HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-2-4, Page 3HE S
Neglect the Family Altar and You
Will Quench it.
(Letered eccoreing to Act of the var.
Bement oi llanacia, in the yeer One ',gee ,r,eace" In the darkness of
Thousand Ninu Bemired and Threethe bedroom and in the solithry
1110• nallY. et Toronto. at the
f griculture. otteetd
Nvks olthrough the strt,ets and in "the
Peesrtulont oAe
By •coming in touch with. Christ's
life shall we have the Spirit's flame
leap and glow ,and resistlessly move
on and scatter and and consume our
sins and our brother's siuS, even as
the prairie fire makes serpent, prairie
dog, horse, buffalo and deer turn and
flee for their lives. for tho tionseReeper.
In welcoming the church members _
Ito Christ's altar 1 aave but une tAedgencalteects,00010411,1011000
more question to ask and to answer. A LITTLE GOSSIP.
In what, 0 struggling friend. does
the chief definition of being a Chris-
tian consist? Ought you to say, "I
quiet of the office or in the kitchen, want ta. be a Christian to escape the
tlool wants us to frankly and freely evil Cects of sin?" "I want to be
ef&seeee o
o eatteh eiehaegge
Recipes for the Kitch‘
tlYZiene gal Other lietes
giehpattli on Los Anghdes. Cal., and lovingly talk with hizn. Ile a Christian to he happy?" "I 'want
ouys lerana De Witt Talmage wat'lls tp hiut with the to be a Christian in order that I may
$,I•h;clied from Ili, foilo,wiug text ;j abining faith of a little child. And reach heaven?" 011, no. You
,.„t„hmians v, xi; ..queodl ,iot the heavenly Father, "who seeth in should want to be a Christian, not
the pisiisecret. shall reward the openly." for your own beautification but in a."
We mould, for our present leseon,
tue oue Of Paul's 1i i\*,
mut words. Ills "quencli" has a.
superlative nieunieg. it is one of
*tithe simrp r.ointed verbal chisels
whirl* can opeo adamantine rock and
it eutlindbpower outiliamond the
eienzonil. It is One of those intense
lin ifi ords viiith ivture their
thoughts in colors of Wood. "To
"Good morning. Mrs. Little. Con
right M. I haven't seen you for
age i" exclaimed Mrs. Blake cordio
ly shaking hands with her neighbo_
"1 know it, and I ata ashfuned
think I hate stayed away so long
but rve been just lihe the Iris
washer-woe:an lately, so terrib
InLLSV that. 1leoNetet oho, anvthir
done. .1 don't know as 1 woula Itt
TITE DTVINE COMMAND. order that God may he glorified. In come over this afternoon, if in
Our publie Christian usefulness to order to glorify Clod we shod work Yankee curiosity hadhit been stron
a great extent is dependent upon the for him. In order to glorify Cod E,; enough to queaeh my uesire
intensity of our prayers uttered in we should give to him of our tem- I work."
r yourself. most do ft if you
wish to be a true wife and Maher.
Don't allow yourself to rust out.
There's too intelligent women,
who, in their zeal to be known as the
best housekeepers in the oeighboz•-
hood, let the dust from their carpeta
sxaother their intellectuality,”
Chickea Cannelons,-Mince up Tien-
gether with half the quantity of lean in the synagogue and healing' a,
/Y the ralualus Of a, cola dacha", teabbath day included His teaching
n' 1 h Ali
cob am. x them well, addieg • demon poseeesed ntan, there; then the
r. !„.cnzgthaINvvbilti.e sj:Aiteepteostnee 01.106174A theoftult. r.‘se isletre of j. L.
FEB. 7.
Text sef the Lesson, Mark i.,
Golden Text, Tuke iv., 41).
The events of this lesson were pro-
bably, inunediately subsequent to
those of last week. This well filled
• until it is a quarter of an inch or a, mother. and at sunset ail the sick
1")• little more in thichness. Cut the, who gathered about Signon's door,
le: paste into elecesh oee inch by two 'The record of ,the first part nf the
In size, and lay a, little of the mix- • L 7. -
e yore upon tne centres of half of the ,ligark, and the reser," es the rest
piecesand corer them with the other of the eel, is angle itt meet, ells as
3:: halves, pressing the edges Lenny tn- wea Ls 1811.0e 1Y. 11* record of ;
• eletlier and forming
rolle v • thaw. bat° iitde this and evere- day of his public min...!
secret, Christian brother, never al, pond sulostance. In order to glorify I "It was YOUP washing," elle .cot
lOW your Orayer closet to become God We should pray to him.
