HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-1-28, Page 7„. fliD RETIRED 13ERULlat UTILIZING CHIMNEY SMOKE. In Brussels-, Manes, and °tiler 13e1 - OP HIS EtCeERIENCE gur tozAs, ar ti g irvocf4siTotliekec)abut°ftiret- WHEN AN AMA'PEUR. li''engyitgeto ugood account, li'es receetly — T,,„„„been employed. The smoke is driven he Very Narrow squeak ne „,0 by te eentilatieg fan Mee a filter with n,a. Carrying Olf Sweig Gel pores materialover whicle a. con- Skatestinuous stream eke petroleum, ben- thet you're meet likely to think oi, TorliesQrineseulitiqiusktihaytththce "It's dark lanterne and iimeelefe zelnetfdenalen°01:14: when ytatre iiiintins. of a man in smoke is entirely suppressed, while my line of work, said the retired tbe filter yields a gas of great beat- bureer. "aucl you wouldn't ever na- lag P°wer' whieh MR b4 uSed for do- event- thine of min as doting, any mestic eagIll purpoees and for driving gee - es, The filtering^ material it - /lee in hie business for such innocent things as slede and. Skates; but I self also becomes a good combustible used 'em both, once, be a little ex - during the process, . ----- 4 reflation that I made not long after ND PAINS I started in the PeofeSslorl- ACHES — .e.. "I was living tiler/ a small town. on the Ileaihs of a river, ao4 I set .A.re Merely Symptoms of Disease out one winter night to clean out and enlist be Treated Teirough ie house that I'd sized up in another the Blood. town on the banks about ten miles If you eerier with pain -any kind of taP the strealre We'd had a thaw dein...Iwo ire mind that pair' is but end a rain and then a hard freeze, a symptom, not a, disease; that what and I didn't want to foot it twenty lyou must tight is not the poen but its i le4 over rough, heeney frozen roads eeesee that lininiente and oils for and I didn't ere any reason why I couldn't ge nicely and easily up the river to this town on skates and come herrn the same way with the stuff on a sled. "Tee river badn't gone out with tee thaw and the freeze after the raiu eiel made the seating there great, was doing to take the ebauees ;are wen. Every 410Se aettlallY lnates ei ending a filed in the house I was ;Iwo?, rich blood, welch drives dis- Mug to. Tile niceni was right. Ilease from the syetera and banishee ad It going up, and saw the lost ipain. Thousends 'and thousande of el: it lust before I struck the house. grateful people hate given their toe - "And the bolero was a good one, tiraony to prove this. Mr. Georoe Cary, Tilbury, Ont., says -'For a whole summer I suffered terribly froM sciatica. Tee pain was sometbing awful, and I could scarcely bear to have one -thing touch my leg. I took divine from two cincture, and tried ni mber of recommended remedies, hut derived no benefit. Tben I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and tins znedielne helped me almost from the start, and soon re- leased use froni the trouble, and I have not since had a twinge of it. therefore hove great reason to praise Dr. Williams* Pink Pills." - Sciatica. rbeumatisni, neurelgie and all other aches and pains are corn - external apolication, are absolutely useless. To overcorae the cause of pato internal treatment is necessary. Pains, no matter where loceted, wm disappear when you purify end enrich the tecod and strengthen the nerves. Aches and pains disappear as if by magic when Dr. WilliamsPink Pills and I got the stuff together eaaily end without disturbing anybody' at ell, and I found, as I had, expected 1 eoeld,cieled in the cellar, and got that out, and got the stuff, ALL IN A SA.CK, roetel onto it securely, and started /Iowa the hank to the river and got 1-11 nie sitates again and started down Io way 1 had eowe. "It was very dark now, with the 6100ft down, so that 1 couldn't see the river. as 1 bad coming un; but fierknees was what I wanted, and I knew the river pretty welt, anyway; bet