HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-1-28, Page 8th soason when we clean house, all odd lines broken tots, short ends and slow sellers are put on the coun- ters at prices that are bound to make them go. When we cut we go demo deep. This month we have some very special barfrbin as for you. Some rm emnants, Some broken lots, soe oddlines and, some lines that for some reason or other have been slow sellers. Here are Sterne money savers. 24e the yard for an assorted lot odd lot of Idea's ready - pulite fold Drees Clotbs. all ths ea,.hiae Suite, that are on the deep cut te styles. plain colors and fancy.. reelist One and two suits of a line. lar value:. were SO 40 arid, 50e. You0Soote pure wool. tiouble breasted eke while tbeY lett for 24e- Cor-ifreiee Pea-jachet suit% S°1°° siugLe ect for suite or odd skirts. awl scontebretteted Reed suite regular ye/0es ere' suitable lime; for girrs wear 10'46 00 to $850. All cut down to the the. t. Dou't miss thie bargain. eow figute of e5.00 the suit. See e2e50 each for your ehoice a abouterhent- hirte odd Drees Ends- Some 5 yard ie $3 00 ladle!? long Neck Ruff, lovely tut ntbeis 0 yd. For seme reason tnesoft bleek Eoglish eorey fut. ber, es that Isa.vanot sold as well4riinwed with chettre tails and terirds they should. The regular valueavery steel/ and the latestatylts. AtIt ere 4.00 5 00 and $0.00 the dres-e ezul. to see them. They are werth more our eboiets now for $2.50. Theyenoney. ill go meek, now. $1 00 emelt foe litdes' black Satee $1,65 for mows heave- water: proofiteideretticts, made from good bright ti wind proof Sinoelis, The litindliseteen, trimmed with frills and ruffle elarly sold at $2.2,te eacbeet great bargain. s en Men's and Wootenes Fier etaitte. We 1rayeahant 4 au our eounters. If you need one now le your forte- oppeivotuity. Big eavinge is what we promise you. 43 Ladies' Sleek Cloth reedy -to we Skirt. trimmed with worsted welt made awl quite etylisle a. greet snap at $1.75. eltioette Biseuite are still leaditig. they are prof wuriced to be the best leseuits in tare trade lieve you tried theta e Do you want a, svvell Ditiner Set. We have some belittles. extra . 108 pieces, eemitporceleau, Imre white body. new Jewel decora- gold Went, and stippled. We are told they are the prettiest sets eter. A. STEW R 1 M i 8, JANUARY :Nth 1904 We enderstaud taw; Dr. Rollins, oil 1 1 ,n lit (1 Me behalf of himself aud. bristbets. hoe uls handed the Reeve a eheque for tt fee dollats to be pieced in the pertuateent entetery fend tar the pertrianent care 11 Gosi Price a tbeir parouts greve. This is most commeudable a,e it, insures perpetuel care a then- euriel plot. It, w •to be hoped that others will follow the ex- eetsts-eteet-tstetteeett° mple. ttall and see eatuele eenieeeor the two oew pleteres, eait Broken' and "Herd to OheoSe," giveu as. preno • tams with the Fatuity Herald and Weekly 57 ac, wbiele are well worth tbe price a a yea's selaseription alone fi yea went et/teething eke subtetibe for the. Titiose autt above paper and irse't these two pletares as well as a .quiek reference map tif the. Dominion, Tbe Legislature was opened .by hie Roue; ilortirner make, Thurs- day afternoon withmore ceremony thsei bee beea knowu since the new ParrieePeet. Beildings .were opeued, .eleveti years ego. Ithe prograorree of legislation le tight. The only measures of wide importauce, are those reletiog ei the Assessinene Aot and the liquor iceuse laws. were anima/teed st year and shelve4. • The board of eeteuiner$ for the county °f Ryron. at its at .reeeteng. in Sfetfortittresolved to grant. renewala o thirclidats certiticates. for three -y'eatei to those who wee the full Model ettool course tind re -pets „the Model exemistatiou. le was aleo re - the. the ItIonelites who had but, were under legal age should Oleo tbeir certificates till they ighteen-eGnee. Belle% Secy. Predictiouoof an earlyspring are ug made; Au old litteex trapper vhu tess been up the k ttore along St. 