HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-3-10, Page 4,--rnree fy Ve a • Call d So Assembiage " ou can realirt that etter work is Plie yOU Woe, 1 LiVe ea alai OO and witb Olari t awl never die. .May ;volt I , feel atod .I timing ti e aiet co/eine', lorty cleys ,i,e tnueb le pro:\ er, much in eart.e›t besee.ltnient,. May you else t lawnthat the way 1 ou ar • to be mnI' best Otted for Meat eitvtily INoric is by the Cepth of your repentauce as we' l als by tre l'eight of your 'en- 1 tartee ate well es bv the beigl t of i .1 your glotioos end triumpbant faith.; i' May God bless It is Leoten season 1 Ir.4•S1i AND POULTRY SAIIC to up call 1 I Lobster Seuee-loront o line hen teetered e t tho Pets fraitler of the eastern .3noeques: seer,take oet, all the speern, heeeeet * le t e Year 9"e '''`Oh. ntsiness Mete eenne to pray- 'ortilso it verx fete, witit a little 11.0e•-enti ey ten oat Dep.:roc:neerued:oil and Fee*. manure. en.towe•-• l'It's lam*. Conte to preyers, come to ---...... ersi Come 1,e, prayers! •Oh, ye Men- i peoetT. 1,..A.D-iey _GAs.. i tec;,-.;i4a;:1;-.1eld etlal ot,hearnalecatt,ht 0;,te-t, (A•let sz s o4 ecto ,0411. 0 IP o teaspoonful fr ntly to drikle away at eteugb. tn 3. Leon juice is good to run on the lrellds anal face at bedtime to k remove. tan And clear the complexion but dilute it with water, else it will TliE 110 E Recipes for the gitehe Pyniene au G Other !Note for the tiouseknoper. oS"tofilf3Ag.m.)-_-.,.40Poe•tri.e,4•404 5 `; 4, Lemon juice will qtziekly remove ttaina from the bends. 5. A glass of lemonade token every * mornIng win sometimes orevent bil- ieus attacks. Iterneei juice is more wholesome than vinegar wizen used in salads, and SaUceS, etc, ' bute , 7. A slam ot lemon bound on a the corn et eight Will ren-30Ve the s ^e - nail nes& prasers. come to prayers!" chemist's Cat is ttke TInfottnalata 1.Aare pieces; put the spawn and 8. Don't waste the lemon rind, A 44.4.414 f24)111' Li OI21*" SPIRITUAL llolnetveLEANIS.te. Discoverer. . lean% De Witt Talmage teeat. st+.^W pan With. spoonfal little Of it grated wheat fresh. and of enehevy liquor, one spootaful of ad 'ed to apple-pie or apple -settee i. Tee Lrqs,c-or,111.,/, irt the ,,er Loncion paper states in a. qasup t s s fixate the following text; , - .^ --a -• -- ,„„ „„. t iouroat • • a aoe n.ack, pieve of an 1) Q1 ella• rind of a • ant.6 .f N40 .4. ilst• 11:40 h114"4:12.14 lS _ time friar sohituan house- f""- """" cr sena $`„-":"1 '„' ,iasa. t no , a gi nosh heeon greteo and adttee 't I.". As the -sloolle- fest- On- was ;am:event et t nat rOang "revr e little better rollvd ha dour, tread -pudding will make a dtrierent t.•se-tenbliatte,''' fe„eeeee.diao Lem, eo,os . teeit. Ille stare:et-re tee thee ooleo toe cheadst, la the course of some ex-neri- ' • neelal dissipations /tow being bc--a$22,lelfs luau tol'ee en au count of nients in the treatment of nx,tws L.°00g11 to tIlial..11 it That in ..C1fS11 of stoco, wa fold the soroo, foci epty, v with a view to finding a wettoal of " • ' ‘ ' ' ' a - ib. reelt-.4 leis -ter boil it gentl- ' r s In oil Ow large eities. It. - ' , • • . "t. - - re, fez* sax or seyea nainutee- remove tit* 3." to the etwiel ' ' • ' '. lu$t betete tbe Ones alien the Nene- itupertlue to votim.on saitstencee an " " "" e.ltiell is gradeally sueking • dowe anieny streggling a letiuts res 0 l'erer onee beinag draw:. into ;tee ths of the Galilee:3 hake- it saYs I,ba.t. to ex* tron.ea or the -social ol*ss;* lei i /a a °•"3"en ila%. Forwthin:x higher to ii" eeeential fee than a rightly round. of ree.ot- -,. , ,-.. eare, bat et ti o - ,e CI, A 'elle ft, A STIEEPSKI.N Rua. „ 4orst. radash, witere and lemon, and I 1 s Ore turittall the Losses uPSI*,e "1"r8t3b1,41)1" WL/E'4Ct.• frPaeZe the luic.4. of the henon into A coeolt.• • • in teetir senefamwel attair.Os diel-oyertel at new ooason of so Keeter, 7 oust awl tee mot e. It P. character tltet a eiogle 113/,e L. HIP 'Ger $er" ilut- Pun cut' wi.ift(' u$' us' luu buw a e wihith 10,2sbanet .1:;,e4 J. it wood caxse dem14 ;413,1 el1e .ley nag nutter kiaoce---- West* sh-e. sein reg. veldt} or, detteeto is the- laorastolotts i tittle. trote. yoor porslek through severe/ waters, Were at out to refer the matter v prndent 'Ai de htl't,, bsi .S0 Zee end pick cara.telly leaf by leaf' Pat oer reeders -11 • ceentifie al is - - • n we came upon tit layeleet he:Pith of einaca•reed aneouncewent seen s t'..as `,44t "•!.." 