HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-3-10, Page 5JAN ARE PRESSINC
, Within Three Days March of Russian
They Drifted For Five Days i
an Open Boat.
A Loedon despatch says: A. pathe-
tic story told by ocean castaways
has just reached London, Major Lit-
tle, a leritiele yeomanry- officer, his
wife and three childreo, tot* po,seage
on the Mediterranean steamer Cygnet,
which „soiled from Lexicon Lee. 25.
During a gale off Vigo, on Dee. 29,
lees of Cattle, Grain, Cheese,
tively indifferent and refute o or
any special, inducements ie the e.
of higher prices with a view to tirn-
uating Prices eie quite
high enough "now, they say, ;on/ in
some cases •the y are payieo more
foe cattle than they are woeth. Good
Telegraphic Briefs From Our Owe
and Other Dairy Pr ()duce butchers are fetclling ;74.50 Fr, r very and Other Coantries of
choice, but above that there is no
Toronto, march 8.-tIteeat _ The disposition to go, A few he' 1 the roanuai tr
toarket Was 4 little timer teetay izt port eettle sold at $4.70, but there is
.e wind blowing sixty noles an 1(1M. blielto•Te2IT Ontario gbl'Utillti'ke7u:("Ls five• r•SreFejeslyPtittlEnplQronstaemeintrestifIxitsi7:1:::a'dY
hour, fire broke out. The caPtaill '81t. eniangc toeeSeit ii°swZientlilateseT emeillertso" ih.• 7-°'ge "e ezichang-{1 at $5 f
A report from Chefoo is printed in • ovaeuated port Arthur in ceder to of the mate and four sailors amet9L ea'et, 'and goose , at 85 to 87e A
Plan the passengers in a boat in ebarge
at Rome and Abroad. Beeent „el -veleta.
e be iiitroadueed
i nee eg,
e r hoe adeonced 20 cents a
rtl elonereal in three. days.
lee Wilson Wrelage Company
, .„, (hethane. were flood $360 and coS
berried fiercely until the 'hol k No. 1 7‘Nji:.:1'"uthoebrtal wheatcl C1 s4tteck&Y:°:14t'itl' Ii1111• :w* t7ir.1-.7.t'.. ',1,1..e. ".v:.;;.1 4 30 4 75 ifo5217eenhl'Igiji6th•Unlikte; tieSintdattir.thWianet.ratn-
London of an engagement Thuladay , avoid eta! greater disenters, }Its then towed the boat. Inie Cy *ere - east"
"onef asrooLuire are l Lel allidivteor*lifvme aelxi ePluateTtgied iss aeti.o‘i.igi:tiv'eaalsly"rewptieleilTtoeila, n'itieivleuiltsliebleeeelle csearered to be a furnace, leiwneCia i"Georgiari Bay ports, No. 2 Northern
No. 3 Northern et do tight ....„,, „... .3 00 8 75 ling s.hool for euitea for toerists.
that Admire' Aleeieff ben committed le the deck. Eventually the hatch s '")c,
imiois, Both rowan. apparently tiae nil itare authorities coneider spouted train the portholeo end cracks '„tl,t, ea`"W" s"Tl<I Feeders, $00 lbs. and oeinee to Weir searcity-
aeihin three. darer mama of the ' wietthe fleet livid be lost. peace- the steemerws= le„nee'artetel 1171 abriveNtlote.eel hq;riodtedis.n"lina.1 431 $3-1)6' S• hanarta i)" 1200 4 00
without lesie,
3 al/altos° forces ore retuned to he suCh blunders that Probatly Oa blew 0a, The to c Grinding in transit pries are oe upweres ... ...,.. 3 00 3 $ Tee Ringoton Locomotive worite
have orders for twenty -Ore erienteet
Rueaian eneamprilent. The Rassemes been eo time to provision the boat Oate`-'4Tarimt 18 teadY"` wIth °fa"- S• tocke're-4,50 to *-60 for Om 41.ex-colonial and, ten for the
.are reti:t tuawatt eelare,reeneenta, MA AND CHANG* except with hiecuits and d
con ensed Inge No„2 whit,* quoted at .
lbs. ro
Heavy weatnor. renders military A, despatch to the Londou Chrortie mThose in the boat bed felec north and west. and 34e low,
8 12e,
no •/foot:toe Camp, of Mineeepolis.
movements difficult. .cie from TIfohin seye it is ratoo.ed wraps. A bitter night followed tl A freigiltre' lia• whi
e clu°" at 1)41° 2 75 pertheeed lelenireg 40,000 acres
Betel, "
ten tmesPorts. have been 'sighted off Chaeg have protested againet China's children slept fitfully under
.eted by the bigascituaer,p tat * hoiee
Barley --The marltet quiet, with -- ....- 3 65 tee Casmaian Nortlaro.
of land near Meelreary station, 04
Tung Gulf, 'refs movement is coo- in for rermiseion to form, an si-
Chefoo, steaming towards the area_ ne ttalitY, chid ha've a'9'eale'd to lin, in several inches or Neater, ,moderate demand. N. 2 quoted at 1 la al.(*. -441111 **". 11 75
toey Soon beret/Ale benumbed. ) 46e. middle freights. No. 3 extra at I un ooe 4 25 Street of litlenifeseo and 'Ate ef
John A. Street, sou of Mayor
neater' with the reported Japanese Berne with, Japan. The depane:.e r 43 to 44.e and No 3 at olle ruidelle do bulls 2 75
Six JaPailese cruisers eseorting that t, CI ireee Generals Ma and boat wag bet' • ,35c east arid No 2 at 34k: east ers cattle,
4 00
4 50
4 20
A Ian. sat or of the rname of eirardi do rough -a .., 'e
intention to land ix North Sadole some time ago attempted to land at took oft Ids eotte and wrapped Ed- freights*3 50
The Governor of the Amur issued not allow them to come aebore.
