HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-3-10, Page 1THIRTY-FIRST YEAR NO• 19 toves and 'Furnace bave izstook, the best aupply or stoves and Furnaces. together with all Oxiugs, from which tail select from. We eerry• aII the best makee. Cements We keep constantly ha stock toe Nat le of Portland Cements. If you aim thinking spring, be aloe and get ourpie, Hardware L aw, $tar Braude beilding in the We hnve te tgestetook or Hardware troughing and Builde Supplies of all kinds, Lift Pumps call ou T. HAWKINS QWU1 ve1?t u4 - & SO 2. ET New 50:14giC., RED. ITO Goods '.1011.0r. We eau riaake it worth your while 40 order aNew Suit now instead o Waltieg till spring. Oars% afford t Test on our oars because it happens to be mid winter. 14 is worth stunething to us by way of vertisement. EverYbeditloOtet know yet 1,vhat meau by 11 We are giving excellen sa- ,Good flatting and Fitting isfaction in. flour since m- 0 00Sewing and Stitching 000a Linings and Sho modelling our mill, We expect to pay something fortL� Introduetion. Come in and See. I II Swettzer w. W Taman. Merckwitit Tailor chiselburat ;B.y Lli flioraoito nrin nel ethich took plaon ersf,Satarda.y Tuckeramith lava anotbeg of its oetucro, ririntwil pale here afrom Belleville a little over yeara ',ago and matted. near Chisellaurat. Ile wee a framer and ear,penter and dssist ca °a Creditors ••••••• dcr; ;rat). hr. a beu vez y 111 the past few wceits is slowly re- proVing. ,rdatY- -Miss Salorna'reonsan bas 'returned -a3-110ca Gould'n new nouae bee beesa after a few usataths risiting friends at a°11APIeted 3.0 ,4 bare 'got 'flared Dashwood. into it. SeNS des are, now order'. of -Mr. Chas. Fritz. of Zurich, spent -Mitten Rassell left laSt week far d in the eaection of marry of alaWr i Sunaay with his by Aber proprietor Winnipeg with a carload or uor§es for .1 We are holding 1 special ;barawl residences in taus sectien. of the Iteyal liatet. It• tiro 4 4 Ell' t f F ' . Vr flIrniti na !,,,,,,,i tieu.tcd awl, genial lie Toads) -Mrs. Link, who has bert, attending MAI hinr a Safe -return. b "11' ' li• I • - • SO days Oefore taking stock and have great an 'who know bim. Ile wasiiallis ?ash turned bottle Mooday.. . , 'slaty •frierala aro. was well liked by t e rnz snery ssp-nittg .sassdon. It.el 4rd 4 di ;S. 0. ouna, A re .1 on, ; for 6101ex Ly .ethice year and had an exceptionally hardy --Preparations 10.114 us progress tor r !also tee been , float berafor prices of every article in our store during this Sa aelmat eonstatetsou. ter some time • be inAd ba011 troubled arab, loaaof eye- sight but bore his a fflita i•an with cour- ago and resignation. His wifasurvives together with aeveral aOrss ntri fidateightora a/11 married. RussekInte tToo late for last issue) Mr, Geer& WIAQ b the aiek liatafor raW Wee: glad ta hear is. ablo aveund gain. Mr. liebert Baird, ot Earsaaaawha liaa been viaiting avithaelativea and frienda Sinee Ohrtstaime, 0:Burned' "to Ilia 'home last week Yr. and Mra. A.Dood. and Mias 'Good, of notherwell, epent- . Wetting at ti o home of al as. Bedgert; Wit week. "sa "Margaret Itedgert. /*ter Iladgert,W Exeter. Laden. ill of pneumonia, at the 31.r• Ames colotatoon, he anuivernara' aervicas aPt. a t Gintreb were Onnaucted• thy . Godwin of Extrima lent ay. to a full hauae bath after - and eveniag,. 