HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-2-4, Page 2TRE ern t 1 1,7c, Clieese-Ontario,LO; to lite; rnsidps, 10f, to 10ec, 'UNITED STATES MARKETS, ZEQWS PRO U THE IXADING TRADE CENTRES. O Cot tie, a-enteSa, ifdleese, Other .R.e.iry Produee t lienee and Abroad. oto. Feb. 2.-Wheat-Taere is St. Louis, Feb. 2.-W-heat-Gae1a 89;e; May. 841,c; July, 7See, Buffalo, Feb. 2. -]flour ---Steady. lizeet. Spring dull; No. le Northern, earloaals, 93Ic; Wititex', nothing do- ing. Corn-Blas,y; No. 2 yellow. re0ee. Oats-Steadv• No. 2 whitee OUR BUTT1 IN BRITAIN SMALLPDX AT TI -IB FALLS!' LABORS C°31/Xe" A' Socety Woman Contracts the Indications Peizit to Greater I lturoicx Tim ctuAa..., i LE. Disease. flux This Year. IS UNRELLAB Also Deteriorates Very quickly Af- ter It is Landed on the Other Side, Speaking aid the above subject be - 7 1tt1e Ontario wheat coming 41ae. Barley -Western, in store, 55 f°r° a. recent meetieg of Ontario out, and deliveries are leard to t tirte ityoehrgo. 2 to store. 00o dairymen. Mr, J. A. Ruddick, Chief wh Woke. No. 2 ite anti red Winter nuked. of the Dairy Division, Ottasva, gaNa E4 Tinted at Sic bigh freights, and Duluth. Feb. 2.-W1ieat--In store, some •advice, that will, if followed, Et S:I0 IOW freightee Ne4 SPriag No. 1 hard, STece No. 1 Northern, have ea excellenteffect upon the geode ataa4S at 7.C.0 east* anil NO" 2 fl'a°s° S6e; No, 2 Nortbern. 81.3ec; on track, ,ity of the butter exported from Can- a ▪ Manitoba. eleciat steatiee At i; :CNo, 1 hard. seie; No. e. Neetheen, ado,. Ile said al part:- nVery pro-' mpeer tette ports NO. 1 .°131.Wrn s(le; No. 2 Northerit, Stler; leley. Ler questions for butter raanufactur- quoted at 91e, mei NO. 2 Northern ,a7.4e; Jos, 864,s. 'ers to ask would be, How does our 8ete, NO, .1 Earailf"%1 ,9ae Ani,v4utse,. Feb, butter suit the 13ritish trade? What porte, For grinilin in traneit quotations aro 4h, hioler than stove, (ly; No. 1 Ninthein, S9 to ;Wee; Z‘dci. . ore its defecte, if ails, and how only , 3 do. 83 to 87c;May. -89,1c. lave- ,they he remedied? In answer to the Oatee-The fludde:A1. .`oiet. w4to raw;No„ 1, Ole to 62c. Barfive- ;fest question I would say• that our prices unchanged. No. 2 'Mate Thft; - 6. e u - r;same/ e, no to 61e. 'eery 11.1eSt butter gives excellent sat - quoted at, 29,e'd. Iwtah 'and L%I. ") eeene-stea4. :so. 8, 42 to 4e; ! /election ana it is doubtfal if there is 3tdec freighes. No. 1. white . avec. :any Letter butter on the market. The . azioteet3 e▪ t 32e even mei No. 2, at ds. to 4:ea east. Barley -Tine rearfeet is genet, with the pricee steady. No. 2 'voted at. 44cikle ireiglos; to. 3 extra at 42e. rind No. 3 at 41e middle Fre4ite. Peese-The n eteann. with , eztst. No. 2 qnoted at '111'14 at. 62ne Tore,:t 2._,..aate the fe,,,r eat- a erice equal only to the Vallie 01 Coeze-The ararien, le quiet, 0.01 ; 0. enter beware nee uskim high the floor lot. In this way much of r`laale"..tgc't ;1' arharhhtu „Priv enrci "„n soole iiieneleva ceir butter does not eteeese, the i 7,VC4a115; quoteti et tow Prt trech, Tor- t itttu,Lers,,MOSilint: it deserves. The but - onto. alai No. 3 Veined at 50 to In oat cesre tele' they esn afford to r that is of known quality ane Zoete, taireati core, 4Iee. on wait,s th re is uo emit deneved in 'that (hut alwaYs be deaended on to ; troch, Tomato. oral 37 to Itele weet- tee lead mareet es to warzant the :helm.. up to a eertnin etandard will etd.e.....Tee =alert is firm, with No. nayieg of :each priars. inenneapcois. Feb. 2. -Wheat -May. trout'k. is that the quality is irregu-4 efili to $83e: JULY. S7 to Sehic: Se- 1n. lacks uniformity, or in other. teneier, 76er; on emelt. No. 1 hard. words, it is eareliable. A dealer may 004te NO- 1 Northene, Men No. 2 get one lot in excellent condition and Northein, 861.‘c; No. 3 do.. 81 to :of choice cpiality, but the next one 85e. ifie buss is not up to his expeetations. P so that when he is offered Canadian: TTI.P. MARKUPS. butter again, he is inclined to give A Niagara. Falls, Ont., clesPateh Says: Seem constetuatton has been Causel by the announcenteut Thursday morning that Mrs, Isabel Thornley, a young bride mid leading seethe favaeete, wife of Julian Thorn- ley, a. civil engineer here. was ill with a. fully developed case o sum - pox. On Monday evenieg last a uurnber of people attended a card, party at which Airs. Thornley, then in the early stages of the disease, was present. She also attended o. dancing assenibly held in the City Hall about