Chingwantao, but the Coine.Q W.QUICtIvc.inratzardiaalvta; .4.:110r. after;aold 1res 1.s.,a;11, 2 lq*ettoaseatedThaet eneliaorkweetetie, aenrmd:60acitehaseet.7.11:trifte:gohhavit. cs.hoto:v1q!„b!l,l,74,,, 2 25
n ,
eut official prodarnation on Feb. 5, TBAB.e., oar an lost, Laser let-; C.crn-The clacket is galat, with 360 9060
ridiculing ,re -Pan as a paltry nation, THE CANeeleD GOODS e„, tie, looking =der the tarpaulin, amees weaker, No. 3 American yel-t .
onel declaring that it was Ruseia's do light
hy rentleriag a service to homanity, A W. GA In 'ley
v,etti Of the iFirtorudwerlideciesitiittlnedstti:nrchotled tiled cl I' en
Treele 1003. coat -around his toureyeer-old eister, and No. a Mixed at 53e. Canedi- hh"obt)h. ce'lultt- cwt. to,f;
•ee eo, Peeks 2 50
Lion teoorl. 1,404,creoon‘,. *reek, apronto, and - • ege
eaxeu-aellt, duty to crush the repro- Itiformatioa peeeea to tho ioond that tedwerri wrOyed the to 10‘V quoted a 54c on treeh, TOroo-
Sentetives of the yellow peril. there -
AP Wei;
straont Aglieniture in Greet mid 0/004t foodless Rye -Tho maritet drlui, with klP. °WI"' eagil ""'" ni)
SCEPTICAL AS TO NUMBERS, y op, A „ , Calves SO k, k 4 50
gi"-eS the g inictecaa' thing to drink exeept a little rein. 1:1L1Qt.e4 at '16 ttt 4" t'a" "t1
Tee military authorities at Ste ton in regard to tile troth:eft; cepa:led :water that %oaf, caught iu
etet have no doubt tbat Jae end evaporated go0O0 durirg 1 03 the teriena Biteketeat-The Market te unnehang.
The third night a. sailor beird °ea* Weltello d4eriltend good. No, 4.1\1' b7, qUnt''
panece troops have landed et Gene W-141,,foa to the extracts fret° his 11"elward under the tar mmlin ra :in , c"' "” "41 ..""c
Awl and Swig -Citing, as well an west antmal rePreruttpurrbplfaiodsi,ast week' thet his father, nuothelr and P e?etef Flour -Ninety PI:LC)e.aate`tpeaateenet)1331-gee
of these places. but they are seepti-
eal of the reported, number. namelY, There is a goed demand for tbe 41,14.q , 1
might bo saved, and eeeia- 44 A linehanged, wit ,
Tour PlOSIOAS,01 13,000 men ear h;
Malec/toe they do not believe tbat
the Genean contingent aro MOving
rthward towards Hide, owing to
mountainous nature of the coun-
try. They are convinced tbet tre
troops landed at Gentian will waren
l'irg-Yang, as will also the
At Wipe that loaded to the westward.
Nothime can be learned of the Ruse
den movements, but tbe oliblete
rrofete that 'tussle wilt pot net at
ereettat except on the defeanire.
It is reported that several hundred
ffbi ose tool miners employed by 14 e
iteerions AAA, Wu-Shrin.
kayo one on strike, it is added
bet a. thotsand unemployed minere
laVe kined the bandits la order to
areas the Ruseiaes.
ts at
f.3).L (10.1.,ii mltheowtoiireerrteind mFoonlitcear,air,:as buried to a
2 r:41 Making large reductioee le treir
In e leiee ial OR Company ore
65 filt) force at Sarnia,. on aceerint of the
falling off la the oupely of errile oil
J. M. Coo tne,y, Canadian Deputy
Fi Arca Alieletere hos gone to 1,one
don to ralee come loans to meet the
3 25 4 Ifamoeormiteioet.; teceleit2.(Lof jlooa.noe004,ellitiee due, i
0 I an itOP aad Toronto vez•7reelmen '
Were reatly Restricted,
The profitRe :di tt'brie viballetge;ss.from verY
rentiete timee were strictly a matter
for legislatorial enactment. A goo-
eral regulation was M force it from
tine days of King John until the
eign of Iedward T,, if not Iater
;throughout Englend. that the profit
of the baker on eaeh quarter of
,l ta:nrecear,ot oweaes, taonabes.ofeohr IhriosnoWtt: Laihatett-t,
Ibe sifted from the Meal.
