HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-3-17, Page 7_ Dp RATS CARRY PILLOBE ? TelefieTY °THEE, ANIMALS ARE at/SCEPTIBLE TO IT, Recent Experiment to Stamp Out the Pestilence at Rong Te The inYth that rats are the prime- meens of iofeetion in bubonic Plage° takes a lOng time to explode. But an inteeesting story. by the Gov- ernor of Hong Kong, as to recent ex- periments in endeavoring to stamp out the terrible pestilence ought.to help it a consideetible way towards decent buritil. For ten years now the colony bas been mowed by tho plague; no et - forte at sanitation had, until this :feax. reduced its etreencei; tlie Chin - tee leave been in the habit of "dump- ing" deed !mints of buboaie patients in the streets or on the hillsidos in order to prevent the houses, in which they would otherwise be found, from being disinfeeted; and the proportion of these "dumps" increased from 25 per cent. in 1898 to nearly 83 per cent, West yeare FIVE CENTS FOR BIA.OH RAT, Regarding the bonus of the cents a bead given by the Government for tbe destruction of rats, the Governor, (quoting tho medical other) express- es the opinion that it probably letule to their impertation, M higbly probAble that a brisle trotle M refs has been going on, It Would no doubt, pay to bring rate he - to the city from outlying viliagele foul from boats. and even from aa,.. en° end Cent. "Inspector Roadie has reported thee he eearel of a ineetiefe of rat-catchers at Poseieision-point, where rats ar- rived in parcels and were dietributed. lie was too late to cateh theme' (the were we suppose), "but these rum- ors have the color of truth," II an inteeted rat is found in a houeci the house is disinfected; end to prevent this the local Ah Sine "wring' Zhe inoieBe-traps that gov- eminent egonts set eleout their dwel- Hues so that the rate eat the LIAM, And run awey alive. "Amite," rens the Governor's state - meat, "X hoed whispers, of which eU) proof vould be given, that the rat-eatebers levied a. respectable tell by hinting at the probability of plague rat being found about the pretaine" M the tibsence a a, dona- tion from the occupier, Rats muet either be imported or efee breed Very freely in Victoria, for the first six months and thirteen days of this year no fewer than 88,862 wore paid for, of which 8,478 were found to be infected. The Governor, Sir IT. A. Bloke, ree Wee how, M a certain infeeted Street fe the city of Vittoria. the houses were hivestigeted, with *view to TEM ROAD TO ILEALTH, Lies Through Rich, Red Blood and Strong Nerves, Debility is a word that fairly ex - pewees many ailments under one ualleellea financial corporatione namepoor blood, wet,* "moo, inn stands the British America Assurance Paiind digestioe, lose ee flesh, No Company of this city, which ewe - energy, no ambition, listless end M- neenced business in the days when different This condition, is perhaps the affairs of this Province were con - the penalty of overwork, or the re- ducted by the old "family corn - suit of neglected health. You must pact." It was organized in I8e3 regain your heelth or succiirela en- and has its Governor, Deputy Gov- tirely, ¶J here is just one absolutely ernor and Court of Directors, which eine way to de this -take Dr. \VD- offices were filled by ince whose limns Flak Pine. These pills will names are prominent in the histery bring yeu uew Ufe, fill every vein of these stirring times in the °wee,- ivi,h rich, red blood, restore elasti- diem political world. The neentieth city to the step, the glow of health.1 1al meeting of the eharcholders to the wan cheek; they will inspire was 4 4111114. V{ ...4.4 yesterday andth woo With new energy and elIPPler preeenteel shows that tbe efieen.enYV4repo' t vital fordo ed mind and body, hes not wily been el late years mod - There is not a coraer of the civil - •BRITISH AMERICA. --- Seventieth Annnal hireetinge-Began in "Fondly Compact" Days. Prominent among the older of the reed. world %there Dr. 