Exeter Times, 1904-2-18, Page 7Coenuirter
r s
LAM Liver Pills.
Muse Gear Signature of
Ste Pm -Steel
a4 soksy
R REAUnfigs
7:11Pln LIVER.
eAmcv; SKIN.
gan of the Body Toned
and bvi
• !r 1', W. Xeyerta I .
Ont., ,S3y4; "'I suffered for five yeara
W11 pelpitaelon, ehortnese of breath,
eleeplereness end rin in the heart. but
one -We of fifilburn's Heart and Nerve
Bille eempletely removed ail these ilia.
tressiug symptoms. I bey° not suffered
Hine° taking them, ana DOW sleep well and.
feel strong and vigerous:'
Milburn% ifeert and, Nerve Pills ears
all diseases arising from %vale heart, worn
ant nerve tietuos, or watery blead,
A Church Membership Should Be
United and Ularniornous
( ntered e.ceoreing to, Act of tbe Pere
1 i'OI
Ity Wm. Boily, of14T400toa.a'att te
Department of Agrieulture, ottatate;
A despatcb fro ngelesC
. al•„
••••-----13a Los A
ss : Rev. l'rank De Witt Talmage
preached fraora the:followirig text :—
dodoes v, red the number of
them that lapped, putting, their hand
to their mootia, was three hundred
Trie story of Gideon's campaignis
muerte in Matt:woo Here was a gen-
eral about to march, againet a pow,
orate invader, well armed and eaulot
pea, whom he must meet with a. raw
and undisciplined force, actually re -
(lacing by a capricious tett the aura-
ber of his tollowera, Under Goti'S
• command be disensed with nine.
tenths of •his men. Wizen Geneeel
Gideon raised his stoodard to repel
theiovasion of the Midianite$ ond
nalekites 32,000 volonteers rit3sw-
the coal to arms. But 004
to Gideon, beater quality than
• quantity. Better e few loyal *id
devoted Men to repel the 111VaSinil
thou a greet host made up of
grentled and fault ending, Indiffer-
lit recruits. Gideon, as diretted
by God, cut down the eumberti
that israelitielt army- Ile cut them
doWn and down and dOwn and doWn
until there were left only three hum.
tired Men—only three sMal1 compan-
ies to follow their intrepid leader
But thay Won the victory. SO
may be in the great eontliet betweet
good and evil in •this woi C'onseir
-atop eernest men are neele
el the struggle for righteousness,
he fix3ing away of the half beerted,
quarrelsome, need otausion no
arna The fight is the Lord's, end
can accomplielt moro with a few
swats, inspired with the iloky
It end devoted to hint, than
a host of uominal Christian
oyal to him aud antagonistic to
no another,
10 'melt Moeda. be a bargee
'Retina army. The loyalt
w kit one eoldiee holds to ma
other in the, national oriaT derides
to a great extent the raggeegate
strength of that army. 'When going
Into battle it is juet os imPortant
, for soldier to know that he is
:standing ehoolder to shoulder with
• Mends as to realize thee be Is Stand --
leg face to fete 'with attacking time.
War- veterans told me that the
affection Which bound the men Of
melt company together was like
bands of unbreakable steel. If a sol-
dier out foraging found, food hidden
Imlay in a barn or If he founa
deserted Pile Of blankets or an extra
Pile of dry 'wood to he tut into
latidling. the first pet eons be thought
of were Clone' of hie :company. There
members shared, each other's
JoYs. •They sympathized with eath
other in their sorroWs. 11 one of
their number did Wrong or 'got :b40
trouble, the different member& of lile
CoMpany would -always ceiee to: his
assistance. $o, my friends, the mem-
hers eeeh seParate Christian
'church , ought to be linked together
by gospel love. Tbev &mold try to
shield each other out! pray for each
.other mad Care foie each' other and
help each other. They shOuld never
before the world expose each other's
weaknesSes utiy more than a wife
should be willing to pubilsh before a
cynical neighborhood the WealmesseS
and shortcomings of her husband.
Church • members, in -other words,
ahould "be kindly affeetioned to one
another, with brotherly lo o, in
honor preferring one another."
