HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-2-25, Page 7"GOD BLESS OUR HOME"
RUSSIAN enuElay.
Mee Boys and s Are Exiled TBE POWER, OP RADIUM rst°rY; indeed, the powers of roe
; clean ere sash as oialoo tile ecientest
I believe that we are on the thresbohd
to Siberia. . 111AY BE ABLE TO ZORN BA.SE i of quite a new field of knowleclg'e ea-
ers the 13ritish Discovered jO
Lpo Detitsch's stories about Siber-
ian berbarities whieli have been ex- ..METAL TO GOLD. ; tirely, and that the world, will •pre- the Soudan..
The Old Motto I.s DisaPP ..
_ !..en y be fleshed with rieW ande British toe* poeseesioa out
earing From '.*""g „, Europe. have tn, teem au The elany wonderful Quties of' strange texts whielt ooly a few years re, year ago of the largo city of Keno
, . 'Ph
. . .
he horrors welch we Aoll'icrt aro the Newly Dfseovered ago would leave suffered• the con- in the was'.ern SOudan, whesc Eatir
But they tell also many cerious lut'S Pr°red such. renuarkl TRANSMUTATION OF METALS. Britteh dominion., Sir D, Lu-
g which had placed his territory in the
Its- Wonted Place
,(Entercil according to Act of „the +•4.4-- 1 wt, -
,y, then, ere we so busy with girls me sent to Siberia, ;
JiePgrtew4t of Agr)cetturR Ot 'ts",..' ' ,ty.. One statement hu.s I) , I - '
ondestry, politice, armies and uavies, chief town, is a stolen pa to caned • i ,e , As far as eon be seep, the Squeezed his way into it through
ea,,,s,e .„_ttee. Frame ve Witt Talmage . -IF • 1034rfa s Oi Children are grow- i d. ° aeu III; Pon tIle Wee. 4-4 !is extensively totted in Auetriaw iltle.dIsene" -
.. ing tete bad wa -s eeause thou,- en ing one aoother books nd mak ,
IrxecitecIttdth:rlo,noi.4.0tiLeu jfiOati:Teinifovstrti j s,,,,ds of bonit,„ ato3' s'e./4,00in of fgeme nig notes oe thern-not te;o4Lks -that. '1.111,r.„,"(,),,freetbrier'eaertee-s-4)1gbeoz,-LaPjamcents,,t1 ita-t; L'zice, of Geildford, fowl(' in 1782? •into two compartments, each 17x7
terior was divided by a. thick mud
AVe wonder If it waS radium Dr. 'Wall with a similar hole through- it
sant do its builders tau theteou ee'' mice mot, nurseries of weakness and were in any way forbidden, but that , ii)s' "".',' -ts'1,10'" bowels ot tho earth. I .rineasiihcfeeded hirmalti ing gold with it, :on the floor and 11 feet high.
ad in
Peelai via, 1, ' ;sviekede.ess? .Let ite withdraw _ _fol.: sw,oeil;erogaCmcceSusiii)olefoot.r; tahlieziStaIritind afh.,,fe‘nv 1 se'hiese if tha,t les the ease would,I4, t` was a '1" °I'v 'the Io -a1 Tnis wall sT" 'inerec4 with b'eleu
Mart iN moi..0 the creature of ea- .awliiI° We'll tnc Illaze of 1)ahtic°4 ''''''-• 11 reeding (socieet/ wile to'''re-isetl', Initeenodt t;b011:talittinfil'aer. entlhat!zbectujolituols:solsn0t; e gold -making was doue in this coun- - tot thoze sentenced to death were
etnent than of ialielitance. Tb;.,1 5erambie, tl'uill'tss struZgies and soul"' 7.."'---1:'
aitie of intone evil is at var. tei strifee end woe into our 'homes ino"" as might, belP.te Pa'S aWaY the ,ai hei„g to k , id i• • 11" "'"^e ' try, and a goldsmith named Ilielard
ug winter evenings //I tbA dull state-; Society. le the reign sof Hyenas" 1V- ;at its base, througit which the lege
hement, of oeueolos, M., the yeer Ore '
. . poseible tbat one or more of the" h
estousetat Nino flowered and ,Props mid stock, with commerce anti "Irt the chstriet of Poltava the ^ .
savants may determine is capabvi-
„ ..• .t ese facts, and thus tbe dream of which the Emir kept ids yr/Fluters.
