HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-3-10, Page 2cif 404
I ae
Stands any Test
The most Were judgment a the expert tea taster pronounces
Blue Ribbon Tea absolutely the -best Why?
It is free from tannin and other bitter substances—no coarse
fibrous leaves employed in its making.
The taste is pareoich and creamy—that nameless quality that
, signiRes to the expert and lovers a true tea that it is the best
leaves and shoots of the tea plant properly cured.
Iue fin
C ,on
Er, ?sawed
imlosa Grrears
weld be Ails for
Red Xeiebel.
oisons Bank
opted be- Act of PaeliarovutliS5l
Head OMeeon,treal,
4kanches Ontario, Quebe
olumble.end Alannota.
OjeIi;very Lawful Pay from 10 a.
to 3 p, except
AtotauTsi 10 a, m. to 1 p. m.
farmers Sale Notes cashed or
lected. For mesopplied 411 applicatlo
Drafts en WI points in the Domimo
Groat Britain and United State
bought and sold at lowest rates
air .hange.
its of S1,00and upwards receiv
ntereet compounded, half yearly,
ded to principal June Stith and
iber 31st. DePosits Receipts also
d and higheq current rate
Wrest allowed.
Advances make to r.s
dealers and business men ot
rates and en most favorable terms.
Agents at Exeter for Dominion
The Ru Jp confliot has
nenced nst t1 that
the o now the centre of
MI the .news of Iuterest to
Times Renders 1,Ia ppc•ning
in these Counties.
The liceme commisstonere for Seu(h
Huron are 1). G.:Wilsoza Scarf:nth;
Lleuglas, Blake ; John Waddell,
Mr. R. or $/unmerle111, hia
vented his fine placcon the 'Base
Line to
W. j.:Merfeien, who gets pess-
eeelon at an early date.
Ur. litervey MeBrien, of Clhatoa
meet with; au accidpnt on Titureday
last whereby two of bi5 Ungers on tilt,
14ght hand Were injured. The nail
ne of them being.tora off.
Irgn niter from indigestion, bill.
VSn5..S.9, .Constipation oe torpid liver
vitheut disturbing the stomach or
urging the bowels, take a few dos
oJ'Carter's Little Liver Pills, they will
ease you.
owes Diek, of llay has purchesed
.13., TIMES, MAR
Appetite poor?•,..1 Bowels
constipated? Tongue coated?
Head ache? It's your liver!
Ayer's Pills are liver pills, all
vegetable. .atTeb.xx:.,
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or x.14.114100 WC
Mr. ;lames Barry has soldhis farm
on the 4th coueassion of Ilibbert to
l'Almond Aral theease, his neighbor, for
-$2,700. The farm contains 40 ares
and is (ate of the best tattle towasitip
It zuljoine Mr. Matthew's pie:sant farm
;nal giree 'Ilia a splendid farni of 250
Mr. joint Roaelte. of Dablin, has eold
one 'or his farms, composed or one
hundred acres„ being let 5, coo. 2,
Mejefilop township, to alr. Donald
Smith. of Red DeeretAlteerta, former-
"Eldelz proszty near' the sellout- IS 'or EU 1lawn$1111). 'rite la t tor
row QculA.,i Alt%1esr.-gentielaart izas stmt.', sold the, fartn to
rtiendes Ilensall in Aug, tNir Job. Roney, of litbbert.
'The JIi Wi Wa5 intim neigh- Mrs. lialantela Uolfillaraetef Iht.rrie-
bo od of' n.000. ton, has is3u4d, agaiask the
I1kPorla Packing LothtlanY
• .
0 claiming 5l,500 deulagea ror thoillqat14
f Jeer lot...baud, :fames :tit -Malan, Ite.
W8 s fatuity injured
eauldron or alot \vat rr.'
',rittolv rtatols, 1Va3 •001 ProirriY
petio tele&
the McGregor far
ping dot 20, COner,`,55100 Stan
price paid wain the neigh-
ott 2Q0 Gregor
;LA mesaitevene, X ctilltpu, while
our reCZ
t pueu ivith
ial arra
..lely 0 e e 1901 on Sp,.
