2-0; 0. Vann: • 1-2; A.. leaker0--1; J. 'Wet t 1-0; W. Sohaefer 0-0; Hal Davis 0-0; Win. Moventz 0-0;1 V. Williiams ; W. Thorn 2-8, Total 322-30. A roam. 1 X Exeter, Ont, hatever You Want Whether it's a &for. nal oceAsion or just slness or outing, it ought to be well made and ought to fit. Vire do it that way. The fit will he per- fect ; the making will be exeel- lent ; the clothes will be a credit to us arta to you. ee Our New Spring Goods We have a TITICO assovtnle and can suit you, in stk . qu.ali and price. t Us Make Your Spring Merchant Tailor CIIOPPIN • We have our Chopper • now in running- order and solicit a share of • your trade, and will do our best to give you good chop, and are pre. pared to do 3hopping at any time. Sitar(in (Too late for lasI iNeek) --1NF4'. 11<luni43 is at present err the sick list. - C; u trine iivood 1.s now ;he archer W.' the (lay. i r..141531411 Aiiiy 14Jid were ill L121101l Sa tunlay oil business., --MI'. JO (UL( Sh a pi, 041, (if otv r. (tolled oil friends here a few' days;tgo, --Mr. Get)rgo Wealrloy, oi Wood - raiz, is tile guest ,cif iiis sister, .1111.4s.. trcri-ciii,'Itil?Z*itiXelv;;s.iiir''Ijega: Fri leCcae°11ta;-Irj. I' 41 11..1 (1'1 v3{?.e'ekL's W:1114:1'311 a n --Miss Annie, Harvey, cf, 1)4 44 -- 404 Ling witti iier sister, Mrs. All)i,,rt Ilroyin, of this place. -Qui La a„ nitInber Croile here a t tend ed the aviation stile. fir, Mrs n. -tar 1)11WO.011, 0113 day last, wsek. ,T. Swartz liarf a very eue- eeee- ful Tag bee, on Tuesday last, ' .10 ri" ent, Mt. X Baas te, The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of • Come in and examine our chop, we are sure you will Bring in a Load and Give us a Trial. Snell & Blatchford Corner of Main and Station Street, Next Electric Light Plant. enaceet For Sale All kinds of Fence Material. Stock Scales cif all sizes, 4800 pound Stock Seale for less than $80. All Scales' guaranteed. Cattle wanted for summer pasture, by the month or season. Also a farm house and 4 acres of orchard to rent-a—en' W. NI. BLA'TCH FORD, Exeter. USE C EANING NE S Hollywood Ready-tc-use Paints, Alabastine and Murallo for wall Furniture Varnish... Ftirniture Polish ... Evefprite Silver Polish Campbell's Varnisla Stains Paint Brnshes.... Carpet Whips .... 15c, 25c, and 45c per tin and ceiling 250, 450 and 500 roc per can .25e per bottle g ... 250 per bottle • 15e, 3oc, and 5,0c ... se, roc and t5c roc each Call examine and price these ti..:•/A.L—MeketnlettrnrseattrOlia.21-,,,ileIMMOSIV.,211 Ranges WA .....eaeaseeeeeeeeeetee.e.