the first thiug 1 latew, meeting alone, ilrogging teat sled behind ine. bin and *Iowa I went, through an &tele' driven from the syetein air hole. and the next Second I eound through a fair lasd of pr. Williams' myself beoone it under the ice! Pink Pills. Don't take any pink col - "Well, that was a situation? Sure. ored substitute; see tbat the full Ani I hal ray Sliniety in one pocket name "Dr. Williatns' Pink Pills for - + lntern Ia 111 ther; X was Pale People" is printed on the wrap - weighted down good and identY, and per around the box. If in doubt send direct to the Dr. William's Metliclue It sere did reem as though there Would be nothing further doiog for Coe ate dad t P s among many queetions if I drunk cof- box or six boxes for $2.60. 4. e. SHNIPLE 132.1.11171 FOOD. "Hie advice was: 'Go to SOIDO pro- vision store and get a box of Post - Tee, consumption of earth as food, enn &hen it, in piece of cofree and is said to., be common. not only_ in as you are confined to your desk to China. New eniedenin "NV a. great extent try and get out in Cellinea, hut in the Malay Archipelee the open air as mune as possible. I go as well. Tile testimony of ;ninny femme his lustructions regarding rovellers in the Orient is that the postern,. yellow ra.ces are especially addicted "At that time my weight was 142 to the practice. In Java, and Sumo.- and I was taking all kinds of drugs eliroegli the thin ice around DV, or tra the eleY used undergoes pro.. and medicines to brace rue up, but. pull ovate ont e. head. But pun limi nary prom/rat inn fort consump- all failed; to -day I weigh 165 and tion, being mixed with voi er, reduce did; it was all I had, ,and, all of eny troubles are gone, and all (el to a. paste and the sand mid Studies, it didn't give. Tho the credit is due to hexing followed "And an instant, later I had thy crer bard substances removed. this wise physician's advice and cut y is then formed into small cakes head out of meter, and then, hanging ay about as thick as a iced off tbe coffee end using Pesten). in its ou to the rope and then the sled, I Pencil and boned in rin iron sauce- Placa Dan. 'When the tablet, emerges from "I now .consider nay health perfect. finally managed to get out onto firm ire again. When I dropped down this process it resembles e. piece of am willing to go befere a notary through tbe air hole the sled bad dried pork. The Jevanese frequent- public and testify that it was all shot on over rny head and over the hole and the runners had caught Just glit, to grin 'era good and hard in the roots of an old tree sticking up, frozen herd in the ice, ON THE °THEIR smE 01.0 "It certainly was a fool thing for rne to do, soa.king as I was and fast freezing up, to stop anti try to clear that meld, but that's what I did, and I got it clear, and started on with it again, skating now as fast as I coleil to get soul°. warmth into me if I could, "Going that way around a point that made a bend in the river the sled swung out as I made the turn and the first thing I knew one of the sled runners had caught on an ice - ripple, or a stick or, something in the ice, as it swung, and turned over and smashed down through a thin spot that was there, bringing me up all standing; for I still hung on to the rope. "But I had come to my senses by this time, and I didn't nudge much of an effort to get the sled, out. I did make one little tug .o the rope, but wnen I heard the ice cracking ar_ound the edge of the hole where fhe sled had gone down, I dropped it and hot -footed for home; once under the ice was enough for me in one night. I had sense enough now not. to take any chances on that. "Whether the folks. ever get the sled and the silver back, I don't know, but I got pneunionia•as a re- sult of the trip, and had a great old time; and always after that I stuck to the solid road in winter. reght find some use for the river