'sting a Choppin Promptiy Dane. Whatever PIANOS you Want VanIIIIINIOWN*111.0 Out• stock is the most crimple e we luave liver shown. Pianos and Organs For the parlor we have Pianos and .Organs of the most beautiful designs and finish and quality unsurpassed. Sewing Machines Our sewing machines are a class by ahemselves. In working qualities and Brush The Best, For the Children W-- have Sleighs galore, at all -prices. Also Shoo Fly Rockers, Games Whistles, Mouth Organs, etc. In Music We have the latest Popular Songs and instrumentals. Hymn Books and Bibles also in stock. Call and see us and get one of onr Artistic Cala,nderE; B. IVIarti. 44•0.440...******,•••••04#0. 'Whether it's a suit for a for. mat occasion or just for business or outing, It ought to he well made and ought to fit. We -do it that way. The fit will be per - feet; the ina.kiog -will be excel- lent ; the clothes will be a credit to us and to you, See Our New Spring Goods We have a nice assortmeat aud can suit you in style, quality and price. Let Us Make Your Spring Suit Now W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor THE IIARDEST PAIN TO v,Nnunu Is the pain one 'bender corn, but experience proves Mat corns are cared q.uickest by Putnam's Painless Corn Extraotor, 'which acts initwenty four hours. .Putno.m's never burns or causes sores. The only painless' citre is Putnam's. Crse no others THE erchatits -Bank of Canada . HEAD OFFICE, ,MONTREAL. ,e,SAPITAL. (all Paid up) 6,000,000. IIESERVE AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS-...BEBDEN, uti.....$2,974,245 OS:Pasaar, onoral'Manager Saperintendent of Branches GEI\IERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED ,Interest at Most favorable current rates allowed on Savings Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts. , .:Special attentiOn given to the business of Farn-ters and Cattle- , 'Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the „ anorld., RED1T Manager z, uou0 or arr. 3na. .drew urnbull. Winehottia, th .see very pretty wedding on Wedgies. Maera 2114,, wbenaheic third atibter, Miaa Jeuute, wee uoitea age to Ur. Joins Somerville, of on. The ceremoay via • n plant= d ReV. C. Fletcher, in the pm - about fifty invited guastri. At OE 'V1 sb.r. brid(ani er ad, Ir a..0,7a4 on the arta of :her trther. 11h*g march was played by Miss Laura Wiaeman, nieene orithe gatinan, r the marriage ceremony avaa ser- rated, aud congraittslatiena gayr' e, sat down Wdi I% wedding nner. (wavered by the heateass. The usual tbe anneal Ps *11C1enta; -nitsoent, 04544y weoc. connection witit Str•sil s,v S..11004 OL • Warrers and farailyare nova Methodist elmrch. ALL AND SE US and mis5 Ennio, moacck. w)to It.%s been 5/3`g to farm near Oeutralla- awl tlIa'l we will save you dollars. clerlifog with Mr. WitithautatRonton Young people in particular are sorry - Harbor. Mich., the past year, agave.) na laze Will owl.- Peavtrioe from oar I, home Monday morning; midat, they being Leah asintals. -; ara. Ernest um at Detroit, and the Oh.Oir. and w311,114 oicottOrifi 1.4 444A RowE & fiTKIN motermau ()a be stteet rowmal, is church, and on the evening of the 2,tuti Furniture Dealers and undertakers, spendlog a es.ple of weeks visiVng ir-""t• arranged. a little aurarisa P2rtr ',oh- -, ..A: Fraetirni embalmer relatives aod frAendS i't thiS vicinitY- (.1.(ltrb:_te3u1, :7714°11 till' tI)U°;v112r;; 341dress ' 4.14C' 4e4A4ing (Tao late for last isaue) Se, 'Miss Mary Wolfe. hasIttlly %TAW - 011 .frOrtt her recent Th Waraer ; wnerta, of" Pigeon.1etc,; we On\ young 11 vlsidieg rcletives.,111 this Vie- • b. Morels 2n1, Alia" !Beatrice or szxotniAtt '', . 