HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-2-4, Page 5POPPLESTONTE & GARDINER. POPPLFATONE & GARDINER. sa Genteel Meroleante. 0 tn w 5* V. P:$ General Merabante. Lot of Valuable.. and U.$.efot Articies lb X f. A REAL/ GOOD TIME to take net lone talked of Buee sess or sborthand count „is new. No broken classes. agotivideal instruction adapted to lectividuel meed. Why net eend for our rieW CatalOg "1)' 1 tolls you all aa bout it. RailwaY fare to PI te* funded A. L. laROWN, Principal. R 'J&MS, YEBEIJA ,facleeen, who died in July it. . and the name or M. Harris is thli only one mentioned in his will. IIe wan officer on board II. M. S. 'Ibunderer a,nd was very fond of John wbea lietlane'sby a , yro, !11;:s tb e ouyn U'y nGovora_ went was Ore eubject of an address by itoin,j.1oeifeotrtelliriee njaCI. EaCsitet Lb. -3 atobr; eeonday. He dealt with the eubjeet from the atandpolet a,the Munici- palities. Comparing the treatrueueof the railways to Canada and the Malt- ed Stat. ha stated Ltttht Geand hr: nukn iotne4i t calt„e0Osdr4iret1 141 u.it fji , only $60 per mile. 'rhe American Locals half of the S,t. eller tunnel was ed $39,400, and the Cernadian half only I 0 Snow Biockades.-The snow storm $600. Ile elated that 43 statee filo would not have, been serious In its efe pacts upon Loa railroads had not a asseesment by ;municipalities. They et ▪ siert seuth-weeter put in an appear- had found that ea during the early pare of the week, sistrizaitoan baadmadssmaPttechndLst 1:vaes,.ratsirait:saitece:::::::0:t. Ete. anee, 'which eeut, the snow emeadena, to prevent contaelon. and to arrive at ; into the etas everywhere. On Moe.. an accurate value of the whole read, '.. 1 • day a train from London reached based on cost of enaietacet. franelnie. • here about noon, and the lino WAS cp. es, get'oss and net earnings and eeed from end to end, but Tuesday, et value of securities. Canadians ; and towazds glibtillazzaudrtderomoimnapiveltd:Ini eltIlex'eepr:nactiant:tolzertilllothltIrtra‘z. loa:teiaos‘uvrttitihte:',111111:rattialf: 1 the fiercenttss of Lbe storm increawel hioekinfr alt railway t raffle. The and tlaey should therefore he guided o.rine of the eressut winter are un, by tile experience Of' the people car tlte prevedented. other Sid.. as to the best mode ttf. Ort Monday afternoon last a meet- nts of the busioess men of Exeter wee I The farmers about Wallacebutg held in Dickeou &Carling's office and bace dresalelaAntred th saear menu- Aessrs. N.M. Vandal and facturers the past }t-ar by eta growing, J, varLrL or $t. Joseph, representing eumegit beets t keep tIa lLurTvun. the International Flax Fibre Company ,rehtfg at. a Profit. .1:1t,t Product of with a board of directors at $t. Jos- treres can he bandied. ot the Wallaee- eph, a which C'antin is vio-presi .bnrte' 'Plant. which 15 one or th2 noon - dent and general runner and Mr. "efficient heti. IL haseat far ben Qpf,! rat.. enearne. secretary, -rtm object of ,cd. at a loss. ti'orie of the farmers their visit was to interest the capaat planted too herge an at -retie -re, and bits of Exeter, to subscribe for etook „could mot secure the neetze ' In this concern. also howing theflax 2sary help to secure the crop as 'prepared into fibre, and tow by th,e. ;the •crop, Then the. past too year* - decorticating appara t discovered have eharaoterszed by exceertive and patented by G. R. de Menet lortt or 'drought or exeeseive rain. Thee hand New York. These gemlemen plateed the ling of a largebeet erop late, in the mat ter in glowing, terms before. those !fall is found ley farmers to interfere ' present. 'We have not heard how ;with other necessary work. These many look stock. ete Job Lot of Dress Goods in plain and fancy color. o-4 ings,reguIar 25,35 and 4oe to clear at 22%c, a yd, E-1 k 2$ job Lot or Window Shades, 37 inches wide with fringe and lace, none worth less than 75c te.ff FD - 04 P.1 Men's Navy Serge Top Shirts, very heavy and well made regular 175 our price.. to clear at "O.. 4441•4/1/ 1.1.,0****ILR.11,1•1 ••••••••••••50C Teazle Cloths for wrappers, 2e pieces, regular xo •and 1234c yd to clear at 12 > os- tor • All Wool Puritan Blankets, best inede in Canada regular 65c a lb to clear Gallatea Shirting in Stripes,Dominion Alills goods guaranteed fast colors to us regular 1234 for • • .1 • * • • • • o. • • aP 4.