Exeter Times, 1904-3-17, Page 2PORT ART/11111 BONBAIIIIEll Adm al Alexieff Reports There Was No Damage Dom Adisdral .Alexioin under tlate Thursday, telegrapbs from Militnen to $t. Petersbeo r 11.4 f011OIVR eneeehe onnuaorlent at 4' Pert Artbur re- rotts that at about, 1 o'clock oo, Thursday tnorning,teotztlitzes of vesselS, APparently torpedo boat were distiuguished at tost withie, the aina oiir sears:1)1%131e, Citr bat- teries openett fire on lizotti. 40 a ships May ieterce pan e tp0rts. WILL QUITE1NIIL Northere, ()noted at 81 at TIIE WORLD'S MARKETS REPORT'S PROM, E THLEADING TRADE, CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese, and Other Dairy Booduee at Efasoste And Abroad. Toronto. 71fareit 3.5.-Weeat---Marnet for Ootarie grades is very doll, with the feeling again weeker. N. 2 white nod red quoted at 93 to 94 / e !low freighta. Spritig wheat is non:- Mel at 90 994n. bage, some 89-4b. bags. being Also on the mar' et. Provisions Heavy Canoclisie short eut Rork, 318.50 to $1..9; lieht. short gut; $1.9.- 25; AMerican short cot, clear, $17 to $17.50; American ittt bacite,*$.21,.6.0; compound lard, 8e; Canadian lard, 81 to 9e; kettle rendered, 81- to 910; toque, 3.1, leice boon, 14c; fresb abttoir nog% $7,50 to $7.75; country dressedbegs, $7; live bogs, $5.38 to $5.50, Ing,gse-New laid, 25 tit 27e; limed, 20e. 'Butter -Wither creamery-, 194 to 20e; full gress st. Manitohe wheat lower, wtit , 23.e anti goes , CSttstern dairy, 15 to islet rolls, 10 , o At ooe ito (lheese--Ontario, 30 to 10e; !eai'To,ama.opa 0,14., S The St, Petersbarg eorrespoedent teem -gout Day porte, No. 2 North-, IINITSOL) STAT1OS MAIIICETS, of the Parie kinaro telegrapbe that ',ern at 07c, anti :NO. 8 Northern at momeateope moon 13,-w1eet he intertiewed Gen. Salcbarota the • 94e, No. 1 heed is nominal 4t $les nine; 'Too, oe,n, septet:Aber Mioister of War, The Minieter eaici ",02. Orinding in Ira:telt atrices are „s"-"' s's es ',sons; 0;1 'trace, No, 1 hard, 0 r„e; tie,. eeneenteation Of Russian troops' Oc. abOVe those quoted our torpedo beete put to sea, A . tee Orierit wee rwo-r oel ' ' • i Gots-on/le Irarket is dull with of- No. 1 Northern' 91:4-e; No. 2 N°rth- about 1 Well:Felt tosatie in eoutact, with 1131- C Meet eatisfoctooy manlier. The min- ferinos fair.' 'sses; 2 yoatto ' oote4 at !ern, 92Se. Flour-Fxret paterrts, $5.- , i imam ' number concentrated tiler° ),Iesne:' north and te' -est. and lee low i 10 to 0440; send. i'elentrn, the OnemY to the I'vell'41-'d °t ''.'"e i wouhl he 400.000. Re coosideeed ;freights. No. 1 white quotexl at fir'st rleara' $21''°5 to 3.7‘); sew -id Lisa:WO:au lighthouse, After lirieg t that the amatatoto Japan woalri laa i 33.1 to 34e ee4t, amt we, et 38,e i cleare, $e„60 ta M70, Dren - In voethward in tbe direction of Shan- iti . 1 -•• eeveral 'shots the fletn•Y "tired I able to land would be 209.00(1, Rue- .e....e't,. ibulk, $10 again eeet out to reeonuoitre, soul 1 . m . a, 11,01.1 rectuire zeoetb eo come et . • • ttieg. Our torPedo boats returned to eroope, noteortg serious could •,..ceur Nese middie freighte. X '3 extr tiet)rn'-- FS't"ug; No. 2 Y°11°.vc. 551°; approaehing, Tho Japanese, af reprovision.itig the troepe and g r,.. the harbor ot 6 O'clock. They werelP ete tsensineln ati on e f t he - sztodert-tte demand. No. .2 quoted Re Q"iet1 eas'Y' Wheat -Nothing done. t arlee-1 he marnet rs quiet. with a Buffej°' N -Y"" Mareh 15'-' riewr - retorned to the harbor, havieg a* -IA anchorite wttbin the next eix 'on to 44e. inid No .1 zit 40e luiddlor,NO, 2 corn, ole. °case -Steady; No.. torteiteti that the entstoyze tojeadron: -"week% He insisted thitt tho subject treothts. ' ' - ' • - '7- - - le - , o eon-- a marnet is fiE111, V/tIt No. .., flood quoted at 05e west, and erle east. O. w 4 4 -• is lite, s9e; No. 2 mixed, 47e, Bar- • --Western, 00 to 050 ashed in aukee, March 15.-Wheat---Slo. hern, 92 to 9; No, 99, to old Jule". 02 to 041e, Dn-enlie owerz No. 1. 72e. Barley -Deli; N. 02e; &ample, 8t3 to OSie, Corn o e oek oo our ems_ . d create no uneastrees Re be seved thot Jo en•s and the foitrees. They had four- teen e_ips. irhey tired the whole lime from behl,n4 Littotiebern,`" BLOCIC RE Rus' Wirt $ to the ton of 00 a -e rertorterl to arrived Netv-Olewang. The semi too pin -airing to block the of tit° Itivee witit junIcs enoes. utet to •;.'oe' k. - - - .