1,".1mg w eo it'" in an eeebauee. caud Hwy, kei tieu, w ter: ? 1 CZe Par$1.4..T $11qr. 1 in A- lte trli1.11 of the old ssy- ow/ rale ;7. Ts,at a titre., waqs*"......-if enough, .Ls 1nbso4nrt,IF re es.- "to halat txot,a rota parties enal a neeer ending eeee to eeep pnyst out Of at,' At ay rate E s'acIN'Ssitaat artertrat.ton tease" $eys Cowrie aot in spite of all precautions beiere' to the z.,c,,aerkiT neen of the -eseziell 'Et n roe; iog eve e 333311er power of lo of all oar pr e rent :oats t: e efe, Thnooeetote stiotolionee, are trelno: to work ita reireee re It:101,c13 • i the ,store Ire dee aual to dame* olonere will creep into tee neetee Therefore cool to tenor,* boilino point- in-- ere'. Teeb the reg, wool side Fe raillatil tt,tO6-'f..16'd. 16:Y a o'ortel. onee of at chereeter sitenest of,F3FsiE33 deadly serret is coveted bv ru izul ea" of perste-as wlitt ore eppa tif •woott etott s, have Itntl act •erton. "iirr.”2 pecitien ep leo. ho write o ctilt3tre.1 id lit:C mt con• 011104a." drain no.c.co brnase to a pulp, ;leg All thines come to him who of of tl,.• a Fr Ea at etted batter. into Firs° shis$;.. awl 14e13,e t;)0 reg. free Le ei Iij h 1 r-'1,•S;n11104 rour has been from lest. coal mewl may hreken tery , ereeet, then add I pt., rite( ed eleers, rh(141,51',, Mild. dye- ev.ine ni- notli 1 or afelork 'Pe- h ;teen it------------el.le to eerorelv barriPt. /142.‘ in orakotoboot. Tilts Vs ;3 thir recarnieg, "Yartmg Imo, yon hell obey t' -o call 10 the Leeten soirlioe nowiterel. ' feet)) better stop anti corsider to what -feet. or weetting pow- priaposie ,,-,9„.,-ou ore* devotiug the Raest ;'Sileituel horseeleattleg does e nalave-roti the roes eer in n pelt of werna water end of yoor Iire," It w;;•rns the 'n'ean the somedirtat obetlevaWo t it 11 A 1111Aln tOgetir 'With 4. str sr.r- '1 Ing teeleh •ro 01,er Sink': ievolee of the epirlsoal dattger ilIlvslial finIii- it taors *Point 'Xg• la'at up 'with the +ler thorrne"'te Afire. tilts. pour f his eotieso, 43 a noted capitalist illetii a• le" li,o reconsetTatioe and tt e ealt, cool Plo'sit'S on three 01, ;' .. ‘,.%);`'7,7 1,1 wfarlr, 41. P-Iiii l'iloPPell NV tet,., nr.'ne- tlie Orme% till +hi', 1% 410i ii le. tilel anal ep i aro, t h 'Mir Eliot life ralaita et, 44,; tl'egor.Prot 1t-na liVos not the van a 3er t him of the iinancial daegee, allott of tl 4Stlitle -tic iir " tecl better. on tl le thttrollghle rineer, ,,, ow, ago tr. oot Josus, Christ through $t^lf ahneg.3- '1) ane •-on cansep, you Iron. it or nen el ito teill not secceiel in 4001. u'e:ass t' et e" .til ;nye • (leen I'WE'r.V-1-'0”1.) on P,e1 'one nil thoreuelilv. ere thoee 'who night ai"er " t ti e 4.34 NS Mitt ti1;14t34' &rill, it )11,00{6 01,1c1'. 1feett the to an a moll tam hoods of nice rat is, Ite,to • • 4tni-V 14.111S Wild at th)' tato ITelt-e-s in 1 be 1u1o' <out, Killal• wil:te, wpm,: vi4t, 14,44 aim stew in • . its tontex serfave shed - ave eroe-ers az be,O. -ore Celery Settee for Chicken-- • tetulad La the belleocons tper of the beet I • . s 'nee tire': thee is vie tine bee. air/Wilzig 0 little plavirg In'arce s 'Tr 1'0 tittirte room and, 2 V"' a . for reoemple. beer- ,,t , eh 1 It _ along wojer, fitt,,# 4nd rs 1210 t:ie 1:145,Ifust:r1rTe th,1;:z,g11,1, eicte;etr.estIt'',1;;.. jec:1(..s. e: ?fa ; 1: - t- ot/ et of tlie -"beettal of life," 1f ‘Icildl'a in • 1?; to Tillst to 4 *1 F'''.44•4 c*'''*unt owl N-0wer ,1 e* entteetoiat tiP e UN' rY it ( s ei IstS UP4111 0''14 tht. velttio,‘ 2t- :94'2- slie in Wilti1 They are someta. nes of society. 'This 1. Like some, small trisects eita 9*1 Il -It' emeteater sere Minfato eefottonay or social goricies t rEg, rot tin. leallrome o carol the chaithouse o tone:hoe mere t ;40^ reti•C,T.ta la,aeiress? Celt0. Faring loan go to a prof,,reetelve tipri V 73,V19 ill2Y ear 944 unto 11 0'4074 otAt telt down to ta raiitiationt : teeneree told tient he in the tight 1,41,90%11 tool teero teion to se 91 in the stere the next raornire.? Ilea:testae tiot the r, .1401 „sin -ilea ;deo a, snore geteit • rritoe• fivitIrdaei011 143(3n tAltU431 irrfa 1$ 4.Ittar t'broet? Is tot t ftn influertre 111?' 