"The chtirch a harminaiiiiis gospel
company? Ob, no," says one. "That
Weal is,not always a poSaibility.
etneir itis not possible for me to
live in sympathy and ioe'e with all
the members of my elturch. • Some of
them have been, top mean mid have
"done nte too Many Injustices. I COn
truly pay I 'do pot want to harm
them, tlaut , atertatiOlet.aeaire mit
they- should loave -ma 'entirely .alone.
I certainly. intend to laaVe them en-
tirely alone. I do not Wish to keep
them out of heaven; but I do not Wish
stone of theta to sit beside Me -o.
celestial mansion or by any common
earthly fireside Made of brick and
'stone.", . flimade ba such 11.11 'an,
ewer- you are: proving the Holy
Spirit's power. inefficacious. You bre
demonstrating that you are unwill-
ing- to ' becerea One (if Gideon's band
and live. in faithful harmony with
the chosen, them hunched" God '
willing to give Irog grace enough to,
Blood litters
holds positioh unrivalled by any other
blood medicine as a cure for
PIMPLES, RINGWORM, or any disease
arising Mena. a, disordered state of the
Stomach;Liver, HtSwels or Blood. 'When
you requirent good blood medicine get
Lame ack for
Four Months.
'Was 'Unable to Turn in Bed
Without Help,
• Plasters and Liniments
No, Good.
This was tato experience ofTr. Bei Wont
• Stewart, Zionville. N.B.
0 alt.DS
idney ills
Tie tells of his experience in the follow.
big' words: "For four months I was troubled
with a Jamie back and all this time was un-
able to tern in bed without help. I tried
plasters and liniments of all kinds but with
• noeffect. At ‚last I was induced to try
Doan's Kidney Pills, and by the time I had
used two-thirds of a box my back was aS
well and as strong as ever and has kept
so ever since.• "
Backache, Frequent Thirst, Scanty,
Cioudy,Thielc or Highly ColoredUrine,
Puffing under the Eyes, Swelling, ol
the Feet and Ankles are all syinptorni
of leidtiey trouble that Doan's gidne3
Pills will cure,
Price so cts. pet bcm or3 S1., at
dealers, or
• FO
Spr,alas, Strains, Cuts, Wounds'*
'OpervBeres Bruises, Stiff joint4,13itis and
Stings of Tesects, Coeghst Colds, Contractd
C7orcis, Rheurnatismi, Neuralgia, Brogchitis,
croup, 30fe. Throat, Quinsey, Nheoping
Cough aml.all Painful Seeellhigs.
BoTTLE, 25e. tO4
[love all your fellow church members
you will only ask for that grace.
Has not the sure testirno*y ben
given, "1 con do all tbiugs through
Christ which strengtheneth Inc ?"
You WV now about to ateeide your
whole• eternzd destiny. Yott are to
decide it not by how you profese ta
love God, but by how you are will-
ing to love your fellow chnrelt mem-
bers. Are you ready, here and now,
as Ian soldiers to he kindly
affectionea to one another, with
brotherly love in honor preferring
oee another ?" Do not tell me that
it is impossible for ,you to live in
• • ,
• an seri-toothy with Ulnae who
oeumg to your seine church family,
I By the grace of God it is possible.
l'And if you aro not waling to let,
*that divine love have full ecottrol of
•"your. 1if1 then Instead u staeiug le
a church and disputing •and finding
fault continually with the other
members it is fax better for you to
leave that Church mid go heck to the
world wed thereby play the gospel
coward, os did the 22.000 men who
deserted Gideon's standard at the
first opportunity the Hebrew Vont.
Mender gave them to skulk bottle.
The ehurell ehould he a berm -
:Musty organiaell army, is not
only possible thereby to hurl. a solid
front against the Satallie foe, but
also by preponderence of 'lumber:3,
concentreted in one move. to make.
a the Bible Says,, a little one "be -
thousand and a small one n
strong natiell,"" Concentretion in
Mere, parlance ulcers pot (tidy
conquet. but generally the eomplete
,stification and disorganization of
opposing foe. If by a sure
nuttleal calculation the mile,
bieftwin ran drive on a batter,
teu offensive men ouniest
one n on the defensive., the mate
'tecsful outcome of the conillet •be-
comes on aesurea feet.
can tide great forward move --
single church egainst sin
cet tr t 1 antl r
by all the church members
every seven days unswel leg thurell
roll at. the •AlliaWeeli. 11441.44.w meeting.
Wednesday xdght tr • tl
• .