'Williams' Pink artlized by balling a Board at Three - Pius nave not breught health and t "8* a Pr eSident °144 substituted for the more stately titles belie and happleees to some weak, tdof its early years, tiut that. it ims eebieated espaiiing person. If groh itawith the wt you }mere not wed the pills yourself, been keepg piece ask your eeighbors and they will tell and Pr°aPerttY at the ex)antrY"in you these statements a/o Kneel, regard to velume of businese it truth. Ur, Charles Saultder, 00e, cortmares fevorehly with many of berrie, N. .s., says f eI waa very the leading fire iuserance companies !ouch ruo doeeo and eo heel( 1 could of Greet Britain and the United hardly work. It enmed iee though States. it premium Somme haviog My blood as fettle better than fea- reached last year the large sum of ter. I tried enveral reedicimis, but. $2,57a.336,47. irbis is derived from, I got teething to lielp me until I be. aeeneles establiehed throughout (an - in teltieg Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, uda aria the United Statca, though It was sintrly est onisbing bow quick- some of its Income cornea from busi- iy these pills began to help. me and nese beyond the boondarice of this ' ltOW ratteU now ,life and vagor they cOntirrellt. As Will be soon by a. ref - pet, into me.i o cook by pro- crone* to the figures publiehed In the feroion, and the fact that I was able report of yesterday's meeting, the to (Volt for -fifteen men last Winter year 1003 sbewed very favorable re - is the beet proof tliet the pills have milts mid beare evidellee Of the fever mtele ree os hound as ever 1 was." ;with wbich Onterio's oldest financial 'Moro is no dlYsterY abeeet the institution Is ree ci v )- the iaser- Toner of Dr. Williams pink pills to in fooio t etti r blood, lQ outside They actually make new end ebo C HET TIELL-11110V1i 11 PiiRT HOPE • ClfeAS, GII,CHRIST DE- CLARES DODD'S KIDNEY lovas CURED HIS . DIABETES. He Suffered for Ten Years and Could Get no Relief Till Be G Tried the reat Canadian Kid- ney Remedy - Port Hope, Oat., Mardi 14.-- (Special)e-It has long been admitted that what will cure Dietietee, cure any form of Kidney Demon, and Dodd's Kidney Fine havo eared the long standing Diabetes of Charles Gilchrist of this place. Mr. Gilcbrist is easily one oe the best knewn maxi in Fort How. For fifteen years he was Clete of Police end for twenty-two years Fishery Overseer of the Dominion Govern- ment. 'When asked regarding his cure, he bad no hesitatien io saying it was COASed by Dodds Kidney Pills tend nothing else. 47 bad Diabetee teed KideeY order for ten years:" he said, ly ittrine was like bride -lust and I had a terrible beehive:0. I tried doctors, tried eeeryt hutcouldgot help till I was edvieed eo try 1)odd' 1Cidsoy rills. 1 commence -ft taking ,them, soon began to get better fusti ana quite well now, "It 1 had not need Dodd's Kidney. Pine aril Sure I would have been. in my grave." SOund Kldneles telte all impurities out of the blood, Potid's Itidney rill$ make sound Ricineye. febey aro the greeteet tOeie of the ago. '1,tf Zoer °Z11911.91.4t1f)Y nt "Ine4 bill' in , put new life end streegth into you, Ufl isiikeeeiyantaletmcYja7leneding,11„,bia2c!„(118 that _6" I In recnddioxli:itint4' presentiug the annual report the President, Eon. and 'kidney troubles, beadaehe and backaches and the Special ailments of loinCre°01;geA. e°c'statedthattho ,:sritte women. Through the blood Dr. I riza, III a leo end eteady 'Americo" by recent conflagration at the nerve .% strike at the root of 135411444°"' bt/4 teen al;e41-441irted to ervmumess. cure St. Vitus dance lbe under "10.