Exeter Times, 1904-3-17, Page 1Tnurry-FiRsT YR—No 19
'•'...:..11URON & YI.W.DLKiSEX-.0.-4.Z.TT:E.... •
• SD
Any Pn ersOwanting first class Seeds will find it to
their advantage to can and examine our Seeds, We have
now on band
Red and Alsike Clover Seed
And Timoth.y Seed
Wv also havt a quantity of good, clean SEELTZ, which
yadas from 60 to 70 bushels to the are and takes the
place of pease for hogs.
-Sugar Making, ----00.
Sap Pails, Sap Spouts, Sap Pans and
Sugar Kettles.
We have a good Stock at right prices.
We he the largest attack of hardware in town. have-
trotaghing and Builders' Supplies of all Mods, For Force and
WO rumps call on us, .
w Spring
Gootis Mills'.
llensall leave here wet Week: Tor Lacombe, N. i Ifuntlres at Bileaville, one aeteenoen
vir, T, wero unable to do lee owing to :last Nveek• The eveuine was spent' in i c• • 1
, ,....‘, ,,...„„ on the railway, "eloacing, cards, ete. An report a tea ea -:. eb Loci{ a -e ii e
(1,,,T. Sutherland, Notary Pointe, Cornwall Tide 'week we aro agent lest eiglitof pleireent Llano.
Ier,Commissiener,Fironisurauee.IVent, and 1. c., the. oltowe www, I .II, Vit./ i
mom or Manage Licenses. Legal aoeumen ti "-
eerefelle drawn at reeseealote rates„ money -31r, Pbillip lone expeas to leave i
-Rever . Mr. Baker tweet last week
tolean, on real estate at tow retesee interest, 1 here .rnr, the NorthW
t aneElhne
nt the '
omee at the Poet Qffieo eternal elst• inst.
petUion in favor of local option. Anderson undthe parental roof, aud with ire, We are holding a special sale of furniture for the IleNt
ee:ehe Alrea, T, U. te circulating a
• -Mrs. M. Sherry, 'elm ita,e been
very ill at Manama, is inaprovirkg.
ends n Carlirigeel
3nd ° 00 days before takino- stook and have greatly reduced the
A Ere f Celle
%tee Teseie SIY-Thera, of Bewail -Mies Violet M. II, Walks, IS VlS- tralia, ispent Sunday thaguests of Afr t,
vieiting leer sister iu London, nine' irt St. Alaryz. end erre. S., Andrew.
-Orr, Treernen Brintuell, hes Rola e-elliee' ItuDy Werree Of Beeter, re- ',eerie and nes. B. Couttere epeet prices of every article in our store during this sale.
;biz \venire; L Mis.s Sturgeon, oe this turne4 home last week,
-Mr. Theta= Palreer has parches- friznds in St• aarY's,artil Niagara, e -The eowneltip council ima a busy CALL AND SEE US
village . - -Miss Maggie Stephen is visiting oteobere en eieeeay zua
Sendai,- with Alr, arid Mrs. Christie, in
the confectionery bueiness of nr. ;John Anderson bas returned, day ,on a$,,teretay and let, tiro eon- we will save you dollars.
u. SWAM. fr QM her visit with friends in wiDa- trace for eeveral new bridges.
-Air. William Elder, tifIlarrie, has nor, ,-Sonte one said ouorougb tveatber
tour eiblriee, te Afr., Thos. Ifielc. the ,gueet or eer eisier, Mre. storne we axe still golug heel, ROWE & fkTKINSON1
lealri his dwelling tho West end of ,-31ise Swilzer, of Kid:tore, iS WM over judglue from :Wend:1y%
, .4,10„ Stoneman. went to 'To- ftihey
panto 'to 'atten.od. the Grand Lodge --Mr• 3 -exiles UtitrraY ie(" *eel -tang' S. Monter hrtd a wood bee -In The leading Furniture 1)ea1ersauci Undertakers. EXeter, Ont.
receting of the atonte Circle; with his: daughtork Mrshazictrood. of Tbereelay afterrome/ eet end gave . Practical embalmer
-The friends. of .1\fr,II,O. D. Cooke Vetrolia, .the young ,people a dance in the even-
be.pleeeed to learn that Ito is and lira,. 3 eseell White, of St• ing. About aft were prcse.nt and •
motoring nicoly trout hia very eer- nem. ;Twat SuudaY 'with Mr. Jas. real eleaeent evening Itvas epent,
We ean make it worth your while l
to order a New Sett now instead of
Welting till spring. Can't afford to
net on our oars beeauso it bappene to
be Mid winter.