in the summer, when I could get there and back in a boat, but there was noth- ing doing' for 'me any more on the Sunlight Soap will not burn the nap off woolens nor the surface off linens, 14.E.DUCES =2EPIZ,NSIS Ask for the octacen Bar. renen'eneenelteerreeereeeineeeeeoe flamboyant Iceberg, is often hi,gbe it er than the highest Alps would be if they were plied on top el the Himalayas. It is not unusual for these clouds to measure five, six or even eight miles from tbeir flat, dark, base, hovering a mile or two above the world, to their rounded, glistening summit, spleodid in the eunlight. And in these eight miles the el -lenges of temperature are as those over welly thousand =nee of the earth's surface. These clouds contain etrota of tem- perature. narrow belts of freezing cold alternating with large 'distances of rainy mist and frozen snow and ice particles. Hailstones. which are forzned from a snow particle that falls from the upper strate. and is frozen bard in the freezing belt and coated with added ice in the wet belt, are often found with a eerlos of layers in their formation. showing that they bave paeeed through this steceession of cloud stroll', more tban once on their way iron/ the upper air to the earth. SCOURGE-OFH.THE..AGE IS. .KIP:NEY.: DISEASE Terri le Inoreaso tho Number of Deaths. from This Ailment. "That man there in a. bypo.. crite,” said Jordon:in, AS be left the drug store. "You mean the drug- gist ?" "Yes. When 1 vent In I interrupted in the enidet of com- pounding e preseription: I told him I wanted a. two -cent Stamp, and he smiled as sweetly, as if was glad to see me." WOKanY. Sure S arter for 111 Reath. Useless worrying (a, form of uerd- ouseess) is indirectly the result (through the nerves) of improper feed- ing. A furniture Mall of Memphis saes: "About a year ago I was afflicted with nervous spells, would worry SO aver trivial things. "I went to consult one of the best will be sent by mail at 50 cents a. P113'8744".in 41eraPhis and he asked me till the lee brae up in the epring and then -all this shatin' through my mind In arout two seconds, yon kifow-I realized that I had some- thing in my right band. I was still hanging on to the sled rope. And met it eeerned to have even that jOnnection with tho world above, eed I hung onto that, you cnn bet, Out ti 0 inlet instant, or all in the Jame one, I guess, 1 thought that if piffled on it I'd pull the :led down Is Gammon to All 013331 ma Donations of Poole. t Orek3s Stsalthily into tile sy tem ana Davolops Into Many DiSOUBS. • classes of the community. 'SYli does know is more to the point all this. He knows that Do( Kidney Pine will cure all aelie wbich experience has taught bite come from the Kidneys. Ile take Dodd's Kidney, Pale, and goee 0 with els work. SOME EXCEPTIONS. Of Course, there are exceptione to every' rule. Keen arnoug comMen people there are those who negleet the early warnings of Kidney !Disease. It takes exceptions to prove the rule -but many of theeo exceptions prove niora-thy prove that no case of Kidney Disease is too far gone for Dodd's Kidney Pills to cure. Bright's Dieease, Diabetes, Dropsy, Iinert Dis- ease -all the varied forms a Kidney Disease in its advanced stages -have been met by Dodd's Kidney Pills, and Bright s Diseaso,ileart%SORE% Dia- never onee Las Canada's great leid- betes, Dropsy ana non- From. the Atlantic to the Pacific. and roatisni, are Among tho Fouls A Takeo, ly eat email figures roughly modelled from cloy which resemble animals or little mon turned out in pastry Shone. WAKEFUL BABIES. No baby cries for the mere Son the thin*. It cries because it is not well -generally its little stomach is Sour, its bowels coweested, its skin hot and feverish, This is often Neely babies are wakeful and make nights miserable for the parents. Relieve the little one and it will sleep all night, and let the mother get her