HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-2-4, Page 4There's nerve nourishment in Blue Ribbon Tea. There's rest for tired brains and worn-out bodies. There's for impoverished blood. The most delicate and fragile leaves of the tea plant are in tea—that's why it is so fragrant and aromatic. Blue Ribbon Tea invigorates the faculties --makes the mind ear, gives new zest to living. e Ribbon Te 40c. Pifttv."be fo The Moisons Bank f' lees: leLLES. anceeporatee by Mt of Parliement WO) Treed tretece.)do Area Iorelee4 -- $5.000,004 1 peed ttO /2,Kei,4e, erv. Fnud — — revel, 7 edges in Ontario, quebee, Alberta. BrttiIi Columbia arel Manitoba. EXETER 131U2011 OpezEvery Lawful Day from 19 a. m. to .3 p. no; except aturdays, 10 a. m. to 1 en ut. Fatmers Sale Notes caeheti or col- lected. Forme supplied on application. Ltrafte on all pohats in the Dominion. -67-nat Britain and United States boughtnailii sold at lowest entes a ex •bage. SAVINGS D.E.L'ARTMENT. Deposits of $1.1110and upwards eeceiv- ed. Iriterest coropdunded half yearly, Mad added to principal June 30111 and Deeenilier Stet. Deposits Receipts also issued and highest canna rate of intereet allowei. liedvarees tnake to farmer, stock dealets and business rimn at lowest rates and on most favorable feriae. .Agents at Exeter for Dominion Government. Irreeteetret 'CARLING. N. I). RUP-DON, sorecorons attaLlOnn =viler .^. 111f5 Calendar for February 1904 StretnAT... 7 14 21 8 1 8 15 22 29 TtEsDAT......... 2 0 10 23 CVMeetEsneer. 3 10 17 21 Terafeenex....... 4 /1 18 25 Fineuxo 5 12 10 26 8ArtineelAT........... 0 18 20 27 11•1•1001=011.06.19...... ..141.111011•01.0•010.111.11M0.11.1001•11.01•011mte A prolific cause of Piles is the use f cathartics aud pale a a. drasticevie lent' nature. ; Followed by e teeection en account !of the xostuoue. dryitee properttes they fountaire There are other eauses but no mate Lie r went the eauee or what the kind of Piles, Dr. Inenba.rdt's ReneeRoid cleat be :se:v.1 upon to eure-ntostay Pureed. It'a nal interaal remedy that re - moven tate eau se oe Bleeding, Itching, or Suppurating Pilee. A, guarantee gees oath eaolt package certtalaing a mmUtl.t'S treatment. It oat; be obteined for LOU$at drug gists. Limed En S Pm11.11N01.11... York C'enuaiesion merchan Ils •the prese thie, "I sew a big fit iu eggs when at the ripe age ,19 years -1, not the, eggs. If :they could only be preserved a year!, I could 'buy 'en: at 6 eerde a dozen in 'May and sell 'exu at 35 'cents in January. 1 lte.ard a lot about liming eggs, reed preeently. all my savings were invested in barrels oe lima lead rreell as. 1 worked in the etable eights packing the eggs in the lime, a loyar ar eggs and it layer of lime. I think 1 must have put up about 1,000 dozen. Tbrenerap- ty oat bins were 'used to hold ninon and 1 nailed down thelids and for got lbem. tbo followieg 3tanuarly the 'price touched 52 cents and 1 pre- pared lo sell out. But soma leaknin the roof got the best of me, The lime had eurned to cement, and I had Ito extract each egg witle es mallet and chisel! That was my last egg corn-, er. T El E EVILS OF CONSTIPATION ARE TIltiRSDAY, FEBRI.T.A.RY 4tb, 1904 Conservative vs Liberal Ministers _,.e.reree,veene-`24—,teennoereineen. ttaservaliva party may well feel emoted of the ineeretrity or the men, who for yee.rsleld cabinet pos- itions under deffernet ,Conserene vo premiere. They were not few, but 'among the many there is not one who can he to -day reckonenns a wealehy men. Sir Jchn A. Macdonald and.Sir 'e1 knonn an the exee is to kreene-eseaele iable--ture. Mrs. M. 2r-`e•reire-se,or stony illountain, Man. says ("Dr. ilamileon's leis are juee the thing. They go right to work, at once I use only Dr. liarailton's Pills." Price 25c per box. Jean (Thompson left behind thearreite tie or this worldes goods. . Polities did not result in their enrichment. ,Their confreres who survive.have been forced Lo refiirrt to business life poor- er men than wherethe.y left it. They are to be :found laboring in the vine- yard bearing; the. Alie.at oe the dayeall wer e.