4 'lord Or , the ieo° sllys' 20 142"sci'Fill 1.'" the feleree '1 leen a few Iltdritgi.051 toriti:Itwo eeler tweet. Ploasnii to ev ' to tow, It , N'titveti 1s3 the. p,ro,. of bis rtiejosty- Wo.ri1S ,•.. °tole - rote tactee spn; t4619 upetoinett,- of-cense f.yir .*f ivo'.;...44,11..3,.,,1 Iloaw Meg by ,.-e-arri to tle• divekv okatro 4142-442-5 *H•411114:4 disrovpy.w. w2.0o. covors.L., "Vv. 3701;:itAi. rind .ton it was absolutely Ono raetarts 7' ...Tito ito-..5141:::tv cot ')&1lail it il'Ilfalo• b° s 'la, 1'1 e • , •colaree, leng term Lnowit to eitemiote. aniftual ' oft is A% frarnt areenitars &res. hitt IIfl 04 11 23o otket• .11,vest it•el a- r le.s. m. 4*24 '''''Efe4'ellt I Po3(.w. (i7,443‘,..314^(1 how 10 3m31-0 2 4611'1: it. l rvoo enthrolt= Ity 4ralts gee dont. ana 2*114110* eas4, bait, lost 14iy; throes end stream Acrid 1 treastaoon ' men 'Salo. for Roost Goose - C ho' ver- 1.1110 fre. onion, and 4 Ica'' " "eali4 cr. F put tht..411 9540 4' 0 Ste:moan neon 00441121ti of IX • t it" et' VaTally for lta narnut4 m pt t in 1 ae 'otto pepper w t. o d 1 5Z, Li421. lareail meta IN weU tool teen; then roan- tm Pt. "vary., oe ;Lolled nutter, at' 41 n r tew e, . me rm. 22lld n crotea teccle total 3 du 44 of latish. 45 1i24199 taelon„ 02-4 1144 Up ell 1,, I. tall fOr o re T T lige of an l‘c; ry the I ccv tcn tointtlos; with a plena pater. lf ton hot the laner ; • or blavieen: when 1,0 °ark browne-rat •15- me -It o h a- - ft fer wean Iportre. et; r ' V' i r 33. tie. color of rdee l ot ** ' r is reedy for teals. 1".1:e 4 la " teer" er tairlIN dark :t Ntlinq a it ,Late ltroarl. So desirable as the death of the man she po hated because he bad rebuked Jr .sinful Wel That other Inothers have counseled their obildren to do vickedly (IL Citron. xviii.. 8; Gen. xxvil„ 12, 13), and the same devil still lives and works. Ifow wretched a specimen of self indulgent huntanity was this man who had placed himself loader the control of this sinful women for lust's sake, who feared her and feared peoole Ana same fear of the hereafter. but bed no true fear of Cod! We have come to a tilne when, in Glairch and state, in public and private life, the devil eontrolled Ber- t:kis awl lferodiaseS we' without tions. ber, laut: the wort phase of the work of the adversary to -day is his con- atl of the leaders in spiritual things who do not 'hesitate to teach that. however ungodly people may be, there will he salvation for them after they leave this avorld, there is no ever- lastiog punishmeat, and even the de" vjt binOolf is to be saved. The Lord keep us faititiel to l'Tiotsolf and t is truth, even thoteeh it shout •an prison oe so,,ering or oat 13 for l'is sake, and may 'the hats of Ws true people be stirred to gike the gospel itawe quiekly to those who hose not hear it e.et, that ris citurch moy be completed and this Pngodly age may end. • ow aw.ol, the last scene in to- day's leesonl John bas been menthe his lowly prison. seemingly "- ,ated men by our Lord. for we hav no reeord that- Jesus ever went to sce hiM, even though the prophets tiad mkt; ed that Messieh would give_ liberty to ettptivee end open the pri- 5011 to OM that are bound (Ise. W.. 1), Rut now is heard the tretop of feet. ..8ome oue is coming' to see Mlle Is it his Lord and Mester? llie cell door swings *Pon. re le to„ o for tenth, but heaven, In a moaneet it la over, for the dem- eel awaits her gift, and angels end tbe spirits of the redeemed wait to Welconte the faithful wessenger to oiss eternal and Ofeseribobale. Ilis disciplee buried his body and vent teld Jesus. _ Whit ols•7, nidd they tlo? "As for Cod, 1 is ' ',ay j1;tcleet." Its perfectiug all ,t coreerneth us, and 120 sevS. still wad lotow that ona Cod" $. Nein exxxviii., snilrered no mistake to be nade in the history of Joeeph vid or John or of I'is )'lo 11, ard Rom. 28. 32; V02', etutial. • VOM 'MA Ell. .3:1 fr,lititsA **the 142- tiee eoelat u. Ittoopate, tio ,t tisl< orelv 2-2-42-24''n t; ;et? Do e, , o t supper •1.