*°W (1-114 tts, neurogia. sdatica and partiai1 original figures published inunediately raroz4etT,!TbloAoldl atthadesediedoirderretql nervesa s 'P°417t4t4111Qout t ir ree ) , Prowstilifyttlmnalfouollb t telel d they have all been et411.211 Per cent. of the annual tiro premium lively and permanently by Dr, l000loo of the comrooy. These lose- lfaMS' rink rills. Sold by all need,: es are being promptly settled, and it Rine dea'cre at 50 cents a box or 'will be gratifying to Canadians to fj,x baNCS for $2.50, or by mail from 1know 11.10,r, in the case of this cow- tho flr Vuflunnis Medicine Co., PanY, es Well as in that of t,he 4.rwea. Brockville, Ont. 4 ELECTRIC MIXES. tern, these beteg the only two To- ro Are insurance companies hafting agenclee in Baltimore, the 10ESee re - meting from this exeeptional disaster Tbel.e aro about 60 ispooics of /lob will bo met without seriously affecting kliOWn to pOSSCSS eleCtriCal Orgflas UNIX` titIOXICIO1 standing, +- capL ble of impartine a aback, A special study of some of Ulm but 1311ILLIAITT SUG GE recently been enado,ber Professor efe- erolte to Callahan f Kendrick, V.,R,S., of Glasgow Tint- a, lob if 01 ku-tw his address." versit, with 01 " Y, le purpose ASCar- elitte--"Phy don t nee wroite t sliowine if they were co:mooted by htetiotos. the source of their peculler him an git tea eeeriss e" rat -rune. While these runs 117°13 ipoWer. Ire elide that the eleetricitef ----- found to connect namly avory pair a ti generated in specialized orgons, SAFETY SOB, TOM, agavnix.s. boupeo in the Piece, the houses con- wittier aro oither Juofililed muscles or 'meted by rat -rune with the two in- fected houses escaped the plague al- together, ANIMALS StISCIIPTLGIX. Again "we have evidence that pigs, waves, sheep, monkeys, semen ducks, turkeys, hens, pigeons, and rate are susceptible to plague, which may be ronveyod by food or by inoculation direct, or by moans of insects." To thin •list must now be added "bugs, spiders, ilies, and cockroach- ete 1 may add that quails kept in the wierket for sale were found to be infected." With all the means of conveying /Shigeo germs from one place to an- other, the poor rat must take quite s fiubortlinate place. Adds the Governor, "With the ootn- plot() circle of vermin, Insects, food, rote, domestic ardraals and men all eneect,ed in possibly similar, possibly different proportion, It appears to me unsound to concentrate attention uP- on the rat as the principal means of Itridgeue over the dormant season." fThe dormant season is the season of the year when the league is in - melee. PROVERBS JJ1 TO DATE. It Is better to be lonesome than sorry. „ A papa with hard horse sense is not elways able to nonsuit a daugh- ter out of her nonsense. Love is like target practice. You may be a pretty good, shot and yet never hit the bullseye. A fool's cynicism often discounts a wise raan'a platitudes - Circumstance trumps nearly every game in Inc A man Who puts a new coat of kale somine on his past often thinks he Ii as really reformed. Discretion is the aftermath of foolienness that has cost too dear. A man forsakes the evil of his ways, not because he has grown good, but because he has grown tired and dyspeptic'. WaYeSNOW BURSTS A GUN, In a discussion at the Royal' So- ciety in London recently of some ex- perimentson the effects of sudden- pressuree, attention Was called to,, eingular experieece, which, it was pane people who do shootingin win- ter eornetenes have. If the' muzzle of a gun happens to get plugged up with a little snow, the gun invari- ably bursts when fired in that condi- tion. Light as the plug of snow is, ii„ requires a definite time for a finite pressure, however great, to get it 'ender way, awl during this short I tnne the tension of the powder gases tecome so great that the barrel of t he ordinary fowling -piece is unable to withstand it. HURT' WORSE. yna alltizer---''Rejeeted you with se n, did she ? Told you she wouldn't naarry yeu if you were the late man on earth ?'' Foilorn Youth -"No; colild have beene thio, Whet she did eay 'was that if I were tele last man on earth ehe mieht possibly marey me, but -could iniftelneno other consideration that wouee iolieee 'nee to do it modified glands, structures width in all animals manifest electric pro- pertiee, In economy of production these electric organs far surpass ony- thing yet contrived by Man, just as the light of the glow worm excels in a Similar sense out beat eflorts to produce cheap illumination. In each ease there ie a secret yet to bo dia-* covered, IE DAIRY AS A The people called the Twine, living in the Nilgiri Bills, 111dia, bave a eurious religion ritual evolved out of the ordinary operations of the dairy. 