• • • ioc a yd. Jab let of Dominion Suspenders, ro cloz, bot at a price, made of ends of 35' 40 and soe elas- tics to clear at „.... 15c. a pair. .es' Black Cashinere IIose sizes 834, 9, 9% regular 35, and 40c to clear at ......25c. a pair Absorbant Lurgan Crash Towelling regular roc for 8c. Blue, also red Check Tea Towelling very wide and heavy regular, 1234 for we. Brown Waist Lining regular Is for . — Colored Liberty Ribbons, very wide, in blue and pink regular 2 5 for.. ...... so a yd, Shot Ribbons, very wide, in good staple shades regular 40 for ..... . • ••••• 20C If you want anything in Furs of any kind come to us for GENUINE BARGAINS We will sell you Job Lot of Men's Tweed Pants, all sizes regular $1 75 for .... • • • • • • • - • • • .$1 40 Men's lined Smocks, lined with flannelette at 1 45 and $1.70 .... Men's Rubberised Double Breasted Smocksonade by Standard McIntosh Co. sold all over Igtg Canada at $2.50 our price ... ....$2.00 Men's Tweed•Top Shirts, very heavy and well sewed regular $I.50 our price ...... ......95c frg V 1.41Dj gt4i 4." !rat We szll Johnston's Cheese, none better', obtains best prices on the market, our price.. 5c lb. Visit as for fess oods AR 5 One Door Nortli 01 rost IN P-4 o4 ,t 0 .t R0.m. ,. itifit 01. wo Terms—Cash •or Produce. ti POPPLDSTONE & GARDINER. POPPLESTONE &eGABDINElle Gee:feral Merehants, C4onerral Merchants. . ireasone account for the ebort supply. /, !and for the deterraination of tile re-.; GENERALNE 'floors td wind up the -concern it a suf- :„ ) . . fectent supply is not forthcomiug this 1yer. The farmers are strongly op- i nst A. E. Wallece. former mane--4enIed to put their shoulderit: the er of the Atlas Loan Co., St. Thomas Iva and grow beets enough to keep a $489,000. 1 thefaetcry in operation. D. sPlicIntyre or Alvinston„ discov- t ed a liearl valued: at te30 answer : Thames Road cane oysters recerttly purchesed , in 0,-.1.11••••• hat village. -The anniversa Ty of t 1, i Pres- - At Owen Sound a lay -law to impeeet license fee of, $250 for sale of b.ylerian church here on Sunday and : cigarettes was recentlY carried by a Monday laet Wa5 %Val attended. Ott Judgment been entered eg- •1•••, 4th 1904. There is the best prescription for digestion and onstipection that OA die• a science' has pro. duce& Not "a Trio ent'S 7 butreal, permanent :cure. A gmtle laxative and tonic that ' I cleanse your :sys.. tem. .pnrify your blood, put y organ in good .working order. Iron -Ox Tiny -Ton. iTablets energy, god bealtb. Wh5. Lot ? Fifty Irou-ox Tab pocket caste ceuM on receipt of price. ited. Wallterville. Out. give egor, Do you We lieve the finest tock rt tc ail the lateet styes. near* etiors. Our prices 410111W (4 be tou to; iii`vt-P1M-$. Piero] 0.1.4 WO BORN. niajoe ley of 450. 'rho above move- .aes's ndoy, Rev. Mr. Larkin, . anAn.BERErt. Line, ale or cigarettes in that town. mons which were much apprecia.ted At =tont ]as practically aboliehed the forth delivered two very able 'W iltind sere Day. en January 19th., to ela, en 1 Rev. Dr. Fletcher, at. Hamilton, by the large congregations present. Mre jecob Ilaberer, a son. Ifealerator -Of the General Aeserntity Pn 'Aftomitta" the usual tea-meet4.41 ItARAS.-at 14the -enteession. formed his congregation age- was pleked.The, faroe tleo aupper /' on n' "IL • • Is orate S ra re s, sou li KALBFLEISCII.