HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-2-25, Page 1URON & MLDOLESEX GAZETT U.11
Y14iR-No 19
Stoves and
We have in etock the best supply a stoves and Furnaces,
together with ell fixings, from which to selS;et, from. We carry
all the best makes.
We keep constantly in stock tna Nat. lanai and Stet' Brands
of ,Pertlartd Cements, lf you are thinking a builAing in the
elating, be se and get our peicee.
We have the largest etOOk of Hardware in taw
troughing and 13uilders' Supplies of .an kinds. For Fore
LOPamps call on us.
eg SON
liensail i To Our Town Subscribers fiza (he'partlos ou Tuesda!,: thae be
____. diemissed)the leoneelaint. le.‘ tvilt •,... Iv
remembered that the ntegisteate nose
G. J. Sutherland, Notare l'ablio, ConveYell ' tm in -
An eeeeemem ;IA i eeentered membered that lbe i
megetrete re -
rent Cemtnissioner, fere Insurance Agetit. aud i e.,-....-.
essurer of Marriage Licensee. Legal dequillellts tq Letweert the pehlishers of t he Heserved his deeisioa so as te refer 'the
ocrolairiateuiallItoyitiherercaeprsetsoattatterece4esit,otenollinlie;lea:teattalreareener. e tel. Al. v oea,ta and tim i3-xelei. rimes x..,taileappi• 0.tooc.rtlevQCIrrog41-tati.4tblitor,%!4y0.11:,ruaa
(whereby' ali subscribers who hive tea exlebir, aatiau an paniaaiLea the
---Wo are 'c'r.t.3,- ‘o ehrtnnele the 1been receiving their papal." by eas-- boy upheld. Mr. Stanbury evil% des
death or .7a8, $birray in Hamilton last ,, ' ve, 4 anded the reaciier was ia .
Sunday Ile was ni„eli respeeted Ili": boY Will' ‘'"unenclu' " ' '-`,1, tC11'. 4 t h
certainty have appealed the
the first issue of .arare4, re- '' ("'""`" day "4 reztl4r1"4 th*t 11$
-Th. partnere' inetitute mee.ting .igeelvc their petters at the peep. eee„ ha A 1, A t,: 1,
filleCASS in every pareiculer. leise i '
held here last Friday evening was ...-a :effice. in Chi') way iheY wilt 1)0 -- (ioett."'leareecIrter°41aeleisusudeltel'ent..
Beek:co., delighted, tua audiraam ,vith !served (leaner and mossi regalarly : --owing to the heavy fail et 8419NV
&ter b4antira1 singiug and excellent ad ' tbao it- is p°5•51b?Po to serve& them by saelVtieti,TAT:xat;cisttiPaerma:1°,4ttaheggattaita4v"al
dresses were delivered by 3rr -.Sitele" :.earrier hay. Those In the habit or te- little uneasy as eattle af, unir zoa.1
slal and Mr. Is'lliotr or Oelt.
haul of gneen t ; DE (Id, c II ieetving the -runes at tlill offte0 on 'time irate neatly getting eMpty and
xicv.. ^Dr. aedd In.,„aebed in park, 't Weshrsday evening I orl , kTihnursidbaiy inthoerir% elevualsdzigreoitzz. trabte,,, isliivVen!,,,,r1...„)4
, hal last $unday for Rev.. Mr. Rigsby, 1 ntormng may do .,O. n ia g $ .
is in Jo Loodoo. f ,I...me we are eray fettawitig tbe .0x, aeek ttli last Taeadas .but
I Principal Zfebastoa, orRippenecheel I re 1 r ii or „, , • ) ( fo *e3tiling Iv411 g"atuleas", '-'111f"t :I'M
or mod linal‘r pOo 4 'PP, 1$ t nt4 I, puitiug in a freah 'supply of feel.
crtiluierdeit4liveer141.1.14111catetaa-bly""iaaCTa'e-a-43; boring towns. The v system quotlou soo qc,:gr$. liaavcr,
inerein,7„ In ',the eVening Rev.
Shaw preaclied sermon
whieh sva, *listened to with sen,
A t tention.
Spzere ims 801(1. resp
eat business to Mr, 4105. ratritner,
who "will teke possession 'very •
soon. .3Er. llarlmer is well and raw-
sabay known bare.
-tae 'Wedneeaay of last week, 1"1"sa
•to Exeter to a exarel party given ,by
Mrs, Collins. There was a large at
Sutherland et -id Laulmage went 130003.
teaulanco and a g,00d time.
