Exeter Times, 1904-3-17, Page 3COMPLETE GPSPELEARIVIONY •'N.0t.ss4tty . Peopip....to • ..Love One Artothr-., find fault fault with another pew. A forgiving laainan bowing at the mercy seat is just ae esseetial for church harmeny as a forgiviog min- ister breaking tie bread and pouring out the wine at the table of the holy coneounion. TIII SkIORTEST WAY BEST, Lastly I think Christ took this Samatitan journey- to prove the.t the shortest way in life's work is general- ly Vo hest way. This is not abso- lutely an ineariable rule, but it Oatmeal, of leotada. LIN tI117 year Ore tiCett th° 13ahraw 11°1° The lie- "his good in tteorlY every case. tottered according te Act ot the leer- • frhoueend Nino theselree and Pees, brew fireside hit as pure, end noble as The country of Samaria lay' direetly by Wm. )3ally. of Toronto. at thel any gentile fireside. between Jerusalem and Galilee. it Department ot Agriculture. Qtt1"9.11."1 Equal is the Jew to the wows io wee as much between these two re - A aleettecelt from Los Auplea says,: Bev. lerank 'Do Witt Tahuege preach- ed from the tellowilig text: John iv.. .•"And stuest ineelS n through t br i nd bitatithropy, gions as the etates et Indiana and as well as purity and bonestY. Who Ohio he in the direct line leateceen wero Meyerbeer and Mei:deb:alba, New York and Chicago. But becaim among the greatent of composers? the Jew bated the oarearittui be JeW.S. Who were Benedict eliaineea twaoallildaadtt.ot gothroughtzbuottaSeaaniabriig. detour. In ore seose be made as big a detain' as the traveller coming from Yerk to Chicago would make if he went by the way of Ky., instead of by the 'ay of Buffalo or Pittsburg. Christ in journeying to Galilee simply took tee etraight path, utan over the p4tit lavirs, end 13aeon Rothschild? Jews. Who amaritt," was the mightiest oppeuent of Un- ation of `ray's elegy unless he has lima E. Gladstone and the favorite -'?•Oeen, able to dream his dreams the mon heagell ovrooso. prime' minister ef all the Victorian in era? Beejamin Disraeli, a dew- Oh, ground of Stoke Poeis amr n"rle'; :Vire bee Seen the poet's "lira" and Iea,lehhiga' )1a aee4laitt et the htmestY his "'soldier's gt'ave' and the last, Purity a the Jew, let us try to _eetieg piece, of las eyanth onhoo„o break down the elaanieliness thg "the lowing herds:" wandering bents social Preludh:4''''' but by leaning ""- welcome the Jew into our homes as the evening milking. So to fully we would. be willing to welcome an realize this scene in which out Lord's 'interview with the woman tools place It:14", a l'''rellehmttr- an Vnglieli- otte "meet ueede go through Sae tl'an' a SCetellalan' Rtlaalart with brotherly love to greet the Jew nutria, at the foot of Which still 45 Christ the Ilehrees"went ViSit twe4 thoetiv:etetereonvdezt*snt htiot000seraftr. the t9ittintritano. owning .tittiatot,.„ ,trhe church the friende, accomit of the gospel to fame" and bete 'ward at sunset ghe„tt°' Let as trY t° do this' not bY aria." rententber well thet hill Swede' Let ns hrelth 4bNY° the el"' erowned with the eopital et 11""les9 of the ghetto by 1.1)rth ne aye aro Still resenalit. With the per. PO Afil CHUMP DID, enal• histories of tut Onwl. no Altai?, 0 yo evangeliSte and gospel pre c 4 Ahaziall, a Jelin. a Jeboatate4 rs, why. do we eeend z•noet of one JOnall, Herod Antlpata. a, Ilerodies, ime try:eg to eller the "bread. a John the Baptist, and the evartge- life" ottly to the "respectable" bin.. BSI: Philip. I cannot portray tbitt ene soetety, who will not reeeive scene so grend and Majestic in its it? Why do We not do as Christ lonely beauty. but 'I weeld have you did -go into the enemy% eotottry and realize some of tele eireontetancee talk' with the outcasts by the Sante which geve special signifteanee to thee aritan well, who are wi ling -oh, so MoMentens toUrney ow Lord and willing. 