HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-2-4, Page 8This is he sea when we clean house, all odd lines broken lots, short ends and slow sellers are put on the court ,. ters at prices that are bound to make them go. When we cut we go down deep. This month we have some very special bargains for you Some remnants, some broken lots, some odd lines and some lines that for some reason or other have been slow sellers. Here are some money savers. li; IM F ItTJABY 4th 1904, OW the days of suow fall One wilater madk S R one ot our exebanges bas tigiared up Y enow has felleasixty-eight ditys. god by r, b. 41.11. we taloa have bed eighty- six daye continuous eleighing. Just now, thete is uo indieetion it* ' eopply of enew giviri ig out, mad t s 1 falls as pleutifully as if winter had 013,- 4 ouly Sasleatelleiven, Robes with ly just began. heasey curl, cloth liniog,rabber ander- FOB OVRitent.e.Te 3 takee, lined, largest size, regular 8.75 for en ow eer. wirmareise. waft:me-ears 46.75, wiee)aw'"$ootbilar, aeaue bee beta, 'wad " 1 ooly pair Grey Wool Blankets oversee -a teem Oy taunone et mothers ter the r 2.4e the yard for an assorted lot ot 35.04 an, odd, lot a Men's ready ..dooble .fola Drees cloths. all this •seasaigade Sults, that. are 08 the deep e . orde etylea patib• ciaors and feocy. realiee,. tati.e. and two seite on a lin eI gOar values,* we re 30 40 ancl alai. YouriSoree pure wool, double breast;' ehoice *bile they lata for 24e. Corafreize peaeaecaet suits. Some sin eet foe etas. or edd skirts.. med. somebreaeted tweed snits regular va ery suitable. lines for gIrrs we in8000 to $80, All ca flown to tbe lot. 'Do't oii6.s this bergain. ,low figure of 35.00 the eta. e . li0eaet for yoor elemice otbtf aboutahena, rty odd Preee Ends'. Some $ yard' saw belies' long Neck Reif, lov el d ;..itliess 6 vde. Foaseeat reason ot!',..soft black English lair vonay fur. .rr, tiras that have not eola as wellaricamed with .elustre tails and •cord they eitould... The regulor valiteavery swell and the latest style. As were 4.60 a ea mad 36.00 the dress Kid. to see them. They are worth mere Tour choice new or $2.50. They moray. wtil o quick now.. .: 31.00 each for iaellee Mack Sateen . 7 for taerfe heavy water proofXnderekirte, wade from good bright- ' d. trot Smocas. The kindeseteen, trimmed with frills sad roalee easily sold at 32,24 etichan great bargain. 13;g re1nettou8 on Men's and Wonieiee Far Coate. We have about, Vs dill on our counters. If yon need oue now a; your forth - e opportunity. Big savings is what we promise you. 31.7.7 Ladies' Black Cloth reaely-t* wear Skirt. trimmed witb, worsted braid. well made and quite etylisii. a great sump at 31.75. looney Biscuits are tail* lea -ling. they are pronounced to he the best bisceits in the trade flave yoa tried them ? De yeti wane a ewell 'Muer Set. We have some beauties, extra values, 10$ pineee. eeinaporcelean, pure white body, new floral deeoras Vents, gold traced and etippled. We are told they are the prettiest sets in Exeter. A. STEWA chilaren w ile teethate, witia wrote, eueene It soentee obuct clottnum the vine sottyke vain. ouro4 *Ind. ceac. ent is the best reeteay or pewee:ea. It.. ;..e teee-ent to the t tee. seat by drum:nee in oeteens pert et tee werid. ceete bottle. ite Ivies le tecalculable_ne sere and who eta te'leAtoene Soettook syraeaed ask. tor ao other Mad. The regular oi enthly neeetiug of Woatiitit's Listitnte will oe held. in be Wien.? mew t tbe towe ein Friday, Feb. 5th. at 3 o'cloek, De, Asome is exp teed to give an address oe ,f4germ" and as %tenet a cordial invita- ion is giver% t o tbe ladies t attend and those wiebine to jun may do se. Mss f'resident, Mus. eseenos, Ser. Tve: re large size eegular 3 „Ai for Men's heavy Frieze Oteets,witle bigh ( gala.r 1.2o for 97c. leelhene'r4tolipse,a.raleYeulitarliT.;L5.7$'2h$5.hi' leaLt3411,br'eFglati:114$51g'e$1.27.