by Wm. 1.any,, of Tor -nu), 8.1
ties for turning lead Pao gold -
the althetnists will come to be real- When Ire -visited the cluugeon he
taught to believe belong to the ilus-
sian Penal system. Element tempt and rolicule of &Very sane bad refused tO obide by the treaty
ot"fleos'fieneleleflo issvb°irleeli nteill•leg btollse-s l'a!ililtdi able find that. 6-e 9143 SclentistS111:1 C°111:"SiQn of lea
d or
"11°4' gar& wile seize° the eitY' h" juat
finished experimentIng with it it is : eaeo metei jilt° eld win he eee ef written a description of the dungeon
it Ate Monarchies and new republics., lionM3', and in this Mt! te • . een e to • ,o -
A tlespetch from Los Angeles, Cal., ra • d
.1. IL.. 111111101AS et babes aro being ads- Itt,ea. slehool. '1'wo or three ..of torpt se vite4hoie-ede a: ra.'"et.ta`61 l'ITt'ettn! be the iliseovery a the philoeopher's and font inches wide, 'The in-
toe effect se as rettima te eiscovery a radium would seem to eleerway only 2 feet foi inches hig
J witio the totaelliegs of seienee and attune them to the sweet her- # "
o r Ieolegte in some monies of beavenly vtrtues, IAA proNbleial toson.
wet!. 1 •
subtle mounter (innate f d The home le the preliminary battle- . neoPie had no
an 09 a - "Ae these you
feet and otensontrol the spiritual as ground where evil ls to be '°"glIt' i4 ft 118' 4137
tdca (bat tbey were colnutittO
, an y 11-ete left to be treed -
i Carter, in 1476, had a :special Meese den terr by the Crewd a other priSone
'A11.11°111' t°(1,,t_oiltea(iiIabsee'c n4taatis" is called, „granter/ bim permitting him to, carry, ',Lem tin: they died of thirst and starv-,
as alchemy, a teem applied. to chemistry h . ing of go a.,
, an the transmutation a meta.8 alto ,ation.
of contempt, then trona re,- ;1' - - - e • The place wee perfeetty air tigh
, t .t,t 0, ii e et. 4 peopIe, oft; incipiency and conquerc-d. There ot kcept.,,,,„ their, proceetuag.s eet,.,et, i ,i,n, -i, ;Ini 0.1"Aso-tet: branch' 401, chettli Pitchblende is found ia Cornwall; bolo in the wall winch served as
ln a similar way the character Of a ft.letell Must Brst be utet and OWN
m„) nottnally lieVel` drealllt seect ° 4,lcheriy, a it st miS te- 1.1,as it radIUM he had feung ? and WitlioUt ventilation except, f r the
.trian is conditiened by the hetne is- come, and the young soul taught how them, by the way, fabulously tenor istry,
to which Ite as a. child was first to retain a" niAtt the gendu-nnelle--01Ost 01 i is77(r; -- ,:i4ach in 'tho 4-1aV$ that - ' uranitun is extracted front it d
neltered„ end where was LtrIfObled 4) ' /Ts Nismivi-,1 INNooRri-er,, the dwellings of the ;FOUNT, faes of
him all that be for realty eseatts ISnew 1 - - - an men -paid doirocriary vi rs to
-of life, of immonity„ of the wotld. Prom the sacred preeitlets of the dee ewes wan found, but the tright000a
•ti•e school. Ceqatnly net,-irg
T4.0 eltild 1 flow like a new star Imestic hearth every inpurity or taint gi.is coTtiNed two, they F ti h
fora from the confliet of nattwe's meet be ex 114 L.,
tradonn from the latter, • 'doorway, The total spacet /aside.
e -
gone bad for its (Meet the tronsmu-
. ,_ , . „ ,,
tation of ntetals nue goon, It was ' _______+___ was 2,618 talbie feet, and when Lu-
hitherte laughed at tile leett, The neliurn rented in
gerd's troops toot; rennet 135 persons
Consitlered ridiculous. even by deep- RADIVIA, IN ii,',Awa wA=,gs, were connoted in thle dungeon ever
thinking philosophers wi o hale night.