• even more important than the 114rd's
day worehip. It is by the committal-
' e of prayers that the spirituel
forces •of a thumb become indebted
with tee holy eted, and all commer-
ing gospel enthusiasm. It is to that
roll that tito Members of the church ,
reust give diligent Feed, Concen-
trated churelt menthe:ship at the
midweelt prayer meethig Is of over,
wheimIng impottauce. I know tit'
what I speak'. During my life I heve
observed the ways of two elude of
citurchee. In the mob X have semi o
mighty • gospel conquest goiter on
mouth in and month out. Why?
'rile people ut t tile Midweek
prayer meeting. In the other kind
Of church spiritual realfilil \vele neVer
nssured. Why? 'The peopleem matter
how the pastor begged mai pleaded,
failed to attend the midweek prayer
meeting means a 51 iritually, conquer-
ing (hunch. .k (berth with an empty
prayer meeting meens 0, spiritually
decl clnrel. Ilour 11, ye poste
ITear it 1 The spiritual success of
every ehorch is to be decided by
Nvbetber its inembeis will regularly
assemble, as did the first eltureb in
the tipper clunidate of Jerusalem, to
prey together earnestly wcelt ba•
week: for the ,nianifestation of the
Holy Ghost.
when he went into battle the fueit
time be trembleti like an asp eo leaf
shaken in the wied. lie was So,
scared that he would have turned ood
Bed but for the fact thot he waS
afraid his -reglintett tvotild run away
with him, 'Jaen, tench. to bis stir-
poisa when be came to -where the
enemy had been encamped he found
that they had. been oven more fright-
ened then himself. During, the prevt
(20,13 night, without strilting a blow,
Itt:erie'SulYallacodtvtaL11^1Cinlyea 84:1;ecal Yea; 10- earintellectiolea%li1;117roGfigtililatiliePaorpinillitteti 11eajrspe as SlCi•Vin),
of us. Therefore, Christian soldiersin the COof, the order of events seems 000 on hoe, (teeny.
do not go poblisaing" itit•ouncl your t 1 - been1 1 a
in •pubnlic, hetcalelsteici7;o11 not; own houee, 'the -it a ..C41111i4A,"11.: "t.r.a'Yersed bY largs
fee.rs, no c man et Ani, the f(11,$‘, gisen Ann, 141 ,ns rivers in Euronej.
others criticiallig loni. Do not talk lem and the healing cool tliacourse at It ntoseow tne
atehenees sboula not keep up. 'Do had the record of a Sabbath day at 3 Poisqa has fewer Uttssii
about your anxietiee leet. the churel; Bettie -4a (dela), va We reeently ;Iternal '('onanerce.
not exaggerate the results of yoer Caper/lame, ti.e. heal/ 31g- ilethestla otlaa eouotries,
. strilti•s
foolish iinagina,tions. ••leo pot, ita was ou a Sabbath (fey,. and now the . „laze aeav
other words, give free 'ren to your cm:111101a incite:et and the llealiaff 010eaeaanussoak caueete
geepel cowardice. If you do you may tam withered hand in to -day S. lesson
•unkennel am/ onleesh the 'Cowardly •re both Sabbath day events.Note ..re"4i0V":" .,W*4
also the healing of tite Mau 1";!....veryn5:1,,,ea0lr .5.2004
:fan.• BOO
Why all theee3abbath day dOin7S. the ItW,S1.11
ihen they so Wirt -0 and angered tlict
. Probably for tl e nine reas-
tat lieeetaiaa ciest oe-od the
en serpent. witieh Moses heel
Tie ebiltben of Isruel made
tilE S•S 1 .13SCON
L. 4 * a
EBB. 21.
Text of the Lessen, Watt. •
13, Golden. Teatti Matt el°*•:1•3*.to;o-,1,•°/tot:le:+•:•+;•*:•••':•••1•••:•••:••:.',:*•:4•:,-":".+4',a+4.4",:"3:st:t.,:•catgae4aa!,'
Ruesiaoa are the. most 11osp1tob1t-31 Jallan there aro
miles of railways.