needed rest as well. Just what mothers need for this purpose is Baby's Own Tablets -a medicine that speedily relieves and promptly cures all the minor ailments of young children. The experience of thousands of mothers has proved the truth of this, and among these mothers is Mrs. James Farrel, Baoherry, Ont., who says : Wale Baby's Own Tablets the best medicine in the world for little ones. 11.1,y baby was cross and gave me a good deal of trouble, but sinee using the tablets I could not wish for a healthier or better natured child." Stronger praise e.ould not be giv- en, and the mother has a guarantee that the Tablets contain no opiate or harmful drug. Sold by me'dicioe dealers or sent post paid at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr. Wil- liams Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. HOW WHALES `IHAVEIL. Adclresieing the Acaderay of Science of Christiania. Professor Goldlob said that the whales that swim about. he islands which lie off the coast of Norway and Finland In March and April travel imMense dis- tances. In May they turn up at the Azores, or even at the Berneaclas and sothetimes pay a, visit t� tbe jtntili.,They swim fast, for in June they are back again off Nor- - way, some of these,. whales have been known to -bring back evidences of where they have been, for har- poons of the peculiar kind used off the coat of South America have een found stuck: in ;them, Applicant,—"Yes, ma'am, Oi guess pill be as good as th' next 'wan, Sea'arn. at, thCoeookin.' .an' the house- Mys. ITirant Offen-'`Welie, we have only the plainest 'cliseiee here," 'Soinuel the betthee, ma'am; ye won't complain so =tell when break tlaim." due to my baying used Postum in place of collee." Keene given by Postern Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason for quitting the drug -drink code% and there's a rea- son for drinking Posture.. Trial 10 days proves them all. Look in each package for a copy of the famous little book, "The Road to \Yellville." e "Why does people crow'd into the great cities ?" asked Plodding Pete, as he looked up from the newspaper. "Dates easy," answered Meandering Mike; "nearly everybody you see in 'de country wants to put you to work on a forret." ney Ilerneder had to admit defeat. swrWA•o.A. '�n&y Pills the Ono Re hat lever rails to Ours No Matter How or Where It la Foul from the Great Lakes to lIndson • y, Dedd'e leichiey Pills are use& wherever used they have tri- jis lambed over Kidney Disease in ry form. 'Thousands of Corrode - ns are shontirig their praises of the Conqueror. Just a few of those wile have neee, leceed tlie early seemptome, reacluei the more advanced stages of Kidney gearound o liisPaSes, and found a euro in Dodd's Could Searly t tdo In duties in my store. I bad eome Kidney Piils are given beloiv, There the best doctors I could get, but no, Of all the diseases the Thinlia are thousands of others. Asir In your own, immediate neighborhood. Yon will not have to gO far to Meet waS also troubled with Gaut. thing I tried would ever give ene re - Hotel Belleclaire o Broadway Ortd 77th Street, New Yerle. Lerseemeeee Feemenee Remo fee persieuent see trustee egueste, et moderate prices OACTI gan.6, or Sim° Pessees, e p.m. trill ea. *RD'a.S.UllarP, PaLlf DOoli aata Car; gems a ertelle perfeetion. °Wane &orrice wane sleinetful. A SRECIatc Fr.4.7Ca.Z as °Pc Amen Titr-WDZ SUMP. Penioe roe names Is areebeeplearoeterieure. Our 'Gallery of Oneettee reietetee, velirel et tenete. le open eveuieee to vieltors. Affability est/ courtesy seeralitece Loma every .a.WOLVT4alt leer:were ditILT(did ROBLF Proprietter. i Ont. deer with I I his et erit: years wee trouble isatory Rheumatism. health, Inc body men, women and children who haVe ri started lasing Pc'ild's NidtICT rills the one that fteetteadar either wardeci off or cured the terror awl had dubs tali:: sx. cbrozsg. when has