'Ile priest, ears ler. W. II. Rivers, is the dairyman, midi the temple IS 'the 'dairy. Only the milk of tbe sacred buffalo is churned in the dairy temple. The milk of buf- faloes that are oot "sacred" is churned in the front part of the buts in which the people live. The dairy e An Irishman, who was invested on suspicion of being Concerned in an agrarian outrage, was deseribed at a meeting as "a man whose heart wetted be touched by the bleatin' of a bruised worm." ON A RA.NCH. Woman Found the Food That Fitted Br. A newepoper It10111a.n went out to it Colorado ranch to rest and recuper- ate and her experience with the food problem is 'worth recounting. "The woraan at the ranch was pre- enfti.ncenly the worst housekeeper I have ever knowne-poor soul, and poor mei "I simply had to have food good and plenty or it for I had broken dowu from overwork and was so weak I could not sit over one hour at a tinio 3. ktiew I could not get well latices I secured food I could easily digest and that would supply the greatest amount of nourishment. "One .day 3. btained permission to lgo throligh the pantry and see what I could find, Among other things .1 dame across a package of Grape*" Nuts which I hadheard of but never tried. I read the descriptioe on the package and hemline deeply interest- ed so • then and there. I got a saucer mot some cream and tried the fain-. 0118 d: foo . tasted delicious to me and seemed to freshen and strengthen me greatly so 1 stipulaled that Grape - Nuts and cream be provided each day instead of other food and I lit- terally lived on Grape -Nuts and cefeam for two or three months. 'Tf you could have seen lime fast I got well ie would have pleased and surprised you. I am now perfectly well and strong again and know ex- actly how 3. eot well and that was on Crape -Nuts that furnished me a powerfel food I could digest and make use of. It seems to me no brain worker can afford to overlook Grape -Nuts after my experience." Name biren by - When a mother elide it recesswer to give her little one Medicine she cannot be too careful as to the rem- edy employed. The So-called "tiooth- Ina" modieines aware contain pais. °nous opiates, and these should nev- er bo given to a. child. Strong drugs and he.reln purgatives should also be avoided. .An ideal medicine for young children is Baby's Own Tab- lete, which cure all the minor ills of childhood, and the eriother has the guarantee of one of the foremost mut- lysts of Canada that this medicine contains no opiate. Milton L. Bel- sey, M. A. Se., deinonstrator in Cheanistry, McGill University says: -"I hereby certify that I have made a careful analysis of Baby's Own Tablets evbich I personally purchased in a drug store in Montreal, and said analysis has failed to detect the presence of any opiate or narcotic in them. Analysis is proof, therefore mothers know that in giving their little ones Baby's, Own Tablets they are giving thein an absolutely safe medicine. Sold by all druggists or mailed at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr. 'Williams Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. TME RAREST riturr KNOWN. The island' of Jolo coyers fully 320 square miles. It is of coral forma - don, end offers a most excellent bar- bor to the West. In topography it is gently undulating and covered throughout its entire length by the rankest tropical, vegetation, valuable teakwood being found extensively throughout the entire district. No- where in the world are 12101.0 luscious fruits aroduced. Among those pecu- liar to this belt is the durian, which iit about the size of it muskmelon. Its extetior presents a:mewl-tat the appearanee of a chestnut burr, being prickly and tough; within, the fruit js wbite and cheese -like, end owing to this peculiarity the American sol- diers dubbed it the "vegetable lim- burger." The numgosteen is anoth- er of ties rare fruits. It is the size of an average orage, chocolate color- ed, and has a very brittle skin. In- side, four white sections Contain 41. colorless liquid. , This is tbe rarest fruit known, and the only wieso it is claimed, that „queen