1i1mil t..
The 'Globe vi s ust 1 .entelar4r5.
adz arraw4ements with The Lon
,firaeu wlierpby it -is able to, pub
intialtan:zusly the r:ports sent
om the eeette of action. The
ition, Eirglacid has esta.blish
'On as being t he great -
readers can have
cellent staff %
eading The. Daily
e'serier times
vatondar for ivi rch 1904
(I 13 20 27
tricavaav ... 7 14 21 28
VMS/AT.. 1 S 1,1 22 29
Fir.rosivsn,,vr. 2 3 le, .51:1 30
Talanstat...• 3 10 17 21 31
ITIIIDAY. .. — 4 11 IS 23
SAT-OliDAX... . 5 12 10 20
The ikb 1a elusive u.tot o
da, euU Lse
A Will nOt. ar in their orlgival
. Canadia publica.
estuentara4e,1 tsiesett with eViaT
of intersst will be esvecially writ
for Tin. Weekly Globe, enabling
to gain a thorough knowledge
ituation without the trouble or
ru1iu olumus ot contranctory and
raper t s.
The 'Weekly Globe with its illustrat
ed section and many interesting feat -
es, ie now one.tt the cleanest and
brightest newspapers in America, and
ve are pleased to he able ot an-
nounce that the arrangement just
completed will triable subscribers to
secure it for this !eater at a spacial
price. Times end Weekly Globe only
per year.
TaURSDAY, Oth, 1901 Tlatt halt their ills are due tot ine.,
poverished blood, they would 11$e rer-
Tea Goes Up. rozone and be saved -lots of paln wad
for the 7iLooll and supplies the streng-
The Rtheato-jap war has already 1 themng elements needed to maintain
dli feet -upon the prieeot e ealth end vigor. Ferrozone is a
.nere has been ansinerease in latilendid lento for weak:. nerStqus
prices all aroUnti, The Canadian Gro- 'women and drives away those do-
ter Says. "Tho interest: ' this week pressed fe.elings of dead wearines5.
centers around Japan teas, which Y•taill have strength, lots or it—your
are stiffening in priee and are pot- vomplexion will improve, you will red
od by various Avholesala houses at 1 ten !earl:, younger after a course of
tto 4 centhigher. It seems absol-, Ferrozono whieh builds up the whole
lately- certain, that no japan goods of human organism; try it. Price 25c.
•'Medium grades can ba had under 18
Fine to choice hinds are quoted
at 24 to 40 cents. The tea market
50 very firm all round; influenced —se—
alaeady no doubt by the outbreak I Just at sundown one evening. I
of war in the, for est. Ceylon, reached the cabin of a Cumberland
India and green are a little high- mountaineer and asked of the woman
er. Ceylon and India black% are who was sneaking her pipe on the
about stationary and appear steedy doorstep if Icoulatind lodging for
and gunpoctiers are a Mae higher. the night.
No doubt the scarcity of japan teas. "Stranger," she replied, "my old
should the war continue long, will man tackled a b'ar 'up there by them
rine- an an increased demana Cor rocks three years ago and got so bad -
y Asti and indias, but it is likely ly bitten and clawedditat he cliednext
that prices all around. will be great- day. • I had a ion joe and a son
ly increrseed. Contracts are :did to but Joe he climbed a tree to shake
have been placed for early Japan,s,
tut on necount of the probable ecar-
city of labor it is doubtful IC these
21 bf., filled. At any rate, the
prieee will be higher, as the freights
are to be inereaead."
sarteriare. Ferrozone is a perJet food
one of Lis barge one evening
ad the Micifortune to re-
cr941,4114.., breatt... scene or a very faStmenable anti inter-
1A:g $/X wo Adore* aliave ttto .mting event on Wednesday, Ti'ela21,
see. :Vita Stevens is wall up in years the etecasion being the Marriage or
Uhe aeeldent is au unfortunue their tleagliter, :Very, /Mr. Roy
Skinner, te prosperous yng farriter
BianQtard: ceremony wee
perfoemed hy the Rev. Dlr. James.