Re woe to add to the prime Coat
of the wheat, for fuel and wear ot
Ie. ovens, the price of two loaves; ler
the service of ehree men, be was
ito add to the price of the bread
'tyl4e*, 1140:Pelnia:peglin:71 Telarreendtstl,b ,10
One farthing; for the expenses
tending the seal, am* ballpeony; for
thellpenny; for. wood, thlee*Pelhoei e -the
for weer end tear of the bolter, op
bolTing-sieve, mei Inelf-penny.
! The restriction:5 paced On breed
,and bakei7 Of all kinds Jr Edward
°L, and III, are worthy of note. The
cinality "rf the gOtkr Uted was the,
first coreideretuni, end the stringent
,regolatiens egairoit the use of inferi-
or material were enforeed. In Len -
don only ferthing loiorea and half-
penny lea7es were allowed to bs,
mode, nod' it wae a eetioas offence,
attended by forfeiture, end Punfehneent,
for a baker to he toted sellieg lottveo
"T"hoYpthfire 6:ee're. entitled to mad
repreeentativai to see Viet the doegie
Was properly kueaded,- and every beat
impreeeed with the beker'r rood, a
counterpart of which Wen in the
hands of the inayer. Any baker aele
ling breed below a proper standard
of quality was pilloried, or aubleeted
to other like public end igeomialous
treatment Dealing In wheat and
floor wan eerefully restricted; no
selling by sample was :Mewed, nor
1 . mixing of good and inferior
Reoant . oo:reedzerzodidgalweerrsli etroxiebteudy, and
ntell wl for the perpoise of maiting
eneeley. (*era who bought. wheat
for re -sale Were sovereo punished,
and foreetelling tne =tweet wan a
grave offence. Agettiet bread made
In Southwark there appeare to have
been an extraordinary degree of pre-
) redsli Ziteltblitle i tir egat"bneeemosen tublite bpakceere43orkt
aSouthevarl; Are nOt eretteable to the
listalt:crQntwtehree ceitlYlo.:ed. in London. to
w ikue tliPho 4aothervi;t.71 4 p t:r.hrioiranLia.:trk' were tfoil:ta•tbtitcl:dmoie.
I'speedy ConSallipteen of tbe retinee
bran. and as an induceMent to the
baker not to Inane his bread of- too
mem e., quality. The swine, hove.
ever, were to be kept out of tho
public streets mad limes. ho baker
,Was allowed lu the city to with-
draw the SearvaIlt of another, not
he to admit such a person into
Mint are.totiteere wwiuthoomuthea bladieeeerserevioirluty
*ea 41Stt, v.ikit a %IOW to es-
am,7 TAT 0 nine- regnlitr liue of freight
a's between Montreal, Port Ar-
e outariu :64trie. th. r and Vert NW -lent next, summer.
,A. Tiratisboov boug,lee Ahe eeetioue
of gra 1 ot iand from tbe Irrigation
following f lit pulps whi-h cell be vaPitettasethieG4dh,or tuif:argi, !ta,thloieroultuthp.te r gs. , in • n ; 1.1EknY =PA, le been etude be 'Conn eely at Letidirrge two yeere
nut, tip in Ceuada: Strawberry, Part' 4 traig'bt aYa Ott lo hamere r rdlog tbe ago for an acre, Peeilig down
Raspberry, Gooseberry, Black Our- 'ilidaarletta bsyteattinloesor tiv,ottetboolgbhotoedt: xt;;11100 o 3wha:,15b,r1Ittof" tdr,igstinie hthrla94:e cillijoa`17i)011;41' tinoreaooitn;entito‘oof emon in oats. E'er'- Ile (-old it the other day
rant, reacree, Pears, Aprtcete, Tim been conducted at. the .fer $21 00te
above fruite are largely used in Jame waved oars and garments, lint the "1" unchanged' No. 1 patents. College ie order to uncertain tte *
t.oues in Great. 'Britain. .stramer dal net see VIM. lite night "" .") ee
Canadian pan,orn of fruit r,i-...brouihtstill severer cold. Tee gar, 'Inacers*, $4.90 on ;Iviltruck.oTt,7
meet eneetual remedies wl it* can be i
should obeerve the following pointo ; lareate of the caetawaye Were ch•encit-,.,11,11,11"11-13,,"rann steady of oaten were eelected IP the spring
1. : ceeneleeeer-hachiet
. • Ilse a, beavy g aeo of elis,reoal ,,, ed AAThe d frozen. b ‘'
odies of the l 1'A f'4'' all" al" at $38.5t) h"6. l °I 102* and °gni° in the 4Pring °Ilia London.
lin plates for malotig the MDR. itdren wore dreadian4, frost, Iowan ; At out:4de points bron is (plated at 110(13, and uniform ofileildee frond melee) tiouo eenu
2. Do not ute rovin for eoldering :the skin Peeling off their arose and $18. 4nd shorts at $1'7,0. Moilitobte i each 'varictr were nubrollted te r their trade 1es liner: Y
the ineleu poems as the least ponalege, but the mate says they never bran' In tiaa/t3' $20. and 614Q114 ttt la a ial t4ta.lalantR wi.th he 44111avt A tul'1/41. till` et" adian and Nc
tion imparts a, bad flavor to the once eomplained, end there was riot 21- ra` he ' " 11"li'g IA e spar of smut adher" 1, land prefelenees.
