HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-2-4, Page 1THIRTY. -FIRST YEAR—NO „tovps...aft.tt Furnaces We 1weiu stock the best supply or Stoves and Furnaces. together withall fixings, from witieb to select, from. 'We earey ail the best wakes. Cements We keep coustznLIy in stock tile National and $tar Ballads of porslann Vements, If you are thinking of building in the spring, be sure and get otir prices, Hardware We have ilw largest stock of Hardware ereunninr, and Builders' Soppllea or on kinds, Lift Partys cation ms. town, For Force amel 11 I RON D ESEX GAZEjjij 1 T, HAWKINS dc, SON I woossenostwasowszeston A WOMANS JCJSM what a amnia clotbes ehould he is Petty ateurete. There cu be no sto$414e fault to fled with Bola% your aps pearance if your clothes ave made to 01) Millhl Measure in an expert; way, The style awl Glionpino respected, young. far vray Townsbil) WAS oj Mills EXETER, ONT, CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING: FEBRUARY 4th 1904 Hensall Dill'e dwelling and expects to ove . se .1-- ria on County Counc :to town abeut the 1s1. of April. Mrs. I tl ---........., I Ie(jr, CjettiSulatiesileitz4neurd,FINes°taigurPu'aubeelf°4e4aCnutevea7nand :IIIIItlicilir'inxteemw108Yel9. 3t-ovinfrottglvtu•%I.t'iglre' ‘1-,:e.1 III I Held in session,f.4...t Coderi eh last • k ' ssurer ot Marriage Ili06418eg. Legal documents nephew, att.. 1' red Benedict, has a good I , wee . nifty drawn at reasonable rated. Money . toloan on real eaten) at tow rateecif interest,' 51 ' ' ' "tUltiori and to widen plecei they will i But 'five menibers of Huron Count - I Offtee at tliePoet °face Mensal likely go'in a month or so. ICounen had reached town on Tuesday i ; churcbes 'were devoted. to W. C. T. Ile • --On Sunday the service in tile / Cre.liton School Re ort ;nhen the opettiag hour arrived -- : aily ..wo.ri.. . ___ Inaraelss Messrs, Connolly, Durnin i I -Miss Bouthron, or Exeter, and her r ▪ Th followirxr 11111413 11,1a6l4 60 p,?4' 1- Q..' °all' ' al ttArsoll auti al:1%7r! :filled once more za-tb a cornmete I. ety furniture, tsister, Airs. Serpi t, are vtsiting f ende ne--- !Pent. or over of the marks givezedure 1-3 o'clock, and this net being 1 i ' /.., skit - , • * t We ar still 9 t front. Ont. large wa Oorns wil iln--11MeinsssaiNLeille Welsh, o'hohas been "erdea of pawit, .... . .-- .alud. 5ter eil liTninee'Snay-, I V, e in i.. all interdino- ,- ha r g Iii,5itilag her sister ie l'olidon.. 1,13, ree 1 . • . . 'hag the month or Januar \ -- Tganlilli ,11133 adjon-rnMent took placo ipi ilit? " designs and finish ..1.... I. 7, • op- show • turned ,1101tie. D;visicit Ilr.-Cluse V. Sr. Edna, Eil- i On Wednesdayy all 'were -presentees- I ber elaes jr.„ Ezra Oteettei*eher, cept .6feeers. Vereensoiteemetebeane at 1 spect our s oc aid get oiar prtces be ore p acirtg orders 11 you f I 3 't "I.' " e -On Thursday evening tbere Was 1leouisa Fahner, Arthur Boltzmann; aGorrie. and Hicks, ditto an' :purchase ;vitt be satisged and W you do puttbase we gnarantee Madoieinc Clerk lane asked for nombaatione for !ft 'vary large attoudauee at the canal- :Ella ; class IVeSre ve • you will lee satisfied. vat and racee. ITIertrand, Garnet Swenzer, Wallie t1Wm aue James ,Rows434 . • John 'Grainger, who ineve eare • • 'HUI Leura Haiet, Frank. Finkbenter, • was nominated b.y Messrs. Cenneny We also do ordered wOrk, upholsterin., picture framing and an g • • 411 •last fall, died wisTbursdey. Rea, nee Frazer litrewfl. tser,te isitort. Inter- and bpaelzman, ants LI; tuiwk.tz,.