HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-2-18, Page 433ine Ribbon Tea is "hill grown" Ceylon tea., The best tea because it grows slowly in the cool mountnin a‘ir obtains all the fragrance and deliciousness the plant can ct from a soil rich in these properties., A nerve -nourishing tea—a sense-pieaSing tea--invalnable for twain-workers—solacing and comforting. ue. Ribbon Cw)�n Tea Ktogy4 3on grot4Nik o•tsons A 0 should be 4`, ci reftv by Mt rertiomen nk re4 ort eVelit far $1;* Re4 IfikkleX e past, nznt 0, but wile It wa ftlree5l0itreet. I e esc, divisions ot 1uatiou, ex- 05,000,00 ekeer4,42 9:1$21.Vos ono, and e tilT(iifind ourselves driven be*2rt-11va.1 ‘: 3i013 that both I he past nt1 t1 u orx but the different tJ :brie of a direa'm a And initesiroal particle ortilur- la wa.s with, Its but the mil - tont egeolid ago, is gone, !that v future has become preeent, alreade " added to the ; 9 nt oil that we now' eave, that eve ever lied or ever shell Ita've eleetrie ,epart which we ,zout. Is khere, any hilee *fl, anything real. but God and tile uuuu•Soul? "Thirkeie are not what Nee Haman Urals =tide upat ous. Soule great tildulge'eS bar ronelnsion that tie*, ma, teri uriiveree itself is on illueion. A wake to steak On this bawaver, the, subject andec br..einess un at iowest disceesicat does not require us to ex - pr. most favorable t s, Ivreu Opinion. DLit that our Fath - Agent xt Exeter for Idomirnon5 mer3rt4ny Illeera'oviteus .4$, 7ilsa:l'Iningisitirsya';f1111?-uT,. Otneroment. ON LIN% X, D. IIIIRDON. o. trullt'too palpable to require omens. cemoseen 1 'tient 'tr* p. nx.; ozep 10 a. ne to 1 p. m. shed or co 'ed on applieatiou xfl poI,tsin the DorniM013. s;.J 7:tilte1 Statee t)1d at lowest rates 9 xp rinci AIITNENT, mortis receiv ed bale yttigly* Sb Guai eipts also tate of 7 he eat enda 1fl1i February 1 904 • 4 II 21 28 1 15 22 29 TtrgSue.-sr2 9 16 23 WEDRESDAY.,,,, 10 17 24 4 11 18 26 frette.S.t.......... a 12 19 26 o 13 20 27 C.'i.TAltfti Or tflIE BEAD very 11011 butt wtatly an- us because it causes 'deafness and leads to consumption. Cure Ls as ter. to follow the -use of eatarrhoz-- rno , - day isLia follow night. Toe breathe the fragrant, healing Cataxr- bonne which spreads through the na- sal passage% throat endiungs, driv- ing out every vestige or catarrh. "I was eured of ehronic catarrh of the TBEETBSDAY. FEBRUARY 18th, 1901 nose and throat" writesailrnese ;NE. POSTAI. REGULATIONS n pot Lai egultit ions; halve) neert I ought in force.. providing !het publialrere.pf. rgott:,..pe per 3 prillt,N1 and Pleldien.to in Canada and transmitted by -Kee tinder thetirovisions or ro.t coici;., Art, as amended "by GI Victor- ia. t'llep. itrt, snay enclose with lite `folds of surit newepopers aa are ad- dressed to subscribers or newsdetillre, eliromoselithog,raphs, prints or en- esietvings, ;field have the papers on- tebaing Ouch encieeures teansrateted by post at. the rata af one cent per pound. Another change provides that the postage on seeds, cutting it (but nol cut. flowers), bulbs, roots, bedding plants, scion% or grafts shall be two -cents for the firstt four ounces or frac tion thereor antl one cent additional. fotlr ounee.e. The former rata was two cents for the first four ounces t.tb n I for eaoli edditioual two elite -esti Wilkinsorx, of letureneeton, "eftter xxmay y ars or misery by Catarrh - ozone whieh La a eislenclid remedy to free the air from mucous, Catarrhoz .one relieved geickly and ray euro has been permanent."' Price S1.90 for ewo mouths' treatment ; trial size. 25e. TRANSPORTATION QUESTION 1 Mr, W.L temitheeditor of the Far- inteies iSun has written a very in.. , 'cresting and timely article in the eel/Aerie Ag-ricultural Review on 'the. farmer's transportation prob- lem. Mr. Smith paints out that