Victoria had never tasted, there being no way of preserving the fruit for a suf- ficient period after plucking to per - pit of shippieg to any distance. IN SERVIAN ARMY. A curious feature connected with the Servian army is the manner jfl which most of the regtmetith carry the big drum. It is not, as in most countries, slung in front of the man who plays it, but is placed upon a small two -wheeled cart drawn by a largo dog, IvIlich has been so trained that it keeps its place even through the longest and most tedious of marches. The drumnaer takes up a position behind the cart, and performs on the instrument, as the animal pulls it along. IN LEAP 'YEAR. P st in- Co Battle Creek Mich. Get the minature book, 'eThe ETopelees Widower. -"Nothing can le d to Welleille' in each package. mend a broken heart." Tjopefti1 Widow- Except e -pair - Icicle N'o. 11-04, ing. 6:1 :A, BAD BREAK. At last Mrs, Newlywed rose to her feet at tho annual busieess meeting of the N'er-best-zocitty Club. "Nomiriationa for the PreeldereY being in order," tate Feld, "3. pro - pore the Paine of Moe. Tildidetkelinge lt le the opinion of a majorite qtfie here thet rthe is our order luember capable of filling, our retiring presi- dent'a ehoes." 7.1re, Teriderfeelings spran este ily, ter eyes blaeing. f'You horrid, hateful thing i" eh° exclaimed, 4' when you know as well as I do that she wears three sires larger than I do. anti always has I won't have your old nomination- s* 1,here, now 1" TIMIS* whom neglected coughs have killed were onoo as healthy and robust an you. Don't follow In their paths of negletit, Take 51,kiloh0 Consurn cur e TohnercLung right now. It is guaranteed to cure. It has cured, many thous- ands. Prices: 5. C. Wants & Co. soa Lae N Y.. Tr ti BACIVAItDS OR FOR'A.RDS. Stio-"You say you love mac a lit- tle bit?" Fe -"Yes, 1 do," She -'And do yen think your lone will grow ?" lle-"I'm sure of it." She -"Which way?" STATZ o OEM, OrST o TOLXDO,, 1..tiOaa COVNTP. 1."'" Prank J. ettelley makes oath that ke is senior partner of the firm of r. 3. Cheney As Co., doing business in the 4.114,Y of Toledo, County and State aSoresaid and that said firm will pay the sun: of tiNle eltilenTiED DOLLARS for trech and every case of Catarrh that cannot lie cured by the use of Catarrh Cure, PRANK, 3. ClIENDY. Sworn to before Inc and subscribed la my presence. this Gth day of December, A. D. 1586. A W LP,ASON. • • Z N EL otary Public S Niers Catarrh Cure is taken Internal- ly, and acts directly on the Mood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. P. 3.Cl'IDNIcit, A 00.. Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggtsts, 75e. Take Fa.mdly Fills for consti- pation. t -t In a certain school in the North of England the head initAter has reeent- ly taken to teaching natural history, The other day, when expounding some of the mysteries of creation, the mast.er asked one of his boys if he could tell him the difference be- tween himself and a tiger, meaning, of course, the difference in the scale of Nature. After sonie hard thinking the boy replied : "Please, sir, a tiger is an imperfect beast, but you are it perfect beast." Where Deotore de agree t--Phy. teems no longer consider it catering - to "quackery" is recommending in practice re meritorious a remedy for Indigestion. Dyfipepsia and Nervousness as South Ameri- can Navvies. They realize that it is a step in advance in medical science and a sure and permanent cum for diseases -of the stomach. It will cur� yon -4s Pater-"Emincline, there are rume ors about. Come, now, is there real- ly anything between you and that good-for-nothing Jack Tallboys? Emmeline --"Yes, pa; but it's wily Yele" ••••••••,... Ylincitits Liniment COEDS 11E81 etc, DID ALL TIE COTO:ale "Do you have mice in your house, Parker?" asked Wicks, "Yes -lots of 'mai," said Parker. "What on earth do you do for them? , I'm bothered to death with them at my house." "What do I do for 'ern?" ;said Parker. "Wily, I do everything for them -provide 'em with a home, plenty to eat, and so *forth. What more can they Txpeetl'e The satisfaction of. having the washing