- In Jcipan every ewi,1 is tang
write with both hands.
ver r30,000
„disposition in us all. if yo li ever
'wish to be a blessing as a church
'member, eoly sound forth 1/16 inspir-
ing words of hope. God knows there
are enough, and too Inane who are
aiwaye reedy to sit around in the
:dark church corners and croak tlt
intortvlile, whining. gritting words 0
• doir_
LOYAt Fru'
a • a..
t Jeletnrs ese ollieedire
troopa by nAealls of a coem
Jepart is 419,e61 skitter(' nide larger
lien Euglend. Seottazia, awl Wales.
Datil forty emu's ego, the Jan
V0)' -,
r v- ceinateel cm the tip of the
uScriptt loin I
Houses Rus are built el
low trick, um," of one ettaver
Lake Radial, in ae •
highest fresh -water lo
of it and burned ineenee to , ing Putiiie'll
ben u6 Lord •dears Is-ps, Jana froM a scientific 1101n
,t But, 1 cannot close 'ray study of tee Sabbath clay was a Jewish ;nick ye,erly prodection of coal iz
tliey wo; selpfted it rather teen Ruesia is more then 6.000.000 tens
this magitt.y theme of the (Immix as Jova
a conquering Only without telling
etut the Lorti of the Sale, it is coasftkrk, la
:;-reicing to draw them to ..an 1ral,5,,n4
you, niy people, the object I have in 1 fliinsiqt.
view. FirSt. 1 •W4Dt to 1indk In weston, see.
holy eeel the SCOreS and innnired$, was tbe ar
, toni thousands of •eleireites ail over thee ke tb,„.„..,
t v
the laud wiliCil hen for years relation
'torn and rent Asunder with internal neee,,we,„ 404 teet. tuesion stoves ar
eer ['lee -tele
Ow were think,
people are discelleaged. Christian owl and Iiis word. 'rile hone of 4t 0800.
commtinitles ore discouroged about contention on this occasion ear, that lint city of St. Pe
ese brities„ -during tile
11,y, lviteli lite feet o
themutes, seri,
rite article of
11-h are t,old
arS reying
te.-33rieso epics have 'been
ate tbe Cbiteere leitorers
great fortrees at Port Airtime.
88 1
Every wori+ettett
tiopcep Ond 011 hni
giving his bueieet-e
r's flame.
erg 00 * -el
'Ahem. "Ole- these people scee. ''Nvo pn.g throegh rOrnfielfls on the throe large islands mid a umber
are only a little handhli. We have Sabbath day, ipiee had entailer 01013.
dwindled down and LIOWn Mail there pluckedelle eaten ears of corn. Tho
ne ,wasS an FinpAro
• is hardly eey inemberehip lel/. Whet Pharisees said it MIAS not lawlAd ta greater number of distinc
are we to do?"
Why. ye discouraged do so. The Lord Jesus insWeti ths ny other eoumry.
churches, by the greet. of God ye distiples on foUr groloo:e—the eV- a
f10 everything. God has been I ample of David, tee law t f Moses.• ( QuIriwn i.°°t's'Al))4CL'S 411 1*14
sifting your membership until the 'lite testimony of II:e Spirit through veiveaq ay °"1F two L''''P°at's•
test are :eft. You are ewe a Gehe„ett e prophets tiles, ti, :elite VI, ceot 0. daSr•
en's baud. traiti:41 awl wt.hripi" and. 1119 oun eeteoiliv es Son Every tulle In lItteeia le IL
getber by trouble you teat twecenplish ;ofJ.Airan-
, n WW* put be t Tea t mon- 1 Profeechs ef•eve In the army eiter ettairti
Gideon won. lee Ity the , they had elli,rittl:t1t*tillsA411811ncle)sbat'ihi't t71•11-tert.41tr15i: ‘.;;Pea's,re.' 11 in Ilona. W
loyulty of a few. •'i their souls full of tell purposes cen be, seen
i • . their clot
i Mr eitrone purpose, in tbis 11051*108 they go their own waye, thei ti dr tie , acieveters.