•, • thy t itrette r, nor thy riell n oleo led thee want toot a reet ese be maale tine, Bet wleen tine: 134,0 tqt a feast 11 al"' Poor. the latitteeel, the hone. ire , teed time sitelt be Messed, ; ti foe thee cannot nu:4)25920ns, thee, hut s :Len ellatit. be recempensed at the 't thtva; wtiflaf, 'AIN+ n .1.04 ; ;Fon t the 0,41 eall t tura t.artheg not thy el -nil, titer lily tiollatoro at c • • t ni ere 13y 4' iore ev , e ee it is, the only 5,151.4- `..' ' ' otat'ot . s' one oi .7 tit. and a Tlatss o . life an tiaa4 ("ZscoNerza-, s1.1 1Itt ,1,,,sat,i,:ti,„114'te'ef":„ ,7. 1,.:1'4,4,:" ,uoatire eat, who nos vopy mad 1 fe e th !gasify; '444." attitag ot 11..y hooch what 1 "Nos pt t33333. 333 •(#.2 Iv'.11,.., 8„„e„.,„ lett_ v Dire rialto ,l-'..4511004. fl,k' (401 41, 110111tV3 ' 1124, rOVis of 2 h.31Q-Imiled ealls ,„ ° tromt.lre!,:wiltifol (3r itt31:0 eh zo.. ;4 lee ',I wild go sato . $he took 0 tt'llattle ltreath 1 Mach of peppli.e. sante 1 95 kat -4 • I a.,at 1 n 1 Lot "co- q 4 ....alti divit infitttutly.01 - I, ptvt: P '41 2 tamespeont salad 0/ „ we t 10 *IN 4: 19 569`054 (Mr , ...-- N (1 . P(1,1ITIV .1 It -11116'S61116'11.4 N16), ' ' 1.1.;Lt tilt, 1.:461:, Spir- ,r r, *P'iv 1;99 .130111. anti ;old a lit 116:11,4 1, 6,!, preoer meetings i Ka n at,: in our :v1,3.1! lon$1,ip ' A. CTIVIT il•.._......... , tie tz3.43t*.ii Itors..raillsil. r‘d ;4,4-zi'a,y. ..c' eith; nnal tWisti li De Put in '..eroper . for ]11 NI'S Frall TITO: lItll,'SEWIFE. zu'eavor ma. ite le- etet 94,-..,,,, oe in von .1 Atty. rr ft t 1:r lel•Iiiell'oLill to hiS goat chattel) , t large TEM' NAV lititiltir Wbilgt has bemire rank ea wit l2c 19' all- l'e refit ()red t sat eetness by toitlin tiv,it(T; (11,i12,;:":41,11v1",:;4,,,,,,4,4,,ia,t,,,tit3;‘,„:ttl.s, 4; „1.1-' t'. bonrdAt1412 0:1,f114m1,1‘," tto tIrt.4:::..t,:t1T."1„,1;i41°119 V0 of attennots to scenlarfre ti hota,,e butter. The soda will do ns 31113y11 f t;od 9111 a ;lace for mein, e Meal- 4:155' ';'' t OII " " for either lord 01. dripping. ,nal and literary and merival ani ,r°11et ." "l '4' 4, 4'. 141"Y' "9' at 94:599 zt aont of milk. into a octal litancial qi1:4 meta. for- (' 1 .(2 nt' nancorz.La. beilor it to tire boil. resurn-el iota of the jest." Is not '11 sovitee"s coil often "the roll of the wi/d- beratts, it is a call to sAlish- it 1 Uct:ri, the eall of ouly doing gootl to ,tt. t,110143 wlot goOtt to you? is it not eeften the eall merely of wealth in to associate with wealth and sociol ontie wit 11 sorial Caste? Oh, wor- a ilipers at the social shrines, 13:Ater 12 hoed to -day the Lemen call! Better I 1,) conoff out the many lights of the Te T of Zeta; 12, Golden U.,- 10. 9. ;eve o Agal we pa .0 re rumy. 4,2-4444215* o 1 et 0.ve ti.e 1,s., 3.s. 1,e.: 1: e 14 of ti.e stu t 2rt,, sayh two) 1'.1....40 'WU 613.49 set.er- ed them to enter 11s' 3.9. e. 'roue, 44 ti V ea nest .eilta et of t o (20.2-2 eue Iio t:epaa te.1 out. of thei, count,. t s grunt t„ctr to31.elle% 1, g re- !aopftett NT, .101154121e..i‘,..%111, twtototit;ttiii,t) uhitie 1.vit11 Iiim. lie t healed 19 woman Nci a It;).t1 *men twel e I ,)ca 1.51 told raised to 19 e the etier s eateghter, wl o eus just, te el • e yea' s f ag,e (1.uhe 42 .11). Ile once »tole re. i iteid Naval all sand tat gig: in the synegoit'ue but t' ey NV(1 011V11( NI at .1 irn, an. 110 left then1, g at, bei 3,ubeliet (Il.ark 1, 1-91). After tlds 1.a! :en I forth the twehe alai at the time of our lesson \vas re I.ars at Cal ernorrn, or oil 1 -is second cir- cuit, • eaci g and prettel.ing in the (ivies of Galilee. Our lerson opens wall 51.e fame o .Tests and t' e t,erf lexity of Lerod Compare vteee 1. and Leto is, 7) Teotteb Ileroal was in ti ce es men the VOC to be envied and Jesus was the despised and rejected one 11e need not be oft renunded tha, things end oeo pie 1 ighly toteemed iamorig men may be abontinotion in tbe inght of God, and tnere is a -woe unto you, WI' en n11 wen shall sta ea11 \Nell cf you" (Luke vi, 96), Another 1.elpful and ne.essa.ry word 1 "Fret not thasolf be aose of evil doers, because of liim Who prosper- eth in his way, Wl'o beingeth wicked Cevi(es to pass" KPs. xxvii, 1, 7). e a.re many e -t thi rigs and evil peoele that po .Fibly We *VC not called upon to meddle with, but the fa t IA at John lead ITerod for a hearer left him no alternative but to to 131ind to Iferod's t•ios for yea' e's lake or speak< faithfully agaiest tiem for Christ's sake. The former, ci$ a servant of Gioci, roul<1 not do, but the latter he did ancl was bnprisoned for it. John did not not seek honor from num. 