HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-2-25, Page 4•
'les have existe1 for a 1411
n passed iii.roug.h different
as ha suffering is intense—pain
ebbing'. tumors form, fill.
bursth vvith Kati: blood.
tloT3andloattag other "troublep
to a thoroughly pile-slek
Dem -Rohl, the only IA.
absolute pile cure,
R that has made its
a west. „Stubborn ae.-Stk
J. bonded 'guarantee:
-t with each package.
Z he drug., store.
aloe About the Registrar.
ship of Huron.
tI Lturen Prolay Me.
'Ubr earth liar asked for
turn or correspondence relating to
appointment or Wm, Coats as
Registrar at Huron, of which. the pub,
• e hn$ beard somewbat. rr. Eilbez
said be did this at the Selleitatiou of
A Counoisseues Teal
The tender top shoots of tile tea plant,known as "Orange
I'eIoe7 are mainly used in Blue Ribbon Tea.
The "creme de la cretne" of tea growths! The most delicious
and tasty tea in the world.
People who know,recognize this quality iu Blue Ribbon Ceylou
Tea. Tie delicious taste and fragrant aroma mean inner excel.
lence to them.
ue Ribbon
esdon Te
4 40c• Su1d
roe the(
oisons L3an
Avt of PaxUaueV5
Capital aut 85.0fta.ali
-Mtel (all atatilu)) •-• 42,80,12
Mame Fatal --2,72
Btanclies tu Qube, Alberta,
British Columbia asid tTh
ry Lawful Day from 10 n. n.
to 3 p. tan; except
urdaTs. 18 a. re. to 1 p. m.
rti Saleotes cashed or col,
arras supplied on applicagon,
all points in the Dominion,
eitain and rnited States
t and sold at lowest rates of
• ange.
Depesits of$1,biland upwards receiv-
ed. Interest compounded half yearly,
and added to principal June0th and
December 31st Deposits Receipts also
issued and agtest current riltti Cif An
interest allowed.
Advances make to farmers, stock,
dealers and bnatite MCE, tQweal
ratt? and Olt weat favorable tiaina.
itgeah, at txeter for Dominion
ureb%0N CARLIN.,a. N. D. HURDON,
b»ad f
Calendar for February 1904
1744:44Y7 14 21: 28
KQNDAY :** 1 8 15 22 20
2 9 10 23
3 10 17 21
4 11 18 25
5 12 10 28
0 13 20 27
I'ErRUARY2tb, 114
Jsr nuraber or friends of the floe-
ernmetut, It ws wl1known. 'Abaft
ibis position bad been held open ror
four and a halt yeaps and promised
not to one man but to a dozen. Some
or those who !ilk %natal hardetit
against bim did scw,because they wene
omised this position. The Brussels
ast, 'edited by tha warden of the
panty, at =Ong Liberal, had con-
emned this state of affairs. Tho
Pou or ProfitHuron Expositor, tali,ted ba• a former
ry f.
iberal member ot this House, said it
was the rottenes* affair ever per-
lailletin issued from the agrietz . •
0z1 711/Led at Ontario;
turf.: bureau at.Ottawa gives sonatt,in- ' 1' •
Hon. Mr. Gibson said it wos about
10ci17-• 'on raisinaz poultry' for oro -
fit. and .stVs ;—J.1ever-
this matter and on this occasion he
Won, Mr. Gibson) had -vaned attenti-
on lo the grant, dVfileult,y of making
ehoioe where there wero three
clot:total ridings with threeseis or
candidates andt three sets'of advocat-
es !than where there was enlY one.
There was no use of making a-mys,t-
ow for the Ine/e.that suoh casesof-
to rear. Lor at least five years to ten happen where owing Lo the claims
COM:. more utility -type chickens than or different organizations andterri-
can be sold" with profit on the Cana- tories. tthe Government had difficult
dine markets alone. Btoreovar, clam-uasitens to solve. It wet without
saying thaL the Govenriment bad dif-
mission merchants in Great Britain ficult questions when them- was cone
can handle profitably at lealst .51,000,- petition for good appointments like
900 worth of our ,poultry aBarly. Last this and when the people thought that
year the exports of chickens to Great • to the.m should belong soma parlicil-
Britain was inaterially reduced on ac- lar prize. This was the case in the
count iof the ^Ire, eat demand in Cana- county 'of Efunon. There, Ware, axtry
da. The poultry exports from Canada amount of good men in that /county
to Great. Britain wieiretto,nly S1601318 '
a /small proportion of Ithe ,95,154,Q02
import ed by the MotherVoun.try. The
greatest value of poultry was export-
ed from Russia, Belgium, Franca and
the. flnited States. Each of these
a year since Mr, Either had spoken of'
tion that there will be a great von-
umtion of poultry• in (Canadat this
year. 1rhe demand for every class
shovel la striking inerease during the
Inst few years. sIrr. Chief
or the Dominlon Poultry -Division, does
not believe it possible`for the farmers
tar the post; and it was not to be sup -
pored that public opinion(througtiout
the boundaries of Huron should settle
upon one man for ithe registrarship.