clone eariy in the 4ay, and well done, belongs to every er of Sunlight Soap. LtelTEItreSTING FIGURES. erieg tbo year 100 the Indepeed- ent Order of Foresters paid Old Age lieneate to over fe00 members who had pessed the 70th ye.o.r of age Mark and bati become disabled. Un- der the Conetitutifte of the Order such members receive each year iefter that age one-tenth of the amount of their policy, et ought to be netted also that this Order does not, colleet prendinee from ay of its mead:ere after the 70th birthdaft. Tint accumen iated finale of this great inetitution lelereneeel during 1903 by over $4,- 000 for every working day of the yeer. The poeition of ebe institue tion, therefore, was tine, that whil .1c1 out over $6.000 each day to Oirti and orpleins mid enfeebled brothers, it wee able to la against tbe future over ei-1,000 en clay. It le even still more fine:orient to note time ttbeastiFtf; -the Order Mereared in per cent. :luring the year by little ever four times entich es the obligetions or the imiurenee at Fmk, The cheques ef tho I, 0, F. counting Death Claim eiteques. Pisa- bilit;v cheques and Sick fleactit Claime amount to iuthousands aur - the twelve znont.its. The Twar. tions of the Socioty have, thero-ore. brought linens -MI help in greater or mealier amounte to a ver v large num- ber of people et times when it Wati nicest eeedesl. 17, Y 0110 ce iep e use 11. C. B. old soldier. in describing his .st isnorceniorts of e. battle, Data I he didn't exactly run away, but if he ihad been going for a doctor thotie who saw blut would have thought etentabody WAS awfully ill. FeesSIP1115.-The demand Is proof oI their north, Dr, Aamar'e I, ver rilb 14.* beating out suany fossil arreekts at a quar- ter a box. They're bitter reediciee, easier dolma and so canto it vial. A thousand ailments may arise from a disordered liver. Ifaep the liver sight and you'll not hare Sick N332.411614. Z:1411115:3Crl1 liausea. Con* dipatton wad Sallow altiza-di The truthfulness of what a Intel saye doeenet always depend on the tooteutit of noise he makes in saying .er over Oboe V*Xf3 Tentomee seorento enter 'hie beCA Until Million* et tesibew for their rhitdren Iifte tettlau iirsothes the chili, iontas Or ;tom al.ayarata, dn, t triOtt talk, rtga1atta flt*Inonurb awl lantela, Oa fall last rernady tor 1,11*rthtt*. 1".***tvlor* cktta 5bof* S*14 14 Azucerid* ibromilunie the well& na sirre us . elk fog 'Itr.a.lrmencerts docernmo Scans." 22-6. e3rown-el thought you well; a vegetarian, but T hear you eat mute ton." Robinson -el am not a bigot- ed vegetarian. 1 only eat the meat of such animals ati 111.'0 on vegetable food.” Minardis Liniment turas Dank!, Sznith-44Jones and X went shooting last Week, but Jones is no good. Ile didn't shoot a thing' Th "You had better luck, I suppose?" Smith -'Oh, yes; I shot Jone's dog." Mite Tearing the Heart Btrings-" it is not withm the cancel, - tion of man to vitas:ire my great enifferings from heart disease. For years 1 endured ;almost constant cutting end teariree pain about sny later!, and many a time would have welcomed death. Dr. Agaves Cure for the 'Heart has worked available suit, scio."--Thes. Ont„, --,59 WISELY VON. "'Then you accept me, Ethelinda? Oli, what happinees1" "Yes, but you must see father and mother, George." "As regards your father and mo- ther, Ethelbeda,” said George, who had been` frequently snubbed by both during his courtahip, "as regards your father and mothei-" and he eurled „ his hp ated threw out his chest. "Speak low, George," she said; "I think they areboth listenieg." "As regards your fetber and mo- ther," continued the wily inter, rais- ing his voice, ei think your fathe.r is one of the most gentlemanly men I ever meet; and as for your mother she is one of the loveliest of wo- men." 3.Iickg..---1 think I shall bring up ray boy to follow the sea fax it livelihood.'' Dix -"Why have you settled on that?" Ilicks--"Tt seems to be the only industry in which one Is not expected to begirt at the bon tom." USE BETTett 11~01•4traPrOMORNWain VALITY Pa CAN flE HAZ IN el Wash Basins, Milk Pan0„ dio Any Filrat-Malta CVOitar Gan Soppily V4iLl. INSIST ON GETTING ispora. aft work tg t kg natio* 2 toatat, w)a.t.la Nr "die vird oar ;tomb' Oaattaa **Ala 1 8 atatattl watch VP*. El aw Elva a a 1 Iva *el at 4 14, Wata att. t we WIi(907t%z t ca,a tta ta A Le e4it*1 1r4Ce23Z4 nil:. nu taw; e mmtrett t.