HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-3-17, Page 8WA R T
A Few Leaders for "larch
Some Real =army Savers.
One, only. nien's no. one 13ea.verizecl Serviceable School Shoes for
Fur Co., a very lerge size, a Beauty. 1
1$oys ana Girls
RUL "'I" *Z35•Q° "1' eie"ing., Beeltby boys aud girls will weer
i one any shoee soon enough, but they
One outy, mean uatural Wellalw‘ ozotl t wear Out, the Ahtens Oraiu °elf
Fur Coat, large fell hides, nice darklerkee we een es ,Rou as eeme outer
shade, worth $18,00 Clearing Price kinds, that's beeeitee they ere inetle
$1400. l-froto geoid -tie water grain eitif elan
Ope poly Ladies Fite Ltned Cane, aria soled with the celebrated Ahreos
plain cloth, squirrel liniug, for collar, , oke teneed eole leether, water proof
good valite at 1.5.00 clearing ae only and wear proof. Every pair eold on-
Eight only, Lediee' Far Coat,s, Ass
rachau Rnesiele, lainh and Electric
Seel, ailat a, special diecourit o 20 per
cent, belaw oer regular close prIcee,
come he AO See the yaluee.
About 300 pieces tiltI1 eed$ mints. 0
to 29 yards to each piece, dark ;Led
eight colors, perfeee dyes, choke pat-
terns. Rear values Me,
March price your enolee for 100,
26 only, largest size white one
eoutb Bed Speeees. pure white. love'
Unish, epeeiel dice patterns ouly eSe.
Ask to eee our epecial Week eateee
Ianderekirte, rare vainee 75a. $1,09
and at%
der guarantee, Feet, money hack
slime are not as representea.
Right Up to the Minte
Our men's yew epriug hate.
we sey swell we mean juit, wha
eay, style, quelity end value ie
,We offer you, tioth in Eaglielt
American manee.
Walt Papern
Yeswe've a. big Walt Paper trade
goold that we eau save ,Fotl gond
PROF on your et ring pepere, We
ay direct trent the mitnufecturet mid
ye our ctmtomere the advautenee Of
'Owe boying, We have a lot of
uds men 5 lo 29 tells of a
tben leaf vidne,
— --
Our new Spring e opened up. Wo etrc
ready for your early orders, Perhaps it would be well to
order your Raster hat early and escape, the rush and crush
Tater on, Remember our show room is always open. You
are we:come at any time to inspect the styles in Millinery.
Yes our grocery trade is good, perhaps because we
y$ sell choice fresh groceries, and a great many lines just
we bit lesi than yon pay other houses,
quruitue has been lifted fro ot
the homes of \V. U. Bresett and Me.
Illedeman and the searlet feye e pet-
its have fuily recovered from their
.11re, 0:1 ee,aftee a two weeks pleas-
ant visit in Sarnia, returned home an
Saturday lase accompanied by law
will see t here title week. I pecials
daeghtea :Sire. T Goodiscat wt
Me, Rot _Leathern hae dispdserl
of his 50 -acre farm in 11., township of —
Seepheu, beilig eoutie half of lot 22,
4. to Mr. Albert li‘ord. The pvee
paid wee $3,000.
Double -tracking oz the Greed
Truek between London, and "Hamilton
wilt be begua ae iioort zis tne weather
emits, Tile contractors Ross Mc -
en expect, to stat aboilt the first of
packine• apples for England ;
liox of Ze) lbs's.js reported to the Otta-
wa Department :,te the Most, conneen-
ietiele Flee, The box should be long
and wide, oot deep, te sbove a large
urface of apples,
Friday. March 18, extensive clear -
g aiietion eale of registered ehorte
horn cattle, and well bred draught
borees from one to five yeas old. on
1(413, eon, $, Usborae, 21., miles soetb
o Wintlielsea. jos. White, Auct.