'I • flete eutl away north 'among the gret uses. eaye-eStately the rebels will lekee. Taking hie cue *rote the enue beaver and other aeimals tite contraction. of their winter rot in record tilite.iti the epring Of ' The tee wilt go out bete:nes, the will rise and evaporate aod the . eve MOM again at it eurprIsingiv ay date,' date," The Toronto News speeking of its nvestigatiou of the coudi doneon. the racd Truett teaticit Hum in Weetero Thureday develops the fact the ends of the btauch lines feeling ef fear that if the (met complain too trateli the Grand auk will wince the preteat m4*. The majority Of the Wert:boats how- ever. are .eut$puken in •thezr :condem- nation of the service given, both i passenger and freight traffic. Rev. W. Godwin, pastor .of the Maio street, 3tettiOdist church. and Mrs, Godwin have annouuced for an "At Houle" to be given io the lecture START THE NEW YEAR With a SAVINGS BA.NK. account at The Sovereign liankof Canada Where SPECIAL induceineuts are given DEPOS- ITORS. No delay inDepositine"oc Witbdrawiug Branches in Huron 0ount.y at Xoler; tBt1H1 OII Zino% Poull O.1 (MADMAN STAN'BURY, F, E. ARN Selfsame. For Muria Weddle -4g Vitetche Jewellery. Spectacles Etc Cane On R HICKS, 'Watch Repairing n, Specialty, OF LONDON, .7. OVENSs ,e0., Oculist, Speeialbt.Deielsee, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat visits Exeter ineutlely. Glasses Properly Fitted Nasal Caterrh and Deafnesi treated. Office C mmaocheq, HoTEL. Dates of visits, EuNSDA_YS, eu. 3. Aimee 2, March 32„ ay I. June 1. June 22, July 21, Sept.7.0c.t. 4. Nov. 2. Nov, 33. London Mile° 223 onceat Ave. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be lef notlater than Tuesda.y nooQaial adv t' ednesday of each week. THURSDAY, SANITARY 2Strec, 1904. Locals ——- Bead. Popplestone Gardiner's ad on page 5. Mrs. S. P,Ross, of Toronto, is spend hag a, few days with f deeds in town Ille, Harry Browning left on Monday to resume his studies at Trinity Medi- cal College. Toronto. Warren Hunter and G. A. Bagshaw of Exeter, are attending the Central Businese College of Stratford. etedose of Winer's Liniment taken integrally will ward of colds,influenza and la. grippe, Sold by C. DeTz, ite3 de. Set Mt tee Met ete. leers the Signature of The Kind You Hato Always &Mehl -aie4; INTE BLAST ,Is no respeotor of persons, therefore prepare to meet its corning by providing yourself with oue of our fail OverGoats NEVER SO LOW NEVER SO GOOD DEVER SO STYLISII ()X73triT lerchant Tailor :Stunner, Exeter. Mr. Trick. of Clinton. is Visiting his friend Mr. Geo. Sionwell. Miss Olive Prior is visiting her eau - ha Mies Mabel Johns of Elireville. Tars. John liewkshaw has returned from Lueati where the bee been vielt- lug friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. Heiman are visit- iting Mr. and Mrs. F. Tomlinson, of London. Melts, the weather propbettprediets stormy weatherfor the remainder of this month Mrs. Powell is visiting rriends in Woodstock. She expects to ba absent Inoni7a., Mr. Jos. Smith of Detroit, a. former resident of Exeter, is visiting friends in town, the guest of :era Geo. San- ders Miss Jemaie Taylor of Detroit, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Thos, Meseta sr., for the peat month, returned to Detroit this week. Mr. Alf Waiters hat purcheeed Mr. W. Trottes stock and moved lest week into his new premises one door ioutb or Farnter's Grocery., Mr. Albert. BOX of the 4th on. Stephen on Friday last disposed of his farm to Mr.R. Hill, of the 2ad. on. Mr. Hill takes- possession lst of Mareb. Many who have used "Dix Treat- ment for Bad Colds and La Grippe" speak et it as most :Satisfactory and effectual. Sold by C. Liz. Miss Anna Beckett who has been ther guest a Mrs, H, Parsons for the pa.st week left for her beniae in Detroit Saturday morning., The game of hockey which was ar- ranged for Monday eyening between Exeter and. St. Marys on the rink of the latter has been postponed until friday night in consegeence of the storm. .. Pao F. W. Gladman, who went to Hensall on Tuesday, believes that be has accomplished. a feat hith- erto not yet achieved. He left here on the morning train spent the day in Hensall and returned home te gain on the morning train. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. e have numerous first class testi- monials proving the value of English StOck Food for young pigs, chickens, fattening cattle, horses, etc. Itis the cheapest and best Stock Food in the market. Sold by C. LUTZ. Prominent owners of oil wells in e Petrolea district give their views as to the suggested reduction itt the duty on crude oil. There is a wide difference between them as to whether the effect would be beneficial or injur- ious to the allied interests of the pro- duction and refining of oil. The Canadian Press Assosiation have issued itt neat book form a, terse - report of their recent trip to New Ontario. It is filled with useful infor- mation to the intending settler also a number of interesting views taken at different points along their trip and a good map of old and new Ontario. Lee t ure--.The eelebra Led English lee. turer, Mies C. F. Shaw -Hillier will speak to the ladies of Exeter, at Wood's Rail this evening, Jan, 28th at 2.50 P. me on Subjects that have, been greatly interesting the Iadiee of England. All ladies in,teresled in the Perfect Physical Efealtb of Women are cordially- invited. 'Croat tearing Salo.... • Bit.Q. .:111.60s1 StockTaking Pricfs Oall Winter Goods before Stook WE are busy these days taking stock and will give f Taking,. v some bargains rather than take it in stO0k. We Men's Dress Overemts of extra line 5doz, Inetde Fleeced Lined Shirts I give very low prices on goods -while our stook taking in ou loth, Meek arel gres tell lengtlegood and Drawers, regeser priee otte, e ado velvee cellar, Wee we sell, price 42te, egular price $10. Sale pdee $7.50. ?den's Suits, black with white stripe WOOL BLANKETS BED COMFORTS Illele's Drees Overtoets in grey only, well lined teed trimmed, well worth with velvet collea good lirucg, well $S, sale price 3650, tailored, regular Price SS- eale Pince 3 only Tweed Suits, -dark greywith etripe, very pretey, regular price Boys' Overcoats in black and grey with velvet collar, up-to-do.te styles, 3.75, 4.25 aud $5.1.10. 424e for Men5s Heavy Leather Mites wool lined, wear guaranteed. Sale price $6.00. 1 only Tweed Serie size 38, double breasted regular price 35, sale price ' Men's Felt Gaiters with Leather .out 10 dozen Men's Heavy. Wool j toe cap, regular price $135, sale prlee Mitts, regular price 35e, sale price 25e. 31.15. All our stock of Winter Dress Goods must be cleared out to make space for _New Spring Dress Goods. If you want a bargain ou a dress, now's your chance, Ladies' Felt Gaiters, well lined, kid toe caps, regular price $1.25, sale price 98c. Ladies' Felt Gaiter, kid foxed, re- gular price, 1.50, sale price $1.23 a, parr. Ladies' Velvet Slippers in blank white and green, sur topesvery Pretty. regular prIce 1,50, sale price $120 pair. Child's Felt Slippers.. sizes 8 to 10, fur toe, in uevte cardinal and brown, regular price Oec, sale price 49e. About 500 yds Wrepperette, tzU good colors and patteres. regular 50 yds cute cloth, in creatn, red. and black, regular priee 2,00, sale price $1.37ec. Grey Flaianetette. 28 inches wide, good quality, regular price 18; sale price 12e Grey and white Sheeting 72 in wide all wool, wear guaranteed, regular price 75e, sale price 57e. About, 75 pair White Flannelette Blankete. pink and blue bordere, regto tar priee 8e; sale price Mc. only Bed. Corofoeter made of good quality print, well quilted, regular price 10e and Vic, sale price $te yard. 2.00, 1eprke 31.63. C4PeRYZctRufslloas ttit6artie Oost Price I xtry u at Cost Price ENTVATADIENT. - A very pleaeaut gatberiog of the members and friends a the Independent Order of Foresters was held in their lodge rooms io the Oddiellows block on Fit - day evening lostt Among those on the program who contributed to the evenings ensoyment were Rev. Arch- teeeetia Davis of London, and C. U. Merrifield. fe H. 0. R., of etemeton, who gave interesting addressee, as well as vocal ktolos by eta M. Vincent, A very ;large namber were present coneiderlog other counter attractions that evening. AORICULTURAL SOCIEre eloterettei. room of the church on Friday evening February 503., it being the occasion of The annual meeting of the Stephen the twentyttlft la anutvei eery of their and Usbocne Agricultural Society was wedding. A yery cordial and hearty held in the town hall.Reeter, on Wed - invitation is extended to all members of the chureli and coogregation to be nesthLY after°°°° of lasb week. /11' ptesent and. anite in making the even- A. G Dyer. secretary, rend his report in g enjoyable. which showed the society to be in a good linaneial standing. Tim officers The annual noeeting of °even Pres- and direetoes for the' year were ap , byterian church was beld in the base- pointed awl are as followst-Presi- went of the church on Montlity even- dent, Peter McTaggart; lot vice-presi- ing, January 18tb, Reports from all dent. James Bellantyne; 2a4 vice-pre- thei societies n connection wtth the eldent, Jos. Senior. Directors. W, D. chtlrelt were read. During the year Sanders. Ed. Obrietie, John Hunter, the sane of $1628.