ten days ago, when, ac- cording to physicians, she had al - reedy contracted the complaint. Near- ly all the prominent men in the city ' danced with the lady. Every precaution bas been taken to prevent the further spread of the dis- ease. Dr. J. H. McGarry, the local health physician, has quarantined the Thornleys and has communicated with Dr. Bryce, Provincial Health Officer, in regard to quarantining all those who were exposed. LAWLOR KILLED HIMSELF First Wounded His Wife and Sis- ter -ill -Law. • A Toronto despateh saym After :sheeting his wife Edith, and his sister-in-law. Mary .1 kt1:0 neannes Lawlor, a, professional golf coach, put a bullet through bis brain on Iredneseay night at 71 Niegara street, where his wife, who bad Dot lived with him for some months. had ber home with her mother, Mrs. Mary Peer, Three shots were fired.. The firstwas at Mrs. Lawlor. but her sis- ter intercepted it, and the bullet Padgett through the latter's band. Tho P‘cond shot graeed Mrs. Lawlor's - forehead, just above the right eye. The third ended the career of the • Those in the house, in addition to the two women and Lawlor, were Jr*. Lawlor's mother,. 'Mrs, Peer. her son, Perey Peea aged 15, and his voting sisters. Luce and Edna. Perey admitted Lawlor at the street door about 7 o'clotic, and he at one, reehed through to the kitchen, exelainting that he wanted to see his wife and his mother-in-law. His wife had in the afternoon refused his re- eptest to go back and live with him. SHIPPED WIFE AS BAGGAGE In Danger of Freezing Node 33er Presence Known. A Crookston, Minn.*deepatch says: -ro SaVO radroael fare from Men- tor, Allure, to Batten, N.D., a wom- an was bundled into a box to he •ohillaed as baggage on the the:et purchaetel by her husband. Unfor- tunately, however, there wet; a de- lay of two hours, diming which the box a ith tho human freieldt, lay on the pinifoint in the bitter cold. The woman um plucky and deter- enieed and stood the uncomfortable situation as long as possible. At last, hi danger of death by freezing slie made her preeence known. She was relettend and the couple left tho station. A GENERAL INSURRECTION. Rising', of Tribes in Cermon South- west eeteica. A Berlin despatch says 1.--A news- paper aublii,lied in Gorman •South- west Afriea, Just received here, en- nounces that in consequence of the gathering of the Kara tribesmen in the Mlle, a senuiral insurrection has broken out among the Bondelzwarts tribesmen. Fifteen white men have entrenched themselves at Lutelerich- hucht, the most important Port of ehe colony, and there is 'danger -Mat the entire southern section will be devastated. ;1‘e more In demand than OSO Whieh i 2 quoted. at 5,1le east mad voot ' A lew et, eel iihippisig eattle were l may average as good, but which is itZte%WilCaE-Ti* iliojewt, Is Orin. ouetelit fOr tee hicid heater tattle at frequently of inferior grade us well as owe Amend good. . 0. , (aimed nt aza ea at, I ;theater a,aa a sLirs , of clevievet miaoly. Our butter i nee adedie freights. ,f ent a noete oteeneet lots oe 'also seid to deteriorate very quickly Fneee...,xatete, pvr epee, patents are . eloneer tattle sold to. SI t‘t ':;.iii.:25. 7 '''' w .;7' ircl. / ” ;after it is lateled on the other side, ;., ... ..•" i' ;" "'""'" ' -"'-4-4" - , ,l'a sh al and Letali merete le awl lima 1?4.11114- SO &tilers aro not ene T.(' b' eecte iiir exein a retrainee eau. vete oraeeete eteeno. Lewes ' cern acoel to trade in it. I want to rollion el epetdel heenatIs for cheeee. t.a „ea,. .0„tna ot stew t,„ $a, , emphasize, the importance of pleaSing; tie teak ItIfiAlt'd Lit ;75:1•ZO ano. to •$":1' ea eet ewes ot tal 73 to st. tonna 't be British inerehant. as well as the to bbis. Monitoha ficrer5 are thee. ' h ee,e, , ot $3,a0.1,0 ne. c:etonene The merchant in inclimel N•6 1 net te t "en ett eie te 'Ts I and :to hendle and push that particular le:ter out of which he stands tbe etretee, PaLeeea :$1-ene. *.0 naeo on hrieee nerlienged. : neer rt . h etey .„ . „t sto to *1 fe0 nest ell nee of nothing a prat:pt. treen. Toreteto. alinfeetnallean reatieje ca $104.740. 'N''' "rL 13m3 --t '" -00 4 23 CAUSE OP DETERIORATION. ' 1 0.W717., tit., -at 7 no neve. at taa,n Odle. exeort. heavy, . Now let et; s:o if w: c.inNieterealue • Oele Ininte bean is trioteei at Set- l i."'N't• ••• - - a, :1 VI 4 00 the (ems' of these dee cts %%lack cony - tee cola ehoras cit. 0.7. lalaritoea do '47;•414t • - - • a 0" • , aver , • •.) 