HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-3-17, Page 4There's nerve nourishment in Blue Ribbon Tea.
There's rest for tired brains and vvo.rn-out both's% 'There's
food for impoverished blood.
The most delicate and fragile .leaves of the tea plant are in
thiS tea—that's why it is so fragrant and aromatic.
Blue Ribbon Tea invigorates the faculties—makes the mind
dear, gives new zest to living.
Tst Lima
"loss Crremn
4/0C ;1743d be
Ask -
Act at
0 I
(alleald op)
Pond -
riches In Ontario,
losable and Identto
e 194.51
bee, Alberta,
Every Lawful Day from 16 a,
tu $p. nt.; except
turdays, 10 a. ro. to 1 p. w.
Faiintr Sale Notes cashed or c.
le d, Fortes supplied on applieatioo.
on all points in tbe Dominion.
Britain and United States
and sold at lowest rates of
posits of S1.00ancl upwards receiv
ed. Interest compounded half vei1y,
and added to principal .71.me 80th and
December alst, Deposits Receipts also I
issued aral corrent rate of
illtert5t allowed.
Advanee'S halite to farmers stock
dealers and business men at'lowest
rates and an most favorable terms.
Agents ttt Exeter fur POIniniOn
9feltS.0N & CA1t1,111% N. D.
ftILICITOR% er.teseicxn
xeter injes
Calendar for March 1904
WErnTeSn.i.X... .
6 18 20 2T
7 14 21 28
1 8 15 22 29
2 9 16 23 LI)
3 10 17.24 $1.
4 11 18 25
5 12 19 20
THURSDAY, MARCH 17tb11#104
Are We to have more such Winters
as this
'llte sharp declineinAinerican inar-
kets has had its offinot upon vrices
here and tearing a batch of these
fereigner,s ring -he land here by express
at any moment, recolyonsIaere rather
than held ,shipMents over night, have
lot them 'go at 32e to 34c. ,Lireed
eggs are prettzwa1t1I sa14 out and
i?rices or same aretorainal. Quite a
number or contrac.ts inade last fall
will expire at the end of this month
but some. we hererun on till the,15th
or March which makes -jt rather awlc-
ward; 'but thimrs are:being straight-
tened ail right. One weather prophet
predicts that we are in for a, succes-
thon of three S2 yam winters similar to
.the pre:sent one and should his vat'-
, _citation prove true our dealers had
Vert'Fr be careful next fall about mak-
ing contracts up to the end of Febru-.
arY" and Mardi 15, unless they- make
the figures high enougloon your pick-
led stock. A Montreal dealer made a
epleadid investment last fall WII•311, ILO
gin/chased five carloads of -eggs upon
which he made a 'clear profit of/35,300
proditets the Ilitoqf thereof. -
'Erode Bulletin, Montreal.
and a hotel with; ehre.t hunelre.d
Irtoui an article in 'the A.pril Do-
lireator picturing au d describing' ex-
' quisite kiliring gowns for brides tno
rollowing praoLical suggoVtions aro
While th5
, ninth or silver antve
by ;some, whose
rich se
are, used
e$ Are run to Oa-
beraleneSS. thereF. a4leculed tend-
tfl. toward., the t.,;:s or sort, 1,41141:.
a le.s that accord 44) well with pres-
ent Anodes. For the yuutitful bride.
Liberty satin is, perhaps, frilue,wiees1
choive'. oiler exeekilent selectioos are
Liberty sitir, mousseline de soleepoint
d'esprit, crepe de Chine aud peau (le
enne, 4Unong the silk ana woolota-
bries areu»I Bolienne, Intrzge and
veiling,. A silk founda ion is essential
with tit *pm nreslt meterials, and is
advisable eVon WUb the heavier ones.
Tim wedding owns. roust tta,4/ainitily
and beoonung y zL For soft
fabries, tucking, shirrinj! sanooklaig,
and alt sarts of beautiful handwork
off:r delightful effects. aud QM lace
leo, should be used. The. woznau who
bins bei married before will scleet
the delicate colors or evett those more
subetantial in hire, as pure white. is
pnli for the girl bride.
