Exeter Times, 1904-2-25, Page 5TELE
Goneval Merohante. 0
ft4 General Merehante.
cl e
Bemuse we will present you with Blegant and
Costly Silverware, absolutely Free Gratis, 4l11C1
without a cent of expense to you, if you purehase
your goods for cash from us.
By special and exclusive arrangements with
the Crown Silver Plate Co. of Toronto, who have
agreed co furnish us with an extensive variety of
their Triple Bata Silverware, we are enabled to
present these beautiful goods to our patrons ab-
sohnely Free of Charge. The reliable quality of
the goods of the Crown Silver Plate Co, is well
and favorably known from the Atlantic to the
Pacifte, and PS each article bears their
their durability and excellence p.re ample gaau
Our Offer to You0
Read It !
2 1"a
1 A Cash will receive Silverware Coupons or Tickets g
Every customer purchasing goods flora us for
1 to the value of Ten per cent. of the amount of ao
41 . each purchase, and we pledt,re our business honor grg
mX to quote our very lowest cash prices to all such 5 fe
174' customers. These Coupons or Tickets are re-
Sver ITO
S -1, deemable at our store in any of the Crown 1 F -E$
a Plate Co.'s Silverware you may choose to select.
,s4 .
M. Our object in offering these elegant articles
of Silverware "Free is to serve as an inducement
to our customers to concentrate all of their cash
• purchases with us. We are enabled thus to ` 8
secure our cash discounts when purchasing our ttel
ee StOCkS of goods. and we give our customers the la
,,, Pa benefit of the very lowest cash prices, and furnish 2
0 their houses with elegant Silverware, made by a -a
4 reliable firm' Free of any charge. ig L.4
.0 g 9,
z -- • h
0 Pi•
Call on us and inspect these i
a, Beautiful Presents.
ew Spring
Dress Goods I:
The very latest, arrived on Saturday.
0116 Door North oi „Post) 0111.66
Ternas--C,sh or Produce:
Clermrod Merelients. General Merohnaito..
To eeeee, a Reeiness or &antiwar],
retiree. WecanPt OnOtig4
grade/140 tO 411 the mile upon ne
to ofece help, Can piece 2% more
young piety at roa averages salery
ot ern per month to staet. New
eonese from Feb. I, el.. Write
for catalog "Ll'n
A, L,illIQW1s1,
The Jappy and the Hair,
•'The time hee come," tbejappy- seide
"For setting mattere right."
-oh. wait a bit, don't burry," said
The hairs Muscovite.'
"I'm fixing up a note or you,
It's very wrong to fight."
"Yetu've sent me pates, you've sen
IQ notee,"
Declered the lit le Jap.
But notes don't seem ito help me
In fixing up the Mae .
weary oi diplomacy,
' time has come to scraor
'Bat wait a bit, but wait a bit;
The Xnaerovite replied ;
"Jetet's talk some mere. duel
Restrain your foolish pride,-"
emesh him when I'm rea
The •Muscovite 'aside.
The little d'appy said no more,
But :struck with all his might,
Awl when the ean shone On the.SOntei
Aud day succeeded night,
But little hair was left upcn
The hairy .,l'useovite.
Mrs. Johns left on Wedlie
SliOrt ViSil with her delighise
Goedisen of Sarnia,while
and Amy ale vieltirg friends
Last Ulgilt tWQ Phigtt " of
young people drove to the home of
Mies liattiellandford, London Road
eoutia, and spent very pleaeane (ITU -
Mrs. 3. G. Stantany VIVItt, 10 Whit-
by on Wednesday ItiOlt rung where die
will epend evyeral weeks et the home
of her parents, D. and Mrs. Est
BrO0O1 Found. -Between Min at.
Iffethodiit church and •power house.
Owner can have same by applying. ut
Tilltee Office, proving property and
paying for ad.
Mrs, Boas who haa been visiting her
•sisters, As. B. 11. Collins and Miss
Bonthrou for several months. return-
ed, to her borne in Livingstone Mon-
tana, on Wednesday.