‘, kind$ of repairmcr with neatness and dispatch at moderate price,3, plead conducted funeral servicesin 111--Liaian Geiser, „Alfred eote4. !the. Methodist cieureie last Saturday. iWneeth, Mildred Brown, Robed pen County Judge Holt sworet in the new wnrden NO10 Z00.1 MS seat -ith f ineeeautee awe °tear /lee 11.--eless III, Sr. Bella, tille A. Brant, our popular R ber, ragout, \vim bas been visiting in Ailsa ClettiDis BLURT , Tseelter. -e . Loner pie lea ins; Fnanillene e OWE & fiTKINSO Egete rnerieal embahner •ds or heart - thanks fur nee • • /corporate tbe at. Josenit.and Strae- ,clhirlio Flathein'er tkviiiie-o„st'al'oiA: Let‘er.e were reed fromethe clerlt.or I ILeNgisotliactreiroor gsslimeabtliyoiliotlfzamthaecetirleoseinnt, LthtlamitIcil4aroiss,_u.t i'h..:lit.,Ivil,letanri.:11v,,,f7.rtit.:7;,,,Lit, li,can rt.lte standhee emataletee Fur zbe ' A e e 6 UT SUCe d'ord 'Electric Railway Company, is( . 1, //- q Al; 0. , ' 'L./ 'Perth Lounty, propoenaa pad- aet400 i OR AND ft ' i turned and wilt take charge 00 Moe ner , , enntehm a 44 szakuoton uvre aro. son Otenitj dm, litInleteteelann eo .t t tba vinkbeiror. Irvin Feltner Nei S`' • '°sz8* L"Ialzri• McLean, ay. en Pearl Geiser Mabel Feltner Fiie ' " num tee o repor . /printed. It looks like a go. L'or the establishment of a. coneunto- From the Tonopah Muer we ' ilian„erlAidillateora' Zit"„'3, lui,:okitlfm. an. itivo uospitai; reom tbseiWoraan•s in-- /the. following veeNch heat eferenee In) k. . 4 s' a An enter • • • - -.The We C. T. Li. ie circulating lie- ! I? -. ielions to the Senate- and House of g Commons to eupprese the 5413 or eigs mottos. !lard work to find them i Itensall. -Mrs. R. te„"catt, of Almeria, Otani- toba, also Uertr Wiley aud elr, I% Stephenson. of Varna, were thei Diension I.-iCase II Jr., Alice Mel- elL4erLe';$ U. W0 all0t0 of tbeir coueine Mr. and Mrs. lin. IlarrY illangnoe Harr,y•Sweitzer ; !Hoe, at Ratite, and one for priut, .7 ,years of age ' a oppty to jail; two for additions to ezovinee of Ontarto, e amide but rasen %eel a entail 4 -le-tette, Q. b". Case, Loudon Road, or Frida,y .1 !I P i IT Q 0 7',.1., dea, a egg moved with bieeeeents sell,. "th , - ure ‘...esi.Ve eavene, e -ren las 1-....., ... - • ., 4,4,14 V. N `...* r, rreiungeon , • en ' 11 y • r?" seta, to neetatteee ", to wester -el feeekeeao seeeeetre IN, 4%.,di eip,l'tail.ing• tits maewnv en.„1:':,-1 : -,7,,ra... alt. Ida Brown, .Mabel Wenzel; Part • a ulee Severna of Montreal, III. Jr., Franeie trill. lierbert Itaiet. :Colo. mittee. e o outh Ituroa for a greet ; eel ee Beaver, Itanniery Feltner, from the hospital for aliek eltildr00o Finlebeinar. Harry Trick, Roy sstrioa for aid; orafroro the children Feltner.; claee II Jr, Grert rude Faber, ;Aid Society of Huron for n. granselo- ' Vera. Iloltzinann Nelson IIill, Hari- !‘,...ords ,thelx. work, mad an were refete n Holtzman:). • of AIr. Geerge Renick, former r txoter, metlicx ,Olte, eldest danehter of tho late tee •. and 61,re. Thos. Oite. bered MISS S. SA t Teacher. -ed to ele.'exre:utrtveeere.oGrfioti.tee*wood "George 4%., Ecruick,was horn la the citing WARNINO T TOW .e for dent Mitidlesee r ,intoregr pittlatige or titee - end afre. Mclienzie, /i %Ili he months wati 1.1.1ing ridgef. Whial do Illeney. Perie, Frame. 