• 1, 0 -T. -.... r export. Straighe rollers of rl'1/4e c due eo the bloeka/te on the either siett. Irletre41.10,4 nwrieal-vIfiriz IrloQuxtl:aots,‘„)t)glatiiic`shiee000 w.h2..Tisto,i7sials. tto /.17,71:_gortietv.oza, the el.s.„tl.roby?1,... .liononteit40.11,actattat;t1:111;ttlitig.:iii, flolibist. fit.i.i.theo ofhLbheesctotipult.iryco rotit.expertere, : tutus a eetre and eerie, Of the tiore oe .- hg _ 8:. The _14,44 areiu, l_itt t .aii J.,Clotrt,o•flrytt, t tl 4 ef)• :4* " special !wands, tor daawstia trod, 'rail:aye and the \altnee't *1'n' paSsable . . ,. , . Russien warships ineille the • ----' "?'1A-01): No. 2 patents, t..o.,, oneretsled was S5 per cwt.. obteined TS E OTS. and anPortese monuted hanged ebots 'Wediteeday 100,000 troore in Corea ulreody. 1 ir‘nrn-el'lle marleet is point, with r.., The Otelerel wised ; oTho v.„, nit, i prrees teener. NO. 1 Anne -tam yen t -o, Ft ulltil 4, lugicul all'o ne'e"e'sso7t,, :low tmoted et filie on *ratio Toren- ' envioeion hor been reached.; for I do ite?* 4"4 NO' 3 ndxed At 52e. Cane,- ot think the Russians are in a rnen e'11"U• Clie oll treek. Toronto, a god to etop beiore quite 'finishing, ,ante e“.7 to .i8e west. A 0.., , ,, I 1e lower; No. An 40* to 44q July, drawing the Trorms bobiod Port Ar - I know nothing 01 atter Pion of with- 1 "-"The 111111'ket is OW 1 • ith 14°ig'• quoteo at O're keen aeknei weal' . I it eelf," time and leaving the place to defend iwbk...0.,...The tuaroot ha uu., LIVE STOOK MARKETS. nged, with demand good. No. g l Irorent0. Morel) Ire -Trade in quotett et es) to „eoc iiiiddo, eseights. ltle at the Western Itiorket was 1$ ht EFFECT OF AOPPACK. -Ninety per vi•nt, peteoto are4S0-they end pricee continued firm at alay, antvrteo nt Tomo itstane.ohnenassra-okissi.:.ota.r%reiwiifth hu.vors at !ttiltlei5 quwoeteehtionelt rot utli;Ity,4 pzei•lo.1,111/g g e 111 buyers" ' ' tile Japanese attempted i It fl that vonomomm.}.111. JAIVSNESE to the I.oethat litorniu licteTene says that who left l'ort reunber refognee tens' tbarts and nd Port Artbur. Tonics • WAY TIC OCEAN, E oter•Eit •notne. tplernni'rat,e bor. prices seemly n ef Port Arthur. it is added in°4 tr°reg 1)4erR'' t)/1 trnck' toe 34 "tr°. choice jeacil hut the °r- disableo exerl five. 1,...iearga:!Toronto, ,ilinary run of cattle would toil at , es e ml-,ady at fill, to $1.40 to $4J15 per nen, fort latIPollnt rttrItler :•419 '17".11). r"rtR $18'5(1 betei Iii4r4neNs hal•-iCcur.WI g()°° at royea Iv; the je4wiese mlous, outeide point.: bran is quoted at Ithe 1.nlinlet4 uati.v-°°°4 that on. Ihree batteries are $18* ntnl sitOrte tat ne.e.rne vault°. $4.25 to $4,40; fele to good • tt• eg Pairs on the woreljps. ' AboOt 800 Cbineso and': bn bran In recite, $20. end eborte t -do tO 84,20; common to fair, 88. - len werl'ane -1 15 to $0,60; rough eows, $2.50 to $:),20 Per OWL 111111R ROM 1011.1y, We quote as 11o0 to 24 for export bulls. 2,5 to $3.740 for feeders, cord $2. - op for lighte. 'colt in feeders end etockers wets .OUNTRY DUC uiet, ^.0.0 St. Petersherg -1e, SecreIs tary inansdoette, re- bbl. for the hest stork. tte PA11-5 Temies ti e ph ite; to the Pearce Conriefenion, Dried apples...The theorize) le I • nes e r 4.*.e1Plate 414411111i11; WI Sitit1 111414 111Q With]) flovoetiment , . n it ices ere uttelutuged at 1 0 3.2.00 tbs. st to $4.23: feeders, squadron to ti+e Par .0 z try at the earliest itore-ible to eAc per ite Evaporated apples, !stio to 1,0•00 e ‘e qttote:-.1,eeders. 1,000 ) Ms., szi.no to si; or tho most veirt4 posseNsionta of the threqueo ters 01. a. enturie owe osie probably go to tbe Write Sea to ibe • • e an 01 1 e.R linp. The muck." in unchanged, ‘,,:t. NMI.) were unebanged in Price. 'We St. Petersburg that such a voyage 7.5e per lb. for /mile and at $1.25 to 'burrher$ ' to ''1; grtiln" ell 1 that BETTE.R, CHEESE BOXES nIA.NY OF TEEM ARE ONLY xEAT..a? PUT TOGETISER, Most Iropoztant That the Bon Si:eau/a Fit The Cheese Snugly. At the dairy coeveatious recently hehl Mr, J. A. Ituddicee Chief of tliO Dairy Bivision, Ottawa mode WOKS FRON TIIE CBE rrAppENzNGs -;5011T ALL OVEI THE GLOBE. Telegraphie Briefs From Our Own nod Otb.er Countriee el Beeent -1.9enta, OANADA Razeiltos tax rate is 20 mills. OUB, OOLLEOTIONS zzAlsrir CURIOUS AND COST- LY TREASURES. They Inove Rego Collected Peelle eretIlluea:toLh.FIE:119512.41.1iherss, the Shah of Pereia, who own tx•eaeoree t1;0Q:13"70. telettcsn'liePtFel:t:11)41::::. lobieet:triel;;r47ysle:iis.;v:111444'-rchill ce t00.P. ., '$-P.