Many beautiful presents teelitied to
e high esteemn 4viUvh both Mr.
The residenee or Mr. and Mrs, Ar.
two McDonald, St. Nay, /wan the
WIU of 'Magee/non
neeeivett lelek Train a broncho 1 woe:
etting reeently, which reunited ha
?veva, brolien ribs and other injure
ies. His wedding had beettelimouneed
for lite following day. but it ',snow
poetported until he fully recoVere from
ih injuriee.
ostmaster {Alt, Godaricia, ;firiteg
g no mall for three days. drove
with the Wail that had ac -
(here, and took back what
.e was there ter Gotterielt
• castle' haVe Wen done tall
to Stratford, ViittlOnt nine14
nd WO feel aure enoUgh
Uhl have b Mtn 'Torit:1min';
tvom v to son,rces it not from iub-
s onesandertaletni the job.
• One dose of Ayees Cherry
'Pectoral at bedtime prevents
night coughs of children.
No croup. No bronchitis. A
doctor's medicine for all
affections of the throat, bron-
chial tubes, and lungs. Sold
for over 60 years.
'I have met' Ayer's Cherry Pectin al ill TTis•
faocillv for eight ycara. There is ilotlimp: et Ili,: I
t t for cougb3 nil a cohli, especrilly 1.
6x:en, liRs* ni1byA. tom.: girl we ain't let tin' any g a: de.n
ATILII 00., ;,„I chances slip by us." .7.---„Mitaneapolia
.1,tteee,te. f,o-wo[7, Mac. a IT 1
411=0Yar.,•3:73 r 0 our aaa
One at the very beat prisoners
Goderich jail is a man who has prac-
ticelly been thereforthe rtst fifteen
years. Ile is over eighty years or age,
end has repeatedly been committed
Lor vagrancy. The law,ie that no man
shall be committed to a common jail
for longer than six:months, but there
is no provision against re -commitment
'When one sentence expiro, be is Tent
back, because) he has no home or tri -
ends, and does not want to go to the
Musa of Refuge.
Mr. Maser of Blyth event.
londay and Tuesday in town, some-
what impa.tiently it mustsbe confess-
ed, but that WaS quitexcusable the
cixourasto.nces Considered. 1V,Ilen a
young man the clay end hour otwhoe
ae wedding is set, finds hiMeelf ('aught
in a now block.ade and unable to
reach Ids destination in time he will—
well become at least as impatient as
Mr. Moser was. Ilis wedding was to
have telren pla.ce okt; Trenton at eix
olclorik last eveniag, but. tte he did not
get it way from CI in ten until Tuesda y
evening end the train remained in a
drift ni Dublin ell uight, the cereanony
had lo be poetponed, but will probate
ly teke piaci this eveniate The lady
to \thorn he is to be married is s
Miss 'Jamieson, forinerly of .134-1.11. —
News Record.
down a coon and fell fifty feel and
broke his neck. Ile was as dead as a
(Leah -nail when he struck the earth."
"His was a sad fate, ma'am..".
"Then my son Intl must ;go lookin'
among the rooks Cor a. wounded -wild
eat lie found her. She also found
him. 13i11 lived a week, atter they
brung him home."
You hove truly been unfortunate,"
I ventured to say.
ujd £flOLL gonc—Joe emee-flat gone,
and only me and Linda leCt . That's
Linda out there choppin' a rabbit out
or a
"And do you think you could put me
Up for the night?"
"Is t ba all yo' ere wanting?"
"Yes, that's all."
Don't want mo for a wife?"
"aVell. hardly."
"Aind don't Linda?"
n r and br c a Ca.st
naid lodgings?"