'LP 10, eive the gospel if wo prw,,,ent innne of the reesoss why •oeste Only to them in Clutet'e name ?1, HS went as 0. bird would ity overland. HQ went to “aillee through Samaria, , 0 man, 0 woman, for you, toe. chrtst "must needs go tbrough Sa- la I Not for that degraded women alone was that joinney tak- en. The revelation of hitt:Felt thet he made by that well is con eloquent invitetton to ell in every age to coMO to or the "water cd life," Are you weary with the troubles of the way? Are you athirst for the water that will eatisly the loegiegs yoer soul? Are yea; reerful of the grave and tho judgment' or Code Come to the well end Year hint say ta•at to all who come he will give living' Water., Wferecif a Mon iik le Omit rover die. must needs go throUgh, Svan Lae tike Santa i• an enentan, brive t the greeteet .inners believed in JEsus. .10111111EY THIt0110 SAMARIA. let mai sometbates bet:vole tio One freason, 1 thirdo was that &Sas wished to l'eprow racial antipothy. The Samaritan coloniete were Inter- lopers. They Were not indigenous tO the soil. After the Shaleneettetieriatt eonqueet the Assyrian king carried away ten esat of the twelve Hebrew tribes into captivity. Then the, east- ern conqueror,. havlog depopulatcel the best pare Of the land "flowing With Milk and honey," be repeopled It with Ida Own followers. In other de. the Assyrian king gave to his own followers a right to settle upon and cultivate and own that land, juSt as King JaMes L gave a cha- fer to William Penn for the Ameri- can tract of land now coiled Pen- Sylseettin and Charles L gave a elute. t Lord Baltimore to take pos- t ot the present eta° of Wary - to be settled by tire and his idle friends. Mitre tho Jews had • met from the liabelonish can- to. . end had rebuilt the 'Jerusalem wails and telnple they wanted to drive out these foreign colonists from the garden spot ot Palestine, But they could met. Year after year, decade after &rade and century after century the Samaritans held en to the region lying directly be - town Judaea, or northern Galilee, and the "./erusalent eapitale There they ewelt, t'eady to slay any Jew or collection- of Jews who attempted to molest them. There thee continu- ed to dwell. Each year the hatred between tbe two races grew more bit- ter and mortal. ALL ALIKE TO THE SAVIOUR. that journey Jesus said to all etrielond; "The man with thfl e atten- ed nose and the thick lip of the ne- gro and with the aquiline nose of the Hebrew and with the low forehead of the Australian aberigines and with the ealveless of the Bengali and with the stunted steture of the Eski- mo and with the herculean font. of the Saxon and the gigantic Slav are all brothers. The Jew has no right to hate the Samaritan; neither has the Senattritan a right to bate the sh Jew " Ilut though the Samaritan eeel love the Jew and the JOW loNO the Samaritan, just study how the ale racial prejudices against the Hebrew race, as a venomous serpent with its slimy, coils, has come wriggling down through the ages. Why is that fine- ly dressed and courteous gentleman refused admittance into some of the 'tending hotels of Saratoga, and New York? Ere is a Jew? Why was Al- fred Dreyfus sent to Devil's Island to be more inhumanly trea.ted than any government wottld allow any man to treat a dumb brute? Ile was a Jew? Why the clannishness of the ghetto? Because the gentile by slicers and scoffs refuses to associate with the Jew, therefore the Jew finas most of his associations with the Jew. Why the public ridicule against a class of men who are the greatest finanei- ers and masters of barter and gain the world? Because for centuries lethe Jew had no way of making a ,Oving except through barter and 'gain and as a money lender. He. 