-1,11S8...016ydiccuildricli)log:.0:11'4ec°17;uae:trY'er:n: inoro c::::1:elaiP11:1°17ilin. X1t1434:1: King PAIWura tom booet, but none of htla4n4tAisirni;.ta:rt(iT'totclperfiniacitiltt4Itelle itcnceislieTstot tr4111 servic 1.°1‘ 1114 '814411"i:vican iillksvreesct:4'sidrz:r11)4117str• e175:°w119214; (11:r1(1 piled several iier$ deep AO a ieTareel of gold anti precious stone% 1 • houuo without heiug crushea out of ‘ihe Doinin_on 11h/cation Assocle-1, Rii.g has many which May simile could not be delive.e0 in Greet Bri. -6th''' 27"1 a'rld 2 -8th" shol:e. without tho hoxus tto choose ,,oaa win meet in Winnipeg on July comparison evith anything to re Seen in boxes at, ati, it is suroty impoi, from Mal) to eouthero Alberta. ;gal treasures, there is at Windextr tl• ton in a presentable, e,outtition, Tat.. isu.re:0;itte.dw,thxa.tv..410.,.010orr :0:4(:o. `-li':nt4;n'll• lagolieent trent Holt tbe box ehouhl be stroog Now, it it. is desirable to have coeso i milks. of Morn -roes Are aboot to morel To meutiott only a feW (4 these I candela brain e. - the Royal Paleces of Persia or enough to reech Jen destinstion in has accepted the vaestet Per -Voile of . quisitely wrouglet ie solid gold, tee 4 Seend eeeKlItion. A meat many treoeurer in the M 't C - weighing the teeth part of a toast shipments of ebeese are iendeo on There is a movement on foot there le ao estortnoue tiger. large and the other side with twenty -eve per atnortg tbo Dotikbobors of- llostbern ,fierce as life, sheathed in solid platee s4)eeoulto. ofrepttertsboxiesronblrotteelLiiispxerractoeedm yeo.oirolnayent.e, join the larger colony at of gold and with dernieg °sees ef _crystal; and the daintieet bird lit all show a larger porcentaae, serbis tiles,. The civic Finaoce Committee of the wertRI with pluiese one lelreee Ply means tbat, one quarter of the Kingston, he,s reconnuended that of ,Precious ntonee. .eee treasuree nr. money paid for the boxes has boon th „a iquor heenees of the -the tJger and the htql-onve made spent to no purpose. And that is ,eity be cut Mr, oat all. for the brtticen boxes in -the eyes of Tippoo Sahib flaelt with shipureetwhite detra, ting from tba luo,mittno wen) sent, to the ce ir•I eke et indeor. too, is probable? The re i ooseph au,i Norman 3.1,dhonautt of the loi 'e of ownerehip. rtettlel valve of tbe cheeee whon aerisou fo"„, la ,nothi, for ;teolionie 4„ ;finest gold Oint;er service in the Vl'ey one° contained, make the witole.1 • --- - ' - ''''''''''' -i'wOrItl. re full tenle eguilsateut for /40 Ing. lot lesa attractive to the pureheeer, ii, (. lie i , r 1 ,,, a, R !gueeit-5,4, .41 single. dieh of wl.i• I) AS set - I Oren piece ttee Mtve ineretteen thel e tr41' eln'rn 4/1 l'He°44431g 114.141. tax the Strength of three men. The Whot ere the rellsonEt tor tbi4 t 4:11 TIP re 0 io Went burriert for one man, and witli eatiefactory etote et tows? so too 't,h 4%7 Wird nn.d gorgeoue cezetre-pleces which wort) weight of our Y./melee, .ond At, the Argl hPlt h's,h"r146' a4e htte 411°14 °r g(1111' o714 I it Empire net there on iSat,-, goideo tanicarcire end golAelft -eli- 1410 tes of oll the universities in, fold to be W04 til Z10,000; large dinells8 Pktns for the os -1 crested with ge1118, ettplrfores ond of a, Iiritiel) Ooltirtibile 1 sandulehra, Ate() °titer treateuree of Meivereltiv. preciouti metals and jeWele, 4 elNre Preeident bilner, of the Granby /let of wrieh Ifni' Co., ot British Coll„unbia, a Neotnen eseen,„ cnenemsess, n440 college in neontreal, urea, there ere others lee» mOentlitt I Omit inetuber of the or:regret:tee al eiturch, has (lousier) $16,000 to Bun alfhotrgit tbe value of thew smile time reaeced the stren ValleGIONer deRrOtteh says th4t 114,111Chr PO/Yid-Iowa of enulf-boneo, to boa by osseg thinner veneer a04 ao inferior quality Of Ono It is OVICN11t also that there are many box tnakere who have never properly learned their trade, as a law pro- POrtion of the hoses ONLY HALF PUT TORETI110), The inereasiog coet and seaeciter elm and the riemande of cheete tne chants for a ehenp bon, Iftwe Ito:lim- ed the 'Veneer crittere to entitle* the thickeeee of lite seneer endowment Ansi of the Coegrega- tronettres la elnnetod In 4ol'en lefore the „.tifiretre court et the r but really' ntore interesting. nitat o. ot , febulous sum would oQt Minn °at' now oft'Orod ler sale in 011' err °I °I 41be" ' ja5X was eul llonone pity for n