6 611.9.a E.. ItORSON, Teeeber. neetron or tit 11 • t Rat The resignation of M. French as 314,...33 por v.ort‘d lnessee. afearo awl MeEenente • •s of the Inter • t• I fl . ' his eclazeliag. Before be reeehed Lis tic!' or the, awn- into the direi.1 latew UUSal 0 . Wre4 W b r -my, to be estabilebed at St Exeter Sc4ftei Report bevels (4 the p•aitendfre the ere - the. Norlhwkst le'rri;ore'4n4 l're assileee. at ere aratera the r nut • • Josepb, returned to Montreel en letteate. or nrespeeeking, silincee wad nee: Their' death- being read and sent to U. of R. committee. Letters frum the Edittett lion Depart Thursday evening. Biddulph ottho garment 1,ve matte zs euffiment guarantee for Arst class work, AU the new up-todate flutings Ovor Owing and Fantails us rrived. Prices away down. Doric FrOMPtig We ttre giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re- modelling our mill. W Taman. ) 111. sWaTzER Meerciectrzt Tatilor, PIAN0S 4.0nonInenennien Our stock is the znosb complete we 'have ever shown, Pianos and Organs For the parlor we bave Pianos and Organs of the most beautiful designs And finish and quality unsurpassed, Sewing Machines 'Our sewing Machines are a class by theznseives. in working qualities and finish The Best. For the Children We have Sleighs galore, at all ;prices. Also Shoo Fly Rockers, Gaines 'Whistles, Mouth Organs, enc. „In Music have the latest Popular Songs and /Instrumentals. Hymn 'Books and ;Bibles a,lerr in-stoek. Call and see tts and geanne of our Artittie Calanders Dashwood aa........,...,-- / -4.Ers. Samuel Oable, of Elkton, was present at Dashwood, at the funeral of her aunt-Idrs. john Coloelty-last week. I--Mr. (George Edighoffer, of Dash- wood, has purchased Mr. Venn's inter est in the Sboelzusiness a Edighoffer th Fenn. , 1 Stephen 1........ii i The following is the, JanuarY re - ,l port or a S. 'ON. 2, Stephen. Those I marked with an onterisk mere not 11E11, 323; Sr. 1V., Max. 356-a Dirt present for all examine. tions. V, Class., Marienum 350, Gleetis I zel 274, Roy Hill, 256, Laura. Sims,423; 13r. rcr, max. 250--Sttewart 3ktitchell, 283; ,Sr„ 111, ma.x, 350)-dIferbert Mkt. ehell, 284, Everett Sims, '242; Jr. 111, 'max. 351 -Meryl Dill, 224 Jr. 11 Max. 350.-311 aims, 250, *Lillian Stalls, 166. "M. RCS,BERTSO,N, Teacher. Winchelsea aVIarried.-A. quiet wedding,wassol- einnized at the residence:of Mr. jas. C. Reid, in seafor.th, ton Friday, Jan. lst., when his youngest daughter, lasei Jean, was united inemarridge to Mr. Thonaas U. Wheeler, of' Wincheista. The ceremony was performed' by Rev. F. H. Larkin, and was witnessed only by the immedia.te friends of the*con-- trac ting par ties. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler left the folldwing Monday for ;their home in Winchelsea. Boaxsthe Ihe Kind Yogi Hale Always het eigasture of 1,44, MN% —THE— ilerc ants Bank .of Canada HEAD OFFICE, MON'fREAL. 'CAP ITAL (all paid up) ......... • • • • .$6,000,000. SERVE, AND LINDIVIDEO PROFITS.••••••••-• $2,974,24.5 WHOS;EYSIIE, B. F. etEnDenn, Superintendent of Branches General Manage A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSApTED interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings Sank Accounts and Deposit Receipts. Special attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle men, Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the Ter, CREDITON ONTARIO. vy. S cHISHOLIVII Manager 61.r. James ost mucceseful and mars a MeGilia, united in marri- age to Mots Mary A. Powe, youngest dauglaer or Xr. Michael Powe, Bs), of Bidttuipla by. Rev. D. P. U.03rttnae