Won Breck, Prourietor,
es, .
e lie
m S Af A t II 1.7th '1904
Airs. Jelin Charlton, who bas
SO SerioRsly ill fer the. past week front
the etfeets of Grippe we are pleas-
ed te state elthomen yet very hew, im-
„proving with more hopeful signe of
zeewer» which new wia be welemee
ed y her minty Mende,
it i that Rev. Zr, De;
Goderich. Chairman of the Gode-
Oen District o tbe eletbodiet chtirelt
es eignilled his acceptance of the in -
teem recently tendered him by
lolborne street elutreb, Lawlor),
jivt 10 the action• of the Stationiug
'he present thaw has madeto man trevell-
vecy unpletteinit and dangerous
or beast, ire turn out, meatie
a.stroggle for your horee in the snow,
1th sometimes injurioue reeults, as a
her of eases has hem reported
cutting tbonselvee, or sprain -
cords of their legs,
Ilawkellaw retiwned home
y at midnight baying epent
with a gang a Well who were
ageel. in Shovelling -awl eleining tbe
G. T, R. in the Northern distriet tbe
enow in some pieces is upwerde of 13
t high and forms a tunnel of ;Al-
t sold ice and sow.
epee eait weele
fzufda.hout g
And wily.%
PI not with the
=leeaukIn Tbfs shouldn't he •so, mad in -
d, hie itni1t,410 with tilOSO W1/0 orne to this
Bank; for we aira to make every trapeaction set
-clear and so plain, that dealing with a 13ank soon
becomes to theiu an eaSer jt
We appreciate thaeatronage of WOMert. Their hush
ith us le already large and steadily inereaelne. It you
are not a ps.tron. thou ACRID 'consider thle lavitetion to
become one.
Branches in Huron County at,
x t r Crediton Dashwood nlensall Zurich Clint°
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Scanners. r,
or Marriage Licenses,
Wedding Ritigea,
Weatclaes, Clocks
J ewelry,
Spectescles Etc
Watch Repairing a Seeeialtv.
DR. OVENSsageof,V,),{1g:
—,-Eye, ler, Nose and Throat
Glasser ISM:13,ily. Fitted
Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. Office
lerfelERCIAL,HOTEL. Dates of visits.
EDNESDAY0. roes. Alarch 2, March 30,
J Imo I.Juna23, Sule 27, Sept, 7.0t. 4.
Noe. 2, Nov, a). linden office 225 Queue Ave.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisements accepted up to noon
Wednesday' of each week.
Me Rieherd Coultice, of Elitnvilhe
m visiting bis daughters here, Mrs.
ICyle and etre, John Hinds.
Easter Sunday came on April 3ed,
1330, comes again April 3rd, 11/01„ and
will not come again until April 3rd,
Inn *
The Misses Lilla and Alike- Jolme re-
turned home on Monday znorriteg af-
ter a visit with friends in Paris and
Mr. and'Mrs. B. S. O'Neil and
daughter Irene, attended the funeral
of Mr. O'Nell's mother at Liman, ort
Saturday last.
Invitations ars out announcing the
marriage of Mr. Thos. Higgins to Miss
Bate Pickel to take place on Wednes-
day March 23rd,
Miss Irwin wee unable to take her
place at school on Wednesday owing
to slight illness. Iler room was clos-
ed in consequence,
Mr. Garfield Mitchell left last week
for Brantford where he has accepted a
situation in the shipping department
of the Verity Co. Plow works.
Miss Lida Oke, who has been -emit-
ing at the home of her parents here
for tbe past month returned to -
THURSDAY, MARCH rith, 1004 forth on Saturday last. Sea
Rowe & Atkinson are holding anoth-
er special reduction sale of furniture
for the next 39 days before taking
stock, See ad.
lo-day(Thursday) St. Patrick's Day. j Mrs. (Dr.) Hutton, of Detroit, who
Reed Popplestone & Gardiner's add is visiting her parents at Centralia
parsonage,spent Wednesday with her
on page 5-• f iend Mrs Peter Gardiner.
” Two weeks from next Sundav is I r
Easter. - It is stated that the debenture id
° a d • - e e
ers an depositors will get about '20c.
Mr. a,ncl Mrs. R. E. Pickard ar
;spending a few days in Toronto.
