Exeter Times, 1904-3-17, Page 5TRE TlIVIES, MARCH POETLESTONE & C4ARDINER. POPPLESTONE & GARDINER. rt General nierobants. 0 La g ti Sot General Mer oho n GOO For Spring ADIES WHO HAVE NOT YET VISITED our spring display of Dress Cioods and .11 Suitings have a pleasant visit yet in store. The PI sooner you come the sooner you will realize the ail ffIZ good service this store offers. liere you will find Everything fashion calls for that is stylish and dressy 4: that is new and up to date. 0 ,4 I R-: (=, 0 4 Q The latest novelties in Light VVeight Film - re sy Fabrics. The -hoice and select eelors and 1 1 shades are almost bewildering. Suitings—Spee- I jay adopted for tailor-made or shirt waist Suits, 0.1 separate skirts, ete. Lightweight Fabrics—Spee- t ially adopted for evening, tea, house or street dresses, LIGHTWEIGHT FABRICS The Latest Novelties 111 Suitings. Knop Voiles Fancy Knop Lustre Twine Voile §FM Silk and Wool Ottoman • Silk Grenadlines Wool Grenadines Wool Panamas Canvas Cloths Crepe de Chene Mohair de Chene Silk and Wool Eolienne This is an enumeration of SUIT1NGS scot.", Tweed Suitings Satin finish Austrian Box Cloth, Pebble Suitings. Knickered Cheviot Suit- ing. Blair At -hole, West of England Suiting, Heavy Friezes lIeavy Homespuns . Satin Cloths Serge Suitings Ladies' Cloths French Cords a few of our many leaders, LACE CURTAINS al ro 'OM From 25o to $7 a pair 1; We have imported 4.00 pairs of lace curtains at a r° greduction of from 10 to 25% and can show a most ex- t7g 44 elusive lot of the best productions of European designs. ' We pride ourselves in this big collection, and say our rj selections have been the very best we have yet made. to. Li 0 nit 0 CARPETS I -Temp Carpets at Union Carpets at . Tapestry Carpets at 20 and 25c .. . 30, 40, and 50c . . . 50, 75, 95c Ready -to -Wear Clothing. Made 133 Coppley,Noyes & Randall liamilton These goods are all shrunken, sewn with linen thread'and silk and are most perfect goods in make and up-to-date in style. Men's Suits at 4,50, 5.00, 6,00, 7.00, 750, 8 50, 6 66 900, Sio.00. . tb Boys' Suits at 1.75,2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00, .. • .. • • • • • • • • . $5.00 Men's Tweed and Worsted Pants at 1,25, 1.40, 074 1.85, 2.00, 2.50,$3.00 141 O Don't Forget Our Big Collection of Wall Papers Exclusively Colin McArthur's, Montren1 This is the only factory in Canada using the per- fzet equipment as known as the DOUBLE PROCESS. on • making a comparison between our goods and some others, yon will notice that the printing is clear and sharply defined, and that the colors stand out perfectly X in our papers; and they are all made by the Double Process. Boys' Knickers at ... • ..• 50, 75, 95, $1.00 0' 10 Per Cent off on Coods Purch- ased From us for Cash Re- deemable in Silverware. LESTINE St iAtINER one DOOF 0111 01 rost "01t168 Teiins —Cash or Produce. POI)PLESTONE & G ARDINER. General. Merchants. t=1 ce,rn Lt 0 tj co tiTP n - r7 POPPLESTONE & GA.RDINEft.Li General Mrchani. LEAMINGTON ,3L1,511+1,35 CRLL EE NO TIME LIKE THL PRESENT To boom a Business or Shorthaod Course, We can not get enough graduates to IIIt the calls upon us xor °face help. Can place oot more young men at au average salary of Soo per ntopth to start. New course from Feb. 1, el, write . for catalog "D". .A. D. DROWN, Principal. Loce/s Nir.Ilolland .0with a oloterisy. Air. 