'lLeould not hold land, for the princes and the people would rob him of his land. coeld not go into state- craft or into the army, because there he was not allowed to go. Though social' recognition in certain regions H 'is now accorded to the :ebrew race, as the British. house of lords has been opened to them, yet even to -day a strong barrier to social preferment, is the feet of a man belonging tb that. race, a representatiVO of which Shakespeare immort ized i Shy- lock, the cruel and remorseless credi- tor. 4 ' JEW AND GENTILE EQUAL. Equal is the Jew to the gentile in the S7LLOtLIOSS and purity of his do- mestic life. Not only are they faith- ful as a race as husbands and wives, but they are ab,o ivreproaaable in tlieir relations 05 parent rrd chil- dren. Yon 1.111V al' IL 17 01)1T1V inF4llLi her mother, Yu oneyer 50(1 rel,vi Tw 1.,-)11 sitting 'II ;the presence of an feth when tte lather Ina to stn'E ree. if, al Once a; alwevs leec- SON, "Now shelt thou see what I. will do" (John vi, 6; fe`x. vi, 1). When to our daily life Ire allows us to come into a strait place, a diffi- eulty, a perplexity, it is simply to prove us as He proved Philip, to see whether we will attempt to work our way out, as Philip did, or turn to Hine with confideeee in His ability, as Philip might have done, ,Andrew sPetths of that ‘vilich is in sight, live loaves and two small fishes. but adds, FOR THE 110ME 4.. t S e, Recipes for the Kitcheo. e tayglene and Other Notes 0, 0 for the llousekeeper, 490 thoroughly, and then gradually ald the vinegar- Arrange the potato on a soup plate, garnish. with beet- root, celery, or tomato and chopped perslete told over it pour the mix- ture. This sehould be prepared quite an hour before it is used. Scotch ginerbread, Take one poised and a quarter of flou •, half a (2) Pound of but.ter, half a pound of teleOefiloSeallo'oeatteeeeeateeeese moist sugar, two (emcee of finely - “What are they among o many? 1:1A/N'Is'ISlavaFpOolle, THLIItur 1lEI, a, ,efohuortsPoeudnePeeeslealnttlrfeaaclieit.itinies,,ier: quar- terbeat eatI T Both of them seem to have laterlY froth of toilet soup, beat intoMakeous of an ounce of imeee spire, and forgotten who Jesus was and whet the you, of an egg and a dessert- titehnedsbweottrekr thaonrdougthhiey titaetapelteheelifiloiuttly,, they bad seen Him do. How very spooared ef spirits of roeemary. like them we aro apt te lee for no put a sprained made at onee into add' the "tiler ing •(Iie'lltS' arl(t two inetter how many times we have been hot water ffor ten minetes. After- tietta,:lle°p1f1lifsrdiafirtlanogeMdetro” Bteeh: delivered, when a new trial comes we wards, if tbe pato is severe, apply aro at to at and talk like the tea , twt beg doped Imo Ito. vitiogiir.ii • ., eodthenratina'esclieaurd. beiPcoem;enaito setieeary szipeci)ese:Ist.:Jairv.e_th6e7re7,atiiitioan,needandlitkreearoreonalletitob fawbnyd , lorrxilpiurieadltd,?ii:glisseta,w)nrdied etIttel;;Italinattsvst.3.01eaeazu;.eititt ie. oaali..:F0 toil.; ,o.w.fre no nolo ohour e ninsdaerocae(airtvetrt,,h o; &mesa, it coxnes out perfectly eleau. no mountain and uot to deeptse lit- haet they will not eink to the bot- tom. t1 QIIttehylintiggs.reeeived from tho lad his A couple of coats of white enamel little and all and the multitude be- Patint on the shelves of the pentry There are many mothers who give: ing seated on the green gales by da does away with the neeessity for themselves iefinite trouble about tbo ties in a eon:Reny, Ile looked up to *heti paper. end the result much big and obvious things eonnected heaven and gave thanks and blessed more eatisfactory, with nursery management, who and brake the loaves and by the dia. i TO woke ca,m phor ball, molt to-, Wive. bravely to he up-to-date in ciples passed theta to the multittele„eether tee ounces of lard, two the matter of plumbing, ventilation and all did eat and were filled, and melees of white ono arei blat an •and lefectieue OiSeaSe'i. but who fail twelvet fr 'talents were tc)011.10c.eitofi5TTeldde;ef(lore.lmsei.tlior. Whey, g 'woefully when it comes to certain •dOtaila• Otte of the most important gathered. It. does not seem so won- 1 derful when we remember who it was t To -keen A riltaCh P011itated ) of these is the disgusting and (ma- , gerous habit of allowing every comer that did it, even the store One who 1 wit.e oil ail :Inger mareee fed n, Wm:iced men with twenty loaves: with, a slightly inoistened cloth to Mss and maul the baby, 42s44) days am red "mons with ,nsinnit ic;111411.0A1 leaaltwiters,ore feet ;.tcalles40.