YV 'u
merits and bursting as *n*W light breathed there save that which the • ' e " afea.Y for, raa„Ing Rola by th0 Z4v4rd tedium in appreelable qua, Sometimes
ow,ctiegs 411d that they reati booka tu, finding the parmeett or uuiversol t,-‘ I ?yam ITealutg ,. In ottt into
id • -gl ae,. eurtain of the angels may unblushingiy hear, Truth. ,ii wphe girls and their frientie wore was but S14 unut‘h thee l.vast.ed,
been found in the famous- S, were packe
night upon a world it had never simplicity, love and toodenty are the arrested and imprisoned, a, report Tfro Pt1114at'OPMQ1 S *STONE:" lath, and it is stated on gh tu20.
knowe i The child 1 How like a weapons of the fireside with wbich to Was Fent to SI-. Petersburg about the But what has sPurred '`'°"'" men 4r1 111411e autherft'Y that there is 41.8 the ground area was vpy 28
•flower, lih.sed by the light and dew of ;fight the demons of unrighteousness. discovery or a secret eoriety. ia to thud -dna that there inIgitt he , oi t these are large quan square feet, there was not even sten
Leaven, it opens Ile eyes in wonder `The home in WhiCh the young are which iamb and wait pe'SOIIS bad Is*in g• in this notion of the , 0/ it (Jeep down in the earth ing room teteept by literally pashin
at the lAtrange 1104131..Y. Of itS borne taugbt galriblin by re e t h - tcn a part and diseensed social, aneQnts is the incontrovertible fact i, the Laildint Polly eleil. itbe prisoner's like Sa.I'dines in a box
What IntlY tlis home not be ? A esampie is not, a true Immo, that ae quefitione together; th'e officer was of , tl'at worlr retr. it anY at 114 ef the 1 V°4. 4-enle tin"' •Pr(d'•.,_11" t ;Several of them were crushed to deft
1111 frowee suowhouse le the Klondike or Ingeney ni, the gambler's, dent proper- opt,ien that, these evildoers should t notions of the ancient philosophers :the expense of the it . • 1
tebt orange grove la tile tropics, a ging the recruits who shall later be be sent to Sil'eln, - et vey night and their bodice
"Pon, the all4 desert " 1°d e „COM its patrons. The real home is AND TIIE•T'llINO W.A.S DONE, /tattled out in the tuorniug„wi
in•"h1°' t'4""Qst• 4 hut on the wrnin" an exemplar of simple and Italy liy- ierhere were at that time i K The dungeon was emptied of i
Ictires just before the British ente
or were
200 pers
ft, •
4 proved thimerival, end in the! collected the goses that rife in th
minting of ebenistry and astrommy i largest, and best litIOWn of the
particularly have these old ideas 0;prings-the King's lialb--and t e
aud notions been realived. tresult of his analysis revealed.
II ill radium prove tl?,e et t, : fact that the rare element Indium
l be ‘MR"teil Mit .141'.1434. and WaS it radium that was i dr,- Isted in the Bath waters.
talIf InnnsiOn kr' the sea, or g It t`itust become, also- intela s ru o to s .o • t -
4 dflIgY '"DUI in 4 etn'gested tune- ile-let'uni centre, where thOught 4ru
ment, may be - h bit i
d it, two or three days later, t
the city. When Col. Xforle.nel
- 0Z
was• so intolerable, thoirdt
ens makes Me real and happin• ess' northward ,admini,strative .
,atitoog simple. honest peasant faih; I d„, with, t t 4,11 'ithrough the rainau of the old ichw 'rho existpnea helium led to thewne nn *14. that he did not ,enter.
antong rough, sturdy mountoineers; se,";11'
ainolp the pioneers of the West, r
the Mese derif•ens f o create sucti a borne of IOU% thew 'Leung. people alto, of course
and * t ° , 'e" °" 100f4" ralstS when thoo clever men, with belief that scan thin •
among the ignorant tho whie, a battery wbexe our children '„ were boys and gl uttder ago. to hien that there was tho possini.ity the three esorings. initSumeit Sle ,this oinrderons ppo ty,;(t toaok soki
Whatever home may be anti wile charged with
at con fortify them claacinSt ;Jay no crime, lather
t,Itat spiritual !whore) charge even Resstan law Could I.I of transmuting one metal into an- ItatmaY reventlY dtsee'vetel 'ers of the British force who wet
. 41T. 0 *bat helium is slowly evolved from Ita`hea prisoners, bad iiren'' manned,
ntolo of' scion-, Three weeks later when Legal
o nietropoli ce nal life, to make „ belonged to the stitdent class, there ronetcatiog into igence, allsorted tt.e aeifosits the Willis and fifes at,',able for more (lion a few seconds,
thew fine13--organiced brains and title interest ntight he found in the 'wont in.dde tile effluvia wero nrthea
sr'enete bsitt.ekterd'pl'ahrejeholusailletw0178„„ctolu.,.:,of world, soluetning mere is 4 who was then in command, had Rhea ''''' aePe'slt trent, ',I One of the open spaces in
atthe tow
temptations wad Allurements q ' 2e 1•1°0-Foleernot. estasta lap- it really feents most likely 'Nat it ' radum.A. quantity
pow among mendicants or a crim-
hull ainang oliteaSts. The child ro-
semlfles oft the seed which the wind
*IOW rasts upon the barren rock •
selousnos that would make man be- needed than ts found in the average or
COO* a prince in a roval 1104180 hone
was radium; though, of course, teey ;-i;;
Ittfytti SPriug nlitei I
tura tnut these exikli shOuld be „we for the maw. it„t awl was „wilt. to tho mu. 14. j: was the piece where decapitation
ma. mow,. oulesed to their eripotateils
t'etina0 o
Little Liver Pills
Igo aturo ot
A OYER 500 13
y seem an exaggeration
rs from Bad Blood should To4441
at this mintettiouscurohy
CURED XN 1885r
David F. .tiott wrote us fro=
g Valley, Ont., in. 1895, Fie
ffered from ilnpnre blood and hx4
ciao boils, hut elaels teking BUR.,
curve.. and can teeommextd it to soy pep
it son troubled. with bad blood.
