Exeter Times, 1904-2-18, Page 6hip Between flan and of so pleasing mid Mnoeent a nature fuPright carriage, remeined perfect' & that the man enuet lueve'been very etill, seeming careless enough bu I Y aifiefeii-elEen1iiniiili-ele*IeTtrree* 0•*4414111' t ' 11 4 FOR FARMERS ; 't Y o Amble and Profitable 0 flints ter the Busy Tillers e a a,td-hear.ed who erieleaVored, to rob lam of a single one. Happy are 41. thoso. who at the age of eixty be- lieve ire something ki.11(1 somebody. 1X,—(Con. PlentY °E. da°11 and sPirit" (;a1:1- shiniud down, quite pleasantly and tenWorarY feet of conciliatory diplonmeY, "after judicious te•eatment. You leave it to all nothing is eusier in this world inch*, with glorious tee., theThehhhe. ruseet iu inixed assemblies, among a large then to avoid Peolde one Ilislai:es• What would Mrs, Forrester have which eetirely covered tl-ie porch, It °I 1°11e11"ss' of uusatisfied longing, ith3 hes of. a largo virginia hereephh, coma:ems... of people, a• curious sense Peepared for any little vagaries whic King Olaf. in the exubevanee of hi heart or heels, might be prepared t giye vent to. These two were fine' . ma -Wigton, the. place of meeting, suited, and no strangers one to the proved an old-fashioued furrnhouee. other, and -Kate 'mew roll well that, standine a' goecl big enolosniet, with light mouth and high courage, which odered ample eecommodation all King Olaf requires was quiet to hblulds, huntsmen., and the multi- handling c•n her part. lie did not tude at lerge. ,like being pulled at; he wanted leave As the two girls drove up a pleat.; to go! r And when hettuds ran, go Si met their eves,' The sun we'S he could, without mistake or . even not be dealt with, as the ardinary run wartair on tbe selie grey stones of' On h0r•sebaeic the girl rc'It la her ‘.1.\ar 1'he trYing or women. They require Peculiar' and, Jae picturesque fighting up nati;ral sl'here• cr"v;°ed pe ties Colonel Claeleir need never trouble shhi 414 4.,1. 01: _ - wheoespon Mrs. Porrester 1. "Peetak'r glinted off the quaint latticed will_ constantly overtook her, while each liar seat. thiuleing it better aocc Juucciotes treaterient" cuuld dows iuosanitillating at that tuontent have :leen the girl of rays, whose bra- advancing Year x•endered the frivolity 11 alone, and shoot Kate by ,ditn(t4 winded tbe evtht01, and the insincerity of the world of ,"dasla end spirit" crying her heart e;ei "fet.heere'd loaeighe on thPe vhrpht,„ fashion still 11101'4' apparent. Ilut a it h. everY oPPeoranee °or' out vidtle mon dice floe and the at • •t lJu h n dialitea come, and eee YOU aguin before long—, ... . . . Jae k a ' 11 Of Wt./U.1/(1°3 DrideLl W°111(1 41e, 1 - 1,( n ei".11 -- 14.124. dro0log slowly iu place, They vainished as if by ma - ::vi. e 1 . , _ 1 , • dhea quite sa eoehdert, in the "14reesS Os. 1.414,1111011qt air. oe-erbead" tegie, eving her stmrernely happy. She blame e -ourself in any way. "'Where ignoreece hi bliss, 'tie felle' ehas etteec•bed their etraight branch- neteed loth deliceouO f;torealTsa,e; vault ., 1 ..,'1. emtiee e le seesatttm 01. life. thct stir, the itetien, the eeeite- i with. the result of her labors? Alig,Itt etme.„ power and mamegoinent—tbe suriney tle inseussiou." she net II 17 'a 't • .01. et:hes cloud, elainse which the tan ow )1)Q( 011)0 the phty of the bit, tile e. Forrester. On the contrary. 1 to be wise," and that there is smite 022. WWI 4 1Wraj,(41.1pSfi 2.001ZS eztwea and mem'. ar-d above oll, the indelleml- e.1 very grateful to you for your' a, tiling in the evorat as carry-, n. wig t have jump- en friendship too far? 1 this gentleman.'a throat in -- oolish admiration tor his pow- : f equitatiou. and now ---why now CITAPTER X. esteis red sweet-williams, and go_ in the sl.clille such feelings knew no I Ivfti good frieaas'. 1/1-.."' Iler nridertaking, or so set istled rev rev,. Ile f tj diet. la Spitk4 of our unfortunate lit0124. - -------,augil ' • cl 1 " . . orawarned forer.tianed." neNt mornieg Kai- was 'tzp N.,1Fs. st 00(1, r 1.0122,1 la., 1-'0IVSt,..1" (OW was artiste), but pvt:.ered atnowt,st the topmost twsge, erne conferred by horse eeerriee, She e1re111)."): 00011(1 and round their home ,.1"yed licit's". often 'lei:luring she in a elate of manifest enedety, calls- d'rred nano to latinea beings, and 4311 he' the aireectrance of sleet Ihore, knew tied, elm could (.7:stowed int feelers. Ort the green rh'e. perhaes . not so %\ 11 as Mrs, "That s all iespondiat the betimes, Sbe had only epoicen the whiteeimaten le.zetities. with their. infinitehe hetter than tho Pei Iment Station es summarized other cheerfully, "All's well that truth when she confessed to a celled)). eoble he tas, thouglitOel brows. and nia:°111t3' 01 women- Without voided wer° os rollows t, of the Soil. 4. LARGE VS, SMALL