, We tinued. "When I threw out niy
tome elyeerea and musty, leteeer let should read the illide that we can i water oho,* 7 o'clock. this morein
a time mine wizen you will break the ,further fond out bow Christ may con- •;.‘roor girl was inst. itetsgisa" old, ti
telegraphic communication with hhe 'tirue to 1;e glorh:eil. May our lives '° last of your colored ebthes. Th
heavenly headquarteits for proem, 'be ailed le ith holy zeal for the glori. i sight fairtY made lage sick, for w
ifoomich" :metes to smother, as a God's great whisperiug gailery fleetness Of the ideessel Seelot: Iiiitd out.: it begun to ihrosti
mother would. ehtiteguish the flames "nay your lips learn to utter the earth and in heaven.. I emigrate/late • whet tive how .i.ett do it. i 4ioie
4,0tionilinft" at, 4;re!'S' of lux htiMing diVi8C pleadings so sOftly- that they you in this, tTae soprente moment of 1..'eliev° ,t1',:o," hal'ea as go,n,a,,Lhdi' as
child ba wrillehlf shoot the aiu,Asy Audi sumetimq-i only be Intird by his your life, when yon start. in the Set, i"a"' k"''''''' 3:°" g'E'' ''' fio 311"
ranlaf: a Leavy, wet. hlenket, lode... ear and at,SW1e1d directly wally b,y ,vieo of les ;s ("bidet. Christian bro. 'YOStigc•ir than sister 'hien. loo ..,..t.,
4,..of from off the rlothesline. In that his loving voice. ' use some hied of whehigg iNi611, 6
itlxer„ give me' thy hand.
word "queohh" Paul startlingthh The elosegt 111:s of God's Bible ,t,re , do eour washing in oey new-ateglici
waree all telieving UnistltulS often rhed to. extinguhlt the divitat way ?"
Oggaii!A ilue l'in t,1 es-tiugtlihtlillg the' Beene bernieg Within the Cloristion's it zusszah,T Dicit Totpuhr. "No." replied Mrs. idat,0 ••
l'oh ..:r of the hohyhthplrit . which is heart. They can heroine the barred ,
/Te•IPIM, i WW1; :I wash much the shire as ye,
new horning withal 'them as a living and bolted doors of saperstition, ' gejeaheate. a do. YOU 41$01V 1 IniVe no w,81stilll
yilian W o Robbed Vileal- I
qv:each not the Spirit" is tarred and bolted by grOSe, ignor- - el ' .. " , auleilioct 1 think the eeeret Iles 1
e ey to Succor hoer.
the inotoagment. We eel, el. awe
tee- team:tool to the Thessaloniitee. tone, endungeoeieg the inoet enon..1
elleoteer len the divine flames. strous of lo-resies in ti!C darliett Lot i ":1-3010Ptou IL. by the grace of ' 4.30 on wash day. Mare goes z'igh
A pRAOTICseL, QUESTION. cells. They may berome redhot irons Goo, hholg of the JeWli,” TiliS 'Wan 04; the washing and I get Liu Jowl
„, 1iug
pultiug Out the eatInl, deep blue eyes the way in which a very remarkable fust. .1 always try to tieve thinge 1
?NOV: (Innen the Vractival question; , of faith and love. Ile an aurieht 1 Prisolief lecelit4 slosh! the prise:1' wertn over so that I t'an get it ia
Ilaw th, "hletiv beht,rhig Ohrifitialiti eastern law no blind prinee IS allow -I bold; at Kieft (Russia). , hurry. V% hen 1 0111 alieire I elwee-
teseu tho floodgethes of ein aud drown, ad to sit, upon the throne Of Persia. i His bblory Is curions. Ile was a get the first boiler of clothes on t
oht their spirituul tireh ? how do ity a al sue maw no chrihttan can handsome, hard working student of „ boil, and then prepare ismast o
Pla" °g• OUr 4:": cunve:th 4'1411 their reach that stage of reilightennient • the Nieff Seminary, but on finishiug 1 the back of the ranee. to: lees
!Whig him to occupe- nee oe (lows hes cOtiti writes a corieepondent„ day 111 h..: t -,, f: h . •,
spiritual thrones without earnest 'he immediately protidedthisoself with Os; clothes gye out. We dont et a
and prayerfel stud- of the Bible ;1';:a. revoleee, dagger and a nuniher of ;to do ow; other worh, nr-is it i
i'JP-t. and foremost, by neglerting "Toile, lege i Tolle, lege 5" f,"Taka ' forged ['givers and passes„ and began ,10 prepare et:let:thing to rook will
thas ohne of public worship. By and rem! Tat& and read ("I wash, a Career of rohheey and btigondoge,; we have a hot fire 11 is rn ilinC
