HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-3-10, Page 3X E ¶LId; R 111 1 M WS, MARC 11 10th 1904
Ienj'oyable time.
--Messrs, AVin. Davidson and, Geo,. 1.
Peck, nciao have been spending the Wu -
hr. xetttrue.d to their homes in
.1)*,..trcbta.,stuouiLiAllopnalVtiaYa.otort. vi5it to fri,
lends in 13arrie it week. Ha WAS
eumpanied home. by Ves sistex•,, Miss
:jessie, who will remain for a few
General illerrihants, General Merobants,
THE --
invitation is extended to you to visit our
&kiss goods and silk departments. Wsbow e
for this season the finest and most exclusive
collection of dress fabrics, suitings and silks ever
shown by us, The many choice weaves in street
costume material and the dainty shades o the light
wei.htDavies are all in our stock,
TwieVoi!,s, 3$ inches wide, b1ak and cream a
Knce VL, 43 inches wide, black only, with
lovely silk finishedstrp t1, • • • • -7
Plain Voile, 42 inches wide, cream only. extra
fine twine weave at • • • • • • • • • t. • • • • • .75C
Black Grenadines, 38 inches wide, bcautiful stripes
with fine net open work, pretty as silk at soc
ilk and WOO Grenadines, 42 inches wide
elegant stripe with angular pattern
ak Raw Silk Grenadines, 42 inches wide,
yards to a dress, particularly beautiful pat-
lk and Wool Ottoman's, 40 inches wide, black,
eream, iavy, will make elegant spring
dresses, because of silk finish ... • .. .9sc
Silk n l Crepeline, navy, cream, popula.
lver grey, rcseda green, at . • .. . 7sc
Ca v ss Cloth, 40 inches wide, cream, sky blue,
black, navy, the very latest weave at... soc
Cr p de Chene, cream and sky blue, the very
nicest goods for spring wear, at .......•
P4 Woo ranarnaS, cream, green, navy, black, brown,
he very latest pebble finish, at...........*
ASK TO SEE OUR Scotch Tweed Snitings,
including- Knopp, Knicker, Boucle, and curl weaves in
light and dark shades, including the popular silver grey,
fawn, champagne, blue, black, brown, at 7sc, $1,00 and
$1.25 a yard a yard.
}.*••••••10101.***00:01.4*.***1.*7 ft.•
al Special Bargains
t 21C Print for
28 Pieces to Select From
These goods are 31 inches wide, of water twist
weave, are heavy and consist of dark and light shades
and are the best prints we have ever shown at lac yard.
We are agents for Ashton's Celebrated English
Prints, warranted fast colors, all at 12$‘c yd.
Don't Forget Us
4 in Wall Papers
W e are exclusive agents for Colin McArthur & Co.'s
Wall Papers, Montreal We can this season exhibit 120
patterns, exclusively our own, commencing at 3c a single
roll and up to 25c.
Our special patterns are "Art Nouvean," "Flora -
1.4 dora," "Empress Josephine,' "Bagdad," "Alexandria,"
"Duc de Sevrlle.
These classic reproductions are a concentration of
41) the latest designs produce y bet wall paper artists
in the world and are shown in flats, silks, gilts &c.
Inspect our Triple Plate Silverware given to you for
cash as an encouragement to buy from us. We run the
premium business on a 10 % basis for cash.
j ono Door North ol Fost /011166 igi
• b
Terms --Cash or Produce.
44' OPFT.24TONli 8c eaAn TINER. l'OP all° TapillarecetaGmAildo.DINER.
r GozetraA More t •
To begin a Ruthless or Shorthand
Courk,e, Wo eau not get anougb
aduatee t tus. tiie. cAli$ uPon
01,40. 4eto. can piece 291. Mere
yoi.11.)g =tea
at a erage salary
of $40 per month to etart. New
course ttom Feb. 1, ot. Write
for catalog ".1)",''
A. b. 13fttAY14, Principal.
-Messrs. Carling Bros, being crowd-
ed for roan* for Their steek in the gro-
r hoot 44 shoe department aro
Jarnes noXII la all smiles now
--it-s boy.