a 'reilway operating under a Canatlien charter has this year carried cattle :errom Chicago through. Ca/lade: to , the sea at a lower rate than was charged from Welling: on Ccmn L y to the,, sea. ,Canadian railways have, giv- en rates on American, grain from Chicago by way of Gocleriele Owen .8outnil, tete., to Montreal, less than TUE 11.1-USWENESS OP TI-UNGS :161E lh' ra1e3 ehargedIr°Tn 'Lux" Simeee, Bruce and Grey. --------- , i .. e Tile feet. ie, we live io a world of i the, ej4,0411. &tee Litta 4NizOlegfeee ets ' sb;dcftt s, a nd tvha 1: seems the most . tateare as b Lgh as they were, ......, . fi:Y year a ago and freight retee i not much roc/meet, yet great reduc- tions have been madeen the cost ot !he service of the railways. - "A freight train of to -day can haul Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only itairo Vk hair food you can buy. Far 60 years it has •been doing just what we claim it will de.. It viii not disappoint you. = bah. 118Pd, t 0 be very 7,bert. Dub after 113391z Arer'sa1nit 'Vigor a ttt thTle 31; bOgan to Krf.i1V, rota no9.f t 19 Softrtoen 1,9194, eeim aWe/told re atilt to me a rti3T bolas; at/3909S v1 LI an. a ny 19a 31 ." 13.114.4. J. IL P3tra-p. Coiorado .319:Ingt. Colo CO a bottle, T. C. A frIrt rf 1134SC151 gf Ire fiff,==7‹49-30 A 0 r t123,:trf-...ta9c.T...t=a4oe3,. three times the freight that was hauled by a freight train of twenty five .years ago ; steel 'rails can be bought a t the present time at about ainc-weventlx the.' prit; e 1-ulinjg hirly odd years since ; l'hut absence of competition and failure by gov- ernment 't.o exercise control, have prevented the producers of traffic from .get Ling the ital. benefit oE the treduction in cost ! or transpor- to Hon, ;Ind to -day charges for the sea -vice are .out of proportion alike to cost ef the'. service anci the re - r 115 received by producers for toods carried: by rale". 'Iliese a re 31111.3. Lars which 'the. railway commis, sion should be urged ' 10 deal with at 0 tle.t;. They concern not, only, the a,gricultural community but t mei-ellen( Ile interests generally, The va rictus Partnere' organtza tiens Should at once arrange to - hey this matter before the • commission and invite 'the co-operation of ere her'in- lerested bodies Bears th thi KIfldYet !IVO Always Bought Signaturo of 444.. IHURON, NOP1181.PER111 All the new of Interest to I Times Readers Iflappening in these Counties. Huron Mr $4 Dirla,y, an aged lady er Una - on slipped ate). fell breaking her hip bone. AS cle. oficial boa (1, -meeting °elite thodiec elltireh at Holinesville, R,„ 'err. Ilessar wa:S Molted beck Ler the !four:ell ectar. Harry leoeertsou. of Gmlerielt. while eonpling ears on a freight train be appeinted to the latter. Wilt be found ao ettivellent remedy stet Iteadaelie, Verteles Little Li- ver Pills, Thousands of letters from people who lit.rete used them testif,y to this face, Try a.m.( The ladies or Holy Trinity church, Owing to lack er (fuel the lig biting ,piun or the town of -Marlon roe down. Preights being snow. mai. there is nO coal 911.1. Thus Viarl011 IS in darienese often- sunSet. rime who can WO up lt' rusty candle meulds consider themselves fortune L. jelon Snell, who for some years moue his ItOmei with his daughter, Mrs Walter Belden. la Winglxam, 4110 at la Immo et his ileugliter. :Mrs. Miller Wreneler. tm SWAttbl 1,54c, Mr. 11 has Wen a resident elHuron ts tor many years and was aged years. - M The borne of 1 he bride's suMitter, Wingbatu. Wedateay or last Tek. Miss Enuria Rush, daughter of rF$. Wm. Rusix, 'wee Imited in mar— ine ,lo iIr.elL.rearen. The rere- xilony was perrorracd by Rov. J. N. Mama, B. A., in7the pretienix:. relatives and intimate friends. t On TnesdeY. or last week therexpass ed 'away the aide% 'remaining setitler