It is worth something to us by war
a ativektisement. Every o y
knoW yet what we mean by 1
Good 'Getting and Fitting
Good Sewing and Stitching
Good LilliDg0 and Show.
introdeeeion. Come in atal see.,
We expect to pay sonaething for au)
I Sweitze
' tts AIMS, II, Itebbereen. ,,),:he skatem AC the, village owl 1 _eimees weeoeepee, .,,t. T,,ris,,,m, is zouleAL Itimsen The last eat.se Was that
Welter Lanereeter is veryill. so Leech trolirli eeelet Par at lttzt Weik ree their bearCe content, the past week pusenage, vi4Ling leer sister,- Mrs. tenancy of a form w Wit the latter
ea ithet lie Will *VP ta ge/to cite ,c,f newing econaintances at Anderson, , I on ilie laree field of leo on Arr. Jos- Daman. had rented from, the forranr.• alia
-Wee Katie and Mary norrisio. 01 ;Itua Jam.* moo -Mese revive -welt returned to • tire 111M-3AM eia$D10, *led r"viott „and date-
. d for darnarras because the plaintiff
negmt to report that 'Mr. --Mr, and Mr*, Lane, deans- vicinity have enjoyed theitteelette to Ivo:0411G ai few 44ys at tee aorra,a, ' Dreringlever the
Liao Loudon hozintals,
-The frierida et Mr. John Jttrrott Stretford, end Alm itunei Awierson• -mi, Anerew bee „eeto els
far Lito London road, will, be pleaeeeetet ae roi • t at oi X • been re-engaged to take charge of
leen) that elm is mei a ' Will lriellet. COntali1.3 10U aCreS gholga (panty 7 IL, t bail interfered before tbe Pere wn3'
-G. J. Sittherland atjent for 91,32ndaritil:, /)17 tiVlati•rli8aribac)-avettit5stellirr: Ylr5.1%14-a'r7"3•E'rliYen L')141)rwmi-inwoh' n"114$ platiritifjt Se13301;0 rWen41, gainviein§.101.°(reitniti?
blond feifiOning.
Clendebove 4 - t e.o .t r
eujetoe, ae, ea teeerio. jeer, ;loving nee and the defondant-cotanterelalm-
too now. Nom, uot demo 0:43 73 °ran o, en
'Wm. llubolg, of .5ouSor:rh, has sold
r. Salton purchased a fine driee, epeud a week under the parental,roof ett too tjo ojointito ene Dee.see
ate IL R. Pfaff, thie place.
-Zer. and Mrs, Jas. Dougall, whit re in Toronto.
Were here rrom 1,11;1 west for eoveral 'As Beta Blackwell; who bee a)" Council Louden this week in eeerch or, 'their
ages and ter the deroud4ut for 591
( a3 Wherq,01.• what he will do. , ed. 11073M Oil Moznlaylnet, an '
hcar 1401013 rifler a pleasant vieit• e-inese Hattie Oen hes loft an a (Amoco met on March Allpree lowing to the very' atadequete train
de.reages, pinarnalz &, Staublioeaet-
b.l3 dwelling on the London road to
u___ . xr:SgouLinemox.f:•eileuilri:tearileph:etirotiel:tvi,:,:vx eba:ne cooing for lbe defendant.
nontlie visitirtg rel,ttivee, rettirned to eon very ill, immovieg.