•- Rev. W. Godwin will address he
• 4Ixildren in Main street church next
Sunday morning.
Mrs. Glanville, of London, is visit-
• ing her mother, Mrs. Sweet, Huron
' Miss Rhoda Kerslake spent a few
-days last week visiting her friend Miss
Rettie Essery, Eden.
e on the dollar from the defunct Atlas
Loan Co's windup,
Toronto World promises a silver
cup to every baby born on Pebruary
29th. Up to Saturday last, fifty-eight
had been reported eligible for the cup.
Messrs. Handford & Elliott held a
very successful sale of horses here on
Saturday last the horses all bringing
good prices. Mr, H. • Brown was
Mrs. Homey and the Mis.ses Harney
f ffsborne have nueved Into their
Bears the Tie Kind Yell Have Always Bought ° .
comfortable cottage on Main street
eienetere , --e% which has been completelY onerhaul-
, ed and improved throughout.-
apetako for Itself I
(a MAT:4i
G uaranteed to Cnre vithin 30 IIute umoue dwelled
All Druggists or mailed. 0 The Herald Remedy Montreal
**se* eeeeseesseteeeeeeeseeeeseeeesseeeeeoeseeeosseeefeee
Mr.• T. PariehiSen, inStliranee
agent.Lonclore was in town for e, short,
time on Tuesday. Mr, Parkineon was
doinR bueineel in Heiman and was cal-
led home to London by telegram, In
tinier to reach that city he was com-
pelled, to drive with horse and cutter
OS Sit train service was cancelled ow-
ing to the snow blockade,
Rev. Dr, Spier, D. D. a the MeCaul
streetcburcle Toronto, will preach
Missionary sermous in James street
church on S'undey next, March 20th'.
Collections aud subscriptions in behalf
of Methodist missions Dr. Spier is
an able an eloquent preacher and will
doubtless be greatea by a large ate,
• tendance.
Mies B. Robinson who left Toronto
last Week Mr Wiertop, where she has
been engaged as milliner,being unable
to proceed farther than Stratford, re-
turned to live bome here to await a
thawor the removal of tbe snow and
ice which has the veils on some of the
northern lines completely insulated,
Leap year skating under auspices of
Hockey club at Rink on Friday even-
ing next, Gentlemen that are unpop-
ular witb the ladies had better stay
away. as they will be nwall flowers."
Those who t.re popular should all at-
tend and ;nye the ladies the opportun-
ity to demonstrate the fact. Gentle-
men are positively prohibited (under
line) from asking the ladies to skate,
and !acne* from accepting. Band lu
The Farmers' Co-operative Harvest -
fug Machine Coo have now taken pos-
session of their new premises at Whit-
by, and have large consignments of
machinery and other materiel on the
railroads en route to that, place. They
have also eompleted contracts tor
large orders of supplies which will be
delivered at Whitby as fast as the
raihva,ys can handle it. The Company
is still pushing the work at the Toron-
to works to its utmost capacity in the
meantime, bue as soon as the congest-
ed condition of the railways is over
the Toronto _plant will be pulled out
and sent to Whitby. The Company
will have binders, mowers and rakes,
and posiibly other machinery to pnt
upon the market duriug the eOtnitig
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Groveie.signature
is on each box. 25c. •
PROPERTY FOR SALE. --- Desirable
property in Exeter with suitable resi-
dence thereon. Good investment.
McTaggart, of Hen-
sel', wishes to remind all those who
placed their orders with her for "The
Frying Pan" attachments thet they
are now ready for customers at the
store of Thos. Hawkins & Son.
Winslowes Soothing Syrup has been used for
over sixty years by mileons of mothers for their
children while teething; with perfect succesa.
It soothes the child, softens the gams, allays all
in, mires wind colic. and, Is the best remedy
r Diarrhoea. It is pleasaet to the taste. Sold
by druggist9 in every part of the world. 26
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and take ItTre Virinsiow's Soothing
Syrup and ask for no other kind.
Coectee. ,— The Exeter Hockey
club has been fortunate enough to se-
cure a date from the Beweil Graham
Concert Trio which consists of Anna
Watson Beive11, Soprano ; Arthur W.