tniiiing their hash*, oihol, lid' Soo" :Ine divine count:awl given in vision I which was matted throughout by help to tr Qn eolith. for :offer ti,
41* 4 18,34:11 :•40P‘k,t,s,
. By chaining . to z-olutth Augrstit e iti ,,i,ferenco to '' /00:41inItuate atiiii and foretliaeght. :telilleittee an. up, 1 can't thhhod
t zat pee tem pone .o (..od m• et de, Ithe holy Scriptures., h`rahe anal! He nioreered and stole on the being' aide to hell* at. all. .!.11,7, greed --
welt at leen& as ilt att WeeL" night ireaol 1 'Ealie and read !" u the ihed,laighwev„ his vietims la /ilea intlini, luutPer ulwaya need to etre ;1.4 how
li. a.; t r meetings. Re" 11S,VElin1.1 Iiint , vine cononaud given to tee eltaing:: hoe a etas: captain and a infaster of Of a LY in the nevrizing woos worth'I
*e *-voititielieicio of the saints." hi Chadian of the prthent da,K. tie watch. At lois ritioly baroglind three later ht the daY ""
1 •
a ..41.asith, atilt i loas betn f.oh.h ate, ' -, mends. 110.42 Inv you, going to :nparthients lo lets,e1 he diteentet•d lot- "WOW' (inch:I:teed filfrs id 4 3 la
•to Goal tie 0 "house of prayer,'" M .; Vend OM V.110% in %IX' 10V: 01 Utiti 89141 JA4 lioepitelity to ta eil'all: of mast :11.e1W0 ttv v.445 1,114414t. 1 174444u if e,..:
;,i tb other vilepity, of .4!)i.liu5h'ne-hohi plant, ' 051, i_s_tr„,),..isii_ell St1114inuazed in Acts ,
. ore, .e inted with the Ifoly Ghost
. , . - e 11 1 and with power Ife went about do -4
1. hev become it, golden -brown color. i .1 1 1 . A• 11 u -
0. :„• (t,,,l't-Ahatte or two win be solPrient fol:' op-ereseed of the devil, for •(143a was
. rm gond 0114 eea.iog te.. that a erc a
e s. 'Datil dr un them "Lc?! cora with mate, gees eee, oeghe to 744
e Eel- ..V ilolnevAt'',Y on st- eolhet". ; true in eone measure of every beliee- 1-
i Breed Soup.-Poued some dr.F er, tor tee Illei of Jefitos $5.•goind be
7` asts of bread, put them into boil,: oetegest in vs (11 Coe, lit gis, 11 ,,,,
mg eaoek, ,lieta•-..on with salt. mid I eP- , Ot,i, Ea,. ..,aid oat the (eh" ei tite;
h: per. o'id a. :••=1.2101 Pinch of grated 14,.4)11a I vir....-s in ii:o•:.e than the ear :
„ onitmeg, let it lioil up orn'e ay. Mire, agg ti this, ..s sd, :I...es am .the:,
jcst. before hers ihif iwat in three ani,.... v4„o4s lo -01,4,, tia. aln•fil rea77,s,
tr .
a egg" 1"re" iothlh "el hj-ShLea: S'..ht'veh rjhileref,,co": the:Lc is not so powerful a
04" 1""1"4''' 6"-4414''' : CPl1011 ill I il4* V, ll,' h4, &VP', a Art'llf;;Stellt
4(%elr::"Iis bt errala•-•-Wa°', Fee" ant' flee beg leaeli east til,t of Naeogeth, ,
, , L'Iiiri•O hot lib-.
h eut rather In' four Jere.? unions, put Tr
*' 1nftle Cuennxn Us one.
rit hat) :+ietV-1 an le h eionegaz celd ,vluek t'
t wathr to ohheg mot odd a little ivy. angi'en ete
gt2i 4'1" 14>41 brhd-le for ftiont - 'A' a" e'vle Una
taeate litin).tes„ or indil tee (mime(48H 14 tLt°11 k4k1 14'41 1".eac'1`°tI
a: it:t41:41:1„:0144"1:14:g;,:h8141:401:1,4: IC: :41 4:i et! :II (4)4jwo .t.4.1„441'10ile..41,
- Me e ear's otinieire AP, Be
,,./Aocournis of buttve. twit. niix 0,„,81 W05 Isroinilsly in *Le hal ter port of
:rerve. SenFon t4/ t &LSW. •
h t14411i ik Tait A.-The:h. (Linty bits. /,"11,,t 114' It!''Ple 1"."" ,that' „wil(or ,11
t,4. 1111!„11,8_ i";if.f.tit‘t% ‘10;e11I5414).11'101():(111:-Iett;:-.1.12'.1.111:11-3o4.1
' what the Pitt tier t Ills text
" goof a cuf fu ,
tc.reer.iiI3./.10ohteel:;.5.11`. u,:,/,4rth"11,5,t8
▪ nyzii 4)onfni of sw„hast shig the tho telei iita :wee 1 lie 1 hitegs et:eventing
e:111te of an egg. 1").* ti e flame • tt. 0•. R4 4:1;
shgar, and salt, haft a, vitamini
vk and chip until tbe logt ter
toieed wills tile flaw:
Let add the wide": food eontieitte
,ehopplorg tatital voioetia /lough
j-giltiryprvilizIullaeckem 48.2,1 la 01,0,1: .1gt
qa;brits 81111 pefireee foul srealt
/.6 ,et ghsg wet], a on act throholl 81101 end
a8441 8*411,1,15118,1thio. F'4)141 1 gi;i101ntlenist c411:1114111 8reli ''...441et81111 Sa;1?-eriliy1.6seettsi
01:1 aave licoalg 11 t, pawl, .-11a.4.%.0 ion • to tlAs day. 11.0y wai.t, to to 44
iiklat.1;thiat. Illiv.iliet1.1t:!'ttti,t(:11;h!lt.,Ti:i;i:11! (0g8:1'14.:11..
