HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-2-18, Page 8BIER TIMES, FEBULTARY 1.8th
T,,,TERE'S a money saving opportunity for yon, for the
-2-ele next :10 days we will allow a Straight diseourit, of 20 per
if all Fur Goods. Figure le oue and see what, it. meatus
Mees Foe Coate. Lodies Fur Coate. Per Caps, Fur Mitie,
Inn Rue-, Fu. Cqerine Uat al per cent. on our regular
close prices.
$15 Fur Coat for , 12 00
$a) Fur Coat for. - 16 00
*30 Vur Coat fer.. .4...A4100 - 24 00
$50 Fur Coat for .,.... 40 00
$50 Coon Ooats for.- . - 40 00
Conte and see the biggest, and beet Lir bargain a the esteems.
A e CIS& la
With a SAVINO$ BANK acco ot
he Sovereign Sovereign Bankof Canada.
Where SP CIAL inducements are given DEPOS.
ORS, No lelayi Depositiog or Withdrawing,
Branebee in Moron eintnty
xe�r5GregitOil, 0E1111003i Zlinell,
Mise Nettie Waltere spent a few
day s this, week with friends in, Lon- I
den. •
Mr. J. Pedlar, of Marine City- is
spending a few weeks with relatives
in Exeter,
Mies 'Cora Fewell leaves 'this, week
for Woodstock, where she will visit
Xisa Ethel Bissett 10°1bs week far
Toronto, where site will.spend, some
time tat the millinery Openings
The List owell banuen thee:pouts Mt
Is burden of grief-enter:ail sad ever&
tougue or pen . the saddest
are these "It's snowing airain."
Statutes. -We have receivedi Ira 1
of the etetutes of ,Canaila for 190e.
Having been put Op tilts year in two
volumes. the letter will arrive later
Solicitor% Manager. Exeter,
ley' s OpPra ovi,e
27th. For•t
prLn Exeter with
we thereon. Goe nvest
pply to01,anstmc SZtN13170
The Exeter Junior Tina°
went to Bensall on Monday nig
DM OVEN OlelerQF WDOgeea.0 played a very epirited game the c
Deseesee beteg ti in favor a Exeter Juniors.
Ey., Ear; Nose and Throat TO CURE A. COLD IN ONE DAY
Irma gxeter Take Laxative )3romo Quinine Tablets
Glasses Properly Fitteddruggist's refund the money if it
. fails to cure.%E. W. Grove' eignatore
lemma culla% awl Deitnesi trened. Office
McRCIA 1-1?TEL„. Dates of visits, IS On eawn bOX, 20e.
IASie eeb.a. same e, march 2, The ntap 'premium offe d. tb
44! un' 2. 406v,41.2yot vit Family Herald has reacher na laset
and may be seen at, this office. The
Family Herald's prerniume for 1001 are
certainly popular with, its readers.
We are pleased to 'knot". that Mr.
copy for changes must be left Todd, one of the editors of the Goder-
tlater than Tuesday noon. Casual ' sch Star,who bae been passing through
vestisementu accepted up to noon a serious illness. has recovered and 1
dneeds.v of each
ahle to attend. to hie alike duties.
Albert Lang, a son a Mr. R. S.
1904 ;Lang while playing hockey on the
triver on Tuesday of last week sustain.
ed a very severe sprain of the hip joint
The lad bus since been laid up but is
Making rapid recovery,
, da Mr, Abe Bagshaw, who has been
Read Foplestone Zs Gardiner s a living at flurtandale the past year on
atm page :I. Mr, Wrn. Blatebford's farm, has rent.
3, G. Staubury vvtts at Ooderich on ed the fartn of MieRichard Hill on 4 th
Friday on legal imeiness. con. Stephen, WhicLi he recently pm..
, chased from Mr. Ohas Box. He took
W, A. Balkwill has purchased tvvo
t .