SiNat vieitiog her sisleteat CreinterlY, .-Lr.'. Cobblealek. or Allse . Creig, vieg ea Oraliti Juror a,ej teeetereeo ejeaoeees„ ussian
ole Melville has returned 4,11aort visit to friehtle le Galt. eteet except Mr. J. Ciactz wl.ko wee sier !ler vice eaueed by the freeeteunsnow
and eIree Colwell from, attend- viettitig tier daughter. Aft's. Clutriee,ceold net eaten& v;Iry kieresant time was event
After being cut oft from thel world Illehard Sintosen, of this clterme was told before the councilin evening oest, tbo oeeaelerr being a 4,L
train on Monday wee welcomed. ..ruo time. 4=0 inititieS, drIVIng. /31t/ the "Eva4u3134°31 a•tter 41) berinde
levareilients era jeafatientir waiting ..-1140 dot:toes icre very euey juet lake road through there being a ditch eneeyable evoreug epeut, tbe secretary
u4w. Nearle every bouee, artmeel tlite cut through the enow :zeroes the road ee toe ileoceety, Aera. O. IL Ilolterneou, oaomets holding goad clean
r the freight trains.•
e -T. Palmer, of 'Wheatland, Zlortlz vivirity 1333 pa4tette. couricil did not teIze any cletiau •in rz,tati a kindly tteedee eseree, .ie er
Dakota, arrived home on Monday and -are. Barltoni of this eleee went the inatter4 evbieit $aenuel Brown, Treaeurer, wheat will find it to their Odelall-
lots talcen peseoeelon of Mr, Spear'e to 1.ar11711111. VieftrIeMiar 711glItt tO "X170 rerlOW40g Were eellointeel path, banded ar, anti Mrs. Damm a very
agter awbite. e-elulte 1131.1.11bn OE etiople were 1.)iv No. Adeut Case, 2j. Ilawk- loge esteem by welch tiley are
1.3 leg tbe millinery opelligg3 at LOTadOU• Carter ta trui:, Diu*. A malre ar•s• 31arlanna Dfi• at tire German pereenage TuesditY Is gain on, which has caused
ear over a weak, the n\ .l orr eilace, intends inoving Lateen in a ullielt 6110 'Clavh imed to haun ve eustainee. eneoriee Oven by the Ladle& Aid et Wheat to go up with -eaPs anc
restaurant. Ur. Spear go to eve her another ulna is very ill. meetern for tlio year Ottlitee atonosauta guile a$ a sooet token tage to see
o ledIck
Chazies 1:1•01ter, postma5tor at drivvn mat of their lioueeri on account. les, e L. Walper, Bell, 5 An. held. Before eeparatingt, hee ladiee C bb
isting and Chopping lige Green. killed a fine coon with or the flood on 5luezday night. drew Johnston, a aerriot, 7 IL, Rey-. prepared a meal ouch :is mile- Oro Le -
with the butt end of his whip while --Afie George Liotott intende 111,0V- 8, R. Noetheott, 0 W. CI
-^"P' dies' Aid have theeelrill to prepare.
Proxuptly Done. driving le nell-1411, " 1,0344Y 14st• ti" "N"Lltw""bula the -°`11 11/1/' i° '41°x' Alejlv414'11141 4111Y': Av,,ae.,04.,..t. quiet and &ratty
et was a gine speennen, or .thi.5 month. Ile baa:Seeured a 7720-, greet and W. Mogan, II C. :noir, le t ,ta oot,v) boon oe,,,e,noo, woo has large Ordere to till.
e 1110. f- • •-
We are giving excellent sa. the WAY for the Presbyterian Wands inn who wish him nem,. 44worth, 14 R. Timmy, jot Am_ dee garish Mb, at tea roowielee rf
On account of trains Wog' °amen- on of land mit, there. Ile Lae many D. 'Oyler, Ilia nerve). 11C. Al- •
Bru.cefield 1$111.ctn4 l''.1 otee efroa jo eo, oo . Alr. awl Afre, Wilson Andersen, when Gram received at re:Neter, Cen-
tralia and Clandeboye.
oana, 183. ilzrr.5,, 10 u. uannuer, 'it:: " 6(14,11 daughter was united le
sho bad been -Miss Mary Gibson is still- very I
marriage to 11/r. Vranlc leyloi, or
from liamilton, whew i-1, ;Deters 22 Geo. Reichert •re eli, owe. formed by the Dr?. a. Knowirm, ).-,
Ittol llaint1N, liPleGt:';•1-11,111:1"i!e.* triesr.e84 eTre'ettn%neltly1YabAingrengre'srea't-1,1;1;Niti--
--ietiss litury frozen was in Mama- le 10 mit we
. 1 ..
ill or pn3ixinerilk• is noW ab -
It ballet. tho last few ays. ElerieltSI$
bisfaetion in flour since re- Sowers, ot Itrue.efield, preachee in the - ride, 173 Datersel7 W. efolleol- tbiwr.
elturelt could not 301:130., 30 Bev. r.
!ay, W, Kele, 26 GiVen rad, tor of thei Alethodett churele tbe
&Jots. Starch 21 Ed. Divan, oet thie editee• The COrelnOny 14n3
mo tang our mill, Agate Sh r has refurned
• ,
.linspital, are. Shirre hes been a little .--113‘oyne 1'0n:fiend, whie hart • been, there; 2f; E, weever. 3, iojel Lour of 4 le noeonlyeeles mar Teta-
lage on Tuesday tee guest& sat. down t `rt a t y
on,her way Cimino :-Aliee 4egie liar:, who bee been 35 Ily. Treunineer, 31“Dan Treeinner, an5.