:eel. roll it 110Vl El to the thi..lohnhs of 1.11V "5"Y" "S144'11' """) 841' st"°"t;'
t nines, propheee de••,,eits. eause ti.e
:beled:;" hie‘a's large. pattv;.:11"1:* 4100 1" "'"'' 1.818111
O 1 II el. or bieeiiii cot ter. nitit fore t 141. ‘hh„ 1 th 11). ,looying
glant, 1118 elif rt -114,1',81 ont of the. true *hive ahem deeita (melee ee
• ii
holy enthusittem teed dry their
limas, wet oith penitesit. tears, and
hielden again their hearts in sin ?
1,3 4 -.8.4.481 jai for Inge :Ovid mil lib.. thh will 4-4. 0081 ultdvf,. yon read hie 1 reepeetuble ft heels, who :ewer 8411*. dOle MOO iiknate
N° tu'a "avert hb""la avrc be gal!" holy ecord? In Isaiah he distinelly ifeeted tl,e source (g his wealth. AM/Milli-4 the wort-. dreeee
.4 ens.* ittg •ilur iiirion 1 lio Leapt -sty thoughts are not, your Ilin captore watt Wrote:eta :shout by l'sit eosleg Vey ,;(4,nr way ot
'fl"t %ir 'its" (11r1A. 4t3 P08400 (h. %11011411t8. neither are your ways my uho'Llental ilrotrmion of fl Vett tlffillg the %54' 1811 g Inn -Calve. We
tio0 eNitIoler, VIO.heti tin titnin ways," Ar,-, you and I ming t find prom hie coat pealed, while he linVe 8.187:i8: .5 thought We 1104 144 18,..t"e
ehpecting to litel soring of -perm.- .aut: studyiutr IN scriptures witat car" harthdelitg With a Mr merehaet, the 8... .4.......4.. 011 ill 01431T 4/14C,VIGrfit::1`,
front other sioringti. .0 Win% NVIV 1/0 oar 11805 with his we? Are Ny01%011104\ anti “Sollatuom 11." was are tilinaS flelen (lees woe:
cOule to a conseCreted Eat' t Wg to find out what fs the 410,11. t es: ed lied bound. lithe it dangerous !adore size helps an;y. Men le: the
er, richer moaning of the Saviour's' wild i'"24- thne ehe is ready to help. It- eshe
At the preliminary exandration he up end (Toss, and the other children
Ina ..0111h,'' which, WO lel 4rall Tent
are God's thoughts and to harmon.h'The latter Isolated him out to a Ile- fore W4? 81.0618, :OW
vice idled with Chrietian PooPle
7.1444Itl expect to find there 0 elrh
Whhtng, differonit from all other
bithsings. It. Is hard wort; tor ,
live mot to iteep =um mid to 8'0-
1 8- live coal outside of the
lotto it is hord work for warm
name? Aro we seei.ing to under- ,col,tim.,:,i41 to n _
long set ies of roliter- 'Filen: to have a hundred wanth, find a;
stand what is the Utitinit411 ttt the ITolyi leg th,. praetase 44 ithesi le. agieeiee rit tivoior 1,444,-t, for let fill„,: into 301,..,,
thiegn of tide world isi going to it _
t ig, the poor and the outeutt. 110 nt the tele:, and it is: terribly lett
enni°14.14 t l'e "111119 (1r 14411 w'' denitql any xlittrtiet.s. ittrae%er', twine:, guitw in hot vs eftt in.r„''
hearted, loving Christian to remain l':"Ing 'around (8 8-8 after daY sioging a eh penitence, and, hal ittlat 1,S Ids 118-,, "y0f:, fro:eei th win -wed Mrs, 81„.1:
a spiritual "live coal" unless he tone "4 118 (...8. Sil.... Sit,T ky Mg. .1.01119. tN,iefr 118 esphtte las Inimkelit; ja the, ..1.118 Flint xon made e mi.totie ay
t.tampily lives in atm, eittigst gith will_ save! atieee will save! kin. .1 , prayerful Fedialon Of a Illontustery. Ann ling* , ,
yonr lion-, in ,Jruer linn
other loving Christians. It is by , hut 00 haPPY,, Jesus will 814\01" when •
+ By the time your eves:deg in OW, 1
the nominingling of prayers that the 1:01110 of lis merely look upon the s :III at biNes and '4_`‘ MIS 01141 1, Al
hest prayer is produce 1 It le by name of defies as an anielet, heeanie,
-the commingling of tt•stimirdes that we au nut lillOW tlP (*ere who Jest's i /II 11TA1N'S WAD, FLEET. ItirsIett:Itel.,tcaftirif,..a.t.er (fart of it. to pot 1