DAIRY COWS. 1.'ecently issued a Indletia eatitled Ts1.1e Wise.onsin. ExPeriment Statio n fee in Milk Productiou," which different types of cows w placed in competition. with ec other, and the resulle earefelly co pitted and peialielfecl, The dairy h 1a8t,stIr 1t0eatitioete btt'cl'icesietietel tattbovhieslbsed t veiled of de yeare. ill order to make cony) i targest, nor smallest are best, bu those of uniform size. Theeet potatoes during the winter sboul be kept m a cool cellar, where they will be subject neither to frost tor to heat from the fur- nace. If a, cellar furnishing the pro- per conditions ca-anot be secured, tnen the potatoes should be banked in the fall and covered eecurely with isitereazwinga,nd earth to keep them from It is often thought that in order to get good seed potatoes it is aefees-• sary to purchase from Maine eaell la year, or from some point farther, ere north., This practice, while eciaase tea aerially iS 110t 1104;e5Sary 00,C11 year. If we eelect our best erd tubers for seed and keep them. as Jo they seould be kept, we will bare he as good seed potatoes As we Can, get anyteberee 121 t [TABLE TALK OF eRinuria AND THEIR CODE OP SECRET S/ONALS• Feofessiona/ London Thieves Ilave a Language of Theia even. Pew seen), realize that protes, sional crinlinals torn) te class) ha, themselves as distinet aa the gipstea, said en ex-otileial of Scotland Yard, and that they have a. language of ' Vileir awn ableoSt or difficult for the outsider to understand as Romany, and a etule of signals as complicated . as auy seeret soeiety says a Loaden Tili.,1;i:;81; were to And yourself la tints company 01 thieVe3 they Might eQn., VerSe ill the franiteSt Way about their "doings without 3 -our being much the wiser, Suppose, now, one- tuhfethl.(elillowN;s- vbIntfitiolio;g1,utt:bliotigsrafrpilac;d: "1 was jog,ging down a slum 11/ the vel;aosheisphQ'hrotawal 4baztetteid siaalt,gv.eleIr brcvoilie 01?lvhielis hi,,s,!aetrary a 1(124.11io titl one, t ki,,011 but k l icloweas, 4. lug ist1:9,i ttedwbirs. 3e:elilbe ore ' loth ° tech4r 1,teina 0 c, !collared, and gut Seven stretch " I who gave um :Aix doss in the steel. i The Week alter I was ebucketi up 1 ;4 di.h(14;:5, ItIv't:ilt1 enen7yost Li 'nil:at:lel ros; thwa4t1; Two or three of the expressions. I,s teilla"czoptter;forp011einarnd ..t3eocsc.ivastrate,;otwAh Ieeognife. 0? 004.102-0; but fonialifthsofl 1 it. would be Greek to .Yu. Translate : ed into Emelielt it means that, when the gentleman wee a allciteg down, ea iWhite..hapel slutn lie ran lip agabist • a drunken men who WaS weariaie a, gold chain. lie broke off the chain and ininexed the watch, WhiCI4 Was a„. Old oae, but 101 111*43„cen by a von- stablewho errested Min. Ile was taliva berme a snigietrate, who gava him SIX hiONTIIS' 114R1 LABOR. „ .4. week after he regained his free- dom he committed a theft near St. Paure, was arrested, and sentenced to serial years' penal :ervitude. To the ettident of words title thieves” ;iargen is interesting. Many of the eapre ideas are very descrip- tive, latch es "(labia' a burst." whi.h 10 not at all a bad way 'of saving "eon:milting a burelarar"; while ngeremith" is quite an ingenioule .1..evrotigt et:: IrazoItr:itiloatao itlit:e1;11010.c:ecat4:0 on. To the tract 0, phree heroines a hileltigible reason; a "wedge"; dine - elate" *0(4 MAN) AC:Ognit;able us bark notea; "iluesie," is a poetet-book (0, riLlaiElie;;:plr.20.11aittliji:altEl.eiigoafi.:114/3 icIttioyt;Inalteuttritlias,v eoteiign tuld a 'spark -prop" Amide for a diamond -pie, The venerable Magiotrate who woes such an important part in the criminal's life is alwaye, as we have (wen. a "Imola" aud n halal ter, whether proeecuting or defending, Is suitably described as a "mouth- aP I es,een. tuen coA, 'N'vlII:ig<gbi n111'0' yti illtee3 &Liu ?nal:err months' "does" or implsonment. or m so many years' "stretch"—penal servitude. In the criminal 8 Poetic; f`nandcliel4otfre1411f(eln,"I'llifolissi gfilt°elailtlieiga i line: tecomes "smeggling seamy." Ile Iceps in a "hip" instead of ti. bell. ubmits to a "bashing" when lie is flogged, calls the conelet gang of vhicli he is a, worthy Member a 'push"; and when Ile dies a "pawn- icket,' and not, a 1,0101/$tOne, if he ver reaches that post-mortera dig- iity, "describes his virtue to poster- ty. But a. decent -sized 'dictionary could 0 compiled from the words poeuliar o the criminal. lfere ore a few ore Whiell. in nne way or another. 