to combat in its strure as a serpent, it creeps an its victim. °uneaten etand-by--Dodd's Kidney eeidney Dieease. Quletly, stealthily Ex -Reeve of Dresden. Ont. till the latter is enveloped in its folds, and the greatest physicians tee world leas ever nnown stand helpless FACTS ABOUT CLOUDS. Size and Teraperature «1 Fleecy Cumuli of the Sky. The 'dimensions of 4:ngle eloutka as far as the area covered by their base is concerned, vary, a^ =voile coal see, from the cloud the size of a man's hand to that which eovere the entire visible heavens; but the height of clouds can be observed more ide- finitely and can be estimated with convincing accuracy, and it is this height that largely determines their contents and characteristics. A great cumulus thunderhead, tow- ering op on the horizon like a huge Neglect a cough and contract consumption. .100,44ft 'The Lung 434 VINO Tonle mires consumption, but don't I leave it too lenge' Try it now. Your money beck 11 it doesa't fiefeefit yet. ' , , Prices: 9'. 0. WaLts & Co. 301 2.50 "Mc. TARCW, N.Y.. Torooto,Can. ilpw's This! tee:eared Dollars Reword Lor *try two of Catarrh that cermet. be cured by li all's Catarrh ewe. if. J. CHILINItlY & Co., Toledo, O. Vu, the undersigned, have known V. 4 Cheney for the last 16 years, and believe nun perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligationmad( Viatetelhe'llet• leseee, Wheolesitio Druggists, Toledo, 0. W.A.133)414G, IettenAte Whoiesiefe Pruggitts, Toledo, 0. Catarrh Cure is taken Inter. growing in strength and terrors 4 of the present. age by eeine tilt) Old Wal3 coalPietaV s'avyrl• s. muGirrs DISEASE CURED. Bright's Disease has invariably yielded to a treatment of Doileds Reny, acting directly upon the '6100 d and tendons surfaces of the system. lestlmoinals scut free. Price 'Tec. per bottle. Sold y ail druggists. „utiles Family Pills are the best. ALL KIDNEY DISEASES CURED These are only a few eases take Idfrom thoueands to show the eillcaey before it. As the last fold goes :ley Pills, no matter how firm a eof lhodd,s mtney rids aavanceti around the etruggiing victim and the it bad seemed on its victim. Possibt Kiturty pisea.r.t,. In ether doctor shakes his bead and whispers the most taltee of case of recenti "eefor.ms of Kidse.y trouble, suck an ril3trilaginhgt.'s Danisdeat5lei.e"slotr°rio'ewinftgi'delsrientilos 'Sdahribeisnatehanditeo.flIALiteSMeaoll..41NP.O.r.t.ertri°te,wc.auness. ete., 3-kahrs xidney pius 1.7rinary trouble% Gravel, rewrite feel that death bus marked their full story of this ease will be foetid number ef Dethht have tbe scene record. Tlieo aiways The s,larming inereaee this terrible:Magazine. In the current in ti:c Ilaek-the loved one for its own. dieeteee is malting is evidenced by from the young rierewittt a Short state- euro. As for Pan lady's mother ask yens neighbern. Yoe% find tee first symptom of Kidney trouble - Fo ot d the lots1 renowned ray d gh_ in of them look, on Pain in tine t the columns of almost eery news- appended: paper. r n atumiY 9 Two d oc ors p the earth atom: does look for its ter's illness Bright's Disease, and 1/aLe4 `Is 'a danger 6'4.34411° and an itS victims. Stateemen, udges, eminent gave. her a up to die. Her eoelida first ailTearance safeguard themeolves j le.weers, and honored divines are ,swelled tilI she -could hardly see; her against tide terribly fatal uumbered among those who re- Lege trona her nkles Kidney to ber limes cent months eave gone down to their : bolt in health was se elle( . Iter fact, ea prevalent Lae the disease be- e.,,,e, e this twenty inches, when she was at her graves with the fell marks oe dread dieease upon their bodies. In , epecialist stated i ecently that not 4o8thienrellt74;atmfrehneta asniad° eome that a. celebrated New York letrs'eteipt Il'a'asil 13y the to take Dolki's Kieney Pills, frorn some taint of Kidney Disease. box I saw a cliange. It, took