Your ,iy.stem oat of order MO
Ferrozone is needed to. start tt
buUdingpr!etcooLs. 13;snroatenta ,nrtkes
new tissues, for= 1Nto1esale .blood,
is t ree g therm the nerves and keeps your
hyical eoudition up to the pr,opar
ste.ndard. "1 last fifteen pounds
through La Grippe" writes Cyril
,Lash -of Hartford, "but Oootr re -gamed
my former weight and improved my
health by -using Ferrozone. It's alto
beat =builder and finest ;tonic I ever
used." Use Ferrozone 1 --it assures
health. Price no. at druggists.
i. Loni.s.-Paizes aggregating, 900,-
001) will be awarded in the inetruat--
lanai band contest to be held at the
World's Fairand. tile competition is
open to all organizationk which com-
ply with the priuted,conditions and
not in the pay of he o0311ton.
Concerts morning, afternoon and
evening will be gi
rven, n elands pro-
vided throughout the grounds, by,not
only the bands that, are entered for
Lim plans, but by famous organiza-
tions from different parts of the.
world, brought to zit.. Louis to enter-
t,Mn the crowd.
Soosa's famous musicians have beau
engaged for four w. each in Bray
August. ,ttuct Oetober. MexictO,s best
band, the Grenadier band from
ld, and La, Grade Atebuplicaine of
,lfnance will all play tong engage-
ments at the World's .Fair.
The 0. R. is planning ex.Lensions
to its lined in the Nos thwest, Vjory
eazt.L'iisivo inaprovereetits are already
in progress in Winnipeg, 'The yards
there when completed trill be I he
larzest in the world, conta.iningnear-
ly ninety miles ar rails, A new passen
ger station will be built this sommer
woriorwmeammonff.esomoma.cr. loms wil Ihe• erectedin conuection
if your blood is thin and im-
pure, you are miserable all the
time. It is pure, rich blood
that invigorates, strengthens, ?,
refreshes. You certainly know
the medicine that brings good
health to the home, the only
'medicine tested and tried for
60 years. A doctor's medicine.
/ owe rny lifo, without doubt, to Ayer'e
Sax.auarlity. It lo the Inc:a-wonderful Inedi-
eirio the world for 110rVORSIICSS. My cur. 1;
Derinal/^14. ?r,31 I cannot, thalik you en ongh."
311.9. Dr Nowarit,14.
$1.0 i„ lrott1O. a 1, ATE11
,T3 mt..
0 Trria,11. Mass, ;^..1
rases of ,Oyeeto Pills each
S rearearilla
ratty aid 1
with ;the station. ,Morie control isito
be ve/Aed in Winnigelg, so cilia ap-
p,ca I sill not haveoto be made so often
lo :th clVliontreai offices. So saith
Vieci-I?residemt le.
The Globe, Toronto, is sending< :orti.
, a tgood map of those peons ,q1
' Japan, Corea ond Manchuria! which re
/likely, to be the. scene of celiflie.t be-
lov eert the, Russian a rid Japanese forces
031 land as well as on water! "The map
is [rrepared on a bird's ,ese, plan, show-
ing the topogrephicat .formation 0 L
the land, and giving, a better Wee, or
the ,shore line end harbors than can be
glear.ed from any ordi nary source
fly keeping it: berorp you and watching
the maps published from Lime to time
tr. the Gic,be, hadica Ling .the local
MON* autenLi of the fore -s. the realer
can gain a batter idea of the situation
then by any other Illta318 •}17 .11'110W Of.
'five cases of .spiallonx were., rePtirr,
ciai.o the t'revineial 1Teeilth Dreeert-
ment from South. SrIndwicli,. • 11:1:5S,";:,S7
fe .41.1.. S1 • rIC' CZT) .
Bea•re the "1115 Kind You' Have Always Bought
All the new of interest to
Times 'Readers happening
in these Counties.
Mrs 11111, with of Conductor Ill/L
ine Clinton, die4 in that town on Eri-
y last After a vory short Illness,
teased. was on1y1,7 years of age.
ROL One in twenty; aro free from
sojna lade ailinent :mused by, inaction
of the liver. Use Carter's Little Liver
Pills. Tim result will ba a pleasant
surprise. They positive relief.