‘letett,b4ibart;ItIdo"tevitieiloa,seuaebtt:1‘tv\s'lelLisat((illeb:lalegt.litttleafgtilleti in the 0 , 4 • liatitth it by rubbing thoroughly v • nl,ty be 10 the wildernese for forty .,4,-etalse Why ° can'en pNlvaecenoettare.terleu: laisluilinIrleTrvegi‘.1171 A.11L;h4t1:1;v11 lrlelt5ltl-heaedatigi P,:fao'ihe strtrtIltdobGtafftearkeililuoit ijilet•sgilelLe)leso:tertalgn(elei-, ilis intashnedss tahaenthalellaldwcd,Itleethleylliee:etintits, ts.htatles11.14.: of. ot.alivin itelenat :•?toftoistria,ssietilgioliaddakhilaodwantldiavtallgrt(c'rmlistab-14- it, procluctlee of lunch, danger to wiiirledette.ula have lea them win) men- et:outa.ttei:e_a hoefsteak. Fewer la:hilts as we'll vs to children. Adults n. o Pal ken•qatonfula of ealed oil coe Proteet thetateelvee if they like, ownayfrioaulta liallata1a7,11;11,44,a1/0111timAlrtifilmo°111Tt11141,T tenta plate it between but infants eioniot, and BO it is the Wo each have the opportunite" hottra,twe 4thTelailivt(ev:otrIksitsNetc;nitleri*.swi4dut.y11 PTA o tklInClow lniTtall°erLotowtor°roteCa,t klFs hands. reserving nothing. hut who is Te tbe. Pain of hairite and „‘thiCt'IlIli:asietafti NitvIttittarace-eeleinagr-olught tTine the lad hod to place cow all in Jesus. .,,ezing valet:a thus to coneecrate himself to scalds. meke carbonate of Nolte, Into !quick gerine of monies. from which the I,orci? (I. Chrou. stabs,. 5). There a IlaStO with cold water, ad epos the gueet had just recovered. ICISSING THE /LARY, nj INTEReexoloweea., IESSON is Po end, there is Ito limit, to the esenlY to the ofie'lted Parte. Cover! Otut*e individual }genet-al:1g appare " watog 20. use and the blessing which Ile 7 et,t Of Vie dinipleS WWI Mir- Text of nAtve not 04.1 Were Win), 13 0,3 led him thrice and tlx Deets who Were once the greatest pe sect:tots of his followers been wi ling to ecal t.eir teetituany for flbrist with their lifeblood ? Chalet was the Saviour of the serial cutcaet at the Semutritat Vet V strorge fact temains that anoet Chi istlan evaegelists seen to act upon the eupposition that lt is easier to Save the *to called tie" sinew than the big. We eeeco to be unwilling to reach out toter the outcasts. the Beecher in one of ide sermone tells how a reformeti crimlool, en ex -convict, who had been a coenterteiter, once ettme to him In complete dieeouragetnent. "Ur, ileeche'," eat I be. "tee good people Will not have anything to do with me, I seem to recefee sym- pathy from none but from the worst of folks." Oh, ye workers for Jesus, carr- the "Bread of Life" to those wito know they are hungered and "Water of Lite* to the who ltnow they are athiret 1 Seek the seventy des lied oCial outcasts down by the Samaritan well. • ECCLESIASTICAL pREJUDICE, Another reason why Christ, "must needs go through S•lnanttria" was that he wanted to reprove ecclesiastical rind religious prejudice. The diseiTho les 0f John the Baptist told of Jesus • awe to:tepid:ate and jealous of eaeh other, jest as the lipistopellans And the third year ot the Pit -Mouth settlement. Thev were bitter in the Same way thut the Established Church and tl e Methodists were hit- ter against each Other during John Wesley's life, Tl*y were bOter, as the Bapti.ts ano the Presbyterians were bitter against each other in this country .100 yea's ago, Ti,e disciples of john theBaptist angrily deelitred that John had baptized more folk -mete than Jests 'Christ, while the followers of Jesus angrily replied that Christ had hal/Used more disciples then John. It was in order to stop this bitterness that Jesus left Judaea and started berth toward Lal e Galilee, and went by the way of Somata Christ was ready to do almo: t anything to stop the internal disseuelons emcee, those who would ultimately accept him as their