“4' collar, regular 3.95 for S2 OS,gooll tRea buckle regular 1 65 for $1,43 lar 1.00 for 78e. Boys Heityy Robbers, 1 buckle, best quality, regular 1.25 for al 08. Ladies Felt, Oaten foxed regula 1.50 for $1.23 - Ladies' Felt, Gaiter, aid toecap, CARL:L.1W 'BROS. VatterstRTY FOR, 1,1-14% -- rottc'tt,ht„t roperty iii Exeter *ail euitable resi- ce deacon. taicel investment. V to til.A.1)M-V.c. & STANTWEGY, eaternia-Good relialee tact:es to tak order-, for our tailor wade skirts id start supporter.. Good cam- ission. Write now and get saineles or spring trade Dosizeuox Gan, - 'T Co.. 3347C 209, ti ee eih, Oat. Mit,s Effie Gidinv, of 'Myth, is viee ing tier grandparents, Mr. aud Mrs. 1.1aTL Galley. Mrs. Code, or Pa,rk iRiver, Dakota, is visitizig her pa mute. Mr. awl Mrs. T. 13. alartyp. air. Bert laedity lat on Saturdey 1 moruing for Detre:at where he alas seeured a situation, with the Messrs. Fieddy. START THE NEW YEAR With a SAVINGS BANK tiecouut at The Sovereign Bankof Canada kVhere iudgeements are viven DUOS- ITORS. No delay in Depositing oe Vithdrawing Branches in Huron county at Exer, DLISNO0i, 701, tiensuil (Mg STANBMW, F, B. 1CealrN Melina:Exeter. arr a. 011Selly ciltag R ettoneeese lockEtcs Jew -eery, !Spectacles. tealeat OS NV, h Repairing Specindtv. R"‘ MA' OF LONDON, . 1.0 y sw eewSergerenOcaliet, specialist, Descants. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Glasses Properly Fitted ton, on Sueidey. visas Exeter monthly, Mrs. Marsball is confined to bogie through illnessi IThirty-nine scbool teachers Iost their lives in the Chicago theatre fir. - Miss Lee, of Lucan. is the guest tbis week of her sister, Mrs. John Blatch- There is one thiug that has not, been visiting her parents. oa t e , (nipped in the bud, this year, and that Road aoulh. WISs Rabb1S" ,. 31" is the ice cro • P. spent tbe past term in the Regina. Mr. W. R. Campbell. of Exeter Caleg"f Education, and expects to north returned home from Muskoka. return to the Klondike, as soon para. an Thursday night. vigation opens. airs. S. Quance was visiting her gr. ond Mrs. Mamas laa.eilford daugbter, Mrs. W. Laumort, Credi- rave a very pleasant skating party 1,0 o number of friends, on Wednesday vening, in bonor of Mrs. Band -Cord's sisters, the Misses Robinsonr. After a pleasant time on the rink the party were entertained to lunch at the home of the hoet and: hostess and a very enjoyable time was spent. 'Chadian Prese Aespciation meets nureetonthe last regular meeting of the in Toronto on Thursday and Friday. Mistrict, It. T. of T., hela at Feb. 4th and 5th. Seafortb, on Jan. 22nd. the following &ricers 'Wane eleoted for 1004 .-Dist Flour has taken a jump in Stratford Coma, F. .0 Nadine, 'Seiefortb; D. V. batting advanced 30c to 40c per barrel Coma, Mies Burnett, Clinton; Chace, Noble Cluff, Seeforch ;1 Setae Mrs. 1.). Men's Ileavy Rubbers. weer guar- Ladie• s' Felt Slippers, fur top, regu- Mexas heavy Rubber Laced, first quality, replier 2 foe 31.87. 2 only pair alen's trelt Boots, size 6 and 7, 4 heckles, regular 2.00 for $1.40. The blockade an the London Burma& Bruce Railway, awing the past few dass has cut off all mail service and this accounts for the shrunken bud- get at distriet newt in tbe Tiraestbire meta Tile elec.: ric light service 18 Myth bas been shin off on account of 4 scar - it • of fuel. One lade there has re- d to the oel.fesaioned tallow dip tail is else not to be. had in e. forth Iligh School bas teen OWU owing to laelz a fuel. Exeter flecitey Team played $t. en Friday watt last we the he latter. and were defeated being Gat Men's Overshoes, I buckle, size 6 and 7 regular 1.50 ler $1,16. Ladies aVrappera made •of good wrapperette tat blue and red lace, trimmed, regular 1 75 for 0. 