tank:ard made veto too tilinw tut, 1.1,0 purpouo. iyesterdet,v tried in W1114 Solve -non from guilt doubloons tahen *vont one le; teal eorne evert seVen to tho °Is l'1"-') vinifIren• Coonnl tor tb0 tbe pereonol treasures Cathesiner ileum nelec be cot feu then tin ,Arteel, 'who is eetrenged front his tit vie tools et teoseoensite tor ye,* Ivo to the inch. A great dem of it rwife. *ought to obtain ate eustody starred trnstel eel leb W4141 Ong of Another fault in the veneer 'is that iillint4les Ingl been talen from the breast Irmo. iPlaintiff Said in England sealing Ilearansa brotegitt with ber to ter tkiletove4ogeenkoriht: eneheaoidietuicenzetsemilevubtillet; j.ttboenys(111 hien dpi:dlinglanoadre. a.r*Tsthrit.tysy '4111 see imrely the enoet, wouderiel„ owl OnttillOO ""It PliVeS 41, 1011(1e/leY tO i114-ve UpPet 111Y decision before lbe.v 'triode from the red tufa yellow plum- w--- beautiful cloak. An tire whole weehl, Nisplit easily. Avother result of inert) that.' Said he. 06 he disMissed trtge or rero birde to be found only onesleutilitsbuoliietrine o;osotem4 orniengliolet that :ollrevaisPflicotion for a, writ of habeas in (1, feW Pliale 1 1 tin) log is often not, bolted stonrientelof their mothere. Chid Jestice Hifi Then is tie be seen at wind, zutot the Areli tho'ol. moment, to bring reboot cessatinn tie net, ()Posed that tbe TeFel5 lotstillties betwten Japan and en" 'T - . tetovhers, fi00 to 800 Ths.. $8 to VI. - flown of tire Sandwich Ieltutne, and AT P 01 JJ It as sou • 1 Ito W41111 weather sets In Arts be er, or Tee eregite eenventien, c., ne , e - o, i i o, . 4 0 tCl .0 rer CW . efore midsummer. and noi,oi t in tee manner provided_ by en1)..--nr`Ye 13 11"". • , I, , gr.40: stoek ealoes, 400 to 000 limo . - steady. eertme beeps are quorne or. .,,,J ....r- 3 ro t ' t oOt1 meet? n on Spettato rakes Its %elite is eetimeted ot 4112,000. lee -brew Is of the Yermak s.VI o ullt but he feared th^t such • re' `...*- "1" "l'ija rer 1-8.1'''' I ' V *f the relations between Russia An eX(P11.SitQ 11/111:' dt1ek 0 0:none3 raga is available. It is believed in eats at preeent. Ilotaky-Tne market is firm At Oil to ' " , ':' -. ' f 11 'acted; conlectuently boxes merle from such Stock mould entry readily. 'When I began buyittg boxes for the coo) emits; room, ' said Mr. Ruddick, "I ire:fated on getting 1 mew eelected veneers. The box - makers tried to persuade 1110 to an. relit tbe tit' • It woold stand more rotoent us- ornertein whether the north-oen,t Pen- trot be ueefully nettle to the belliger- export. beast .0 , woo' lation w°altl favar cnuki 2.0 to nne, eceordines to quality, 1* • ea t eS efl• mixed te Introit in 1890, is dead et Len .0rd Me/vender Alums Shand, erette tit tho pimento njoeit tnose her ottio nuotef-Expert ewes, 83.75 to $1,25: nd Britetin, Queen Anne Boleyn fin. it wan ore blimp bactt pathetie meinothe IR reaSibleo 0114 if it proves so the 14 82 for comb. lambs $O.25 to nil 75. barnyard thanA London deltatelt enve the vole)) of' sours aro a legaoS' (EOM 110 fa fleet Will certainly follow -that route, to tbo hureir o arriving in 'August or September. rrhe -work of competing and equipp- ferings restricted. No. 1 timothy quoted at. $4.5t) a too Itere. end $2 to $12 each. raY-Tbe 1114r1'''t 18 (1111° W1111 °1" hiCulablev:es4;o:51?) tc'tttS54n1;-elt:0' c 16'; ''7t1 (Ireghliert (tip rmgi efoluf4tett7stQr relichle(itteelt:xliam111:,teX-illitrt°011 ella :;1:418t111:lof oil:N:14;11;i dlnri74-14:illelnt leg the squadron is now going on pnid tc) do so for the r p t el -1Z --.6'nfirou) or the black thre_s of t_he elege of Leekafestas, e or on , TITANIC BRITISH TARS. WW0V. seam eltunnleg-t 41c4 den. Ire was born in 1828. py on bee neIdIng dos: and a pat. The B Welt Admiralty ilea received a telegram from the mothers and wives of 1.114 Libatt ollicern beionging to the cruiser Va. /keg, and from the otner women of 1.1baue to which port the \razing wee ettarbed, expressing elleartfelt thankfulness anti infinite gratitude" for the treatment accord- ed the officers and seamen of the Variag and Korietes who trees taken on board by the British cruiser Tal- bot, After the Russian worships were sunk at Chelnulpo. day a,nd eight. It will compriee Strawo-Tho merket dell, without I3'°g8 were. Linehan/4°d' nine battleshiPs and a large number., offeringe, anti prices 35 noinimo arouud ' " $5.50 on traelc 'nee. was celebraten ut, St. Peel's C bronee guns presented to Queen Vie- tSelects SOO to '1'0 Ib of prime ne- vi croisers and torpedo boats. Xt Potatoestallie o. s dial the Queen beteg pteetat. - British and Eureka nue neelei, and dented. hY rebel.shot; rout two eon quality, off ears, Torooto, $5.