OD! BITTZRS ant entirely
lkfr, Mott write* no from ea Bawl St..,
t " —
LIfis NY. under date of Ilteqlstv
g 190 . Ile says:-Soute rams *go re-
, 4 eelved a letter from your grin, saying.
‘, that some years ago you received ot,
telitimenial from me, stating that bvul
ever SCII) bells. Yea, sir, I had, and
I I must say that I have nem had the re-
appearance of one since took the emus*
I thank God that 1 IlaY0 bad good health
ever sinee, for I was a IFeat sufferer.
wi3li B.13,11. a world of sucesaspwhieli
It surely deserves.
•rer NAN at all druggist a or de -alert
Taa T. MItttnint Co., tramps
TeligniTO, OM:
- hosing found it, They holeced it Strutt, son of T.,,ord ilaYlciglf. who were
re4114419Y Pell -urn"' tind "
tire, education are not enough, tlan e• teannet. that Welad haVe was to be felinit. •SQ guy they have made+ a careful investigation of the ether Place 1.31° great Ine-rhe
"Except tim Lord build the lieUge. reBaered the ehard4LIPs Of ti -e proved eoti.ert, Asti as we ilas,0 materiel submitted `to Idin. te- 'Iv" the site Where the 110148 b
'a do Rs blinders toil thereon.'" 74°Y fillit"thefl"°'"11Y StrVere; And •
hat en m young licople leattied t! lexttoue autie4 ion may urn ont, municated in a letter to the Bath dailiv.
t b ^ of worldliness been Inst. 'The old cola andeahunngeelronitoo ‘Pv4e0i!. hing by known to be eapaele i“that the dopoflt
.1 mnny Instences has t they made I epresentations to CI the tttituto3. 0$ true.,
wl"ore It decays •
and dies; now Upon spirinual life that
" le "ell' where " t'dws "et and tors proof against the encroachments , that ow i',., g them cd oIn. f -.s. Is
made our UneeS- authorities pointing out the dna-1pr Study what radium has done, and lift%44 r •
"I - ound "
familiar device "(ioa Ine$S Our DEADLY RAYS. n approriable ottant'
oss e that their suit /4 Ids investigation he has coal. less Inisenel weft auKattated gtitutOS
O , e us bow In
before the the ma-
tll possibilities.
al the home are the
aot figures of the
i• stance Of he-
tb picture of
I wonderful, po-
A %We told to cOrne to ether •
"nted place' Th4t is the smet wit inglY anemhied in a dwelirg aro se miriena that sum( sing s, nett "E t kin hero van be little flout
unhappy and Inefficient homes. !fount. to await, the arittal of the an event as that just de4lhed. tiutt the helium of Oath owes its
. Strutt,
neMe," dist,tppeariuK from oi its to talk Inettere over, and theyg hullediater'd'e:ittets•ufitii‘11,.41tust aleiTtfist 'fag gtirlititctiat!aY not en"
may 'God come to Ms own Again! , dor 44. ponce; mstoad a whom. i pened,-.0 course, L. le nontely a, by,. Origin tt) large quantities of radium
parenthood is but a feeble eubStittote, however. .ctune an order .to betake ,:pathesis-and the powerful rays of at a great depth below the 'ea. th's
It ' . fle_gts creator, to the child for deity. The heavenly I themselves at once to the. Poll 0 Of- t Moe metalteanght the people, mottling surface. A little of this radium
but Go . . e two, the child ond : earthly parents to nid in the awed they were to be &'90 ted at 15
th(„ bonun- the makers of poster- work of preparin tho child f
e proeitionsse its all 'father and mother west 'stand by the .; lice. ThoY now felt convinced (t),Ilittlt:e, ' ;;1.04sultinobe$
etkeislta,tbioy tt etm. Tbere mooed :, earried up by the rush of hot water,
t • . i oti t
g or Ine 1011 ,fer Prfltest and n o pain or feeling. '4 and It is found in the eeposit. My
ity fted wilt m1(1111041 11:e weal' or manhood or womaubood and dOreloP" ref,tu'reff &Art. WileTIPon ttr- sign of an,lairg; but within: a etr _develoPinents.- (account to annautice thet twn and
woe of unbenee generutlette. ing it for life oand eternity. jmnottiately ttoort of soldiers aeoks, after the event of the cent:tut This letter wee read at a. zneeti
they At first there woad be absolutely no expe!inients prOliiiSe further intereete
VOflintended by an officer. the people would observe their skin 'of the Bath .Couneil yesterday !I
g •I` two are four, word. be jest feels
"The soldiers clubbed th'e exiles beginning to peel ofr and tivir bocl, by Mr. T. Sturge Cotterell, who , -
enough to blurt it out. Not so Mr.