used for this pest. Two varieties k Sir Arthur Povor
contents. a nian in the boet who wodld not Jug to the grain. 1 e verimis , piemier lirenour bad uilleie
3. One gallon tins ere preferable have gladly given his life for them. C°M*ITRY----1)11°Trnebl. I treatlavata welle faUlweave: • _a, ".1ccl."1 bit3 h'411"11/‘ tQ C°111'°
to cons hol big live gainers eilleder OTA tliC firth night Major Little col- APfdee"-Trade here is quiet. w"th 11) IllmlelSicn in /et• er giton Jo) Londou to:day to pre-
rzr.er ;
ter•auSe thee is lemi loss In case of lapsed. The Tient Mondng the Parte' 'Prices liteadY at t° "52.5() 141.4. 1.1114 tle"t41 nt' tte 1VQ3 "t
age. taken to the little Town of Figneire,
end ibbl, for the be,9t stock. Ile a bag. which was t1'en m erea. e reusea to belieto 0, settle:
Dried Apples -The demand is small 'in WA r t rt 1 v F
te al'o 1, deg e •‘, • onent of ell matters+ in disPuio
a puncture or other eavee of dam- were rescued hv a. fishing 'met
5, No cola ing matter or preerrva-
an lnt"nalTY vteltitslecer4iliVriao°u°sInv Iln'ILChrIrre-gtedcl 4141. P21-14 tre tlactenrul4fti4;111v411r1"Ilt/ ItentIva" 1:11;114:tn'alrerinja";etivelilfrlieltliatentlai!g411UTTe..drareeteli;:etr
Vero between 130 Oogrees toll 133 ta, novenae) re ft.v in tl
For colored pulps
laceptered tin is very much preferred.
continue weak and semi -dazed They per lb.
tIves of enY hind should be added. have only elake wen banuent, io Lon". I ileane-Trade is quiet, and Prices ee;trees.-F* Tile WWII was tleea°51"-ri'n,,CAis1-10911- fThe Veleltieetleland *bore
GliOWING TENSER. 0,, pane eases oeeding tons modo a - i t 1 r . b, .0 vatt.4 at 1,atly eta red ond wos allowed to re- aizesteett71,1 inewed,
on from Lisbon.
A despatch to the Londorn Tilnea Ftv"gbr au° with tight cover% not 4.....-....., 81.40 to $1.60 Per buflhal.
eat y rano tans al main in tlet water for a pe:iod of '
is *
from Mosoow says that. the fee.leg
o tit, Peteisburg ie growing teuser,
ihe validity of the Japrinese milk -
TINNED MEATS. MADE SLAVES OR KUIED. etope.„...The market is II/whored odfotteeono riarileolacus. nooltt, tuo"asar?„,er:1, islet:y:11 TA.
Tbeee is a good demand in Great 26 to 32e, aecording to quell was stirred oeca -Weeny en p vere drowned on
aery movements. and Ate cornpre- fOr tilMed ,znents but COM. rate rAFhich Pefell Britian reeee toltilluaYiTeTeilieu tuf:11,*1/chtuikis i:tlUlg 0,414:1 (2) Inirricosion in F.1;restorre Solite - - t° VE;ettrie 1731
the14;teal Queen, from San
25 to $2 for comb, treatment, a strong soluticn was FrallelEcc to 14° Catladi"
ionaveness ot their plates Moor made Pieluts are made that Canadian till- in Nigeria. . tion for Vivo Alinutee -Fer -No. •
las of a sensation than has their ueti meat% ete.' A London deepa,tele nays; m
ton often colored
*het is quiet with o
W. totri were among tlie dead.
he tin by eonie arid aet4en So o ITee The ma netree diesoi` I •g oue round
level vigor. prd t , by af i
ill olere
interestin_g cletailS have beeeeeved ferings aonil. . tienotby r* t it tel in the Virgirtim leg -
trey be careen ley esing light „,e, n rilmst Nos,oeper Sulphate (Illioleteyiee in one -
rracxx CONEIRMS IT, grado tin pletes for ranking the cans, 'iedlns the cutting up of Copt. ,quoted at $0.50 a ton here. gallon of waterand then immersing g
These pintos are rolled after being 0' lardan's party: in Northern Niel Straw -The market is dall. 'without , tile oats in the salmi, n for a period Poste oh: li led *early tefetity ,yeava
ticepateb to the London °bran- tinted and So nelleb of the ti bo- gerla, Ierem the accounts of survi- offerings, and prime nomlual eroued 01 a‘o on, . n ago, Ni.111 to revieed. It Will be Irmo-
. leg taken off tire Iron is expon$od fri, V°1's it oPPenes thet 00 of tee foree oe,50 f)r) track here. " ($) Imenuotseio.rt in Illuetove soil, elded for (elite of larency.
0 itOM Pehin says tiler° is a gt.e.- .
melees served out. At dunk Capt.
O'Riordan was shot by a poisoned.
arrow, and died soon afterwards. The
remainder of the force was then over-
TFormaldehyde).-The solution of rear will be larger than ever.