- o en, Of course then Intipments . - • . • , toria by the lost Emperor of the inoiliet flic,ritiy, 39e; fats ned Dghts, $1.8(1; ems vere all carefully loaded Into thel ' French, TI I t nli 0 t • ) Trorn the curing rooms ed only one and two per eent coufhiently expected that these will prove an. efrective counterpoi4c to are quoted at :10c per bag on traelt ewt' five tiers high, to be thrown ch. twit iier. daughter ot tho late sir Hobert the JaParcese fleet. 'They now even and emaehed bv the t iFowler, ex-I.ord Mayor of London ""'""‘""s• """"" -fl`n" """-40 '"0 114 mat - end the war if with Admiral tfalcar. here. end inferior .tptality et 80 to 1-Tundreds of boxes ar b- • they number in ell over 150,000 eitoo With offerings moderato. oesaat 3•3 to !,33,50; steno, $2.50 to $n per oars and not left standing four or • , re e ss avut „omen. •ow- off's help from Port Arthur, they /VC. 85c per bag. volurnes, of which two-thirtn; are et. can separate the Japneet-e fleet from. its base and thereby render it inel- and prices as a rule uneban feet, --,_ The Laze of Selberne, Firet Lord , tire quoted at 14 to 16c per lb.; CIO' - . . to 3 oc per M.; turkeys of the Admiralty, replied, tbenking JAPAN'S NATIONAL LOAN. Iducfcs, Inc, and gem: At 10 to 32c Th the senders of the despatch for their iper lb. Tho subscription to the national generous aPPreciation, And adding :1 loan closed at Tokio on TillIrothiY• Tbe loan was greatly oversubscribed, glad to Ivo S. . ' "His Malesty's rave* will cL oaltwhaseleta.; rim DATrzy mAttxurg. . twenty times, it is stg,tedet Sonte of men of friendly nations when the Butter -The market is stead, w sr-en....-----'----theel.ey taxes are expected to be com- e 1 t : r. s -17.,.. rolls. 33 to 1 1,weign re.stlents. subscribed. The occasion arises." g emand for chaos: qualities. ' paratioely light, as municipal taxa- CZAR CAVE 8100,000,000. rhoice large rolls, 3.4 to 16c; eel Un will be reduced by the PegtPlle- ed dairy tubs, 16 to 16Oce reedi ment of public works. It is antici- It is stated at St. I-'etersbur th t pated that tbe increase in the na.- tional income welt amount to 50,- 900,000 yet:tr.:M:2;5,000.000n ,-- CHIN.:4;e1GAIN WARNED. Russia. has served notice on China. that elm -latter must not send troops Poultry -Receipt F are moderote, god, nnexpenclitexe in the DO212132.1021 Was tatty Cantons, zeissels, psaltere, non Au Ottawa despatch says: 'The an - pay a fee- thous REPORT ON PUBLIE WORKS lenglentl, bee bequeathed ten thee - trend dollarte to St, John's College Winnipeg. Oen 4 11114 way, believe there 1E1 almost enough. wasted In trinuning boxes, either in tbe cheese factory, or At the warehouse to make up this DIFFERENCE OF TWO CENTS, -1102COS nre now worth at least one cent per incb depth, end that part witich 15 cut Away is absolute waste." ••••••••••• S5, 880,518. IINITED STATES. Tbo fortehe of the late W, C. Whit- ne f N Windsor. Among these vol ones are titer centurineeild volutnee, for vorne and low grades 10). t reran o Czar personally eubs'cribes 200,- ery prints, 20 to 22e; solids, 18O 000,000 roubles (8100,000,000) to ,191c. the rta,vy fund- The Society of Old! Eggs -Offerings are increasing, Beliexers, a religious sect that re- fprices are lower at 20 to 210 fused to acquiesce in certain liturgi-rldozen, cal changes in the nuSsian Church Cheese - Market dull at unehaug two eenturies ago, is said to have !prices. We quotc-Pinest Sept subscribed 100,000,000 roubles bees, Ile; lote Poll and secende, (850,000,000) to the same fund, to 10sa CAPTURED I3Y COSSOCICS. until, report of the Public Works De- partment for the past flseal year 11114 bee n tesuecl. There was an expencli- po, lions) on the department, durin We lyear of AS5,880,518. This does not Oct ect- Inc ude an advance of $900.000 to Ithe Montreal Earhor -Commiqsioners. 'This is about the same as last year, 1800 there was an expentliture of e- 4 9 9 In a ispent on dredgieg last year. More won t beyond the Great Wall, and that. she roust exercise her influence to re- strain t,ile Chinese. -bandits, who a.le Partially under the control of Chin- ese ofliceri, from interfering with the railroad and telegi•apli lines. 