' eh
is to show you that tile.,e confiner,. CM) 410,,it'iS and :0%11i wori's, ont a • . .........., ,...,.,.,.., — ,,,...„,....„ .... ,,,
lk ttS1"11. if 1.1.4 sca,4 4,4 4,011 -0a. IT, 4
OrD omir tin^ IiIiitli.;nitikh lauilti Were i thcir own lic,1trte. Court.'ast lea. is:,iii. ^w,,,,ter in the S10 )P 0;1...411, to ttL.
ordinary awn. Who uere they? We , 13„ They col net ultle. eland we -
don't know. 'They were felect el
random. f•totne came geeltaps ire
wealthy homes; some came from
homes of poverty. They WaYe 1111 s
„ leeted simply by the *101 thee In
e p
teepee in J
to tee
Ler msbanirs
aide 'tli.es not hoc
botteehold. She
1,14 ber epoueles P
114 elegraple depart-.
v y 'nourishing.
f the receipts
' ,V4
dace; Lerace our Lord ;odd, “Go • moult ereng ctin, itriage, ti''
arfd learn What that niennetk, I fitithnis Russ threwe a piere
have mercy aud anerifice" !RUMAT into the wear,
compare veiree 7 arid (liaptcr AN. 1.1) Traips are coarroyod aore-a Lola,
rat up the /eater /owe amok tleign of both Sabbath and ear- on the TranteS'iletrion, Meta
of tho etreoue brook. so eoe ai not that Mon $1102*24 (10 or %ay by no.n,s oZ 0. r.,t,•„•11,pr.
going to judge our oeeeeeeley, to bir jug routetiting meritorious to Gott Al! the greeete e in the memo.
. •
la 'rive.'
ile among' Ins ellosen followers ny ; te , 0 , Is 4‘01. Jut .14 io ficent Imatlittes 1
.the way we are ready to , do. hi etie 7 "gat .,tow Amor 011d bhlisinPr to comes from gem
.11allne the little thinge of nr, In, 028, 0.9,!„1 tlesi"'s 14 'FCive to r :11" It is smite eoresseee 1,-
':will judge 'whether Av!.:t are fiued !or - 61°11'41' 'us mercy null 'c°1"1".""'"' ,iekti treeepee eetereoe Reese],
The' very '111'St sactitivo on record
ittembership in the Guleonite band by i 44en. lit, ti,11 sets fol,u1,004 4,4,thg!eeestene Gerntee then Ressian.
:the way We ..sume a gond mornil4T; to helpless sinners redemption eloth.1 TO hire ;1 . rvringe in till.," evt
1,,Kst,b,r„7,,,,°„3:,„,,I.„,"1,,,i;°11), .u1',,°°.„,,tir ,e!lr °' ing; they buying. nothing to bring for a drive that finiy. tai -e':4 ten -
..,tweiii-l'ilgeit7s.se..th..,soittt 1.1:;1•4‘;:nieleuttrie,liitteo•ti joveur, „ eore bet their eekre, shim, lute i utes eci'es 81.40 in St. Petersburg..
i tblud, I 1110% tel' °A.) ri'vt7o17belolenant ibnylltrite.Ye \rya; .1.)c,esfliZi.r08.1111,11ennu`dit:'!ntiiti:i 11:gluttg;':,,t) -a(..tl'il,S. 1.145,*1; 5111pis)'itt'inil- "IliniiTsu* SI I,?1%.vga ri',1:1 t a INVol'Ntq
4„ less selveee The first Sabbath eets ' Tio cost - of a Reselea soldier
,eet forgive. of God, with, wideh he bed uothing i ite locelities where timber is tut.
1 The third enirpose: 1 would aboW ,4*.rertrrielatillLoseeenJ°4% eelN.',ilell:ir eil:rirelrrPtSt for forest iiiI17.7 to 14'41) 474 1°°k'014
ummft crmrsrs DANNEII, whatever to do but le accept und ;;Watich tewers are ereeted outside the
:tbrit, these three hOndred inUnOrtuf ,/i.,I1
1 C Ideon it e conquerors teeee, all „own_ li sttiii; 'H
Scriptures, but our Lord bud to The crack infantry regiment of
to them : - ave ye not read, ;Russia is the Alitlo-Ittiski or Littlo
teers• (71°1°Cs .al*I-Ph'S "1St' 1-'4' "A" i lta,re ye not, rend ? if ye bad' lolown !R) tqaun negio".ont,, having its head-
unteerii, not eouseripts. One of theo oareee a, 5, 7). And lie is saying 1,11artors at mem, .
I was thabtorrPile picteres ever painted Coat seine etc',
;most for were, religious- ' A woman in Ilesein, until the day
1 "Copscripts." It shows an African , twee
11Y M. Ciftirin' ean°d the
Ile's is aiwu'" ige°i%ult of the 8°111" / of her eeeth., if she remain unmarried.