Sewell, Baritone; Wailace Graham
Elocutionist. These theee are all ar-
tistic in these particular lines, and a
number of Exeter people who ba-ve
expressed themselves as desirous of
hearing these noted artists, will have
the opportunity afforded them Friday
April Stie 1904 „it Giclley's Opera
House Exeter.
ron uniform promotion eXaminations
for public schools will he held on Wed-
nesday and Thursday, March 80Ih and
alst, Papers will he sent out for pro-
reotion.frorn the Jr. ti, Sr. II, Jr. TH
and Sr. 11I classes. Teachers should
notify the P. S, inspector immediete-
Big .
New Prints
Specials We have all the new spring prints in now for your inspection.
They are a nice lot, in all the new colors and designs. In price
they are 6e, $c, i254c.
Now &ghouls and Ohambrays
For waists and children's dresses we have a big choice in those
n stripes and checks of blue and white, pink and white, greens
nens and reds.
Prices away down, IOC 12 x/ec, Inc.
Las ies'
NO* I Ladies' Fine 'Iliad< Surna Skirt wt‘h,r.eil 50
Frills, made fall, special. .
2 --Ladies Black Skirt made of Fine Mercer-
ized Sateen, very silky finish, three wide
Frills„ special ........... 50
• La& ck Skirt with seven Frillt; made
of heavy rnereurzed sateen, extra eeia1
ate s
New $ilkine Waistingg
Those are very fancy colorings and pattern.; and make up
a beautiful waist or dress. You 1111,1St See them to appreciate their.
values. Only x50 and 7.0o per yard,
Spring Nom Furnishings
A big range to select from.
Good union carpet for.... .......25c, 300, 350, 4.0e, 50c,
• Qoqd wool carpet for 444444 *444 4444 4.4 **4 65; 75; 8,
Best $ ply wool carpet tor...
• Nice quality tapestry carpets for,,4, and 60c.
The finest tapestry carpets for.—
VVindow Shades
In cream, Ught and dark green, and red. 35c to $1.00,
y. tatting the number
',tired for each clatea
Aeelesgeae---On Thursday
pleasant little \lett with At
luau little Drew Knight, eon
and Mee, A. J. Knight was returnin.
along tbe eidewalk the sheet distant
to his lime when he accidentell
lipped end fell upon the ivy wal
breaking his right. leg a ebort, dietane
aboIle the knee. Ile '1449 found by
passe e by and carried to ills hem
when tnedicelt aid was prOORredo tb
limb was set and now the little petit%
resting well and is, we WI hope ele
the way to a speedy reeeVery.
TEMPI:RANCE Retenen---The teloner.
once rally of the Sunday schools of
town in the Main :street, Methodist
Church ea Sunday uuder the ow
pima -the W. O. T. U. was well ot-
tended, a large delegation of the
children from the different, ;schools as
well as permits and friends being pre.
emit eo that the seating capacity of
the church was taxed to the utmost.
The lesson for the day wee read re-
sponeively led by lkfte II. Huston fol-
lowed by five taionte addresses by
Messrs. P. W. GI:Waxen, P. People
and T. IL McCallum who based their
remarks along the temperaute line,
The program was interspersed with
Choruses by the choirs of the schools
as well as by the primary classes. The
programme throughout being much
enjoyed by all present.
Ottrotele.--This organization Met at
theresidence of Mrs. 11. Hooper on
„Thursday, Meech 10th at p, m, In
the absence of the president the chair
was occupied byTars. D. A. Rose
Devotional exercises were conducted
by Mrs.(Rev.) Godwin,after which the
ordinary business was transacted. A
special item of interest was the pre-
sentation to Mrs; Godwin of a beauti-
ful patched quilt at which the ladies
had been working at intervals during
the 'winter. The presentation was
znade by Mrs. J. Willis in a few well
ehosen remarks. Mrs. Godwin re-
sponding in a Tory happy mood. A
datnty lunch was served by the gener-
ous hostess when all departed feeling
that another pIeasaue afternoon bad
been spent by the members.