---14iss Zeta Aodrews, eisitha
friends Cromarty.
.Toseph Resettles spout
couple of daps Iv.st week with friends
Mr, and Mr,s, John Aftoem at,
ded 'the Somerville -Turnbull nu.p-
R Wvirtesday last.
making improverpents by the ewoVa Ua
of the stair case having set it farther -A ve.rty pleassont surprise par,ty
back whieh gives them more floor was tendered ni,s& Qlive Hawkins, at
4Pace to the front. her home here on Vriday evening lost.
Rev. D. 3Elannork who took tile -Quite A number of our young'peo
work of the Rev. B. D. Ramilton,tsf , p13 1)eril.: a ploa,sant evening last. week
AVellington-St church, London, en lat. the social. hop glvon la,y- Mr. nnd
Sunday was compelled trt 1;f:ta1 the I am, Nele,on, Baiter, oC Centralia,
. .
ik "1 c;uuday ;services on this aP-
jouroey both ww lrn
es-perivneed .5 -owe rough driving, on
Liao return t tho road$ having be.
come Pinchi broken up after the rains
of Sunday. Mr. lIvanilton also made
tbe journey after the same manner. 0
• Mooresville
-A John Mountain wito•Itas tr,ten,
under Dr, Orme% rarell3 also on the
at's0 Plea404 to IlAar addresses in the afternoon by
E. A. Robb.% who has lately 14e011 ,sheopard of li,logaton, Mr. Elliott, of
Victoria hospital for treat/110ot is Guelph, liar. Innes and ethers, were to
mach bettrr. jba point nod well meolved. At the
John S. Ai Itiasoneone or ear eveAing mooting' addresses were deli v.
most respooted and enterprising form ored 5..T.epyrs. Shoppardadliott a.nd
bis farm and intonds fin victson and Miller. Tho solo
pointrnent Dave been ver,y poorly at -
during this wintor owing to the very
bald and irriug, etat a of tho rout,
meet E the Earmers' ins '
whieh w' itold tile towashil.
fl eoutly was luirly won atteoed
*raeutt. I.lespe.etally tile evening meetIngs. d'be
.,, PAUL R
ter received in
e jamio Viljoen, •
the tirmY, anneal:toes
CT PrK-Atfent Paul Krage of
4oer lionehlic, ,i,s slowly dying as an
exile at illentone, Erance, - and thatt
Dr, Reitz, State Secretary undets
Kruger. is an exile isn Ilella.nd, to con.;
ant oufferer from nervous prootra-
ton General Viljeon says Krugor's
midis failing, and that he lives in
seclusion, rarely coaversiog with any
one. Ills conipa t rico applied unr-Ate.
cl'osCuitY "tO the British Aovernmeint.
for p?rinicTSitua f OT his return to South
1 Africa to spend the last flays of bis
life in, his native. country, The loss
of the Doer cause oeorns to have
siva t t;red, his ambon,
The Ja•pane.‘e are pastroas bos
art of dwarfing t,ree.t. Dr. hra is
A.I,irk tells us they nip off the t
roots, and, pinch its litnb$2 And st
U with bale soil. and, let it go fhirsfY
d dry, but atithe eamo time the
ea th of lite in it until it becomestite,
1e4t travesty of a t roe • a ntauikin
getable witb the wrioldell,face of an
d OAP, 04 the Ings of a litil-,- 0.4'.
y are. evidently applyaug, lbeir
teas a trze, culture to Itassi-A.
ve arc that this oirea.ted tr..ar
Mod IMe awn. whom every -
d was tux omro at all, hat
made a sh44 and
s dm no 'ilea only prtcking to
ow inertness.
Do not plaq with polsoa!
It is an e tablished fact that cOnstipat
people are far more likely to contract
infectious disease,smailpox, typhus fever,
scarlet fever, etc., than those who enjoy
=aural regularity.
Is it wise to run upecuess
A box of
by Mies Annie roster was warmly
tpplaudett aa wore a.1..so the songs by
Utz. Sheppard, lent the exceuant
je b)r the330‘540.14 orchestra was a krid-
ing felmturd of the, evening,
The contract, far tile newschool has
vo been awarded, to Dir.& Vatterson
their trip to 'I'oro Go, 131.453'11'.
etire front farm life for the present.