0141ty 40 ex- hearthat wedding belie Wit legipveo of naregatsou. kart a . Emir its i still. I om our allure's and. neighberhoath WI our deea aagret in losarig you I La • a rday evening last kfro. the village erelong. atv-V"treacmxfiainrecoy la11 lia •Ing ttcquaint a . end ' a g intrinsic valuta but for the f -Rev. Mr. Andaman, „'nfIrktion '..re. -7 R au 3 $11,-P.ht teUerl of,.?ur esteema.., Reber Luker of this village bad the 1.-alseins, '' "cis you ta 'aecula 4.4,1(1,,. "4"4eMZ lOiSfOrt0.0.0.10.' to fait en the ;co at ' her "t" ?pe Yen win r''''..4ar3 tuera*Ilac. home and break. her arm .1.4 tb‘wriet..:,1,41 nd rerialibl:ta:::. iVaIl iAn has. Is orator some lituelparst. tl praslietaty sn ..olstr new beam ;sue flatten will taraaatraAnderitoree werk Ian, Hazel Welt aeca:392-31.Im l'iwul* 1Nr". , will (weepy tile pal.Psfs-nt akrittealiaaaaarain ish Yon tile gIn'atest 113144Ile toad Eden on Sunday Statittlgtir.,: Iktr. gr Ilop . . pro vs4 1.1341zebl,4„iner, of Dth,., ' y 'bat 1114 ble5sIng t 0 - 1 u ....lt.......00 ,-c-,- Malls "U re taJet, ,,,„,„r ti;is. ,,,,o,,,,, ;eonitaDY sou and 13510 Four itte -Mr. Wallace or the'2,ad Coo-, has callfaa; aart 2na., 'bray' o ad may an- i rza laf t i'll F. l'ii tae, village. ' liaaiar arid 6UCet$5:11). lbeen very Ul doting the paat week aud n;eereat oallfas, , ri,71".ni/ge.tlfigi3164.,ar., :p :3,ign.ed, o.ts bueltall «I 9,,It' the, ity7:711,1x,,Qe-, :, bat the tdim_e of writiug. is no2st. etter, ' ' la NelPo Nertheutt, ,S3.X11,1t Noll 0' '; 0 rwo feast* are entertarned rvaardiug 1 a ea aa ..rotl. term 04 1 % , 4144 b X ge coil loon. 41.'r 1,E;Itillaen re,alied ...rills a low well 1 Ots Altanday evesslag the Enernher$ Ee Lodtett'' Aid of t.'Estralle.laiet at lira c ur . , cliearaa tgesucir/ts eapreas'iog --The wood. pe ' itinn lin, condur guar vices in the 41 teat, Nr. Nietel Matra. Jt'., been farming in Nertle Dakota. aa-nding a.few rtieuths Tisitleg /tar eula and friends ia vicinity. „--.10. raluden, waa ai their ca.:Inaction &MORAVA d ha willaffa on "•:iota -la". last on btu&tai1 that the memorator the sepia as, Ha d'spesca, of isis; dwelling., 'hcro would alwass he dear to Wm. aray purehaara trans Ur, Geo, ; Itanaann• Sr,. to Mr. Wm. Grean.• Dastiw00 4sar .3lart in, of )fanitoba, who , as been viriting andrr lase parental ;) tor t11plat two monthleft for ' ,"'-'• 7. s u" "that cireantstasseas over which paratmage arid presented Mrs. ) B. L. Hutton antis beautifal so eoutrel compelled theta to r egg. ernett, the eccaston e anmvereary of her &birthday. 31ra, whe utton has tstken an active part in a y depaitment of ohurch walk u'OM g tam pass; tnrt•e yews, stud is tdy IMpular with all. auctiaa eale bad by Mr, Phillip W as welt attended and ROOtt ante Teali27,4. Tint. COX19.41 lea 013.9 p y ef Ifr. and Mro. A seim or Saturday, elan., la war a were, with friends befora oetz ue,i3 to 310 Weal. James Clark, Sr, has, Louden. 