$5 was raised for the W D. Weekes johu Moir, John Del - different purposes of the church bv bridge. John Allison, Wm, Russell, the congregation and its different so- Wm. Elliott. dales. The following gentlemen ODITUARY,-On Wednesclity of last were elected on the board of manage- week after a long and painful 'Meese went for two years, Messrs J. G. Statbury, W. D. Weekes and D. the spirit of Mrs. Kerslake, beloved McInnis. J. Senior elected Secretary wife of Mr. John Kerslake, took he everlatsting flight. Deceased had been and Treesurer. After the busineso a sufferer from that dread disease and usual votes of thanks to the differ- cancer and had undergone two differ- ent officers the ladies served a, dainty ent opera.tions for Its removal, but luncheon and a very pleasant 'social without avail other complications set hour was spent by the members and "" t friends or the congregation. in and she gradually sank. away. De- ceased was a daughter of Mr. Chas, ORDER Now. -The Tates and To- Rowe, and leaves to mourn their loss ronto Daily News for renewals or new a sortowing husband, one son and subscriptions at the low rate of $2.00 four daughters. who have the sympa- • till Jan. 1905. thy of many Wends in thsir sore eon SALE. - Desirable bereavement. Her remains were in - property in Exeter with suitable redterred in the Exeter cemetery on Sat- - mono leo deuce thereon. Good investment. eee'ett "-- Apply to GLA,DMAN & STANDURY. LATE/LY ENTERTAINMENT. - A very enjoyable literary evening was Atiorwo Seao.-There will be a sale of farm stock and implemeute tre given by the Epworth League of the day, (Thursday) on lot 2, con. 3, Main street •Methodist church on 'Osborne, NoRerAN SevreZER, prop. Tuesday evening last in the lecture H. BROWN. auctioneer. ' room of the eburch. An invitation WANTED. -Good reliable ladies er, was extended to the Christian En - take orders for our tailor made skirts deavor of Oaven Presbyterian church . and skirt supporters. Good nom, which was responded to by a goodly number. The different numbers on mission. Write now and get samples for spring trade. Domnitmer GAR- the program, all of which were much emu co., Box en Guelph, Ont. enjoyed were: Solos by Miss E,Efuston Commute/ PAPERS - Now is the aad Mr, R. E. Gurney, readings by Miss E. Godwin, eles B. ECowey and time to decide what papers you will Marion Blatchford. A very interest - take during the coming year We ing. part at the programme was the are in a position to make special in- add eess given by Mr. J. A. Gregory, (a ducements to anyone wishing to take forn resident here) on the Great a city daily or weekly and in clubbing „Nod est. In his remarks he gave a with the Times we can /ewe you graph i deseriptien of the different money. Call and bee some of the phases of life ever that broad area premium pictures. portraying In well condensed thoughts FOE OVERSIXT3CI.EARS- . a vivid picture of the possibilities agricultural, political and educational ' eas ore AND Wzro..-TaTED Banumr.-Sirs WinelovesSoothing Syrup has beim used for over sixty years by minima or motherafor their as well as financial, of that great ehildri3a while teething, with perfeetsueeess territory. His address was very much it seethes the child, eoecens the gums, allays all ee• ., a d .-, e pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy eere e an aPPreueled Y the large for Diarrhma. 'tie pleasant to the taste. Sold num Der present, and a hearty vote of by druggists In every part of the world, 25 thanks was tendered Mr. Gregory fo Gents a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be tee excellent address.. M - Willi r sure and take Mee Winslow's Soothing ---e---e ---s syrnpandaskfor no otherkind Powell was present with his Edison OATaiReet Gors UP. - The Union gramaphone and interspersed the pro - Cereal Company, the combine, which gram with nuisical selections. controls the output of oatmeal and SOCIAL EENT.