-A. carload Tor coal arrived. las
voek.Tbe freight 'train is laot mak-
lag half its usual trips. liut thet Mer-,
zits eve, getting' goods.
Beeteen, manager 0 „the soy
gu Bank, Zurich, late been t -
, Le Montreal. and alr. Preffar,
ri on hes taken Iti
3quite lame place.
SPrillg4 C REDIT -Mr. J. 'Indianan, or thie phtve,
TV w Or the 0, A. 0., Guelpla le one
ult or a raintway.
. Larmer is e 5
4-ea$011 wilY it should not werit in i5E7- ;'ObllooSs:1:oulPdarle4s1on
t:e4t7,renuodis); er.L,r7hAlilg mr'r:
ks elsznvhere LIU
.etteaded. She" diepased or all her
eter. efap'S or the Times will b thzect0. good figure. )4.r. Iles-
atb:11 pe:i4tbaoeffilebeal:n 'Et:atnereigavl* aemonrhor,y, ef Zurich wielded the ham
"paper.% early, 1.tss 1,), latiftwortby, oae o
ublcsebeel teaclier bas sent in lier
We can make it worth your while
to order a New Suit now instead of
waiting till spring. Can't afford to
-rest (mom oars because it 'happens to
be mid winter.
It is worth something to us by way
-of adVartisement, „Everybody doesn't
lotow yet what we mean by
osooa Cutting an4 Fitting
Good Sewing and Stitching
Good Linings and. Show.
'We expect to pay something for anH
!Roller Mills
Oristing and Choppin
Promptly Done.
We are givulg excellent sa-
itisfaetion in, flour since re-
modelling our mill,
introduction, Come in and see,
owl ....1.111111.1••••......
W. W Taman.
lailerclieerst Talk:era
Our stoek is the most complete we
',have ever shown.
Pianos and Ortans
For the parlor we have Pianos and
Organs of the inost beautiful designs
-.and finish and quality unsurpassed.
Sewing Machines
Otir sewing machines are a class by
"themselves. In working qualities and
finish The Best. e
For the Children
VVe have Sleighs galore, ate all
prices. Also Shoo Fiy Rockers, Garnes
Whistles, Mouth Organs, etc.
In Music
We have the latest Popular Songs and
Anstrutnentals. Hymn Books and
also in stock.
Call and see us and get one
of our Artistic Calanders
ose appointed to suparintend ex
mental farmiag at Bloemfontein*
2-.1(011 rfrote
a y afternoon at the
ineetnig of tbe official hoard of trite
Methodist church, Hensel! circuit, Rev
Pr, Medd wee unanimously invited
back for the third year. Iie sold that
he would be pleased.to come back if
sent by the coureepnae. Mr. Medd
has, since coming liereonade Litany
warm frieads by his genial awl pleas-
ant way and. his willingaeas to help
these la need, ivliether•they belong
to lite churab
t'Pe.tti;1301112alrleenIsilllo4rie), °setr‘hulirerptithelreemellet zerhY.a.
were hauling lee up the steep grade.
e-Mles Kate Breen. of the Swamp
Line, 131d b, died from appendicitis
after three atty.'s illness. Bet' remain
were interred xn SL Patrick's Anew-,
ten* Biddulplie
- -Mr. S. Miller is papa now, and
is almost over joyed because it is a
--The marriage of Miss Bnuna clau.
ghter ,or Mr. ad ;Mrs. Jae. Campbell
'to Me. William Stuart, a prosperous
1 -,young far mer' of lisborne took place
jut the. Manse on. Feb. 18th. The Bev
Mr. Cranston officiating: We
tend congratulations and wish them a
long and. very happy future!
-"Mr. John McLean Ava.gin tha city
nee Strn'tfor telast week attending
the assizee.
Goshen Line
(Too late for last isiite)
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Yearly of
Bracebridge are visiting at Mr. Win.
Yearley's and around this -vicinity.
-Mr. Reuben Davey is on the sick
list. Wei hope to see him out soon.
- Misses :fenny and Annie Yearley
visited at Mrs. Win, Ma.rtyn'e ono
day lash week.
-Mrs. Thomas Yearley is recover-
ing from her recent illness.,
John Keys visited .evith his 1,
daughter, in London, 'for a couple of n
days last week.
- Miss (Turner visited at Mr. Year-
ley's on Monday •evemirege
• -Mr. W. Henderson visited feitinds
itt Shipka, one night last week.