Miss H. 'Pringle, late of our Public
School staff, wbo had deckled to as-
cept a position as teather in Snow-
flake, Mati., tuts made up her mind
differently mid will for the time et
least take a well-earned rest at her
borne In Staffe. She leavea town this
The Huron Old Boys Association of
Toronto will bola their fourth annual
At Home in the Temple buildiog on
Fridey evening of next week. The
fonetion will tie Of the saine nature as
in the past, a reception and re -union
followed by 4 COaciert akid a dance,
.3.osai WT'S WANTED. - W, H.
Taylor, M. P. Pe (North Middlesex),
h is given notice of a bill to amend the
game laws. This was prompted by
the very burgs number of fatal shoot-
ing accidents during the deer hunting
eeeson. The new hill, if carried, will
make it cOrOpulectry for every hooter
to wear a bright, red or ecarlet ,Coat in
miler thatonen may not be taieen for
"erne" and rutteleesly "drepped."
BLOOD PoLSONINO,-/Kra. Jfirrott, Of
the towoship of Bay is laid Up at pre-
eent WW1 A. severe attack of blood
poisoning the result of a slight accie
deot. Some days ago Meei, jarrott wee
breaking up some kindling, when a
liver entered her thoreb, that being
removed nothing Mere -was -thought of
the Matter at the time. After a few
days the thumb became exceedingly
pabeful and the baud an arra much
swollen. The doetor was summoned
laod found that blood pomoning bad
I see in, Everything is viriV being time
i to ejlay the ;.oread of the dieease.
Scriboer'e Megazior for March opens
xvith an aceouot of a littleknown but weet 'to Liman, rreparatorrto wor
very frnitfol expedition -one of those ing WS family there tat the close
heave adventures which bad so much the week. We understand 3.fr.Sear-
to do with the development or thie (kiwi) has bought a shop in /Mean
coetinent, ft is called "Tbe Search for and will make i1ei t I own hie tutor
the Weetein Sea." and gives dramatec- home. IIow Iron,' ox Tablets
Ially an Recount of the twentyryeere of e-elias, Bleavlie. Walker le spending. i Cured a Toronto Lady
de la Veren eye in hie attempt to 0, giluith, of Lendon.
Y 25th 1904.
rrived 'good nature& Mr. S./Martin
entertained the audience. with about
20 selectiees au the Varoo-Phono,
which were, very- much appreciated.
The boys with tlaeir horns, cOW bells
iirt pans, and fire crackers gave them
a good sereeade, and !left with 4-144
tle eleatege in their left band pocket
RUSSELL. -In Exeter, on February
lath, to Mr, andaIrs. David Russeil
II SA tl.
• w 1,1OS.-In Stephen, on ifebrtiti ry
24.th to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Willis,
a Aftkuglit,er,
KIRK(. -In Exeter Nor: h, on Folaro,
a ry 2011t the wife of Mr. David Kir-
ke or f). daughter.,
331tIMACOMBE.-In Exeter, th
22nd inst.,. the wife of Mr. William
Brimacombe, of a sort
-COUCII,-AA, the Jainas-se te-
tboxst parsonage, on Tuesday even-
ing, Vele 10the 1904, by the Rev.
D. Harmon. Mr. Reuben Tiok, of
Ceelveeton, Indiana, to ATis s Xennie
Collett, of the tewuship a ifibleiet.
Ilamitton. Mr.
Qb;rrev of Ileeetil. ene-t
1•• 4 • t•
t. -and 5 ineathe.
effort on ther of the persistent. M. a few waqes with her eouein, Mrs. V.
OL Nine Years Dyspep-
reach the fabled (weep, whose narrow --Tee ladiee of the ceotralia
waters were supposed to lie between gation ,to the num hei-of .?.5 or ,January 15, 1903.
the Velley of the °Great Fork River" gathered in the b;Isenterit o tb
Rod the Rmpire of China,. Verendrye church on Tuesday afternoon to pre- Having been troubled viith
never renched the Western Sea, but pera 'the annual tam of clothing that tei'ereefer,,, 4n the worst form
his expedition blazed the trail through is soot to some og the mission lielde, w°,15,'ew4" ee• ,.. ., ,
•heir a Vontioentellecovered the Rocky , or the 'Weet. The object is a very for nine years, i can nonesuy
M011/4111110, and Wftil a powerful levet-• worthy ope, •ay that I am cured as I have
to two isiorttiwe6t, Atitifl Lent, who -There is a great ;teal of sicktteres '
e the eketch, ie the author of in =this neighborhood at the present
. not been troubled svith it since
'Lords of the North."
