HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-1-28, Page 6proviree the only meeets of se • " ear,. eetaer reel . e earn. he „- 17.rit,1-rig riven' Mr. while o Potion-
. ae all get to. It' we cameo tact. eetatee of, attars rale, -el Mande ito shoW the ring beside Au :se
tooseries bot ISead 'nee. aredes. ' ' "e• 1'1'11 ' ' • 'Ler t4niritsPoSed task fer froan an titaIr° shnIKY thster of the hest :,tcl OP" ' tia• grammarian, sometentes m the
egress, straight going befog renel'ered e 1 ' ' h 'I - 1 I 1
' • 'I t in • tt
Or, Kin Between Mau .and
a certain eturaber win do oe -tive and energetic. order of beings
t °nor of calling, tbe little fry :Mot (roes oot allow the grass to
t, and the big last, as is nearly grow under feet. Procrastination
/ a evoys the case." !could not be included ia the category et'
"I suppose so, and perhops Ave may ;of her shortcomings. Whenever anY
bow, more visitors than we anticipate!fresh arrivals 1ppeare4 in the neigh-
ed., for I thought the agent told you ,borhood she immediately constituted
A F0411.1 OR was an extremely gaY !it her duty to call mon there with -
place iltiring the winter months, and; out loss of time. This anode of pro -
full of bunting. gentlenten." 1cedure itad among the circle of leer
"OW so he did. 13itt I don't much 'intiznate friends becoire such au en-
belie e agents
Seasonable and Profitable f
trint$ for the Duey Tflzis
Of the 8011.
• 3 4 Ai. s. • ? 41E•44Yr.**ii(4.31
highest type of e, dairy Ayrshire.
"The photographs of noted Ayr
shire at the pail, both io. Scottend
na here, indicate that the greotest
dairy yielche conic from a, different
looking cow from the one you use.-
allY see lei into the show ring, a
cow of more distinctively dairy type
"I raw two imnorted Ayrshire
ws, at the alepermental Fares. at
Ellit0118. •••Of.....11AEAT. :-ilEN..
SOME OF TMEM 3"4.1471:1ALT472:
Chamberiain'e Langet-age Not
Paultless-Gladatone Was
Ottawa and the. record of the dairy The reporting of Lor -d Roseberrydi
'ZS,Tiarb;,d,liatntin›:*VPRIo*WiraritsnIldin>1.."."-nera)letioNiorerrer'"-I''' est -ate, con . horriade seeistiere';tttirselYerouiVeuzs'st°Idemahreelrjerneat that
reearcled the T114 IcirlICA14 DAMY C°W.
PLIAPTER VII. do not p"st,ss,, Nothing .eder puts, young odenan, I sboultil.likeltoolrkneinw_',alantaly in the light of e di;tinguisleed tbtt'AthrtIliceecel3ntreeadllenrsa,alAsMectilantgion type wt:s far ahead of the show tYPe• speech at the tun eilling of a tablet
There is no good reason why there
ort Lodge, the present residence e'c' at: 1 la 'v ' " Out/ ' * 'eing wha,t1S"ou do bellow nxtula;inlg,. not iwboseplexrpsoprietist,otbasade.Nootrng'-ocQoiulr.izipueiliti Albany, a vein' able Pallet' OY Seer shOuld lie such a scareity of 1,0,000 t;(:)omilleneonfultVe liciatiptex%,4sCale,11-elclart IT2.aegizi-
y4),Ung, lady add ede feiena y•to.,t in a rage in all oty life, whereas eredu ar' is something
t I 0 •
pounds Ayrshire cows, and if breed- lisb. pa, er, Where the spealter re-
eepne van help theieselees; it's eore. son ostlied Miss 51027.7 Whittreed." , Otstrict weee deteranitzcatcli:;te. ulan aud fli.'4 hveo.tretiosnp.ace Amitiyo; fcletrilebeincgoneltuta , j5liket011tiri.unds C°W3 It:'ould be met sstailde' ers well:81‘701)7t;ed.des,astt ijIrstvitIneg
mot of ceriesity. possossed tho .1t` ni:es the langliteg .--eOsinrier. "Site at :: An unforturate,
o some hdlfreuee dier,etee what coteritio•as they are been. newa isset nasniros roe with seatlineots of ;:wife, had arrived at the Rest and ;str1etoral citaracteristios of the beei Iluornre\yelthiteadtiftl.,:renscpeeeinelelle,edil.oluovheisr.
go of being edeated on lee, stitutionol, met just tiepeeels noisier
.t.der,d quite unworttnly so. But --itt:st'llialtlititteftzt.l. Hotel one, so lately as driaa onti the tliklerenee between. that
with, all the credentials 411'1 the ddirY form, he said: er'14eItiNrenetidegr°s(livAl-srshivreVougilrdAtuoll: S
woz.„,, ne v. Jeanie if you can but be eeriors coil:erred by youth, geed -looks, flow after the Scotch type of lasege PoPre of those %OK) were taking
jowd3eug teed, of Feeenge -hove the good leek to owit a pled! Prtldleur-a vstC031."
building field after Rehl of green un- 'rlk's ree toore then to eee tile:es left f."17 ;Ma lum'nes tar`ettler• 1 foel Forn a large tot -twice but eeese. thaas to the Pews of an breeds that hare ...leo 'shire breeders 01 Scotland have ae-
elle -In studYing the outward form of horns and small teats. If the Ayr- notes did the Earl a tilidnel-S bY.