It took some little time, for public
opinion to jostle up against itself and
arrive at the rresult of the parallo-,
gram -of forces, so to speak, in this
mat -Ler. He was pleased. to know that
Mr. Either did not offer any criticism
on the appointnaent that had been
made. Ile did not think it would be
possible /for any one lc) say that, 'the
gentleman was nod in every respect
qualified, or that he had not ea rned it
politically:When be said that, he be-
lieved he had said enough to ,jtnairy
Give nature three help and 0 the Government. lie gave a 'straight
,., „_,,,,,,,,, ,....f.),„ ',g denial I o the stat ement thaf fla. Gov -
nearly every ..."..... ..,„ ,,,..,, 1 ,rnment had promised th- t
e position 0
stittiPtion will recover. Fresh 4 fathers ,than the on e, 'a ppoluted, lea
air, most important of all.had no objeclion to bringing down
l' all I he public correspondence ron Lite
hertry ,,.,., ma L.Ler. with ,There was often in connec-
' lion appointments a (good deal
of(private correspondence that did not
ectora „,,o on the public 'files, and Mr.i iElber
must not ex.pect that,
Mr. Either said that lie
NOUriShing fOOri comes next, .., brought this //latter up. thad firstwo years ago
Then, a inedicille tO Centrol i,:. and then the At'tornev-Gerieral had
the cough and heal the lungs, tt
pnonaised it would be Eli ed inamedia.i
Ask any good doctor. 1., tely, and. yet it was held over my head
- in the TiCtXi election'.
r a rot uaed Ay cr'a Cli erry Pectoral 53 year
-a. T have seen. terrible eme4 of lune:
S. " Hon. Mr. Gibson---iM,y- iron. friend
areas eased bv it• I am nev.3r ,vithout"ha,s nc:, . idea how rmany dfilcultiers
. .
AO,. .J. c. arose after hie first qUViiti011.
An. driliz,c,sts, I -,-,,,Pll, -1.T.,,,... (La 1112111 or-) .
..,..T ror --.-...,=..--,,,-.•:-.*.,........„.
demands delay action of the
Aid nature with AyorS ills
Bea:rs the The Kind You neve AlwayS'80daht
E 11E,11 TIMES FEBRUARY 25th, 1901.
fil0li0N9 M100118EI PERTH
All the news of Interest to
Times Reatiers Mappening
in these eounties„
H Limn
Iktrish parua,Live remedies are, fasa,
giVing WaY;t tile gentle action anti
mild effects of Garter's Little Liver
Pills. Ir 'yon try them R flay win
cer t inky plettala you -
John Forrester, of Clinton, fat
retied and salt/ 1000 chickena last sea-
son, shipping most of them to
treat,. The demand for poultry' mach
as Int bas been placiog upon then mar-
ket is increasing and prtces bare been
:John MaLean, ltrit4RtIlana,
Ilea had a number of men getting out
rood ne-ar Whitechurch. Last week
t WO oft them woriaAtruel; on •their
iheatis by falling limbs, Ou "Titea-
day, Robert Baird received some gash
es., bad on Friday; tIr. Ektinson
was tkg, unfortunate one. ,floth were
oeleed clown by the force a the
b10 Wig 1,EOW stitches were Inquired
to close the wounds.
Another of tbe old pioneers a tliis
sorUon *used away OA Tnestlay morn-
rtg in the parse:a or Aguas Ilesadersor4
tef the la;ta°Jatatas Xitatteila of
'urnbarry• Deattaaed was aged 34
years and Ilmenths and bad been, in
feeble bealth for a ,iong time. Since
ihe death o er husband in January
1903 .hlrs. Mitchell had. madtshe
110111: wt li her brother, 'Atr. Chas,
Handel:nen, of Bitievale road., laneas
waa, with her husband and braht-
g the first settlers in this
nd had for years resided in
rr1beray near Bluevale.
tli,atatiers caused by u bilioua
hitt cE the systena earl be eared by
using Carter's 1.itt1c Liver Pills, alo
pin. griping or diaeoutforting attvnd
lug 'their use. Try thew.