'.Tha tee all, a WI 1 aha Li take it, as
0 a grant Livor and pay you walla'
'VTeII, eule yo' kin come in --come
right in --and We'll do' nle •' best -wskin
but l'm Lenin' yo' that, ir some Grit ter
comet4 along who 'wants to marry
ell( herme or fit nda, yo'l1'ha,ve4to rout-,
out in the middle of the night and
walk on. 'We shall feel sorry to dis-
rS, Laub yo', but as n Ione widder and it
• e
Keep the boWefsopsn wth ono or
Aye's Pills st bo time just one,
oasse: c:31 XL -A- e
hearthe The Kind You 1 -lave Always Bought
Sign:Item _,S2L,./741;77—'4.'"--ea-e,fg-•
cf easeasa.0,,,f
' SICK AT 1-40.0tR STOaraCIL
Perhaps feeling as if the bo t tom had
dropped out or your I fie. it's Nerd -
line you want. Nothing restores quiet
and order to the stomach so quickly.
All squeamishness and tatusea gees
(ba minute you inlet Norvilina
and extra dose or two is alwayssurfi-
cie.ni to set you up in first-classshape
Nerviline is an old. tested remedy for
stomach and bowel rtoubles and al-
ways can be relied on. Sold in large
25e. bottles.
and:Nita. Skinnier are held.
Alder laurritt, et ft
c died rectutly, atr
illness from, asthma
e unipt. ,
wastu her 691
in poor health for
t ime 14:., was‘the daughtar ot
Iturlburt and bad re -
hell and vicinity nearly
40 • years. sids her husband, she
Dr, C. Dnr,rilt, and
.Mrs. Vgcrit,T, or To-
d iss Kate, at loam A
larga c1rc1 at friends will regret to
hear or her death. She was a devot-
ed member or tho 3,tehodiatt church.
The funeral took place) tetim mmtio.
dist cemetery on Wednesday after-
St. Marys ratepayers will vote an
Morroh, 24 on a by-law lo grant. a loan
V.111000 towardstho establishment of
o felt footwear facto -in that town.
rxtv,., Toronto World offered to
every baby born in Ontario on Feb.
:2(), a silver snug and one of these
Ailver mugs goes to a St. Marys
baby. Mr. and Afrs. J. W. Graham
hare a baby bay and the little
ranger arrtved on feb. 29, and
wfl thua lava a birthday once in
four years. Some babies are said
to be born with: ailver spoons in
their mouths. Baby Graham at all
events may, be, said to have a silver
mug in his chubby 1:ittke Mrty
the little chap Iteenlis mug right
side up and birtladays he
Plans are out for a. new, two-storey
block in St. Marys, to be cicoupied' by
the Ifteitson's Bank, whiclals building
up a good business in St. Marys.
That tired languid feeling and dull
headache is very disagreeable. Take
two of Carter's Lit tie Liver be -
Sore retiring and you will find relief
They 'never fail to slo good.
Net a single marriager has been re-
gistered in Stratford, during the,
month of February. City Clerk Lang
says there has never been tt mouth
without; a marriage before. 'What's
the matter with Stra'tford girts?. Are
the -young Men too homely?
Ancient Foe
The Life Cluartie are ttn regimeats
ot cavalry forming parr of the British
household troops. :Chey aro, gallant
soldiers, and every loyal Brit ish heart
is proud of them. Not only the King's
liousehold, bat yours, ours, every-'
body's eStould he ve its life guards
The need or them b espe,eially great
when the greatest foes of life,diseases
find allies' in Om • very else-r-
ments as colds. influenza, ca-
tarrh, the grip, rain pneumo-
nia do in the stormy month of
March. 'Ehe best way wed:now of to
guerti against 'these diseaseis to
, Strengthen the system with flood's
S'arsaparilla—the greateet of all lite
guards. I1 removes the conditions in
which these diseases make alien" most
successful attack, gives vigor and tone
to all the vital organe and functions,
and. imparts a genial warmth to the
blood. Remember Ole Weaker. :the
system the greater the exeasure to
diseeee. Itood's fearJaa'Irilla amebae
the. System. strong.