min, at St. Patrick's church. We wish the young coup1e,. the best of 311000SS in tbeir new home. liro un- derstand that hEr. Bolan has purchas- ed the farm of Igtr. Robt. Patterson, of West McGillivray. The happy roue pie left on the 6.26 train, which tett leer() about 11 p. for London and rtet reit- • ,es, Russeldale -Mies Beebe= Winnicot kints a fine new organ. J, Cede sold his driver "Quante" to Mr, Tbos. Deal. -Mrs. J. Park, we are pleased to say, is impproving. -The electric railway question seems to have simmered out. -Mr, T. Winnicott has the contract tor caretaking of MtsPleasant church D. McTavish is spending a 000pro of weeks visiting among friends in this district, -Robert Bay, son of John G. Ray, is very low withpneumonia and typh- oid fever. .But little hops/ are held for his recovery. He is twiner the care of Dr. Proudfoot, of Fullerton., uteut relative to tre.vellizne, expenses eve; 4 -elm... sfe mean: tha thrcsler Beaotn 404, 'l.. 't'.-..... Nverr., or Public .9-chool ineeectors. a circular led. The •eleintiffs eel up 3 „Dolly 'Werr,y, Bella liatekins; jr. 4 ii Ils Alssmiat ion, front the secretary of ate. 'rrnate,:e '011'11142".'.'bk' 1""l'"1", tr-rriag Min- t Le, Size lawns -Less tees rsset taiibt;,,. lettele .rohne. Lula Martin. No, en , and e comegranieseeion ied ecd prospeeieti in thiaif'..:rieiti, Ati:.. CQ4-• Alt: mairit,:12,-Mrk l'. ate f•ridee, It 42 t average at teed:wee 36. from ',St. 31,ar"'s Colleeiete Inetgitute I ea- • • • • . - . - -see live if falter -tiler ten lea- aero e e ~ - - zeret eageasee ent.seeben ea. ,es ;nee . k - - .0 . ; .., .44 -se 'with reference to pupils front Littmn, Nay :ill C. VOnPER, Teacher- :were read and St?nt to Ii:xecut.veeona- * '' ''' • in proper rep= tat * evegzent t., teot Itoom 117.-rle. 3rd., Lorzey Heywood ' oait tee. en Jean 1002,, me. Karitirk ett,;,,t4t,,t c,ti nes have happened. When tke cesem-- r. 3r4 (class 3) Ernest pavis, itc.r. Sheriff Iteynolds asked that certain hero ea the lete ear or , L31, mumh, 3Irs. .iklunrci Loinc Awarded lotlp- re- his luck in Tonopen aud erieved 1'7.4 31414 Ct lItif:4"4t ry Carting, Victor Sweet ; jr. Ord, repairs W made, ae the jail, Sent t LIL5 first aorof tri4.,..; t„,3,,,, la an. liae.,_ mem Sor ,I,V,119,, of, which tiett }Sete ( leas C.) Lee Wileon, Oliva Wood. , property committee, I brouek group of eix eetnee at Gehl el,ntila three children $100 eael. art.4 ‘-• e R.corn, V. -Sr. aril, L. Birnay, N. ! Six memorials trout counties in On- Itodgert, R. Iloope.r ; jr. artl., E. Wood tario on various zuunieipala matters AT.QUUtaiLk. This es a WO grede ,00id anoraler chihl 5119- Urs• 'U'rs'Ke'u2le• v. Mena, G. Ford, L Rowe. Average were read aud sent to special conemite prove:at-sou anti the elames won locaq, Ea a verdict for ‘,•1,690, elte ral he. - attendance 2. No. on 'roll 36, I tee, anti one memorial, was sent: te cd by ar* .14IntYre'''n'I' It' 114.' "e"ve' 1173(1° 4g ll1M41 tt14*balanet' he ,a, .. diesevered fraid24,1 aT he ehilitroa. II.» • PRINGLE and Bridge committee., ha Daroueky but Ebaot 11ratniele ue, thus acquired 3: I Room -Annie Lang, Harry APPrication3 for the PosAu.tion of -- lathe etereet. It was but a ho t eeeeesaresseee. Sweet, Bert Westeott, Clare, Cairns, itors were read trentBall. Geo. e • r Pearl Jobne; mid. 2nd., Clarencelley- -trawls. Thos. I. liaysi. P. Ittorley.,aad time before John ietcHaneeropreesul- wood, Latimer Grieve, May „Iowa, C. Alorritore aud fromtisivid .P va, er,s 4( in 'ela eta Intl tree -." Peorl Godwize .47C 2.. 