..[NItss rsfzigie Oosirett, or Belg VOSN
twas married te Mr. licher, of Lon -
4011. At her motitter's reside/gee -ad-
joining toot villagi . a few clay,s ago.
Mrs, *jeltu Smith, of Clinton, died
suddenly on Wednesday- She was a
atster of Airs. James laithwile and
Mrs, Charles Blake, of Oodcrich. The
lady was aged about 73.
,The _death occurred on lOridav a
Froveston, .B. -0., of gr. 0.. E. Young,
wen-noown re,sideot QUalat
Oa OATS Or WO 4aOZO$241 W.110 X.tiside
ot .0lint,011, 0411.4 ware ,infortned by
wire anti telegrapited ittlfreetierte'
enthalm t he laoxl aod send it to, Mitt -
on for interment in the family plot.
The- ease or Crown vs. Thos. Sher,
tt came Ire...fore the Graltd. Jury
Oodericit, initer taking' the, evidence
f nuntber of witzleSsM, trucqhill
vas lir-ought tiglinst defeodwat, The
dant was up betere the Judge,
entere,t plee of not guilty. At
tore the preeldia4 judge+ item,
) try the cese vtaiming that It
hrcidtcome, up et the 3one Sittings
County Court.,a41...z Sherritt
ernished bait Le appear then,
to be CI,.: fra eadatit.s, Liii
cona,. kV., y.4 Z.C, Car,
Liver te‘trietly veg,
etable. - gx,,atly tqiumlatz
livcr and the istemach from
many friends of Z1r. 3Ialeolttt
afeBoigaro P.. tor We.st. AIiddlesex,
iiit .regret to bear that be metwitit
a serious aceititot this.'week ot his
home in Cando:: Township. Some
time after the severe ivemther set. in
, AleGuigan was working ebout. iLs
when he S1ippet1 and fell ou the
•eaking his leg. lie had entire.,
IY ceovered from the effects of tho
accident, and'u•as preparing' on Tues,
tiny last to leave for the vapital to
aftend ilte opening of Parliament,
when he again fell, breaking itisileg,
a second time, The fracture:is in
tile .1.4azno limb and enly two ineltes
above the first break, Alr. McGuigan
above &lie first, break. Mr,. McGuigan
will be confined tO1A14 home for sev-
eral weelts,
TO BREAK. 1-71.1i A COLO
night quickly; nothing workso
nicely as Nerviline takerureal,hot. ft
sends a Zoning 3varmtb all through
tho body, and whenkrubbied on the
throat and chest loosens up the cough
and relieves tightness and soreness in
the ebest. .Nerviline is used as a pre-
ventive and can for colds, t oughs and
winter BMext thousands'or homes be-
cause it goes right, to work and brings
relief quickly. Thera is no r.,emedn
world with half the power and Ineretc
of Nerviline; invalamble in eveyy
house. in large bottles, price 25c.
,Mrs. And rme lrerrestcc, or .Aritchtill
Through 0 traQ door to a cell ar
and brake one outer arms.
You hardly realize that it is medi-
cine, when taking Cartera Little
Liver Pills: Lila yore very small; no
bad effects; all troubins from torpid
liver are relieved by their Ilse.
Rev. Win. Stout has been trans-
ferred from tiv. parish of Kirk:Lou,
to the parish of Onondago and Mid-
dlepori in the county of Grant. and
Bishop Baldwin has appointedthe
too Cleartge Wise Racey to suoceleA
the Rev. Wm. Stout at Kirkton.
Mr. Rri eey is an earnest man, and
has an excellent helper in his wife.