To health and happiness is „Scrofula—
as ugly ,as ever since time immemorial,
It causes launches in the neck, dis-
figures the skin, inflames the'mucous
membrane, wastes the muscles, weak-
ens the bones, re:It-tees the power of
resistance to disease and the capacity
for recovery, and. develops into con-
"Two of my children bad scrofula sores
which kept growing deeper and kept them
from going to School for three months
Ointments axis medicines did no good until
I began giving them itood's Sarsaparilla,
Thie medicine caused the sores to heal, and
the children hatto shown no signs 01 scrof-
ula, since." J. W. AloGnal, Woodstock, Out,
od's Sarsaparill
will rid you of it, radically and per-
Inagkently, as it bas rid thousands.
Treatment for Snuit in Oat
,Dear Sir,—f4n,quires arei wade ley
Ontario, farraem regarding the treat-
ment of emat in oats. RExperiments
have been condtzeted at the Collagie in
order to aecertoin the most. effectual
remedieS n1deh caube PSed for this
pest. Two varieties of oats -were se-,
lected in the spring of ma awl again
in the spriug o1d90i3, and uniform
samples from each variety were sub -
witted to special- treatments will):
the Object or kiflip tbe spores or
esinul adlieriug te tho grain. The var-
ious teeatinents wore as follows:
(1) immewion in hot ,wmter.—Por
this treatment, the grain was plreced
in tt bag which was than immersed in
water at about 115 degrees 1.1%. Soon
afterwards it was placed in water
Nthish was kept at a temperature be- I
tween, 130 degrees and 135 degrees F.
'rhe ‘,•raiu was occasionallystirred and
was allowed to remainin the water
for a period of fiften minutes. It was
tlaeu apread out on a, elean floor to
dry, whe.re it was stirred occasion11y.
(2) Immersion in Bluestone Solution
Lor tire- initiates for(o.2 tmatznent
cstnong solution was made by dis,
aulving one pound or Cooper Sulphate
i:Dluestone) in one gallon of Wa/ler,
and then iminersing the eats he the so-
lution for a priod of five inintit,..s.
($) Immersion in illuest one Seta -
Oen for twelve liours.—ln this treat -
Went 042, bltvstoua solution wos made
by dissolving one pound of bluestorte
in 25 gallons or water, and tit* oats
wore inurtersect in this solution Ear ,
pried of twelve hours, •
(4) $prinkling with bluesteno Solo-
lion.—This solution was troule by ills
solving one petted of bluestone in
10 Vallarts taf Water, whicli was tried
ror ,nriouting over the oats until thy
wOro thoroughlY moistened after hi,ang
tzorelully stirred.
(5) Ininleraion in l'o abRi nnl :•';1411}Ilide
treatment consit.A in soaking the,
seed for IWQ b(ntrti in a eelution mado
ti,y dissolving ti pounde of potassium
sulphide In 50 gallons at Water.
((1) IMMeraion in Diluted roma ilia
Wormalcieby(le).—Tia4 sttlittioucif for-
malin leeed for the immersion process
vtis made by pourinn one-balt pint oZ
the formalin into 21 gallons of Water
and 'the steal eats were immersed in
t volution for zWelity Aninutos.
• (7) Stulink.ling wktla Diluted For-
tualut.--One-halt pint of formalin wao
poured into five gallons of water. The
eats were then sprinkled with thi4 so -
lotion and ear:fully stirred until the
grain wits thoroughly moistened.
($) lIntreated.—Oue .sant* or oot
or each variety was left, untreatted in
der that the influence of the various
treatment might be observed.