-At the lith eon - cession Hay, on Jan. -11711e the wife of -1‘1..r. Feed. Halbtlelseh, of twintea sou and daughter. the Presbyterian church, has was hold, and as of yoie the, church ifa . in iteth to au. and arre Nab rVesbyterian church that he "reed at tko annual gatherings , will retire, owing to his advancedeige well as the excellent pregramme,ren- atptolli,te esonmd eoDitilgenetrelcohuIrvechreyealprt:os., knows as among the best. The speak deriel having beconm elow amiversally .poets or an earb' Dominica general ers of rthe eveuing WI= Revs. Lar - election, and tt. large number or midi- kin, ,martin, or Ezotori Cooper,a Et_ dates were chosen -in Ontario, 4° imsille, and Att. F. W. Gladman, or Liberals, 39 Conservativee, in Newt Exeter, who gave interesting address - in New Brunswick, 5•Liberals. Scotia, 15 Liberals, 11 Conserv4aticv0402 ic by the excellent choir a Cann es, which were interspersed by num- eervatives. In British Columbia. and PreSbyterian church, Exeter, armiter Manitoba, a number lave also been selected. The callitag of Parliament Tor 'March,10 necessarily puts the da.to of an election some Lew months later, than was expected. Through the death og a friend in Englamd, Jon Harris, or Aylmer, will get £1,200 worth in cash and propezty and paltere worth perhaps as much more. The deceased relative was Geo RU The walking sick, what a crowd of them there are: Persons who are thin and weak but not sick enough to go to bed.. "Chronic cases" that's what the doctors call them, which in common English means --long sickness. • To stop the continued loss of flesh they need Scott's Emulsion. For the feeling cif weakness they need Scott's Emulsion. It makes new flesh and gives new life to the weak system. Scott's Emulsion gets thin and weak persons out of the rut. It makes new, rich blood, strengthens the nerves and gives, appetite for ordinary food. S,.ott's Emulsion can be taken as long as sickness lasts and do good all the time. There's new strength and flesh in every dose. We will be glad to send you a few doses free. De sure that this picture ha the form of a libel is on the israpper of eve!), bottle of Emulsion you buy. - SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemiSts, Toronto, Ontario. 50c. and $l ; ell druggists.' Ank••••••••1141•14...M.Wri CIaring Aucticn Sale -of-- the leadership of Mr. Jos. Senior. The FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS financial results ware gratifying to Jos. White auctioneer, will sell tor the 'management. George Scott, on Lute 10, eon. 7, Base Line Blowhard, 2 1-2 miles east or .Woodham, on Wednesday February THE POETS UNION The latest royal parsonage, to write 1904, eornmeneing at 32 o'clock, sharp, verse and to publish it is the Czar or Tim following property. viz; Ititissoieat' O Ps Coach stallion, "Sir Wilfrid, with ped - =say, poets, Ithymeeriveters. ISIeter-mechanics, Arise I Let us establish a union, With constitution and bylaws St ric tly definite; The rights and tba practica of lyrical labor!. Behold, the occasion Has come for concerted And strenuous action, Since monarchs, unprompted, By need of the money, Are 'using the muses Ana :filling the pages Of dailies and weeklies And monthlies, oppressing Legitimate craftsmen By oorking for nothing! The queen of Roumania Began it -forgive her 1 A woman, you know! Then Emperor William Spurred deagassus madly. Now bobs up the czar With a bunch of effusions I The last is too much. Unless, 0 my brethren, We shape us a ;union, Believe me, were done for, Eternally done! iBeeause-can't iyou see 1.1? -- These rules will flood, the Poetical market. They havn't a blessed Thing either to do ! So here's to our !union, A 'winner I'll warrant I We'll boycott all houses Which publish a single - Verse, belle d or sonnet Not bearing the The blazon supreme at Professional labor, And, ,shoulcl they defy; us, We'll call tor a •general Strike syrema the t ic .A,11 ,over the world, And ,thus in a jiffy We'll rein u,$) the pricee Of ihymes till -a ma.rvel 1- A scribbler may live! Of course, 0 my brethren, 'Twill only be fair ben To make me the savior Of regulaieenets, Tho ptesident of this Iniernational Amalgamated Rhyme.: B.iv e t ere and Ale, er-alech a nits' union For life At la mean salary' (Just a suggestion!) Of fifty thousand five hundre golden- sinteleons P Cr year! e-Neev Orleans T es-Deraocrat. ITORSES;-1 Thoroughbred Prench igree, rising five years old; 1 heavy mare, nine years old, in foal to Sir. Malcoltn ; I heavy horse, eight years old 1 road mare, ten years