BODTFIS WASierlD ASHORE. ferinalia esed for the lennersion pro- It is reported that ex-Preeident
cess was made by pouring one -ball Kruger of the Transvaal is dying at
i.despatch to St. Petereburg from
pint of the fore:110in into 21 gallons Mentor*, France.
Port Arthur says it is stated from
of water, and tee seed oats were
Chefoo and Wei -Hai -Wei tbat t..e
ashore nem- the former place and
(17u)tegPrinklieg with Diluted For- - CASE °E 12-E4STITUTICIL
immersed in the solution for twenty
bevies of seven ditpanaa were wash-
. laity near Wei -Hai -Wei. The latter 10
nialin.--One-half/pint of formalin VAS ad BiSenverir n Tarant4
Wei° probably- those of men who Cellar.
poured into 5 gallons of water, Tee
took part in the night -attack on
Po t A th Feb 25 oats we; e then sprinkled with this A despatch from Toronte says:
e V the
eral feeling of aPPrellelesiveueSs lu spots and, a chemical actio eote • of 120 men were either killed or sold i Potatoes -The marke*. is firm, with tien fer Twelve Ileotts.-In this A ,farmer named Smith ond bis
eel cane.° an oette mile in Manchuria. ba„to, ,ttes ht _ , , ,.
raeneo goone r rittl
iroad '''''''. '' '' himself chained up and sold as a .trank ))ere, and i f i alit t 1 lel sto 4't 11 f water, d fr°2n 5 Ill'ete°" Wja fen c't°sc t°
lyre, an a er or qu y rt. u ne in ... go. oes o nn
Odell will render Chimes neutralityl
whirh the cans are Merle and also Poultry -Receipts are limited, and time for it period of twelve houre. hcluthe• ) 1 ry 1, ,t 1 fli
enduring terrible hardships.
;Chinese troops (ae arriving at, Shan
,eipooeible. lientey reiiiforeeneents re breve an .export rberesentative to Stl.. lie soya time the toroa was about prices as a rule uncbanged. Chickens, (4) Spiinskli e with
perviee the pael,Ing of their condo to return wilen attacked quite un- 11 to 22c per lb Turkeyrr are quo- Iution. '
/la nornutiou wBoalue/sim°art.eu Sba; so -Set -x.1 zna.tel'aeugli-te- r an; te:lo ptrr-
ilal-Kwan, The guards protecting during *e secteon, the result being 'expeetedi ' .
17, at breakfast, Mr, Amy- ted at 15 to 16c per Th; ducks, 13c; dboolving one pound of' bluesione in, ,
ci. /. able neglect of duty in cornice -
wreaked. nem present situation in 10 gallons of water, width Ives used It'en with the Chim.50 theatre fire.
for sprinl ling over the oats until t'i he 11VAYOT And Chief Fireman Mao -
;he Legal:ions at Pekin have heed
ehinit endangers all foreigziers. tl.ey were tholougbly moistened after ,Itran, iia% e teen exo erated.
----- The car famine has *maned en
being carefully sti red,
, (5) Inunereien in Potaesium Sul- rteete etagc in the Pittsburg die -
A telegram was received in official pbnni, Solution. The potassium set- Wet, and coal and cone ellipmetts
enartte s eteting that. the Trans -Si- ankle treatment consitted in soak- are : elicit sly affeeted. 'The 3)304011t$
Mash luls been destroyed for a tion insoo by rileeolOng 8 pounds PerCentsge of ti ole total eapiteity.
of the mines roe operate hat a smell
Dorian :Railway between Harbin end Mg the Seed for two home in a solve
Meet of the Canadian tinned beef being harassed by the enemy, were ese
and mutton is put up in thin hold- attacked by swarms of bees: but selected dairy tubs,
ing not over two poem's of meat 16ec; medium and low grades, 12 to
to 161e;
There is it good demand for tins
holeing six porrals especially for
War Office and Naval Stores.
Whatever sieed tins are packed be
sure they contain strong -nett a -eight.
There is a growing demand for
De.ssieneed Vegetables in Great Bri-
tain, not for home consumption, but
4for Naval Stores and the War Offieo.
Russian Universities Have Been
Closed as a Result. •
A despatch from St. Petersburg
sans: The outbrealx of war has shown
tbat Russia contains an element of
lorth Cin-ua Tele eteein x) 141
shortly O'er the goods are packed. Into slavery. --- ive interpreter, 1 offerings moderate, Choice care treatment, tee blustone solution rfamliet of JantsOille, Wis., were ale
Se ler° that the japainese euteese /r(ir 7. most e. ;feuded by fumes emitted
loom° /email firma who import who escaped and brought details, was are quoted at 9,50 to $.1 per bog on !made by di salving one pound
ead the destruetion of the rid
Caeada furnish the tin Plates from Slave, and only reached Lokoja after -$0 to 850 per bag. the oats were Inneerred in this settle til° Itart3' AS they were drivleg
general satiefactioe mid increased att Burney was shot through the
demand for the brands, !stomach, but with great pluck
The quality of Canadian beef and ;mounted his horse and rode for some
mutton is preferred to the imports "distanet with the column (which was
from oteer countdies, tho packs of by this time heavily engaged) until
countiies aro often fllied with fell off, dead, not having spoken
Meat from whieh eatraets have been a word since he was struck. With
tenon to make fluid meat peeparst- lgreat difficulty a litter was
be- the troops, who, in addition. to • 17 to 17-1-e- cboice large rolls,
Mud° 000d prices. Wet quota: -Finest 1-1b.
clod geese at 10 to 12C per lb.