Mr. Wm. Bonder had nearly reaelied
tbe top, with Iris load, when one of his
horses elippecit.on the ice and wet
over the enbankinent. Millie wao in
a -predleament. The horse was drag=
ging the other horse,l,oad and all
with him, liut Billie, kept ceol and
unfastening the laxness the horse
gently. dropped into a snow ban
leboint Mir tv-- feet beloiv. Altel• 4
vestige Ling it WAS found Ito bad
sustained a scratch, and was none he
'worse his fall:
-A new method is t eing su -
tally used in this; seta:ion, fan m king
the roads passable. A disc 'bar • es is
used instead cif a plow and it 8 said
makes an excellent read.'
-Coal 'is becoming very scare in
town, and unless freightlrains ring
..eueeedy this week, some furnae Sir -
as will be oat and a vers.laisa able time time will result, uuless the vea-
ther moderates. There are in ica-
tions for higher temperature.,
,reeigoation to the trustee boerel- The
Shipk-ilaanie to take erfeet, arril 1st Ital
4 A•
j -Mite Esebe, or Sehringville,
r,apereling .CONV *lase at F. Baker's.
riees a .1t0 -X.r..IIirtzel, or Orediteta, watt
e vast few wek. nSunday in the village.
' Fire. -0a Monday about
Urs, A. Mowker. or Parithiltapent 11 00tO5k
peat week visitine Mrs mo in th.4.1),(4x.s4dursgeonverletdentroSt' °on"
bWJtoho's-7•14in-o44st.114ke';2r.118:tiln-o- i.tubteiinliatt6iutiet111‘‘.•1:41:54 Iv
inpatisirtloraregawal)s IrSni Itrail WI be Itlenci "4 »art the roof was
aio for tha wintbe er. ' ed out. lied it no:, been for
P Sarnia' "I'vbere' kit°1443 te- lug would have burned
. -4st ,herrio cork done by :some* the
iWe are Still to the front. Onr la
filled once more with a complete tine
i designs and finish
1 IA e invite all intending purchaser
, , , , ,.
spec t our stocK arta ge‘ our prices oeTo
new furniture,
iU soon be
the latest
tQ Visit Our Shoal
r Jae;
purcha” ,ve will bp satisfied and if you do purchas4 guarantee
you will be satisfied.
We also do ordered work, upholstering,, ptcture Learcang and al
kinds of repairing with neatness and dispa,tch at rnederat
WE & fTKtN8O,
(vulture Peakra and rzitlestakevs. 3,7Neter,
Praetea baltner
alberla, rrh
^ of Ilibbert
thy «1b
rant. *
Itreugli tileess, and who dur-- ‘,11015tked, bat not till the evlinie
Mr. Bumgarden reo;n
his 109 arro f%rni on the .11t1
convorsion or steplIm for arefa/0
uillspoy, who 1338 beet* SO
%eirOUSly NVO aro glad ta mate
able to be. areund again. . • .
G. Marlton, or Clandebee tlog fr1.1111'
i present vieiting friends be
Mr, J'aines Ryan, of Minneeota,
spending the whiter with his fathe
--we are incased to report that Mr.
11. Wing lies mace more got ina supply We
or goal oil. No more, dread of an .oll
5. 'j
WW1 runny bare t
eereannality in Wei
nivertary ear a exr Mt.
Pleaeant Nethedist wall he
held an Sunday. February 28th at
2.30 trial, 7 p. la. 'Tile Rev. B.Gedwin
:Plzete•r. vonduct both service.
There ert connectioa.
who bee lenetvi
er the past
to wceirs, loIrt 0 `uesday la% 'tor
'onto, (thence to •Wialtilasa wbere
as it situatiou.
r. 0. Jones spent Tuesday and
r42Ve; are. glad to bee Mr. an Mrs. WIlliatn Coultice enebrated Chet
eeday Tororao on bueineee.
ty Yeirs .larried.-..11r. and.
out Again erica' sej.v*e.-r-i: 20th ranniverrarV 3VanclnY night
attaAt..obf .1aRgarrilptpoen, opollt last. About 123 young- and old, spent
la with his parents here.
v the evening in eatinrg pavlova,
ing, speeches and recitations. Those
NV110 took past werefReve Mr, Cooper,
in tae chair. SpeeelteS1 bylltov.
Maker, Canes, Ilarvey 3Eartie, J. G.
;tones and a lot of others. Music. was
-Our old eue
aeg)t tinny
this winter.