a long the time sbe had taken the first one person in a. hundred was free health but Dodd's Kidney Pills did WORKS IN SECRET. time to bring Jeer bank to perfect it. To -day my daughter is in perlect health. Mrs. T. G. Parker, Shnbenacadle, Hants Co., N. S. DIA.I3NTES CURED. Diabetes is another of the most fearful and fatal forum of Kidney Dis- ease that hes been cored by Dodd's Kidney Pills, and by no other medi- cine. Among those cored of this ter- rible ailment is lir. Charles Gil- christ, for fifteen years Chief of Po- lice of Port Hope afterwards for twenty-two years Fishery Overseer under the Dominion Government. Ile Disease is at work gradually eating makes the following statement: Its way into your system. The pain I was a sufferer for ten years with in the back grows more severe. Diabetes and Kidney 'Disorder. At the urinary trouble mare complicate times my urine was of a dark ed, &evenings under the eyes and of bricky color, and I would suer some - the limbs denote the co.ming of thing awful while nassing. I tried Dropsy, eliarp shooting paths In tee doctors and medicines, but could get joints and musclas tell thatRhet -- .no help till I tried Dodd's Kidney matism has you in itsgrasp, or per- Pills. They have made me a new i hens a day or two's llness leads to man. The citizens of Port Hope all Xt is the secrecy of Kidney Disease that makes It the more dreaded. You can fight an enemy in the open with Fume ehauee of success, bue if lie is lying in wait to take you at an unwiuy moment your chances o successfully leghting elm are terribly diminished. So it is with Kidney Disease. Its fleet warnings are so faint as to be hardly noticeable, a Slight pain in the back that is charged up to over exertion, a slight diecoloration of the urine or a. burning sensation while urinating that hardly attracts ottention. Tbat Is all. , But that means that Kidney Lever's (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. Stop Vero Pain bun Destroy the entonreaoit.--Thie Is sadly too often the case. So many nauseous noStrums purporting to cure, in the end do the patient immensely more harm than good. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablet3 are a purely vegetable pepsin preparation, as harmless as milk. (Inc after eating prevents any disorder of the digestive organs, 6o in a hoe 35 cents. -40 In India the average duration of life of the native ' Is twetty-four years, as against forty-four in Eng- land. Cliit8 Ithniper. Deaths from starvation in Great Britain have fallen frdin.- eighte* to twelve per million id the fast tfieety years. iimont No tau IR Cows. -Kftty: "leren called on me in a /Atter; :--s'Frocl called tie in Jenny ! It was 'on.ly week, Fred was telling nae what awful dreams, li UI e calling of the eoctor, and sud- denly the terrible truth is forced up- on you -Bright's Disease has you in its grans. WAY Ole ESCAPE. With this silent, relentless enemy slowly but surely eating its way into prominence and marking that know me and can vouch for the above. Chas. Gilchrist, Ex -Chief Coast and Fishery Overseer, Port Hope. HEART DISEASE CURED. Heart Disease is a result, of Kidney Disorder. Bad Kidneys mean impure prozninenee by a. yearly increase in blood, the action of bemire blood on the length of its death list, the the heart causes Hand Disease. demand of the day, of the hour, in Dodd's Kidney Pills cure itt "Show us the way of escape." Na - I suffered for years with Heart tore never put mankind in a critical Disease, Bright's Disease, and Rheu- matism. 