'A re - fusel to heed this warning will be considered a breach of neutraiity. A report just recei-ved at St. Pet- soersburg through official military channels e escr ib es the Chinese forces marching northward as being an un- disoiplined and almost grotesque mil- itary organization showing an entire absence of equipment and training, • :As evidence of the unreliability of theze forces the following occurrence Is cited body of Yuan-She-Kai's cavalry was paraded before French and Georta.n military attaches. The former asked the commander why the cavalry remained in the town, an-cl bad no field • manoeuvres. The Chines e General answered : "Because many horse markets ex - .St within the interior, and -vc-o know the cavalrymen would sell their „horses, disband, and lea-ve us with- out cavalry.' ' - RE,VOLUTIONISTS BUSY. Thousands of copie,s of a revolu- tionary manifesto appealing to citi- zens not to contribute to the war --lend were distributed throughout S -t. Petersburg on Ilrednesclay. Some were posted, on o-alls until the police •emoi--ed them. 'rile manifest o also warns citizens not to suppOrt the Government because it brought about f ' o ous y dynastic PurPoses var which cost millions, of rota Abruzzo. Six villages have been de- bles end -ruin t -he •ountry, stroyed and the inhabitants are un- der canvas. No lives have been lost, AT ALL 0()STS, The Government is rendering assist- robs- i)etit Poi ig has a despatch aliCe' fr0M Tokio SAy i 11 g that, -there is a rumor in high circles there that the ,Tapanesc, fleet is preparing to A t - t afA. Port A r Ulu r again. It- is tinder- Lo needs. no . stood that orders ha ve been issued Consternation is not co nVersio to bloat:- the harbor at all c'08t8, sinking ,gunboats or coast defence -vbssels if neCessaa'y to eflect ihat ob.- joct. The Goverineent is fearful that y, 0 ew York, is estimated at or about $11,000,000. A boy stepping on a match in l'efth Amboy, N.J., dry goocts store, boxes are not thorougbly dry e$100,000. , on Saturday, tented a Bre loss of of mould is started. Ills is particle "red when put on the cheese. the growth' Budd, a bank cashier. of ltutv the ease in cold weather when /314:/°klYn'' N. Y" bas been blessed the bonne dry Slowly. trith triplets twice in three years Re t 6. ,00 . There was $Ot37,1 0 the 110 than half this was In Ontario and 1-. aaa mere was $258;776 spent on deep- Inert" •P''' ening the St, Laav,rence ship channel. em- last year was $1,539,000. ..„--- -HOG PliODUCTS. The Echo de Pada publishes a tel- Dressed hogs are unchanged, wi egrarn from Gen. Pflug, Alexieff's offerings limited. Car lots sold chief of staff, sent to St Pei r b g, ,86 50 , .6/ delivered here. Cur 111 which the General states that , meats tue in good demand, and pri , . • Cossacks have captured a Japaneve I non. We quote: --Bacon, ion convoy south of the Yalu, transport- clear, 8,1 to fiCie per lb. in case lot the direction of Ping -Yang. ing Provisions; cattle and homes in mess pork, $16.50 to $17; do, sboi cut, ,si.s..5o, • moked rneats--Hains, light to IR i dime, 12c; do., heavy, 12c- r lls A $15,000,000 ESTATE 110c; shoulder,s, 9ic; backs, 33 t _ • 134c; breakfast bacon,Lar13c. Belleville Heirs Believe Their Claim prices(' Znch/-1'; nclgeelld11.111.°Wles qq1.711 oi °tate; --Tresit0 is Gond. lee, 8* to, 8-tc; tubs, 8e, to Sic; pails A Belleville despatch says: Several 8i to 81e; compound, ne to 8*e residents of this city, Ilr df d ' y name, are included among many Can- BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. adiat heirs to a. $15,000,000 estate, which is now in Chancery in Eno- s d it Ic it is believed they will before long obtain possession .of cal iTkarket for oats is not active the only thing necessai-y now to make several sourcc,s and the tone hi though there was a fair enquiry fron their claim good' being the marriage arm 0 Wing to the lightness of stock certificate of the heirs' grandfather. en spot. Amon the s 1 h The estate is situated in Bradford, England. The eXpeneliture on public bulletin s 10 • 2,000 FAMILIES HOMELESS Susquehanna River Sweeps Every th thing in Its Path. at newly and a being to have the cheese ilt xee without triturning, it is o remember that a, box, which res twelve Inches deep st made, will shrink -to eleven of grill amongst the rePontonfal s still under 90, as is also bis wife. The