Saviour and their Christ. Cun- ha we.all realize that no church can iightly accomplish a -sanctified glor- ious work for the Master unless that (beech has complete goepel harmony within its own ranks.? b lag or and the eaeet will tea may be PreelselY suited to his make of us 'When we are fully sues . reeneet .soutidege own Use. But it May be that there reridered to Him, Ile gave Himself gall is an eXeclient delicatellures euxne where ids system eoitte on, nett , v ., to wed forth for rleaneitg agent. It is liquid soda V lug that would foul hie eeighbor's , Text, John us. Why should we hesitate to piece south t tetreases gleave. ant is c oerselves His heeds most tneeieee, fo n o fix mid brighten colors, lute it. 'leis conveyanee the breath t • that we may be bh ,thtlugh lt has f4reenlAtt tinge whieb aveornelletee more swiftly anal surieo, holds * pesitian unrivelleal has 4 r 41. The a e of lesson, is elle I.N. ,e.roe.T.I. tined Ilhosse.11 rrill„1,11,1.11 la1ci ;go, 44 l theeee- markt: on a Wan paper rim ft,. LB not good for white ertielee. I let than the hyPodertule,,nl'el.le 'could .,, blood. medicine SW a cure for aiso rel.( :tied by Marl. and Luke and may ,do the work. Teeee metpen daily T, 1'11 ar'd 18 1 la' 14'1Y 74111114e* aPart awleeelitie T ot"erwt. 4"`.137.-...-.)711:. be removed by dabbINT a Iin dr of Emil hourly, where iniliscricoluate DYSPEPSIA, VIII0T/SNES.Ss 'exi5 reSUIreCtleti, Wbb.11 lS re- 41 ""S e'111P"er '"' a il,'":'':"'' ',, •,..- v IUllerne eerth or pipeclay and water hosing ie toiserrcied. CONSTIPATION, NEADACRIts )Ltut .i by tins four esungelists. Most church In tills age. t° 1"-g 1" ".v144e. '.00 to the'paper. and when dr:,• light, ,_...„ sma REEDIT, SCROFULA, V4 seS 164 •1•8• eencerolug the null- but Tie 81411 and Ca3.1' ' . , gtion does not remove the stable, try bete t worae for un ate found the wind contrarY. and deem, al,st ot. ke br,,sling it ca. ow. opplita.. toopING 7.= LOOP. s and Ile will tude. reins eutieg ell :nut:twee*, 'come again in tho enormiter ea eh, ,nnolher. Coelist Leaps Ixtto Soace Bead DIZZINESS, DROPSY, II,EARTBIIRN, SOUR STOXACII, ABSOLUTE SECURITY1 Corwin() Carter's Little Liver Pills, Must Bear Signature of sss NO7.*1727,110 'Wrapper Relteets 3 X777771177774 1777 OW 1411,77k8 alianger. Ve, FOR REARM 0 FOR =MERU rrrL.raR RILIORRIERts. VER FOR TORPID WEL P1 FOR celfrinTIOL • FOR MOW SRA Iron THE cORIKUI A Burdock Blood Bitters Y 0 yo them to eat," and eon- and tin% lannodiutely we f•dnall, at A leeturer at fitly'ri Hospital once 4' 1 othere tat lain that they oleo on the sea ot OVery unrest. if wo will head ated splue of the patient, Tots theatres, iS tame explained tay et. , . • • . eir111.rels Stomach, Liver, Bowels or Blood. liner arising from disordered state of the di ino get Downwards. RHEUMATISII B0114, ing, t,he matelial on baud to be otir destinutiou forever \vitt: the 'adeine. in the vitbe of , hiti.er to Inn." Lord (Joint vie 211. Meanwhile lie lartiesle title' aey vegetable sea. Tbe pltilosOplay of lootaing the loop P/MPLES, RINGIFORBI, or any disesst the True Bread, are expeeted to he uot afraid." Aed We May Walk water from some elevation upon the he(su given !II th(' At:slung have wine bate receited the Lord Jos- is saying' "Bo et geed cheer. it is steam, the pouring of n, otreant of ha apace. exhibitions .of you. require a gooa blood me c BURDOCK mow) BITTERS. may twelve Him. buthung y see ,teses only. it is thilmed. aved mne laves. aarro court, an -a multituCes are so great, 41Id i5 SO AlniOnd pasta to 'r"" rake " 'Looping the 1001) itt epace' tabes dolent, natures to let them al(lae OMESTIC RECITES, three eggs to a stiff froth, grind one big.' en whose apparatus it has lin- send them aware, ltntl haVe so reetCh easier to our eel! indulgent., In- e time teelleet the whitee of preordenee both of ordinary 'loop- ••••••.