1 IN es to we:vet fon one to tuo teem, in sacette ;18. ;led :dente at n,-,.:07, s"0 l'I•s. alut 11 tieweras .. ... .. 5 00 tante e pored loss in erne'. than some *fea, Le: -.0 n 125 oi our etentesitors review. 1 helieve 'Slone leap, 1,11144,i ' it Cat lo statel in a v4ry l'ew words. ' " ' l'Illibterele. 'ea. .... ._.. ..... 4 Oa It ie leeetieee the levier is not kept :tee ete o , . fe quiet. end:, Stove -era Pali to Seee eold erneeit at lite ere -emeries, is ea eiteele ' 10 $.ea rer ate, ., It -................2 7.0 8 12,1 eves el t o le,at enneveesarily in for the IN -S2 S7Fio74,. " itti Vila It s,, ,,,... ee, a 50 . chipping to Mentreal, and is not el- th e, wit a 1 el. ; vs tle to 1 ." e per lb. •.. eixiiest ..... .....,. 8 ilia 1:val oteeh el appIee, de, per Di, nri AR ng Tice -The a taird is lime., Pea ,4 wrs" cettli e. Beera-Treete ie dull. mei privee, vlo pirreed ... ... .. 4 25 : -, do neellittin ... ... . n no ;it1,21:15: th re ;1841 1,0101.0 I Plug Plete'd in tin' c'ee starage chanthers of the steam- , wa, 8 iroeen projarly when it arrives ' steatie. nine: hetes ere quoted at i do leans .. ... .... 2 75 .1 10 t $l.89 to oxit, En beshel. ; do rough .- ... ... 2 50 2 60 elope -Tee niernie is erulionged :it ' Field f.teck bulls. 26 to 32e, aeetweicar, ao coolity. ; ewt. ... ... ... ... 2 25 2 ro Veratere co butter at the creameries Iltiete --Tee marnet ie ;Arm at ll; !7.,filea tows ,.. ... -. 50 00 rte 00 441141 us deliveree to the refeigeretor to Tee per lie for bele, (tett et ! noes, 1 est .., ,,,. ,,,, a 12A euxs. relents tnat the lowest tem - $1.2.5 to $3 for comb. i do lieht ... ... .... 4- 873 perature he found was 83 degrees on 11.n.---3le: naddiet is dem. 1,111. re- 1 ea ay. eeport, ewt. 3 50 4 On two creations, mie lot being from ("fess oil:. nueterate. No. I tile- ta„auen ... .,,, e. ...„ 4 lei 5 110 the West Sheffurd Creamery and the athy quoted at 89 on traela 'Pooliao:1peeee 2 50 ti 00 other from the Compton Model Farm to, and niniell at 80.30 to ;7. I (aim. earn a. ... e 50 1 00 Grerunery. '1 he higher t. temperature letraw-T1e learket is quiet at S5; calves. .,o„h. ... 2 00 la 00 wile 61 degrees, unit the average of to $ee 5e rer tnn for ear lots 044i .............- Illftn lots was nearly •In degrees. Is treeh. , Petateeft -The marl' et is quiet, ' WONDERS OF RADIUM 2 g 1.13 to n4.00. liogs--The run was eery it Mr. F. A. Knowlton, travelling In- eireetor, who maile numeroue tests during the rust eetison of the tem - it any wonder that our butter lacks 'uniformity 9 'efie M. B. Longewav, . with the tee:eines fair. Cleave cars . who is refrigerator cer inspector at : - WO temtel at 75 to el0c tee' bate on. emitable ilssertiotas of a Itus- moaned, . examined 44efi cars and tree.4 i eve. 0.3111 iSt.!:..Vit4r tIttitliq at slate Seientist. . contents, SS tlItT WANV opened in latie per l'ag. Ile reports the A St. Petereaurg despateh says: aellelete! e'exille - Pi'vltv-P-Th(1 ilemasli Is tlir• undeirrof. Prince Tar:same:v. the Well- temperature of butter as varying . a - e '1 - a ' ' e - a 1 , 10e per Ile Terhee's ere quoted at • known see -mist,. lecturing recently lea from AG up to 53, and in a few can. . . . On the ulnae the Ifei, to 3 to per Ib. tool gtoeo ot p to AM.- the alert:try Aesociation, Made , as 'ugh at; 00- . refrigerator care prevented 111e tem - no, eome interisting sda.t.inhents in re - 100 eel* lb.e_ &des, at. 10e, per. . pei'eture from :dieing to any extent, , Tie pmu .ntoo ..0 oisettooleneo two • In fact iu testing anne boxes it '.vas Comet that the butter was colder at •cancer eeetients arbo had been tweed'. thietoetside than it, ens at the cell- o: mtilignant growths on the face by tee nee of reclean and eepiasood too ter of.the package, showing that the temperature 'Wag even being lowered. opinion that the problem of deter- . Tho refrigerator •ear :..erVike It.4 cap - ng the tax of children, which able of teeing improven, but it is better now than what the creamer - le& provide for themselves. To prove that it is possible for .meameries to maintain a lower temperature, I need only cmote the record made at the Sherbrooke Creamery from July 40th to 28th, when a thermograph placed in the refrigerator showed a temperature varying or 81 to per peer; fowls, to So per lb. '1'1 .• " 11T: u reeeipts eittee are all, while the tono rontinties etea- gard to the posseehties of radium. y. Stocks of creamery are email- Prof. Scheneck ha.d failed to solve, er. with demand good. '41-e quote : will shortly be eettled by tbe aid of -leineet 1 -Ib. rolls. 