1 was so feeble I was un- able to do anything. There were thme el:ninths I abandoned all medi- cines, and resolved to let myself die. Then 1 was led to try Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, and the good the first box did me surprised me. I have taken twenty boxes in all, am well of my Heart Disease, my Bright's Disease, and ney Rheumatism. Dame Louis Provosts, St. Magloire, Que. DROPSY CURED. Dropsy, another disease caused b'y diseased Kidneys failing to do their condition without providing a, way of osca.pe-providing mankind were wise enough to take the way provid- ed. In this case the way of escape is a, simple vegetable remedy. It has been before the people of Canada for thirteen years, and, like all the great relievere of nature, has been first received and first appreciated by -the lowly in life, those leriown as common people of Canada. Is it the common people of Can- a.dn who die of Bright's Disease I No, it is the bright and shining marks, those who aro stationed above the, heads of the masses. Ask the reason of this I Go to the work and remove the surplus water people who are praetiSally exemnt ' from the blood, is another ailment Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure. Here is an example: I was a total wreck before I start- ed to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. In this mornings before I got out' of bed I could hardly pat my feet , to the floor they were so much swollen #cen Dropsy. My arms used to swell at times so that I could not put on my coat. hitd to be tapped to be Disease by driving it away with the old Canadian Stasal by-I/oars Kid- ey Pills. Tithilo-Tliat men lies certeinly got hie nerve right Willi him,, DeWjnk- SYbat roan that foe. low with the tootheehe just goiter into the tlenilet's. from Kidney Disease in its worst form, and ask them. With almost a single voice they will reply: "We cure our Kidney ailments with Dodd's Kidney Pills, and they never get a chance 'to develop into that terrible dieeese that carries so many prominent men ioto the grave," :ON WITH HIS WORK :A , nd so, et is; the man who does manual labor must heal his slightest relieved from my terrible pains. On. aches or - they hinder him in his' the advice of a friend 1.started to Wok. 'When he has backache he use Dodd's Kidney 1,111s. Before I ettreS it with Dodd's 1i4ne3r Pills, had finished the second box I felt And ooeseon with his When he much better. Seven 130Xes cured me feels a twinge of Rheamatistri. he drives it ant of Ms body with `Dadd.'s idy Pills-ea'd goes Ort With. WS work. NiVeSeity hes Weld, him that lee naliet cure his ieid3nrest work sto rletolite e rid°,f. )ids pabls, ri0f°1 ht: been educated to that. standpoint completely. I don't know what it is to be sick Since I used Dodd's Iid- ney Georg -e t,obertson, 392 St. James St., Montreal, Que. RHEUMATISM CURED. ifilnard's lialmeht Cores Golds, 7irothere-Why, 'Willie, yeu'll yourself eick. Just as sure es eat another piece of pie you'll rick to -morrow. 'Willie -I don't e• To -morrow ain't a, holiday. where a prescript:on to cure must be Rheumatism, and kindred written by a specialist at a cost of Diseaties, such as Lumbago, Sciatica, dollars to every letter, lie may and Gout, ere caused by uric`acid in net e•Vert know that there never was the „Mood. If the. ICidnoYs are. put a disease that took in all dasses of in working order they strnin all the the conimunity 'hut what naituro pro- uric acici out of the blood, and the vided a cure within the means of all Riteurnatisth go(is with iui, Take the 10 11 40 0. Xi:delay Ory. -Pain in the bad: le the cry of the kidneys forbelp. To neglect tbe cell is to deLiver the body over to a disease cruel, ruthiese, and finally life destroying. South American Kidney Cure has power akin to miraculous in helping the needy kidneys out of the mire of disease. It relieves in six boure.-3.3 An Irisbinan wagrred that he and another would consume a bushel of pota.toes in half an hour. Ile won his bet. The "other" was a pig, WAIIASFI RAURQAD, he great winter tourist route to the south and west, including Texee, Old illexico and California, the latute of sun -shine antl Dowers. Through standard and tourist Weeping rare Are POW run via this great souther route. 