time, ,enit our village doetor is kept using Iron -ox Tablets, which
DRATU or Allt, Wroteeet SUITE,- very busy attereling to hie Many pa-
y e'er a Ote Tuesday evening Mr. William tionts. is six months ago. Any per-
rs, W, Sttlith passed peacefully awwy at bis, SOU wishing any information
Lilla bone en Andrew etreet. bite Smith
aria has been a. life long sufferer front as,
DOING NIREX. -Mr, Ireinie ATM-
etriatig returned home ou Tuesday
night from London, and states that
his daughter, Miss May, who met with
the acc,s at, tbe Clarence st. ens -
ng °Utile erfind Trunk, is improving
nicely and that she will in all prob.
abiliteerecover from the effects of the
unfortunate affair, ,
Salt pork is a famous old-
fashioned remedy for cdn-
surnption. "Eat plenty of
pork," was the advice to the
consumptive 50 and 100
years ago.
Salt pork is good if a man
can stomach it. The idea
behind it is that fat is the
food the consumptive needs
Scott's Emulsion is themod-
ern method of feeding fat to
the consumptive. Pork is too
rough for sensitive stomachs.
Scott's Emulsion is the most
refined of fats, especially
prepared for easy digestion.
Feeding him fat in this
way, which is often the only
way, is half the battle, but
Scott's Emulsion does more
than that. There is some-
thing about the combination
of cod liver oil and hypophos-
phites in Scott's Emulsion
that puts new life into the
weak parts and has a special
action on the diseased lungs.
• A sample ,will be
sent free upon request.
ttr re /71 a:I.Fii'scteutrIethe
wrapper of every bottlg el '
EtnuLiion you buy. ,
Toronto, Ontarioe
or. and $i; all druggists;
I will gladly gie it. I have
t una. not having een eh e to licodown recommended them t
votnfortably in bed for many years leseie o several
and it was while sitting op that he ens at Snie. personsand they say the smile
4,„ ra5 Iortuni, o bar 'ton, is vial as
Isms able to go *bolt as usual uP ine here. the guest of Miss Cliartiotte
pessed peacefully away. Deceased ' k d0.
b I
, r
within w days ago, when he was ,uorioe.
seized ith severe attack of La-,
Center Ave,
Grippe w
Mrs. Nellie Miville,
which with hie Already en. Harvey and 202 CA
Freak Squires. who
feeleed condition rendered bine unable bas hetm sc'rinutile ill i5 now eecover,.i Toronto Ont
to baffle with the disease. Dating lag% and wilt 11: Itellz 31;'°u b °Outit
his long and confirmed illness he was ,ugatn• 'rabieti, in= attractive
waited upon by a loving and devoted6' --Miss May Ilooper is visitiumlznuu poeet as% es mats at drug
eister,Miss Smith, who is at the pre- the guest .f' MrseChas Bove
postpaid, on receipt of
• prke The Io
sent time suffering a violent attack of _g2creeleet was aemloietered n -ox Remedy Co., Zhu.
alkerville, Out%
congestion of the ogs beiog
uualle*e Sundaby the VaAtor.
during the last few ddys of her bre,
on y'
there nlness to give hun that care she „ ,,e4mvieneg. , ,b1;6!oi5reteoeelta' ng Rates ter 1 90$, *904
bed hitherto been wont to do, but her °^1S
place was filled by another eister,mee, , of Um Auxillao.r soolotY.