• eateiting her: mother, who is ill in the wit 11 grippe.
W. W Taman.
„01.1.1 her parents on the Parr Line. ly improeine.
from Tilbury, to epend a week or 30 eerieuely 111 tit inflammation :s v Tonalex, „1,46 otinobts, 41 1),
SAItt oeder. Ily. Becker, ,111 AI.
Morocklatit Ifer frienda were pitiesea to see her --A number or '3113 10181115 will re- Werm, el F. Schroeder, 13 D. Ginger-
looking so teeth urn lo their homes tiliS Week, They oko. 46 R. soitootrtzentrttiox,, .17 Hy.
a eve
eented enembere o.e the St eforth -leeward. Colwell, who has rented
..-eee, competition among out. cuel- find our .rintere very
era far the flue 'ergo turleey pre- ering ratld climate.
'leveret eunaiil- Wittgand, 48 Wm. Reeder, 19 Saw Le-
begul , 49a D. Sararao, ;Al John Gal -
rizin, 50a J. Gash°, 51 Leon Meter,
forth curling club, 11731.117ed ar. Al-
fred Seruton winning the coveted bird
--The Wends ot lames Whito
will ;regret to learn that elut ie very hie farm to •Talin Denote had a sear: of
5:2 Wm. Ihtwson, 53 John Backer, 54.J.
1731)131. atter whit. i 10, a i., ,
cent in social chat ,anri genre, Th? 1 We have our Chopper
renidenee Lem have the beet wishes 110W in running order
eippy couple, who will take up illetir , •
rid homer journey, through lire. Yeur i
, and S011elt a share of
your trade, and will do '
,r a holt of eriendte for a 3ectiolot i . .
correepontlent joins with the TilIV3S 111
his effects on ToesaeY lest- lit ex- newel& eeitt oo L. Divieion Court.- Cretli ton Ireene 1
peete ittl go to the ,weet. N Reeentoo 5G nooto jet„menoo,,,, 57,s, had, a Gilting tifj.he /Division Court for
Our, stock is the most -complete we
have ever shown.
Pianos and Organs
For the parloe we have Pianos and
f the most beautiful designs
U$LLiow Afro. D. illeLeod, or Detroit, is
Organs Whether Ws a suit for a for-
mal occasion or just for business
or outing, ought to be well
made and oughe to fit. We do
it that way. The fit -will be pee -
feet ; the making will be lent, the clotbes will be a credit
and finish and quality unsurpassed, to no and to you.
Sewing Machines I see our New
Our sewing machines are a class by i „
themselves. In working (ideates and Spnog Goods
finish The Best.
and can suit yott in style, quality
We have Sleighs galore, at all and price.
—....—... man's hosre got mixed up with it
For the Children 'We have a nice assortment
prices. Also Shoo Fly Rockers, Gaines
'Whistles, Mouth. Organs, etc.
In Music
, We have the latest Popnlar Songs and
Instrumentals. Eryinn. Books and
Bibles ale° in stock. '
Cali and see 11:s and get one
of our Artistic Calanders
here visiting her mother, Mrs. White
alld is accompanied, by ber son Ken-
neth. Mrs, elertin, of London, is at
her bedside Mao.
-Mrs. 'Zinn from Cavalier, N. D.,
WhO WM visiting relatives in town
for time, lett Tuesday morn -
jog for Elkton, Atilch., to visit her
eieter: •
Ge.o. Sehoellig 'had a very
ituceeesrul sale, on Monday. . -
though the wea.ther was somewhat plum, on Sad.urdityl .it, laze 12L
unCallorable good crowd was pre- wee a surprise, to his many friends.