48. Ladies' Wrappers made of ane Sax- ny Vlermeletw, gouure 08 bottom, 85 for $L=. Ladles" Cardigans, first quality, reg- ular 1.50 fee 3130. Misses Cardigaus, first quelity'rreg- ular 1.25 for 60c. 'toys' Woel Hose, heavy rib, regu- ',wade for aaec. Leggings. regular 1 ae fo 6$ setae - AB our stock a Geese Blankets tc be Cleared regardlets of cost. Et L., & RO Tbe8tatStW80 the Weal wetber bureau for the month of ;limitary are the higheet temperatiwe VP44 139 de- i:75 TAO ()IC, • of inueb interest. Paring the mouth, grees• flhove zero. and the lowest 2'4 1%4, Stock Taking Prices WE are busy these days taking stook and will give you some barpins rather than take it in. stock. We will give very low prices on goods while our stook taking in on BED COMFORTS a. real uiee 0041a:wt., well eoverdea and filled a. .32 at. t beautatiferaainw lE' Mcroeveecrizeag Art Sewell filled for.,....... • .... 3 03 P71-5cANNELEsTT1.0E0 BLANK3r.25.$ FURS Ana' one reeding a yery -cheap, Fur willaave money by getting*, gpooricde$.ta0r for little price now. it mute all be sold. Tirt dickies CARP Good Union Good Union . . Mae Wool Fine Tapestry... Nice Tapestry *.. BEST --dell SON Th e, T beat in a pound ot ettai, an big, an A tist, properly expanded do ae mtreh work as one ;twe- ed men for four minutes. 1:a sev- enths of Gals force is wasted in ude methods of its ronsinneelon Fietee $Lortes have been easing brougleaut South-western ','Slanitobe, and are reported worse. than Laebeen reen. few eonie thee. A railway icol- ision occurred near Fannystelle, on Monday, but uo serious results are ree reported. igss Robiason, of the, Yukoze * degree% belew, which has not been eq. I vele env sat see can ftwrath relied in Qatari° within are years, you with se so The enowfall reached a depth a 42,4, Talking Machine, eoinplete inchee, snow falling Pn 20 out, of the 31 ; ate wit h 4 MC0E:WOK attaabinent 'Jaye of the month. On Jan. 22 rain pe and 12 Palwor. Records and la fell to 0 depth of 12 100tbs of an Ueda ' Blanes so that, you cite* record mitchine on earth give tary device, The mouthpiece of the Y°u 1114 PviVilege: Wo also Ilene au Indestructible Record Was observed 4 very inteitigent sani. telephone Was fitted with a cover, ies Standerd lan. Wiese of a Wentan IthysWat11411 Y°111" "11 v°1°e• nU N° t)theu Nasal Catarrh and Deafness minted. Office Wise SUSI° Weekes, milliner at C rietvlililflaelle9eTEetatiapeettee9, ALEeevadeetB: 1Guelpb, is spending a vacation at her ail Jane une 23, July27, Sept. 7,,Oct. 4. Nov. 2, Nov. 33. Loncion carte '225-tam:ens Ave. TO ADVERTISERS, copy for changer; must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual iulvestisemente accepted ta.p to noon Wednesday a each week. home here4 Mn and Mrs. Ricbard Kerslake, of Elgin. Manitoba, are visiting irieods in town, I ,.It. lace wall that st oat break. at the Rune leant -1g like woieh a photographer shie de his lens. Ws cover was alwave kept, on the outhpiere When 0,re telophotw wee t in use. the Oka. beiug to keep out dust.. which 0 doctor% office might, be infected with an ttlIUSttat at, lown.nee of germ& The ex maple te wortlt following in any home. CoGaD SCUnT. Tbe Toronto Globe saere,"adr. Cameron is one of the most relined and capable enter. taluers ou the centiuent. Lie is gifted with neiguetisra, bas a good stage preseuce and voice, also the ability to recite, sing homerous songs and tell funny stories in 0 most artistic man- ner." Mr. Oinneron. with the best lo- wd talent, appears in Gidleyai Opera, House, Exeter, on Monday Feb. dth, 1901 in a concert under auspices of the Hockey Club. Aaanerrrace-Tivo of the respected citizens of De.shwood were summoned to appear before ,t1agistaate Snell on Wednesday of last week on the eerioes charge of tlaeft but, both were hopor- ably acgnitted. The inforraation NNE4S sworn out by W, Levett and the complaint was the removal of a, load of coal flame a Grand Trunk car cm - signed to Mr. Lovett. The trial lasted nearly all afternoou at the end of which the elegiac:eta dismissed the case and the complainant had to pn,y the costs. L. IL Dickson prosecuted and J. G. Stanbury defended. 