A very/ quiet wedding was cele -
bra Led on March 2nd at the home of
Mrs. Iluxley, Stratford, when her
chles.o; fbrughte.r, Miss Nellie became
the bride of Mr. Riche rd R. Blakeman
of Downie. Oniy. the immediate
friends of the two families were pre-
eent to wieness the ceremony, welch
wasp.erfornaeci by Rev. W. ,T. 'Arc -
423 CIP UEL 'X .461.,
Bea,,,t1,6 The Kind You Have Always Bought
of ,
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
Llie home of Daniel Axiord, Esq., Fin-
gal, an Wednesday, March 2nd,', when
hitt daleghter, Miss Jennie Axford, late
preceptross of Alma College, 'woe
united in marriage to ,lhey. E. N.,
iht_ker, 11/4L A, B. 33., vestor of Broad-
y Tabernacle, Toronto; and former-
ly pastor of the •Central Methodist
church, Stratford:-
Get the Most
Out of Your Food
You don't and can't if your stomach
is weak. A weak stomach does not di-
gest all that is ordiniirily taken into it.
It gets tired easily, and what it fails to
digest is wasted, '
Among the Signs of Cweak stomach
are uneasiness after eating, fits of ner-
vous headache, and disagreeable belch-
"f have been troubled with dyspepsia for
years, and tried every remedy I heard of,
but never got anything that gave ate relief
until I took flood's Sarsa‘parilla. le cannot
praise this medicine too highly for the good
It has clone me. I always take it in the
spring and fan and wottid not be without
W. A. IsTT7QENT, Belleville, Ont.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Strengthens and tones the stonanch and
the whole clig,estive s3rsterra.
T 1 t1 E S, Ai A It 0 11 ntb,
Liver Pills
That's what you need; SOMOI
thing to cure your biliousness,
and regulate your bowels. You
need Ayer's Pills. Vegetable;
gently laxative. 042;74:4
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black? Ilse
et ef e. lhirine,r Near St . ys
Takes jr Life by flanging.
St. Marys. March 10.---Zifrs. Bruce,
oife a -.51.r. Robert 13ruee, a tveil-Co-
do fernier of Olonshard, commttted
sui :Itto on Sunday inorning by bang
me howl( front a beeut in a site.1
ad:Alining the itou.se. It is a sad ease,
evideolly due to meltneltolia produced
" r poor health. The faraity live en
hit 2ix base line ot ,Blanshard. On
Smtuay morning aft-. and Airs. „Bruce
lief* et breelefast in continne will;
I(lieu on, when nrs, Bruce rase sod -
deftly from the table, astensibto with
ilia iotontion of getting. -a gntse of
wal abseut cAirorg tini,,
land ber hasband became unXioltslie
a exit out tri I lie back tlthi looked i
tb elied. There, Its was iterrifit)(1 to
te Iter body denglingleena a. ileant.
The face 'W'Ats terribly 'distorted and
turning black. TilP kushatul at onee
cut the rope and the bedy ft IL. Ho
found the life spark stilt glowed, al.,
though dimly, end sent et oncerto
Ma ry.s for a el oe tor, The metlieal matt
Iasi ne time but he was toola0. Mrs.
lit On /eaves her Ilusbatul and a family
of t wo daughters and t't son, for whom
amen sympathy is felt. One daughter
is married and the other is a teacher.
The rion worked the farm Wkilx 1).is
tither. Decettatul was 50 years of 4.1Ze•
1,1) 1.0 78 0
lie;t lions to t ho 1/aut
r legisitetion havo boon 4
nine aro for divorce bits.
tile= vere text applications
Will fit'st destroy the germs that
excite Um disease. Then there are
nuroberlem sore spots in the
membrane. to be bealed. Every re-
quirement o i .,perm teet cufor
nd a
catarrh is foun'fragrant Wolin
eatarrhozone winch not only instant
lyLLU.s the ger oat, but msz yes the
diseased membrane to a %enrol con-
dition awl prevents the relapse whirl
if; sun to 'follow „the Use of ordinary
remedies, Catarrhozone is a scientific
cure for catarrh that relieves quicker
is more pleasant, not certain to euro
than any other known remedy. Foil -
tire is itnpossible, lasting cure io
guaranteed, olds Oatarrhezone.
Two months treatment f -q.00;. t riot
II?. 'Get it to -day.
J'he linron Registrarship
Return of Correspondence re Huron
Registrar, ,ellr,M.
iovedbypMr. 11.
Either Spoke of unfair Twat-
Inent GiVell by Railways to 'War-
mers Living Altaig Branch ,Lines.