4,11addock; jr. 2nd, ter a position oil the Boarti cunt,. !,be Ilaebrouck and took a benci-calle Snell, Lulu Snell. No. an -roll 37 ;leo- table. But at the evening session the °11 al.!413i) St°ek. A gil°d.- T a Kind You Rave Always ilaneti 'mine Ford, Willie Hatter . Willie lExantiners, were read and left on the xng* for a total vehtation or a ......,001).... erage atteudattee 26.5$. !names evf Messrs. Cameron, of Brits- VleSIE .4)... eleCALLII31. Isels, and Moffat, of Seafortle were I added as applicants, and cal were re - Room. 1711, -Jr. 2nd, Stella, South- „;., rerred to the Education connuittee. cott, David Hall; sr. pt. 2nd, Wi''''' f Moved by 11. Spackruan, seconded Heideman, Russell Balkwill, Oscar by Mr, Connolly, that Messrs. Lock- SSntlersonn mid. pt. IT, Leon Treble, hart and Lane be auditors at Criminal Fred Ogden, Violet Knotf, equal; jr. lJustice accounts. -Carried, pt. and., Ruby Wood. No, on ro1144; Rate e-, iff. /jock ts of soaforth, average attendance 28. 11. tniumsteel, of Wint'oe, and en .Tor- • • ••-lar ASTOR IA or Infants and Citilaten, V. E. CARLING. dan, or Goderich, were appointed Cole Room VIII. -2nd class, FredtBrock, legiate Institute trustees for their re- . Reggie Bissett; sr. pt. 2ud., Claire speative 4,owns. Wood, Edna Brock-, Lilian Boyyle, Wil Motions for the following grants fred Steeva.rt, mid. .pt. 2nd. noxio were snit to the Finance/ Coniraittce t Sr. ;pt. IL Afe.delein Carling. 'No. on eat 4,o tbe agricultural and hortioni- roll 36; Average attenndaee 22. tural eocieties 'or the county; n25 to S. j. IRWIN. meth •Teacberrs' Iuetituto; Serd.to each ,,e* Public Library; e25 to 'each Farmers) Institute; $10 for flowers to be plant Exeter Municipal Council. ' ad around the Court House, and a. motion by Messrs. Gunn and McLean, Council mei pursua.nt to adjourn - - that 850 be granted the Tuckersraith Bruicefieid !tient oe; town halleJan. 22nd. AIL Branch Agricultural Society, 'members >preeent- ,Minetes of previ- e . A number of accounts were noled The annual meeting °Mlle South ,ous Meeting read and,' eoniferrned., and sent Lo Finance Committee. Huron Agricultural Society. was held Tenders for u.se. of scales were roe -c- The report of theStriking Commit- tI 13rueefield on Wednesday of last ived as follows ;---Wen. Harding, $55.00 week. The affairs of the eociety are tee eves rea.d and adoppted as follows; . A. S. Den.vitt, a45.00; Jas. IL Dennis, Executive hnd Special ;--Dannolly, in a VCYY Aatisfactory condition, A., $36.00; Gunn, Witter, Spacktuae. Hicks. bons 81,000 was paid” in prizes last Taylor -Muir. --'.Chat Mr. Int/dings' Finance and Ed uca t lona I -.Lock - year and there is still a balance of tender being the higheet,-be accepted. hest, -Domini, MeNaughton, McLea.n, over 8600 in the trea.sury after4 • all -Carried. Kerr. Iiabilitie,s are paid. The following of- Tenders -for ringing e Il as foliowsn: Road and Bridge and Go. Property ; fusers -and directors were el t d ee e ,prese ident, Smith, Day:- est vice, John Murdock, Stanley; 2nd vice, Ed,Cris- tie, Exeter; auditors, A.T. Seat; and Sohn McIntosh. Direetors Peter Mc- -u. :AtcHzi,y, $10.00; Sas. 11. Dennis, .-Cantelon, Patterson, Laxnont,Young $38.00 ;A. S. Deanit t 835.00 providing awl Feat name he was successral in getting scales. Beezelization;-Whole Council, Wood --eAseasitroags-Tbot ,7. IL Warden's Committee; - Cantel -on ilennist tender, being the lowest, Ise entLean, MeNaughton, Mines. Gregor, Thomas Fraser, R. MeMordie Eiceeptact.