Butter -The market, continues quiet,
at unchanged prices. Poor to medi-
um difficult to sell, except et bakers'
prices. Choice grades sell freely at
eistance at a mile and a quartet. egitassium sulphide in 50 gallons
Tim telegraph to Vladivostock is of water. GENERAL.
i1.0 interrupted. (6) Iramm•eion in Dillted eleoemalin The eaten acreage in India this
after two hours the fighting became 14ec; creamery prints, 20 to 22c;
so hot that the body had to be eolids, 10 to 19 -mc.
dropped. The little force fought all Eges-lieceipts are moderate .atid
day. Towards evening a square was prices oozier. We quote: -Strictly
forn1ed, and the only remaining cart- new laid, 32c per dozen.
Cbeese-Tbe market is dull, with
prices unchanged. We quotea-leinest
September's, 10e, to 110; seconds, 10
to 10ee.
Dressed hogs are unchanged, with
ontrings small, Car lots sold at
$6.30 to $6.50, delivered here. Cured
. An Architect's Observations in meats are•in good dern.aad, and ono -
Baltimore. es firm. We quote:-Pacon, long
clear, See per lb. in case lots. Mess
A. Toronto despatch says: The re- pork, $16.50 to $1.7; .do, short cut,
salt Of an inspection of the ruins of
solution and carefully stirred until One of the most shocking cases of
the g ail' was thoroughly moistened. destitution and hardship ever reveal -
(S) Untreated. -Ono eample of oate ed in this city was brought to the
it is reported at Tonghow from
of each vatiety was loft untreated in attention of the City Relief Officer
Chinese sources tbat the Chinese and
order that the influence of the ear- on Wednesday. A woman and eight
tsd I I di • disbanded
soldiers, aro haraasing the Russians
aiao...arange on the Manchurian Rail- in Great Britain, does not hesitate'te the Raltinierre
1. the neighborhood of Hai -Chen and population which, like the prehBoers -
oarris, erelaiteet, of this city, to
fire by Mr. Beaumout ''''' '
Smoked meats -Trams, light to were, Eight lots of oats of each variety
therefore, ueed for this expert -
the treatments had
abundant supplies of modern rifles man's University initiated a patriotic wal/8 az medium, 12Oc; do heavy, 12e; roils, meat. After
convince hien that concrete andibsriek been completed a. few hours, the
esiad. It is stated that the -so bri- express open sympathy foa Russia's
winds Iwo well organized, and have enemies. The directors of the Wo-
e the beat proof against Sires. b eks 8 8 b
10 to lteee; shoulders, Si, to 100; oats were carefully sown on separate
bus treatments might be observed.
"Tho building materiel of tlee,future," a
he says, "will be monolithic concrete,
poured and mane of crushed bricks
, 1 to 1 ec; reakiant bacen, -
and emraunition. A band of Ave address to the Czar, hut many'of the iso. plena, wnen the oats were coming
hundred, armed with lia,nulieber students not only refused to sign into bead, they were examined' ere -
Lard -The dexnand is euiet, with
rifles, are reported to have at.ta,cked it, but addressed telegrams of mune
quently and all smutted leads were
a Russian outpost of fifty, men at pathy to Japan. The police collfia- 84,e; tubs, Sic; pails, 81c; compounie.
Briner. We .quote: -Tierces,
and Portland cement, or bricks laid Prices lenioeed and carefully counted from
day to day. The following table
in cement. Thick walls laid in lime
Palethectoe, near a Eurasian garrison., (sated the telegrams and closed th
mortar will not stand the lire. The 'lee to Sc gives the total pe centage of srauttod
The Ruseian loss is variously stated ,university, The students at the St.
Lined or wounded. The brigands lost . vote of 215 to 21 1 t d 1
to have been ' frora twenty to forty Petersburg Mining Institute, by
, a( op e a reso u -
.a best evidence of that is the result- •
150 acres of brick piles. The natural ' UNITED STATES MARKET.S• ..
lc ht leer* N 11 r h re*
' Mile:alike°, Wois.o1Maeocht 8e.-WheatTreatments.
heads of oats frone each treatment :
Perceetage of
Crop Smutted.
i--- tion condemning the "nroinotin oi stone had simply disintegrated and ''-` ' '
eigh tee -six killed and woonded, e
No. 2 Northern 95 to 99c- ,1. -Hot 'Neter
cludieg six Japanese. Ru.esian rein- -war contra t , g loet all res rib' et'• ' '
ry o the country s inter- ex ance to 1.8 origami - ' a '
. effete „ j . . , 90e.c. Rye -Dull; No, 1, 76e to 77c. 2.-131:1es-tone (5 minutes)
„. aryls classifies tne
foreements -arriving, Oleo, burned the ests.'' The students concluded b
ring for Japan. The Government g materials in e followina
4.0 'to. 60c. �n—Steady; Yee). 3 45 4.-TRuestone (sprinkled) , 1,4 a couple of benches served as a teble.
children have .been living for some
time in a cellar of one room at 170
Bay street. The father 'works on
cattle shiies and has not seapported
his fandly for years, though lie makes
oteasicinal visits to them. The young-
est child is six months old, and the
eldest is a boy nearly grown. The
woman is the mother of fourteen chile
dreo, and six of them have died of
consumption. Two of them have the
disease now, one in the primary
stages, but the other, a child of five,
cannot recover.