1,,Cc4renart the week on 1ra Weber is propeaty one-quarter mil:. -MI. Peter Bauder, &awe 'Amu e ▪ X 11 ussian ar froc Labe. Albertia1 sj ` Sheardawn hea moved to' avzf.lisposz4 hhek- a and hulatie, to r. 1'cfltu3 toba, who L' ow in possession. r, and Mr., Robert"Whaley and, 3tra. Norman Sweitzer left on for their uew home at eo*nb, Athena. We are c•orry to 1 sueli goad citizens from cur midst Isla Millie we regret their dev ?mare the very best wishes of a bot of lends follow them to their new home su the weat. -The membeas of the Woman's 3tiasionary Society gave a very t'slea•s- nit little eurvese party at the home 3Ir. and arra. Phillip Lam, one evening. recently. After all were siasembled a very fine address arts read to 'Mrs. Lane, wlerhas been a valued. ember of the eoviety, who with family is soon to leave tlit local- .1 ity for their new home in the North- ' nsh ,The adaress was followed with Lae rwerrantation of o, beautiful Bible and Hymn Book combined, etc..? After tiie pretaentation a. very dainty repast as partaken of whieli had been vre- red and brought by- the ladiea in well -tilled baskets. A. very enjoyable ma Ives apeat and the (env thougbta the, ixtaitzim „,a at Zairiela was t II:0. village On ti uro fur therarnia, (.19909) to elrdaf- I totarta 'being giveu and all drinling King. Mr. Chad: u alAral NV31116ter "nut Ist.er+ a TAY pawl to the life and health of Oa bride building a fine dwelling in the vat 'tge t112• in the village a few slays and groom, Tiler groom reapowlea lu this almoner. very able' manner. The *bride waa roliowinp. pupils -Saecill Lenten aellviens are heing CredIllm Iconducted its the Lutheran: elsureli tired in a areastuf pearl gray, trim- med with white taffeta ailk, and 'bite applique. Her going -away gown Wati brown serge With isa.t•to snatch. Gu.. cats were present from Hensall, V'aodatook, afanito•ba, tl the near vicinity. The, premta were bandnome, numtirous and costly publai radical ubtamed 09 per sena or laver , own, or tbc, marks z„ivrn during the r. ..) Wcilstessday until Beater. A number of our eitizens aitan .1011rualaritetxr.4 rutlib:Zs' ..IN,711.:1dP3ria'ini3"11$1::: ifedn..:131:4efotletnfratilulionfnellesalsti.3taala.nt:371-!!4talbsyrIaaueoggrAillt a'-a.s. Finkbeiner, Louis'i r :Omer,' Ezra I by s. irativi. or tan -a plasm, awl .v.a. Frazer Brown, G. Swell:: aaa&%14'1:41t, ;he 325,A, farra auecnas. °"-4"ielicr; el"s IV Sr- Waniii. illin' 'Hamilton, of Grand Bend. Wo wisl -Jtaeplx awl John Snell went it e Gederich on Monday. The former • a a itratizs in the Sberrit 1 rase ital fla let tar aa juryman. -The meeting in the iaterests of the Vatancr's Association held in alas- tilaS hall, last Wialuesd a y ,, eveaing W113 nat well paraonized awing to the inclemency of the wea User. --;0 at' liveryman, Ileac! Guant her, lied the misfortune to have one or the hon.:.'e badly corked and cut up last mar their pleasure was nial. the iie I. Come in Wend while driven by Isaac Gore friendship which had'bennd them Gertic Eilber, Vera Boltzmann, Her- or Shipka. The beast will be; laid u and examine our chop, on nonzmann. _for at ,least; a month, he best wishes oE all present. were we are bure you will like MISS SUSIE sAramt, Te.ach.r, -Chas. Lindearield paid our h t that theuga reneoved Ear away 3Ers. °gather waa soma to he broken, but Dion L -Class II air Barry Man l'al --v:,:itss°1111:unindaaY1 a$ 13 sr*.:111; g it. Afire Malin; Sr. pt. tlutl., Lulu. Gals- - gnus, Pearl Treitz, Gordon Applvton, .'2'14•1'111; 111.!.°111Riallielr:hi) .., Lane Would always hold a very:Warm i. Fix, i. ir their affectiens- Bring in a Load and and., Melvin 13rown, Herbert Baia'. 