'lots onpesite his residence from w. a. possession lasweek
Itillough. A1,N1110.-The Council have in.
rusted the Village Constable to pros -
r. Aquino. Sheere, of St. Thomas,
cute arty found driving clogs
is vea. nding few days at his home person
attached to cacts or eleighel on the
----B'ere. 9';" sidewalks, children hanging on sleighs
Insurance men estimate the loss by or for violation of any of the Village
the Baltimore fire at $125,000,000 with y -laws. -G. if. 131ssisee, Clerk.
insurance totaling $90,000.000. FOROVERSIXTX lifeARS
_Messrs J. and D. Wood shipped aW°LD "D WELL-Tatzp Bram v. -Mrs inslowtSoothin 8 h be
g yrnp as en need ftr
mire load tchezs cattle on Sator- oversix44yearsbymillionsofmethersforthem l. Man in Figures -Some years ago a
day for the loront o market. children while teething, with perfeetenocess . ,
It soothes the child, softens the gtuns,allays an clever x ranch nna.tointst presented tee
The Chief of Police has been haynumber of delinquents before the for Dia:Thom. It ie pleasant to the twee. soki. following statistics to the .Paris eza-
ing pain. curewind colic.s and is the hest xemedy
j. P. for neglecting to pay poll tax. cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. lie
bydruggists in every part of the world. 85 den y or Scienee..;-A man duettist 50
• North and. South Perth county tTI.—revand wafer no other kind,
Orange Lodges have decided to bold ate of 5,000 days arid werks away the
the 12th July celebration in Listoweh Master Clinton Hogarth, son of Mr. tame peeled. .The time occupied by
him in eating amountsto 2,000 days,
in walking 800, and he is ill on an ev-
eita.ge 500 410334 Daring his half cen-
tury he absorbs 77,000 lbs, of bread,
22,000 lbs. of meat, 5,000 lbs. of vege-
tables and washes all this down with
6,800 gallons or liquor.
Death of Mr. Thomas Un.ques.---1The
;Brooch Feend.-Between Main $t.
Methodist church and power house.
Owner an have same by applying at
Times Office. PTOYing, property and
paying for ad
MSS Vera Hawk:slims* left en Mon.
dayc, 0 ufoprieLoorrelovnee„ lowhiettre csthill;V:1,blostePesaft
ininery Ostablislimeut prior to tali',
paSittle4 44 Milliner at
ae pending s few fpataxiths renewing
tWcpudtata aces in thie vity, were
the iguesta of Mr. -end Mrs. Jos., Cob--
hit:diet% the first psrt of this weele
4t the regular quarterly meotiOR
f 'lite Of fietel 1103rd of the Central
i dist Church. Stratford, cor.
dia was extended to Ret.
igford to remain as pastor for
t r year, the current- ,year ends
ing at mitieurnmer Tint.
Ifebruery 8th the offirial lioard
OlIVIrtt9Int Ike? v"TptItri.e'sIrSk It:anoniloiri";
e . 4. Waddello.o remain atudli
er year. At the Wtme meciting Br.
ulnew Haynes was uzianimouely re..
Mended AS a candidate rur the
ieses uonr'ted. by by..
i of
in bicb
d fraud th
is. Tb tett colu le made
figurebas t inspre,ss-
quit 1 ' though
s" is s blurred
g to t ay to which
The Liquor LicenSe p txxxent
decided that in future all hotele muut
have their dioing•rooms open ail the
time and veva- meals at ell hours.
The lavr states this, and Saunders
will instruct bis inspectore to see to
its enforcement. He bas mitten to
the Commercial Travellers* Associa.
"on giving them an tiVeOnot of the
Inepector's report. and stating that if
tbey wish to go on with the matter
they raust be prepared to go before a
Magistrate at St. itlarys,
A very enjoyable skating party was
giren by Miss Norma Bobier, oieTues-
day evening. Invitittious to the num-
her of 50 having been Issued. The
ice was in excellent condition' and the
pleasure of the skatingevas enehanced
toy the band which, discoursed lively
m'asir durjng tbe eve/fling, 'The par-
ty was afterwards royally entertaintel
at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Dob -
ler, where a dainty hineheen waa serv
Tbs. weather during the pest week
has beeu beeelit, elettr and um:netting
lJy euld, the mereery eeveraIdaYs,
dropping to ugheeen befow, '"Vhe
!snowstorm on Sunday again blocked
up the L. IL & 13. so 'that erein eel..
viee wile as a result very iorregular
As an inetennce of She extr eon:Mary
eifisorganization of our ratiWarirs it
may be noted that 2500 cars Of 'Can-
adian freight were stalled on the G.