The room, when visited by the Ter -
lief Officer, was found to be almost
native/village. The Russian wounded buildin
• tb - Barley -Steady- No. 2 63c- sample, 3e -Bluestone (12 hours) .. .. .„. .3 destitute of furniture. A door across
The St. Petersbure naval organ to 46c; Jelly, 54c bed. 5.--Potsaturn Solehide (2 bourw) 'nee There was nothing in the form of a
fire: -(1) Concrete and bricks, (2)
order according as they stood the
has closed this institute also.
were scot to Harbin.
1 eR•
cast iron, (3) steel, (4) granite, (5) Buffalo, N.Y., Mareb 8. -Flour 6. -Formalin (20 min.u.tee) .... " 0 bed. A corner' curtained oft served
• says the chief strategical miesion of ..
let/lea-trending stories are afTeaning the.Russian fleet at Port Arthur is Sand stone, (6) lime mortar.
says some of the leading engine Tie (inlet and only steady. Wheat --No 7.-Formain (s'inkled) .0 as a place for tbe grown boy to
10 ' offerines. Corte-SteadY; No. 2 vel- Sy -Untreated ' 4.7 sleep. A small. heater abeint. the SizP,
e Englis'h newstmeors of the ee--1- to prevent the Japanese from land- ers of
D orrz.A.w.
The Terror of Big Tinadder
Shot by Sheriff.
A despatch from Moose Jaw more:
011ie fatal shooting of outlaw Jonee
iie very satisfactory to resideats
;Worn; the Big Muddy River. Be was
llooned upon as one of the worst
leharacters in that Vection. and had
been a regular terror to everyone. It,
is reported by Irldians. who have
.returned front this eectiOxi, that a
iSherilli called an Jones to 'arrest a
Mat Who was working for him for
Istatue offence. 'The Sheriff started Off
with his prisoner, and reveral mikes
out he was overtaken by the outlives --
Jones, who had elm -sued them. Jones
.got a drop on the Sheriff, ordering
h'im to hold up -bis hands. Re did
so, an•d Jones tben toolh the Sheriff a
horse, and, disarming him, sent him
home on foot. Jones returning to
his cabin with the man who bad
been terreated. The Sheriff retnamed
with a posse of 25 men, rind started
seerehing for Jones. It was some
time before be was located. Re was
taken, by surprise and ordered to stuo
render. }Ie irconediately reached for
his gun, but was fired on and shot
through the body and bead, instant-
ly dying. His cabin contained ale
kinds of goods svbich it is thought
had been stolen,
• ;Americe agreo with him that the Oats- Tee smut in oats very frequently of a stovepipe, was all the stove eheer
g es tom • ing on the shores of the Gulf of L1,a()- . 10W, 58e0 No. 2 corn, r52c. .. cauws
ilerings of refu ii f • Port Arthur • ••
Steadier; No. 2 Itthite, 00e; lee. 2 . a g*eat 1 at . ion m ae eie• . e is a ce away o t -ed et' • tl e l'd had IA littl tit e y nvas an
on the train journey to IblirePean Tung, thus protecting the riget flank ri .. e ils. .,.. it as been through ,.. thr.e4, .ish Bettey-weeiem o1 of grain. The treatments vvith hot open sewer that had been burst by
:tore e9 to 650. Ry _ No. 1 • water, formalito and innnereion in the frost. For this accommodation
and rear of the forces in 1,11anettaria 'the fire could be utilized and, turned " on
Ruesia. It is bitterly cold, end there
is searcity of food and, water, Sev- fro th 3 . into- cement concrete, which would ' '' ' ' blustone for twelve hours have given some one was charging the poor wo-
m e aPanese olnlY• • track 86c asIced.
eral children have been suffocated; un, be absolutely fireproof. Ile also says '
heep them vvarm. Owing to expoeure ' •
they were covetod in attempts to
der the rugs and elia,w1s, witb which S71CRFT .MAC AZIN' S
gineers are now negotiating with him
with regard to a conereto constreo-
r, that a company of New York en_ t.,,Ii,lene,atitIol.is efar,ep
e8„e, on traek, No. 1. bele), e ob,etined trem ahnoet any drug and a girl, have been woi-ehig, hut
c, ule 9. to 99'-c' 63,14)-- ea..., treatment with fornialin.
the best tesults at the College. The Inari $8 a month.
forma in is a clear liquin whi c•'
an Two of the children, tne eldest bo'.