'AuTiell• , ., .a. , • few days with 'Miss Dora El or, croo 1," far iast. issue) a a olin Bloonsfield, of this vil- er, lda Brown, 3febel Wenzel; Jr, pt. Give us a Trial. . - • •at-, guest uE mai' alaseir-asXitilarirt‘tily3 lege Idiedjvery auddenly early on Mon- . :MISS EDYTHE ROBSON, To Pliw" i''''''"4-''. ' - 1.zaJL Sunday anti Mionday. day morning. He will be buried to- niaTC111TOra Kippen -,j. .3' Aterner, of Zurich, sPont day (Thursday) at Fairfield (Tmetery. a . jr a Jonathan Bright's disease was the cause or c ornnerec!flMain and Station Stree Sunday wit li his brot bars, -alio present WI' 1. has; been a bad Next Electric Light Plant. 110100 08 '‘osunc gj:ult:Li4ria'n' ,''''Itl.rt:f :el. ii:u1;977.;11,111;:icirtin:::3L (1::::1,h: for the Grand Trunk no trains , having pa,ssed. over theiLonclon 'Huron I \ reek with 11.1r :lister, The groona'a present to the bride was Der:trawl, "aura Baal ; plass IN', Jr. a gold pin sat with au opal and .fort, Prank Finkbeiner, Winer ; elass pearls. The 'evenibg Was 5.117Mt • 1.8 Intermediate, Lillian Geiser, Edna Maio! chat, speeches. game% tousle Pack IL iliaber, Elvin Maga rriy, end isongs.. The happy couple. wm aarre4 .rauerii. snake thew future home ia Eirktorr. CLAUDE Teacher ' Division IL -Sr. 111, lsle Ewald, Mr - A LETTER PfrOM INDIA iba Fink battier, Leila Hill ; ohm 111, Jr., Erna' Gibson, Pear! Geiser, elar- Issitsp•sow-. ter sent us by Mr. .Earnest Grigg, net eller • class II IEl.sie (1 111'_ Alme- Rangoon, India, who is it faithful da Pinkbei r4r, missionary, in which be made ap- Herbert Feltner, Matilda Dealt dater, 'peal to friends bei for .an,i,r,i.butions Mary Fahner, 'Clara lloltzmann. Luel of Igmall sums ta'assisi. him in the h Stahls Tillie Browa ; class II Jr., establishment of a. mission bouse in that Ear off land. Ile again has writ- ten a short latter still hopinoi for small Temitto.neo from his 1d 4 -lends here If there are any who feel .1a -tempted to send a amall donation It weuld 'be grAterully aeknowlefted by Mr. Grigg. We submit the following let ter :- Rangoon, Burma, Feha, 1904 Dear Elliaor.-, Thank you very siAcerely Lor ;your kindness in -printing my ep.- Deol in the- Exeter Times. Probablyll should have 'written. two or tbree short ,appeals In stead oC the one more lengthy one. The re,pairs were so ur- gently required that we have been ob- liged to go. forward with 60ine of them but trust that a remitance of at least half the amouttl: asked for will soon be .received to gladden•our hearts and evidence Lo our people ben that my friends in Exeter are large hearted with sympo.thies that girdle. the globe. Yours cordially ;Lint with Logan, Arthur Jones, Lola Ra1ltwell. kindest old-time regards -The beat sp.:laces in ;the montlity \ ERNEST GRIGG, spelling matches wete : Pifita, Ian. 4 York Road Dinsdale Fourth o Elan ilOr II00C1 ; alangeon, Burma. Some tirne ago 'we publislits1.4 issa Hill, Edith Ocstr...11- g o which ha $ed to o up with Ica nd ds. a axuezs holding g�o 11 find it to their ta• sec Cobblediek o bas large orders to fl Grain eived at Exeter, tr and Clandebrii.-e. CHOPPING We have our Chopper now in running order and solicit a share of your trade, and will do our best to give you good chop, and are pre- pared to do zthe,pping any time. -8512501 41.0.110r L. -The February monthly. report Or S.S. No, 14, Stan- ley, is as follows. Nantes are in order of merit. -It ft A. W. .1' oh nelcon, 11, Clegg E. liethweli Fourth, Eiel- ;tar Hood, N aloe a S. R.. Misr - Fence Mate ria I Wooden, on. - Eanalarian dimpesed of a nivo & large r Bruce 311100 fstinocce loonncillyvembovrenninlg)u.,sy. :1‘.1 hd'oryle()0Ylixar.LtilleCalar'smLei,Irvc.aaTizii301g the weak cleaning the track and the Stock Scales, -A, guarantee with, - M111 and Wire Stays for sale cheat). . dock. Sen. Third, .teon G.ras.,stok, 1.14*Ro• , eltlelissoonl eYpeOt.q.