Is under the absolute .sway or her
,seene etlu•re hundreds of youeg nwn : • •
:are manacled in chains tuel ere being I • The 5000811 11164'411. of °" less" is parents.
forobie (.01,218.11Ni to oleo,. tee see the healing of a man with a withered When a Russian dies, he ia bnried
tows army. As eoeoteta, zhoa we, ; /Mod in a aynagogue; the scribes aini with ft PaPer ill his hands. on lellis
being drivee nway to alnatoevattlein Pharlses watehing 111141 thot they , le written his Chnm
ia:Ulan ae, 'a1S
death. nut 'Chrlst's army, ele, that fllight accuse Ilint, Ile referred them well as aprayer for his soul. 'ilir
of Gideon, has 10 it no conscripts. et , tht, mw whieh t. it ht th t : thy - On every shop -front in St Peter*
must be a volunteer. Will you en- tO helcreatures p not their own 181)'g there is not only the Russia:ft
The Christian spiffier of the church I were
list luider ,christ,s 1)811)105? win you Exxie iit!:,,y1 ) ,saw teem la trouble Joao,. sive but a complete pictorial reprt
He also reminded them seitetion of the goods on sale with -
go forth in the 111t1110 of this church, 1 -that a man Was better Omit a Sheep ' in. ..
a. united bend, 'to march Against the land .assured theta- that it was lawful Latimes of pence, the Russian aril*
Satanic hosts?- Will you go forth a to do well on the Sabbath day. He. numbers 1,01/9.000 Men- On declare. -
Harmonious company or Christians, „being Lord even of the Sabbath day ition of, war, this can, be obnoat- im.-
ready to battle, in Christ's name? l, (verses' 1.1, 12, 8). Then Ile healed lmediately raised to 2,500,000, .
Will younot realize that ail your ;the man, and the Pbarisees heeanie so TO keep out the cold in winter, the
Past trials, Whether in church 01'out ienrath
ged at they weut out aud held 'windows of Russian houses. arfit*
of it, have been only a means used i a council against Him how they tened up, Paper being gummed wher-
to fit you for ultimato. gospel tri- :might distroy Han (verse 11). The 1ever the least draught might pence,
umph?, Will yeu becomo a 1nen3bet importance of the man was i;057 sug- trate.
of Gideon' s baled? ,` eestive or the Spiritual, conditiOn ef Coos-ription takes place in Russia
• the nation, but he knew his condi- tumualla" between -November 1st and
tion and they' did not. They
were. „December I5th, and those required to
• SERVED'Halft, RRataT• blind and deaf and lame and palsied cat -opiate the active army are chosen
• and leprous and thought that ao_ lay lot.
thing ailed thein, but that, on the The real power in Talasia. is Pobye-
denotseff, the Procurator-Gerifiral ef
the Holy S'yhod tit the Russo -Greek
Chorea. He is.. also the moat hated
mad in the Fampire.
The GoverOor Of Viadit-ostock - has
imnd ,about . a„. week ago. tcabring nothing from such as they considered 1Power to deport any person or per -
matters to a. crisis, So I.began by 'Bina to be, and who should they, for sons he thinks ilt at twenty -tour
saying that I hod a question T. want- ia their own estimation they had hours' • netiee• :X50' reason. need. be.
ed, to ask her." , everything mid needed nothing. Rey. 1 esaaligionta'dmf,,:ternzitglellsEss14ntmesaraYradireiapsinol...
Rithard-a"Yes." Rio 17., , describes thein; as, it also t
does multitudes to -day'. •
The eoncerted forward movement. of
a church; in the next place, must be
Manifested in the united voices of
its members lifted in songs of praise
and in its gospel energy. 011, yes,
the very best. voices trained by our
musical colleges are never too good
to bo allowed • to sing in the church
choir, But the .thurch menabers have,
no moro right, la this gospel move-
ment, to let the choir do all the
sioging than the pew has to oxoect
the pulpit to do ,the praying.
Methodist pews have sung as many
immortal souls into glory .as Metho-
dist pulpits have won by ,preaching.
"Let everything that breathes praise
the Lord!" In ,every service let. ,the
old fashioned hymns be given out and
let all the people sing. Yea, shout
forth your gospel battle songs , lilte
the sound of loamy waters! , Concen-
tration of the church forces in prayer
meeting means -spiritual conquest for
Christ. Concentration of the songs
of praise in one great congregational
chorus means also spiritual conquest
for Cln•ist.