'Hook Cameron is ;seriousl; with an attack Qf inflammatioet. Orr. Nelson Sheere, of Toledo, Ohio, L s visiting, oodeo theiparentot roof. Carrie Davis, of London, is ols- Wog1 313, limo of her parents:Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis, Exeter North. In ides, Mareli 25;141001, auction salt of household furniture. Sale at o'clock sharp, II. Drown, ituctioneer„ D. A Alward, proprien or., BROKE ilisAkItOt. On Situiday evening hAst 4 )141ing bolt (lf ',Lo pbtiottth, .f St,:; bent ki,o Inisiortutio to slip and io Soto Gained a fro; tux e of one of his arms, --mr. and Mrs. T. 'IL. Mt:Callum k1.isrc Tuesdv afur Toreni.e, Mr. ,Nle•- Callon) going ftfi' fitIlegatv.. to the 04'4214 Ledge in tintt Otny. They touen of in session I best wishes a a host of friends. W., C. .T. ,ti. Notes.— Tie ',Lam- I peraoce Sunday School reas.s inr1-4iTig 1 v.hiseli washeld in'the,-INfain-st (diurcii ' 011 tne 13th was, very aatinfactory. The large number of happy looking boys and girls presont was gratify-, 4,4, and the presence of so many of our citizens, the church being crowd- ed to tile doors, gi,veri tne W. O. u flub, courage. The ladies take this 'eppontunity of thanking all who so kindly- tooi . part and aided in in.ik„ ng the meeting suoli a stICCQSS, al.ST) r the liberal collnetion given, V,re hope to inane this annoel rally San - clay in Exeter, what it has .proved• to be in other places, a force UV illeg04,5# ing the temperance sentiment, Still Blocked.—l'ho. result or the Week:tile on the railways are far.. rbing and extend to anneal, every brooch of industry. The merchants a re liaudicapp.ed by the non -arrival of their spring pods, as ivell as gTocer- ics and other proviszons. tbeir stock 'having become depleted by not bay - any very regular freie,ht since, 1,11,a , I first of the year. Mawr nirallies are attain suffering from Iiien ot fuel, „La, ough In this inodittIce several small 013 -oldies have boon received her by the coal (Lealers wb101.1 URA somoolot relieved tint situation. No regular trains have reached here. from the north for some time past, and tbc trrek 1 remains biLened. A snoci41 los 'Leen running' from London to Drueetield and Iniek OtOOitl for several d') vs but wa,s cancelled La Monday niglit ;voa. all day Iniesday, coining In te'licat 9 e'elook iri tbe evenint4i bring- ing a large *apply or snail matter. nroolz of it bear.ing, the date of March 1st and Felt. 29th. /3etner tInly able to make the journeyLtbuit are 11°14(1 r(Ir 511on. by driving from here to .1..ucan emelt trana4 were cancelled for Tuostlizy, owing to the blockade up north. Word was received here lzost. week that Ur. Fred, Coleman, a former Exeter boy now of Port Arthur, who is engaged fi5 brokosmon on the G. N. R. nos oroshoo no on twoa rro- ear.s. Ills hi:Juries neer; not 'to Qor tow,: somigh t" have beeu ana 1.1100;01 able to be around, it will lie some ttmo before he it'll/ rqsanee1 ain The Canadian Pest Office ilivart- meld. has issued another uo *bat half -cent stamps must only,beired by paper offices. 'Postmasters are er.juirnd to lie careful that al.t parezls v:td at tlicir office/or transmission. l.ypare?,1 post to the United N.ing- dem or to foreign countries eve fully pr,epaid lia.vte, the necessary cus.Onts declarations affixed io them, and primed for distribution. comply in all other .re.spents with. the Th.; tender or A,. 