of the 2n4. eau., of Shuiley, in the perVO0 or Alar,y Pa'aeer. relict of Or late Deneld Ross, br.,,nt• the adtgueed or es years. She was ha her usual alth, ou SIMday evening , •Jan. M. u had au al taek et pneumonia iu embed to the disease On Ttw4yalfteeileen. hereon hes secured 41er▪ up ef Clinton, succeedirdeou ty ' ter Coats.The office of cler r asurer originally held by Mr. i- Wore seSt, MeNoeurt. at Seafertlx, Sunday night, lied his ft arm eaught and badly erushed f 'Ixe doetor has been unable to deter - Inv whether any bones etre brolteh t o uccount at the swell iree tot *e. W fl,T ISDY$PEPSIX: +44.4 A. guarantee. with every package. Queluts, nausea, longing for": food, yet dreading to cart. You. roay(Imee the real thiug but rerrozone will cure you like it aid .S. Efuntington, or Hamilton, who says, "1 frequenlewas at tented with such ciente, dyspepsia that "I thought itt must be heart dis- ease. I used rerrozone, and got re- lief. 1 kept on using Ferrozone and was <erred. .My digestion is in per - foot order and. I can eat anything/to- day." 1\.Zething is as good as Ferro.. ane for dyspepsia and 'those bothered with ViVal4 stomachs. rPice 50c. at. druggiste. lVllddte8sex Tbe Quarterly Official Beard oe Granton, met on Monday last and extended an unanintous invitation lo Rev. J. 13. Ifoixnes.to remain for a fourth .S•ear as thelepastor. If you once trytearter's LitLl Lite- r Pills for sickheadaehe, billiousness, or constipation, you will never be with out. :them. They are purely ivegetab- le small ande use- to take. Done...for get this. Al the meeting of the Parkhill town council on Monday evening 'week,, the by-law !giving, the London, • Parkhill and Grand Bend Electric R. Re the right .of way through the town, was 'given its third and.final reading. Middlesex county council has grant- ed 1350 to theeChildrenes Aid Societe; 1325 'lo the hospitalffor and 25 cents per day for each- man and officer of the ITiventy-,sixth Reg- iment attending the annual camp., the camp not to exceed twelve days. The Bishop of Mixon leas bean pleas ed lo appoint the ;Rev. 3. C.. Earthing Lha well known rector !of New St. Pates, Woodstook, to be'. a Canon of the •Loneon Catthedral. This complet- es the numer of,' Canons of the Means, presented Mrs. Thomas and Miss Tho- mas, of the rectory, each with a hand - ; tome fur cap. A few ..woolcs agio a numbar at valunable gifts for thelar- der, granary and purse wore rerceiv— hy the rector, Bev. Mr. Thomas. sfich ince vsemaraseram.isemrtrosusroare in the fingers, toes arms, and ee parts of the body, are joints flee. t inflamed and swollen by rlieln»itti..3111, — that acid condition of the blood wi affects the muscles also. Sufferers dread to move, especitels after sitting or lyiag long, and thee condition is commonly worse in e .0 weather. "I suffered dreadfully from rheumatism, but have been conmIetely cured by Itood's Sarsaparilla, for which I am deeply grate- ful." Aims ifilArions SAIITH, Prescott, Out, "I had an attack of the grip which belt ITIL` fleeter and helpless and suffering from 'lieu. matism. I began, taking Hood's 'Sersapa. rule- and this medicine has entirely cured me. I have no hesitation in saying it saved my life." M. 3. .-ItfcDositx.n, Trenton, Ont, Hood's Sarsaparilta: , Removes'the cause of rheumatism—no , outward appliCation-can. Take it. 4.4 M E. 8, FEBRU AR Y 1801, 11)01, IGood Pills ,Ayer's Pills are good liver pills. You know that. The best 'family laxative you can buy. They keep the bowels regular, cure constipation. iaftra: Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE ..,..L.co..tusatu..0.e. Perth ms. Joseph liooper, of St. Mare% lifts bought 59 aeres from Joseph ve lloope.r, his brot her, eon. 8, Dianslia,rd, Ir skit headache le misery, what ore Career's. Little Liver Pills if they vill posttive13- cure it? People who tiara Used them speak tea uttly of their worth. They are small and easy take. , et-av. I). Deaeott, M. A., rec,ior oP the Home; Memorial Chueetne Strat- i ford 4traI Rurei 1):,,an'of Perth, halz ',sent. 