'in the past, sac weeks. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY arer, 10CI4 What about old Bruin and his she_ D. ,Grittenden, Blyth ; Treae., lar. G4L 13111- dow on Candlemas Day and. the re- johnston, Varna; iferald, Locals suits tte was able to see his shadow. °la Goclerich ; Vanshall, Jai E. Wal- Read Popplestene & Gardiner's add on. page 5. Council meets on Friday, February We at /.80 p. m. Miss Janie Picka,rd is visiting friends at 13rarttford. The Seaforth High School has been closed down for want of fuel. ad1WillisPoevelra ad in another column, Miss Pearl A. Kitson, of St. Thomas in spending a few days a guest at S. owell's, 'Victoria, st, A dose of Winer's Liniment taken ittternally will ward of colds influenza and la grippe. „ Sold by C. LiTrZ. CaaeL er eae Mee eat.. estate.° The Mod You Han Always Bought Etagere of .210111.10100M8(461.06MoteMesnxIM:=•0111511•=01010.1...4.11.1311.11 9 BLAST . s no respeetor of perSons, therefore prepare to meet its ,cOnoing by providing yourself with one of our Me:George weekee, of weeereown tors ; Press Reporter, V. G. Neelins; V ent a, few days a la,st week Delegate to Grand Council, Thos. Nat. Bit s of Brantford, here wl& relatives and friends. 4 *it Miss Cora, Manning pleasently enter- tained. the members of her Sunday school class of boys on Monday even- ing last. The choir of the Cavell. Presbyterian church- provided the music at the Thames Road tea -meeting on Monday evening. Mrs, J. P. Ross, who has spent the past two weeks with friends here and at Hensall returned to her home at Toronto on Tuesday. About thirty new members were re- edyed into the James st. church on Sunday morning last the result of the receat evangelistic services. may who have used "Dix Treat- ent for 13ad Colds and. La Grippe" speak of it as -most satisfactory and effectual. Sold. lel C. LIT= At the annual meeting of the Us - borne and Hibbert Fire Insurance Co. held at Farquhar on Monday last the old board of Directors were re-elected. Mr. Beavars, of Farquhar, WO elected Secy. Treas. TO CURE A 0.OLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the raoney if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. fall Overwats NEVER SO LOW NEVER SO GOOD - NEVER SO STYL1S er Cleaving auction sale a farm stock and„implements, Oa lot 23, con. borne, mile north of Exeter; on Thursday, February 181.h 1901 at 1 o'clock sharp, TrteH nteS alt,TON, Prop, H. FOtowtsr, Auetioneer, Mr. George Moir, of Witnipeg, Man. who has for some weeks -past been in the General Ilospitel, Toronto, sluff- ering froul injuries received in a rail- way accident has this week been yisi- tang his uncle. Mr. R. S. Lang. e have numerous first class testi- onials proving the yalue of English Stock Food for young pige, chickens, fattening cattle, horses, ete. It is the cheapest awl hest Stock Food in the market. Sold by C. Lorre. Rev. W. M. and Mrs. Godwin will ive an "At Home" to the members the gain street church and congre- Alan on Friday evening in the lec- Wre rOOM Of the charch. All adult members are tordially invited both here and at 6ex418itla appointment. ant Tailor "r was made the recipient of a pleasing sueprise at his haraeahe other even- ing, when the general, ruenager and one of the directors of tbe Verity Plow Company presented him with a oheck for. $100 as a token of the es- teem in which ha is held by; bis em- ployers, Mr. Bays