Mr. tind Ms. "Warren gar
a to thee' rriende Loot ,.1. 4111
"eye We Limo was strains
Wo are glad to note that Jr. Jas.
'arrick is able to be around :gain r.
Lor being laid uparer 80/11Otime
-MissKt.111.0: Gould 811314 Iasi, wool.:
with ar. and Mee. 301mStOt4 Blear
-5fiss Sarah. Corbott, of Port Rural)
visiting at hor old home. a(prrsent
-fr. R. n. Colo has gora new
so, tun that prorais2s go makr thy,
tly before long,
-4 largo number from here attend
1 arr. Thomas liartoine sale el
Thursday laat.
-Mrs. ;ernes .1,Eclaanald is ett pres-
ent visiti d h •
d ho
ng er ring ter, 311s. John
Gould. 0
given ay Mr. II. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. -We ore sorry to note that itr.W
-113t4lw°°4 intelldn Putting in la ecorge Wi1liazns. gr. .P.. T. Madge Coleman has been laid up tor emu
larenx a,eytelene pleat iller The put- Mr 'Id Andrew. hriland lIrs. Burt. time. We hope aor his apeedy re.eive
ipiogsuel..0,xshuopp1013,7;iengativiatnstrae;aidtelinat:1 with Andrew, Mils Z. Andribw. Miss Liz- eny.,
observe over the eleotrie is that tiller:yin zie Johns presided at.a.he organ. They
all 'went home at the "wee sma Ander.son
'66./1 have ligbi in the morning. %num" tater spendieeg a veaa- pleas-
_Operarabtour; vatx7eilt,e.ria:rra.:_utrrtolanly haelli;aLtiifillat .412,illsaat raTalsttel;sewree're gY;ar3.n" -e. eery hpapy event liras solemnize .
by the neigbbors. Presents came ed bn liireitnesday, Fehr uary 24th. at i
Kevi:rnrier-l.g'Briglit and livele' is Patten,& froin ell quarters at the globe. it the residence (If thc bride's .moth?r,,
. , „ . was the wish or ever.yonc that they on the townline. when ...Miss Latch)
y. Jesty 1.10111 Tees ry ntg eould live to celebratte elheix goblen. Leadstene, daughter. of the let C
e leo
Utah Farce Colmar, with plenty of wedding. Leadet.one WO S urxited in 'marriage to
fun makers, who endeavor Lo alease, -The invitations are but announce. Mr. Milton Stevens, son, qr the late
and avben such interest is taken in a ing the marriage on March 2nd, of Jno. Stevens, of the ard concession
Miss -Mary Jane Turnbull to Mr. Jno. Blanchard. The ceremony- was per -
Farce IComeds- is sureelo be success. Somerville. formed in the presence, of a number of
Many specialties are ietrodueed and invited :guests, yuung friends of the
the stage is never left vacant for a contraceing pa.Tties, by the' ;Rev. C,
single moment during the time the Fullerton Fletcher bf the Thames Road After
curtain is up. it is certain to drive the ceremony a veryaaeasant tune
away the blues and leaves the spect- ---
ator in a good humor. Band and or- -The 14"1/10 of Fullarton. were vas spent in social that and other
. ,. . . . , . amusements. Arr. and Mrs. Stevens
chestra is first-class, and the show is shocked Wino.) morning to Deer et have 'the best wisheafef it host of fri.
e. laug,h from start to finish. the sudden death of rtev. G. rinke ends as they enter upon the joureey
DE life together.
-Mr. Ilarold, son of Mr, W. J. Peen
of 'the townline, is' now nicely re-
covering. from; a very severe attack
typhoid fever.
-.Miss I 03.nown, of tbe to:vane
school 3s rendering very' tefficien t; ser-
vice as a teacher. .
-Jacob Kellerman was in London,
Creditor; ou Tuesday' ttending, the
-Air Chas. Zwicker has purehase 1 ---riefitton Witzel lee gone to •Miehi-
Mr. Delay Essery's farm, eon I, i'le• an, Lo spend the'sunimer,
phen, :or 490. -Mre. 'W. Fenn NA -Imams been very
Card of Thanks. -Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ick the paL week is somewhil im-
llodgins desire to thank all the fri- pyeeveng.
ends who so kindly assisted and tilso --Ali'. Sa,muel: Ziellinernean from
those who offered their assistance. in North Dakota, forrmarly of Zurich
their recent bereavement. Spent a rEW days in the village. .tte
--rAl. 'Wilbert MOKurry came home past week, ,
from London, being laid up with
Otto Holt, ot Nebrateka City
la igrippe. li'lre hope Ile soon will re- ;Nebraska, IS at prewent visitipelhis
eover. father, &Tee John Holtz, tailor of this
• -Mr. Cliiiis. Zwickex spent'e few pia,,,,, .
days in TOrOntO, last week, on bus'. .....