111 to Inc; chice larg,e rolle, 16e; se*leetted nein: tubs radium. The Prince added that he e Ge; secondery grade", roue end had Prevented the development of tube. 13 to 15e; creamery prints, ee. Iledropholea in dogs, inoculated with to 21th solids, 18. to 1910rabies elms, by using radium. When Eggs-Maid:et quiet at unclianged lara" miantities of radium were prices. We quote o -Strictly new laid available. the Prince contended the 33 to 35e; selects, 28 to 29e; cold whole se-st011t of modern warfare storage, 26 to 27e, as to quality; woold be revolutionized, as powder limed, 21 to 25e. magaxines, whether in forts or i Cheese Themarket rules steady. the holds of vessels, would he at the We quote :-Finest September"- 11 mercy of radium rays, which could to 111o; f:econds, 10c. explode them at long distances. ------4---. INCREASE IN INDUSTRIES. HOG PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs are unchanged, with •teterhaes limited. Car lots sold at -$6 to 56.25 delivered here. Cured meats are steady, with a fair de-, mend. We quote : Bacon, long teem - s:4, to 82e in ton and case lots. Mess Pork, $16; 'do. short cut. 518. Smoked meats -Hams, light to medium, 121, to 113e; no. heavy, Census Returns Shows 1,000 More Than Ten Years Ago. An Ottawa despateh says: The Census I3ureau has Just issued the bulletin giving the statistics of man- ufacturing industries in Canada, as ascertained by tho census or 1901. 11e, -to 12e; rolls, 100; shoulders, The statistics apply to establish - gee; backs, 13 to 113er; brealdast merits employing five workers or bacon, .13t . over, and show that in 1891 there Lard -The market is quiet with were 13,679 establishments, with an prices unchanged. We quote a- annual output of $363,156,797. In 1901 there were 14,050 establish - with an output in the census year of $4181,053,1375. The largest increase is in the value of the output of butter and cheese, which was $10,697,879 in 1891, and $29,462,402 in 1001. The value of log products increased front $46,749,- 996 to 850,80,084; wood pulp, from 51,053,842 to 54,246,781. ABOLITION OF SALOONS. Manitoba Will :Refuse to errant Saloon Licenses. A Winnipee despatch says: Atter- Tierces, Se; tube, 81c; pails, Sec; compound, 7e. to 7ec. 13USTNESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Feb. 2. -The local mar- kets are fairly active aud steady. Grain -Peas, 71* to 72e in store here; rye, 53c east, 58e here; No. 2 oats, 37 to 37ec in store; No.. 3, 86 to 861c. Flour -Manitoba pa - tante, $4.75; seconds, $4.45; strong hakes', 58.8'5; one firm quotes 25e higher; Ontario straight rollers, $3.50 to $4; in' bags, $1,85 th $1,90; patents, $4.25; extra 51.65 to $1.70; ,rolled oats, $2.17e per bag. $4.75 par bbl, Feed -Ontario bran, en bulk, $1 ; shorts, $20; ney-Ceneral Cartipeell at Wednesday Alatitoba bran, in bags, $18; shorte, e0Beans-Oboice era -nee, $1.55 to night's session of the Legislature out- $. *1.60 per bushel; 81.50 to $1.55 in car lots, Provisions -Heavy Cana- aian short cut porke $18 to $18.50; light short cut, $17.50 to 518; Ame eriean fat beaks, $18 to $1.3.50; o nep tin d 14ird, 13e; Canadian ler:d, 8e, to 9c; kettle rendered, 10ec; barne, .tie, to 18c, bacon, 14e; fresh killed nhatLoIr hogs, 87,75; country hoge, $6.75 to $7; Jive hogs, 50. Viggo -Candled selected, 306; ereal limed, 25c; Western Bleed, \Lo 28c; iePigeratoi late Fall \r 23 (o talc; Senimer stook, 20 P. Buttela-leneteen, 19 to 210; tee' to etlelile; Weetern. claire 16c; Weetern rolls, lel to lined the proposed changes in the li- quor law of Manitoba, erlie main planks of the Government platform are: - 1. A good license hew properly en- forced. 2, Total alealition of all saloon li- censes. 3. Abolition of wholesale licenses in rural municipalities, eStringeet leg slat io With interdicts, 5. 