is one, of the oldest employes or the V,erity. `Company, and was with the company when it was in Its embryo period in Exeter. The indemnity of merabere of the Manitoba legislature is to be in- creased from $100 to $500, while. the salaries of Mliasters are to be. advance ed from; $2,700 to $3,000, Board of Trade. -The rueetiage the Civic Advisory to be hereafter known as the Exeter Board of Trade was held on Friday evening last in the Town Ball. The object soughteat thie meethag we. s simply the aaop- tion of a constitution and by-laws the draft Of which was them duly submitt- ell by the special conantittee appointed for that purpose. Time was,howevert taken by the forelock and special OQM mit teos appointed to deal with the ',Nor th Midland Bloc Eric nailw now seeking for incorporation and ad- mission through this section and the Stratford and. St. Joseph Eleetrie Ilailway, whose proposed roube is to the hike shore, a short distatlCO to tlae north. At ;the next night of xneeting to be liereaSter the ,second Toesday a ;bath month, the fallowing resolu-- tion important to every ratepayer will 'be discussed and possibly passed -Reeolved that all civic improve - Merits made ort publie property should be paid for solely . from the general taxation and that a special frontage tax for sucla purpose is unjost both in prinipal and practice. Motions will be also submieted for the eet.abe lishment or a ipermanent railway committee and a civic Taiforra cam- naietee, who shall held of 08 for mie year. We trust the Board or Trade lies come, to etay and that its influenee ere log will be felt and recognized. as a -public- benefit by every ratepayer It has a wide Meld before 11. and by lis exeeetional composition and . euro ancC8 of or gani z a non ample ,powere. ' On Friday afternoon lust from three to four, the usual Literary meetin was held. The programme consiste of recitations, readings. choruses and a debate. "Resolved that the cow is more useful than the horse." The affirmative side wits led. by Mr. Thos. Carling, er. While the destiny of tbe negative was in the bands of Mr. Ar- thur Wood. We are all pleased to learn that the negative carried the day. We extend a hearty invitation to any who can find time to join us in these meetings which are held every two weeks in the High School rooms: Secretary, Miss Waitoeta HOWAILD. PLEA..94111T EVEIVING4-The papas of the High School departmeat with. their teachers Mr. Fleming and Miss Doniugton on Wednesday evening last xesponded to an invitation from Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Borlaxel, of the Thames Road to celebrate with them tbe twenty-third anniversary of their wedding day. There was a full attend- aece of thee scholars present and a pleasant evening was spent. A very sumptuous repast, was partaken of and the time was spent in social chat. games, music. etc. All report a good time and vote Mr. and Mrs. Borland charming entertainer& prim. ou QC weite. ILLIS POWELL :4 Vietana, tame,* Exeter, Ont. WOOL BLANKETS We have a few pair left ot the best5bilhansizkeets. ..... ........ 3k2e,ttlei oyfe rOyv pt sr emu: 0 uw bl ego 0some 6 lb. size 33.75 7 lb. . Sib. gee 34.00 We want to dear out our stoek OVERCOATS 33.00 Coat for...... 35 00 0,00 Coetfor 0 00 10.00 Coat for 7 00 12,00 COat for .. -. 2,4 UNDERWEAR DIM'S good all wool Shirts and Drawers. , 50e. each Menai good Ali wool' Shirts and Ladrer gevosoti* "fife -10-n- If' %tin °al Drawere., a .. 23c each 14adies" good *Union Waal and Drawers-, 85e each Ladies' good Onion Vests and Drawers.. a each Ohildrou's good Unica Yests aud Drawers- .... 