00 10111'ell'esStiIli.'14I;ILTTON KEYS. -Melt. are so useful professionally, he ails "screws"; the life-nreserver he trries is a. "neddle": it basket. is a hilisa*"t a caeli-box tonceals its Iden ity under the name of 'Teter". a, results on a haeis 4:4' type. the he was divided into three chteses—t small dairy, the large dairy, a tbe dual-purpose tepe. I'asture was figured a,t, $1.50 , a other feeds avera Wiseousiu inaket. preasee while t butter was figured at 20 cents e)eonutsd'and tbper 100 poweinscli's1-1.11 xuilk laetitter W422 computed cm the basis of 83.7 per emit of of one pound of butter- fat in tl- ' reed -cobalt to pouiul of finished Mittel^. The reenles reacted by the li: "Cows of tile large dairy tY • ee ubers each rd piece cut should contain one bud or he more. The number of beds which ie nd contaired each piece of potato is not so haportent as it is that each :er piece be of good sive. The cattine go :should re-eive the personal supervi- he sion of the farmer, and not, be W- ei. trusted to hired help, unlese it is la most rebahte. ends well, awl I should bate to make reeling or nervonsness at melting her 'great dai•le evistail eyee, flie elders souk! aot help being A WEI3I<LY BILL OF PARE. eieTfIele 1130°frelifel:galipcealloe!olf114'britnile,k eco° -.1•11; s real eats inade into a mash by the 1We Of Wa wasee. writes a. 0000435.. p001443111-, LO this 13 asitlecl oveasioa- f ally a little poultia• food nitature. a enoag tais to create good impolite- Ationt IM•iga 0 week I mix in thin mash some boiled jico fatties. !carrots and mangel-winerels and a little onion to flavor. 1101004, iately after tide mash they ore givea a mixtme of grains, such as wheat, oate, bailey, end the lihe, thrown in nolought straw or any roaree litter, in width they are made to work. for it. Their CVOing MOO COUSI;tS of corn and oneasionally buckwheat, As • these have heating qualities la theta. 4. esischiee between ney fellow crea- first, appearance in the hantingagrcatauf taking their ease ;tit fell leattetla like "ware 0.1 the fact she possessed Preferable.---Ihom the data present- i tures." With which benevolent and of so f;p0,04 a eounty as Ifuntingshire sensible creotiires, aa 11 4-0:_ii;ui1ant te• "e'med Monis," a. 0,1 apparently in- "d it will he treen that, et erythieg ; highly lalideble serfeinlicet elle effeeted end it wns, this ri.125aticAn 20.110! 'the WM* in store. Mita, .4. 4.138 herent, 01-61 rarely acquired. though vousidettid, cows in group ll, reare- i an eseaho While tile zwereent appeared prompted a more than ordinary ;Fa,. welt:ilea and 6'4.44.' 84" roall.gr ,e;,,,,, one without whielt vo inolyiduid ean sautil-g the large dairy tyee, ert. tropit lolls. licituale es to tee eorreehm,se 0i h ,h iee , ,,,e,,ht, t_ s, . ..„, A be. eonsideri'd a horeenian, in the 'trite (lezit iy in the leed for eetenornie pro- s ah. etiei 114 I L. a 4.' 10 MN ii'llg, 111,(4 so For live Whele minutes did Ilesseir- equestrian attire. She was deter:11121-'111:1w ildildren liate.,c1 (leen scho)l, sense or (be word, tor good halals go (114,%Z.011 °P1/11i'' and butte" 'at'r I'll° *eet, ou pursue tbe evea tenor of his eti"that it at lenet. should COMO up giling 1. kunl rum awl ;main to art oc- r'rthet" than ittly other qualification r°s-"S 0; over four yeare' work, n we -occupied, hex. brow cloud- be proneunced evell-nigh feadtless, for 'meet ' of the whip that t nere wei 0 re ;, 'V- '41St 1' "'" 0. undisturbed. 1-11S InlatreSs to the most critical sterciard and 4.1 '4014. ee/p when remindecl the " e5tataish that car(li'll "item(' bet 2‘1112 c0 1v$ of tb° dairY tYPe' . tweet) nem and beast—that secret ropresooted grow) A. only 4' by abstruse tl o eel • • , ,, , : a. ns' caps. t !coca had eutliced , certein IMULS not lielitl ' t I 214. .,, 0 ,t, ovoL.- nutty 40001 can affora to defy chuigel, -Cal ed. to oqabbsli the claims for vor, it cleared. Mrs. Forrester to teach how the mealiest deviation .e.teppeil. In their inid-d., motioWess, and triumph over evin'y ObSt8C113, t 10 sui?eriar-ItY (4 ")".4. 01 MS Wile ' herself again, and tire whip de- from eNistilig faehions Woad(' 3,044 1y zieve for the glances of his quick fate ' Ketl•t° naw 1°°1(ed obollt her in 1110 F4)11,1.7$4.?erniU:111.11irj:rgt;/f " 41))401rellit,13.Y oiled, with 0. i i. h, of , ,• • .., , t .,,,, hj,94p, fuict epnilemnti, seetug eh„ -et sat tee huntsmen, mount,. him --------- iring her acquelfannee •I ' • • °' 0022 lea 1- I • roof for Ids previoas aegleet of e" "e . ir 11 eenSiete than in frOilecnt epeelaien of th,I.,12.2(•.,s.sa,t!att.li,larrzi,a,„, ii,looet to1,11,dsatTfc: be.e.lrutilliortrcrsoztexs.!:ropspno:47,tlykelaPttliihyti.r4iitt:e°,..ea_tPit.fizehlitP,:!!