cause there Inv 80 many teacbers, ith the butts of their rifles, stabb, 0 id: ,
and preachers. who, professi11
ng to be
lawyer, whose elagilenCe Was
SI t(04*gle $ort, was addressii
tite jury at great length, and his
%al opponent, growing weary, went
outside to ret.
"Ur. Bransby is natiiing a grea
Pe004" said t.eountrymatt to the
bored eounsel.
yes, ?Jr. Branshy "always
nakes a great speech. If vou or
Jit. S. S. LESSON,
rEz. 2s,
Text of the Lesson, Illatt, 21-29,
Golden Text, •Tas, i., 22.
The gospel of Afatthew is sPecittilY
tint gospel of •the kiugdore, tbnt
kingdom of which the Old Testament
has so much to tell us, when it King
"Shall •reign in righteousness and tlxe
work of righteousness shall be peace
, and the effect of righteousness, quiet-
ness and assurance forever. The
narrte of the King shall be Jehovah- ever
Isidltena, the Lord our Righteous- der
rtes.s; Ile shall reign and prosper and A.f,;e
shall execute judgment and justice in ,W1"
the earth. His throne Shall be the
. throne of David at Jerusalem, and
Be shall Ile King over all the earth `,°„c
(Tea. xxxii., 1, 17; ix., 6, 7); jar. este
Hie 17; xxiii., 5, 6; Zech. xiv., 9•
11 any one would be truly tnrilled
arid -lifted .above present thing and
oirctunetances, let hint beconie ao-
quainted with the King and the king-
dom, with whom and to which every
redeemed person is a joint heir, the er tt
•kingd which shall include all tho the
doms of this world, with a King fore'
fore whom ,all kings' shall fall
down and whom all nations shall
serve (Rev. xi., 15; Ps, lxxii., 11).
• Nothing more• thrilling or inspiring
W3 ever written and the God of
Truth Hbasself wrote this (II. Tim.
iii., 16, 17). In Matt. v., via the
King has given us the lawe of the
kingdom, that kingdom which is not.
meat and drink, but righteousness
andneee.ce and joy in the Holy Ghost
(Roni. xiv., 17). The opening words
assert that poverty of spirit is n
characteristic -of those who belong to
it. ComPare Isa. 15; lxvi• 2.
He also said that the righteousness
necessary to enter it must' exceed
that of the scribes and Pharisees- (v.,
20) and must ,be such as meets .the
requirements of the true spirit of the
law, not that of mere words, ' -but
deeds which are righteous' before
God, who eeeth in secret. Not ev--
ery one that saith, * * but he that
aoeth the will of My Father which
,is in heaven," are the opening words
of our lesson and the beginning of
the close of His address.
That we may more fully spprecietes
elie words we meat remember who
the spe.aker is. Note ITis oft repeat-
ed "I say unto you," corresponding':
with ti),e, "Thus Saith the Lord" of
the Old Testament, for He is the
Loi -d IIostst the God of Israel tee
Creator; the only Redeemer, the
Judge of all matelaml. He is tho one
of whom the T'at,her said at Ills bap-
tism, "This is My lteloverl Son, eu
whom. o m well pleased." and at
treolefigurat toll iTe widen, '''ffear
- eet" (Matt. tit, 17; xvii, 5). He
s elf sal cl , "'The Father athi"et,h,
aO man, but hath eeninetted ell'
nide-meet intro the Sop" '61ofin
22), I soek elapliasizo '01;8 b
is lends, not only dishonor the on the clefenselws assembly. Six , • •
a lent with bayonets end Div! 1.Fores. pura4sis of the vi,tottary written that by "appretleble tniantf- '
tre a th peat added that Mr. Strutt had since', that particular arithmetical rnie
fansby. Ile would say : 'if by
word which He so honored, but dis-
honor HIM, not believing ITis words,
and t.bus ,dishonor tbe rattler, too,
for all ITis words were just mead
the rather teld Ilia/ to say (John
But bowever much people may Pro- yaltutsk and einef een were sentet,eed prove a mine of benefit to state ing: The deposit winch MP, Striltt ex -
from Me, ye, that work iniquity"
testimony that Ile will lm.ve to say
to them, "I never knew you; depart
works in His name, ec.e is Ills own
fess to bo His frientls and to do to penal servitude for life."