The concerted strength of the
churCh, ' the next place, should
ntake that church a unit; io its •be-
lief an tbe authority of God's, reveal-
ed word cipol elSo, in its protest
against sin, witereacir found. When
the three hundred ,Gideonites went
forth to battle,, theiro .most effective
weapoos w -ere a ,lighted lamp cella
cealed withio a pitehey, and a trume'
Pet -in .the right Ilona,. The lamp
lighted; cam ba osede ois the symbol.
of ,gOspel faith, ns revealed M Cod's
word. laic trumpet ettroberisetar 'as
the aymbol of the voice" of o Chris-
tiae; cloaca protesting *against a
world steeped in sin. • Plenty of
roon-a, in every Christian church 'for,
all repentant sinners eaved by
blooa, but no room- for a031
man who not accept ,the Sacrine-
al blood of jesus Christ and who
eel not ,proteet -against sin o whet-,
ver found. The Christian church
mist be a unit to its Calvary belief,
awl it mitet be a unit in its peotest
aganist .
" BRAVE FOR THE madrr.
If you do not believe that all men
nay become outward cowards, read
he memo.irs of one of our greatest
enevals, than whom no braver man
ver lived. Yet he tells us that
• Richard—"Ily the way, how do too
and Mies Smart get "along?" contrary, the,y were the only righte-
William—"Oh!,. that affair is all pas nation ou earth. They wore re -
over." ally as helpless as this helpless man.
llichard--"You don''t Mean it?" and the Lord was as ready to help
Williturt—"You ,see, I'd inade up my them as him, but they would take
In 'reference -to Hip sayiog about
NOT IN .LINE, a sheep emote one has well said tbat
The. following dialogue was over- H,, 0 con 'not say "see a sheep," but
heerd in the office of one of our pay- have a sheep." The point is that
ysioclii.:11,,s; the other day: -
:Doctor (to patient)—"What ails
ita.tient—T don't know. I only
1 w
mothat I suffer; 1 work like an
ox, 1: eat Rke a wolf, I am as tired
as a deg, aria I sleep like a horse."
laiciar•-"In ,that ease I should ad-
vise you to consult a veterinary suro
There is a plant in Chili, and a
similar one in ,iapan. .,called the
"flower' 'of the air," It is so called
because it appears to have no root,
and is never fixed to the' earth. It
twinds round a dry tree or sterile
reCk. alach .shoot produces two or
three (lowers lake a Ii1Y—white, trans-
parent, add odoriferous. It is cap-
able or being transported 600 or 700
11211081 cold yerat -ites 'is it travels sus-
pended on a twig,
perty of the Russian Imperial family.
Their area is 20,000.000 acres. All
profits from the timber go' to tho
private purse of the Czar.
in the outside ptoersltdooiltRhansfisinaa„nfetinz
of Ownership. owned. them., they are cansidereO °
were His sheep at hoist professedly, position of the weagrbcie osao ttohat smpaord
and Fie owned .the Sabbath day, husnwas ment ar°,
a. good. deal of money on them.
which 'He had given to man for
Furs and „winter garments' are pre-
served during the time they are not
being Wera by being stowed in deep
straw hampers, with sheets steeped
itt turpentine laid between the folds.
• The period of service for, Russian
soldiers is fifteen, years—four in •, -the
1- two vel.rs on furleu 'h.
ran g(liable'
to recall ,at, any moment), and nine
years in the reserves, w can only
• called • out in case of war' Or na"
tit/nal claoger.
man's benefit, but 'while' Ha could
control it, and ,gave speeial blessing
in it they woald not let itim control
there. They persisted in going astray
Isa. 0). • "
Their determination to,kill Him
explains some changes in -His teach-
iog, or, rather, His „. manner of teach-
ing, arom this time on. He will not
yet brealt these bruised reeds but
a time will. come: (Verse 20). ITence
when Ire taught the multitude only
in parables, that seeing they might ---
not see arid 'hearing they might not BRAZItaS BLACIa BIAAIONDS
understand (Talk° 10'; Matt' The' Only place where black. dia-
xiii., 1.3, lel ).'' "flay had blas'ohemed •
moods are found is m the Brazilian
one who was greater then .30111,11'
province. of Bahia. They are usually
greater than Sotomon,",greatar than , .