'barer° vemeiat of con cation of bona fide hotels, 6. Elimination of undesirables as li- cense,getilVrs,. Th we will be -no ehaegeen Itete's. dealing FROM 32 TO 36 DEGIIEF.S. Now I think I have said enough to show 'why o'er butter is irregular in quality, and why some of it 'deter- iorates rapidly after reaching the other side. After butter is packed bowes the length of linie it will keep 'depends almost wholly on the temperature at which it is lield. The age of butter is more properly calculated according to the tempera- ture at which it has been stored than from the date on which it was made. Butter whichwould -turn out well after several months stor- age at 10 degrees or under, might become quite stale anil rained in a few weeks at 10 to 50. Butter may be held at the creamery at these high temperatures for a weele or so without slimming much deteriora- tion, nevertheless the fermentations which produce bad flavore, rancidity, etc., have been doing their work and shortening tho life of the butter. These fermentations may be checked when the butter is placed in cold storage at Montreal or on the steamer, only to start up again with renewed vigor wheit the batter is exposed to high' temperatures on the other side. Let every creamery owner give this matter Iris earnest attention during the coming season, If be fin'ds that with proper management the tempera Lure of his refrigerator. can- not 'be kept down to 86 or 38 de - woes, oe lower, the insulation ehofflel he improe-ea entil it can TEN SUBMARINE BELLS. Pt-irchaeed, and Will be Located on Atlantic and Gulf. An Ottawa deseatele sin s .ker. eef ontai n e r nee d tun submariee beds, whieh will cost $2,000 cacti. It will take about 5.500 annually. to keep „cede of these bells in order. The belle will be lo- cated oe the Atlantic eeaeoast and f,I1Q tele f„ Thoy are nob'nand for the St. Lawreuce River. Tbe bolls WIll be p1ici1 in position early fleet seaeon. NO ARITBIVIE'rIC NEEDED. Meter Hands Out Cards Telling How Mach. You Owe. A. Berlin, Germany, despatch says: A patent has been taken out here for a combination meter calculating ma- chine and automatic press, which, it is predicted will render disputed be- tween the consemers of gas, water and electricity and the companies or municiealities supplyieg them quite unnecessary and perhaps impossible. By the use of this machine a consum- er can ascertain the amount of his bill at any thee, for by simply turn- ing a lever he receives a card upon which is printed the amount he owes,. DYNAMITE PLOT, ' Alleged Attempt do Blow 'Up the Xing of apaan, A ;despatch from 'London says :- The Madrid correspondent of the Daily Mail says that 'clueing a recep- tioa at the palace last Saturday in honor of King Alfonso's saint's day a dynamite plot was nearly success- ful. The police noticed two neespic- ious looking men seated on a bench near one of the entrances, The men, realizing that t)aey were watched, left the bench, leaving a parcel be- neath ie. Tins parcel proved to be a soldered tin box„ with a smolder- ing "wick aetached. It VMS exanained at a laboratory, and found to con- tain a quantito of dynamite, gun- powder, broken glass and bullele. If it had eaploded there would have been many victims, tlie palace being croevded. There is no clue to the two men, but they are believed to be eenercnists. BIG ORDER FOR RAILS, C. P. R. 'Places 40,000 Tons With Pennsylvania Co. ' "despatch from Montreal , says :---- The Canadian. Pacific Railway. Com- pany has ortlerea 10,000 tons 91 steel rails h-oin the Pennsylvania Steel Company., through 1). P. Clougalin, of Montreal, to be deliv- ered next summer! • *A despatch from Toronto says Thera is is overy prospeat that Ontario Will see a Mach larger theme of farm laborers from langlanel titan last year, Mr. Thomas Soutenvortle Dir- ' of the Cobonization Bureau, said on Wednesday that the anneals so far were more nemerous than last season. Last weds 90 men cattle, coal ailvices hove beep, received of 50 or 60 expected this week The pi•oportion, of farm laborers and mea who twilit to work on farms out of the whole number of immigrants is larger than last year, The tie- partment baetsoveral moans- of reach- ing the desired class in the Britieh 'Isles now. More farmers then ever are applying for men to work the whole year round, and more are pro- viding cottages, in which hired help who are maieiell may live. Wages will be fully as high as last year, and Mr. Southworth is desirous that applieatioes be sent in as early as possible, SIPPING BETTER APPLES. Exporters Place Better on British Market. A despatch from Ottowa says :- Reporting to the Department of TIOKS BON THE WM. HAPPENINGS latox ALL OVER THE GLOBE, Telegraphie Briefs lrtrorn. Our Own and Other Countries a Recent Evente. CANADA. George A: Tbomasoa is the presi- dent of the Montreal Oorn Exchange. M. 00Q 0. Creelmau has been ap- pointed head of tho Agricultural Writs have been issued for four Parliamentary bye -elections in Quebec, to be held on Feb. 16. The receipts of the Hamilton Y. W. C. A. deirieg the year were $2,- 