`ial,:etspd°1trY S o praise. FrOM the mon Kate feared .1ng Konlish litintea o said the lady hah• nothing, len of her own sex ehe often !scarlet (oat and a black N'4'1Vn, %alp, lath* In\ ariable Itscertaim•'d rrInn tile i been popular, at le;teet ialitl.tie Lite, *loud,nhe one who had avowed herself to be lionesthe afraid. :he looked u, thorough workmun from inester beforehand the covert iirSt t0 xs evmeett, am''oug oteeir reeson', 4 be di•ttere tldnet ts certain to come right this Particalar morning, devoting bound% and thee bee. ww, dear at apPearaw until the eneeereeete. eeree a aoramit knot Therefore she took unusual pains 011 top to toe. Tian he loved, his he °alled IInon, oral seldom Put in 4U1! the fact, time three of the eows"sei: holMOS had ,' eeted foi the univereit,v herd at our The great eecriq of overaember, a quite MI eXt00 half-hour to the weig—a. ghnue. Every romait'S beert is to invite it with le1g1t$ or the teilottA, ;with upturned itrivl and %toeing stern 1 "41 V. '''''': tried Zoatitlendg at.tittlire oe4eieeatt,InliTtricieez-le'r Ita...'ogircec-v. ;! soci'llotellitrftattl ;lot% buyereprraolitririelepilt,te.sitenatittreiloveesa inteie st. 1(524. pity, hatred, con.,; nut on loggi.,ing tut0 the Rbw.9, and i to lean to his side. 'Trill '-'4.- (44.1118 able ood arousing'. She considered or !tor 1145 iz,Te 01 eow$, 4,14,1 ova bipbu(1. toMPt, no umttee whet tha sentiteant 'srratinizitig with friendly purtiality 'otherwise somewhat grit" connte c°111141rativeLY 61nal161. Yalu° than an ', rd hi group -A. Oar inveetTgations in' lonw •`,1 .4 2S Int ioll.:.r°reurt.h"Cow a'!" 111'' in";1110 tbc'rei° reflected, a 1'11114 44"(‘ reit,4:7"11 in"). a 8124111% and, 2 1131 &table giv on t o her vaiiinal. The set— favorable coaditious poseilde for V4 is ter 1 ititi notate this Mho. lieeweer lain shone of satiefaction played around.'" wavIl °I e'lrea3 hi" tt":'''''' P;".11 Qlle' A 'tiith MIL quart i r or no flour in t he ; have been conducted oder the roost have said. site -11 begin by (1.1eSkine; COIll,i not lades noticing how admire thirteen years-evetas hi lilo COM.- riess, hod only ±0 he contlueted I • th - h '' MI on the quadrinted's lean sides tOrY fatitiaine eves. whose atone plone-'et1 on a grand chestnut horse, a wag- daY before; but Mrs- Forrester I 4' 14)‘"4" theY 4re Irnt " ittrge sit down oral ga over every word 1 'the coraers of her month. for she torn MorfiA Of hiw,Tait. Por ihur of horns was lehitinmie hosi- • e I a lax" Blight, and fly out ally tee plein, close-ettiee; habit, 'aleiteeniellt rou or tou tow 'trouble— tbe most Savorable eirehlustances; I in a little whi type of cows; it In addelt 1131 4. noilel ooze. as .reigarlds 22 001310501118110:°8 ight. ventilotion and general corn tet the et IT of him. but, dark-tiro:en tea, set. 0if trim had Ite carried the horn lit ties thererora arlYthilig, that C011(111Cell in,i rol.t, or the 4tud water 1 0(1 down, and figure adeanteee„ or bow smart chitker country'. and thanks alone to the smallest degree to any rabeeree,i whet s /111P, It S really Thank goodness!" she exclaimed, elte4,. to hinathhh what the /tunes void44? tett,thhh ehtiy, hew habit 'belog considered about. this beet in ally rode weve nearly alaays beetle- 1, le a „ 00' in him and so forth, /le will sitccets, Without a, wrinkle any ;i'elKIalnI, 11'41110 everY Winter the deltla oes and excitable, Ond it ortSWercd e". • gv't Ler thoughts if nothing visa, where, and fits like, a glove. Wen, increased numerically, until at lenient Therrester's purpose bettee, and ; and that'a half the latttle. Pique they Wt n't be able 1.0 pick. hole% in the old rrIzquenturs or the hunt, ex- appearial sounder wisdom, not. to semi Clip rest, fiumo horses must bo may try!" ster gatherings, the result of success loquacious inclivideals of an inquir- then $he'll Fe a: . le e talces so with a enelt of relief. not wholly dee now ocrolded the Proud Positron ori The young tinnangilbrea° °he genf'rt 4 nt, and unwearied care, the pack th'elY condemned. od woodor land ultty ths? geneen, erfeet .peo.yed. tibis steady handling, judicious treat., coluittiolie wile to Ise 'utterly oat! en- I coneider t!1)2 the best time to feed 4. the e grebes. They have continent ly tiefore ti mu plenty of fresh water, gra and oyster shell's, Probably t one of the hest focids in grains for the. laying hen is the oat, hut they must be carefully fed. Plenty of ' grit must he given them with tide ' eoloci, or, better, weld them the night before and give them ip a rionted Coneltion. but drain them off before4. ilolog 00. Cabbage hung for them to pick Will SUVItiSh thergt With g.een food, or If this is not to be had. Mt, hay scalded will CMS2001- the: • ' 441210 4.4.U1'j40f', The buildings end quarters in gene el'al should be cleaned erten. Du I not let the ch•oppings aceinitylate• wovided for them in the Ardis at hat they are not exposed to in dement weather at any lime. Thee gieen the best of ewe and at, ention at all times; being fed lilt rally; kept during, the hot mummer nonths in the tem), clarioned barn, wotectial from sun and flies; and aro ed varioes green feeds and grain in fruitier, as well as protected from old in 0 ha 00. "In view of the Over-inereasing emends 00 the part of dairymen for oas that will leave endurance 1 ability to withetand diseases, 322 veil as great productive capoeities, as do not, 3 't .