thelemple, and ' the aeople. or Ninaveb found in river hods, and are brau'llt
'iip, by divers. Others are obtained by
and the queen of Sheba would ' riq
- ,
up agabisL tlidni in judgnient,. and tearlelliL,g Mol-Patalri., rr.ii`bc largest
442). They ha d ' vi Olen lily:
condemn tbeni (versCS' 6, ' 31.'. etioe
u' I'Sitlaci ras,1270e,i(ir,n0e01a, 'ever - sett.t‘I'red was - .vortil
r improves" with age or now their house is to be desolate till . In order to st
against Rim and.' Iris kingd.din„ and
Wine eithe1 "
the political ma -
turns to vinegar---anil it's much the Tile shall come again (Hatt, :SAW., :37- chine one -must (4501) dollars in, the
same with people,. ' 89)4. • slot,
• 35 81433*1
ost TY S
atett the
cleallicetoe of either 014 Sahlutth or .�t* another
! f the J
t 'art /4n1(*.r their clothing.
are (-a eedIngly elot
,ao jade-et-4'1de extenva,riimnce.
11,1:en JaparieFe 1.1-`0Altall
(Idle and loWor clau-ses' is dr
aix evening entertainment,
generally AMU'S as tfrath ot her
RS t -he eau, eat' 1$ sometimes !Are.
The FenpreF.s of ln
sttoion0 worth of clothes fro
. She tittle (consents
public clothed in the gi
her native country cime
• 1*1rsaIor 38 41. i' ;irni;&1144; I , ,., 18
up; and per,.
!ken behind Ito antiot ohje,l, ni-
, though the lei "Jew of te t
it°Thvirue"Jeen:slett.ertaltiftenilo're fish than
'tory other reople in the world. With
.:theln awat-eating Is a forei;gn halo-
' vation, confined to the rich, or ratio,
,er to those roll people who prefer it
, to tbe natioual 'diet .
i Public story -tellers still carn a.
i• good livelihood 10 japan. In Tokio
,alone 600 of them ply their trade,
+provided with a small table. 1.1. fee.
"•and a. paper rapper to illustetetgea
I4. itri loathe tilt points of their tulles.
encounter between the two eounnaa-
Before the We,sternising of thc
Jam/net:0 war departMent, ti. battI0
was frecmently decided by personal
olers, the retainers on each side gita
ihg their chiefs eucouragement only.
in Japan, small children of the
poor, who have the gilit of straying
end no nurses to look after them,
are safe -guarded by the simple pre-
• caution of banging labels round tbeir
necks whieh tell their names and
t ctdAidrie."Z•iilence of the striking uni-
formity of size among the Japanese
is won ii the act that recent meas-
urements taken of ttn infantry regi-
meat show no variation. exceeding _______.,...]
two inches in height or twenty " '
pomfds in o -eight. ,
In the public schools of Japan the
English language is required to he
taught by law. The Japanese youths
ln the open ports and commercial
caistiaes‘,,itprase sap101 retagetio to 101115 pEosniguloith
I ,
and employment.
Most -of the Japanese houses aro
of oil° general shape and two storeyt:
high. They are put together by a.
curious method of mortising, at,
Which 'these people are adepts, not
one nail being used throughout the
construction of the whole building.
Tho Emperol: of Japan is an ath-
lete' . in his way; he has introduced
football into the Land of the Chry-
santhemum, and amuses himself by
playing an amateur game in his pri-
vate grounds with some of his
friends, most of whom. are not so
fond of it.
Every 'Japanse.e. barrack haS
gymnasium, and the Japanese sold-
iers ' rank among the best gymnasts
in the world. ln half aaninute they
can scale a fourteen -foot by
simply bounding on each other's
shoulders, one man siipporting t wo
or three others.
• Entering" by a small aper'tkre a
fowl -house at Ttl,deas'ter, Yorkshi re,
England, a f,oN.. feasted no four or
the' bitils. Ilut his body beirg gorg-
ed wita the, meal. he was unn ble to
OXtri °ate hjI1lSolf, and, be- oming
iajniiied in the /10 fe While
escape, lie died there.
1P.A. cry time a, man c1111$ 1 s*rifo 111
angel she thinV„-„s he's been