Abbott, of Centralia, Wa
o purchaser.
Zusapia roster he. disposed
rd am
'Murray 5rt,Q,,,t,,,014. it41..'k house unklot here for a. goad fig.
gore, and Ilamilton.
etropolitext 13 the guest of Itis 13rot IgagmlAse'vs bOiDETt,Ua.tty Bros.
adfather, Ur, Jam. INIurroy,got,_;z* PAER.0Q3 gig Went in a
-adiss Bltio Cornish, Kirleae
fn, 'is 114'Ar v?""..
visiting WM* Mrs. Will 111gbet. 1
13rowlt epcnt• Son.
day with lter friend Miss Edith Artit-
-4Mnmter Resold Vut morivasly
witb. typhoid lever,
Stephen School Report
The following is the report io
Veibnuary for S. 5. No. 2, Stephen.
T,Itests marked with anoisierislt wore
not •prosent for all'examinations*-V,
max. 290, Gleetis Bill 20B; Sr. 11V.,
max. 340, Roy Ilia 274. '''.Eva
142, *Laura. Si= 130 ;.3r. IV, Max.
310. St'ewart 311.tc1iall 192; Sr.
- Slue
Mi`)50 lier,bogrt
1a 33D
tchell:24B; Clayton Suns 228, *Ever-
ett Sims 220; Jr. 'ILL, Max, 330. ,Bor ;Treasurer be out
yowl Inliiriled ,11205c\glialarly3ti ; 0.3.11;,kiral."54.3141toci.101; (ti t,t1311.:)..t.guT,I.....1 cOrugOtt TO MOO. """
IZ14.111 St°3113 20. *EU Sims 207, *Jas. i Vrriod- Mull.- That 3. T. i'Vestv't t
Carroll 120..-n. Robertson, Teacher. ilic aPPoioled Truant, Officer. --Carried
--- TB vlor--,Arto,-tr rong..-TIto t E. J.
I^ •
Mr. NVillialn Ferguson left on Tors- ' purrilaso a whe...1 seraper,-,Cariu. ,
day for Cleveland. Tasylor-s Ar met roog.-That, tile
The 'party given bythe young ladies Clerk be. insrrueled to comtannicair
in the town ball on Fridayevening with the Clerk of• Stratford, and St.
Ives Well attended andiall report an Marys in reirronro bal the proposed
exlensien of tit C.P. Railway„-Car-
rl&k17'ootl-Muir-Ibot ommen, na-
•ouvrt 11) Friday, Atarch 18th, ai 7.30
P. 111'.-C3c1111.0. H. 1 I 1 SS Fr CT, Clerk.
' 1..ipTm
ter Aiunicleal cou
ell mot pursuant to
t TOAVI1 11a, xarelk 4 . 11
wsrpresent. Minutes aou pre.
ting read and confirmed.
Arrostrong-Woocl.-1113t the fol -
wing aetiounio be passed and or-
rs drawn on treasurer for same ;---
11. Snell, electric light to March
1st .08.47 less 43.69 kPtinetion.$81.78;
lt. S. Richardson, labor 02c; S. Bradt,
'net% Jae, Gillenlet de., .1.00; T.
Welsh, do., 0.12; It. Qualm, $.2.81;
33A. Creech, t10., $1,20; Joe. Yellow, de
52.08; A. Deel'illqi do., 81.M; William
Skinner, wood, .810,00, --Carried.
'Muir-Matylor.-Tital. the Iteove an
• , bo rro-,v
-will positively c c nstipation—beginning
at the cause a the cure com-
plete you ea stop taking
Just gently I 4X3.-tili-O
weakeumg cathartic.