'till, & 3fRobcili to puild w Osborne Council ‘1,111( ZOW11$11:p 11111. MAI( h pursuant IV adjournment Alt the members were prevent. The minutes of tbe last meeting 'inr read approved and signed by the reeve, menbers or the Connoil sub- 4- tined the nenesnary fIart141 lnret (17 Court or Revision for the tri at appeals against tlia assessment lb* Gardiner Drain Il -Law. As there wale no a1)10813 a3.5`23',UlmtS 'Lvov(' confirmed and tne by-law laid c,V;!1" for final atinpliou, rbr Collector haviui completed work., his roll was received, and he w paid his salary. he Auditors' roonst as reed :tea and 100 copiestrdered regulast tons Om comfort to be had from 1.134 hard winter is that tbe fruit t Nut may be more Wiped than hindered iy it. In otner M.'4,011,S (hero have been spells of mild N%-oatlizr in January and February which have advanced the buds. Then occurred severe frosts in I.LicL URI April which:destroyed inu budig ,tnU Um result was 114 tiuLt Thus far the cooditions has% been all right and tlie bearing Ivood of apple and Tear trees is unimpaired. arney-gerAlake ..—on Wednesday evening a very happy event was sol- emnized at the home of Mr. John Kerslake, London road, wben his sec- ond tauglyter, Miss Allele M. was un- ited 'in marriage to Mr. Robert hlor- a prosperous young narmer of Mbar= There were no invited gu- ests and the ceremony which was per- formed by Roy. Dr. Hannon was rt quiet one owing to the very- retent bereavement in the home of the bride. The Imprin- couple are followed to their now hemo in Usborne by the The walking sick, what a crowd of them there are: Persons who are thin and weak but not sick enough to go to bed. "Chronic cases" that's what the doctors call them, which in common English means—long sickness. To stop the continued loss of flesh they need Scott's Emulsion. For the feeling of weakness they need Scott's Emulsion. It makes new flesh and gives new life to the weak system. Scott's Emulsion gets thin and weak persons out of the rut. It makes new, rich blood, strengthens the nerves and gives appetite for ordinary food. Scott's Emulsion can be taken as long as sickness lasts and do good all the time. There's new strength and flesh in every dose. We will be glad to send you a few doses free. Be sure that this picture in the form of a label Is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, -Toronto, Ontario. 50e. sad $1; all druggists. t7th 1904, AIEDIOAL W. ROWNiU, N. D. P. S., Gradoote Vitel rsito% oftleo and r•e„sidoevr.co. I lateri, Exeter. tX DV. 5..D. t '• of Torones: * Teeth extroe,on, witboto had atter efteots_ Dillon sonOt Mock., *MO sz solo os reet, Exeler It is an established fact that constipated people are f.r more 1ike1 to contract; infectious disease stuallp x, typhus lever, scarlet fever, etc., than those who eujoy natural regularity„ Is it wise to run. needless risks? A box of D.A. ANDERSON.. (0. laMws.r. Honor Grodnato of the Toronto) tnf d Royal College of Deratal, Sorovoosof utorloosvith honors Also Post,otouttate of , Jolene &hamlet Prastlietio Dentfs-tis twith oneratle mention, __ klvorything lonowo to the loentol reoffoblim 1 doom in this onlee. Bridge work. crowns. al. iondonao, gold APO, voloaolte ;Await none ha the oeatest. manner posstute. .4 perfectlir ' nionless anaestlietie gond fot p1.inte3e 4XtrlitOtt -will positively eure constipation beginning Lt tile cans—and -when the cure is com- I t yOU 11' step ttkrng the medicine, Just gently laxati7 a system., -weakeni-ng cathartic. ritty Iron -ox Tablets._ an attractive alt mum pochee ease, 25 cents at druggists, or sent, paid, ou receipt of price, The Itnn-QX Remedy Co., nim,. Ltd Waerv8e 014, orlite.g Breast/4s A3'• INES: ONEX TO LOAN We hive1ni4 iir !VW:4mn re '0 LOA. omelet of privo llogenrtiperties 4 DicKSO prrobl t ita CASTOR I A t=laneos For lufauts aud Childre7-1. base 137,..et Mrs Edward ad, and th -.0414wo d VeiVPd. 