On !Tuesday or last week, Mr. as,
E.fneynold$, 0-1..tul1el1 was 11111r.ri.-..•-1
o +Miss Mary 1.arab. daaghter °Earn,
Alen Lamb. of Seat orzle. Tioe'cere
aiay ”...00l; place in the Roman eatbe
li catarrh, tiea'forth. Jbe officiating*
gyman being Hos. Coret.1-
. aiss Lizzie Lambsister of tbo
was bridesmaid while Om
assisted by his brother.Mr
tiyzul4s. At tiler conelusion of
ony the bridal 3iarty and
/gLICSt$ returned. where Vaal wed-
n'Fbeen, consisting or tliesea-
aeleg, VMS sed. ;By the
trtinMr. and, 5rrs.
for their lioneyraeon trI
to Xbtroit and other cities and on
Kura will talto up their abode
terra ton the 5:thition.
ls real danger becauseitbe Spituut
or affected persons diffuses itself
It It rowli ;the air and. 'finds lad g mem
in the systems of others, If exposed
t .consumption use, fragrant healing
Ca tarr,hozone the most efficient ger-
micide known. Na case or catarrh
can withstand Catarrhozone w hich
-Purzs Jilts loathsome daseaspi thor-
oughly Cold mu thebencl is cured in
a few minutes, and hrettl'althisaasltha
ant and lung trouble, are eured to stay
cured it Ca tarrhozone it employed. "I
don't know any remedy, so good for
catarrh and bronchitis as cataralt-
0 a °neon w rat es la:a '1'. •Etaton of Know],"
ton. .9.t. cured me a fter yearacifsuf-
faring and saved me front consump-
tion. Two montlia treatment 1.00;
trial FAZD 250,
Ir you had taken two or ,Cater's
Little Liver Pills b tfore retiring you,
would not have had:that coated ton-
gue or bad taste in the mouth this
morning. Keep a vial with you for
occasional use.
On Claursday ,arternoon last. on
alit., arrival or the noon train the
London the funeral of the late Mr. J.
Adair Look place from •the , town
sitaiiion, Sr. Marys, under the nuspac-
es br the local Ocldfellows. Mr. 'Ada-
ir was a native of Forfarshire, Scot --
land. who came to Canada. in bis
)outia. He eventually seAtled %S.,t.
Marys, and carried on a carriage nd
blacksmith business there for a:num-
ber of years. Mr. Adair /Was one of
the pioneer residpin•ts ot titer,. town.
In Politics he was a staunch Reform-
er. Since leaving St. Marys he has
lived wtih his daughter, Mrs. Frank
Rose, bt Petrolea, where 'he died on
Tuesday last. Mr. Adair and his fam-
ily were highly respected .
I. invariably constipation which is
quickly remedied by Dr. Darnilton's
Pills of Mandrake and Butternut.
Sure 'eller and no griping pains. For
a remedy that never fails use Dr.
Hamilton's Pills. Price 25c.
Itching Skin
Distress by day and night,—
That's the complaint of those who
are so unfortunate as to be afflicted
with Eczema or Salt Rheum—and out-
ward applications do.' not cure.
They can't.
The source of the txouble is in the
blood—make that pure and this scal-
ing, burning, itching skin disease avill
"I was taken with an itching, on my ,
arms which proved very disagreeable. I '
concluded it was salt rheum and 13ouglit a
bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. In two days
after I began taking it I telt better and it
was not long before I was cured. Hare
never had any skin disease since." Mae.
IDA E. WAnn Cove Point Md.
Hood's Sar.va,atzrilla
rids tile blood of all impurities 4124
cures ail eruptions.
B1. .
Dizzy? Headache? Pain
oack of your eyes? It's your
liver! Use Ayer's Pills.
Gently laxative; all vegetable.
Sold for 60 years. fatir.'04:
Want your moustache or beard
beautiful brown or rich black? Use
/UTZ Ott. .L o.n.o.". a. co..tissliETA.