and „exhaustion an epidemic of influ- Canad.a. Frepa.ring Facili.ties -For • si ▪ 0-1."• N 093 -
bon company to operate in Balti_ • 0- 01 ern, o.• the boy. who is a corkmaker, has
As cosily perform coinparatively b •
enea has broken out among the re-
fugeee. ATI f)ttetwo, despatch says: EnquIri-
Mobilization. more, and that they will be able to 2 Nrorthern') 9'7 to 97ic; No. . Noith bean Striko and ,hat anode,-
leard itImueveNele.ri u
cost walls for front 25 tb 59 or ern' 94 95e. 1710120-PirsL Patent's' ethecttaatib• l'aralcre oduroe of supply was out off. The
20°11 ° ell' oats be- leelief Officer has moved the family
es are being made by railitary eg_ cent. iese than waiis lald it, Nice. 1$5.25 to $5.85; second patents, $5.10 fore sewing in the e-preno.
into a liouso Delwer street, they
Id to $5.20; first cleere, 38.85 to $4.25; C A oaviag managed tda get together $5,
'FLE,LeT WILL BE LOST. perte as to the troops that eau
e2 6,0 Bran
secoad clears $2.50 to e Bran On* 1 C -
One of' the London Times' Rileeiten be mobilized and pieced in the nelil Six miners haee been killed by a , n . A, c. Col eee, ee , h.
eorxeepondents slates Ileae Gen. Dra- for the defence of Canada in case of snowsliee near Augusta Aline. nine -St.rong, and Eastern demand Vent' ""'"'"'""'.." ,.,,,,,,it°,,,,....-...-.*..,.....,- 00 h!- odd- tle 38 to 11. He noil Pro-
vide them with a cook stove and will
gomiroll, ex -Governer of Mete, a a grave contingency Ti3WaliCtiOnS al- miles f; orn Creston Butte, coo good; in bulk, 316 to 1316•25.
, rot fuel for them from the Rouse of
well keown writer on lnilitarY sub- So apply t o tile sun pliea of arm,fruni_ A do,erineeed attempt is being —
suppn- o.f vAisicey smer-e:lecl '
44 sureu ;mod to St. te. .tion. .1, 18 li -that a i,urples we I made to 'break up a syndi.ocite• of . • Colfax, ell., to be ;mad in n, political
• Induet.ry.
.10118 22520v- • I " t gs- ' 'I' ' 'Ye' ' ' ' '1 '
burg anti invii aci to share in the de- by accantalitte,A1 and supplies stored at baby merclerers, at -Philadelphia, Toronto, Mereli 8. -Business is still celel,ration, was discovered by the ,
3 iber ations on the conduct of the convenient stra,tegtiecti points 111 the ,:vhich has Its own Priee'ate crematory of tho most draggY chtiriteter• Wil,11 1-00110'a/1i-0 W0a101.1 of L*0•0 PlaYe, 'nay 11110 1011 f-'11'1' 1320 (•'"'s' 1'1 PraYer,
t - n .
wa). Ile ve:w :-everely attiichecl tile colltib.y. The loCcition of to( 90 Anaga- and private mill for grinding out no life iii the trade Whatever. While m2-. tAt011 5110 a reStai:rallt yeziterday Slott 01)00 the heart 'on llea-111cn.
overzir,„•bent'S policy in the ray East zises \Id]] be lone Seeret, and 1,110512 desth certificateS. It has be 12 re,- butchers conl,d, do with tnore cattle Whita 0 the ii,tOXACont NV:1S 51 ered 1111 Mere S%.).TTletilillp: crooked in the
. • ,
told insiSiod enritliatteall,,- that both , nyv oflice Ile eel 0 e 110 pqx*th1c for sCOres of infewt mur- teen oleo ar, getting' tee cattle C00'i15 the selnenle, ettl-Ptied 11 into co,,srienoe that ^.11S1S1S. 0111' on eccen-
- ." 1 11,., vattor. - .N,
the wri,s3 arzny to }Ili Vo 4
It is a certain U. Beeebraaoff,
is stated to have vast personae 'in-
terests Maneentria and Korea, who ,
"pullieg the ear" of the Czar of
Resale, if all accounts can be be-
lieved, anti he is particularly active
in, promoting -hie own interests at.
ithe present stage. In what manner
he managed to gain the Czar's ear '
Is one ofetbose mysteiles of Court
intrigue not likely'eo be revealed ia
our ela.y.e. Mat that he has wormed
himself into the Czar's confidence. is
a very open secret in diplomatic cir-
ties in every capital of Europe. Ad-
miral Alexeieff is equally concerned.
financially in closing Manchuria and
Korea. to foreign exploitation. In-
deed, it was to M. Peesolseazoff's lm
fluence that Admiral Alexeieff owed
his apnointment and the wide and
daily extended powers granted to
him as Russian Viceroy in the Far
As to making textiles fireproof,
Prof. Doreneue of -"IsTew York, whose
reputation ae a chemist is wider
than A merice, says ; 'A I ter' tha
heart rending loees of a: young son,
whose etiMmer ,drest; tookfun from
a candle flame 1 made h thorough'
.search among eboinical agents to c.10-,
terreioe whieff wouln meet effeetively
'render 'ciressee no Nooe
equaled ammonium phosonate. leach
'Limo , the underclothing end dresees '
of nay children Were Waslied (1)111
chetnicta was added to the , staeco.
solutiort, Which rendered theta dame
proot'. For forty years 1 have umott-
the ealpioyntent . of chemical egnlii
to 'save life, lmt the opatly of
nilblio Surpasses 'pc:11.0i,:'