ed. wherein three Persons were con- made an
dent .1 to (teeth and execetted ill however,- °01in tbe other hand, sew e Dewar extatfieed samples tif them au. ',^h"07111"oh,:.f.:0117 1,370.11tt,eiirlr-ZenItilhiire' to
wounded and iiiinrett--nembering feeble state,
twenty -seven -were then trust i to M. ihmysz bas beou able to ranee. i radium IS tt preetht old -sired
prison. nad the ceurt-martial orcn- ate this from the exert iments he bas ' About ninety-eight geese are gilenli", th
many were severe:4,, wonaded, The ;ranged, reducing it to en utterly I tested."
The Russian imperial family en- London hoseitul, where stiffeeets tanns otell corrodes piees,
roses Were left 011 the spot 4104!nervou,s ,.f.itoto 1,‘,,touli,tt becoonoled- teif iltisesicrolsteenreneert.untut3,q_u<lietritlitletieos,stheytiltist1(1,„it 11 latdrdievan. to two iettoses, we should
...... ..--.-
humanity, and the lIrst of these im-r" endued is
moose benellls is actually at the pre- feeteree of the Bath waters. lt set-
to eent moment in operation al a Arent tleS on walls and tl,e hottonts of
roderitS. Tbe metal, off by the Bath waters, and Prot. J.:v.:ft
Was less tiool in the Ore re°111 wtne° 1 withetot the fear of el - ' -ft ) on-
, . , 1114 Iho Percentage'. f°,921,4tfinti-and 1 say 'this boldly. sir and
one of ""Iless::::iltriv.711,1atit'idtt:;:ebfileitnerxesoll hes just eon
Ige s ssidestillitiot ttlifletitit;r(evlegrivtitolgr
otradiellon-wet 1 relleat should find
:the assertion I out ;About to make
Lumen, as "Additton," we tieqre to
e parlmular arithmetical for -
at the Suns of two integers
o a cyst, 21, e
(verse 23). Ile has told us elsewhere iOYs the distinction of beam tee from a malivestst -disease a e being mud of a rith eraege 00101evo.test,ctbeern ducted his partner hitch t 1 • •place
that He will .have to say to some wealthieet family in Ettrope. The 'eured. •
• MAY :DISPLACE ELECTRICITY. id*. it is orange colored
l but instead of retiring sifter the usu.
"Depart front Me, ye eureed. into' " • is of the Ozer amounts to
A but duller in 1100 and very fine in etor e*eirl'oments,
he plants himself i
1 $12.500,1.'00 4* year in additicn to ,
Seitii"g 011 sten'e or 4 rent of her with an air of consider
lasting fire, prepared for the this draws an Radium, when
telible embarressment. "Is there any
1 and ids angels (Matt. say. 41.11 enormous revenue he mews an
efe,000,000 liver, found (and there is plenty of it -
sufficient °I it '11 -am i In -ejections, it hardento and Assumes 1 f
B I "tilt ti t
have to say to sortie,
speaks again. in grace that ail '
r the solemn warning that lie
„veparti, ,; a year from his extensive estates and i_t_oetrinitarde)a•etri
- ;income of an additional
. mines. The house a Roulanoff, as ' WI doithedirle‘evilolf
# The estimated vield f tt
. 0 ta atl ng le you (Iowa sir?" asked tb
neellter dlinies 01 light.
brother sCientitt
pitrocbonme.; t, the appearance of coral of fungus. t
owe_ An who hear the gospel ;Ineolelnetesrathetasn 0211100h00e,On041-aec,r:snainndoilta- r -I
will may flee front the wrath:distinguished from the (*tzar, °I I springs is a million tons of water linty, noticing his uneasiness. "Xo
considerable solid deposits, mainly
per (Innen), and this includes verseiroll"-tiolt is --I inertn-ray crush hat
, Much has had the luelor if .0 d' ,
o'ente rdisplace the electrie, and tbe other
er obey'. or disobey; they elle er ' f It
tato_ refuge in Oh -1st who is the the $10,000,000 of annual revenue the other day that two poi -Inds of earttii While tbe radium as too , it -self actually -upon the atone ebal
I ' 1' - ' whith these acres Produce a soul 0 -
f -radium would illuminate a room snot in quantity- for extraction now, 'ae yourself."