'to the flisboptot Ruron, Mere, aignation QC tho botkotht, position, widen 14, has held with ability ond. t efficiencY Tor eigbt or nine years i since !the detelli of . the late Oanon Pa t terson, White ,51rs. ,rolitx Lowe, Striating. Was going' down the .atiiirs Icoiling in to the cellarlast night Ate neoldental- slipped or t ripped Red tell, alight. v,' some feet bow on, her aide. Wdieal mistano o woe immediately nummoned end 41P011 WfanliP131011 iV was found that One of her ribs was oken. " joint C. catuurolx, of the !IUe, Fullartutt end Iliatteliertl, on f the oldeet reeldents of ilei die., ziot. died on Sunday rroxa old age. Ile was born in Quebee Pro. ince, near a place • called St. Au - 'a ws4 btl 13 ea 1111 1101,4 131031alla ril i 0 The Monetary Times says that, a company is being termed meter the name of the Walkerton and Luck:now Reilway 'Company to build a line from Walkerton to Lueknow by way of Tecetwater, fa view of the lartgefy inereabing sphere of operations of the North. West ellounted Police, and allo ino- rnonse area or territory witkli they now have to patrol, the force is to bo augmented by 100 -men. At 14.743S - c -n ebe police number 800, of whom 500 re in the North-West and 300 in Yukon, Wront jallUary 1st to$03Pt4 30, 1903 (nine Auccoxils) there were`registereil an Unroll county, 3151 doeuojeuts; a nit the lesson these were .93 447.10. There were 1,081 deeds, 740 mortgages, 125 wills, 800 discharges of mortgages and 8 leases; 800 abstructs were, furnish - ea; ehere were, 638 searehes, 2`. meelt- stoical liens and 015 ether doettneente. The gross emouut or,fees earned was '134,074.50; nettantoent 'reeeived by the Registrar 52,085$2,, or ow 14ortaag, ,ta woro °vox; ,-§'5,909, .219 he - emelt V.090 and §5000, 197 between $1009 and $2000, 305 under $1009, and. In 1,9 no amount was stated, 'ETtl‘fiNCE. Nidvn is as to t,o kind of piles. IJ curve The osmes interunt, 141tern41,1;tieed g]g, Blind, Itching ,Suppura tiug, are siw4y uanies o tbe 'different nt.a,ge3 theietigli whieb every CaSt) will poes if it contiattes leng enough. rlies are eaused toy eengestion or tagnetion of blood In LW lclWer bole - and it takes an leternal rolned,rto tAio Oatlie LeOlglardVa Ilc.m4toid is i trlb taken internalty. 110LIs a p-urineinent of 1Ue Itas ever been tit Imre, Money back if it doe • 51:be You two Always Bought, and which( has been. in use arez 30 years, has borne the signature or and, has 'hemmed° 'under his per., sonai supervision since its infancy.. ".•4(.."‘4 Allow no one to deceive you in this. Ali Oonnterfeits, imitations and "Just -as -good' are but kixperiments that trifle with and endanger the health or trxants and, Children—Experience against Experiment. a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. gorRt„ Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It stt01:3 ixcither Opium, aorphiete nor other ikTareatie firileetalece. Zte 4.1ge io its guarantee, It destroys Worms anti oei5;',.