120.50 and the disbursements 52, 110,99. Out of 65,583 electors in Montreal, 21,422 cannot vote. The chief cause of disqualification JS pon-payrnent of water taxes. Phe Wallace biock, at Dnupm, Man., was destroyed by fire, on Sun- day, and the lire engine house was burned whilo the brigade were out at the th•st fire. GREAT BRITAIN. It is reported that the royal visit to Ireland has been fixed far April 45. Su* John Anderson has been Toot% and comment) trout Lootte,“pointed Governor of the Alalay Mr. John ll, Jaelceon, Canadian "'tut". agent at that port, commentsuponi The eaterteellor of the British Ex - the improved quality anti pecking of chequer said, there was no chance of it Canadian apples placed on the Nng. reduction of the taxes. lisli market. lie Fa,ys they are u. It is reported that the British free good sample of the best. Canadian trade party will be recognized under epples, end probably better 811 round the leadership of the Duke of Devon - than aro offered for vale in Canaeian shire and Lard Itosebery. towes. They are retuiled in Leeds "Col," Arthur Lynch, who led the for $4.25 to 55 per barrel. lie looks Irish brigade of the Boer forces, and for improvement In the trede ' in was convicted of treason and sentene- Canadian butter teal bacon troile, ea to life imprisonment has been and reports a. good opening for Clreleased "on license" adTiallieentiaactliechoesflitr eeeLzeits,,,,s,,,,:tmers ear_ue, The No.tional Rifle Association or- fers a prize of 100 guineas for the Mel from Canada to Manchester last best new automatic rifle suitable for Mason over a million and it half military purposes, the tests to be: bottitsvhset1,5. 4o0f,0g0roalin. x11.11e78is,(9,f7 100,/ WA& at 1310 110Xt DiSitAY xneet, taitzliadut:tt7e1 I ax°tr- 505 head of eattle. and 7.206 eeeep, res Tied to the employment of a In itik1jtj to large eone products. tito: aeseciation of enemies who +wwwwwwwwwwwmown• 1).4VVILION Is NOW READY. Prt&ss to bt. 111°1"18".* Canadian Exhibitors Asked to Rush Goods to St. Louis. A despatch from Ottawu says: Word reached the office of the Do- minion Exhibitions Commissioner on Thursday 'that the Caluttlian pavilion 51. 1.ouls18 I2OIY eomi)1td, 0224 ready for the installation of exhibits. A telly= was received from the of- fice of the Director -General of the Ex- position aseing for mimes of Can- adian exhibitors so that they might 110 included 1500 first edition, of the Exhibition catalogue. The Canadian authorities are warned to push for- ward their exhibits without delay, as congestion of freight is feared. Com- missioiter Hutchinson is well adeatnee 'withod bis work in reelect, and five carloads of exhibits. will be des- patched from Ottawa this week. IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. -- Radium Used With Success in Cer- tain Cases of Cancer, A despatch from. Vienna, says: Prof. Gussenbauer, an eminent surgeon, has discovered that contraction of the gullet caused by cancer can be allevi- ated in certain cases by the use of radium. 'The experiment was made of applying sixty milligrammes of radium in a rubber capsule contained in the end of a bougie to the effected eart. The radium rays decomposed the cancerous grosvth, 1 • • 't) gullet, and allowing food to be swal- lowed, thus obviating an operation for the introduction of food into the stomach. The experiment is some- what dangerous until further know- ledge is obtained, inasmuch as too much radium will decompose the ul- cer so rapidly that there is risk of perforating the gullet. CURE FOR TUBERCULOSIS. Serum Injected for She Pirst Time in Canada. A despatch. from Montreal says: For the first time in Canada, and probably in America, serum has been injected into a Patient in a public hospital as -a cure for tuberculosis. At 11 o'clock ore Thursday morning the serum, the discoverer of Dr. Marraorelc, of Paris, was injected by Dr. L. J. Lemieux, of this city, the patients being at the Notre Dame Hospital, one afflicted with tubercul- osis of the lungs, and tile other with tebercelosis of the knee. The admin- istration of the serum was successful in the highest degree. It will be in- jected for a period of ten days. Then the patients will have it rest of ten days, and then, if necessary, 'the treatment will be continued for an additional ten days. ADULTERATION OF SEEDS. Mr. Fisher Expects to Get Bill Through This Sessien. A despatch from 011,awa says :- The Minister of Agrioultnre hopes to secure the adoption this