sent and good pricks reatize& M.r. Davey was in his usual health un
-Dr. 11'111111ton had Ids cutter LB a few days...lg.:wit:ins, when he;wns
smashed, at Schorelligs' sale on Mon- stricken with pneumonia, which prov-
ed fatal after about thre.e days illness
Deceased was born in Devonshire,'
Eng,land,' and came to Canada ebout
sixteen years ago, living paft, of Wart
time in Exeter, moving tto
borliood abqut four years delo,twheria
he engaged ill farniing., Deceased
was a man of very quiet disposition,
but made friends with those with
whom he mune in &nutria., There
remains to mourn his loss. his wirlo-,v
and. a family of four sons an& ewo
Mars --;Itobert. and, Williain. of
-Mirka Itess, or Lumedene -Alma- Opeteer, 58 W111+ Jenniente '50 A• filen- a couple or YOO.E'Ll tut the oue loril
the west, and Will SODII return thit h. no, 67 J. , 69 t len for t h3 long period of inactivity. k
be Ills Minor, Judge Holt,. on Friday
Atarcli 4111, made up in point of dura -
duck. 00 Breit. Turobn11, 01 A, T,irn
lobo, formerly or Stanley, wartin our
bull, 63 Zfas. Cochrane., 01 Chas. Troy -
village last week; he ;speaks well of
Thompson, (18 J. Leslie
--A number of our villagers attend 60 Ify *froward, 70 A. Dormer, 72 Nene Three ettees were trod and So ItianY• 1
r feff, '74 S. 13r own, 75 J. SnelL, 77 '11.
ed a reeePticfl alVell bY• 3•Ir•s- "mum', n Willett, 70 Con, Weeper, 70a. Wm. witile8'es were culled and so stub.
of Stanley, on Friday evening lo.st E.. vp,flutheli. barely were the points involved eon-
" honor of her on, .Tolin Gilmour, tested, tbot it was 11 le m„ before, the
awl his bride. b lid
A number of aecoulits Were ordered court closed. The first one mos a
interesting well case. In 1001
Council will meet again a 3 oh.trean JvaelniYes Flynn, the evell,known well
�t Reivre. contractor, bored for Arthur O'Neil
F, 111 -'S SR. clerk. ttncler agrreerctent to find a 'good saip-
,,,. ply ar water at a charge of. 560.
at We residence Lot 17, con. 10, Ste- ' ---.- w-rter obtained would. be lost. :But
Flynn eaye ba told hina a pump roust
be put in at once or ibe isuppliy of
. •
ra 'Mx. Lewis Dasey which occurred CALOA1.14L RUIN- TDB SIS1 el
Obituaryo-The LOWS of the death
And should only be used under a dce-
toes orders. For a mild physic Lake
Dr. IIa,railton'a Pilla ot Mandrake and
Butternut. NO gripe, no pain, cer-
tain relief for hea.do.eheeconstipetion
and torpid, Ryer. tTs.e. only Dr. Ham -
ton's Pills, prece e5e.,
Let Us Make Your Spring Suit Now
day In some way Mr. :Lac. s.e
and tlio result was a broken datsh and
MT. JOHNS cram bar,'
Merchant Tailor •
PraMiler Ross is I;eving the coon -
try guessing as toitis contempla.ted
AlcrItilet. he is fixiingiup his
proigraxame, F. S. Spenoe Opeaking
Our 'the. alliance, deelaren in public
print that nothine; but the abolufion
oif liquor an a ,average will seti.
and he adVise,s; that one party is just
******44,0•041140.4,40.04)....... like the other. 1Ie has no use for Nth-
) er "oiC them.
THE ---
Merchants lank
-Ole. 'A. Nevin attended the ..an-
nua meeting of theiProvincial Grand
Lodge of Ontario, held at Brant-
Tord last week*. There was a very
full ,attendance of delegates from the
difeeeent lodges throughout the Pro.
vines, and waS a very profitable galli
ering in the intereists or tee, order,
--Messce. -Whaley and Sweitzer
with. their fa miliee who were to
GAP ITAL., (au paid up) .... .; $6,000,000.
ueneral Manager Suporintendout of Branches
Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings
Spec.ial attentn given to tile business of Farmers and Cattle-
' ' Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payalple in
Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts.
all parts of the
W. S cHISHOL..m7 Manager
rG3 of 13usiness.-Tbe under-
signed beg to notify- the public that
they hove punchased the interest ol
the la to firm of 3. C. Youri,g; i&• San.
and in future will carry .on the said
luindware business in the of
Credit on, undex the name, and :tele of
of Centralia, 13,e -
"Young , Bros-". 'We Ns i . i ,-
uben an the homesteadeIrsFonn
°radii on ; Richard, ..
full line of General Hardware, Steven
; .,,,s,
al Creclikefr and 1%.1n.s. ,5'-ale.,v,. '-'h4ae,':and Tinwars,, Sherwin & Williams
bar" III.5- relnain8 44010Interre'd"-n ireints, and (ho Ideal Fence. leevee-
treughing, Booting, and Metallic
gs d Sidings will be a. special.
ty with us. Our 111 -Otto is to 110 "Teo..
right. Business," and WC solicit a con -
1 thine nee of your patronage. Yours .V011y truly-, Young Bros.. 1?. S. -:•The
albite owing the 'lake firm of J. Cx'...