2:ic each EDISON--IS BEST--E,DISON VMS to be needed callitig to the pee - in his well remembered words "Uow bong hale ye between two ()Rim, Ions ? IC the Lord. be God, follow lona but if Baal, then follow him " The clench le apt to becorue ee assimilated with the world that it is difficult to distinguish, the one front the other. When Jesus was here in his bodily presence. whether at the marriage lease in Cana, or at the bowie of Simon the pharisee, he wits always true to himself alba the kingdam he represeut- ed, and hie memorable werds "thee, 080 not of tbe world even 0.8 1 am not f the world," are as applicable to Ms true disciples now as tbey were then. Samson alio was o.Nazarite from bis birth, while he maintained his integ- rity before Got:Imes able to cast off all tbe fetters with which bis tormentors bud him, but when be formed an unboler alliance he became a weakling in their hands. Peter and John stand.- , ing at the beautiful gate of the temple I looked upon the impotent mem asking alms of them, and said, 'Silver toed gold 1 'have none bat such as I bave give 1 thee." What Peter had Wks just what, the marl needed more than alms. The expectant and iinpotent are still lookine .o the professed dis- ciples. and they heae right to do so, but alas how few can say "Seek as I bave" because they have not, but are like Sampson, shorn of their strength through ba.nterine to the World and its unholy asseciations. If peofessing christians look like the world, act like the world. and enjoy the world's amusements, then you are at liberty to draw your own conclusions. Lots of China and ()rookery at low prices du stock taking, ighest Prices for Produce, CARL NO BROS. RUSSIA BACKS DO AWINIEROPIIONIM.M..../..4. -- No one nation can own the world. The same is true in con- ction with hnsiness men. No one person can do it all, SOD74e may do it better. We contend that we ha.ve the stoc and prices and leave you to judge the rest, "Actions speak louder thai Words." Call and see us if only to convince yourselves or out statement. Coesotaarene.-To those who have been shivering with cold and wallove. ing In snow for the past two monthe, it may be some consolation to teem from so high an authority as Dr. Kel- logg, in an article in Good Health that cold, fresh air contains more oxygen than warm &r ; that it quickens the heart action and increases the number of red corpuscles m the blood, The vital fires like, fires of coal or wood, bnrn more brightly in cold weather. Cold air aids in the discharge of poi- sonous matters from the bodyeincreas- es the appetite, helps to assirollate foods and allays ,nervous irritation and fatigue. VEDRUARY Vtateasterta-Rev. Id. It Ricks, of St. Louis. adoein the new issue of Woad and Works prints his weather forecasts for Febrriary, which are not encouraging to those who axe tired of the severe Weather of the past month. ale says : The storm diagram &bows that the month begins on the central day of a regular storm period, with the full moon in parige,e on the first, and a Mercury period approach- ingits center. The first stage of this period will fall in the last two days. of January, that is, change to warmer with barometer falling in the west, and winds shifeing to easterly and southeity. By the 1st storm areas will begin to form over die western parts cf the country, marked depressions of the barometer will be moving east- jr_L.D4 tool 1=,4,,, ward,and wide areas of Fain and snow 1-11-1 BROS FIDSON OLD BOYS or TORONTO. -- At the annual meeting of the Heron Old Boys held at the King Edward hotel, Toronto, lest Friday night the following officers were elected: -Hon. presiciente,coi. W. D. Otter, gr. Just- ice Roberteon, Mr. Justice Garrow, .1. S. Willison, ff. ltfacMath, E, Floodv, E. J. B. Duncan president, 0. A, Smith. B. A.; vice-president, S. T. Chnrch to secretary A. Miller; trees - W 0 McTaggart; executive meral Lltree 4.444.44114....