Sunday Sentinel; of Hazleton, Poo, has been forced to suspend pub- licatiot on account of the prevalen- half inches as it d ut T1 staff Albert Ilerpin, of Newton. N. ox will exptuld again to nercrly its oigioal depth after it has beers w a arehouse Tar a week or so, berause abeorhs moisture from the cheese. In fitting dry boxes t the se it Is necess-ary, there- - fore, to have the cheale project 411 S: ithe edge of the box. One would lea.st' one-quarter' of an inch above think it harciTy necessary to call at- e tention to the importance of having a ed 0- e; • t e - -_ ,arch ..15.7 -The gral ,A Wilkesbarre, Pa., 'despatch eay Wilkesbarre and the Wyoming Valle were in a turmoil on Wednesday. Th mighty flow of water made the mutt branch of the Susquehanna. Elver vast stretch of water, sweeping ev erything in Its Path. Industries from Pittstown to Nanticoke are closed down on account of the flood. In the central portion of Wilkesbarre busi- ness was crippled b3r the high water The business section of Plymouth is under water, and the loss will be heavy. 'Phe water biecked up so raj: - idly from gorges that many families were caught in their homes, and are living on the upper floors. The prin- n ciPal churches of the town are flood- ed. Communication by railroad hs - been cnt oft 1 Summing up the situation ie brief, over $1,000,000 worth of property has been destroyed in the Wyonain f a Iey and over 2,000, fain2lies are 11 I homeles4. market shows little chang-e. The 1 -o -- d. , o was oile of a carload of No. 3- o track at 39c, equal to a Quotation of 39 to 391.-,c in Store A o at least, 011C car of N. 2 was niarle EARTHQ,ITAKES IN ITALY. ,,at 40e store; No. -2 oats, Ontario -..........., points, millers' prices, 36c, Toronto, Six Villages Have Been Destroyeelofca• export, 33i- to 34c low freights But No Liv -es Lost. 'west; No. 2 peas asi:ing 65c; No. 2 are continual slipht earth tr 1 • ' A despatch from Route says: There No. a': aoe:, eao7aooar. niers' report' a' barley, d6e• No 1 extra berley 45c• firm. market, the demand being ac- tive. Staztitoba patents, $5.40; strong balcers', 25.10. Winter rl. SEN'PENCE SERMONS. A.RMY ESTIMATES. cixeat Brita.in Is a Power" on the C ontinent. A despatch from .London says; Dur- ing the discussion of 1.1ie army esti- mates. in the House of Corrunons Ofl 'Wednesday night, Premier 13alf said that so long as the army home defences •were maintained fri an ad patents, 85 to $5,25; straight rollers ,quate condition any invasion of this $4.75to, $5; straight rollers, in bags, icount.ry by an organized force cap_ 22,25 to $2.35. Peed ----Bran and able of reducing it to submission wa,s bulk, $19 to -420; shorts, $20.50 to Great Britain a great Continental I sliorts are firm, and, demand good,' merely, a dream, But, no Mall C01.1 id Manitoba bran. in bags, f.419 to $20, blind himself to the fact that cir- shorts 521 per ton; Ontario bran, in lcumstances in the East were nialting . $21 .50; Inoi dile 't26 t t ,,:oft answer may be a stiff ar- lion. 'lolled 0 a t8 -Til inarket is !great a -unitary 'power, and those' cir- gument, firm; dcalei s are asl.ung $'2.25 to 32.- leumstan cos niust be taken into ac - This wou d be a sail world without 130, for bags, and $4.70 to $4,90 for icount fv;:ming the British army ibbls., on track; these figures are for estimates. per power „ co eon:nous wit h another ox of tile proper diameter to lit the cheese snugly. No -box will stand the handling -that is not sup- ported by the cheese on the inside. HAND ON RED HOT STOVE. Inhuman Treatznent • of a Child by its Parent. A Vaneoever, D. C., despatch says: 'The superintendent of the Children'S AM ociety has Just received details I of a horrible case of cruelty to chil- dren at New Westminster. The step- mother of two children, aged Six and three years, held the hand Of the old- -against a red ,hot stove until the flesh was nearly burned off. The chil- inhuman parent and prosecution in- dren will be taken away f • „eh FIFTY PERISIIED. declares, supported by pbysiel that he has not had a' `wink of sleep for ten years. Be rests, but never loses consciousness, and feels quite refreshed the next morning, ' Mayor Lewis, of Allentown, Pa speaking from the bench said, "If I Made the lows of the Common- wealth, I would sentence everyone caught in the act of smonieg cigar- ettes to life imprisonment." Speaking at Evanston, Ill., Con- gregational Church, Dr, .3-. P. Lobo said: "The man is not a true Chris- tian who stands with millions in his strong box behind him, dealing out platitudes to a Bible class and de- scending to dishonesty and meanness in his de.alings with other men." The Susquehanna, River, near York a., as broken its banks. Duffy's Island is flooded, aed three fairdillea wee swept away. At Opelika, Alithillia, C. H , Sparks, a negro murderer, .on Satur- . 