- One of the most other cereals in Caneda, has increased delightful social functions ever held The BEST is roue to good fol. rybody, =Buy an Edison PHONOGRAPH AND BE HAPPY Ve supply them with 12 eelectious $15, $25 and up. winte the price to wholeE salers 35 cents per in xeter was the very enjoyable "At 90 pound seek. Until recently the Borne" given by Mr. N. Dyer. Eardon, price was $1.70 per sack, whereas it is tee local manager of the Moistens DOW $3.05. The price to retailers is Bank and Mrs. Hurdon, in Gidley's also increaSecl in the same proportion Opera House, on Friday afternoon as the 90 -pound sack, -which formerly and evening of last week, when all sold for $1.85, is now worth $2 20bidden seemed to have assembled for- CDRIODb' CALENDAR FA.cTs.--There Ming a congenial . happy party, the are some curioes facts abotit our calen- event being in honer of the fifteenth date No century eau begin on Wed. ,anniversary ot their wedding date, enaelsednadya. calendars FridaySunday.r aSsue dn deavye,ry The 20 me erse. gTuhees ths oins t aacnodzyliiiiitsttleei3 ogwreere,t etilh tlhteailrl October always begins on the same being artistically decorated for the day of theweek as January, April as occasion, and the refreslimeots were July, Seetswber as December, Febru- daintle served by a beyy of charming ary, Match and November begin on young ladies. Among the guests of the salve days. May. Juno and Aug ethraelacfleterrgnyocipaenn,wseerheoionictleutcldtertsb,beessideve-s ust always begin Ole different days from each other and every, :other a largo number ot Promeaent citizens: - month of the year,. The first and. last A very fine orchestra diseeersed sweet deys of the Year are always the sense. music' and "vocal solos were rendered These rules do not apply to leap year. by Mrs. Perkins and Mise A.. Johris. — In the evening the host and hoetess Ces 436. again received and the time wes after - ears t The Kind You Haw Meats Bought wards pleasartly spent in dancing and Bigrie:ra •, social intercourse, the music being of S POWELL Victors Exeter, On provided e Ifensall Orchestra „Clot guests d into the Bohn of the evening an seemed to thorough- ly enjoy themselves. All pteeent joined in within every happiness and hope for future unniveasary celebrae -Lions for thele host and hostess, pro- nouncing the event must enjoyable. DROWNED.- News reached hero on Tuesday leet, cenfirining the drowning cif a former resident. of this vicinity. her. and Mrs. Norman Turner. Vic. toria, B. O.. they being passengere on the ill-fated steemer °tallow, which was wrecked near 'Victoria. on Jan- Oth, Tlitlifw was a -conductor on the Vletoria. Electric Railwity and was formerly of Woodstock. and Mrs. Turner was formerly Miss Hannah Greenwood, and was horn at Sharon in Stephen township, and was the 2nd youngest daughter of the late Philip Greenwood, who at one time was a resident of Lumley in Usborne town- ship. Mrs, Turner was a sister of Mrs. J. T. Westeett. Huron street,who him received a. letter from her sister which was written. previous to taking the trip on the ill-fated steamer. 17p to the present their bodies bave not been found MAY Wricenmen Names. - To- ronto Mr. Justice MacMahort gave a judgment 'of particular interest to newspaper and newspaper correspon- dents in the case of Miss Eva, Marsh against Mr. H. D. McKay, proprietor amd editor of the Newmarket Express - Herald. Miss Marsh brought action for the publication of an alleged libel suit against her name in the Sutton correspondence of the paper in ques- tion. .An application was made and argued at Osgoode Hall to compel Mr. McKay to disclose in his examination faction. for discovery the name of his Sutton correspondent. Mr. McKay had car- ried out the ethics of the newspaper world, and refused co give the name. Mr. Justice MacMithon upheld him in his refusal, holding the name or the correspondent to be absolutely private •and contideutal in this connection and dismissed the application with costs, asseeeteseeseteseeteseeeeetesesteeteet We haye a few pair left of the best blankets on the market. 5 lb size $2.05 011,. ... .. 23.50 lb. size 33.75 8 lb. size. a . 54-00 We want to olear out our stock OVERCOATS of Overcoats and, will giye some Very close prices on them, $8.00 Coat for$5 00 9.00 Coatfor ....a 6 00 JO 00 Coat for ..-. 7 00 1206.Coat for. 9 9 - UNDERWEAR Men's good all wool Shirts and 50; each ert'S good all wool Shirts and Drawers- ..