Japanese Flying SqUadron en
Route Thith‘r
Tia' Next Naval Battle Will Like's
y'cur 'off the North-eatalern:•COOSI.
corw.—t:ru;.. W'n aituation hi
'Nagasaki, Feb. 23--AiJapa
lug aquadron, containing the•awift
);1 t I Lashio ila t eatstt, is en rout0 to
N,iadtvostoek, wait the ebieet of at,
trieking that Russian stronghold. The
asat naval bat tie is ea:petite:11 tn.-
the .rapanese San off the
orthaeasiern coaat, or Corea ornear
PI ‘IIVQ,TIQOIL Luc5 or the, ieo that
kasobstructed the harberis report -
be ve elearedcand t nor* is
n 'for either tvress of the Russian
rIi 'or (bo Ingram- of the dapanego
The flying silliadrPti is composed it
e ba t testa ip, tbrae first-class c
a proteetett eruiaer and three
(Iasi ray e re. The lie tsu.se is ea pable
of making nineteen kaol.a, and is ome
of 'ISa Seat equipped war
Japanese navy. It IS understooiktliat
1 bo throe firataciaes armored arulaera
are ilia Asamo, Inducuo.und lwate.
The protected cruiser as Mt E,ISagai
and Om destroyers aro Op Alcatsuki,
Kasunal and blastulae,.
A roport is to, band of 4; iltik„sian
naval defeat in which four torpedo
boats were captured and two battle-
ships sunk. This is probablf :Amber
account of the original battle or Port
Arthur. 111614 is confronted with
great transportation difficulties and
her situation is considered desperate.
She will not be prepared for an ad -
yam for many weeks. Little is
knOW.11 at the japaneaf, intentions
but an army or armies in Korea are
being concentrated at atrategieal
points, and a close watcla kept on tha
:may's squadtons at Poilt Artlinr
and Viadivoatock. Details et thesink-
g of Japanese merchantman are to
1 and. These Show that the crew
well treated by the Russians,
ia has refused (o permit 'United
'S Consuls 10 take eliargo or Jap..
uiesa granger.%
Russian offieial, who speaksovith
knowledge or his country's war plans
says japan will be crushed by Septem-
ber. Be accuses Britain a:pushing
the 'laps into tile war for lite purpose
of crippling Russia financially and ro
tarding her progress in the VOA NOM.
Russia is already in idistress finaneial
ly, is withdrawing her deposits from
the European banks anti may take
Finland's gold next. There are va-
gue rumors or an DI leek on PortiAr-
thur by Vice,Admiral 0ago,wIso is
in charge of the blockading squadron.
4Tha ifollowing appeared in the. Arai!
& 1mira an Monday.
Strong words were used by'llie
fliehop or Ontario in an address to a,
mothers' meeting at Xingston,on Fri-
day .evening. Women who play games
teliance for gairt,lic denounced as
lionni-workers and gamblers. 'Vito*
degraide lthe lives oil thoge about. Olean
said his Loralship, antra re the clause
4nauch domestic unhappiness,'In. the
course of his denunciation, the IliShOp
asserted lthat husbands and sons are
given n choice between lonely homes
anti seeking companionship elsewhere.
%%bile alien' wives are away at card
panties Tt is indeed a melancholy
picture that 1.115 Lardship'paints. The
tired Imsbana and lite careworn sons
come homee to Lind the windows in
darkness and the furnace almost out
They fire u,p Si their poor, weakavay,
and limn prowl about .the unfamiliar
shelves looking for the nourishrnent
which their vigorous appetite& crave,
Ira,ther takes up his knitting, and one
of Um boys tries:co fill in lihe weary
time with fancy work. Conversaaion
is a failure; after,a feeble flicker] •or
two it diea out, and no strand: but,the
click att the fa thetaa 'needles and the
'ticking of the clockatisturhe the sil-
once Thus the , ntiaerahlea night
drags on. There/ is a s shadow over
tbInbtliemtMeancirue where is the wife
and mother? She sits at a card. ',table,
her hand full of deuces and throe-
qtiat s, ix a nice ,asisoiftment or a,uitea
and a heavy frown dwells on her brow.