311 a lain andentt MC ry.. IN Kind You Have Always Bought As is otatAl abwre t formerly lived in Wo 11 !mown herzU#v nuab tb awnaill there, Un ab ten truss =vetted 4 panel bra on Glenn's 'sift road,eou. 0., withelt Feuded metal and cement concrete Gam for 4787.00, and also one beam stiaa brlikge at Ellinvillo w.tLi ineVan and cement. coucteta floor for 05700 *cording to plans and speciii- reticles suhraitted, was actepted: In consideraiou oExeceiYing the eon- traet for the IWO jobo.. the 'contractor allowed a deduction or rive, .Lier cont. from ithoVo prices,' making the tetal et 5086..80. All work to be guar- anteed. Accoonts amnunting to S133.00 were paosed and ordsers issued in payment. Council' then adjourned to meek on April 2nd at oire o'clock, when ten, dern will be considored.for operading the ma4 unteldno eitner with horses or' with Lnivetion engine, ." The contract to build.a number of smali cement concrete bridges 8 and 12 :feet span, and a lew arpiled vert s win also be let if satisfaetory estimates are remived. E, MOBLEY, Clerk While 1Slail Clerk Wilcox p*as on trial at Regina on the charge;ol slealing a ten thousand dollar pack- age from the mails, he was handed, a telegram informing him of the death of 'his mother at Conn Sounde, POSTAL INFORMATION Vic annual ropmrt or the. Postutas- I er General for year ending Janet 30. 1003, has been, received at Lite Times offiete From Inc re,port .tve glean the information below. The gross revenue given is for thedyear ending June ,80, 1903, but the salarprigures given are ha.sed an the revenue ;for the y-etar ending June 30Lit, , Gzrzon GROSS REVENUE SALAEV Auburn.. . if; 582 14 170 00 Bayfield 558 83 247 00 Belgrave 568 34 281, 00 Myth 1452 01 500 00 13rucefield 134 58 180 00 Brussels2303 25 700 00 Belfast 175 18 90 00 Bel more .. 247 15 06 00 Constance 165 31 75 00 Centralia 328 20 120 00 Clinton.. 4951 46 1280 00 Crediton 589 65 270.00 Dashwood ...... 886 10 170 00 Dungannon 629 60 280 00 Dunlop .... . 112 00 44 00 Egmondville243 00 110 00 Ethel.... .... 460 01 100 00 Exettr...,2593 68 720 00 Fordwich 634.87 200 00 Goderich.. 0549 39 1885 75 Gorrie872 90 980 00 Henson .... . . lo51 26 Harlock • 47 88 Henfryn 57 77 Hill's Green -8716 Ftohnesville 165 50 Kingsbridge ... 125 88 Kintail.... .... 201 38 Kippen.... . 852 50 Kirkton 561 60 Londesboro. 398 32 Leadbury,. . Lucknow. Maleking Port Albert .. ;Porter's Hill Saltford..... Sum in erhill Sarepta... . St. Marys.... St. Joseph........ 133 90 Seaforth.. . 4415 66 I Teeswator . 1482 09 a.1 n a . . 351 42 ,"Winghato. . . . 4805 85 Woodhaen .. 219 09 Wroxeter 807 62 West -field 440 00 24 00 28 00 40 00 76 00 48 00 87 0°- 150'00 190 00 164 00 93 25 50 00 2537 15 772 00 3200• 12 00 83 40 56 00 80 00 40 00 125 62 56 00 . 53 00 36 00 39 00 20 00 6498 35 1640 00 80 00 1261 00 540 00 160 00 1244 00 135 00 310 00 1.05 02 33f0 1Whitechurelo 257 94 100 00 Zurich.. 7n is 310 00 . „ I in connection wilh this we givelhere with the full itformation of the bus- . I , • ta mon** ord onmunt or 3 33,88. • • e oun 42. Total inoaut of postal notes paid,.5'000.72. Compensation on Men. ey order, Saving, Dank and Mani vele husinnas• 8713-04. SalarY*9720.00 allowanca for rout, Uebt and fitsl, ro , i1m. r niers 1,-,th (1, ILZWIU2L of contraLit,lcit tsublie, No 44 pn720 7 Vita l ant.