Young- & Son, would confer a fo voi
by Settling their accounts oe soon as
uolzsible. , .
Our inerchani:s aro talking 0: I'.
ll., these days.
:--Allessrs. -Faust and R'elly Ispent
. -.Miss Rhoda Kerslake, of EN...a t'c. ,., .
spent part: of • la4W
st eek here, the t,Sa_ndav. in Ina village. W i
Mr. 'lliam. Lewis is on 1110 sick
but is improving slowly,
. guest of Misr; Itatia Esser'liar s,.
Win ('061125 spent part of _. r. Christ. Eilber. 0 nd family of
In" :Exeter cemetery on ...kf.an. ay
last. Ihe s.taypathy of 'the com-
a-mini4 0.N. tended ..the sorrnwing
widOIN' and family.
--Miss Buswell who has ben ill with
19 gripe has now billy recovered.
-Miss 2.aggith, of Centralia was
the guest of 'Miss Etta, Ca.ves, on Sun -
o•Ntil I eidn't attempt to
Lor several months ellerand Corner of Maio and Station Street,
pump. ,
and then he diszovered that Flynn Next Electiee Light Plant,
had given him good advice. O'Neil,
however, refused to pay -for the job -----= ',
and- was sued. Ile was defended by For Sale
A ie ALeravisle or Parkhill, while
our best to give you
good ehop and aro pre-
pared to do chopping at
any time.
Come in
and exa.mine our chop,
we are sure you will like
Bring in a Load and
Give us a Trial.
Snell & Blatchford
Medi:min & Staxibury of Exerer, act-
ed for Flynn. After hearing all auk
evidence the Judge gave judgment in
to VOT of Flynn. The next case was
between Si,. Clair and ;Morrison, both
All kinds ot Fence Materta., Stock
Seales of all sizes. 4800 pound Stock
Scale for less than $30, All Scales
Cattleovanted for sumreer pasture;
by the month or eesson. Also a farm
af Stephen, and resulted in favor
02 honse and 4 acres of °venal. o ren .
St. Clair. Gladman & .Stanbury ap-
p-,,,aled for St. Clair, and Morrison. de- W. M. BLATC1-1,F0R D. Exeter.
:11\l's_rt.'sawilsier°51kMitairt'iss."11,111'aillIrl:URLiln°:..10(?trlfollIciirlsri.iii::1.,x.:110".:1"!'"11 Zu_rii\c,thr,s,,spe7, ti.tfOrustcteiGat- ioist.earxisis ,psuearnenaitilsg.
111.r. Arnold. liarris and:3Liss llarris, of a .1".-'-v,' "e'eeks vizitirg' her aauglater, et
Inklosserertir.,yilisar s9812 L 3s.i0riday- at 1111..r. ,,folin l31__er-bleri,.laa.ati .3
dir8. samuzi BTU wn spent
-Mr, Joseph lin r ding held a wood,- 6 andaY in Zerieh, 't le••, • giseet of ,iter
bee oil Tuesday. taternoon \viten Lha J. cam T,'reeter•
men succeeded in chopping a good sup- -Mr. and Mos. Ilarry Beaver rta`o
ply of wood. s,pentli rig a week visiting tile latter's
-Dr. Tennant, V. S., of Exetr
e, leer sietor treo.r Zurich,
Donned. a very suocessial operation on --Airs. toretieriel;.- Flilber who , lin,s
Tuesd,ay, ion ri. valuable horse: belong- been very di. the past few A ' *,
ing to ilia. rfosepli lIardang. Thc,ani- sic.wly aacovering-, ,,,
ni a ri is 'law doing NV o It , -Proper ty in this villa ge has geoe, \ , K:3"
-A number of our 40 26 r, wi
people at- 11,1, with leaps and bounds since, Lii.... „.A../ .,
, ,..,
a; wood -bee, at 'MSatiel proposed railw a y is being considered.
;5 ''. •e"-• • '
in use. Tile perfection Ranges. Our p
international StockFood ricet. s are righ'
25c3 50c, and $3.:10 per ,Package
on,erasume.......F.rartan..........artarsormaniievencui...FF6*,,,,F.Kationeosarrearsetwa,nrerecrateroveromanorszoro '
• tieii.bagseu
'2,5e and 50c per package.