4day, tried to kill one of his guards with a knife as he was being taken of wbi'n Ilbliophiles would gindly am aplet e. THE KENO'S PloTuRES, oo, ere valued in hunOreds of thou. ands 01 pounde, end brelutie e01.119 ot the Attest worns of nutstets old and new; and to these be adds znore than 20,000 drawings, engravings, and miniatures, largely the collec- tion of Ids father, the Prince Con - ort. The lloyel colleetion of china has scarcely a, in any palace of Eurore. ie the accumulation of centuries and comprkee the finest specimens of tbe world's potteries from China to Dresden 411.4 net by.. Of aquisite service of "Bleu du INA," made for Louis XVIII. of France, is alone said to be worth £ 1 0, tK10. • But these and countless other trea- sures of equal intervt have' all come to tl e Kilos by inheritante. .Arnotig his own personal collections are oleo many things of rare beauty and in- terest, of which two at least are unique. Bis collection of silver els of ships is uniivalled, and in- cludes every type that has been seen in our Navy from the earliest times, each vessel a microscopically exact reproduction of its original. The King', too, is very proun of his collection of walking -sticks, which numbei's several hundreds, and among thein a stic'k made froni one of the piles of old Lannon Bridge, and another on which a great AUS-tralian stutestnan worked for months while serving a sentence of imprieon- ment.--1,ondou Answers. C -ABS IN RUSSIA. from, his cell to the scaffold. in no European countryare cabs with pitchforks end he wee led - to I no torilI t 11 . Spectators pinned him. -to a, Wail so cheap as in all8Sikl. For thei.e is the allows hemicutial and hanged,. ter of haggling, and it, is Just the A a . All trade is a mat- . 1 .4 inio of .$0.0 has by special act same w3th cabs. ln 110 city in Eur - Steamer Wrecked Off Coast of Canadian tug'. This tug was ois- a cost; and in no City San 3'mr 1)0 abled and Put into an American port ;so unmercifully fleeced if you do not Cochin China. to purchase ' . was seized I know the system. But to work the -that the French steamer Camboclge, out a i•egular clearance. Communica- ce ed in get - been remitted to the owners of a , op e can you drive so far -at .so sroall , by the custom.s ant!horities and the systeni takes time. of 2,355 tons, which left Ilan, -,00n• tions from Ottawa eucc d A despatch from Paris announces owners fined $1,000 for entering with - February 17, for Cochin China afId ting this reduced to 8t10, but it was 'storzn ofT the coast ot Cochin; re:flitted altogetner. China. Tlie Catabodge carried 100 passengers, .niostly Armarnese. About C,EN1,-;',R 50 crf the were" drcE"''lled. The I.,ower Ifouse of Newfoundland European ports, has been wrecked in only by special act that it could be KILLED 150 TRIBEsmEN.. bas passed the, Anglo-Frerlch modus British Porce Ir.flicts' Defeat o ,(Itiesti°11' 11,11 - di ilonmts ec)13vineed . Mad Mullah."s,...Illen. ' he si il • ' - - • , . . land says:, GeriOn.1 Ara/ming 81„1CCOC`ii., I A n 0 tiler ,(,xpoztit i 6, 'h r. s ben . t i eci in surpri sing .,-the Mad )ful lab '8,„ ad- I 011 t -1.0 search for - Barozi Toll, the herents FebruarY4:26, killing '1.50 of, J5'14. exPlorer, 1)110' is •ini.)Pose,d to them -and .ceptloing 8,000. cairiels-.' - have perished in the Arctic ' resi)ectIng. tile Preitch shore A- despatch frO13eebera, ayi nfz. the elneedOnien 1.0f rms m I means W. ar. ts again Fit'st Man :-"Since I befit toy hoizse here 1,1)e value of proPerty in tile neighborhood has greatly depre, ciated." Second Olen :-"Of e011r8e; don't wooder at it---1,11a.t. is, 1 meat, — Good inorniitsr,.4' oel co rge 1" she . Screamed; •'sny neck 'What'(- tbe etatter '1" s itillacatter--'' what ?'' '`A , 'tile world dc you mean ?" dear 1" she Moaned, as she clattdied. jim' "A kitterpilleri Oii J -now (e.c)rge 1 A patteri...werr, 'Oh 'said George, wit1)-evidez5t ci1n1 is Proe.eeded to lit•usli tise cazerpillar away, •