• ••, we opinion it Is not the part of •Isdain for our dairymen to select he small relined CQUS With O. :Ware abit. of body in an extremo degree s the MOM. desirable type of dairy (WS, 4, "The Fanners' or Dual -Purpose &pe.—/deither is it the part, of wis- om for the dairyman, es such, to elect cows of type similar to hose in groap, 0, representiog the nal-PorPma tyPe, aud to expect the reatest profit from them in the pro- uction atid butter -fat. For the airy farmer, the large typo -of dairy ow will, we believe, everything con- idered, tick found tl'e. Ingot profitable, n view of the results olitained with thc different groups, it Is aPparent that.cows with the greatest capacity for consuming rough feed are goner- Ily the most econoinecal producer. jos may be accepted As a funda- ental characteristic of cows apable of large and economical pro- uction the dairy." eni wonnued voile ran t,c, trusted. to my niothen to_doy, however herd they claimed, violently againet these anon- them on to covert in company, when!do it I law or contrary, and Now aS,..no woman living, wheti ;rind fashion. The Critehley, hoevever,'ing turn of mind were apt to find s are ex:tette" the San1C'. strong-enhuled or the reverse, is ht_ i eee ...., teavaye been thus fievoree, 1)4.11011 ler be e ee, 1, c 1 , out more about them than tens (le - no a thing Mit/ tileY re- terly tralifierent to outward appear- f°r wilill Win '.4Iet1414111 first took. , Wraith?, but rather to jog them on 4 rot to do it and it is onees, tho toostiohariess of being woi.. them in hand he found the hounclS a qnletiy hereelf, end turn up Just when t 117 Miss llrewser is dressed and properly "got 4.4 4) " Id, ragged, litmus lot, unequal and the fo:e bad broken away, ruin' people 50104 Aelt 11)43*1 done directly. warred not ti a in Iciee with. 001- the saying' is. endowed Kate wit eVen, without the smallest. Idea:Were too greatly occupiee with their 22 (*2101 Clinker, 1 betof e she's head Over -comfort aud fortitude, and restore( imritihsetirh)1,111I'lhonorirlidiv ha"eslItoltoOv. run a hare OWn illTairS to bestow muelt attention a .1 time. Ira, ha, ha! daele, her self-poseession to a deeree which ' ' id on their neighbors. Such were the any more thnn in the COW Or 11017‘y t .?•: a dc.. ral To amen to Ton tint , aCilititse'illelDellutntme *Cultrelav‘focgr leleacInt. and every' form of itching., bleedlugandprotrudia.gpiles, ho real ufecturcre have intaranteed it, scores.. Imonialn thedella arcs:isn't usk your notate 4%81":13141141)1g1,11g1:1Y110t '011r1(glt.0.0411g'IT.'44411 II clea ors or BomassoN.Ileree & CcerrorentO, , tomistil y . I t' • •rr o • be • I . you wee. h•es IDA oral) e eh curustauces, imiebtay ' ifox. But since those days things had tactice pursued by Airs. 1 01 4.61.431 e 14 good turn When I could, anti / might have been lacking. "- changed and 1014.70004341, end tactics which fully accounted for her t gatt"r zoFselr huve odvaneed TI hat all age you'Ve been, Kate!" 1 shown by tile Crachley hod, even 11;1 'Meantime Kate emild not reMaill -our .. • the last season or two the sport non-appearance at the meet. 11 Cause not a little, ro d s %colic ret the ball rolling in earnest." exclaimed Mary, on that venue; 14(1,1,7 envious comPetitor.a. been admitte unconselems of the eXceedingly i•ude • c 4.4 lier taPpeurance. ;71 feel half 'eel ona Theaetme people way in which SOnle of the ladies pres- . WI ' I 244124111,,, , 30 inclined to preach you a lectutiruly re on 111m:iced to their meets by the S0004.6 lent stared ut her, just as if she had , 9 witetion. Mrs. Forrester was jrnitlfied tIje evils of unpunctuality, 1,10 Yen 1 in all iter tuirmizes seems open to know what the tune DS?" To-dey Will Steada.11 waited as 'esti- l been rt, savage beast at a show; but et question. She herself, however, Was "The clocks are wrong." said she !roe fal for the master to give tile signal - although Snell Conduct appeared ex- S Supremely satisfied at the delicate and with, a smile, .1 an onward move. leantime, ,1 troll:101y underbred, she, was too hap- t "and my white tieffolks continued to arrive singly and . py and too light-hearted to allow It (I diseriniinating manner in which ahe proved more than usually obstinate. 