the hest testimony springs (rota our (ir tahe the trovide to refill the 'me ei•tritul V11.1 tiP OIL 1 181i,tiii"F, War , 7, ti, , ,., x
lips. It is by "the foolishness" of words which lie hag spolcen for us? fleet has been enormously helm:tea : ' ..e. ...e see, eirs. Litt':." (Ib (TV"
cd Abs. Mate, "did you ever :top
preat•IiIng that shinerS n1'0 saved. Are We going to look upon the closed LI,' ream* additions -hot lett Cly ha" , to think how notch wanogentent ha
Vet; ! and also by the foolishness of lids of the Iiihk, in a superstitious tlie nionlitir of ships built. but by the , . .. .. • '
% •eaehleg that they are brought
xivo :..roh 4-1, .1%-i. Just *1 e St8Vne
tk:tt 11444 8841 oNiuto.,1111 ion 0170
1.4 e aq4 84?;0411 a It.QP.
874,8 otViinl.18,14 Iftt IN! Ser11,"
1Kt: 844% ftgli404'itg OUP litig5!..Arl
St)irlt "41 h'AV "I° With the Weal." to .111180 111448811,1641 largely In Sidecota Frieitiently ihilen 111 all day
. , of dte e et there are people
' f
,Pi"rev. (lay eji tte spears of this mat( kill 443' he Wtrnian &:1, 1
intete and r.dt 'very 811111 ;138 114111%0 A83^4,,, :„8,1, 178 is sot eta
out with tie, lave:. en() ee se many cee setrile tft: 1.10 4. of t roe know-
after S
ttle Liver Pills.
Winst litookr SIgniettiro of
ce Fee -Simile WroPPor Sam,
Irak orerece FOR NA04004
lunnl DIUDIESSi,
mu ft VLieLISRESS.
Are a, True Ilea
Nerve Shade:ad litleo4 Enricher. They 14
on and renew ell tie:worn out Kee WA
%1$5101$131 illobolyoatnI1 stile«e perfect tem!
*ad vigor to Vie entire system.
NorYonsness.Siceplessness.Nervens Pres..
tr t1 1 F L 11
Eliegk oflt: (littpe.41Zirailata, ‘41;kAtia
Dizzy .7.5pcils.Loss of flee:cry, Palpitation if
ehe qa.a•tt I.oes Energy, ehertnese of
arc -411.0i., can ell be Cilren by tieing
Milburn's 'feast a.nel Nerve Pills.
Price 45c. boz orator SUS. All demises ea
T. edneaues tee. lesuern, Toronto, Os%
paeres 00 I lave are o paste, , 1.
Nt(1141tCh rhyps Mt the. hrfateh eVell ail011N7 1814' 14 W434
/1v11,Ct? 1,414!1:11.1k (1111.I.4e1 Is'1.1.4fepe:10118:1.0 211* 5 it-1•111)k)aw`447.'l'ae 1":1*.ft :1'li"ttra '111)*?.." '11;
for twent:' initalteh. and on removiog Wher "id're "'" "kW l'evaPtit'a 1).rmsgploopssi, Boils,
t IN0,..11711ii 111 58 It* rewneer$ It 84 t' tiri-t t :the": to hir of
43 nrw•erve,, z. err in!.; time 1.108 ('1' %Le '74411"S 1 11°1 811.0 '1.1 0437a 1 Headaches,
4 i, 12; 1 Julio V, 121. m
Ite Lord draw; by His Yogi! deiiv-
Loss of Appetit",
Salt Rheum,
, a ,. t 4
WaY• *5 did the peasants of Europe ' great growth 118 the eV" Of indiVi"i *
nearer week by, week to the Pet Km- during the dark ages, as though thee a"ai "hi.rm ransal "ant 81110" iner '1*"4‘iS8.1111tV, Ali"..i. 111%AM 18 a good euuse
in ewe, speed, awl somag eamigie ,tration. She 110801' has any sy: be
itY. Taking the Ccuzihn t Ant :411115 Of : et:))3nesterto will,;("nainiLta,,neS/Z.:,Itue„lie, I
the Ilt•itieh Na,vy, their total drat
costs have repreeented about the fol- ile(1"l's„,","le'1,1 el,ittg,11 tnil. init her w''ri
lowing at the reepective periods : ' - -.2-2 ---?' IrSenneiiiiies eta
: doesn't wayb, a tIblt during the day
higher figure; 1878, about Illi mil- ,riiihiren are in tea. 3 don't thiiit
t° 1 8 311111'4ms' 18611' a sank/v.11'11' table and leaves them mail after th
lions; 1887, 37 millionS: 1t102, uhola anyone nmeee anything hy leaving
1 00 millions. Guns; and ammuni- their aisles. Ttry_eo
tion are not included. 'The lalue of ; „x0
the French national fleet in 1870 I nor 1 either," ietterruptet
evils put at 18? millions sterile too ", Airs. Little. "It WOUld make me so
in 1898 at. .1'7es millioes-a. great he- nervous I would feel lihe flyilig."