!Times, zucl Fxrxgar
Forest who rendered iill assistance to -Quite. a number of our eitizens are a Adrova tel.- 52.25
ma Tomato DEWY Newee. 1.80
the tildileted ones. The deceneed was indisposed through bad Colds. Mines
quiet, uriaemming. a faithful ehris. -0 bl u 1 h . .1 . I .1 1 +Times and. Weekly rue res to
then and friend of many. Implements for lb.;', spring' mil- rm..... a‘ Th7.1 iie431,47 Edv."0""as7r-Co- 4. "
-Our ac sue i is BOW Ms), 1111 4. , -- a ,„
Joroune 1405
Ooshen Line vation in Alanitoba, which are to be 6. ;13.:0.'en5u:z rarly, Adv.014...i.4.,;;. ... .t.o... 1.60
-Urand Mrs .1Ienr,z Sfoarly
sent out there soon.
returned to their home, I
-fr. Dennis McGee has moved into Ttnul,e,cesteauuer1 3310:151.7. star t; ..... ......... .2 50
••••• • ••• ,a.... L75
after a, plc aaen t vie t ,Avliuthl3r1r°.briladaida? 1 ct1111-11°1/41hVd:17 Dillatnilltblr'ollitth`aNelill'Iljrleoin.evre:d:11:: e'41r.47; T i Leos's. a'n'd" D" a".tiy" 'CV' 071.1.
-Mr. Garfield Lawson is laid tv, sad and disasterouti Cire happened on '
M.rs Wm Yearley, • 0•11, ••• •• A.50
with .a sore. throat the put week. W'. lEridaY
I the Zion road. Atter
night last at Mr. aBoacrel'ustonotn3 Titiraaersy'and1905D;-t.iy. man- & E, miiire
.. 4.25
- , hod all retired for the night fire to Jenuaey, 1905
hope he will soon be better.•
n on of the bedrooms up
-afx. :WM. liender'eon vialged frii stairs, oetueeied by the two daugdit-
istarted ie
ends on the 14th co,n., or; S,IllylaYlast. tars end succeeded in reaching a good
en-dsMirn. .LIVnenlan Yee: Trin2eer daeral, lea. tul fri- 1 hila"dd'A-n'aolt b°t111°are obi:Lug' adwi*secleaevtlelt:tlittli'latnlide
-Zr. S. J. Henderson and family azneke suffocating them, 'limy, inn a
epent a phinlfx
sant evening at . S. Bs- hart time 'would have been beyond
sery's one night last; 'week. rescue. The cause or the tire is not
-Miss Annie Yearley' visited with definetely known.
Miss Lacy Young, or Crediton, an :
Sunday and Mondae. "
-Mr. David Matellinney has been
sick, but is getting better now.
-Miss jula Spicer spent Sunday
the guest at Mr. and Mrs. 13. Spicer, At Ilirniota, Manitoba, 320 acres,
; -The thaw on Sunda.yimade thinge half under cultivetioa. Rent-one-
dieratgreeable for a fewehours, but it wee of grain crop, owner paying one-
-Mrs. Jahn Ford Jr., who bas been stl" eauglit It cc" n°11111* third of threshing- and twine, etc.
confined to her bed for the pastefour Sminixel 30bas, who has been The above farm is st miles north-east
weeks in not improving very rapidly very sick forthe past week, is, we of Beandon near branch of railway
and is still undethe doctors a1so down are pleased to say, in a fair way for via Rapid Oity. For particulars ad -
Herr son, ICenneth is flare.
stir_ ifAcci.vory. the, nurse having Tett lfor dress Mrs. M. Andrew, 775 Hellmuth
her home in London, on Monday. Ave., London. Ont.
fering from o severe attack of pneu.
", China Wedding. -Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Coultice celebrated their teventieth
tis Iva Box is slowly recovering
!anniversary of their marriage• on Mon
fliom her reeent illness .and will soon
be able to be around :day evening in right royal good style.
'About one hundred and twenty guests
-Miss Jessie' Statieye uotroit, being priesexit from Exeter, Crecliton,
visiting her relatives in this section '
!Lumley, 'Winchelsea Earkton and
and intends rexnaining for some tune. I.Gronton. A verf sumptuous repast
Timee and Daily Globe, to Janu
eery 1905... .. . .. ....... .. .. —4.25
Vantis and Weekly Glebe ;.'o Jan.