-3 reeverisiraess. It cures Diarrhoea, and Wind ()elle; I6 relieves -Teething Troubles, cures Constipation aml Platttleney, It assimilates the Pood, regtdates the Stomach 414 Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Panacea --The lgother'riend. caoluiwE CASTORIA "WAYS ears tho Signature of Tho Kiwi You Have Always Bought anduoca4" in* Use For Over 30 Years, mut it failed 114C eeeneet szotseeen TT 44t4a444144tTnEcT. Now 'ram ow. Hints on Raising Sugar Beets Taken front a Circular Recently issued by Mr. A. Bobler an he Cultivation and Gaming Sug7ar J3eets, e first ratite sele 611 good piece oflaud, clover sol preferred, an are the land the same as for you,: othee root crop. Sow with rill. 18 to 21 inches apart on the Oat using not less than 18 lbs, at seed to the acre'aud setting drill to sow very shallow. The seed shook he covered more than inch. Sugar beet seed is similar to rnangold Feed, having four or five germs in each seed, and if planted shallow the first g ^VW that germinates bite the seed out of the ground, therefore saving the .e of having to weed out the °thee three or four plants, which you V r 41:.Ve to (10 Witb deep sowing et' 51 rboto by Senior, eta) in A. Q. SobleesSugar Beet Ficidar time of Thientag. face cultivation of the Foil between the rows should be commenced . to clean BEFORE TIIIRNING.—As soon as the plants can he traced in the row, stir- EWING TIIE HURON 1 Clubbing Rates for I 903, 1904, the land and preserve moisture to admit air more freelyinto the soil and in me council of the Coun t y of Haron Times .and Farmers Advipoatee.. $2,25 will meet on Tnesday the 16th. cloy of Time.s and Toronto I/ally Newt... tRp uessing theheat more food than inexpe Dainty pastq and delicatere ruined if the oven is too hot not hot enough. 'Elie oven thermometer of the Imperial Oxford Range does away with all guesswork. The least experienced can tell to a cedainty when the oven is wady for baking or roasting. Every housekeeper will appreciate this convenience of the Imperial Oxford Range Most cooking failures may be traced to the fact that you dont know your oven. With the Imperial Oxford Range you, know that the heat of the oven is evenly distributed and its exact temperature. Write for the Imperial Oxford booklet. Or better still will you call at one of our agencies and see the stove itself? The Gurney Foundry Co. Limited Tot -onto, Canada Montreal, Winnipeg Vancouver ,...,-nernmar.....rJ100U7no. For ;Sale by T. HAWKINS & SON, Exeter. 04•14.1111. COUNZTY COUNCIL I every way to hasten the nu - et rapid growth of the young plants. This . yation can be accomplished emu a. horse hoe or cultivator. In Lultivation it February in tbe Council chamber in Times and Weekly Free Press to the Town of Goderich to complete the jartuany 1905 . should be remembered Unit the young plants are easily injured either by cov- ering of earth or by being loosened.therefore a strip of two or three inches on each side of the plants in the row should not be disturbed by this early culti- vation. TEEINNING.--ne thinning should be conimenced when the young plants are des -eloping the fourth leaf and finished ns soon as possible. In thinning the aim should be to leave a good strong healthy plant every seven or eight inches in the row, with a narrow hoe, six' inches wide, blnck out the rtt$17 of young plants, leaving little patches one or two wide, select the roost vigor- ous plant, hold it fiernly in place, and remove all others by hand. Care must be exercised in thinning for the plants, unlike turnips, must net be roughly handled. One of rry inspectors will. be around about the time your beets will be reedy to thin, and will give you any further instructione you may de- stre. . After thinnit g, cultivate once a week, in order to open up and loosen the . soil and thus allow the freeadmission of air to form .soil muleinwhich will check the too rapid evaporation ot the•soil moisture, and to produce growth. Cultrvation should cease when the elants becomes() large that the work can- not be dopewitbout In &thing off the leaves. - . If for any reason the beets do not come -regular in the lows or where worms have eaten them out, let me know at once. and I will supply you with tbc amount of seed you require to fill in these blank spots. !. • In harvesting t be beet s.sorne growers top them svith a hoe end then re - 1.76 business of i he January session and Times ,ond Weekly Adveirtiser to any new business placed before the Janutiegy beee ' 9.66! council. Times and daily Adveneese,r to ` W. LANE, Clerk. 