crease, but a slower rate of growth "I wish all houeekeepers woult
ality of Jesus Cluiet,
Public worship is absolutely eseen-
ilia for the spiritual life of the au-
Ortlge 811011. SOIIIC years ego a, coun-
try boy WaS riding in the rat'S to-
ward Philadelphia. lu the %hit sit-
ting next to him was an old man.
After a long conversation, in which
the young man told his Seat mate
that he was going to Philadelphia to
find work, the aged man asked Idle
lot his letters. "Oh, yes," said the
e Dung fellow, "here is one from my
old employer. Here is one from
niy schoolteacher. Here is one from
ploolicittn." "Is that all ? Irmo°
you not ono from your minister ?"
aeked his seat mate. "Yes, have
that also." ''Well, my young
friend," said the old man, "I would
advise you to present that letter to
sonic church at once. I eel an old
vece captain, and I have found out. by
bitter experience that it is safer
when in harbor to tie my ship up to
a wharf than to anchor •1t out in
midstream, to be floated around in
the tides-- By bitter experience 1
geeleaye..ale6 found out that, no yoeng
Christi.att is safe unless he is bound
up in Christian fellowship with other
Christians in Sunday services and in
- the week night prayer meeting,s."
The old sea captain's experience has
been mine. I never saw in my life
a churele member go astray unless
you could first trace his spiritual de-
generacy in gdowing absepce from
the prayer 1:teethes ancl Sunday ser-
vices. 18 you want to keep close to
God you must keep close to his
praying dieciples. Never neglect, un-
less compelled, a church‘service. For
your spiritual welfare especially,
never•neglect your week night prayer
It is necessary for true spiritual
life to pray in public. Oh, yes ! But
it is just as necessary to pray in
private. "'The Lord thy God is a,
jealous God." That means in one
sense that there are times when Cod
wants us to be alone with him,
"'dasloaie as Christ was alone with the
I-leave:11y Father when Jesus again
and again went off alone to pray.
He wants us to be alone with. him in
holy fellowship, as scene of us have
°Rea been alone with our mothers.
Messed aucl tender were those hours
of sweet communion with our moth-
ers wh have now gone beyond. After
the rest of tee family were all in
bed we used to sit up toway'd mid-
night, telling her what we Nvaliterl
to do and asking her it she thooght
it was best for us to do it. So God
the Heavenly Fa,thcr wants vs at
times to come to him 'when we are
alOee. 1 Le want8 us to tell him. all
our plans. George Whitefield would
never accept any Invitation to
anythilig of any import unlece he
had first talked it over with his
were something they lutil no right
to touch? Shall we POotinne to 118,
as ignorant of God's word as that?
Or are you going to look upon the
Holy Scriptures us a, (11V1110 letter
written by the Heavenly Father to
his children, which letter ought to
be steidieil and its com-
mands to be strictly followed out?
"But," some new convert says, "If
the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures
is essential to a truly developed spir-
itual character then I am not a true
Christian. I practically. know no-
thing about the word of God except
that 'God so loved the world that
this Wall trout the toil thing
NEROSENE, IN W4841ILNo. 45414.1
Lim, and the man was whole. \men .
'Ut 'ill ft lell` id soap in a dish and 4peopIe talk and act litze 0,01 let Erysipelas,
it en the store. \then melted us remealber 18444* Jesus still lives'.