'f -le was great in the sight of the Lord and lived to prai e Him; hence 1.e ;lid right in the sight of the Lord at Etrry cost. Tile will never help 'to male known the fame of . des' s if we compromise with the wo ld or any way wink at sin. 11 must be et or and always whole hearted -for 1. -line teholly His, His own nurreliesed taeople to show forth praises (I. Met. ii, 9). Our lives by pu,ity and 'meekness arid holiness 01AI the joy of sins forgiven must Pro - dab», "Ile'old the iamb of God I" The Spirit tilling us, Ivo will be a rebute to thoFe who colt -form 'to the 01*41 w0T1t11,1-11.1 iilg Liyethteuithoirltilctiet:seplavic,ttsy. 0 world,1\3'141angt. a stha:IntIliliee 1.‘‘‘",01 ;tit 00:e "11: very It'clshazza.r'S feast, the devil's own, and "Te knew wha-t, 11e was itp to, for be was running thia wthiug teon IcieeonlePnlaisblii eulds tillatuirppoosoer. ful otirl to dance Vett d mous 014. 1.1.e 24.301 t:,„att. 19 N -or ahautionel ? Ito not ,,Ourt of „I 119 111.1',1r1" 13' 4"," 144..1. 4" d 01 1-' f- lir in two tablespoonfuls of molus. s, toaseiously and en-on.„59411-151y. c g o't' lane. •‘11 noval seines at• . , 11 000 too error to eemi, , to lionte end abrond lett e heel) care- 8'8' LI it iiiiii 12,P U.:2;altit t11•11 drew roreh merely on nerount 01 .t;fe 0.,... f• Ily overioatied xv d the SMItittP and to "IP Silitt (If tne lire' und 'et . It ttnieul gl'ts cf 1he preacher ? Bid ,(3,1.,sr'ile.:.1', will' ll1,-alellol, ,"041t back .to E8,1elen.d, •11 9(..1,,v,vininmerytts, ctStfrA,ine vinio1 ot thoraretzi 's epon thoustoe's et '''ln'l i'd tll l'e I'l." 'II "I'' l'elnli i s11.1;'13(eral it.seilleel...1(t'ili dtes..trmor Intlel 0'111 cg(e't(s no-si is r e•s 1-91. 43.t tl o feel of n_ enobtrt el too ref -laved by e•lores to roller, a. Calwittitig, a ROIL] 4141 MIT L t" 5 i'at''' 11' ' into the i•,5 e, the hest pion is to nif a 40)11 WeN10 • "t hi' '4'2'4' t94('Y ' 1 l'. hi, r, col" !wire; erp i'.1- lad with a''i '1 1 arts)." ly ' iN1V 34,94 9Q14 bat- 'shot it. told keep it shrit for over a ere wa.reinpf Ing find, bait rot, er new nihrote Nature will then come to e• mire ti ee' wc"-' wnrs. irk; ll bril- ' te to e h.eil . t, el (1,,,I wi e tu,..‘ni -the rePef, and there will be enough ant min ..? DO ne t thousanoe upon ' at na- 0 4170(1)0(3; e4;o:laorsoal ato4.0tsli(!* ta.41,,,t,talti..--ferii ..41-)a.?.;:riti,le'et 10121:,,,oillstitilist•ell togetebte rficciymonft ilsilie it» saw s of reorde go to (se great ''-‘' 1 atheetenle of Euroire in miler to •• l'eai 11 s *it II sit) 5 re leeenroloo,00, one of the corner's when the eye ie Sar 51 e nuasi-, jost as Mateo,. some Nvr ty ail to o coma let ed too/ eeery i fin Illy cieened. • ietl lovers would fit at tile feet , 1-4011' •s" ifl lam ("el:' Iles er toil carry, A go -d Why of Washing Creprin.--- e, oient, a pataelewalo or a -own_ fo'r of 19 021*, T ee ate tire beet rut a baneful of bran into a good - mai'? guns CA et. poi-tatast d by tbe miry told sl'Ied bon'', .."0"o" 08 it about t\„vo ITEIrlt) '!TIE srumoNs. t31..e -01 10 1 e far collier her to any' Pints of boitiug water, otir. and let 1 g os a one foreign power. T, ev It remain for a few minutes. ,Strain tl 1,,,Ilreorts end t'ae banquet halls! , Enew ye net that during' the -soling fast" the lowly Nazarene is knoelthlg at the door of your hearts trying to get in? Tim 1.1NTEN" CALL. Tbe 1•,:plocopalian Lent, in the next place, is a protest against business absorption. It says to the merchant, il,:e manufacturer and the profession- al mon: "You have a right to work. Indeed, you roust work and work 12-1 hard if you are to support your e, obou tt- family and meet the, finaftelei Deeas.. th or sities which are yours. But oh tilt, yes, nay friends, the 011310513 ' wi'l fl'a 0, l'and°a1 shat from Trng- on" tile water, put in the creiton, turn embers s, ouici heed the 1.euteat lood to France, 13et Imre on arcitrate it a' oet several tirees, being cot'eful nunotle. 'They should heed the trim. of. 1 (1,.1.300 yards nedwill 1 las be not to rub it. Put a little inove irittuti call, whieh soars above the alle etvertrottio to deel with an en- water to the, bran, 1)0nr it off anc 1 scordaot arnes of tne busy warts ,, eatoor geet pi. e or ten iiilles distant. rinse v -ell. 13e very ca.refol not to en as the clear note of the thrush, ....