Irois-ox Tablets,
pocket case, eS cents at dragits
*a receipt a price. The Iro -cct;
Rod, Walkerville, Oat,
dive almuumat
r sent, postpaid,
medy Um -
gotta 2 ft Bliss Rose 1$1. Wilson, her Drum
CASTO ri 1 AR INerA41:34yrvIS'Ar u,Ttlye'il:!Ir itle*T:etre:: \Irbc-Le
no Ms wil seta It b me; f
Zir Infants and Children.
he Kind You Have Always Bought i mriart:ugs,i1,'Ar;trxr.4Z2rotrio
matron or the liouse of Refuge,
recently resigned, still.r.ontinues
f.jee, but Um kagageanuatlis.ealY
'thO 14101103 and. a new matron is
.........................-........... og tho pr.Pbablittim at?. a iio -(1`
ths 3r4 mith.t-road edaltVeindsor police have gonfise-12-,
and 18, Con. 14, anti in tiuo. Lava number a looses a bread
his refusal to par the aMOUIA 't CIN.'412t, AtO4St of ilea brcad
Solicitor shall take legal action to was manufactured inCetlier cit.
lite following Path-31esters. Volta, les an4 shipped to 'Windsor. The
tort rroiri stores and baltorics
over the maid antoultt.-Carried.
no 1,11 i cd 'ati fOltOWS, lekS. to the. Immo ot the, Vrintri.
Keept•rs owl rence.,-triewm were ap- ; w
Telltlant. TIM% Oliver, Sid .i 1);tvis, Thursday night. on thu Birkett form
It. Xl. Selden, Gee, Rill, Robert MR- moor UoheavIr Chttrcho Brantford. Reg
chell, Newton Raker* J•twes Walker, '131ratebt well ertgazed in.cattbag ma -
3 ohn Willis, James Shapton, W. D. i terial, and for lialsipurpose was ashy"
satolos, W lo, W bite, 3 antes Cayce. I a, 414t ling box. In Inane rearm=
AillIbt ey‘itotlizistiloort:it,nikteTurriyeiSntv,rValiiviluosvilgetlie,isulueoftitaluvalls%nutatuagfife.4 in tile ma
Bears the
iguature of
Spo.citruan lit• re-appounl <4 it .
1 of 1 be Libre ry Board. --Carried.
l'' • .1 or- :Mu') r.--Thtvl. this. council
Loss of Flosh
When you can't eat break.
Ifast, take Scott's Emulsion. --A conpict .f. ,,,,,.. ,our u• 11101 Mali
sell by pub
valuable pr
Frtaay, March
1',31,1V9111101.eZt..-leValttt Joho nervous accident ocentregt ' on
e undersigned
auction tits foi,,ioi,v
s on
Unto t ha niRolvcs, last AVenk, bet -
hen you can t eat bread iker half", \VII n•Wt them much joy.
and -butter, e cott s (sick list.
S F. 0 a is?r is at present on the
Emulsion. When you have
DU living on a milk diet and
son who stole Boniest Keys whip ou Simon Dieterich, Joseph F.dwards, V1ONEY TO WAN
ssv r Es.1 rt, Mosso*. t ci
Davie. lienr,y Lampert, lc,:ta*, 11111,3r..
j chn Fulmer, J Out it, hu
G. 'Weill, Robert. tiodgests, Ja tor,. 1,a w
vsan, Geo. Finkheirrr, tn. 11. ;it's) r
oelt„ Jos, r tette, Jusialt
* D'urey G. Glanvint., Wm.
K stir .1 oh u 'gadder., m LAbotatotY. 1•4 ctor.
111tOWNINtir, D„ O.
P.P... Graduate Victorin
Dtawbionay, Dtatt.40 ,pma v.oriice, e and reeitleuente. Demloicu
O'Rourke. \Vilna*); Wilzol,
Mayer, !Ivory 1., Kri; ft, Augus Me -
Cormick, Coo, Rays, William Smith,
Fred Preeler, .1 C.12 W i ller t, si 011T1
Boulahan, Thos. Keogh, Douglas
1 a•te lames Boxier,
xtieluirtl Ilodgens, John Payne, bt
:Bastard, Aaron Ireland, Itebrrt Adarr 'red, Floter.