'put in four be:eve:oils hero:lone oil. land lie is abh4 anti williog to cast
O l‘et 11110 got hot, mid Pour into one--; out the evil spirit and gise instead
' half a tubful of water. Put the' His Own Spirit. If We trusted him
'MAW 'elOilleS thiS let them 'more fully in these Unzip how His
41 shah ores the luorldiget ftime would sfineol ,abroad! It had
zstea will find that the t•lothes„ with been a strange neweing time syna,-
• very h'w etterlloas, Sot "e011 gogtie at leipernautu, for such
hlt 18(1 • any rubbing ut all. Simply boil„ ts,mt htg 1„,v,„r tra„spir„d there
18 1 11' 1 0 nallitnIn sterling; 1141°' 17 but stachs them on the
o da" ana g ""t• Ther° Y"ur tore. The power of God luul been .
t washing is done, e'our back is not seen. for *J.,sus w4s ued manifest in
broken, end your knurdclee not raw
the flesh. As Sinion, Andrew, James
and the clothes look lust as ut 11 es
4„e•• era te and John walked from. the synagogue
1 iry 118-818 08404) and yoii ll; 8,8,111‘",,13;,:i.,",,7, to Simon's home what limy have been
their musings? l'ossiblv the healing
and blees US.
of the demoniac :nay have led them
to tell Ilini quickly of the sick one in
than that of the Royal Navy. mahe their heads save their hands
and feet more." contiuned Mrs.
Blake. "When l'm zit work, I am
continually *limning how I can get
through the hest a.nd quickest way.
hfolit good housekeepers do a great
deal of unnecessnry work, seal as
ironing their dish wipers and their
stockiegs perfectly smooth -useless
waste of tune I I like to see a neat
house as well as anyone, and if I
had to neglect one, I had rather
have my closets and the cornet's of
onr room clean than the center,
where it shows the. most. I don't
care how much housework a. woman
has to do, if she piens her work,
she can gel some time for ber own
recreation. How many books have
you read this year, Mrs. Little ?"
"None this year, but it is not very
far gone," • returned Mrs. Little.
"However, mean to get more thne
than. I did la.st year."
"Well," returned Mrs. Blake, "I've
read three books, and my monthly
magazines, besides studying up a lit-
tle in algebra so that I could help
stister Geneveive. I usually try to
have a book or paper handy so that
can read when I am holding the
baby. My *dear friend, let use ad-
vise you to try the management
theory. Be sure to plim some time
he gale his only begotten Son that WITH .11)1ILVTAIRY HONORS.
whosoever believeth on him Should
not perish, but have everlasting life.' .ancether Climelan hero has been
That is all I know. Cannot I now 410241 to rest at Warrington, England
accept Christ as 1113r Saviour?" Oh,
yes, my brother, you can. -You are
now a, Christian, if you ((sat to be.
If you accept and truly believe that
one, verse just quoted, you are as
much a Christian as a •little fledge-
ling just' hatched out of au egg is
a bird. If you accept truly with
your whole heart that profound
truth and should die to -night, he who
promised salvation to every soul who
believes ancl trusts him would take
your soul into his safe keeping. But
if you live you should grow and de-
velop. You are saved that 3100 211883?
serve him as an example and as a
soul winner, and this :you can never
do unless you learn to know him and
his tea,cbing through the study of
his word. Remember you are now
a Christian only as the bird just
hatched oot of the egg is a bird.
You are a epiritual fledgeling; you
must eat spiriteal food. That spiri-
tual food is to be found in the Word
of God, as the breath for your spiri-
tual lungs is to be found in the at-
mosphere of prayer.
Every man's home to a certain ex-
tent is his 007/1 castle. He can lift
what standaids he pleases over his
own fireside. Ile cien emphatically
say, as clicl God's servant of old,
"Let others do as 11103? will, but as
for me and my house we shall serve
the Lord." Or he can open his own
home to shelter and entertain evil
tereptatiens of all sorts. But let
no man think if he surrenders his
house to evil practices and yields
hineelf aed his home to the seduc-
tions of the world that he can at the -
same time live a spirituel fife, nor
can he expect that, those around him,
wbe are bound to him by ties of
blood and love, will lead spiritual
I -Te must, if he would live
right, not only consecrate his own
life ee-ery morning to God, but in -
the preeence of his chlIch•en he must
offer a petition to God -for then: to
coneecrate their lives to Clu•ist, also.
In the person, of Sergeant John Nix-
on 13011d. Followin,4 tee footsteps of
his father and grandfather, who
fought at Waterloo and (in the Penin-
sular war respectively, he enlisted,
and at fourteen years of age served
in the teenches at Sebastopol as
bugler of the 198,11. Light Infantry.
Transferring to the Liverpool Regi -
Mont, he went through the Indian
Mutiey and Bermuda war, and after
completing 42 year's service retired
on a pension ten years ago. Al -
'though it is unusual for pensioned
veterane to be buried with military
honors, special permission was
granted in his case.
Probably the youngest general in
the world is a nephew of the late
Shah of Peeeitt, a boy not yet four-
teen years old. He holds the rank
of full general in the Persian
Simon's home.
The following- siMple remedy for As soon as Ile took the sick one by
an ordinary cold rarely fails of giv-ithe hand, the fever was gone, and 1
ing relief if taken ite the start. Tha ' she was able to rise and Minister to
prescription was given us a number them. This is not the way that fev-
of Years ago by a wans1"10"1" i'hYSI'-'er patients generally. recover, but
cian, who had used it. in hie practice such recoveries are all easy to Him
with much success. In a tumbler who made us: Demons cannot abide
P01 a. teaspoon ginger, the sameee. . 1.