1, - colisidered affairs had been conducted. Itowevine now let's be off." d '. S tt • 'about ' vari- to disturb her serenity. Althouedi g i in gtoup.i. . ea Nee in , She had recovered from tire effects of lous directions werc• clismonnted! warned. to a certain extent by Mrs. , liatte's mammas and possessed a sari- The Morning was bright and elond-,'gromes buckling up Ntrnps, altering tiaorrester of the exclusiveness of , a a eget/ear diSpoeition. less, with a clear pale blue sky, bril- 'stirrups finally adjustine girths, loos- particular clique, she had trine(' , to c ' Afeetroylille Mr. McGrath was eu- lint son, mid gentle breeee, which, letting nosebands, and straightening Imderstand how it regarded every :7 sconced in Mrs, Forrester's drawing-- 2n1 1 Satie for an occasional sharpness, encores. while in most cases a rcd- freelt arrival vet] • , Isa.t bare reealled the departed sum- ieoated runner or nettle rustic etood1 "outsider," and how only after years '00111, studying Youatt on the liorSe, hner, and as the two girls drove men- •near at hand ee.gerly pressing his had gone by could she hope to be 4. and impatiently awaitiaig the lady's ieny along, at a good Smart nine- !services, in the hopes of gainieg "are 'incorporated as " f ,ti 1 ," _ arrival. The sound of carriage : 1 a ,... 0 itrot—for Brandy and i odd coin or so wherewith to enable; or cis belenging to the class denomin- wheels produeed a thrill 01 welcome !t,Sodtt. were no laggards when once ;him to ietire promptly to the nearest 1,p.ted by it "the right sort. In fact, m , . expectetion. !fairly startede-their spirits rose. The ;public and expend the donation in a • it took this coterie about five years ,e "Well," he exelaixned interrogatiVo- lexhilarating sonSation of being borne -. drop of "something comforting." Ito make up its festidious mind whe- d ly„ advancing to meet Airs. Porres, swiftly through the air sent the col -karts, gigS. pony -chaises, waggon -I -tiler the stranger were worthy the like?" their eyes. Before long their exed wrapped women, and barouches with, other five before a.nything like inti - "She 11 do, celiac the decided re- ,ettement increased on seeing strings:haughty matrons, all served, despito1 inciey could take place, but bY the . ply. "Quite, a good sort, but rather of grooms and second horsemen, the the somewhat early hour., to swell:end of fifteen it suddenly awolce to , _ high-mettled, wants riding on the latter leading riderless anixuals at a the crowd and block the only aVail-ithe fact that Mr. or Mrs. So -and -So " snaffle, with a running martingale. isloW jog -trot out to covert. At tl-ns table means of approach and .egress, t was an exceedingly pleasant Person, The least touch of the curb makes !spectacle Kate's doubts about fiedinfr'rhe hospitable owner of the farm, land very much improved since his or L her chuck her head about like an line ithe way were finally' -set at rest. The :who was a staunch supporter of fox- her first entry into the country. ter at the front door, "what's she tor to their cheeks auri the light to "ettes, Victories bearing pretty 1u- 1)04101' of being called upon, yet an- . I v, StED POTATOES. Potatoes to he used for see o ight be selected the previous fall. Only edium-sizecl tubers Should be used. he practice of selecting small po- tties of unmarketable size for seed contrary. to -the principles of plant eeding. Groweee should select ed which is typical of the potatoes ey ant..11 to produce'. Neither the broken colt. She's spirited, I -Mt verY [rad after a bit led through some Ilituttine• aided by- sundry laborers (To be continued.) is the mooth, and. requires do- thuge grass -fields, larger than any she 1, Wn0 en -gaged in passing round among Iicate 'handling." se flied ever seen before, at each end of the company trays of bread and prom .iebien refined remarics ere, lwhich were placed five -barred gates, cheese, supplemented ley huge jugs of McGrath gathered Mrs. i'orrester prevent the cattle from straying frothy beer, which he kindly pressed tl Chase7s Ointment ROTATION' AND ,FERTILTTY. Only dui big reeent years farmer's are coming to more lolly rectlite that systematic rotation secures the is MaintellanCe ot fertility -with increme In the production of croPs, All ; plants do not equally. draw the ('4.42. 44143421.8 of plants food from the soil.- ripots are eent to different 1 depths the soil aud have a diffetri- ent solvent action upon the eons - 3 tuents they' reaele. liotnelon tends to disperse ineects and fungous dis- eases are reduced niaterially. Weeds o ate mere readily eliminated, the soil t is maintained in good talth, the m humus compounds of tire :3011 are in- 11 creaeecl and the work of the farm generally is more easily and natty- a ally disturbed, c lefties. of °teflon should have e4 the growing of at, leaSt one hums crop. By this means large t ' o nagenous food are n secured from the air. Potash anel PhosPhorie acid, it lacking in avail- LI able forms, must be supplied by " manure or fertilizer, unless Caustic lime nsed to break down these a latent minerals and convert them into soluble plant food, Stock rais- ing, dairying and poultry