. Lg.iliArgygt.
ouvo at O'clock .sharp.
og ten 7,03.1'S old ;1 Broott
Mo years old (eligible fort
foal to OrchardoW1/*
' fug three years old
v; 1 filly rising 3
d; 1 614 aisiniX
'do of Ohtani* ;
rising 'tbseeyears
,datu rornleaf ; 1
:48 old mired by,
Gelding rising
rg4T3 old stro Carbincer;
ifl• rising CsaZ year sired by. Or.
WilliaW; Gel ig rg one
old sired by Orchard Willow.
IttrilltED DiatliAtt.l. CATTLE.,
ie 'Mint rtirmd by Duke of Wel-
t;Marge Alint 2ntl, mired
b aw -reaez Gift ; Mkrey Itib-
hon, •sitedi by• Blue with,
lir at foot ; Bolottrt 2w1, mired lwIttt-
1 'Chief, with Calt at -foot; Lady
Ilie sired by• Salisbury, will* calif,
ol ; 1 Reiter riming time years
01 v glyttaltro.lotioal, dineitiftvorsail chaeiteo, re 53aaltil
5 two -year -Old Helfer with ralt at
eol, sired by Roan Cloud; I t wo-year
out 'Bun bred by 31claren. 8c, Sons.
'1"11t1"17:11rP*11USENT STOCK 111."1.1,
Wandere,rs lieir bred by Coot.
E. Robson, sired, by 'Wanderers last,
vhich sold tor 32005,i0am. Tionan. the+
mous show cow in the herd of Capt.
rd br,
s.D. s.,,Renor eroduate
ol Toronto Ctuversit,. Dentist.
(nth eatine•i.41 without pain or
bad after eireets. OflIco Fan.
eon's block- West side. of Main
Thomas Clutries si.torie, Jams-
,Cronyn, George Webb, Sr., Louis i t 1 v 0. lo. r•
) tf.- ALTIERSON. (u. u. S. 1.0.S.
Distjardine, Geo. MusAon Henry Haut- , k
Men, Edward Gilt Jr., i'l 0110 ti I :1 t t 011, ' DENTIST. •
Tos, MeIteever, 'Michael O'Brien. t Chicago school ef'Proathetio DeaUstry4(wit3
g N i o e enta ro ession
O'Huorke, rat rick Ityan , Theollie- , *mob Mit; 0ftlaa. Bridge work, crawne, al.
side, 0. II. WilSon, Fred: Gwen, Silas 1 lutninum.gold and vulcanite plateemil done in
simmer 'pas -wade. A perfect),
1 lbliatIrnileeas'sualaftthetle td re. uainiees extrae•
Star:lido, 3 r., Win. Sanders, Thos. At-
kinson, Henry I'( raft, Saltine' Baker, :1;:xuot.tor ont.
Peter Salt rood*: r, John Rhode, Conrad ; Mee one door south or carliug Bresstore
T.FI'Lacitr NI;ic wz r.s.-Sidaray Da r i3, 1.'1,0 V vatitAxm.
tlill .1r., Ezra Heist, Peter goKenzio =
Joseph liodgens, Henry Letter, Alex. ftlepor airaduate rf the Toronto University
Reverie, 1,V, G. ReillY*1 Pal rid; i'leterVvitiFteg,s4ItAllritt?Vulli
Thomas rtyan, John Barry. D
by gr. Sant Hawkins. .3c:hit Love. George Dewo:and Austin 1VI,CYNEY TO LOAN
- -d rettiOWNI from our
mocisi into ;i recently /acated Slawliirtney, CIP0.
want something a little more on 'March 4th.
ed the division court held *1 1l.*.
Pc anti -1:".re pers.-W. i Want Mo Private funds to loon on Farm prePertv at Four
Thom. Sim p,I on, IN il ;faun Fritz B. anti one half per cent.
hae already spent consderable Lime ner. Fred 3?reeter, b'iles,Sanlake, C. : havennlimited -----vae funds for invest
-Several ro around lore a I i end- 11 aSt.
tn nourishing take icottic, —Wouldn't it. be bebt:e.r it the par- Cunningham, jos. Hickey, Geo. iVebb.