1905 • ...... . . ... 1 Of
Times and Montreal Witness to
Jan. 3.905 .. 1 65
Times and Weekly Adverziaor to
Zan, 1905 ..... . . . ....... 1 75
Teresa and Mail & Empire to Jan.
, 1905 4.44••• 4 • ••• "••• V*. 44* • .. 44. .44 1' 75
Farm to Rent on Shares
--,Miss Jessie Green is visiting her was served by the host and hostess,
cousin Gladys 121erivrt, of Hay. including fere gallons of oysters. Af-
ontiansd. ase -u.
ing her sister Mrs. Sani'l Stardalne.
Chester Slanlake is going to Michi- ; ' 3, a b Da
I. ion, or Exeter, is visit- 1° ' ' ' and (b) the 1 ownehips of meGinivray, eleohen,
' C speeches songs recitations and an n
, Tamale Was dispersed with, consisting icyadritie Townwhios of Londo4. Biddulph. Elan-
., laughter. Mr. and Mrs. Coulticere- ofauSdeRafugethtta,undd (teLthleowTonwnotshciplisnotofnkleanlidillomp
, occeeional story to keep the crowd
'dyed man - v lua le and useful .e-
e.f.rmathnYe 'lure
in lishorne, Hay and Tuokersmith anti:the Town
The Town -hips of Hibbert. Logan and Fuller
t: .s nb ips of Grey, Morris, llowick and Tumi-
d and Downie and the City of Stratford
the Town of Mitchell and (e) the.
1 syeena art 1 sss ; ot11.010101 Zphmi cevci as
7-tal'idlhe Town of Winghar,. and in its
.1 occ . k . up by t e nay. -- .
"Hello here? I've got a cross-eyed,
-At the. anneal meeting of the. , .
1 bow-leia,,ecl oys ter." • -Say, but that .
e3lanshard A gripullugal Society held 1 first table full are awful big eat -
11. er,
Do you Want a Cu
We have the t nest stock
ail the latest styles, • in thee e
Our ieriees are low as can be foon'r
for first-class material and workmate
OfILL fu4r) see 115,
F Russel
Two Do South Towr
w. %
l. ofilce and
.reet. itao.er,
M. D.. M
nate 1, towel, Unte
eetieteeteoce. nemirion
U. .A. It. 1%.INS21/41AN, 1.
r,q *4 without Fob; or
egie-rs Office at FAA,
hit4li. 14 en Tilde c.f Main
D.A. 4I�1 *l
Oradent p rhc,
itoyal College or r.
Ontario, with lior.ors
Chicago School of Prost betie
honorable mention.
Fverything known to the Dental 1)rofession
done in this office. Bridge work. crowns. al-
uminum, gold and vuleaniteelates all doe*, lo
e neate3t manner pissible, perfeogy
nrialest, anae,ithetic Wed for Fainle$s extra*.
00 "i Varl
an:leans of
actuate or
0 TO 0.4
ivnte owls to :ration Frcat
ene ft percent,
We have unlimited private funds fOr Invest)
elm UPOU feria or village eroretie 'Iowa
tes of interest.
we have a large amount of private funds to
loan on farm and villaeoproperees lowratee
et interest,
& STANBI:11r
Barristers Solicitors, Blain St, Exeter.
Money to Loan
OnacE-(Fornierely of Elliott and Glad au
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Conveyancers.
commissioners. Solicitors for the etelsone
Bank, Etc.
Money toLoan at lowest rates of interest..
9. B, URBINO la,
OFFICE STREET. t.BuNK:InTirelat..„01e.....„....
What Exhibitors say
Notice is hereby given that an application
will be made to the Legislative Assembly of
the Province of Ontario at the next ensuing
Session thereof for an Act incorporating The
North Midlands Railway Comp-iny for the
purpose of construc.ing and operating by elan
trinity or compressed air (or if approved by
the ifailway Committee any other motive
fromou.e inenxect:rpotrsiiiegt u*Ogil;i(aryteratyototrtiolun;itov
-.AU. Roy Ford paid Sodom a visit ter supper was over 'a splendid prog-
, gan to visit triends.