T. II. switch at Suepension bridge last
week. On other lines it's the same
and ta.ke mrs Winelow's Soothing yeare cf life. sleeps Uway an irzgreg.
Mrs. Collins and. her sister Miss
Bonthorn entertained on Wednesday
evening in honor of their sister. Airs.
Ross, of Montaua.
Mr. Richard Tapp, of Virden, Man.
who has been spending the winter in
and around Exeter, returned. to his
home on Wedneeday.
'V Glo Mt X AIL.
Tears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
• Signature
Stephen llogarth of Stephen. who is
a student at the High School had the
great toes of both test frozen very
severely on Wednesday morning of
last week while walking into Exeter.
The injured member gave the lad con-
siderable pain for some time and laid
him oft from school for a few days.
He is now able to be around again as
Holidays of the year will fall as fol.
lows Victoria Day on Tnesclay ;
Dominion on Friday: Labor Day on
September 5th and Christmas on Sun-
day. Lent commenced on February
17. This is a trifle earlier than last
year lard .Ewaileicl iSsu nntasy dayswillte' all r earlier
1‘. than liaster of last year. PaIm Sun
day will fall on March 27th, and Good
Friday on April 1st.
BLAST the returns received by 'the Provincial
During the past year according to
Board of Health, the total number of
deaths in the province from all causes
was 25,267, making the rate 12.0 per
thousand:which is about theearne rate
as in 1002, when 25,208 deaths were re-
corded. Last year's deaths included
the following from contagiobs disease,
-Smallpox 21, scarlet fever 529, diph-
thevia 479, measles 53,whooping cough
48,typhoid fever 298.tuberculosis 2,072.
is no respector of persons,
therefore prepare to meet its
coming by providing yourself
with one of our
Fait 01161360dtS
Merchant Tailor
S. Eilber, of Madill & Eilber, general
merchants and grain dealers at Ulhy,
Mich., in a letter dated Feb. 3rd inst
wherein be sends renewal for Trot
says -"I note by TEE Toettos
that you have had consideralale snow
and serious trouble with mails and
trains but you are not "in it" with us
in this part of Michigan. In some
parts of this County they had no
trains for 18 days and some railroad
towns have had to send sleighs 20
miles for coal and provisions. We
have had regular trains this week but
the first snow -storm with any kind of
wind is likely to tie the railroads up as
badly as ever."
The Following Articles have been Placed on our Bargain
countqr for Quick
l only Black Calf Poat, a. beauty,
worth $30, our q! kit selling prite
1 only 'Black Ro.slari reirob Coat,
bright gkosry out regular pe $20,
0 ir quick selling price $29.
2 only ladies' Astrachan jackets. 90
inches long. quilted satin lining. regu-
lar mice al, our cpziek eelling price
1 tnly Seal Ceperine, long front
vith cord and tassel, regular- price
8,50, ear claick. selling price $6 70.
'ladies Black _Aetrachan Vaperine,
eegular 3.75, our quiek price
Teid. ee' Near Seal Oaperine Cape.
high ;:o, regolar price 275, our
quick. etelle.a price $1.35;
1, only pair Ladiee Vgleelrie Seal
Gauntlets., tee quality, wortle 415,
our qte7ek price
death occurred near Exeter, on Fri-
day last oE Mr. Thomas Jaques, a well
known and familar figure on our ,
streets. Although crippled and ani
most helpless from youth Mr. Jaques
seemed to enjoy lite by going two and
fro in his cart, buitt for thatpurpose
and as long as 'weather would permit
would bask in the warm sunshine her'
hours on our streets, 'receiving a sal-
utation from passers by. To him and
his relatives death could not be other-
wise I han a grteUt elle, as in his
ut erly helpless condition life had not
many charms. Ins remains were in -
erred in the Exeter cemetery c.izz
Mionday Jost, the Itinerlat taking
place .from the residence" of his siser,
Mrs, 'George Fisher.
To the Value of English Stock
1 had 9 youngpigs, they were all
sick and some of there died, 1 than
began to feed English Stock Food,
when those remaining all recovered
and are now doing well. I also feed
it to young calves Ind think it au ex-
cellent food for calves and pigs.
Manufactured and sold by C. Lutz.