,During the present session or 'the
Ontario LogislicLure Il, Either,
M. P. P.. .or South IlUron,,, has dealt
with several important matters and
in a sot...ech frot . the house the oth-
er day he severely criticized the Gov-
ernment .tor calling tbe Legislature
together at a row days notice, in or-
der to bead of/election protests. The
methode adopted by' the Liberals to
defeat lum at. the last election, and
foliar...It that to unseat, him, wore re-
ferred to by IV.tr. Either, An attempt
‘V.414i 'xna(12 he said, to induce mete .11.0
swee,r that they- had been bribed to
refit: 'Consiervaild.ve, but foreupe.tel.y
one of those approached gave away
.the deo], and a ,rgreat neat -ef harm
11'11$ 1110,5,prevented.
Eilber, however, !made .the fea-
ture of his speeett a protest against
1 lie unfair discrimination practised by
the railways to thy detriment 0,fifa r -
mere living on branch lines. '1.1*.e,liou-'
don Ruron 8r1 Mlle() raftwary Imp re.-
ceived a' subsidy. or §2AB,000ifrino bite
Province, besides aid from the muni.,
in the company's charter providing
Una the tolls chargedumet be op-
primed by the Government, the Gov-
ernment had not attempted to secure
tnir .play tor the fa rine ns. 111r.E ilber
pooke or a farnierrin Ids co11nty1lning
reritsed haulage on a car road of cat-
tle, .and had ttesend I o Chicago for
eal ;to fill theepac.e engaged on a
ssteonicr. Mr. 'Either regaled t15IIouse
with tlie reading or an extract from
German papers, which two at least or
the inembe.rs understood, and th5rest
welt not slow in seouring the trans.)
la Lion, which o.0 course did not placo
the '0 over nmen t in a fa rarebit/
!Ur. Either alsotuovoa tor 1 ho. re t
torn .of the corresi/Ondelloc in can-
t ion NY i the appoitrinont oir M. W m
as Registrae or ilturon. The
following is he correspondence.
Clint on, Kb. Jttrdzary, 1899
Ilon, A. .S lIardr, Toronro.
1)ear Sir (--The Registrarship of
ifurou is again vacant .through the
don th of Mr. A. T,. Gibson. I am an
n.pplicont- for the position. I shall not
trouble ymi with tin account of my
n1:flick:at-ions 0 r of my claims upon
Hie nart1y. 'Your coilea,gue, Hon. J.
T. rrow, can 6p,lak for me. If roil
eon do anything to advance my in-
t eroe ts, T shall T)r., ,p3,easecl to
do so. YOLIVS 11381)e1'tfu1ly,
($gd.)-W1 r,r,TA111 COATES,
Clintot, , Jan 121,h 18,35).
'.1 ii: }Hon. Iiatdy. l'remier
Onloriu, l'oron I o.
1,,g. 'Dear Sir :-Owing to the. death
of dile late Regi.strar of Ituron, (Mr,)
A t. Gibson) your Government will
rly be called uport to appoint his.
Ilaving this 10 view an4.1
believing as 1 do the desire of theotlov,..
ernment to be 10 Wily1C-1 the best mall
available for the positing, 1 have very
Monk 1eaurta in rec/oinmealdinrg to
Yon for your serious consideration the
name of William Coates of our to-wn
Nolo.) r.s now all ;applicant, for ow pasi.,
Lion. 4 may say It have known this
from lits boyhood' anti it tften'd.s
roe a very great pleasore in lest/tying
to his many good qualities, necessary
in filling thi$ ooshion. -lie ,writes
beautiful band, is a tliorough practi-
,1 accountant, is posst/osed (if genial
and ,obliging disposition and has been
1111 his life a consistant, faithful, and
energetic suporter of the Liberal par-
ty. If your Government' can .s,ee
1,vay clear to confirm his appointment
I am quite sure it would be popular
among oar friends and would not
be ctfensive to our eneurte-s.
.ineantiMe waiting furLhor de0-410p-
mews, believe me, yours faithfully,
(SO) /TAMES rmrt.