Henry Guenther and Philip Fossil,
ness. •
have exehanged houses. and both mov
-440 Farmers' Inseitute meetings
Friday last. This, makes it
vere- well attended, blonthcbilla, tall:Tema fit:4*- mecloroen convenient
for 'Mr. 1.(aissil being
a 00vnerYllineteTleit'i4igig programme, was I° Mlle 'near r to 1'318 °"1-°-"bMI t I I
.. , . , , , .
erchants Bank of Cana
,,,GAPITAL (all Paid 1113) ... . . .. -$6,000,000.
-1.rnos. ry SHEilEBDEN
General Manager
Superintendent of Branches a
twiner, Evangelical pastor at Carling
ford. On Wednesiley morning ,Mr.
Vinkbeiner WAS itt Sebringville and
looked jest as well as usual. In the
afternoon after his return.hoine from
that village it le understood, he start-
ed to shovel snove away +near Maleee
sidenee, and pnobabler ag it riveult of
the exertion affecting his heart„deatb
tvas eaused. The deceased was widely
known throughout Fullerton. Before
his appointment to the. church'at Car-
liegesrd, •soma two years ago, he had
been stationed at Milverton, whe.re
his surviving Wife andlamily are liv-
ing at present, lin& where the remains
were taken fax interment
given, tvliere everyene enjoyed them- Sh°P• __Mr. 1tinle8 Smith, a(1 old pioneer
Selves. :Nfiss Anna 13eckett is a charm -Ben jinkena of, \Vinghani lias en- of the 11111 eon-rl'allter.ten, depart-
ing singer. She at tendedall the gaged with Ife P.Pettlin, hardware ed this life on lefonday 15th tet
ee tings. merchant, for a .fe)v Wer.,.
--Mr. m S,tewert spent Sun 1 buried at Iley's cemetery.
y t his home n t WW.eocl h asn.
Vera FOtthCringbam who
has spent a few weeks with Wm
Sppiebrook, reeurned.
-.M.r.and Mrs. eateust," Rill, spent
SundaY 'ill Zurich. • • .
• "-Mr. 'William 'Snider, et Clifford is
visited Mr. Gottleib 111.o1'lock.
--Miss Vivian and 1' 1! Bea v,e r and
lyr tie ,Clark •spent Sunday .i.n
1(51 with Mrs..Gee. •Essery. • •
--Mr. R E. Walker /spent Monday
nd Tuesday in London.
-Dee th of lVfee. Sinee.'-e'[his week
WA Are (allad upon i to raeord- the
deo of one of 'mit oldeet anti most
highly respected residents, beloved
Wife of Mr. Job Sims, Sr. See was in
het ueual health up•to Friday last,
but graelually J..iccoming weak.er her
nature gave :way and she passed
ilencefully away to tbe•uniece world,
leionday morning. The funeral
leek lilacs, on Wednesday Mori -king ;it
10 O'clock at Si- James cnmetery-
his late residence in. Mitchell. and was
Inter'est at most'favorable current rates allowed on SavingsT'Bank Aceonnts and Deposit Receipts.
Special attention given to the business of Farmers and, Cattle
Lettcrs of Credit issued to travellers, payable hi an parts
• .3 ---Ales. C. Frite,,Pearimead • Ward.
of Zurich., •are epending a rew deys Doel1 poned. raeurn elme.ker
with I•ier sister, Mrs. Jae. Ie-ellerman. match 'Which was to have been played
Fr ncltrick jeuilailiereTx.,lias perches.. on 13I 3( hese betsveen l!he 30;.011,31.1
ed the house and lot; avhiell has been and Fullarton and Russeldale
occupied in the, jate Mrs. J.'ItRode ,eepl, bi plateeel eff in irklie 04/0., 0.
Si and moved therein, L1IO priCe
paid. being 1,130O.