The 50c bag is the largest on the mar-
ket sold for 50c. --and the best.
2 OrdY pair Ladies" Black Vete Gaunt.
tLi., rtigulae price 75, our quick eel-
ig pz ice $2.4.4
1 oely pairIletee Blatk Aetraehen
Ciatuttlete, best quality, regoler twice
0.00. our quirk selling price $4.00.
Ladies Wool TAMS, all Cohn 8, reg0.
lar price 50 et„,,, one xpOek ktlling price
03 ceute,
$ Mil% iisir Wire' Felt Slippers in
and brown, etze 0field 4, asgeine
" e 00a, our qiiick pe2t,
. Ladle!, °loth Skirte roads of
gotid beiwy all wool sberiot in navy,
fawn, grey and blaek worth U541 tote
quit:* et Ring pries 44 0$
23 psie rote& good Sit thig Wearing
Boots, solid leather, regulai price 150
our quick selling twice $1.08.
2 only Ladie.,.: Black Cloth jeekete,
JUST after taking stock we have placed all ow.
small ends out for a Remnant Sale, and if you.
size 31. up to date seekelinerl through- I want a bargain in small ends of Silks, Satins, Dress Goods,
out with Cue teercerieed sates». worth ! Fi
5 only Weces rweed Di els Goode inassortment here. '
titUeS, grt., aud gawp, 1..) io wide, I
cpeick eelltog price 10e yard.
4 only Saskatchewan Robes, largest
ed with rubber, regulate price 8.75, our Our best $10.00 Coat for , , .. 44 Ao4 4,0 4•44*0 /0 4./4440 .$0 00
About 100 yards faucy silks regular , Inglis a particular soap.
pt.ice 50e and 75c our (oink selling 1
I Readyieto-wear Clothing
PrIlde:ree's IY):rivcits. wade, of good strong ! 0
10,00 ourguiciceitioe, price $5,00. anuelette, Duets, Linirigs, etc. You will find a good.
Regular price 25c, 30e, and 40e, Qur real;
In order to clear oat all our Furs we will soli the balance of our stock
size. best, quality malt make) intaaaaai at a little over half price. Buy a good Fur at snsall price.
quick Selliog price 454.75. OUP beSt $3 00 COO for - 0000441 50
twpetl. ITh1e0" $1.75
Our quick selhog priee $1.40.
Men's zndefe made of pure WOQI
flannel coiiar atteched in gray or black
regular price 1,25, our ciutek selling
Price 98 cents,
Men's Storm Rehheis. good quality.
sizes 3 to 11, regular price 85c our
tinick selling price 72 ceitte.
Asiesee 15 pa;.» Flannelette
Blani4eis with Pink **e !doe bordere
(slightly sopeo uud qealtty, regular
priee 85e oar qui,e4 sidling price tric
About 5 dozen Lino) loive)e. bent,
wed, large size, red or Woe borders,
regular price 15u our quick selling
10 cents each.
10 dozen pure Linen 'rowels with
fanny lortier, ferged .00dat, regular
price 10e our q tuck t UhIlg privo 7f ctiN
10 only pairs Ladies Kid Laced
Boots, sizes 3 and 4 regiVae price 1.50
our quiek price 68 Vents,
Our Tow
ut has been rutre4 into bo.
he two local ,papers, IvhAntor
elthetAt Who have beeu
I3 15 peper by caeriar bey will,
g with the zit* issue of
March, receive their tkOil5r5 at the
post office. In this way they will be
storied wailer and more vegularly
than It Is possible15 servci them by
carrier boy. Those in the habit of re.
oeivirig the Tittles at this office on
Wednesday evening or Thursday
morning may do so. in making this
ehange we are only following the ex -
Insole 'cif all the papas in thttudgb-,
boring town,. The new system
works well elsewhere and there is no
reason why it should not work in Bx-
eter. All copies of the Timea will be
placed In the post office on Thursday
morning and* eubseribere eon get
Peek- 'papers early.