le or, turniug from Him, they
pt some of the many prevailing
sions of the devil and make lies
- refege, number 46. The
the income le allowed to the substance" itself clisminishing a
remaining three- I would reiriain in perpetuity withoet
fourths of
One of the re-ently discovered na-
e latter passage gives the furth- accumulate for the benefit of future
radium would in time JEWELRY AND MAGIC,
tural curiosities of Chine. is an
fraction in its weight, the cost of
•uth that even thoee who axe on claimants. The total anneal income 1 burning
tamount to nothing at all. " ' According' to the conc 011 "alum. niountain,” - 1,900 feet in
sure foundation anil are Vlore- of the imperial family of Russia can-
decigramme of the now sub- Prof. W. Ringeway, finger -rings, eel-- 1height and abont 10 miles: in sircom-
..eternally safe have need to be not, therefore, be less than $17,500,- I A
stance (thirteenth part of an ounce) rings, bracelets, brooches and otherlfereace at the base• The Chinese
ing day by day lest they may see ; tro this revenue is to be found is the
carefel of that which they' are build-, 000. Probably the tearest approach
would be sufficient to illuminate a. articles. of pm sone! edorninent ori- ,
;quarry tbe alum, or masses contann-
their works burned up and they ; combined incomes of the brothers space of fifteen inches square for ginated not from the esthetic sease ing alum, in, large blocks, which are
works must be "God working in us" amounts to $12,5'00,000. The Aus-
thernselve.s saved as by fire. The Rockefeller, the all kings, which
could be utilized for domestic ur- their belief in magic. le e i 4 1
. ;'Ve-- c-v-dze- and afterward "dissolved le boiling
reading purposes. But before radinm of our remote anceetors, but fo.-ozn. heated in ovens made for the purpose
the works which He bath before pre-' trian imperial family possesses an
cessary to devise means to counter -
Poses of this nature it would be ne- men to -day sometimes entertain u• ; water. The alum then erystallizes in
pared for us (Elsa. ii, 10; Phil. H, ' annual income of 87,500,000, Ilia superstitious regard for stolen stones ' lnyess aboutehalf a foot in thickness,
Returnieg to the first part of our
lesson and the matter of "doing the
wood, hay and stubble
.13; Colo 1, 29), else all , May 'prove German family one of $5,000,000,
revenue of 83,000.000 a year.
and the Italian house of Savoy a
somewhat stunted in its action, and and Asiatics used stonee, beans and
act or neutralize its powers on the and pebbles of peculiar shape or col -
human body. A bit of radium her- or, and carry them about as charms.
. .
v seated in saogIaseetube is Professor Ridgeway says the Greeks its principal use is in the purifiea-
and is cut. up into 10 -pound pieces.
will of God," we must remember can do grievous harm.. . . , cry -stale primarily as amulets, arid tion of water,
that our Lord was talking to ' diS- 1 Between Ila.svaii and Califoenia the Nunierous insects have been eaperl cut 'devices on them to ,enhance then-
imented upon with marvellous re- magical • power. The use of suth
sults. In every case exposure to the stones as seals was secondary, and
new substance has eucceedecl in de- may at first have bee a for sacred
veloping longevity to a remarinablelnurposes only. When a primitive
extent, and , tadpoles, frogs, , and ; people Iii-st find gold they value it
Worms -have midergoae quite a meta- to/11y • for its supposed raagic, mid
morphosis, and been Made to develop (wear neg-gesis of it strung \lite
•into creatures unheard of in natural beads.