old: t road mare eleven years old, in foalto "Sir Wilfrid," ; 1 colt rising one year old by "Sir Maleolm" el colt rising nne Year old by "Sir Wilfrid,' , 1 colt rising one year `old by "St. Geor- ge!' ; 1 driving- mare rising three years old, by Fraser Hackney, tt sten- standard tared trotting horse, CA1TLE-3 cows, supposed to be, in calf to a thoroughbred ball; 2 farrow cows; 2 steers rising three years old; 3 heifers rising two years old,; 1 steer rising one year old; 3 good calves. PIGS -2 brood sows, due to farrow about tune of sale; 14 pigs, three months' old ; 5 pigs five months, old. • DEE'LEMENTS.-1 Massey Harris Binder, 'nearly new, 6 Xt. cut; I.Deer- ing Cultivator, new; 1 Seed Drill, 1 heavy twin plow; 2 long, plows : 1 set iron barrows; 1 set bobsleitsliss near- liy- new; 1 double seal:gran, ; 1 truck wagon; 1 Maxwell hey rate, 1 single. buggy ; 1 cutter, 1 hayrack,; 1 Fan- ningmin, ; 1 lawn mower e 1 haygork ; 125 feet new rope and pulleys; 1. land roller; about 10 tons, good hay; a eu,eken hens; 1 gobbler; ;50 hens; soy thes, hoes, chains, forks, Whialetreses neckyokes and many other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. TERMS. -$5.00 and under, cash, ov- er that amount 10 months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes or a discount of 5 per cent. per annum for cash in lieu at notes Decision of auc- Honor to be final in all cases of dis- I JOS. WHITE, GEO. SCOTT, I Auctioneer. Proprietor Notice to Creditors In the Matter or John Errrst Holten= of the Village of Dablittocd in the County of Huron, Builder. Intel vent. Notice is her eby given that the said John Elmer, Helfruate canyieg on busintes es a belittler at the said vil. lege of Daelnecattl, lees made an as. sigument under It. S. 0., 1807, Limp - ter 147, of all his estate, medits and tire cte, to Jotter h Snell, of the village of Daelnecod, efozesaid, bunker, for the general benefit of leis creditots. A meeting of creclitots will be heid at the office of the eaid Assigeee, in the said village of Dashwood,on Thurs- day the dth day of February, A. D., 10114, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, to receive a statement a affairs, appoint inspectors and for the ordering of affairs of the estate gen- erally. Creditors are requested to Me their claims with the .A.ssignee, with proofs and particulars as requir- ed by the said Act. on or before the day of such meeting. .And notice is further given that after the twentY-se second day of February, 10044 t6e-as, sagnee will proceed to distribute the nssets of the estete among the parties entitled thereto, having tegard only to the claims of which notice Shall then have been given. and that he well not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed, to any person or persous of whose claims he shall not, then have had notice. JosEen Sxnee, Assignee. GLADMAX & hTAlTatilirrit Solicitors for the Assignee. Dated at Exeter, this 21 d day of Jan- uary, 1904. BEFORE YOU Bry GALL AND e:ee F Russe TWO POOrti 'Staab o 1IN NINO. M. Graettate riot vereity. °Mee and reszaeneeke eeeratory, Exeter, DENT4ei. _ ItItenele.N.L. D.S. AND- • DU. IiINfeleIAN. a.. reit. 1- eentietoe Qradetate freer, nit tesivereity. Dentist. Tete/ exireeeeti without pain or bed evict ritl-,14, ease in Fate. ealee iota. vt• est eide of Ztain xeter A h Dth (0- D. .3, DIs TT.. FlouorBraduate to the Toronto Others/LY ed Royal College or Dental Surgeons of °Mane, with honors! Alan Reg -graduate of Chicago $chael of l'rostlastic » no it.tt,s (with honorable mentiou. Rverythiztg ittIOW11 to the Dental Iirotesslent denent this office. Britt*, work IIITAIIMIT4g0Id and vulcanite 'gates all done ita e neatest manner piat,thie. A perfeet/7 armless attraetteele wee fo reeire4?-- eXtrau' tion. (Pince out: deer teeth et Carl/tie firoet eters" ter,,Out. ANCE, 'T Prlvatc mei cue 310NEY TO We have unlimited private fio ds for IIVITOidll meet upon farm or village property as .swee rues of interest. DICKSON & CARLING EXttler* riONEY TO LOAN. We havo a lame :summit of private !ends tes loan on farm and vulagepropertive at rcerfat'e- 01 intemt. SLADMAN & SUNBURY Barristers Selicitorq, :thin St,,, Exeter. —7=-7 FRED ELLIOTT BABRISTER, SOLICITOR, rfe. eloney to Loan OPPICU-(Formcrely of Elliott and Madman.