Eight loto or oats at ;melt varietv
were therefore, used for this experi-
lent. After tlae treatment bad been
completed a few hoursdite oats were
carefully 50Wrt on separate plots
WIteu the, oats were COXIMIR into head
they were, examined frequently aud all
smutted heads were rernovet1 and Care-
rtilly Counted from Clay an day. 0 The
Xollowing table gives the total per-
centage of smutted headei of oats from
each treatment:
• Poreenta,p,r,:,, of
Treatment Crop Smutted
Id t Woe e r .
eluestone. 5 minutes
' fetes t one 12 hours.... ......... .3
1 eetuzatow, eprInkled .. ... 1.4
5 Poteasium Sulphide, 9 hours. 1.7
ll'orenalin 20 initrutee,.. .0
7 ittortattlin, eprinkled . . ..... .0
8 Untreated ... . . . . „ .. . 1,7
The anent in oats very rrcquently
eneees a great reduction -in the yield
,af lgettin. • The treatment with hot
water, lormalin, and immersion in
b1llet:40ne for twelve hours have given
ilte beet results at the College. The
fortivelin is a clear liquid, whleh eau
'be nbtained from aInioet :any drug,
eta re. The trea t ,formalin is
easily performed, comparatively chenn
and very effectual. Fanners would do
well to treat their ante 'before sowing
in the saving.
Ontario Agricultural College. G ue I ph.
They make one feel as though life
was worth living. Take one of Car-
ter's Liver Pills after eating; it will
relieve flyspepsitt, aid digestion, give
tone and vigor to the system.
On March 51.11, fire tleehrteyecl: the
barns ,or Cornelius Toohey, 7th and
8th oonoession of Biddulah, ;Nothing
was saved. The contents comprised
ses'enteen head or cattle, 5 horses, it
number of pigs, last season's grain
and feed, and farm implements. There
is eome insurance. '
The \VCa1I1ir rep.or 1 for February
pet issued, discussing the snow fall
says that on the' higher hands or
taro east of Lake -Huron, the depth
rouges from 30 to (10 inches, and in
Southern Ontario only 5 to 5.1 The
tteather report says February's aver -
ego 'temperature' in Ontario hae, been
eaceecied by only tierce: months, Jan,
1835 J a n. 875 ; and Feb.. 1885.
C.Diefelife'l' IN 74 YioARS
A atutement has been Ixo de by the
elieeeter o.0 tbe meteorological obser-
vatory at Tor op t O, giving the records
eO the recent cold wen ther. lie says
that 1.•he eveakhee; in Feb. to du to
aas coluer than any sill period re-
; t 1 " g 74
c or t. a oLon o n e 12
yeans. excepting the p11'.1:1(1 fl'OM •Jr9b.
Feb. 19, 1875, arid [he sam e time
iIr Feb. 1885. The mean lereperaeure
L (Toonto up to and includ•inafeb
" 11 was 21 degrees lower titan the" av-
; erage o17 sixty year's, •Thi .clapith of
el:tsetse is ,arobitial,-, ege-li or 111( 1)1 i•
any t.litt 111 tte pnete eteteenn yee r s
Thousande at people throughout
the country know that the ordinary-
remtelles for piles—ointments. suppos-
itories and appliances—will not cure.
The best of them only bring passing
Dr. Leonhardt's liem-Roid is a tab-
let taken internally that removes the
clause of pile. 'hence the cure is, per -
Every packege solel carries a -guar-
antee with it .
It is perfectly harmless to the Most
delicatte constitiltion. A month's
treatment in each package. Sold at
Fur cher information in 'regard to
itt at the drug store.
3110iiting iltzroodmtdReg-uta-
tiiv t:estozachs andBowels of
nc,.ss and Rest.Contsins neither
Optuni3lorphine nor Itteral.
1NOT NA11, V O'i'IC
reeeerie Seeje
Rev Avg?' -
Aperfectficmedy for constitia-
tion.sour stomen,Worritoeo,
neso ondloss tOr SLXISP,
Vac le Signature of
.W Y
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
'At 6,
1..,ExAcr topr vcraave
Imeeor tors of Japanese silks ,declare
that an advance ;o2ala6lit 10 per (amt.
has taken place in ,these goods in
japan within the laetaveek ontwo. It
ie impossible to obtain:any more for
them, however; in :the New 1Yorle, me r-
kete Them is as yat no shortage or
the goods, as theyare arriving in
Entedieth Said Araerican. ships
Very heavy floods are reported, from
Essex county. Despite the hundreds
or thousands of dollars expimded in
drainage, the Carms in the entira pen -
inertia are almost without exception
under water, and ' boats and rafts
have been in use for several days, The
big Gove•rament dal cheat aro 'totally
incapable of carrying off tha water
feral the farmers of Essex will be los-
ers to the extent fof several thousand
dollans: by the serious•setback given
10 ;spring farming operations.