______,,_______ 1 -wr'ng, but squeeze it. Shake anc , ay he heard atove the bedlam (If EATErts txp, 1.,,,lazasil. ;bone ot.t to dry in the open u Ir. e wooes sounding tbe reveille of 1 To Wash the hair beat up the ',troll< e niorninfe, Thy suoult1 1,ear tbe Connunottion of oaltri as rooll , is of .3.11 egg' in a little warm tooter, nten call wl 1511 says to the clergy- i said to he common not only in and rub it with a apontre, tlioroug,hiy an, "Olt, ordttinod untie:shepherd ,Cl1;II 1, New ' Gaieflortia anii New into ti•e roots of the hair. Then well tie Chri,tian puli..it, clown on i 011. Ca, brli 111 Che Arain;." ArlfhiPela- w sh tho hood in about a (react of ur knees and pray a" Lent calls : go ilSi Well. '1N'o teSitill'011:‘' Of many worm water; aiow odd the 'juice of a the eltlets atid deacons ariti Sari- I -travel let s in ,tl. e; 9) 10119. is that t'oe lettioa to some fresh hot water, and y sohool officers, "Dolvti on your i yellow In/PS Are Ps/1'1'11311V '3 91(tietee , ', . e t ie lea until tlie hair is lomes and pray- 1 It calls to 1„11e 140 the [tract e. In Java, 0»:i Sort:- 1110,011g1:1 -y cleansed, lay meml)ers, wliethca.- beOintonied ; otra 1140 claY usoff waft -goes rt. PTV" brrshed r%ut the bair w1i1111.3jb'eafloldurtidcht0oll and. in silks or in horrible homespun, ; /intinocy preparation for eonsurnp- ha,,.e p.ainnd in softness and silkiness "Dow» on your koecs in prayer 1" :, tion, tieing »tio.el yvith titer, retitle- i 01 teot,m.o. , Oh, that we might all heed the spir- i od to a pin-te, a...11 'the sand anti ; itual I.enten call and toa.ye (lbrist'E. f• other Intrd toll) tanees remove -1. The well 8o2 1'51 af.1 if thoy. were to be 1 Ilust.-The articles ;roust be Bost church a. veritable nhoitse of pray,- 1 tisy is theit formed into s:nall cat'es washed in thc, ordom.,y way. An iron cr." . or tablets about as thick as a. lend 'Illus, nay friends, tho spring fast : pen 11 and baked in an iron sauce- - is heated, and on this is laid 'a -wet; calls to the Illfla 1,21 the social 'world , osoi. IA lion 4110 t a Met n a „,,,, clot h. Wilen t he heat makes tne ,e le' -r„,8' fi'°"'‘Cloth steam tile rost stain is laid on and to the men in the business woold tl is oroce" s it resembies -t. raere of It, arri L.1 ii,itie 0,0115 add is rubbed 1 to tbe men )11 the home ancl to &tied pork. The Japanese P:. equerrfly men in the church to come to cat sinall figuros, rouely modelle:1 on 'with the fhlet'er' r-i'lle httat and 't'lle yors, .r.t. 11,s at this tilne Le_ from tiny, woo, h veserribee the a,,,:i.„ moistere hasten ,the effect of the acid se on tho coming of Ash Weillics- mals turned out. in pastry shoPs• on tb° rust ,and when this has dis- WO shall celebrete the beginning ' '' • ', armoured the soaping and washing ane of the most trim oil -it t d ------'-f-- may bo co, 1 intiotl thlYsacrileezsitstentcie10. es Ictfh:31.1(•oilij'irita8ttit'sc TIM E Y°11 • 17°.1113EAPANCE: ' r ,.•fre;1-IT°ffeiPritive•taltille"ini;'dfn:171('e•Ca'asft'.--YOD•sr;91'12-5,0arrlet- _ fl tisni was just over. Christ. wee Doeighter-ltleee. 1 , want you to ino cun of coffee, propared wit): a lit - et to begin, his • 'divine ndeelen stop bossing paW uritil -titer' T get tie • Milif two ' luolp9 of rt. d knotv , not how' far the. human married:. ' , ; : , ul'e lto assumed inay have Oscine- ' ittother--Why ' I 'should : ,like ton - , , . 0 , . r ' - for the time the divine ettribute's icleoerl, - ' ' ' i ' ' slaloi.sosreir c.t,En..,:,' 3-'0(''flielni37.t.b.51 't:Iliat in a D'untlia'11.elltleili.t-TiTilitItretaktse cittltilt6hk: ' aZ,' stroigit64t, prayer, ,he re.atize,(1 1:10;:57'e del:141111; s'ast tiloY,.begill't° aSk.it I" ta.le aftcy ' 3 in his •foxoner 'ears tlit, e ,f, s :S - 4.. ti i y 'of bi Lttftit'l*. and of 13,.ism,.:.:tas'ett!"10:: , , . , , . ,Fie saw what big NVOI'li'' ' ' '' Ile 54W how 1-i0 111,128 (.0 1'5' the, '111,014.11 11AVE BEEN' SALO I T R den' of man's sine nnde die 'for ' ' , __ ' 13 .1. E 111.c.i ..,Eg1C11,..:Pt_ieT1.r..ti befOre: ' Ito - l.9(;41 :Of. Ule.„'liouSe-:-,:ly'c,,,,I;tt:,'. 'yoti' , ' ,, t.....,. ,I...,, 1,J.J. 11(14,11.6r,c; ,thraba, ,Sinkt'soMetillSg, 'Miss :Muriel. , ,. ' , • ... • ,.. ' ' 'i-; it, atk cnis,''sPftfig fast 'of :the ;Lenten, . 