'rim new and elegant traine n the 'Wabash, are hauled by the most powerful engines ever built. Ieeel7 comfert is provided equal to the best betels, or tho most Weenie ous neenee. Nothimg is wantieg to complete one's heppinees. Tiea days cod isighto pnee only toe lrITICI:1,y4 who travelling ou tee great Wheceli leor iaierzeatiou an to rotes, routes. ete.. :Address', any ticket went or J. A. Richardson. 14t. Ae,t.. N. Id corner King and Yong* Ste., Tozouto. 1.41. Witaanifs Liniment Cuies First Child -My father's got so much money he djesn't know how to spend it. Sand Child -That's nothing. My father's got so muck inoney tbat mother can't spend it. For Over Sixty Years see,. eviesreers Soorurso Srsur has been used le 4aa faded Snits would look better dyed. it no scent millions of mothers for their children while toetkints Ot musts your town, writs direct Montreal, 13 wind colic. recniates the Rommel: arid bowels, and is ths BRITISH ARICRIOA4 DYEING 0 itsoothes the Child, rofttak the rams. a5aysnain. cum bestremody for Diarrhoea. Twenty -Me cents a bottle 45-01 Sol.' hi druggists throughout the world. De sure and ask for 'M&$. wrsetow's SOOTIUSO Frugal Aunt -We haneu;t vote enytezing t eatin e a nice dixaier Tomniy-Yeeen. etemele atter that had beef mivssits. 0. 0. RICHARDS & CO. Gents, -I bows wed your MINI ARID'S LleedieddIN'T in law family end also in ray E.10,14es for years and core der it tbe best medicine obteinablei Yours Truly, ALFRED 110t1ITAV, Proprietor Piow.teri Pend and Livery Stables. Buxton Pond, July t, '01. "Now, then," said the proimeor cet tbe dental college, "wliat are the last teeth that con:e 9" dFelse teeth," replied a bright ire:anneal. An adixdrable Food of the 9 your. Nutri'tious and Boone 48-21 'e YU lIEROCIATS •••••••••••./...• Brinks eluting heavy rain) : "Did you go and ask Mr. Jinks for that umbrella I lent him last night 9" Boy: "Ses, sir; he says as it's raining so he'll lceop it, as he has to go out, and send it round after the storm is over," Resreenner Stereo, the outcome of neglect, or ,ad blood, have a never-feiling balm in Dr. Agnew's Ointment Will heal the most stubborn cases. Soothesirritatimi almost instantly after first application. It relieves all itching end burning skin. diseeete in a day. It cures piles in 3 to s afighte 35 cents. -39 1 -LTD nAD PROMISED; The fair beide wept copiously. "Boo-hoo I" she screamed. "You are a. • mean old. thing; so 'Oxen You didn't. eat a one of my biscuits !' darling---" "There is no excuse, sir! Didn't you tell me when you married me-- boo-hoo I -that eou would die for tee ?" BASTEN'SK1120 ST,, 5ST. tat N'EETMM' f endfor coulee. Wegive extra Value. raw Fore an neestrim Send for price list 11-04 !NALL coutITESES, R 1T 81811013'.).. 014 TO pA,-tr., AY V: E Ll'r1GATICIAL Sand tor Handboca tOS nay Ott,A,Teepigirge en Patents, an. Cominion Lino Steamships Ilderntresall te Liverpool nesters te Liverpool Large and Fast Steamships. Superior aceoramodatiom tor all classes of pnvoneers, Saloons and Ststoroocres %re amidships. ISpoidai attention has been elven to thq Second &Soon trod Thirtt•Class accommodation. Por rates o4'85e and alt earticalers, auply to any aget4 Ot the Coiummy, or to passeager A gent. , 9-.11 DOMINION LIND OPEIOES : 'iasss.naaoa, 0 St. 5a.m.,..54 • A St ve to Catarrh. 0r, AgtielVeVataralug Pdv " tio.yes iir,t 10' Me -Tates., D. T. 'Sarouple,., President of San:10,0'6 Installment Company, Washington, writes: "For years 1. was adhoted wit.h Chronic Catitorh Remedios :Ind treat, ntent by specialists only 5Z.V0 me, tkara- adson porary relief until IC was Induced to uqo Dv. .A4new'c' Catarrhal Powder: el ' gave almost instant relief. ear Dr. Agnew's 1-leart Cure is for the N(rve-el ticate. end Stood ALL ,,IC;DIDS 0 And Farrn Pro. duce geneeallye consign it to uf4 mee we will get • you good pricea, '