••••••••••••• • it .1 T 1. u , .I101'nd of fresh almonds eery line, proved, and of 'the human arrow 4 ' STRONG AND 'VIGOROUS. little time or stteogth or moneY to 'swiss mita. 2 ows sour mile .in, i moi, ten them with rose-water, Sax !since the cyclist also executes e leap to do anythieg mitt,, that in our wheel has been dissolved i teespoon i. with the eggs .and add mo pound of in space, but a more dangerous ono, 'eves the eaSe IS ultUgether 18)Pele813- smla, 3 cups coin - mein, hell' eup; .t'aatee sagtir: Lay. the Paste evenly !since' it ix done head downward. "The apparatus for ,.looping the loop in wee. Is like that for the or-' DANGER. tep SMALL EVILS. Want of gospel harmouy in a church, although it be composed of only a loog series of little frictions and- disturbantes, will after awhilc,. .suck out the life's blood and: kill the usefulness of a church . indeed, the little church 'disturbances, like the little dins of life, are, moi e. to be 'dreaded than the gt.;Oat„ church tor7 nadoep, swhich May arise and sub- side' in a day. Major Waddell, in Ole hook of travels, once illuetrated -the iofthite damage which a multi- tudinous eollestion of small eeils may • accomplieh. Ine the . Teetter valley �f the Himalayas he found a• small leetle, no 'thicker thee a knit- ting:' needle. But ,:though -very small, this' little leech was a 'pest: As an enemy Of man : and beast it was reedit/1g, forth •for : its ;animal vic- tims from every twig and leaf and 'blade of graSs, No sooner would it touch your flesh than it drove in its Iittle lanee cind began sucking •out - :the lifeblood: That little leech, though had li Loral y deptipu- ltit,ed thet valley of every beast and bird and reptile. • "rhe elephan-, tine Monsters; . and the striped and furred tigers, as well as the , small rabbits and the grarefttl: TaWns, - had fled before its attacks. So in church work, the f tietions, tee le Onternesses, the little "fault find- ingsn' like tee falai leeches of the '.1'eester e•en des troy the spit is tual' life ef 'eny church Christian friends •-ts Mill Christ when lie took d tan • j et tee piety , hard, se.etfl 110,: • plead , r) plOgize, ook lantied • ,:ftuything. and eVer;y1Aling yOui, nli`r.c.d.).', family that:: 'is lionortaily rather...then have • Ono PeW, • uri-Qhrlstianly Rut if we o-ly Surrender our molasSes, 2 cups dour and bait cap auto Seta My stow little all tO thNO ran entloi chopped smuet. Steathree hours or 111'en• much f little end gloat ues halm one in a moderato (welt. people with chest. eine P.41'n . „ ts ftro dinary feat, except that 'the top is t o Qu Out of nothing He is ti e same Mir- , vant ht elan= came:a...1,w° cups 1"1111”-u1U1441 by Illedivill men to ',wanting. The looeer 'aeseentle ot tilellS Jesus 11-11 that they 11.1t4 Td°,k." Tit/ tl 0 ;I- 0 Of a Manta. Bell TO Min- 111'11.11at* isegs., and chest nitomies,iifiouliilgottptrod4i5a/giliii.colsin, 0 about 100 feet Ade worker still. The npostli's told brown sugar. half ettp milk, butter read aloud, as this taro% (*.ate tied the enunciation elver, relteillf N110111(1 t 0 PIP111)."' „ ° =ding part of the 'loop' road then, mounts the aS- taught, Tl'e disciplee of ',leen asso ' etc:4. and renioee bout the tiro. 'When "le' ' Tial hoeY ei. JOI a Watt '-Nlv• 19; Mark' beat live latioutee MIA P0771' into a , 14°0, being held I" 141 ew'Z'''' "11- ,teino crosses, at the top of the loop* soca. a,- - oetepoone lemma, "11' still carried forward by his women - told Jesus after teey bad buried the newly ,, 1 04., 0 , around. 'When tilk 'roughly Hamelin la enly i t trulnej, nPrighr PO:AT ion. t 0 that , an aro.. cow cut i the el ce t Mil have free play. ,"' to tell 'trim eserething( Phil, iv. 6, 1 k ish I. it st , Ale, hind oi ( old 1 .11 ,..1 te space of about five yards, iV, 110). it is an excellent habit buttered dish, 7)* let° squares. I I mattaed notatoee beatert u a al it had d • •d rtil etriting the Jesus and Ilis dieciples had rto simile ()ough Drove -To 1 pt. su- olu ' ' . I I goes aroued the descending side of ^ i - . , , I,e°tonna: . Ut , , •L , • • sectox per ot . . , e d t ' the track the ettel here of 2 hereoust 4t 'mortar together, after teeing the _ eo rovny coming and going, so lie lump of butter, isalf the she of an hones and olein from the fisb. Flavor the quell' end is stopped at its exit leisure cm much as to eat, tl*ere Were gee end the took thezis upert into a desett place op- , , , , t te i a a , , • I . a 71I'd t t, s 91001 } 14e," ropre , , V, ith I (41140% Salt. mei a little cate.'