Tbe 'luck is against her. Her owl of
a 1par, later, a strange,'creat are who
once or twine has murmured some -4
thing about her family,'arid wonders
plaintively how they .are ,gegitini Ion
axasitenales her. She has reniged
matte than once, anclInev,er seems
have an ace, when. it -is required. tgo
make matters worse, she sacrifices a
pedno now and; (San, avi;lhonk ppl.741 r -
i lig to realize theienormity of.1113r
fence. IL is no use. There{ is no
chance of winning the covelted.
platsd thimble which is the prize or
the evening,. Muttering an excuse,
she (throws' down the cards and lea yes,
There, is a step on the stairs. Father
hastily stuffs his knitting in his work
basket. The boys flUi aside their
doylies, land smile, wanly at Lite alma.,
It is one hi /the 'morning. +The latch
key !rat ties in the lock. ?'.1.11c door
opens; -there is a short, sharp struggle
With the flat rack ; 'it gins down, and
mother is 110/11C again. ID this is what
happens, his Lordship spolca;none, too
sarongiy. Perinea:a the picture is -Lauri
applicable Itp the other -,head of tin
family. Possibly it is theafathea whs
forget s his family responsibilities an
is always at the adula This, situatioa
is ran. more excusable: nor is it les:1
injurious 'than the other.,
Stormy Meeting
of Cement Co.
NET LOSS OF $10,087.60.
The following 0,piatarea in the To
-onto News of Friday, Feb.. 19 lit.
The National Cement Co. Limited
of lOtaratain, aeoond ;tonna
;me e;ting in the Temple !Building -yes,,
terclay, i'shout 200 of the 1,500) neck
holder; assembled, represelntiag aid
parts Aat the Provinee where the
tlaciak has latten aa451,- Phah ra”,(4/k2•
was of rather a stormy charaater, and
much disappointment was felt at the
result of the year's operation.
The total amount alapeived for c
meta sold during tbe twelve moutbs
W8$ alf..114467.32;1he stack, on ii3rid
,i37.330, leaving is total of I/271,357.32
Te total amount tor r wages,
paper sacks, aoal plaater and clay
For taxer, selling, laboratory arid
office expenses, auditing, telegraph,
PcCealge, sadamies, logal expenses, in-,,
nuance,, intereat, discount, Mill re-
pairs and expenses, $43,061.38, eheriviag
'net loss on the year's busines4of
Ma0,087.00. •
The company's aariital in:count, aa-
rding to a statement submitted
d to the Valuations placed by Ilia
diteclors upon the assets as follows;
Calaillt stall**Bta . • .. .,45.5.41,04i19,900,00
rieaa . , 124,125,35
payable . 12.058.08
;Varmints payabla 24.777.08
Asse ts.
Rea l .,e5t al e, meal and elay
beds 9. 265,221,54
Durhair. Siding 609,00
Clay Siding re sr ter Ma arm 1.5$8.15
Inventories 56.1,130,78
Accounts receivable, 10,356.03
Insuranee 'prepaid 295.'78
Cash at Durham 991.60
4410 rm s nak 4,00240
1 ciQs „.... 86.936.7fi
ded to Sieraaps U
raber or n awi
said only
ors are 1Ua1y ta be r
lt is to ba d .sult of
Ibis promising ompany's operations
will barn a depressing effeet upon tba
businvss of floating cement rowan,
iztCUsCna 'Iron 4claSteititinisLi1111-apax
eons olae has it, but be-
cause your conatlion favors it. Low
vitality always eneouviges siekness
d at this seasornespeesally, ev.aryone
wad take Eerrozone which destroy-
. disease germs and makes the ;IS -
so strong anxi healthy that sick: -
can't exist, Ferri:mono is a vita-
* tonic, that makes rich, red
ribuilds up tho nerves) cures
wry:ensues% anti drives awity tired,,
languid feelings. To got strong and
▪ al rang use Ferrozone; it assur—
es health and e••sts but 50e. at all drug
A By -Election.
The Liberals are an •the run.
t eight bye-eleationsin Which con --
testa took place two Conservatives
were eleeted in East Lambton and
East ;Brum by greatly increttaed
majorities. The Liberal stronghold
ot it, John, N. B., which gave Hon,
A. G. Blair a ,majnrity of 997. 111 1900,
reVerse,d its decision and placed a
Conservative at the head of the polls
by 285 votes. "In Queliewthe Liberal
majority were cut, to pieces in three
instances and reduced inn fourth. In
Prinee Edward Island too. the elect,
ars' or West Queens which has always
Scan a liboral hive, reduced the Lib-
eral majority of 1900 by two-thirds.
Such is the result: at one day's vot
tng. It was the first opportunity af-
forded the people of expressinic them-
eelves In regard La the flax railway
deal and the pretteetion or Canadian
industries.. That they are unalteraib,
ly opposed to the first and in favor
of the second is established by the
great Canadian party of progreas.