-,,ereeoetogoes ,to show, that any were true to the trust reposeed ixi thena. But how about their sue, tee,sors? In the bietory b.f. any tee:to-- eminent have riches to so %quickly to its members, as.to sorne of those in the Laurier cabinet,. The Premier himself accepted a prestert t of a cool e100,000, Hon Clifford Sifton, abank rapt in 1896, and a millionaire in 1903. And thee- are not the •only fortunates. There are others toewhora fortunes have come with power. For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak throats, weak lungs, consumption, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. her.ry ect ra, Always keep a bottle of it in he house. We have been •, saying this for 60 years, t:nd So have the doctors, ,"Iliare. used. Ayer's Cherry Poeteral In my D7 40 yerirs. Xt 1 Ihe hest medicine n rho, world, I rtnot:, for n,..1 threat and !rag ; roubles.". ,74.0;$. T. 1. ncin1 7"2th 2-st, 250,50C—F4.0ar All 'itrugf'i• 112 Jorel Daily ne ary. natur r see el BY-ELECTIONS, FEBRUARY 9th Weits were issued at Ottawa on Thursday, 21s1. inst., for Federal. by -- electrons in Queen's "West, St. John City, Bruce East and I.ambtort East Nominations will be held .= Tuesday, February Rh. and polling one week fetter The first two were held by Liberals and the other two by the Opposition. lion. Donald Farqu- harson, deceased, sat for/Wase Queens and .A. G. Blair for St. Johns. Mr. Cargill, deceased was member for Bast Bruce and Mr..1 Oliver Simmons deceased :for Bast .Lambton. It is altogether proba.blerthat the other four by-elections, all of which are in the Province.. of Quebec, will be brought on at .the same date. All these 'vacations are Liberals- --St- jeon.es' :Division of Montreal, Roche- laga, St. Ifyacinthe„ and Montmagny. land will not expira until about Christ mas, 1005. The Liberals are free to bold on until that time and have two A BLOATED ST014.IACII. Distension and pains from eaulletesti on are cured quickeydby Nerviline. When you get an attack of stomach trouble ,takee a. stiff dose of Nerviline which is perfectly- harmless bat mar- vellously quiek in affeetbagra lasting cure, was once takieri111 with stom ach (trouble" wiites Edward'agmll, of +Rochester. "1 was in ; g-rcat pain and 'distress but half a tien.‘4pooriful; ol Nervilille fixed me upin a fesv, min- utes. I can reeommend Nerviline for sick headache and cearape and consid- er it an Invaluable:household remedy Try it yourself. Price 25a, The present parliament at Ottawa 110'11S ClCoted on November,7111, 1900, more sessions. 13y tile death o,r the hue my, , Charles 'Remain there passes rIcway _ one, or Ole lie,st 'known and bt!likied, individualities in Toronto ,Ind onc ivhose ii.ko,ness o the late ,ar. John Macdonald Avus noheeil by everyone who had es-er seen both these men. The lat. e Arr. Colini C'antpbell, or f coo uoZq., in his will dime ted E X E INN:lit011tEE. Lker-Pilb. MI the Dews of Intvrest to Imes :Readers Happening n these Counties. Goderich elevator has 400,000 busli-- els of grain in Re bins. Rev. & MeKay bas resigned the pas - lora te of (he Luck now preeteeterian churth The promotion of Major W. 