I I Heals and Soothes the Imiss and
r 33ronehinI Tubes. Cures COUOIESs
t"" 21BSS0 eto,, quicker thou any tame
of grand dukes otnd ducbesses, who I
82,000,000 is set apart for the
the light proceeding from the m t 1
use thirtn.r feet square, and as the -raYs of hoped for at Bath.
ebettor methoas of extractiber, it are
edy If you have that irri.
tains Cough that keeps you awake
. night, a doe of the Syrup will'
- stop it at once,
have used. DR. WOOD'S NORWAT
' PINE SYIIIIP for every cold 1 have had
tor the past eight years, with wolader-
*. ful success. 1 tzever see a friend with*
cough or cold but that, I recommend itses
14. Ellsworth, Jacksonville, N.B.
Plum 25 CENTS.
ciples (chapter v, 1, 2), -for Ile never bOttoM the'Pacille Ocean is said
talks to the unsaved of • "doing." to be so level that, if, it Were po•-si-
When the Unsaved asked Him one ble. a railway could be laid for SOO
day,, "'What, shall we no that we miles without altering the grade
might work the works of God ?" anywhere. This fact was discoeered
His reply was to tlie effect that the by the United States surveying ves-
only .work for them was to •believe. sel engaged in making soundings for
on 'Him whom God had sent (John cable work.
vi, 28, 29). On salvation by faith
apart from any works of ours see
Rern. iii, 24; iv, .5; 'Eph. ii, 8, 9;
it. iii, 5; 'then on the works which
must and will follow see Epli. ii, 10;
Tit. iii, 8; slitS. ii, 14-26.
May We ever listen to the worns
of the 'Spirit in'this infallible book' '
whether they, coaale• to us througli
prophets, apostles. or Christ 1 -lim-
as svords- of authority', even the
authority of God. These are before
U8 a glorious interning and an awful
night, but there is no mole -deg for
those -who despise the word of God
(Ise. xxi, 11, 12, 'VOL 20, revised
eersion). No one is a. child of God
and a joint heir svith Christ who has
not received Christ as his own Sav-
10110, putting all his trustas a
ner in the precious blood of the
ate nomsnt (-John 1, 12; I .1' elm v,
12; I.ev, evii, It; 13e1?, ix, 22); but, -
having tiitIN .lecotoe a me rt of Him Mr, Bug -Gracious, Mr,
and 11 is kingdom. 11 is works in us Ail?"'
must h.1' So manliest that incn niay Suat:e----Well, you
irift tine us (chapter V. 0). dam.
Vete,re, .o
'eine r"
ti ft
1.1 I
Snake why
o you
o e
0 1.iPtsvi es v-40
t boll tie
zny ratiler horn o limes the
An Englishman, Mr. C. E. Kelway,
bas invented it system,. combining
'wireless signets and sound 'warnings'
in such a manner that with their aid
a ship approaching the coast in ot,
fog may ascertatn its distance from
the point of danger. At regular in-
tervalwireless signals and ' sound
Warnings are' to be sent out simul-
taneously from the I igh thouse, or
other station, oh the coaSt. Thc
wireless signals travel tvith practical-
ly infinite 'velocity, but thesounds
go comparatively 'slowly, and by ob-
serving the lapse of time between a mother,
wireless signal and Its ''-tec.omPanYillg y little daughter, sn yearold, ha
sound a ship -captain can readily cal-
had weak kidneys since birth. Lest Feb -
culotte his distance, By taking two ‘ruary I got a box of Doan's Kidney Pine '
successive oheerrations of this kind, at Strong's drug store. Since) taking them
a few mites afar[, the eafihtia would he has had no more kidney trouble ot au'
be elsie to compute the precise •loca- kind. I gladly make this statement bet -
tier; of an invisible lighthouse or sig-,- eause of the benefit my child h
nal stotiert.aa received
from thia medicine." •
on't Chide the
Efon46 scold thee li.ttle
ones if the bed is wet in
the morning. It isn't thei
‘ehild's fault. It is suffering from a weak-
ness of the kidneys and bladder, and weak
kidneys need "strengthening ---that's ell.
Yeu can't affordto risk delay. Neglect may
entail a lifetime of suffering. and misery.,
strengthen tile kidneys and Mad
• all trouble is at
Mrs, E. Itiditer, Lem -lout Ont.
er, then
living at •I99 C4ray St., says;
Heart Palpitated.
Ig$ isb Eithrif/ lid Brown, 'fileitoo.41. Oats
when she had almost ghtan en haps'
of *war gotten* wed agate. '
She writes : "I Was so rim down that
I was not able to do rny work, was shod
of breath, had a sour stomach every night
and cooed scarcely eat. My heart palni.
toted, I had faint and dizzy spells and felt
weak and nervous all the time.. My
husband got me a box of Milburn's Heats
and Nerve but I told him it was no
use, that I had given up hope ever
being cured. He however persuaded me
to take thcm and bre efoI had used hall
t e box 1 began to feel better. Two hoxe:,
made a new 1,,,omaza of me and 1 havt• beet
well and have loosen able to do my wail
Milburn's aft and Nerve Pi119 tir4
o cts, box, or 3 for $ogs, an dealers or
'„.11tilLaUlitv •C(141,4tu