'AtiSS.'lq.:••'71kOlt,'I'' clarttli't; a,ftet,ginh,,., NV-2Y('',r ,:r,-,w1V4:0?N'S A 1,„14. , 0-(70:1-) ',1FOn• , eon.' log* tel ;',O0O teal so e, tortee of go e'cl , annsi.e as:WS, hao.o •boen 1 islapni, ,,I.,„ •Cri.vtoltet leniOnade :at. bedtime', to otttel netval'<eiting • , Alay it 'be ot tO " ' f. ' • ' l''' •••' • • - ' ' • '. ' .. : ' ' . . ' e ' wf?en, :you will -not. 1 - • I' . , 3. a lar ' 2 13ol.ce, a loMan,' 'teke'' Out the '' in- t (lcd, . g ellcres earthly 'liSten to Vol.n. singing' than, o, tb oany, side tolid 3,td* with., sugar, o.,» Make a, . ,. , , , . It or ,y oil to 'To,,',- but 'o: tin3(i when ,ontount ,of good, znesie!" thick ,sYrrup,, Xecenit wahn 'and take , . • ', Genuine' Carter Toitt.10:LiyerP1110. Must Dertr Signature Of $80 Par4boila Wrapper Dow. m:114111 044 oacatl. '01.2.141, Orgf.r. 1 REAUCIIF... ARTER FOE 017ZUIESB. .Trts roatiucosnEss. 1VE RR TORPID LIVEN pi ;144 FR CaNSYIPATIBIC Fon WOW SKIN. commuov 6 614,6,46,Myownett. Cain -APACHE. Dr. Wood's A N: ATE AN:1) A 11 I 1 I Chan" thilte 2*1422-1 •liojtiStling )11 rrY o tleir way with iv oneee..eoger 0,7J es be ikr„elled 1130.31...i0a whero slit% 1' • ? hat has .she (1(2214 a lee, Vas Pa hod the w• (flee. - 2-4 y Pine yrup res Coughs, Colds, Cronchltill. Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma. Pain or Tightness In the Chest, Eta - Stops that tickling in „the throat, a sant to take and Seeth1,7g and heat* to the lungs. Mr. E. BIshop Brand, well•hnown Galt gardener, writes:, I had & very severe attack of soro throat and tightness in the chest. Some tiT1149 When T151111441 eetigh aud net I -would almost choke to death, My -wife got me a beille of DR, WOOD'$ NORWAY PINE SYRUP, and to my sur- prae I found speedy relief. I would not he without it if it vest $1.00 it hot.. 04. and I can recommend it to evcr,Y011, bothered with a tough or cold. PrIce Cent* Eatillg Became Dread that, fur and that, she has That 9, le, li• tlistamt lands 1131.Ve said o 110 4t1 01110, °9 -he egad ?" nity sho id the lilts of etrangere lei To er a Atonement, of ineeb e ? Att, it n e;s It) 0011(91;er falne-- lto nueCe Ntarle. sI (3 52-110 lies SO 124*1*5137 still. 1 11 he 1 of JOY, tr, eeed of 3], 1.as t Ite ;Ione ought ? by, surely :we T: e recoAls oi her living show 13"o 4', 14* won, 21c) gl.:1';,4' gained, , No 9'o 9. trowned, no beiglat attain- eln , Ofe sl charm ed 3,o cause. - 11,hy should the pus ill g 'mop)* pause? •Cne lik tie ho' sehold's narrow score sI eld al her hra t and all 1•er hope. BOW MANY PEOPLE ARE AIIIOST AFRAID TO SIT DOWN TO TrIEtR VIEALS 1) YOU NAY BE ONE OF THEM. IF YOU ARE, 'THERE IS A OUR FOR YOU. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS CURES INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUSNESS, SOUR, WEAK AND ALL STOMACH TROUBLES. Mr. 3. G. Clunis, Barney's River, N.S., tells of what this wonderful rem- dy has done for 'him 1 -It is with grail- ude that 1 ean testify to the wonderful curative powers of B.B.13. I was so badly troubled with indigestion that whetever I ate caused 333e so much torture that eating heetime a dread to me I tried amerous physicians, but their 3nedicine5 eerned to make me 'worse. I thought 'ould try B.B.13. so got a b ttl , and fter taking a few doses felt a,lot better. y the time Iliad taken the last of two *tfles was as nell as ever, and have bad no return of the trouble since. I reeemmend your medicine to the highest degree. 13.B.B.15 for pale at all dealers. ,roo for flone'ti lljg13 e ('OII co- fgbe F11113 CATJSEID I3Y SNOW. 11 I A snowstorm started a lire on the s . premises of a farmer living at Ifebut- cane, telgium. ITe placed a. quantity si of quicklime near a. shed on his farm 11 mad left it then: an night. In the t man, you have no right to make. tho Le acquisition Of money the, chief object in Of,370U1 life tiny more than you have Of a right to live to oat, 'Ily the sweat oo of thy face shalt thou oat ',read.' io But that sweat should not make da thee InditTerent to Cod tn. to the higher. purposes of life, for tthich thou wort created." But the great daiiger of looney malting is that the acquisition of mealth. may become a passion. The