* rol chop nrarki er 4r,CT darn.: r: 2119 le a lIgN,It.t :eal,iu.fors 0e wiit. We *Amara le6 trAIFIrAls tna led ei a le sa4 az:It:7, taa ,aurav=1 Y awl Sol o..a 11•Ire 14! Rtes.• Igs.vd . Aeon% Thik Ufl5u4.1(t ta. No co. WI? Item agora sate ass% ve.r.platvG Cahmadthect C rb.ctairi Jimatat Oponey wanted. not a ceatfrorn our ow,npooltet, ;vs age arrangemeuta to deliver those hantonnue preeerata bt to your udaros without meting you o ne cent, Remember, Girls, we give thesolovel ta tem for selltug only 113 1334k/igeSar Marvel weshisif Blue* •a:voraT;.,n^afactawav;axaRfSilalnlitaiLVVIOStialMOSIga Dolly ilivreke look ing for Ita )(ANNA. The other day we beard of it boy F E4ATHER D'YENG who told his father he did not want o go into trade -Ito wanted to be (newels *3LfldR5i GIQWeI citetrae Ud something in the Post Mice. 4' SOMOR "a 44 6"; k'T it le Per ar. the U riacto la tangiu‘ \JALime pU014%.,.... 4.1i fillairrisll AmsticAti DyEtlia CIL fatber. -The only thing you sroulti hIONTRIGIA1* be useful for would be to stand out - site the oflice with your tongue on which tke 'moot° eonld wet Postago-statops.' •••••1•1•••••=1.. ginardis Liniment Relieves litutalgie One might as well look forward eopefully to the future. There's W- eave a, chrome for an improvement in the weather, Use Lever's Dry Soap '(a powder) o wash wOolens and flaunels,--you'll Ike it. Some people who pretend to tell the truth for the truth's sake merely tell it because it shows their neigh- bors up in it bad light. VIII••••••••••• - i d' 8 Un�ntf salt uerwere Miss Fatlel-""The meanness of some peonie is past nOunirehension." Mrs. leadd-"What bas gone wrong, my love?" Miss Padd-eLost week was elected an active member td the Young Ladies' Phila.uthropy Club, and to -day I began my ministrations by taking a basket of cold victuals to a poor woman whose earne was down on the books. Well, when I get there I found that sozne meddle- some busybody had been there two weelts ago and given her work, and I had to carry all that stuff back." Palpitation of the Heart Faint or Dizzy Spoils and -Nervousness RELIEVED IN 30 MINUTES Dr. Agnew'* Heart Cure not only cures the heart, but the nerves as well. - lig a tripe it allays pain, in a- twinkling It gives strength and vigor and it works a quick and permanent cure as by magic. This remedy cure.s by a new process and is an honest, harmless, Wonderful. • remedy for weak hearts, wont nerves, weak blood. ete Dr.Agnew.' 'a Liver Pitts, 40 Mises 10o BASTEDO's n %%ITT...Lea r, Mcit,Nririmapsis vend for catalog. We sem clove value, Baser Pure lane leeneinsr, Sena ter pram Hat 11-04 Dominion Lino Steamohipo atentreed to Liverpool Portions to Leverosof Large anti VA14. p.40 ,151.4.41341. acconintodation fax ali ciatees or pas- sengers. Saloons and Staterooms ate amidships. Special attention bus betta inlet) to the second Semen tend Third - camel accommodation. For rates al passages and all particulare, apply to any agent of the company. al to pu. tenger ageat. DOMINION LINE OFFICEs- 17 St. Sacrament St,. itiontroal. Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Honey, Apples, THE DaWgaCommi ion Oo AU MOS OP FRUITS And Farm Pre. duce generally. consign it to us awl we will get you good prices. n WeazttallfTC:a. tfairtisi Az sidxs.irable ood of 'tits Tines quality and layour. Nutritious and Beaman -deal. 421 YOUR GROCERIES all Over tate Kitchen.. Send for one of Our IVICUSE-PilBef GROCERY CABINETS In Oak, with Metal laa.ck, Sent to any reddress on receipt oi S11.75 The Bennett Mfg Co4 PICHERINC. 1)o ztot send stamps. Agents 1V1u1t98 3 .foist wide, 4 feetlefiehe incerienner hinges and laten...,....., .... 10 feet wide, 4 feet high, Inetudieg hinges and latch 5.715 'Othar Gimes in oropeetion. PA,Ci1E. .arENOT& CO Limited, Witikerr, Sapp/Jed, by szo 00 laeat dealtr. Li. IP ".7