T ST 00 A
1 vas AltileSe th u Viei* Rheurnat.
wins and, after ylnWiner's
Liennient three heave. wee eptirely.
4t1relieved, ele mother who is troubled
u. withRheuniatient would not be with.
e 4ant. it for skurbe9g. It brings quick,
7 rehel to her, h is the Net linament
41 1 evet,k* spraloa, Inut bruisee, and
general penmen 1 have used it for
10 or 15 yeere and want no other.
Bootee Ills Lea.—On Saturday af-
ternoon last while ;t number of child-
ren were enjoying, a pleasant time
with their band-eleighsr riding down
an enbankment of snow at the rear of
Mr. S. Martin's store, Clarence the
youngest sou of Mrs. Marshall, An-
drew street, had the misfortune to
have his right leg broken above the
knee. the sleigh in some way going
over the boy. He was conveyed into
the home of Mr. John Charlton, Mee.
Marshall being there in attendance
upon Mrs. Charlton who had been ill
and was just at that; time in a very
critical condition. The lads injuries
were pronmtly attended to ried we are
pleased to know that although at
times sufferiag nnech pain, he is pro-
gressing fayorably and it is hoped he
nia.y soon be about again,
AT Holm. --- A very pleasant "At
Home"was held in James street eleurch
on Tuesday evening under the auspi-
ces of the Epworth League. An en-
joyable programme was rendered eon-
sisting of choruses, recitations etc. A
solo by Miss IN ina Carling was well
rendered and much appreciated. The
selections by the male quartette, Mese
Sere, Dr Anderson, S. Martin, Esli
Heywood and. E. Shapton were much
enjoyed as was also the sole .by little
Miss Muriel Anderson, who received
a hearty encore, she responding in a
very pleasing manner by giving it
recitation. After the programme was
rendered refreshments were served
during which time Mr. Martin enliv-
ened those present with selections
from the gramophone, A number of
new names were enrolled as members
of the society.
W. F. At. a—The W. M. S. of Jam-
es street church held a very suncess-
ful quarterly tea at the house. of Mrs.
John Snell, on Wednesday, 'March 9th
Over seventy were present to „enjoy
the good things, provided by the mem
here Ler the, occasion. No tpains had
been ',spared to provideia programme,
which oceapied about t we hours after
,ho Lea was over. A quartette cern-
1)0.5:;C: of the elisses; Gill and Lewis
and Mr. Bell. Heywood and lle. Ander
eon gave a selection evnich was re-
ceived with' good effet i recite, -
aon was well rendered ,by 411ss Coro
1rier. :MIAs Ethel Cohldedick revit-
ed it very appropria te Nee° which
wan muck etneyed by all. Little Mine
taint Antlereon eati4e "little oCeutral
Give nic Ileum" A, duet wan alai
aurig by Miss Okte and Mies Prime Dr.
zulerson was kind enough to give
several veleetione on les grapholtione,
Oilier selecitious woro givenby mem
hers of the society. The* society i
in n very oresp.orous condition an
we „heartily commend them for tbe
good work they aro doing. Five new
reember,s were adtled tonbe member
-Ails list at thisoneeting. Mucleored-
it is due Mrs and Mrs. Snell tor
the hearty manner IR which they wel-
comed and entertained all
Carnival,—One .of the toast suecess
„MI events of the season was the tar-
nivel on Friday evening last. •There
1VOS a, very large, erowd of =asked
etcetera and ever.yone voted, it a splen -
success. The prize for the best dress -
lady -was won by xrs..w..a. mut-
man as "Turkish Lady" Miss Millie
leymbnan, as "'Italian dancer" en9-
terrine; the prize fax tbest dresse.d girl.
Hiekey was awarded the prize foe
"sbesi diseased. gentleman. and ?Lr.
Fred Rawden for COM/O. In the races
Mr "13 years of age and under", W.