••••••41444.44. C, HUSTON 0. Practicable Embalmer. Opera, House Block Building You are ma uite Right amonwillommonimmislan MIS liffiNIIINSIMMON10.011006 When you insist on having Harvey Bros.' Flour. Our STAR FLOUR Is made from the choicest Ontario and Manitoba wheat. The quality of our Wheatlet Has been improved by Steri- lizing it. We sell 10 pounds for 25c. Give it a trial it is a "Food" not a Our facilities for handling tbe chop- ping trade are unsurpa,ssed. The new Vitieot grinder is giving great satis- taction. nd sleet will pass eastwardly across MILLERS 44011.44664,0101180408448.040041160411004 GOURSES'OF STUDY the country during the 1s1 to the Ala. Ordinarily a cold wave eta blizza.rd would appear before the 4th. but the moon does not pass the celestine equa- tor until the 4th, hence the storms of this period may not reach blizzardous pcoportions until after that date. The Mercury disturbance continues up to aboat the 10th, hence, cloudy. murky, sleety weather will continue in all broba,bility into the reactionary period central on the Oth, 71h, and 81.11. If heavy sncw and sleet storms do not - appear during the first four days of the month, such storms will almost certainly develop about. the Oth to the Oth. But the chances for marked winter storms on and near the first day of the month are many. Upon the whole,much threatened weather, with. severe Wirttee storms are almost certainties during the first eight or ten days of Februery, or until the Mercury influence, sabsides. This will prove one of the most general and deettuctive sleet periods of the winter, We wish to thank our many cue - tamers for their valued patronage during tbe year 1903 and respectfully solicit a continuance of their valued. orders. We also invite all who contemplate building 18 1904 to call and inspect our stock which will be found com- plete in every department! and at prices that will justify there in placing their orders with us. We uutuufacture and at least one severe cold wave may , be ted on Two are quite probe - committee, R. 'A. Walker. W. IE. hlo one not far from the first, and an - Groves, Geo. Deacon, C. S McDonald, other OD and about the 7th. and Sth. .T. S. McKinnon, Dr. Duncan, II. Roth- Those who live out on the great plaint; well, K. McLeod, 3. A. MOLOXPTE, DE', of the west and north should exercise .Stanbury, W. Prendergast. T. 3. Soots prudent vvatchtulness for themselves iVfle Essery. Dr, Sloan, J. R. Lyon. and their livestock at this titae. In The assodation decided to bold en at the nature of the case the Mercury home the date to be settled later. period groups tbe first, tie 0 StOLO1 per- iodslof the month into one ,proIonged' W. C. T. U. Noterte, - "Contributed by the Wonlan's Christian Temper spa of theeatening weathen and se- ance Union." All down through the " ler t ages the voice of the prophet Elijah were winter storms, e p Will be eentirined a.nother issue. ies for the remainder of -the roont GENTRK STRATFORD, ONT. 0 Are up to the atGalss r STA.ND. g ARD OF EXCELLENCE and 0 ; that, is one reason why this popu- 2 * bar school is now enjoying a"rec. g 2 orcl-breaktng attendance. 0u 0 3 Want the hest training and we 2 egive it, theretore enter at once. ; Circula,rs free. es Principal 0 CO 6000nane00006400.00**** Packing Boxes and Crates and Bee Keepers Supplies. sach see Beehives and Hive Fittings. W. 3. ELLIOTT, KtxtiLLIffil DYES These Dyes will dye Wool. Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath -they are the latest and most improv- ed Dye in the world. Try a package. Alleolors at 0, LICIT; Exeter.. ROSS 84 TAYLO EXETER, ONT. -AT- satistaetion Guaranteed Complete assortment of uo-to-date Spectacles Best Quality, Lowest l'rices, also full supply School Books Note Books, &c. Drugs Medicines and Chemical Toilet Articles Brushes, Combs and Perfume ,