Emulsion. su.neiy !lave it, returned as 1,T. Amy, Chris. Finkbeiner, Jos: 13ren- 1 ,
Wi 1 L tt ..11/t upon fa rn iTt vroperty at lowea
th th Carthor and The. following orders w.cre. oassed ;-
• u mace cm DiCKSON tk. CARLING
To get fat you must eat bunting it up. ',be z n $. r ' itg
-At the 11)vision Court held Ore- II. Wilson. r ttes nt interest.
fat. Scott's Emulsion is a
t. great fattener, a great
strength giver.
Those who have lost flesh
want to increase all body
tissues, not only fat. Scott's
Emulsion increa.ses them all,
bone, flesh, blood and
For invalids, for con.
valescents, for consumptives,
for weak children, for all
who need flesh, Scott's
Emulsion is a rich and com. ,
fortable food, and a natural piseinleconmviennecid. in the,Town Rail, ()re-
° 'I of the•townshLp of
diton, on Marc ,
Piel:ering case Wara given a hearing,
jtsitge Dolt presiding. Mr. M. Car-
ther (plaintiff) sued 'Air. B. Pickering
(d'efencia:n1.) for 3200. 5100 being' for
rent oE land which defendant had leas
ed from plaintiff and 5150, for breech-
es of covernint.,vnitaine4. in thel rose
by the defendant. The tielendnat
terpa,ying 550 (being balance of rent)
Ler the plaintiff taking illegal posses-
sion before the lease expired. The
Tags. aitter carefully • cOnsidering
Ernest Appleton, Barry Trick, Em -
the evidence given. allowed plaintiff
000 tent and 510 for breaches of cov-
enant contained in lease .made by de-
fendant but deducted 540 for plaintiff
taking illegal •possessien before Lim
lease expired . ,The cost being divid-
ed between the two.
Stephen Council
tonic. .
Scott's Emulsion for bone,
flesh, blood and nerve.
ve and Clekik antil 'Scat
a free samn1 "11E' Beie
., e• 0 f i IlD coy pora,tion put
7tI of garch
diton, on Monday, .
1901, at 1 p. re. All members •were
present and the nainutes of the pre-
vious meeting were read and adopted.
Aridorison-Yearley-That by-laws
We will ..send you re,u'l 3the talaird.4.ti°Mte0b0ol'PossItead‘q:/gtdijgen
Be sure that this picture aed. _, to
itnhethwerafoprpnelrooft sevleeirbyelbiostroune , ,Aluterlsq.,n71,Veltb--....hat the A.d vo-
vor,:a I c ,Ps•inting,, Go,, or Exe t'or, be
of Emulsion you buy. , awarded (lie printing, for 1001 at. their
',former tencter,-Carriecl.
TOI'0 t 0 t '
• CHEMIS'TS, i ioitor be instructed to request ,lohrt
Rat?- /to pay to the. Teposurer dr 'I lie
n (// rt arlo. township of StePben on or brtfor.e the
Sec, and $1 It all druggists first of A pril next, the sum of fifty
dollars for illa,gally removino• I int -be .
. 1
Town. Hall, 510.00; Chas. 1Cienze1, gr- riONEY TO LOAN.
Sun Insurance o i .
,o050,07te.44P;rlizilixt: We lave
a large
p.mount of private fluids to
ainagiligCa0.; pitrlatian5g4.2c0o;oeundtv properties atiov,rates
press on 'assessment rolls, 4.0Q; D. Gob- 10;104:teeti!,4ftrot arld Vinftge
ol, charity. 55.00; 3. Iliaird, charity, " '
Barriaers Solicitors, Main St. Rsete
55.00; J. G. Young 84 -,Son, spikes, et e, :
53.10; Wm. Pickering, work on) C. R.
$1.00; John Lpve, removing intr',
e0 00 • ItiCilard O'Rourke,1 umber . 00 1 iv,'
S. 13. $4100- Henry Guenther, none -sr-
. 007111DiSd011ers, Solicitors for the Moleone
rarrisuers, Solicitors, Notaries. converencere,
ing snow, N. 13., S6.00 ;
Council adjourned t 0 meet ,a gain in Batik, Etc,
iii01, at I V" in- orricE:-D.r.s.r.4 STIMsT EXETER.