'routes; to be lieutenant -colonel and to com- mand ehe 33rd regintent has been gazet tad. The ice ou the Leke at Coderiele is said to exten.d ten: intlee from the shore, and old raarinora say the big ice field means a late openine, of navi- gation. elteJames Ifogg, one Of the early settlers or MeKellop township, is dead at the age of•70 years. Dr. J. J. Scott, of Snaforth, is a brother-in- law a the deeeaeed, and Mrs. J. Scott, of Clinton, is a sister. .Not one in twenty are free front atone little ailment caused by inaction ciC the liver. ltese. Carter's Lietb Li ver Pills. Tbe result wit/ be a please t eurpriee. Theo give positive, re.. lklt- e W. J. Smith died Ulla resi- dence o trs. Jo1*n:51111s. in Bullet t on Monday ntobt, lie had been sertously ill for inveral days with pueumonia, which Ives the cause, a his death. Far be past two years he had chargeof the farm work on Mre. Mills' farm. On Weduestlay of last week. Dgement, of Clinton, and Mine 5.9arpine daughter af Mr. Henry :qurphy, or Goderielt townsleip, were united in marriage. The eeree ntony wee performed at Ibrectory. fSeatartio by Rev. Rural. Dean Hed- gers. Mr. John Barr, tne well-known live stock mare of Ifullett, was awarded the silver medal offered by the Cana- dian Bank or Connueree for obtaitting tbe greatest number or live etock prLs es at the Goderich fall fair last Senn - ember. The medal. is aleauty and M. Barr is "%Try. proud or it. The death or Potec Uciewen, oGude ride an Wednesday, or last week will bn It::ar(1 with regret by his many friends in lettron. all of 'whom jetzt in sympathy with 113 widow and members or the faraily in their sad bereavement. Derease-d who was a brother or Mr. Geo. Mclinven, of lien. „sell, was in his 04 year. Mr. John 113bl:irk, of le:ettforile met with an unfortunate accident on Tues day, uhich will likely lay him up for a -while.. Ile was belping to take a load of wood into a yard in town when the sleigh upseteralling on him and crushing him. which resulted in the breaking of two or his ribs. Mr. Ilobkirk was just nicely reeoverinn u from, et broken leg. Or Jao. 4t11. Ate. 'Wm. Cole, of Kin loss, met with an accident thin newt Led in Isis death. 11E.• climbed. up on the seaftold to throw down eomo hay - and fell through it Lo 'the barn floor, a distance of fitteen feet. Ilo nutter - ed intense agony for three elays:when he passed away. Me. Cole, was in his 85t1I year and was exceedingly vigor- ous and cuergette. The farmers around Blythho.vo adopted a eimple contrivance: for levelling the track for each sleigh run r ton width of 14 inches. It is made by attaching a niece( or plank to the front reeve on each side so that it acts Lreoldboard oe a plow, This makes a hard exetle, does away with pitch holes and preteireo the horses from crowding as they -have ‘4 ealeoth hard itrack to travel on. This work well if adopted at. the beginning at winter, The suit of the Gurney Founery Company- against the Weelern. Foun- dry ,Company. of Winghame claiming 819,000 damages, will be tried at. ;the Civil Assizes next week. Mr.E. A. PerVtern;.e.t, acting for the- Gurney Company has applied for a special jury to be selected from the. grand jurors. This ensures a jury, of sup2r- ior intelligence, and is only slectired non the applicant putting up 8150 security for the cost, of such epee-. The Gurney ,people claim that the Wdgterv Foundry Company alienate ed the service of eight.) -apprentices by offering there better wages. The octette broke their indentures and went over to the rival company, somll of them, it' is said, bein.g stilt employed there, Mr. .33 A. •Fostex will represent the defendants at the trial of the suit. The following adventiserneret ape, peered in the Daley Colonist, of Vict- oria, ;British Columbia, oe Jan. 5; "I will give $1000 to any party or-pagt- les who will furnish information to Andrew Ferguson, or the -undersigned that will lead to the finding of David Ferguson, dead or alive, who was lust seen at the Dominion hotel, Victoria, on December 19t1I„. 