-The following la Crleorici BLA.T013-FORD, fce .ftftt.,11:aurra .407ist())11ple.r Lailstau report or S. S. No. 1, Stephen, for ) further information. l0.1 1S paying ,z,te_ 1. ont.h or February. The nanrs P S -Farn P. . House to rent. 3,econ1, John Kehl, Jamois Gemmel', artily the price or flourir jai.s.tinedLy.a...neeodi r o pueJet,pue 'paapu a loot. A.cla al,c13,% a tb. Second Pari, 13Int co a --Mr. F. Dalrer has% purchased tits I11111100 ANDAR 0 F TH Senior and •Panior Third, al./array Fisher ; Second, Ada. INIcReattb ; 85C- 128(1 Part, ArtEur- Jones, -On Wednesday, evenng i1h5 rinil inst. the home or Mr. Gilbert Me - Donald was the scone ior a verypleas- 1 nt event, when his youngest daugh- ter, 1\.liss Maggio, was married la Mr. akihn Gill:I:iota, proaperour.4 yothm; farmer of Mochse Jaw, Assa. Prompt ty at ,six o'clock, whits Miss Veva 'Irtrclook, of Hansen, played 'the wed- ding' march, the young couple appear- ed, the bride leaning on her father's arm, and took their places benealb; bower of flowers and evergreens. The Rev. -.SL 0. McLennan,. af Eippcn, per- fermed the ceremony, Congratiaaa Liens over, tilts guests, to the number of over eighty, sat down towalma. taous repast: Tha bride looked charm. lag in a lovely•cream figure,d mere .gown, trimmed with lace and ribban,The numer,ortal and cogtly presents showed the, astalam tell' fat' the bride by . her •numerOns friends, Mr. and Mrs. Gilmonr 'start for' their home in /Lase, abont ,the 151h inst., They wilt be 'followed by many sincere wishes en a c an prosperous voy- age over the sea of aala 4:::a X _ Beall ma! Kind Yam Hate Always Bonglit signature .4erze. of house and los. trout Mrs. C. Ifeitz 01)- e the church, now occupied by J. Merraer and intends moving LITere in (111? forint., -Geo. Iderner is able lo go auou.L with 1.110 aid otstruicbes. liverytiody is Pleased to see ,c+eo.. around age.,3n af- t r being tontined co the 1101130 for two tKonths with ,a 'broken 1..nt,t, eap -,4.\ very pleasant event .took. place at the _Evangelical parsonage 011 Thiireday evening last. The oocasion being ,tfaroWell gaihiering ,of about. 25 young people in honor or 1N1r. ibi- bit Rortoeir, who left OH 1Prii1.,ity morning for Winnipeg, ittanitoba. al- ter ,3pendi4g the whiter at 'tome. Rev. and Mrs. afartark did overyrtihing 18 :U.Itetr 11401ert •t0 1.11 ;Ike 'te, it:Vetting p, t for the young, people, l'he averting' wria peat inamusie, stagang, etc. At ,about 12 o'clock aunt , was ear v ed", SVIk1 ell luid beet provided. Lor by' the,. laclies.' After wniclIme.v...,•\10/.- lock gave (2 veay suitable address, in baluat of hi:instal' and family, express- ing hiis appreeiation Or the young peo- pl,e's prta*Abc, arid thanking th,em for Lheir good aonduat. It'avae then movea seeeedefi, tO thank nay. and Mrs Blorleak for tlieir .1rindness showa anr far 1,is elarsesssen f appre elation of the gathering. All in favov .ed this' motion nesponded by sayinn I Wiiichc was undnini'011-4- "God be ari,th You bIt we Meet again' Wale then .sungaud all wanthome wel pleizac(l' wti.11 the evening's enjoyment, Amasirimomentess 000 appy u t The perfection of Rano;e Our pri(3e inteiriational tock 25c, 60o, aild .P' i)aelK9,t, rbageurn 50e per package. M41004