..............„................ s.u. ca......__.13.Lnm B. a......:_............___212ms t7
11FNI3X lett. HER Clerk
E. Robson, Ilderton.
Stock Steers rising three years
3 'Cows in t'Tar. 4 Calves.
37 Store llogs, :Brood S.trtv
igs ; 1. 'Growl Sow dna to forrow Apr -
The above is a, choice lot a.nd will bo
sola Nvit bout reserVe as the proprie*
tor is givirtg o. rented farm.
Eight months, credit will be given
by 'furnishing ePprovett joint notes
A discount of 4 Ter rent. per annum
will ba allowed for *cash. -
JOS. 1VI-LITE, WM. -)fiRocx,
II ones tOloan at lowest rates of interest,
,the TOwn nail, on Monday, May' 20(1,
Dr.Bouchard, the eminent French physic:1=1,1ms furnished facts vrld eh show that if
food is retained in the stomach mars than five hours it be
putrefcomes fermentative Imo
active, -not digestive,- and that this is the starting -point or disease.
ability of the stout
This food mass 'be-
comes putrid.
Generates gas.
The stomach dilates.
There is a seeming
lump -weight, burning, or
)llood, fibre, tissue, and
cells- begin to absorb
poison from the stomach
and alimentary canal, in-
stead of nutrnnent and
right here is the produc-
ing cause of Constipa-
tion, Diabetes, Btight'a
Disease, ITterine and
Ovarian troubles, Rheu-
matism, Gout, Nervous
and Mental Distress,
Bronchitis, Heart Affec-
tion, Pulmonary Con-
sumption, .3' aun di c e,
Liver and Skirt Diseases.
sell to properly handle
food is mainly caused by
overeating, drinking too
much liquid, gases gen-
erated from slow diges-
tion, preventing the mix-
ing of food 'with gastric
juice to properly prepare
it for use in the body.
Dr. J. S. Leonhardt
worked for years in per-
fecting so that
It would guarantee regu-
lar stomach action, and
its astonishing cures are
proof of its mission be-
ing fulfilled; of its being
the greatest Sy stern
Treatment in the -World.
50 cents of druggists, or
mailed to any addressby
Wir,soe-Fmn Co., Niag-
ara Falls, Ont. Sample
NA; 1 1. bi to rs say
90 per cent. of Fat Cattle exhibited
at Provincial Winter Fair, 1903,Aver*
fed. with Worthington's Canadian Sto,:"..--
ck Tonic.
Dear Sirs -
We have been feeding your Stook
Food to cattle for some time. and find
it to be an excellent tonic. We have
also fed it to horse,s and gigs, and aro
quite sure it is the best stockrood. we
have ever tried, Our prize winning
saltie at Om Provincial Winter iFair,
1.003, were fed Worthington's Stock:
tonie. LESLIE 84 PEAR -EN.
Breeder Shorthorn Cattle
Act:on Ont. '
Dear Sirs -
1 find your Stock Food is a very ex-
cellent Tonic for cattle ,giving them
a good alppetite and keeping their di-
gestive organs in a he•alth-ytworking,
condition. The ateer,"Scothe" exhibit-
ed at Winter Fair, weighed at birth /30.
lbs., at 85 mogth:e 200 lbs., raalsin
gain of 55 lbs. per Month. It. pays to
Worthinglton`e 4tock Pood'•i
Breeder Shortb,orn Ca.btle.
Peepalmu, Ont.
Dear Sirs -
We have used your Stock Food for
both cattle and hogs and find it gives
good satisfaction. Seve,ral of OUT' Cat,
tie have shown a gain ctif overt 100 lbs.
per month feeding it.
eedejr AoSt'S'WhoV'tShOrrrisln-*OaStOtl.Ne Sand. Yorlc,
Otiro lIcttgs Fergus, 'Ont,
Note tic Frico'...,
10 lb, box, 200 feeds., o ; s
Iviaraufac tu red by ,
- Goelph, Ont.
F.etr sate by Cafllng Bras: Exercer
CooriVibom& neyllSan, ; 3„ G. TOtInZ