--Carrisa. House of Refuge ;--Grunn, Spack.ma.ii Wm. Dix on, S. Smillie, W,D. Sanders I Tenders Tor ,printing• as follows ;-J. Thomas Russell, James Patterson,and White igc Sons, $6D,00; Adyeeate fetin Lamont. The clerk was instructed to order a John Iiel.chen. ;Messrs Thorne:, Rus- 00,, 5884'75; eopy of the Ontario i5tatues and the sell and John Muntockairere appoint- Armstroreg-Ntuir--Thal the munici sal World for each member of ed as rep.resenta.tives on the 'Western ootarte /Printing' Co's tenclen,'being the- noleeela and to add the rules or Fair board. At a enee,ting of the the lowest be accenbcd•--Carri°(1-' "order and proeeedings to the, January newly -elected board of directors Mr. 'neoeth-,Sfatir-elltat 'the following t were printed M. Y. McLean was appointed seere- accounts be passed and 'antlers drawn A report or the. remainder of the tary-treasurer. It was also agreed to on. itreaieurar for same:. - session will be g'iven next week. hold h 1 f • „ tors will be held in Dense -1,1 in March, Municipal World subseription.,35) Geo. II. 13issett, P.-0. box, $1.00; pose bulge, 1.100; election expenses, 820.80; J. & S011, balance pr in t bag, 1903 822.00; .W. J. I3isset le :balance salttryy 1603, $90.00; Cemetery accounts...7 Ford, labor, $1.00 ;---aCrried. (Tc,6-lor-41/2V;oo<1.--1:bat !Lb reevet re- new the insuntnce pumping house. ho t e usua speing fair at Bruce- Wm. Creech>) abor, 43.37; Geo. Cud - field. The 'next- meeting or the direc- inaree 8.10.50; Bissett SeAPI:yon, Zurich ...., The output. of Listeivel'clieese fac- tory for 1703 'as 150 loos. Theyee.r ego 98 tons. Ifose of the enla.rged aut before it was 124 tons, and two years --Miss Maggie Weseloh, or Loudon, put is the result of ibe increase in 1110 is at Zurieh at preseut, having been nu in be r of cows kept by pa trolls ,taken ill while here. , . . A. sad accident ocettered in the bush' ' -.Nile Barthol IterVard, of the :Sul:- 00 oe 'Mr. Walter Wilson's just outstde of Lueknow, last Week, in which Mr. ich :Road is Vere- low at PM -sent -end panisd, . ;fairies I-Iood lost his I i fe. Me. 'food is not expected to recover. -si,, in, Bond r s infara• child eleTr15.4-si°e1:e.17),rAYI:labes:.nrt°1110g.0(-1-Rt'ftied. tik° has been quite ill tor some days past ' 1\tuir -Wood-,`.Chat the street and grave rear8 are entertaitted 0.8 to Gomeniesioners' satzlry be' 305 00 - it's ,reVovettS. ' ' C'irried was drawing out timber amigos alone. Air. Isaac Uorrison had occas- ion to go to the buSh for a load qf wood and Was surprised at finding Mr nood's horse lying to all appearance., dead, and orninv %Ligation found Mr. wh-ontisrl;e'J'Dllstehpeet awsaoinne meet: sassitexrrovodb--et-Ne'4uGioro-o_Tflor:Itirit,I;e1. treasurer's . Hood buried 1111. erne,a tis. 11 tn deep nretscediscl Ithoo.liircie ova(t.:1: ptrbe:reent.andlleva.nsi saLeo,yxl,ser;liAai.;.my sbtaro5t5igo..0-01.,,•hotLatxreeieed, •os_ snow. 'Morrison uelitielted !the horse and got Mrliood out tu his leave shortly to take up permanent Taylor-Arnistrong.