0 tt a w a. Moron:.171,1?... TcA.51.n)
$,*, Ira r ,„ Premier and 'S.
37 -General.
lieor 31 r. Ilardy ;.--1 do not wish
e add to the gifficulty or appointing
Itegtstriir to Hare% rather I xv4ttid
to see the way trtadu clear, and I
siroiIy Want, 1,0 say that tiro Appoin1-.
mew, or Air, W. uoa tea, of Olintnn.
Nvuola give ottiversal satiaraetion lIt
the West riding at ABY =be, and I
believe elSR in other portions or the
tenthly'. ILI bile MOst eertainl,y labor-
ed iZt lite interests of the Party, and I
tbink it has Won due to his worts in
part at any rate' iit4t wo have Wen
able to hold \t`et Mean, as welt as
ne have. has very strong claim
for cousideeetion. from a party stand-
point and the appointment would be
-proved or by Vonoervatia'es as well
tts Liberals. it seems to me thatt.the
West Maim is entitled to consider --
(ion at the particular Juncture, and
'rest the Oovertanent may be
to see its way clear to make this ap-
Oatmeal, widelt I ant satisfied.
would be in its own interest, as well
aS that or the individual immediately
concerned. Very truly yours.
Went Karoo
(mown, 2711! February, itittl
O. IV.
.'remicr of Ontario.
ti.,urtz7.irt.--I ant Venturing lo
at cementing ;he rocant Beal 'trar-
tip or lluron, not with any int-ution
or inflicting upon you" a recital or toy
upon that .position„ as I ant
iuit oakierie4 teat M.r„.parrow will
speak for: mo much Acre effectually
-than I could hope to do, but. himply
to correct an impression which seems
to be abroad, that I eta au a PP tient
for the 11oNt-nt1Iseer4.1tip of Clinton.
I am not uor have, I everbeen. an ap-
plicant tor that. position. It is quite
true that 311. lloitoes ort.:.red it, to inn
ic is a position wat;elt would not
sui t Me, I (1.0 1101 think that
eitoply beeaue that position is vaeant
that it 6110U1(1 prejudice my claim op
on I lie other m any iny. IlaL the
post-ntastership'first become ra ^ant
anti hail 1 been an applicant for
1 lion I could understand thatt should
lie preeluned from being an applicant
roi 1 ho thrAlStrarship. When .11te
laltr position was vacant. before
wa4 then an applieant and of course
felt torte:twilit t disappointed al -not re-
ceiving it, but 1 venture to say and
I nut sure that.Mr. GarrOw will bear
nie out, in saying that any disappoint-
ment 1 reit never made the &slightest
difference in my efforts on behalf of
our party. Th3 Liberal Government
never has had a.more al supporter
than myself. But 1 OM a rr,iid
1 ain beginning to: do win t.
1 1.q.t out to tvoid,
iii, my ow ia horn." I venture
to hope, that you will not be. iuflu-
timed by any report .svitich may. have
reached you with reference to the
vacant Perltmes,terehip and that the
appointment of a Registrar will not
bit dFelayed much longer. The very.
groa t uncertainty ot my ;positioa is
most trying, 1 can assusa you, and
any decision wilt bewelcome to Inn,
though or course, 1 hope for a favor-
able OTIC. Yours respectfully,
Tonento, ist Muth, 190.2.
Alsr Dear Mr. 00ates,Ihad conversa-
tion with lir. Garrow two or tbree
Brims within the last , week or so.
Next Week or at least as soon as the
session is over, WO intend to Lake up
the vacancy in Huron and, I hopeit
may be filled. 'Yours truly.
(Seg.) G. W. ROSS
William Coates, Esq., Cliuton.
A prolific cause a Piles is the Ifse
of 00,0.ml-ties and pills of a drastio,„vi.,
olen r nature.
Followed by a reaction on account
of the ,nesitnous, drying properties they
There are ether causesbut no mat-
ter what the cause or ;what the kind
of Piles, Dr. Leetthamcbt's 11(em-noid
onin be .rotied Upon LO eure-to atay
It's .n.r. in tornal remedy. tha t re-
moves bile eanse of Bleeding, Itching,
Blind or ....uppuaaling Pihit
A guarantee goes with ear....13 package
coal a ini n a a month's tm a tram t.