> eraiet saatEETI, nyarna. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers,Soliciters. Notaries, C'envoyenoers„ Commissioners, Solicitors for tbe Malone - Bank, Rte. ZIoney to Loan at Iowan rates of interest. eT.F.rilatVet, aeeeeen: s. 10. CARLTN4 10. A. X.. re nic31sin0 What Exhibitors say APPLI CATION TO PA.R.LIAMENT Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the Legislative Assembly. of the Province of Ontario at the next ensuing Tcr kirrf.frifauckz =atter Tt1,1 purpose of constructing: and operating by eleo- tricity or comprened,mx (or st approved by the Railway Committee any other motive power except steam) a system of railways from in near or through (a) the City of London and. the Town$thips ot London. Biddy Wit, Elan - chard and Downie and the City of Stratford and (b) the Townships of McGillivray, Stephen, Usborne, Hay and juoker,mjth and tthe LowO of Seaforth and (c) the Townships of MeKillop and Mullett Ind the Town of Clinton and (d) the Towmthips of Sibbert, Logan and. Fuller- ton and the Town of Mitchell and (e) the Townships of Grey, Morris, Herrick, and Turn - berry and the Town of Wingham and in itc course through the said Townships or any of them in and through any of or all the various incorporated cities. Towns and villages lying in the route with power to build and operate any part, or branch of the said railway in sec- tions," together with power to build and oper- ate branches or extensions from the main line not exceeding in length in earth case thirty miles, such branches however not to extend beyond the 'Emit of the counties in which the aforesaid MunicipalitieS are situate. T. B. ntIsCoreBE, Solicitor for applicants. London, Ontario, 16th Novetnber, 1903. HALF CURE IS ANGEROUS. 'When you get a Cold, La Grippe,Iniluenza,donot be satisfied with iotaething, to cheek it, The greatest danger is in the lingering results of a half cure. ' • Many alile his'tory would read different to -day if that severe attack of .Cold and La Grippe had been properly handled, A hard, cold -will eettle in the Weak- Sst part. : ANTI -PILL act3 on Vic entire nutcous membrane of the b ody relieyes Con- gestion -- cures Constipa- tion, Biliousness, and Dys- pepsia -every large gland of the body is brought under itS influence and a clear -eat cure established with a medicine perfectly harmless to Man, woman, or ehil tl. 50 cents at clealerS, or by addressing Witeox-Freu Co., Niagara Falls, Ontario. Free sem- i t an dd ess 90 per cent. or Fat Cattle exhibited at Provincial Winter Fair, 1903,ewere fed with Worthington's Canadian Sro-_, ck Tonic. Dear Sirs - We have been feeding your -Stook Food to cattle for some time, and find it to be an excellent tonic. We have also red it to horses and pigs, and are quite sure it lethe best stockrood wa have ever tried. Our prize winning caUtle at the Provincial Winter 'Farr, 1903, were fed Worthington's Stook tonic. LESLIE & PEAT:MN. Breeder Shorthorn Cattle Acton Ott. Dear Sirs - I find your Stock Food is a very ex- cellent Tonic for cattle ,giving them a good appetite and keeping their di- gestive organs in a healthy working oondition. Thesteer,''Seothe" exhibit- ed at Winter Pair, weighed at birth 80 lbs., at 35 moiethS 200 lbs., making a gain of 55 lbs. per month. It pays to Worthin;g1toia'a Stook Fectele ANDIIEW RICHARDSON, Breeder Shorthorn Cattle. Peepabun, Ont. Dear Sirs- \Ve have used your Stock Food for both cattle and hogs and find it gives good satisfaction. Several of our eat-, Ile ha-ve shown la gain tee, over i 100 lbs. per month while feediteee'it, jAS. WILSON E. -,SONS. Breeder of Shorthorn Cattle and York eihirel Hogs Fergus, One, Note the Price-. 10 lb. box, 200 feeds, 50c,; 50 lb. sack $2,00. iNfae ufac Lured by TEE WORTHINGTON DRUG 00„ G'ti el ph, Ont. For eale, by Carling Gros Exeter ; Cook & Son. Ileass 11 ; T C. ycuztg. Crecliton ;