session of the bill he had before Parliament last near to prevent the txdullera- time and mixing of seeds., lie is sat- isfied after enquiriug that eareless seed collection has reeulted in the spread of many noxious weeds, ane. is "determined that this menace to agriculture ehall not be permitted to continue. There was strong opposi- tion in the florae, however, to the means by which Mr. Fisher proposed to achieve the object he has in view. 4 Archduke Ferdinand Charles, bro- ther of the heir -presumptive to the Anstrian throne, is about to marry -the daughter of Herr Emanuel Ca- ber, Professor of Alathematice, at Vienna University, contrary to tbe egfehes of relatives of both partial, UNITED STATES. There is emalipox at Dainty, Mich. During a liig ere ateaenrooldyn, KY, on Vridnen a fireman dropped from a ladFler end was killed. Four Buffalo boys, whose ages rouge from &teen to eighteen years, have confessed to the murder of a storekeeper, A report to bo considered by the Detroit Board of Commerce, advo- cates a, new treaty with Canada and the reconvening of the Joint high co/I/mission. Seven people, all colored, were kill- ed instantly by the explosion of it boiler in a sawmill owned by S. A, Sulliv au in janas City near New- born, N, C. On the grounds of it keeping them more mentally fit, the students of the University of Missouri have petition- ed the faculty to serve them with only two meals e. day, instead of three - A. terrine combat between a bull and it horse took place in the barn- yard of Edward Hoopes, in East Bradford township, Pa., and the former proved a victor, having suc- ceeded in ripping tbe horse'S 5101153011 ()Pen. "With anti-toxio in tile control of it trust which has made the lives of 'childrensecondary to material gain, it is time for the Federal Govern - 150111 to step in and manufacture this necessity of medical practice," said Dr. R. 13. Preole, of Chicago. dacob Harlan, of Union City, Ind., north of Richmond, retired in. perfect health. In the morning ho awakened shaking as if in a chill and in an- swer to questions said that he dreamed he was driving a team of horses that rap away and that his father was killed in an effort to stop thane So saying he gasped a few thnes and died. ---- GENERAL, It has been. discovered that cancer exists in fish. A Mexican chorister died during a performanco in a theatre .in .Liman Perm 'almost . causing a panic. • CARGO WORTH 82,000,000. --- Empress of China Bringing Silk to Vancouver. .A despatch front Vancottver, B. C., Pae•e :-'Raw silk and silk goods to the value of more than $1.„932,000 axe wn route across the Pacific to Vancouver on board the Empress of China, due to arrive on February 3. In quantity and, value the ship- ment is a record-breaking one, aot okay so far as this port is concerned, but for all other ports on this con - Went. The shim:neat measures 960 tone, and it will take twenty freight cars lo transport it across the con- tinent to the silk mills at Weehaw- ken, N. j, 'The previous silk cargo record was 'held by the steamship Tartar„ which, on, October 4, 1902,, arrived from the Orient with 539 tons valued at $1,500,000. 4 - THIRTY ENTOMBED. Railway Employes Buried Under Tons of Earth. A "despatch from Berlin eays huge landslide at Inarrowitz, in Rus- sian Silesia, on Wednesday morning, entombed thirty men, who were woreing on it railtvay, The accident came without warning while the 18e5 were engaged in repairing the road- bed. They were buried beneath hula - deeds of -tons of earth. Relief forces were hurried to the scene and the work of extricating the bodies was begun. It is known thirty, men were working at 'the spot of the ac- cident„ and it is not believed possi- ble that any of them aseepecle ON.E IAN'S "BILL OF FARE wl;TAT RE IN COURSE OF .& LIFETIME. It would, Take a Good Sized Regiment to Corry It All. The most modest eater in the world, or even. the man who com- plains that he "never has au appe- tite would probably be appalled if lie could see passing in imposing procession before him all the solids lainfedtimleh,odils lie will cousiune in a But let us assume we haNe to deal with a, pima who is not ashamed to aalrait that he enjoys bis meala toed. let us PlaCe before him all the food and fluids that be will require to keep 'line going for a lifetime ofsev- elleneierettaram' an. will make light af dis- posing of 100 4113. looves every twelve months, so that we must pro- vide him with 7,000 substantial loaves, a. weight of breed .suMcient to raihe a college of hundred men end women off their feet. If he is not suMciently iv:wrested by 11115 spectacle. 