Ileseett. "10 years and under" le•
Carling. "Free -for all," 11. Wailers
Following this canto the second cerrzi
;eel on Monday night under the ane -
'Aces of the hockeyeluh which was a
pronounced ;succees. The ice seas in
perlect condition, and it ,good etten-
danee, The number in costume; ex-
ceeded that of the previous earni-
val and the coeftumes were really
ietehleg ones. The bright colors and
th.e cdd inakeeups made it pleasant.
sickle The band rentleriag enliven-
ing musks during the evning. The
whiners were :--03est dressed gentle-
-man Sohn Newcombe; best comic
lady or genie W. Muir ; best dressed
girl under 17, Gertie Andereon, "Fl-
ower Girt." ; beet dressed boy under
17, E. Tenigh.t. COmic hockey, maech
re,suited in 3-3.
HICKS Fogioases. — The storms
predicted have come right along and
another is to cover the 16th to 2Ist.
The disturbing canes are, the Barth
near the centre of the vernal equinox
the Mercury disturbance at its centre,
the regrOar Vulcan equinox, and the
Moon on the equator and at its con-
junction with Earth and Sun at an
eclipse node. The conjunction of the
planet Jupiter on the 20th will also be
a factor in the disturbances at this
tiroe. Things to be expected : The
new moon falls on the 1661). passing
over the celestial equator on the 17th
hence marked change to warmer, with
rapidly falling barometer, will begin
about these days, followed quickly by
wide reaching and violent storms of
•rain, wind and thunder. Whatever
speculative and verient yiews may be
entertained de the subjecewe contend
that when the Moon passes au eclipse
node, as it cloes on Meech 15th, pheno-
tneua out of the ordinary, in the way
of storm, tidal wave end earthquake,
fallout, as a rule, within 40 to GO hours
of the, moment of Moon's conjunction
with Earth and Sun, •Let us watch
the world's record from about the 15th
to 18611 of March. Before the close of
this fourth storm period, storms will
take on the form ef blizzards over
much of the country north and west,
with darig,erous eaeterly geles along
the Atlantic, This is another time
when destriictive sleet, will be a nat-
ural and certain consequence. •Of
course, e'llerch cold wave will "wind
up the ball."
1 Reductions hi Fa
d see,
eral Dir
ontilluiag Or
gams Sure
-our Friends to
d Thactiab10 Embalmer, Opere, House Block
* * ********
You are
ite Right
When you .st, on having
Harvey Bros.' Flour. Om
Is made from the choicest
Ontario and Manitoba wheat,
The quality of our
Has been improved by Steri-
lizing it. Give it a trial it is
a "Food"., not a "Fad/'
Our facilities for hal:idling the chop-
ping trade are unsurpassed. The new
Vissot grinder is giving great. satis-
*0010004000060041*V '":414119*1221
e are received from businesg firms and 41
* MANY STUDENTS are placed in good III
positions each year by tho famous
$30• This_paliosa,ptaads,for IfIqUEST
• AND BEST in business education in
O Canada -to -day. Many business colleges
employ our graduates as teachers We GI
5 have.soores of applications from other 4?
• colleges. Ask tO see them the da you ID
a enter. Commence course new. Catalogue di
W. 3. ELLIOTT, 2
Principal ee
eg4seesze eseesesoaeocwaeas esa'
These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton,
Silk, jute or Mixed Goods in one bath
—they are the latest and most improv-
ed Dye in the world. Try a package.
All colors at 0, Luez, Exeter,.
A Great
and won
Notwithstanding the linttle with
the snow blockade, Ross &Taylor are
dtill on top. tyith ad.arne stock of.build-
ing merman's. /laving piacea our,
orders for Thirty car loads of
Lumber Lath
and Shingles
We will be in a, better position than
ever to supply our many eustornere
with all they nmy require either from
shop or yards,
Bee Keepers Supplies ready
Plate your Orders for Tanks early.
Estimates cheerfully given.
reeCall in we like to see voue-oe
Satistaetion Guaranteed
Complete assortment of uo-to-date
Best Quality, Lowest Prices, also
full supply
School Books
Note Book, &c.
Medicines and Chemical
*444 -
Toilet Articles
Brushes, Combs and Perfumes.
rug Store