- - orders paid, ;;71.0,150, POISONED AT LONDON 4.501101.0e iFelA'zier4, salt at — nzw bonze Mr, Whaley. —ULM EVa 1, ice with Mrs, her trammel' uful Ace.ide J. V.,31illson was 'a - barn r, tint wind, whleh ling trGng1y., caught it and Lo 'lzimover tile side or thp efingW27. Jumped down and had the rautror- w tuna to break two bones in 1ts ankle. Tiv3 break CAU4e3muchi1tin and. will !likely keep him in tba hum forseon- denable time. George, Millon is al - !act nursing a sore toe caused by tea elec.% contact with the axe with. wideli he was splitting wood. ilr frs.orl,Luaexlaan, naci‘tvinniitl;tut 1$ eon.onJaxa. oesziisl411135phhastsotill hitantuiripte im. misteeke for IiIpsOM salts and was 't4:41", jr-4 Mr* abrrY Areaee' dead in leo,s Loan ten minutes. This 11i. .14. D., Ditidulph, to ,A. Ladnoshirt., occurred on 1Vedneaday; morning en Sr,* alla 31321013 Uteteeil°t• Usborne, to P. Morley. 1:11.1‘itieg*e o'clock, in the morninog Edwards had been called to the residence of a sick neighbor, toiler site remained Until 7.30 o'clock. Her 0.11111\ ..!.1.07,rgc:11Andbraalio*r°.trlye°12b.e13- lb,ornotillozner,t fore ten o'clock, on his way to the city with a on of logs. Milted xiroloised nted u e I v fur to do sante benklog for his sister, "Weo ill do the business toomon- row ,George," said Mrs. Edwards, " am nobly, to lake a dose of sttits." With this sho quaffed a CUD width slie bad alfeady ;orepared.. Almost immediately she turned white, onti ran vomiting to the sink. "Oh, George, I am 'afraid, I have taken ..trimethutg wrong,' she said. burets any stomach terribly." 'Alaay sent a message oy tote - phone ts Or IL A. Kingemill without delay, and nue doctor arrived sottod- ily, but the woman 'WU already deo& AIrs. F,dwards stated to her brother that since she had moved to London, loving moved there front Woodham six months ago—she had not had things itt their proppr places. She did not, however, appear to.know what. the had tattles Coroner Piper was summoned, and after inquiring into the facts, decided that an; inquest. was unnieloessatny. Oxalic acid 'Ls in crystals very much like Epsom, salts, and an examination of the cup from which the deceastd drank demonstrated Oat oxalic.acid had been the fatal drug. Only -a small part or the intended had been Laken. The acid is used in most households for removing stains. • : 'The late Mrs. E'dwarda with her son, a boy Mrs., is attnndinbUsi- noss college in London. She was very highly regarded and her suddeni'death, under the painful eircumstatioes,owill be a grevious blow to a grent many friends. She was a daughter of the late John Abray- ot the 7th concession O 1 ondon Uad 11 nTotinf. t eialootol)(.)1., tho fact tha.t: M.r. 'Abray, her brother, chaneed to be In the house at the. Unto, it is 0 ROGERs.—At W$tord. to Mr. and Mrs. R. Rogers a da '.:.:e'ELr. L—DATINMIlA.MR.LE4D Centralia, on Wednesdny. :Starch lOtitt by the 13. L. Button, Zr. Frederick La.tto, to Miss Maud Dayabarn, all anCen- TALlir:31.1i0aR. —ANDL'RSON—At the retd- deuce of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson, Crodi- ton, on 'Wednesday, March 10th; by Rev. It. W. Knowles,„ Mr. Prank Taylor to Mies Hilda Andaman. 11ORNEY--KERSLAKE-0n Wednes- day, March 16th, at the inosidenee of the bride's fathers:by Rev. Dr. Bannon, Mt, Robert Harney-, of 4L7s.borne to Mies Alice U.. secorni claugliter of Mr. John Kerslake. DIED. DAVEY.—In Stephen, on Saturday ''Marcli 12th, 1991, Lewis Davey, in this 64; th year: KNOTT.--At Bryanston, on Wednes- day-, IlIttOch, 91h, 1904, Rev. Stephen Knott, aged 59 3 -oar's: O'NEIL.