•hy the cords provided for that per - Plat o to leen but the multitude fol. Buil until the mixture stait.es 114 eaae; mix with lite talk tar art egg. ,Poso. lowed Ilixin and Ile received them water, then pour ot: 0 glen; 4..1 pintO 1 (0)1 toil web little vale separately i -This feat seems to be performed and spakuntthem of the kingdom. end mark in small squares. When a il) tiur white or the egg and bread- !contrary to all the laws of physics, of God and healed them that had coughing spell comes 00 take a piee i(l'embg: fry theta ha hotline, lord. land it only he asked why the bicycle need of healing for He was moved . e o and let it dissolve' in the mouth. • Tee. Spanish onions are Lest for land its rider are not earried away Cook them in boiling salted in their aerial flight by eentrifugal with compaseion toward them (Mark • Baked onions sprinkled with sugar lNaltul. pity for Himself, but Ile was full of the onion can he added to the above i a small steel shower or ;,t, knitting : olgo to strike the second see- ! evenly. Blain tend •thill in the ice 'tion of the patth exactly. In tact, rity for these sheep without a sleep- 10 ipe. ' , k hest. .et etuh onion on 0 bed' t he; d even though, or because, He .01d. Virginia liatn-Selret ten 0- 'the loop' in tbis ease is net a per - knew their neo with may- Ifeet circle whose upper part has been tives in following Iiim 1, esh 0ore, earns of ten pota-4; each lettece leaves and cover - (John vi, 2). 'How 'unlike we are V) T_,I',„e water shotli'd licut out; the section of the track on and rub over the flesh side of these. 073A' 0 a res'•hig. our , iVas' er I When the kingdom a mizO,Urc rompw-wi of two lbs, , to changed. three or mur times whilo -.i, which the cyclist ascends fOrMS a oir- comes, both body and seti shall be brown sugar, 1 1h. saltpeter. -,1s, lb. the oniunS ore peeking, ;color arc whose cord is relatively Perfectly 1 eased.for Tris great tttone- toads repper and n lb. l'eli Pepper, '.111tOO tea cakes itPiMar to be the , sox t of thing e cm i equine Aux • tar i• ,.., I smell; thte are ends in a rem ve that meet covers oer whole beirg; but 1 Oso salt enough to cover the hams, , i s quite sharply toward the in- ' ' I th re,awrection of the just 'in n, tub or box with the skin clown- try flour, with 0. teusPeonfui or bak- ' three tellcul'ilds. of 'Pas' 1 tex•ior of the 'loop.' for the leody lest like His 'we mist ; about 3 quarts toethe 100 lbs. Pack ' thoroug.blY 31-U; Luke iv. 11). Ile had no we rose geed es it e„(Igh remedy, 0). Water until they can be piereced with force, and how the wheels are Walt 41 at Pis coming (Phil. iii, 20. 21; 3 I ward. Let them remain six weeks, lie 1-0 1me . Jobn 111. 2, 8)- then hong by. ing •Ind sm p Stir in gradually 01:0 IIVILLOIL egg a ' • - - o se Not ell the glorious things of the , wi h green wood "(hickory is prefer- with Which has been mixed one ounce kingdora, ol whieh Jesus. had been able) a few hours each day, fax a of boiled better. Beat all together speaLing nor the mighty works !period of ten days. Rub over with -for ten minutes, end, if too stiff, add I I • th en a little milk, 'Bake in a quick oven jIUCI 0. 