3aInu4iry 1905 2 5tie Mimes end Daily Sear. to 1-905.. • 1.75;' , Times and Daily 'Norte to Janu 1 new, 1905 institute Meetings ; Times and Daley Mail & Emilio, Will be held afternoons, and evenings to jatottaty, 1905 425 at Times and Daily Globe to Janu PARQUBAR, TUESDAY, VEIL 16t1i. 1, eery 1905 ' .. . -' '4.25 17'; Times and Weekly thobe eb jan. GRAND BEND, TIFURSDA.Y CRIMINON, WEDNESDAY,,FEIL FEB. 18 . 1905 .,. .. . . 1. og, Times .and Monereal Witness to HENeeelere PR,IliA.Y, PE -13. a ii, ITia-nattens. .:1,2‘iveeitly Advorg.iiser to .i. 65 Afternoon meetings open ., o'clocik. Evening, meetings tie '8 ; jam, 3,905 , • . 1 75. o'clock doors open at 7.30. ; ' Vi9oes5 and Mail & E,In. nire to jetn. . Miss Beckett, of Detroit 1 im .. 1 7s_ Will appear and sing at Crediton and ' Tinitae; anti, 1190a6milY ir•e!ald if stara: move the colter trom their ploughs and plough them out, running' the plough Henson evening meetings. A small 'Times & Weekly Sun to . Jan. just alongside tbe row of beets and then harrow them if there. is "much dirt adminsion Eee of 15c will be charged to1, 1 905 -gil -VS' sticking to them they run the harrow over them the second lime after the cover 'expenses. irearly subscribers to Times and Mahe dirt has dried some, and that knocks the most of the dirt i.ff of them They THOS. FRASER, President. 1 will receive. a handsome premium pin. are then ready for teaming to the car Others u4 -e i he beet lifter (width costs SAM'', SMILLIE, Sec. 8.11. F. I. I Lure entitled "The Victoria ,Crostsr $10 00 to buy one) and they lift their beets, or rather, loosen them, then they go along, and talung one hut in each it out, knock them ,.0gether, knocking, an episode of the Boer war. (Arany (lilt which rn ay he Clitiging to then. ,and ththm row ein heaps or i Yearly !subscribers to Ube Family, windroes. Theo they top them with heavy. knives made for the purpose. 'Herald & Star will receive a baud - 83 some picture and special prize. 311 Other additions svill be made to this - A t Grand Valley, a Sugar Company offered a premium tothe farmers for 40 list litter. the men who could 1_2,1 ow the most tor s t,f Stizar Beets per acte, W. T. , 10 EXETER. NI A 11.K.E'rt Wheat per busitell 81 Oats eie . . . . 29 Earley .... 38 Butter . . Eggs This •way makes roach the neatest job, and, I think is quite as fast. to to to Brown eves necorded first prize wit h 883 tons on 23 eeres. receiving a premium of $441.68. .John ItleGlashon hod seeond laeoest average yirdd with 974 tons Weel •,• • • • , • • • • 14 I (' 141 21 acres, receiving 8205 28. The rules demanded' that e..t h field in cotopeti- I:ork Oressed • - ;16 50 .to cPpted, The measurement. of the gt•ottrol hart to he mail,. by the compitny in Decies , . • . en 27 acres end receis-ee 8889,92, and j'), 11, itInG-b,sher, h d with 084 tons on Pork Itvo weight, ....*.).00 to $o„00 Lion he in lint- ncidy and that er, tooage.. 144i4F31 irtn 8 ton.: ; ier acre be ac- 9 • • ' 14' 03,-, 8 co .tjun rtion, with the grower, Chive en 7.1?1ie United Stat;es Custoats au- thitritipS bavo „ decided. that3froo.s*1.,4 are really . "dressed poultry."' Now, LIM t3'34t his tlittiot is 1uthoLiLfiv011,4r e. ,tled, no one can object:to having Cror.3:4 1ag?Adresse,r1`Tyoultry We. men TO -on. tlw bill of fare ac any linte. ;taro is on every box of tlao gcalTaO -9Nr3333 (4, 3.73) .4. noQu Incr-3 - • i. colci 4I5.0041 ." TOCure a Cold in Orie Dca - Take 1,,alcative Brc)mic) Qdnine TAlets, Seven ?trillion boxes sold in past,i2 months: Ceres Grip in Iswo on every 25c,. 9!1 341, .4, 3, ,t, )4...§