keeping mdman baltner —a word not nknown more refiried circles -than terse of criminals: and steles aro dancers." As criminals often work together, common code of signals by which they can COMIUMILeitte With one lall- ather uelobser•ved is most useful. o give anything like a complete list f these signals wbuld be impossible a short article, IVA A. few may rye as typical of the rest. Thus, touch the right ear is warning o "be careful and not say too reach.' strohe t' t• .1 Come here, I want to tell you metbing privately"; a vigorous usie the pocket -handkerchief is a hint a "pal" to step outside the bar, wherever they may be. By clasping his hands one thief ill signal to his confederate to wa- x a I•ing, or by toying with his en watch -chain to relieve some un- speeting max, on whom they have „ eye, of his watch. Scraping the Ds is an indication that a :lob is are profitable lines -to carrying on in 0 the scheme for improving the fertil- in ity of soils. NO one system of rota, se tion can be successfully applied to to :III conditions of soil, climate Rad t merkets, t o Pedlar—"Are you the head of the " house, naistere'' llister—"No, my so wife's the head; I'm the blockhead." of Browser's favor. was unusually impressed in Miss %away, and opening these kept old upon not unwilling friends and neigh - Stirrup pretty well employed, fore- hors, while, sherry decanter in hand, t or to ,NAMES tea' FABRICS. • Muslin is named for Mosul in Asia. "Ireimphi A high stepper, is she? lag in a ber ma and out of the he begged numerous gentlemen of his ..Sergi'l e°111es l'r°M Zerga, the SPati- ri proud I suppose, and stuck epee • le e with an agility rather trying acquaintance to partake of a glass, if ish for a certain sort of blanket. ne "Not the least. She's very anal- ito his aged bones, and still more so only "for the good of the house." Al- 13andanna is derived from an Indian 01 fected, but I fancy has 0, bit, a, tO his new boots. Fortunately the together it formed a bright, pleasant, word signifying to blurt or tie got plenty E mud was not deep, and inflicted no bustling, active scene such as we Calico is named 'from Calicut a temper. However, she has of brains as well, and 1 would not give the snuff of a candle for a ,w0 - man who does not possess the two combined." "I prefer the brains withont, temper," "You don't know What you're alking about. You require the one to sweeten the other, certainly, hut the dish loses piquancy lf too uni- forml3r seasoned," And then, the 't-wo friends retired to the drawing-reore, where over a cup of strofig Souchong they dismissed the results ol! the visit in all its bear- ings.' ' afraid she'll never take to Tack,' peo eh eeiecl :Mr. McGrath in tones of 411 1201411 foreboding, after 130 had. listened to ,2-1, partial uMolcling of the ia1e. never forgive min if she hears of that unfortunate bet." 'NonsenSe„ Terry,'" said Mrs. For- rester, with a severe glance of repri- 1 -711 and "You're a regular ignoramus, s,•nct uneerstanri no more about Ivo- 3 mon ,and women's ways, despite your sui thirty odd years; than a baby, prob- bit y not So 1111.1013. Now st en to tho )-cy quite well what I am an oul "e studied. the psychologipo - eal e feminine character, rand St nous livery, otherwise Stirrup's nowhere 1(1004, 2114.14.out of the inother.rtown in India, where it was first ride 400271C1 have boon greatly hurt, country, in whose sons and 'daughters Printed. r he, like his mistress, was'bent on love of sport appears aniversal. Alpaca is the name of a „spbeies of ittirtg his best foot foremost and And new a move was apparently llama from whose wool the genuine 1 -upholding the credit of the estala- imminent. Stirrup, thereforo, led 'Fabric is woven. shment tO the utmost of bis feeble Jing Ohl forth from the outer shed, The name damask is an abhse.via- ability, To that end, ever since the 'where he had already excited con- tmn °I Bamascals; satin is a cnrralp- m 'sall hours of the morning he had siderahle admiration, greatly to the thin of Zaytown, in China. be0's busily engaged 'Mth a 'Ohanlois- worthy ina,n's gratification. ITanding Velvet is the Italian "OCllute," leather in furnishing tip the brass but - ns 031 11.1S GOat and the various hits ,and telling her to keep the ponies out the ribbons over 1,9 .2,,iary nentbread, woolly and is traceable farther back to to the Latin vellus a hide or pelt. and buckles adorning the horses. No as long as, she felt inclined and was Shawl i5 from the SanSkrit sale, effort 'on his part had been wanting enjoying, herself, Kate, casting aside which means floor, shawls ' having to ensure the fulfilment of his aapira- ,her ulster, lightly sprang into the been first naed as carpet tapestry' tiolls, i. 0., that Kate should burst saddle, alio gently took .up the reins, Cambric conies from gambrei gauze like some bright new star upon the while -Stirrup prOceedeci to adjust her from. Gaza baize from najac dimity hunting world of Foxington. All skirt satisfactorily and place her Toot fronl Dametta, and jeans from Sean, his hopes and ambitfou were centred in the elastic straps. Blanket bears the Milne of Thcanas in her and the stud entruSted to his All being at length arranged, he -Blanket, .a famous English clothier (30 8. clambered up, on to the Duckling. who aided the introduction of wool - Talk of horees indeed. Where was When they s' w the hounds and be- ells into England' in the fourteenth h0 pair coula be shown against King gan to understand winter bad come centurY. ... Olaf and the Duckling? whilo if 14, round once more, bringing with' 44. the came to riding, he flattered himself delights of the chase, both horses ic knew somebody who could held pricked their ears, snorted, and inani- ler own with th13 best of them! So tested every sign of lively- pleasure. .....” ,-ion an Egyptian clog wi.shes , to nused Stirru 1 t "' y Xing Olaf bent his head, arched his "drink at the Nile he goes a short ereyeet Kate's back -hair from the herr uti f u 1, neck:, which shone like hur- distal:, ee 21/i teei ri,,,,,, and bowls f or 'icier seat of the penY Plmel on, and Dished g'old in the sunshine, and paw- some time. The crocodiles„ being at- ught how impossible it was for ed the ground iniPettarusfV, as if ca- tracted by the sound immediately 4 CLEVER I/0 S. yone ' to compare ',with tiles :incom-,' ger, to be off ,withelitfurther 'delaY, crowd to the place, while the. dog rable mistress of his. Poor old while Kate, sitting firin , and ,'square,. heatilv runs to the' part which the ' e Miss Brewser,, ;rrup. Doubtless ' he, entertained witn true _balance, led shoulder „fin,- crocodiles have left an . rna ks ay delusions; teat they were mostly wards, hand e down, elbows in, and 'safety. 4f,00,0' Suffered From Nervousness arid Extreme Physical Exhaustion, N Recommends Other Women to Use Dr. Chase's Nerve Foods Many women date their illness and suffering from the period of change of life. It is a trying time to allSW0111011, and a time when Dr. Chase''s Nerve Food will prove of incalculable value. By' supp13-ing an abundance of rich, e(4., li!e-Sustainfng . blood this greAt food cure helps ironten to pass in safety the periods 'of trial in their liz,es. It strengthens and invigor- ates the delicate feminine orgnnisin, and builds up` the whole system. Mrs. Chas. Keeling,' sell., Owen Sound, Ont., writes "It is ,a pleas- ure t� tell what great benefits have derived from the use of Dr Chase's Nerve Fbod. 1 am fifty-liye 3"0305 , of age, and for aboet 'five, years my life was one of great suf- eri ng from nervousness, wea,knes1.5 and exteeme ahead( exh on . could not sleet), and hot flushes would pass through my body froea • f SU aP I na a safe one; a silent snap of the lin-. 91( [ 'an ,attempt; wbile if ever you se gars is a -sore Warning of 'clanger in a burglar stroking his chin' to a friend, you :may stake 3(0111' laSt shilling that some housekeeper will entertain unexpected guests that eight. feet to head. I consulted 001' fam- ily physician andtwo 'other' 'doctors, but they told me,- about, my time of 1110, I was likely, to be troubled: tliat way,. I con tint: al I y ,g re W ' Worse, and cleSpaired - of ever being cured. , '"Dr.- Chas,e's Nerve Food , came to my notice, and, , aS .wn,have ' pr.'. ChaSces , 'Receipt 'book, .I. had email- .,, pi1,,80 at ille help I: received Trona the first box that T. r bought. i• three , , , , more.' They ' built pie right,,rup,. and - made . me "feel hr. I ' -, , and, 3,pupg. again. They have proVen a great bies'sing to tne, , and I hope this tes- timonial will ." Le of help• to 501138, wealc,,nerV01.1Swoinau suffering: a.S .71. . ,. . did '' . • ' Dr. . (Jhase's Nerve Food, 50 cents' 21..1)(514.., -6 boxes. for.- .$2%50, at art 11 deal -7 ers, or Edmanson,Bates ee CO.,' Tor,' onto. .r.rp,..;proi:ect yon against imita:- tions, ' 2,13e., portrait 'and. signaturp of I Dr., A. Iet". Chase, the famous receipt book aiithor, aye on ever box 'INFALLIBLE SIGNS. Your house destroyed by fire &gni- lies a change of residence.- Throuing s on s n le OWS t e it tl. wi d of strange houses brings misfortune. " 'Slipping on a banana peel is bad luck 11 boot feet leave the pavement. ,Your collar , bittion rolling under the dresser Is 4.1 sign of approaching anger, Don't break' your leg 1)31 Fri da- un- less .ou wish lo 0224 004. it. 13e11124 11131 over by a trolley cur, sig- nifies withdrawal froin' iA 'inllerlilteaeldicYe.-)1y.liell;s.°11;exl)le'er(figl0410eierigno of ,faAtine: t isa 02171 af chocelettaphiloop- her. 39OVilig ,art yes. there 11814e