Beard of Trade. -At their meeting
on Friday last, nine new names were
added to the Mereberehip list, now
numbering thirty-ifiere. The need, of
a new station and its more central loe
eation the endorsement of the prin-
ciple 'that the assesercieut ,or a front-
age tax for improvements an pub-
lic properties was an act of injustice
and the appointment of a Committee
to find out. how tar the law required
mail assessments.; a decision to en-
quire into the cost 'of necessary eon-
dittions of a succeeeful canning -fac-
tory:. the adaption of the suggestion
eal.etive to the improvement of the
oonditions of winter travel, recently
puslished in the Times end the ap-
pointment of a committee to enquire
into the cost and special rcquiveznents
of a knitting factory were the items
successfully debated aud put into
shape for further notion.
Supplumexitary meretheen of the.
South Enron Farmers" Institute were
held at Iihrquhar, on Tuesday, mad
at Crediton, en Wedneesday. • Other
meetings will be held at Grand Bend
Thursday; Ilensall, Friday ; Varna,
Saturday. These' meetings will cora',
mance et 1.30 and evening raeoting at
eight o'clock. Miss Anna Beckett will
sing at 'Berman. The . delegates are
Messrs. Endow Eiliott, of.Galt ; Fred
Sheppapcl, f Queensiton, and Alhomas
McMillan, of Ilibbert. Besides these
addresses will be delivered and pa-
pers will be read by label gentleMen.
At each of I.ha evening meetinge, in
addition lo the addoesses 'thane will
be gt mueical programme. The -prog-
ramine this year tor both the after-
noon and eVening meetings is mese of
the !least intereeting that:has, e'ver
Aieen 'offered by the South Raven In-
, e ti ut e, and wetleope,' the fa. elate arid
others at the various points will
show their appreciation of the efforts
of 'the officere of 'the Institote o'for
their instruction and pleattlartx hy
turning out to theemeetings in very
large numberts. ,
Huron Presbytery Meeting. -A
nieeting of the Huron Presbytery
was held in Union Church, 13rucefield,
on the 10th lest. Rev. Thomas Dav-
idson. moderator. Rev. Mr. Sowers
reported that a meeting of the. Mo -
sell congregation was held for the
purpose of calling a Minister, but ow-
ing to the minister upon whom they
were united withdrawing his name,
.Lhe meeting adjourned without coml
ing ;to any conclusion. Circular left -
tors from the Assembly's committee
were rend asking the Presbytery to
prO unee their opinion on gi v ifl4Z
loneeo powers to :synods regarailng
reception of ministers from] oilier
churches, .the retiring of ministers,
'the fixing of bonds of presbyteries,
full disposal of all appeals. The Pres-
bytery agreed to the, proposals. Mr.
Corriere reported that his congrega-
tions had decided Lo tisk for iiftY dol-
lars less from the Augmentative Fund
This was commeneed bribe Presby -
telly, either grants were asked Thr
For enly $31 we MO furn'sh-
„von with Eilisou'S Standard
Tallang Machine, complete
with a reeording attachment
and 12 Edison Records and 12
Manias so that you can record
your own vow” No other w
machine on earth will give
you that privilege. We also
have an Indestructible Record
• that wont break, at dos same
Call on or write.
ictom,$treee, Exeter.
Bayriold, Lecher's, eto, ona Varna
and Blake. The eounection o Queeies
College with the Preabyteriant church
was again diseutised earnestly. et mo-
tion Na5 passed approving of its pre-
sent sonaectioa and tommendimge et
to •the liberality or the church. Dr.
Stewart, of Clinton entered his dissent
against ,this mogon. Aitter examin-
ing sessional records the Thaabytery
adjourned to meet in. 'Clinton, on the
Ofirst day of March.
W. 0. T. IL Notes. -At the regular
meeting held at Mrs,:E. Elliott's on
Wednesday 10th, Idees. Godwin,
the viceepresident presined, in the ab-
sence of the presidiant,/thr,ough ill-
ness. A delightful bible reading was.
given by Mrs. jno, Blatchford. Pre-
parations are being made.by the sup-
erintendent of temperance workin
Sundny Schools, to hold .a ionise merit-
ing an eamperance Sunday, avhich is
March 13th, The co-operation or ,the
ininister.S and Sunday School superin.
tendants is asked to sinake this effort
a, success. A plat,farsai meeting will
be held in which isome or our. young
people will be asked‘to take part. A
motion ..or disapproval was "passedscen-
auring the drunkenness of (the L. 11.