-51118 c has engaged , wi 13
P: Fossil, bladissmill.' '" •
-The quarterly- meetingos the,
Evangelibal church whieh had -hese
announced fee. February 21s1:, has
hall here• On Prislay. Mar1311 etb., WO,
11103' I pernri.l.l. mg,
-Mr...Edward 1.1.1ti 11 i.,e,ve! a
st:rnk of apoplexy on Tuesday last,
and vziry e it gr he pe e are en t re a i ti-
ed Sae his, recovery. t
bsen postponed to l\tareb. Thomas Cur reltelY 31 11 1111
io the death of Rev..Gee. Finkbeitie4T, .1:e13en dejeireed this life oe. Saturday
ci Fe aux-ton, • t h a -ler esi g ,eld ta,fi.er a short illness of three de,ye
Rev. fc.neetel \vas unable to eome.- ot ' of the'D" linlng of
-Mr. and Mrs. J'es. Snell, nn. Sale 1 b 3 liewele.
1151111 3' received 1115. sad .neessege Oetan
aft i41.011 WhiCh lizillieneze to their den-.
ghier, Flossie,- who is atepx•eseiate at-
( end ing, the CanSer vete ry
1; 'Tr:I:onto. Mr, .los. • SneiLleft ,0)1
Saterday nieht for Torantn. ,and on,
..Sundiay elephoned that slie :is (loing
nicely, and that the accident Was not
'as serious as at 'first thought. " •
Ida Ziirieh spent 51
w ((1"5 ]j the 'villnee this week,
'much' talked. of case of Jonas
---Qtearterly SArViCeS 315151 llOld at
i\tte Pleasant on Sunday.
--:lseatli lies east ai 'gloom over. this
neighborhood ley tlie,,deelle tor Jieen,
beloved wife of Mr. James P,arkinson,
in• her 74th year. She had be.eii A i I -
i ng for a nuknber of . -eni.ontlis having
been confined to the house since early
winter.. Slie wag a member ef the
13reebyte.rian eliuech ;ind eseeeinaed by
ell. "The ,funeral WA.q on,‘FrikInty at
2.30 +p,. na. serviees being condueted hy
Boars the \ '. .1,1--1 . mu,i aepo' privabrtiob , a 4,,,t,a „dee, principal tilee tthe Rev. 3. .A.. ceanete.n, 11" 1! leaves 1y0u/wys licchobendecided bhomorhre 1hflbbane
ignature e
4-4?14..4.' Mr, Geetz th prosaling juteacher.stice non- Ittarv an A at bailie ; Andrete in
Siheetsi vete li aefavor of .t,he end nine of n, farnily- o na, .4 lexanclee
, .
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Beard the
Signature of
Abse mine t,
Minutes og two
Ted and cenfirme
Arirtst meg-Muir-The! as.
Lowing aCeetuets paesed and or
drawn on treaourer for eattie
lasuranco premium,
N. IP, Harden telegram re mail
vice, Zig.; Geo, Codsnor. Jabor.
Wra. qrmeh, $3.03; T. Webster,
I). Ru5sell, S. Bradt, dv,. SLi
g211dQrs. 40* 43C.; ano.
Frgd 011.1p414c.r. de, 7.1o.4
Jr. do. :;;,17; NIMItzli,
SI.25: 3,
Sanders, mstago. W. J.4
Bistt,eha,rity to Mre• Sutton, $1-0.4'
Msta. Delve, eC01.-earriez).
TaTior-iadir„-Tkr. c.minoti
to Wcdnesday. ra, 21411
to adjour*,
15 n on, which has
w eat to go with
Any fame!
w]leat will find it t tit
tage to see
J. Cobbledick
who has large orders to fili,
Grain received at Exeter, Cca,
tralia and Clandeboyc.
We have our Chopper
now in running order
and solicit a share of
your trade, and will do
our hest to alive you
good chop, and give
pared to do zhopping at
any time.
Come in
and examine our chop,
we are ,ure you will like --
Bring in a Load and
Oive us a Triai.
Snell & Blatchford
Corner of Main and Station Street,
Next Electric Light Plant,
Actual Cot of International Stock Food..
supply the following.:
International ,Louse Tiller 25C package
• N CAD 110W
International Poultry Food, 2 5c and 5oc packages
fnterriationat Heave Cure 5oe package
Triternaiional Worm Powder sac package
Ilaternational 'Healing DiI„ 50epackage
int2rnational Gall Cute soc a package
iniernational Colic Cure, 50c package
International Hod :Ointment,' $1.00 package
International Stock Food, 250, 50c 'and Sr..00 packages
25 pound pails $3.5o
At imOlitireSt Prices