calls of "the money market becoine so i.freat and urgent that an ak%:rage business man does not feel that he has time to stop and think. about his relations to God. Aniid the whirl ox business activities lur feels an,: a groat deal as did Oliver Wendell the lIolmes during his trip through Ilng- Pra land. Ile said he went so fast he call had time "to talk-. with lots of peat- doer pie, but he had time to have • te of conversation with none," Ily that yet the poet. Holmes meant, that he had 900*' time to drop hero tvord fold there lila"? a word, ttiti, he went throngh liktrop so quickly he told no time to ex- 'Ce, chanooe heart to heert thoughts with thinkere as he l'd 1,f 1 ,c`' when be iv hil; house sick for !t:he„ nearlY a week. BLit, though tho bu ess •tk 01 I would devilled 41.11 4)9 a t*thiltu energiS, the Lenten ,l13`1,S041. , --, 1101) conies into a busy inerenente vr,?n ante , rice gee's, "Oil, Ulan, you eboitici, rev 1 , • cl be. 10 500 Miser tO take those lee thi,n1<, our )f Your, l'esPollsibilities" to a dr' f•=1, o So ma 42 Eplecopaliat 'Lent' sencle its best 5012- Si.reiglit foto the very heiwt of 1412- trob5„, Inold l01n1t3r h r 1 SPA 22- illeb.nele$t Part tl 1.1 n;) " 41141 Lanten,season ve hel:rdtlYle (1011hrli'lliz-a T.Ticixi iatt- prettollOr'S Ver.id1111214 '48 410 11 ' hc Mohanimea4n Aust.% froio tbe Wor frool: l'esult youe angilrieS. the 13,113b1os ascend ate and go to tho side, of the con there will ho 1131100 rain that day: if they 'gather slowly Ili the con- 1,re told gravitate in a clOster to tile 01.3137 showers 019) 12-0 be expeet- eal;; while "..f they' vemain plecidly to the oentre of the cop, \Tall inav safe- ly pet on ye.e..- hest hat, and leave your ereibrella at, lionie. ;ITow be .eratibled ,bpr, to, ,captiyitte , • 312- th2- L'-(11c2-rno425 to 10.3.1444 11 „ ied:, to,' the ''.d.(4-yk Pct eSeSse think' :Of •to ; , 1 ' .• • • ' • course of the aught snow fell on to the lime, and the heat thus develop- ed became so great that it set the seed on lire, completely destroying it and its contents. No, Cordolin, a long-headed man isn t recessetily narrON\mineed. Our idea of an unpopular man is oze with a fad for collecting bills. When the dying machine is perfect- ed we can visit our castles in the Some infants might cry le -s if their mothers wouldn't attempt to vocalize. It's a pity men can't postpone their trials as easily as -a lawyer can stave them oil' in court. Troubieu with Kidney Trouble for Six Months, Many Men and Women Are Troubleu With Kidney Trouble, Some For Lebs Time, Some For Longer -No Need. To Be Troubled For Any Length Of Time, If They Only Knew Of The Cures Being Made By DOAN'S KIDNEY 011.11.S. Backache Is The rirst Sign Of Kidney Trouble -Then Come Complications Of A More Serious Nature. :OAS. iD1EV„ TAKEN' AT,..:TRE.;,FIRS'±';'.,'SIGNOFr . .BACKACKE ,WILL ',HAVE tOu yEARs OF :116iptRY.. GenkS,;. Terbrooki,11tines3X.Steetelle the puit't••• lie' .abotit'''the great :qualitieS," Of „•Beall'ir 4filtiey:P1118 in. ,the••,..folinwing',wOrda OH•I' waS",trOubled.; with ,lcititieY,": •tronbie \for. Sie:' moetits;";;04. •ItectV.,"'Snelt terrible.' pitins 'acres* niy liidneYs• all the:Ai:Me •coulcit-liardly,",-get• urban& ',• ,After • taki14 One "hoX.,:of:•Dox1,33'Sliidney.•FillS 11b4gait• Priee ooe,pet, box o 1,bdker.. fOr. :at ileidta''ef:T1le••'•Paesn'',.11:44-iii,$•1111.•,,,pci;: Vororitoif„..pit , Deranged Nerves AHD Weak Spells. r. R. FL Sampsotes,Sydriey, Advice) to all Sufferers from Nerve Trouble is "GET A BOX OF MILBURN'S HEART AND Pi V PILL .$ -Ie says "I have been ailing for about a year from deranged nerves, and very often weak spells ivoulti'conie otrerine eed ' be so -bad that somethries thought ,1 would be unable to si,rvive them. I'have been treated by doctors a5*ld hv tale42 ournerous,preparations but alone of thorn helped ine in the least. I finally got a box of Milburn's Ileart,aiol,Nerve Pills. Befere teking thein I did not feel able to do any: work, 13ut now 1 putt It/ark as well as ever, thanla-s,to one box of your, pille. They haye Made a neweinan, of and My advice to any Rer.kth troubled a4 I :was, is to get a box of Inilbern's Ileart ericlNerve., ping," ' ••-• ide• So et dealers or TIVE 11111.0131:mat. ,g10014, 1. I