1)10011 01 It whi b. they had seen Him do • coeld make even the twelve fOrget that aceo 3 tee es • , , :hanging for three weeks, after which in mullirt rints or small tins. they were weary, hungey men le wrap in paper and .pet in liege. They A useful • pickle for meat. Take mortal bolliee, and so, lee the evening are beet 1st= one to two yeare old, half a Pound of salt, thre.e ounces of •Was coining On, they ventured to Hams cured .as above, being Amelia- -brown sugar, rather Imes than half siggett to our Lord • that He should passed in quality and flavor, need on ounce of seltpetre, and half a tend the inOltitUdO iNWELY. that they to he boiled. in Water only. To cook gallon of water, l'et all these in. - might buy thernselves, vLtuals,. It tee ham, seek in cold water six or gretlicats bite a large sauce -pee, and Myst have been to :their very great eight hours, wash end serape thor- let them bail for live minutes, skint, - surprise that the Lord said. "They mighty, put in a closed boiler neer- ming carefully: all the While, teen need not depart; give Ye thein to let full of cold water, boil sloWly, al- strain into a lat•ge basin. . When ' lowing 20 minetes to the - pound, :cold put in the meat, 'own it and When 'done, let the ham reinein in the liquor till cool, then • remove the si in, Spread -ever With brown sugar vo eat" (Ne ses 10, 3(3). len e a the strange. t possible Philip and A /V.11'0NV brOtlIer1100d, an uabelieving pair, after whom it is to be hoped that the so called brotherhood of to- day does nut pattern. Our Lord knew jest, what 1 -lo woeld do; He al- - does and if we lied anointed rub With the pickle daily for mita Take some cold potato and cut -it moistened with sherry wine, cotei into neat •shces with an omon. Make with cracker dent, put in a . liot it dressing of half a teasib poeeislaushla lot oven: a few. minutes till a nut brown. salt. six tablespoonfuls o Serve on platter garnished with pan- oil, two tablespoonfuls of vinegar. Mix the:oil with dry ingredients first eats wo would often hear Him say, sley- Alg 18 -INCH WHITEHEAD TORPEDO LEAVING THE TTJBE, 0,11 _1 - • ,- • - •-• . " - Jr' • '-7t4 'neene. ••• •••, r1 11 I all t,t ' Ntst‘. • •-see,a5-N"-ea --eSeeee else ;-• ee- „1.7. :=',7<..° • WHERE FRUIT IS CHEM'. : 11 you ere very fond of hezit, you should go to Jamaica, Vest India% .the greatest fruit -growing island in the world. There you emild boy a big Pineapple' for 2e, and twenty bananas or a dozexi oranges for 2e. ; 11:00 BRIGANDS. : _Corsican: brigande have developed a now method of .attack. They now tise trained dogs to pun down their victims. MM.= RffiffeeNria12.11=210130e2reetti BRITISH LINIMENT FOR Every Organ of the Body Toned up and invigorated by P. W. Meyers, Xing St. E., Berlin, Ont., says: "I suffered for five years with palpitation, shortness of breath, sleeplessness and rill in the lieut. but oue box of Millearn's Heart and Nervt Pills completely removed ail these die bossing symptoms, I have nob suffer° since taking them, and now sleep well ar feel strong and vigorous." Milburn's lIeert and Nerve Pine etre all diseases arising from weak Loeb, worn net nerve tissues, ot watery blood, Lame iTack for Four Months. Was Unable to Turn in Bed Without Help. Plasters and Liniments No Good. .Thfs was the experitonce of Mr.Bergarnim Stewart, Zionville, TWO-THIRDS OF A sox. OF Sprains, Strains, Cuts, Woutido. Ulcers, Open Sores, Bruises, Stiff Joints, Bites and ..1titags of Insects,Coughs, Colds,Contracted Lords, Iiietireatism, Neuralgia, 13roec1itis, Croup, Sore Throat, Quirisey, Wik-Oolang nPS CURED MM. IiidneY ills He tells of his experience in the follow., leg words: "For four months I was troubled with a lame back and all this time was un- able to turn ill bed withoet help. I tried plasters and liniments of all kinds but wee no effect. At laq I was induced to try DOall'S Kidney Pills, and by the time I had used two-thirds of a box my back was as well and as strong as ever and has kept SO ever sluee.'' Backache, Frequent Thirst, Scanty, Cloudy,Thick or Highly Colored Urine, Puiling uuder the Eye, Swelling 04 the Feet and Ankles, Are all sempteere of kidney trouble that Doan's Eldne Pills will cure, Price so cts.per 'herr, 0 3 „r $1.25, al dealers, or ,eagh ancl A 11.4SKSGE uoTTLE, 2$1n THE, DOAN K1tiNEII°Z311. 0 Tirri,, •