1( cam he ob t a I d for S1.00 at d ru g
gist s. •
It is a curious 0hupler in the his-
tory of both old and new Japan which
tea tes the potent in Cluence t Int t
Korea, a wholly alien country, has
,-,xereised upon the des( iny of Ole' mi. -
The 'Kind 3,rort kravo Always 33ought, and which has been
1180 for over ao years, .1.I.4S 7i.)0111Q the signatrtre -of i
and has becamatle under his perg I
soon' supervision since its infancyiil .
. An1/101Y119 one to deceive yon alio.
e„ounterfetts, Itaitation$ and "Just,as-good" are but
xperiments that tt ilte ivith and endanger the health, or
infants and Oltildren-Experience against speriments
hat is CASTOR IA
Cacztoritt, is a harmless aubstitute for Castor Oil, Pare.
eg:tvt ts)1;Ox ePist T148is
t-. 01:iTttnIt1,14r,tr"‘ e87rnriPl
lxTuse* uletto otlieerasNallarte°;410.
8:14.;r4K'ex Its age is its gttarraitee. it destroys Worms
nail allays Feverishness. Ift cures DiarrliKea, and Willa
Celle. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
Vlatnieney, It assimilates the Pood regulates the
t*nkulc.1,10,114 130‘1:1„0,S2. giviw-T healthy and Anttoml
ildreula Panacea -Ulm Mother's Friend.
ars the Signature of
The Kffid You Have Always Bough
Use For Over 30 Years.
'WC -04NTAUlt ,q0MPANT. TT warklia,Y IngT, MV/X03,11%
do's elnAre- Karol, generally quite
involuntarily, has dragged Japan into
numberless brawls and irregulanbor-
dee hostilities in the put 17 centuries.
and two r' i[ wars within the hist
ten years,
As far back as aoi. of the;Chrinti.tni
era there is a record oraapantscovot-
ing Korea. In that year the Empress
Jiuge sent an armed force into Korea,
overcoming the native troope. As' a
result of [hie evasion th
The Viarton Echo
of the growers of;
distriet, the number el
',beets in the
I for by it tbe perm age of sot
;worded, and the, actual ;.tutount oil
money received by the farmers, Tho:
list is not au absolute guide, bectitlecs.
does not give the area which -was
systera of geographical distribution c tually cultivated, ,lty, each mane
was introdneed into Japan, Desultory xeuely all the pleita were 6 mall ttliq
warfare was continued down to 1592, • •
aiontv being of one or two tteresA
Iwhen a second expedition was s^nt '
rigainst the Koreans and for thesis
ensuing years Korea Ins virtually a
Japanese province. 11 is interestiug to
note that the Korean prisoners taken
in this evasion introduced the art of
pottery lute Jttpan, and their descend-
. .
One atirin raised 60 acres at beets, an
there Were a few fields of len ot
twelve acres, One farmer who eon-.
tracted for .two acres rea/ized 10.0 a;nr,
cent. and received nearly*1150.,
ants still live the town..efSalsUlna
11) ., 'aaSOC7t01ellliOhjrOVidedllCr
w mix gtves xis namto the wed& ecurd15ipitD.atatreeoveaAg
ftionous ware.
/rhe suzerainty of Korea tett to the
filtino-,,Taaaancso war in; 1894, China
sending 2000 troops in,f.n.1.110 count
One farmer who contracted for fin
acres realized it§ per +Malt., and ret:,..
cteived 570 while another man got
,:,•Y78 tor the pr000etle trent t tlen04.
ostensibly to assist in putting dew:a which scored ooly 1t 1kjea. cent. nal
a native insurrection, r.-rheiright to oel ,the, iNot,,„ On. the lokole, returns) or
copy Allis territory )vith arraediforees ;Prom ,1t30 10 $40*.e.n arre weretre-
has long boon the dispute et thesetwo 111101114 $arcuy rutt,as ti.gln1.1,s •Vfi
countries, anto.gortistie through eciitu. to '$89 an acroon nuretor rain vet%
ries or inberited animosikrmuch below, one men. reeteivingion2y1
Since More began Lim/ influx of 87 or $8 for the growth of an aoro. .
western civilize Lion) isinee theedeittel,
fall, in 1868, of the Tokuytrtra cly,ttas, .1•1411.10141.1.101.....r
ty and the restore. ton or the _mikado a
einee, in a word, the beginning of
the doers of .Newqapan,the eropire's,
truardianship of Korea has assumell
a 'much more belligerent, morn clear-
ly defined character, enunciated, un-
mistakably to all nations, Asiatic and
Hu-rape/an,whose stars or empire have
lend into the far oast.