1900.". This nor Lice is signed by dm chiefof police of Victoria, and it is -added that Mr. Fer guson is not wanted f.f)1*-any offence:. The advertisement also' has an excel. Get the Most Out of Your Food You don't and can't if yOur stemach is weak. A weak stomach does mit di- gest all that is ordinarily taken into it. It gets tired easily, and what it fails to digest is wasted. Among the signs of a weak stomach are uneasiness after eating, fits of ner- vous headache, and disagreeable belch - )2,„. "I have been troubled with dyspepsia for years, and tried every remedy I beard of, but never got anything that gavo me relief until I took Rood's Sarsaparilla. I cannot praise this medicine too highlyfOr Elle"6-ood it has done me. 'I always ta1;e 11 in the espringand f,:w all and ould not be wittiallt W. it." NtroErfr, BenevnJe, ood ci2,000 be i.pad the prol/tn , l th Srangthns and tone g the . riaeb and • cry " • 8nceEtS,,SIOn duties ,9n. 1115 Q1LJC,' IId 110t 1 61e Whole.digeStive'systerd,. reach aid( amburit, That's what you need; some. thing to cure your biliousness, and regulate your bowels, You need Ayer's Pills. Vegetable. gently laxative. tar,',,b71.4:z Want your tnoustache or beard a beautiful browner rich black? we BaCKINGHAM'S DYE ran elit. .X• HAIL* C0,11.115= lent likenese at the eeaung man. Mr. Ferguson is •a• native on Buren coun- ty, being- a son of Mr. elaleinm Per., gluon, late of Grand Bend, and a nephew of Mr. David Moore. of F14-- mondrille. Ile bad heezt in British Columbia. for some timaand was ex- tensively engaged in raining there. LIO visited his uncle in Belinondville about three years ago this winter. The new county eouncil, bill passed at •the laet session ot the Ontarioleeis latero gives counties the option of re- turning to the former, system by which eaett municipality would be di- , redly represented at UM county court- ' eit board, of continuinw the system now in voeste, by which the cool:anis I formed iel,to divisiont, neck alerting 4 two members. The new bill saye that 1 the tows shalt each be repreeeoted, 1 by their mayor. and Me villages and townslupe each by their reeve. The present syetera has not been satiefac- ry tso far aulIttron mute" isl eon- ned. There has been aelacle of in- t in the remrese,ntation at the ousel y council board duringe tbe last eight years. Thisl acknees did' not ail previously. A return to tluesyse tem giving direct representation to elen municipality would be more eau - able, and would give both the county couneil and the municipal council a gest end an intelligent; grasp of !tent neede and internees Which does not now prevail. Middlesex Me. Coo. NeefeeQ Liuean, ;County Councillor, was elected warden nf' the county by a 'majority: of one over eouneillor Tim weil-known farm of 31.r. Geo. Williarne, at the 1st conconsion of Me- Gillivrity, bee been purchased by etr, Edward N. Mara, of Claude:hose. To be frea from sick headaehe, lousnens. C011aiseftli011, etc., use Care ter's Little Liver l'ills. Strict, lee veg-. etable. They geutly stimulate thrii- ver and free the stomach from bile. The Parkhill Conservative eke -vette- -lion has elected the following officers for 1904 ;—President, Thos. Mareladery sr.; secretary, B. V. Donnelly; trette- urer, Thos. Magladery, jr. Vice—pre- sident for different wartle:—Ward No 1, N. erePliee; ward No. a, W. F. Jam ieson; Ward No. 3, Jenatiltan The committee appointed by the seneol Board, of Park,hill, to make arrangements for tbe renting of type- writing maciiines for unit; the Com- mercial department or (be Iiigb Sehool have, we understand 'arrnaged to lease four Underwood machines, they .to have the rental applied on the ,purehase price if theeedecide to ouy them at the end of the year. Wednesday evening, Mr. Jon Gleas- on, an esteemed resident of Parkhill was suddenly seized with a strange ill ness, and de.spite everythin,g that could be done, he died in liftenamin- utes.heart disease being pronounced the cause. Um. Gleaeon, who was 67 year or age lived almost all his live in that vicinity having been a resident et Clandeboye for many years, . gend subsequently moved to the 7th or Me. Gillivray from thence to Parkhill. Ax AsTaztzvrtos &Tara TO LD ••••••••••••• Sleepless ,nigh Es, suffoca Ling ten- sations, difficult to even' breathe. "I can scarcely describe all I sutfered 'from aallona," wrieen iters. "E. SP. Cavanaugh, of Colborne. "Spasms of coughing would come on that made me. weak. Nothing did me env good until I used the fragrant, healing Ca— tarrhozone. I am delighted to re- commend this remelt.