- T • - . Be
amount of creametartar and three
rs life andhealth and light and
teaspoons sugar. Fill the
strength, and nothing to the con -
three -fourths full of water, stir until
l'trary can aleide in His presence. Soon
all the ingredients are well mixed,
121tfame of Hlin and His wonderful
then drink just before retiring.
ad's aPretta through the city, and
most eases the cold will .diseppear ' "c
by morning,
Bloke: "When you' said that you'd
blow your brains out if she didn't
accept you, what did she say ?"
Bird : "She said 'Impossible I' I
don't know lust what she meant, but
someliow 1 didn't like the sound of
Are a combination of the activo principles of
the most valuable vegetable zemedies for die.
eases anddisorclers of the Liver, Stomach and
Sioft Headache, Jaundice, Heart-
burn, Catarrh of the Stomach, Eliza -
nese, BR:itches and Plroples,
Dyspepsia, Sour Stomaitb, Wator
Drasin, LIvee Complaint, Sallow on
muddy Conaplexion.
Iand pelsonene matter fromEitx:iystepri.
Sweeten the breath and clear aWay all l'raste
or Tay To kilrosetuf ted, 'gehapt°,
Price 2,5e, o bottle or 5 tor- 1.0a All dealers
at even when the sun was setting, the
Sabbath day being then passed, all
the sick :an(1 demon possessed within
,reach were to be found at Simon's
door. He cast out nea.ny demons with
hTlis word and laid His hands on
every one who wes sick and healed
them Luke iv., de. 41). We do not
read that they had lath to be heal-
ed, though their faith 'may possibly
be seen in the face of their being
there. We do see two great realities
--on their part a great and felt need
and on His part a great and over-
flowing fulluaes. Where the need is
really felt and such come to 7 -lint in
faith Tlis fullness will be surely seen.
What a busy Sabbath clay! What
untold light and joy had come to
hearts arid homes whic0 only that
morning had been full of sorrow and
sighing! Free as the air and sun-
shine and showers of heaven had the
blessings come to all those hearts and
homes. There is a Sabbath coining
to this whole earth when there shall
be 110 more sickeess or pain or death
because this same Jesus of Nazareth
shalt then be King over all the
earth. Ring of kings and Lord of
lords (Rev, xxi,, 8, 4; :evil., 14; Ise.
xxxiii., 24; Zech. xiv. 9). After some
rest IIe is up a greet while before
day and ' always alone with 'His ra-
ther, for He lived be His Father
(verse 85; John vi., 57). Iris words
and works were all His Father's
(John xiv. 1.0),
Mrs. Triglanoi:e (at intelligence of -
5c) -'i want a good cook. Virst-
oings references, of coerse, -will be -
insisted upon."
"Aratron-"Of eoluese. I et me see
them, please."
and all troubles
arising from tb*
Stomach, Liver.
Bowels or Blood.
Mrs. A. Lc thanene,
of BallVull", Out.,
,.:417rItesszii.„1-4,‘Ile-to I
my gro.ve Ione ago -
had It not been for
Burdock Blood Bit.
tem. ZwasrundowA
to such an extent
that I could scarce-
ly move about .the •
house. I was sub,lecti
to mivero headaches,
backaches and dizzi-
ness; me- appetites
WAS 810110 and 1 was
unable to do my
housework. Aft er
using two bottles of
B. B. B. I found my
healthfully restored„,
I warmlyreconunend
it to an tired and
worn out women."
A Kidney Sufferer
Fourteen Years.
Could not Sit or Stand with Ease.
Consulted Pive Different Doctors. ,
id ey ills
Mr. Jacob jatnieson, Jamieson Bros.,
the well-known Contractors and Builders,
Welland, Ont., tells of how he was cured:
"For fourteen years I was afflicted with
kidney trouble which increased in severity
the last five years. My most serious attaek
was four years ago, when I was completely
incapacitated. 1 hed terrible pains aeross
my back, floating specks befere my eyes
and was in almost constant torment. 1
could not sit or stand vvith ease and was a
wreck in health, having no appetite and
lost Igreatly in I had taken medieine
from five different docters and also
numerous other preparations to no pur-
pose. I finally began to take Doaras
Kidney Pills and before I had taken five
boxes the trouble left one and 1 11007 feel
better than I have for twenty years. Those
who know me know how I was afflicted
and say it is almost impossible to believe
that 111118141 been cured, yet they know it
is so. I have passed the meridian of life
but I feel that I bave taken on (bo rosy
Inc of boyhood."
Price so cts per bor., re eee 1
dealers or
Tile DOAN ItiDNEY PiiL(70,