, course ihrotigh the said Townships or any of
1 "Oh. say, ain't tins a terrible jam.' them in and through any of or all the various
incorporated cities. Towns and villages lying
in the route with power to build and operate
any part, or branch of the said railway in sec-
tions; together with power to build and oper-
ate branches or extensions front the main line
not exceeding in length in each ease thirty
miles, such branches however not to extend
beyond the limit of tho counties in which the
aforesaid Municipalities are situate.
Solicitor for applicants.
a London, Ontario, lath November, 1903.
here, Item 6031,covirig off's. re, el- ors." Some were on the verge of
elated for this year neieresident, IWne, leavithe room thinking the house
,Carr, S. ; • VieeePreeidente Sam_ was going to collapse 'Who ate all
oat Doupe ; Dieeptors, John 'Fother- the raw oysters that 'were lett? ask
IR. e
tingbam W. Yule, Jas. Hazelwood, W. Hunter."' One largsleigh-load
•Ilia way,biit the ell
Plianson, gee. Routley, A. Scott,'Geo.
Amos Doune, Wm. Hazelwood
Robetr oa,ttxwas chosen for Sec-
Treas. but resigned. • At a subsequent
meeting of the directors, Amos Deli -
pe was unanimously chosen to fill his
position. The SecnElt a ry-T r easu ner',8
report was read which showeel the
Society to be in good standing. The
seicieter is now out of dabt wiitle
small balance in the treasury. The
fall fair will be, held ot the Geh and
7th of October,.
-;IVIrs. Wm, klicks and daughter,
-Miss Ruby, are seriously ill with in-
flanimation of the lungs. Two don -
tors were called'in to Mrs, flicks on
-C. Sheardown'has sold his
blacksmith shop and • residence here
Some lime ago 10 ;31r. Robt. Pollock,
rf Iva, is moving ,h is er.f. fat t s this
• CALLED 14,1-1EUMA-
There is a great deal of
ShoUP Jain and ache termed Rheu-
• der matic -sometimes c 1Z,c, cl
Kidney paiu. The h
aches, shoulaerS, side, *ea
hips. A cold will cause
pain end distress in the
back, Kidney and Bladder -
trouble. In eases of this
kind use Antt-Pill.and see
how quickly you will get
relief. 11 acts on all the
large glands of the body.
Any one who doubts should
-write for a free sample to
Wimsox-Prrrt Co., Niagara
Palls, Ont.
Dr. 1,eonliardes Anti -Pin
is a perfect System Treat-
ment, Price, 50 cents, allt'cl-tbc4n.7
90 per cent. or Fat Cattle exhibited.
at Provincial Winter Fair, 1903,Avere
fed with Worthington's Canadian Sto-
ck' Tonle.
Dear Sirs -
We have been feeding your Stook'
Food to cattle for some time. and find
it to be an excellent tonic. We _have
also fed it to horses and pigs, andaro
quite sure it is the best stockrood 'We
have ever tried. Crux prize winning
cattle at the Provincial Winter 'Fair,
1900, were ,fe'cl Worthington's Steck;
Breeder Shorthorn Cattle
Acton Ont.
Dear Sirs -
1 find your Stock Food is a very ex-
cellent Tonic ,for cattle. ,giving theta
a good appetite and keeping their di-
gentive orgears in, a healthy twat -king,
condition. The steer,"Soothe" exhibited at WinterFair, weighed at, birth, 80
lbs., at 35 moths 200 lbs., makIng a.
gain of 55 lbs, per month. It pays to
'Worthingttonee Stock Foe/de
Breeder Shorthorn Cattle.'
Peapabun, Ont.
Dear Sirs -
We have used your Stock FoOd for
both eattle and hogs and find it gives
good satisfaction. Several of our cat -
Lie have shown a gain (of ove,n100
per month while feeding it.
Breeder of Shorthorn Cattle and York
sbirei Ilogs • Fergus, Ont.
•Note the Price..
• 10 lb. box, 200 fet the 50c, ; 10 lb.aaclt
1\lanufactured by
Tri F.., WO RTIEW TON DR Mx' 00.,
Guelph Out
:For sale by Carliug Tiros. Fxerlier ;
0o,ok & Son. Hernsall; J. G. Young.