And cure theni in in hour without
rcSOr Ling to nausacSus dxuz,s just
Ere ea xa nt h ea 1 i ng Catarrbozom—tha
most 'pleasant, pr onlp 1 and certain
eure foe 60MS eN3 1 diee,overad•
For Over
Thirty Years
cw YOfl CITY,
The old-fashioned bake -oven was the best our great grand -
Mothers could get They baked in it in a kind of a way and
were satisfied with it because they knew nothing better. But
the modern housewife wastes time and good food when She
fails to avail herself of the improvements of the
Imperial Oxford Range
No other range on the market can do the baking this oven
does. The oven is kept evenly supplied with fresh super-
heated air all the time.
See this range at your dealers or write to us direct
The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited
Toronto. Canada
Montreal Winnipeg
Vancouver 12
For Sale by T. HA'WICINS 45: SON
medicine to take, you simply breathe
the balsamic vapor of Catarrhozone
II: never fails to root out the worst
colds and is so simple and convenien0
n -
without it. Carry a Catarrhozonein-
haler In your pocket,,use it occasioto use that no one can affordl to be
day morning, March 3rd,•Miss Mar,
Lha Quigley, aged 10 years, 7 mos.
qua 3 days. t
ally and you won't/lave colds: Com-
plete outfit $1.00; trial 'size 25e.
13ELL.—On March Bib, the wife orAlr
George Bell, af a on.
Eibraville, on Marsh 2nd
to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ilorn a son.
Usbonne, on Mo!relf 6 ti
to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davis a son.
ESTISLAN.—in Grunion, on Feb
29, the wife of Mr. A. Westman
of a son.
GtRAlIAM.—In St. Marys on Monday,
'Feb. 29, the evife:ot Mr. J W.
Graham, of a son.
M.A.RA.--On Thursday, February 2511.1
at. Clandeboye, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward N. Mara, of a son.
BARR—WILSON,—,fn 'Ailsa Oraig on
Feb. 25, by Rev.'W. .4(edd.es,; itrs.
Joan Wilson, to Mr. Scott Barr, of
the township of Ilibbert. .
COOPER—UPSDALL..—At the manse
Egmondlville, on Fab. 2211(1); ha'
Rev. • N. Shaw, Mr. Charles W.
Cooper, ef Tueltersnaith to Miss
Lottie Upha1l, youngest daughter
oC Mr. Joseph Upshall, of Hensall.'‘
WinclialSea, at the residence of the
r hie's par en ts, an March 2ncl, by
the Rev. c. Fletcher, Mr. john Som-
erville, tot Kirkton, to Miss, Je:rmie,
third daughter of Mr. and Mas. An -
dr eNV Turnbull, W inch elsaa
Diddelph, Oil II ITS-
Do you Want a Gutter?
We have the finest stock in towne
ail the latest styles, in the uewev-
Our prices are low as can be foanr
for first-class material and workman
Two Doois South Towr Hall,
Wheat per busheil 83 to 92'
Oats new .......30 to 31
Batley :30 to 41
Flour $2.50e
Butter 10•';
Eggs 111
Wool •. . .14 to 141
Pork live weight ....34.80 to 34.80'•
Pork Dressed .... 30 50 to 30.50s
14 -
Turkey ...,
Chicken •
• To 4::11re
Take LaXEltiVe Brom
L Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months.
Cold in One Day 91res GriP
, In Two Days.
on every
7 "rziozo-e...., box. 25c.
6 •
.f".• SelleatiseeeeeerreSeSaciOne'SSiee'
num 'rages.
e)I2I8I. • eetaeoste: aseeeSS' eas