- which cured 1110 of chronic asthma: after scores of good ,physicians had given ma up. Ca tarrhozone is better for Asthma, giv- es quicker relief than'any re.medy I know of. My curio is sa perfect one Try Catarrhozone, it nnever fails to coca :asthma. Comiplete outfit :;,‘"1.00, trial 'size, 25e. Perth The Conservative Convention of South Perth announced for Feb. 41h, has again been postponed. Chairman Gibe,- of St. MarYs hes the thanks of many pedestriauathere for the thoughtfulness in having toothed harrows drawn over the slippery side- walks. Ma% Alonzo Marstba, near St.:Marys' has sold his farm to Mr. Logan of the Mitchell Road. The price is un- derstood to bc in'the neighborhood Of S7,000 The Commercial Travelerts' ASso-- eta tion will lay a complaint a(ga.tris,t the proprietors oE the Windsor and the Central hotels, St. Marys nefore the Board of License, Commissioners for &nth Penth. Mr. Chas. Riehardlson, of SI, Marys met with a painful accident one day last week. A. big bar of iron feli on his foot niuk.inlg• te bad bruise.. No bones were brok.en. Re -svaalunable to 1183 that member for some days A Man's wife should always '',be it,bo seine, especially to her husband, but if she is weak- and nervous, and uses Carters Iron Pills, she cannot be, for they make her "feel like a different person,"so they all say, and their hus- bands say so tool • There died on Thursday 21st inst.,in SLVNtrord, Mr. John McCulloch, born etreaesseeteeeeesesereemeeeeeeee-ele.--------- in the, town or omagil, county, Tyronc; Ireland, on May 26[11,:1837liis fath- er was several Limes iVla,you or Strad - ford, and was at one 11rne by far the, a,rges landed.' pr op ri t or in.and a- bout FN"tra,tiford, -There died in St ra Laird, laqt iveek Kr. Jelin MCCIIlleeh., eile CT the, e1a.:310 ell y's oldest residents, aged Iabout 70 yeers. Deceased WaS P.t one ehne one of the most nrominent citizens ,or that city, and was well 'known as au excellertt aucticneer. 111)091exy was the eause of death. 'While passing over the, bridge" Stratford, Stratford, reematly, J. Iding- ton saw a Bette girl clinging to an ice blockwilere the Whyte Pork Packing Co. are cutting, ice in Lake Victoria. Mr. Alex, FAUSOIL "Waiat to the, rescue and pulled the child to saf- ety-. She was too benumbed to speak and would have perishediin a few mo- ments. The lee gave way' with her at a treacherous spot where the dritted suow had concealed itsdreacherous na t ure. James lia.slett, an old resident of Thorndale, was found frozen to death in his litLle home in that village ou Friday night last. iiaslett had pro- bably been dead since some time the night previous. .Neighbers nattered that uo smoke was coming from his house (chimney, and taat having seen him 'about suspected that soraething was wrong. Au entrance to(the. cot - t age was made and liasiett's was found frozen stiff, lying, in the centre of :the living room. The Se, Uary ' 5 newspapers defend the hotellicepers there who' wr4, un- der the severe diepleasuro of a party of Londoners and ()there who„ half -nary ing atter a long trarop from a snow - tailed tralet made a vain attern pt to secure refreshment at the Stone!. Town hotels. Says the Journal;—"At both the 'Windsor and Central where thee - cancel