Compared with the elections of 1900
there was, a change atf 4,553 votes in
the eight constituencies—an average
or t570,
Crown akatorney Brown, or 1?icton,
Paince Edward county, has Seen in-
structed to proceed against a number
'of confectioneries for selling•tandies
that contain more than the
quantity of alcoholic substance. The
candies are brandy drops, lind' are eag
erly- 'sought by school children. Those
who eat them were more or less
"didpy," and led to an investigation,
that has revealed tile feet that 'flue
candies contained • nearly a teaspoon..
ful of brandy. •
Whai appears to be it caseor deo th
:from 'freezing or foul 'play Wai,i dil.i-
Govnred ..a,t Oliphant, six mile* west of
W on. An old lady nem.
ea 'airs. Coekrane was found dead by
Isar bedside frozen stiff. :For years
the 6Id lady hadhved a secluded anq
tsonie say miserable existence in a lit-
tle, shanty in the woods. She was the
possessor of a good bank account, hut
it Ives generally supposed she did not
k:cep any of her wealth in the cabin.
The s?.verity c/7:. the recent s'.orin and
her helple.ssnes,s make it probable t
she was theososas/a•asn3t4enn.•9 victim. of ilia' _weal her,
t 7
there was. no wood and little to cat,
in the house., An inquest will be held.
etgurvothe qm
.. 4. 4
f ,(,;4 the Stomachs and Bowels of
11 Promotes Diges1i9ngheetfu17
ncaszucl.Resttontains neither
Omuni3lorptine nor Mineral,
-xow c ow4c.
Rwi9 r 191.-f Zelcarc4Fir
41144 .51...4e
Amidst ..
tin arlonex4s.raez• •
irtz I Iced -
Cfaiitre tPler
fcet Remedy forCousilp
1011,, Sour Stormy h.Diatrip
c). nes „Comilla iona.Fevcris
uest andlio.ss or SrzEr.
Sna Signature of
_For Infants and, Children.
The Kind. You Have
Always Bought
Beam the
For Over
Thirty Years
To have a. truly delicious ateak—
iih and juicy, done to a tur
must be broiled. Yet most range.%
don't make proper provision for
broiling. The broiling and toasting door of
mperial Oxford
is lariy capacious. You can get a large
broiler easily into the door and over
the glowing cords, without
stooling or getting the
heat of the fire yourself.
Call at one a our agen-
cies or write to us for
The Gurney.
Foundry Co.
2%tentrlitad Wirataspoif
For Sale by T. HAWKINS & SON, Exeter.
Famous Indian Dead.
Mrs, Thomas Shawano, the young
Indian woman who starred for the
past two seasons as Minnehaba isa
the famous Indian play of Hiawatha
at Desbarats, near Sault, Ste. Marie,
died last week at her home in tho
Garden River Reservation. The. play
has boon given in tbe Indian lan-
guage at Desbarats everysumrner for
the last .our years and many will re-
member MSh
rs. aavano. She was
of royal Intlian blood, daughter of
Wabanesa, granddaughter of Bueko-
genini, e last hereditary abler of the
Ojib{VD y s, greatigrandelaugh tettof ibe
famous Chief Shingwauk, and greala-
great granddaughter of Wabageeg,,
the most noted chiefaof the groat
lake country. She was a relative a
the wife of IlenryiSchoelcraft, the
historian, who herself was at grand-
cltrught or of Wabageeg.,
13ost way to keep it small is not to
call tho doctor, but 'use Xerviline
stead. For minor ailments like colds,.
coaghs, cramps, headache and
stomach trouble, Iletrvilitie is just
as good as any doctor, It breaks u10
a cold in oneiniight, cures soreness
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ache and rheumatism you can't get;
anything half so good as Nerviline
The tfanae of Nervilinedfor brampseolle•
and ;pain in the ,stomaeh extends far
and wide. Good for everything
liniment can be good for undt costs but \
ne for a large bottle.
Wheat per bushell .... 00
Oatsnew . 30
Barley . . 88
tol OD'
to az:
to 40
W ool 14 to 14li
Pork live weight ....34.50 to 85.00
Pork Dressed .... .$0 00 to $0,F0,
Turkey .... . • . •
I Dacha
Spoaks iror =self's
43 Da, 111 /41, Oa 06
0 .130,1.4 PaNieVIEIVP* Znr.twat.4.„.
All Drugtr,'teailed.,Th.nclz.tly fac'ate38.1 0
Crimr.mt0,(1.4 :to curA 7.213773e2/cs'inndssd ,0
To Cure a Cold in 011ie Dtiy
Take LallatiVe BrOMO 01,0111111110 Tablets.
Seven Million bores sold in past 12 months. Tbu
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