„ 7tic. each Ladies' good Union Vests and DralWere• .1 • • • 01,0 • • • e.,..50 each Ladies' good -Union Veste and Dre•Were... • • • • . • each Ladies' good Union Vests and Drewere.... .... eaeh Children's good, Union Vests and Drawers.. a. 2,10 each A real nice Comfort. well ceverded and filled ....$2 49 A beautiful Mercerized Art Satanna, covering well filled for.... ... . 39 FLANNELETTE BLANKET'S 75e SL90 SLi25 FUR5 Any one reeding a -very cheap Fur will gave money by getting a, good Far for Iittle price neer* It 'oust all be $014. No sticking MAL prices. CARPETS Good Union . Good Union Eine Wool Fine Tapestry 4.. Nice Tapestry., •• • O. • •zSc 700 • 470 ‚Pc Lots of China and Crockery at low prices cluing stook taking, iest Prices for Produce. CARL, NO BROS. RUS.$1..A BACKS DOWN: omotr000moo,00roo.woormoomomo., No otto nation can own the world. The same is true In con- nection with bnsiness men. No one person can do it all. Some may do it better. We contend that we have the gtoc and prices and leave you to judge the rest. "Actions speak louder than Words,',' Call and see us if only to convince yoluselves of our statement, Funeral Dire H UST nd Precticable Embalmer. Opera use Illoek You are ulte.Right When you insist on having Harvey Bros.,' Flour. Our STAR FLOUR Is made from the choicest Ontario and Manitoba wheat. The quality of our Wheatlet Has been improved by Steri- lizing it. We sell 10 pounds for 25e. Give it a trial it is a "Food" not a Our facilities for handling the chop- ping trade are unsurpassed. The new Vissot grinder is giving greet salts- fifiRVEY E3R08 MILLERS • W. O. T. U. Mmes. -A widow rec- ently gained a verdiet in an action for damages against a saloon -keeper for having caused the death of her has - bend. She was awarded 32,500 by the jury, as. having proved her case, and •shown that her late huslyind was a well known, haultual drunkard, that the ealonisit knew inthat he was warn- ed not to supply the deceased with lignor, and yet had supplied him wi eh the chink which caused his death. Surely the jaryr was right, and surely any one who loses a relative under similar circurcistances should enter an action for damages, and make the. IDO1 seller seller for his crime. The first number of the new W. 0. T. U. organ, tailed "The Canadian White Ribbon Tidings' is to hand. • It is edited by Mrs. Gordon Wright, is published semi-raunthly, consists of eight pages. neatly printed, clear type and is the official organ oi the Wom- any'a Christian Temperance Union of Canada. It would be well for every White Ribboner, in order to keep in touch with our Dominion work, to subscribe for this little paper. ft is only 50c a. year, -One of the speakers at a public meeting, in fa•Vor of local opticri, in North Toronto, was a gen- tleman from New Zealand, 'who said among other things, that the difficulty regardbeg passing prohibitive laws in his home land was practicably solved when they extended the frenchise to women. 0.1100410000411119011110.081111111100041 g TRE GOURSES OF STUDY: • • 'in the • e e is CENTRAL STRATFO.RD, ONT. • Are up to theHIGLIEST STAND- ° ARD (./F EXCIELLENOE- and e that is one reason why this popue 2 f tar school is DOW enjoying a"rec- ; ord-breaking" attendance. You et • want the best training and we 2 e give it, theretore enter at once. lOirculars free. 00 W. 3'. ELLIOTT,• a 1/41,4450640:irtilitntetlittosofs 0 0, neeseette KEXIILLEli'VZ DYES These Dyetewill dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Sate or Mixed Gods in one bath --they are the lateet and most improv- ed Dye in the world. Try a Packsgs' All colors at C. Terre, Exeter. Du lIfiateria We wish to thank outmany cue- tomere for their valued patronage during the year 1003 and respectfully solicit a. continuance of their valued orders, We also invite all whn eontempl, building in 1904 to call and inepe our stoek wbich will be found com- plete in every department, and at prices that will justify them in placing their orders with us. We manufacture Packing Boxes and Orates and Bee Keepers Supplies, such as Beehives and Hive Fittings, ROSS 86 TAYLOR EXETER, ONT. BROWNINCS Satigaetion Guaranteed Complete assortment of no -to -date Spectacles Best Quality, Lowest Prices, also full supply School Books Note Books, &c. Drugs Medicines and Chemical Toilet Articles Brushes, Combs and Perfumes. Brownings Drug Store