A, marveIouo reconstruetion indeed
has been thnt or Japan, the mirkeu-
lous assimilaiion of many of the best
elements of wesitern civilization. It
Was only as far back as 1542 •11ta,1
Portuguese traders first tonelt&I at
the shores of Japan. Then came the
Dutch in 1010. our own Commode -bre.
Perry, in 1854, drew up the quasi -
treaty that:subsequently kopened japt.
an to the trade of %the world. And
in that trade. for Iternwn benefit and
advanee along all lines, japan hs
certainly drawn 'the veight 0,r the ,
It remating, for, the events of the Chico
next few momentous weeks to decide 1
Miss Agnes Miller, of
go, speaks to young women
er hor court, her finances and her i l
Whet= E:01.09. ii9 tO reEllaill about dangers of the Menstrua
ill ti.10
sphere of japanese influence ; ,whe th-
ecu and the Slay. every month, as I knew it meant three'
periods), so much so that I dreaded
. --
six years with dysmenorrhea (painful
" To YOVNG Womm : -I suffered for
commerce are to remainthe preroga-
tives of the heathen mikado or fall
under the domination of the Chrislit
' or four days of intense pain. The
doctor said this was clue to an inflamed.
DIAMONDS IN. ONTARIO cOndition of the uterine appendages
caused b3r repeated and neglected colds,
J. R. Eroesm, edieer of the SUUlt;
S'f,t1 'nuatie} EstprILIss, sa.ys that Dia-,
moods 'have been discovered in Ne iv
Ontario, "I have seen the;dianionds
mysclf," said Mr, 13rown,"atut while
f.,hey are not perhaps' as clear a_grada
or qi3 V alUal1112. eas the Souht .kfrican
diaanond, yet they are -diamonds :nil
righ . The.so, diamonds " con LinkT"P•1
Mr. ,Brown, "were dis(corvered some
time. arso, and wer(e brougla to To-
route Mr valuation and were
nuanced of g,00d quality. :rhe Tinder
has kept the matter quiet, but the
nesse has leaked out, and is causing
considerable .4.1:040:Tient. ,The. locati-
on is. said to %be about half -way! be
. -
tween the Soo and,james Bay. It is
a wall -known fact that there are ex-
tinct volcanoes in Nowt On(trario, ()Tad
il. is in a carbon deposit cl ono( cd:
rra LOA'S that these pracielus
Jia,ve. been Mund.",
To Cure
Take Laxative Bromo
SOven Million boxes sold in past 13 months.
If young girls only rtualized how
dangerous it is to take cold` at this
critical time, much sugering would be:
spared their,. Thank God for 1Cydia,
E. Pinkham's Vegetable COM.'
pound, that woe the only medicine;
which helped me any. Within three'
weeks after I started to take it, I
noticed a marked improvement in my"
general health, and at the time of my
next monthly period the pain had
diminished considerably, 1 kept up
the treatment, and was cured a month
later. I am like another person since.
I am M perfect health, my oyes are,
brighter,1 have achled 12 pounds to my
weight, my color is good, -,dia 1 feel
light andhappy."-Miss Arai' Minr,En,
2nf 0e5risePei taonitfomotPlbagefinparAlocioN Foca' dloCuhe.ileettagerop, rIallgTset5/47-
The monthly sickness reflects,
the condition of a woman's
health. Anything unusual at
that time Should. 11ave prompt
and proper attention.
a Cold h One
U.,. .0 a
Cures Crip
in Two Days.
O1 every
epapp.„ box. 25c.