Or brealetast the dining roorne liad been kept open till after 10 o'clock that Interning, as there vere luny other storta-bound tra.vellers be - ;Ades the entrty from • the London train. at both betels new coal had just been put on tbe ranges and tbere was no but water and breakfust ceuld not possibly have been served at a moment's notice. Tlie travellers were referred to restaurantm under the circumstances." POSSIBLY YOUR W Fie Doesn't 'look as yo tinge -tint oretty as the used to. ID her cheeks areleols w end pale. D. she is tired and nen. coos the needs Perrozono, which is timed for restoring the bloom at health ,to sickly girls and women.Com pteion quickly becomes rosy, spirits rise amt strength, inereasen Health and vigor will soon return to your Wife or daughter if Ferrozonnis taken. It's the best tonic made, and cost SOc at drteggietn, The!General Manager shows wl the Grand Trunk has done General Mttnager Itays, or the Grand Trunk,' has writ ten...Crone Mon- treal to the ,press concerning the uni- versa complaint about tbeir train service. Iie says that theeprosperity of the eountry bas -brought about periocl or constantly increasing Ira fie extending over the past six years teeth Auceevaing, year railing* for in - el facilities in the way of ad- iti aatel, sidiogs and station tracks, beerier bridges, and more ears end engines, all in o. much greater ration than it has been •possible to lin- mecliAto4' provide even when.using their best endeavors and growling money freely for the .purpose named Within the period named the G. T. 11, has topent Ite says on new eteel bridges, of a typo. designed to ear- ry the largest or modern engines, $4,000,000; they have construeted 132 miles or additional second' track in Canada; tbey nave built 335 miles of additional sidings; they; have add- ed 11,723 new freight cars, 127 new passenger ears, and 208 engines to their equipment at a cost or $10,.. 399,565; and for this purpose have not only kept their own shops tilled to the Cullest capaeity, but have ordered from outside shops paying upon s.ucla importations tho large duty :required. The company has been very liberal in its 'expendetures, he says, for improved station buildings both passenger and freight, with tee result. that. 95 new passenger and 49 new freight buildings have bean can seructeci while 1,480 have been re- modelled entirely*, or considerable ex- penditure made thereon. As to the criticism that these ex- pextditures have all been made on the main lines, and that the side lines or branches have ree'dived but flit- tle, if any benefit therefroxn, he argues that until the:main lines are fitted toreceive increased branch traffic, it is useless to greatly en- large the branch line. a.ccommoda Lion, . as congeetion would follow. STANDARD OF THE INORLD ese -want Mize Ielutl You Regeee Always Bought, and 'Which has been, 27.Sei fOr over 30 years, has borne the, signature of and. has beennladeunder his per,. sonalsupervision since its infancy. 0,1=4r- , w.-c•ftejg AllOW110 one to deceive you ist 4.7.1 Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just -as -good" are lent tilxperiments that trifle with and endanger the health or znihritS I chuaren—Bx.periettee against Experintente hat is CASTORIA Casteria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- r,orie, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is rleasant. It (GT.:taw:I neither Opizure, 'Morphine nor other Wareotie 1.:-,'.stanee. Its age is its I,),,3mrantee. It destroys Worms ;ssIallays Peverishaess. It cures Diarrheea and Wind U relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flittaleney. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stonnuit. am1 Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Chilar.:,*.res Panacea—The Mother's Vrieutt. niquINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind Yoll Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. To get that appetizing, brown appearance and out- side crispyness on roasts of lamb, beef, etc.—to keep their goodness in them they must be basted. In the old style stove this necessitated reaching into the hat oven and moving the hot, heavy pan and holding it in the front of the oven while it was basted. .A tedious performance with unsatisfactory results. The drai,v.out oven rack of the mperial Oxford Range makes basting a simple and successful operation. braw the handle in front of the oven for- wardand the rack brings thepan and its contents out of the oven • where it may be thoroughly basted with the greatest ease. The Imperial Oxford Range lessens the labor of cooldng and insures the most successful results. Call atone of our agencies or write for the Imperial Oxford leaflet. The Gurne7 Foundry Co. LlmftGd Toronto Montreal, Winnipeg artat Vancouver 1 ....01101101.0.•esamimaimmomm. For Sale by T. HAWKINS & SON, Exeter. The heavy work in progress in main lines has disturbed branch line con- tractions, he admits. When to 'this condition of affairs he added the in- creased traffic, intensified bet a period of more than usually severe weather, the situation becomes rdore aggravated, and it esexot unnatural that unsatisfactory service is the result. It may be thab the situa- tion is worse on the Grand Trunk Railway lines than one other rail- ways in Canada, bat if this should be the case it is readily answered by the very much greater tonnage laandled on the Grand ,Trunk Rail- way and the greater number oe trains run in Ontario than upon any oth- er system. "I feel quite sure that the publiki will recognize that the oettetals and employees of the corn- ,pany ars devoting their entire time exchisively to the business of the company, and are actuated by no other desire than that of giving the best service posstble under the pre waling conditions. Fortunatly the heavy expenditure before referred to have put tut in a position where we can now, while still continuing the work of imp rovements on the main lines, turn our attention to doing more for the branch lines, in the matter of better equipinentr and im- proved train service. ...e6.61M.EaMiwocciespOrde•INF EXETER -Ai A II1c.:ETS Wheat per bushel] .... 74 t o 76 Oatsrew . . 25 to 26 Barley ,:... 80 to 37 Butter 18 Eggs ..... 20 Wool .... 14 o 14., Pork live weight .,..$5,00 so 35-00 Pork 1)/ essed, .... 50 tDiuh $0.0 'I'tarkf.y Chick vn Clubbing Rates for1909, 1904 iTimes and Farmers Advt.:0,1W... $2.25. Times and Toronto Daily News.,. 1.8t januany 1005 1.75' Times .and Weekly Free Press to Times and Weekly- Advertiser to 3Se:exa' 10305 Times and daily Aciveriteeer to January 1905 • 2 50. Times and Daley Star to San. 1905.. , • Times and Daily World t:o Jana nary', 1905 •. . :Times and Doily Mail & Empire to January, 1905 •445, Times and Daly Globe to jainu %limy 1905 4.25, Times and Weekly Glebe ;:e• Jan. 1903 Times and Montreal Witness, to Jan. 1905 , 1." 65 Times and Weekly Adverelaer-to Jan. 1905 1 711.. Times and Mail & Empire to Jan. 1905 . 70., Times and Family Iferald Is Star to Jan., 1905 • 1, 75, Times & Weekly Sun to Jan. 1 905 '. . 'a Yeerly subscriberto Times. and maw wan receive a handsome prenaiurn pie- ture entitled "The Vietoria.,Crossre an episode of the Boer war. Yearly subseribore to blie Herald & Star will receive a hand- some picture and special prize. Other additions will be made to, this, - list later. le'rr`teLoom 14 This signature ie on every box of the ilcuit: '8„, Laxative Brotno.Quinine u the i.eznedy that enwen n Feld in a1qw.1. 0 e ative Brim „Amin Seven Minion boxes sold in past 12 toOrrills. • ThEs elteeneennienteseneelle .. Cures Grip Two Days. • OR every box. 25c. _