1St OS engage seventy-seven herculean carmen and make them file past him in procession, each carry- ing a. severy oeeele of w �f ftouine4r,28w0ilibib. . in rciir weeuighetd, n to supply him with bread for Of j/UueSieTt hITNnviTYll milttIll'onT4°th°eK01,:erstge, 0, pound, a day; and if we Unlit hint to beet we shall require nearly forty bullocks to provide the necesea joints for life; or 11 110 prefers M Ate ton wo lutist sacrifice about forty 'beep on the tater of his not im- moderate appetite every ten yeare, Of potatoes 2 cwt, should last him a. year. TMs means that his aggre- gate connimption of tubers will weigh seven tons, representing nine- ty-three melte, eitelt weighing 163 pounds, or upproximately the entire product of a couple of a.eres of land. We shall require half a dozen strong homes to draw our potato supply, 0.1 awnedeia(cloInseikatrr'filynec°nuisrtiemItitilittrt u111 igl sufbljueretpludrIcIstaesU, eof canna will he on a forneittable settle, even limiting our Man to an average Of fewer than two eggs a week. In alt we Shan want 7,000 eggs, weighing at least 700 lbs. and representire a year's industry of about eighty rte. GIVE IIIBI A.:emitting that we only provide eeven-tentiiS of a glase of intik a day -it very Mollest quantity for all puts - poses -we shall find it neeeseary to monopolize the services of a cow for two years and a quarter, and the resultant milk will measure 1.120 gallons, and will weigh more than five tons. To contain the milk we tutiet plea Itle 1.2 eau 5 ft. in diameter at the base, 3 feet at the top, and more than 14 feet high, or some- thing like two and a half tittles tie high as our subject. Nothing less them 18 pounds of butter can be considered sufficient tor eteir's supply: and this realms Lhta in his lifetime our Man will dispoeo of the contents of more than a dozen barrels, each contalideg 100 poninie of butter; while, limiting him to one pound of cheese Per month, tve reech an aggregate of 810 pounds; er, aesuming that we are providi for a man of 100 pounds weight, alai a quarter times his own. 'wet So far we bay° laid in a stock' o food which it would talc° 600 strong men to carry to our imaginary lard- er, for it weighs well over thirty tons; and this is as can be seen, but iirvie,tinstalment of what we shall t STINT lint ON COFFEE. Of tea and coffee we will furnieh no more than a pint a day, having regard for our patient's nerves; and yet we tehall find that he will drink during his life no fewer than 3,220 gallons. A coffee pot large enough. to contain the two beverages '<for we can safely mix them for our pur- pose) will stand 18 feet high, with a. base 7 feet, and a. top 5 feet across. The pot, with its contents, will out- weigh three companies of soldiers, and fifty people could be stowed awa37. inside it if they did not ob- Jeocit..t. to a little temporary discom- f. We will suppose iliat our hero is content with it pint of beer every day, -two glasses -and that be does not touch it until he, has, reached his twentieth birthday. erhen, in spite of his melioration, he a' I re., for the balance of his 'days more than 255 9 -gallon casks, which would provine a sufficient burden for eight powerful dray horses. Limiting bim to a bottle of •vvhiek- ey a week for 111Ly• years, lie will consume 2,600 bottles, weighing not mach less than two tons; and when. he has deained his lash.glass our moderate drinker will he astonished to learn that his bill for whiskey add beer alone amounts • to at least 1650. But yet the man who will COSeurne these mountains of food and rivers of liquids in a lifetime Can never be accused .of beittg at all abnormal in his appetite. CANCER NOT INCREASING. Professor Says Spread is Due to Statistical System. A blespateh from leolidon snys :- Prof. von Tlansinarin, °lie of tbe greatest authorities 'in Deelifeeoaecon cer, saes the reported inoreases in cases is due solely to 'mai:oval mellideis of statistics. There is no proof that it is 'due to a Parasite bn that it is hereditary. THOUGHTFUL LITTLE WIPE_ • ``I-Ienry,e. greeted tee little blitee eyed woMan, "do You remeneber• soy - leg you wereegoieg to ealoa your meerschaum brown e'' "Yes,Clear," revile -ether ble bus - band, .• ,"Wellal /Mew' you -were besse so I colored , ".• • "You ? FIow did you color ite pray?" • "Weere I painted; of '0011180