-That the clerk' sluig1), but 1-1-'e° was exlinci- residence in that state. '121, inst.eueees prepare:a byelaw eon_ Dee Sangster, or Port Pertry, well ,Goo, Appel. and familY leave firming- tee appointment of loffieers, known as the author of Saagster's Ar • ithmetic, clied sudden13r o&lieart ure fail - 141 the'King; Edward Hotel, Toron to, „Or. $angster and his )vite came to Torento to meet their ditu.g•hter, who was niarried a rem,. weeks ago Lo Dr. S. C. Corbe,tt, of Winnipen, head, of the- Dieminion Government raedinat Viet!. there, and her husband an, their return from a weddinf4 trip to 1.3e,rnau de.. Noticing so ate irregularity and difficolty in Dr. fiangster'e breathing, Mrs. Sangster summoned doctors, but her husband lived oulyi a reve minute -4 teft:ex his nine.. ewaa discovered. given -up house -keeping here, and intends leaviv,,, town as' soon as the weather 3serrnit.s and trains are run- ning rvilh any degree qf regularity. Their d.eslina tion is Stra.tford4 -Ti-. Teter Lamont lielnpurchasee a spanking team ofheayv qtaught lior.ses for work on, his farm .near the village- Judges tot horse flesh say tbey are good oiles,,and the price paid (or emeh animal is further proof of the fact. Su.stice, °Nile lBron- son Line has purchased 1-1rs !Ataxy and fixing salaries, for saine.-Carriect til.rursArrunt,;(---Wtood-Tha'.t. Messrs. Senior .and L3 12. he appoinled to the - cemetery. boartt ifl addition to the council - (Council ad:la u.r ned; to Fab..1i 11 7.30 11,. m. GEO. 11. 13ISSE'l'T, 01-111 - 13ottrs the ignature of ''41=07a.„zr 1110, Klatt You Haiti tiway8 Bough is portion of this prtee has already been paid the OWD.OM But it is out of his interest at Golls Bears the ield that Mr. Herniele wail probably ignestero of I ake his biggest stake. In July last, ether with O. 1). Taylor era ran , ...-...-e,-- .l. AteCielland, he located /The lonnizo l''' grou.0 at ihnt tamp, ante e. 616:i'Llt61,7.•/ ing luta a genuine'borganza, 67,....ar the surface, the ledge everageseer75 per ton across five feel, while tbe whole s drift at the 60 -foot point is all ore tl. which averages. $4,467.52 to the ton clear across. John McKane now has the control or theeJurabo under 'borid owners. but there is a fortune in it for all the i In addition to the above Mr. Ker - nick has a. large intereet in nineteen other mines close to the' Jumbo and Contbinatitat groups, which should add greaely to his wealth. Mr. Kerniek has been very foriun- in his reining; ventures, but he made what he considers his best "lindh ;then he met Miss Dorothy Copeland while the two were taking a coursein assaying in Portland, Oregon. Miss Copeland was born in I'ortland, where she is Nvell kuown.and highly esteem- ed, and the friendside formed • while both were ,pursuing their studies cul- minated in their marriage an June 23rd last. She is indeed a bell -manta to her husband and shares Isis hard- • ships :with him -Only she doesn't cazi;tkiring in a Load ancl_ them hardships. She cannot see wily Give us a Trial, living in a tent while an a. ramping trip should be called "fun," while liv- ing in a tent fin a -new minin g camp (until a house can be built) should be Snell & Biatchford writer believes she dieplaysgood cora- Corner of Main and Station Stree„ eeno PPIN6 Chopper -v itt and solicit a"24FIste your trade, and will do our best to give yon good chop, and are pre- pared to do .1bopping at - any time. Come in and examine our chop, we are sure you will like it. called "hardship" And in this the mon tense, if not' wisdora. Next Electric Light Plant. SAWS MAPLE LtAF RACER MAPLE LEAF LANGE NICKEL STEEL BOSTON LANCE GUALITY AND RICE GUARANTEED St atereacamna ultry ad. internatio al and lierbageum are he leaders. 2c5 5Oc,6100 and $3.50 per ckae