-1n Lutian, on Thursday Mar. 1011, Eleanor Stanley, wife of the late R. H. O'Neil, in her 75,th year. HAMILTO1-1n St. Marys =Friday, March 4 Isabella Row, relict of the late T. D.srlaroillon, aged 78 years. Blanchard, on Sunday, Mareli 6, Christina W ' ynn beloved wife of Robert Bruce, Taged 50 yrs. 7 months. FARM FOR SALE A well improved form,170 acres, on con. 10 and 11;in the township; °Mid. (Mph, situated about thnee miles front Granton. ..d.hout 100 etere,,se un- der grass. Good building's on the pre- mises. For .r.arLiculars apply to Mr. Michael O'Mara, Granton; fP.O. 11.660661.66=3111 FOR. ENERGY AND STRENGTH-. ANTI -PILL Prevalent conditions that go to make people look old and fasten age marks before their time are described it the fol- lowing let ter from a woman who received im- mediate relief from a sample of Aorr-Foro.. 'I would wake in the morning feeling tired. My feet and ankles would swell. I had. a horrible dragged sensation. "My head etched as though it would burst. My bow- els were never legal:in I had a disagreeable feel- mg of ovelfulness after eating. Food would not digest, aud caused great distress. Was nervous. 1 was treated for dyspep- sia and constipation with little Orin) relief. Asam- pie of Dr. Leonhardt's ANTI -PILL did Inc so nmeh good I followed up its use'and two boxes has ettirely cured me." -ANTI-PILL 15 k"61d by druggists, 50 cents, or mailed by addressing Witemolortn Co., Niag- ara Falls, Ont Free sam- ple mailed to any address. tritnniret u er Gutters ()you Want a Cutter? We have the tIneststock in tow ail the latest styles, in the newe lora. Our pres r first-class ip. voloNy as eau be fount matesinl and, workman BEFORE YOU RUT GALA. f4ND SEE US J F Russell Two Doors South Towr XETER MARKETS Wheat per hushell 68 to Oats new — . SO to SI Barle Flour...... Butter .... • • • Eggs *-- . Wool.—.— ....14 to 141 Pork live weight ,—.$4,80 to VA Pork Dressed , 80 00 to Ducks . • . 8 Chicken ***4 1)0 to 41 82.50 16 16 What Exhibitors say 90 per cent. or Fat Cattle exhibited at Provincial Winter Fair. 1903,Aveira „.....-- fed with Worthington's Canadian SFOO-- ck Tonle. Dean Sirs— We have been feeding your Stook', Food to cattle for somo time and find it to be an excellent tonic. Ilre have also fed it. to horses ,and Itigs, and are quite sure it is the best stoolortiod we have ever itried. Our prize winning cattle at the Provincial Winter 'Fair, 1903, were efed Worthinton's Stock tonic. • LESLIE & PEAREN. Breeder 'Shorthorn Cattle Acton Ont. Dear Sirs - 1 find your Stock Food is a very ex- cellent Tonic for cattle ,giving them a good appetite and keeping their di. gestive orga.us in, a healthy ovorking, oondition. The steer,"Scothe" exhibit- ed ati Winter Fair, weighed at birth 80 lbs., at 35 mouth's 200 lbs., making, a gain of 55 lbs. per month. It pays to Worihinton S,tiook Foodo ANDREW BACJHARDSON, , l3reeder Shorthorn Cattle. 10 lb. box, 200 foods, 50o, ; 50 lb. sock 52,00. Matufactured by o PBelPa•bull. Ont. Dear Sirs - Wo have used your Stook Food fax both ea ttle and hogs and find it gives good satisfaction. Several of our eat, tle bave shown a ;gain tit oven100 lbs. per month while feeding it. ' JAS. WILSON-& SONS, Breeder of Shorthorn Cattle and York thire Hogs . Fergus, Ont. Note the PriCD... THE WORTHINGTON DRUG CO,. ,OnaiiP:b. 012 "' For sale by Carlino, Bros. ExooOr . orecooalie tme, Ion. Beiosoll; J. G. Yol•Ing., The C. P. F. 'will run two tralase day ac,ronos the continent in oho sumo mer. The 'Canadian Rookiai are, drawing an inereasiog stree-iiii of , the:, oorld's tourist travel,