& B. train men tduring their enforced
stay in Exeter. It was suggested that
Bur tonsorial artists remember the
Sabbath day by keeping shops closed
a nd doing no work thereon. Where is
our Sunday a11tavce4 Permission is
In be asked ofsour local railwayt ag-
ent to place a suitable receptacle at
1. he 'station in which(to place temper-
ance and religious literature. It is
the intention of our :W. C. (T. g.T. to
keep suck supplied with readatalel iter
elute. Sir. Thomas; Ea.rton, M. D.,
one of Fang Edward's physicians, who
altended him through threicrilical"
openottion Ifor apponcl\ici;tis, 3.41: cornami
Lion tizne, and who)is we have rhad,
a Methodist class -leader, declares that
intemptenance is one of the greatest
crimes 'of the English people, and one
of 'Ile greatest hindrances to the na-
tion"s prosperlity. ltef ridipules as a
superstition the idea that day labor-
ers need to 'oe stimulated by alcohol.
Intoxica tion means dismissal on al-
rnost any- railroad o -day ahd the
big trunk lines espeeially- are mar-
eifess in their c.mforceineut, of this rule
The 0. P. it.t. has .adarut e:'d a mathocl of
denting vilh dronkenners, not, ' 0
aur 11-110W1O(11-,,e. adOnt ed (by 1 ()thew
roads. They proceed against they of-
fender as endangering public safety
and ';it, pre/4511i, they have two en- -
gineers„ one at Indian Head and one
at Three Rivers serving 'sentence of
Lour to six months respectively, on
this charge, as'arresult o,E intoxication
and that too without the optain ot
fine. This may not be making men
sober by legal process, but we are
disposed to think it'tends that way.
Radrioad Men slate that the two. lin-
prisonrnents, referred to above, have
clone moreto prevent total. abstin-
,inee, ' titming t heir' ranks than ha
been ibe result from any or all post
measures to enforce sobriety
To make room for our spring goods we will sell at these low prices
$10 00snit for 11,,..,....0•11..0.0 11.04.
• .$061-,t
$ 00 Sint for „ 500
7 00 Snit for 425
5 00 Bait for.. - - „ „ 425
A. good stock of Winter Bedding hi Flannelette and
WOW, Blankets, Comforters, Counterpanes, Lace Curtains,
Ete,, at greatly reduced prices.
Wait to see our Spring Dvess Goods to
few days.
Furniture & Uneertaking
Redu 'e s hi F rnitur e ainder of Fehrurry
:mains Sure
=nen your Friends to call itt Gidleyss
COInC and see,
al Direasor autiPracticable Eaehalmer, Opera Home Bieck.
You are
'lite Riht
A Great
and Won
, still on top with alarge stet* of built-,
ing materials, Having placed our
When you insist on baying
Harvey Bros.' Fleur. Our
is made from the elCoicest
Ontario and Manitoba wheat.
The quality of our
Etas been improved by Steri-
lizing it. We sell' (0 pounds
for 25e. Give it a trial it is
a "Food" not a "Fad,"
Our facilities for handling the chop-
ping trade are unsurpassed. The new
Vissot grinder is giving great satis-
faction. •
• •
in the
0 Are nP to the Eticarosr STAND- •
that is one reason'why this pope- 2
es larrsberheoag”t
okynsnb wa •t•eljdoaynince. You*g'rec.„.d-
• want the best training and we
O give it, therefore enter at once.
• Circulars free. • 0
e W. J. ELLIOTT, •
re 'Principal 9
These Dyes will dye Wool. Cotton,
Silk, Jute or -Mixed Goods in one bath
--they are the latest and most improv-
ed Dye in the world. Try a package.
All colors at C., LUTZ, Exeter.
era for Thirty car loads of
Lumber Lath
and Shingles
We win be in a better position than
ever to supply our many customers
with all they may require either from
shop or yards.
Bee Keepers Supplies ready
Plate your Orders for Tanks mdse.
Estimates cheerfully given.
iterCall in we like to see -griming
Satistactiou Guaranteed
COMplete'assortment of uo.to-date
Best Quality, Lowest Prices, also
full supply
Note Books, &c.
Medicines and Chemica
Toilet Articles
Brushes, Combs and Perfumeg..
Drug Store