+correcting a little shp, to which he.
n, Which it overs000en, Freed tho • mother and father -you are plaeld al -
modern plate -glass w.indows of tbe ,5°--li nt)to nOt, Now nothing
eal.dd ;parted from the original type of Itho Mt'• Chanlherlaifl. is addicted-
dulo.tireg pastures, unbrolinn by 1Ying ittOnt eta: aftee day sewer tied teet-e- certain Gott in a place of this Mrs. Forrester's investigations, it .,•11. 1.1,..qh Inighest yields at the
eye„ composed of stid, tateiviiing calve -Fs AtIat''C'S me tuldr.r. Sowet-413 oee, oot -,, e. - dee 1i to le. -It t,...r..t tin i..dered homely and 111- , • . • -
:United States enel Cr -maths have elsa
of , faint* announcing, bis iesinnation can -
aft:. Charaberlaht s letter to Mr. lie
_ . That depends very mach on bot 'boas,- , •-• Ts c, WiYdri he cors' ,.
e dr, or • in a
bleehtleorti, fenced in by stout wood...fs so thre in ray estimeeien, rohe:;.4 ,-;u7eicuiettl t6,0alhae,gfery:t'cleili•d ;To oe'Sxmeeratrin:‘e, strip ief paeteOoard, %sake genes to shaped, ieneraded-I do not sea the wisdom,
ed taxers; for the country, within ,, who ari.• perretteelly feteeding ' -k 'Argun, ntasteeship. aeti Olt gratedd "lt ban alln'aa's •seented Viet tho raur iplleari"g their lead' e:-)eelalLY 'fore.differeitt position to that
- tatned the phrone, "I stand, there -
/et redegessdr. nose but tbe best atont....te'lleppext tse reit trzeir plumose Ogee, cal 7.3.11-4.C4S neither Mire trent. Perf./et trust o: , -as reeoes.d in wail from a, beef type ated let go tee .i.‘datrl;- tlrFe that exefeld in milk' Pre- Air, nrcosford, the Unionist caudi-
dariog to ride over it. Pertneerele Pld'IS'!' c'n'' he 12 -'41‘ -ea date for Crewe.
ed and highest 'enur"Age't horsemen exeention„ tee 42.3.7 gorie by v:s2.e3 , lel,ae.,,et.,...i der.e tIr..t te,:e. etee_est feel-, ealrs. Forrester's decisions, leer au, straeght coatour of the bees producer
Se useare Is 4 '.••=e Of. .24.SilaUtC.' =AMA WaS generatly law- and ei with the greatest reluctance.
e -,, vies- tto 7 q . idtOSVIIMVW of this description.
quite uncoostious'y, bed by - - ferred to Afacaulay's value as On Jo,
-well, very elight cause suf.' „corifIcience might be pieced ant ace tarY Winston, cm structure and eliaae el 3 W°1314 raY more attention t° the
n4 -e'; to o say preposterous,
arrival arotised ronsielereeele LIPS'A zdY teinVer- 1 don't beleva a . dairy type of their Ayrshire cows the tellectaial stimulus, by 9ds allusive
Tee..eye ilueneita; in a little per- rcoreliog to which the actions of the acteristics of the dairy cow was J.V
condition was dif-
Plough or vestige or arable iani. taP or Put in- their Oases. Iroso t re e S'are LI' 2.111' 1111111h4"1: herniae known. the beee's enteeeetents 'eau win and them larkii7g in that their 11 Cd that aboia the thne our Bucheetul such a
v. -ere to be seen, while on ad sides "'cat do so-and-so oonortitne' is a sae-- na.c,3 abaute Pe°Pte •••ou i'were not exactly en that could be ahe:eiteess aseribed to the beef one- weee Intel% and r"°1"
• ,..S.LtiO. “t0" SIMI% another Ise twice
great up -standing With:news net the ,1"g canstanttV h.‘'az*d. len ore wat'ssit „ Perished, Foeinet e - anal, and which to a beer brisater front which the best Ayeshires of the said, then, eou: se of his oration.
ir:atti owta: moor:T:11:0f a!: zge, 72.111, ractirelleyrt:1,str,neur/bey ; qa, glic:rtleyeL,caftolorest.40.1no,g ;I:11,ot it7.4,.001zstinotfitedtiregia:tettrelisi.alsteals tartyitrige.,,tvelnn.zwiet rgein'•-leoavelglis PiroZterteltle3;t pofeantent; ic:Ilertiguettvesr,1%.1.115 Iso eIvvaroote ryet;
luawerer, gates were, it.t.retiitzi 03 02, tiltm,nt.. Tee,7„. orta ,..e.egrowistf,eseee, 9retay are too insapiel to :melt traoble„ wane the teen inter-
tvat • 'd 1 1 I
"It is almost proverbial that a,
p • yet silt,. t00% metv,32,ma thattereat producer in the dairy breeds
immediate neto,liborhotesi. edtett lee t• nn"le0g- WIIY litSlt!Srelee SI1Y. Nearly ell our public melt have an
lr?-.41 n 11.:.4 Pe late - - •
ti . sue, ttortert aim Te URI* .at?, Pt one 1 oo it t
e es , tr. r e teee g „ • • s ! Leo es, ne:1111 .,•11 .„ ,
in women the ran toes obith 2 11 t • mot% of wr t to, tioned out angular,
still mere difileult ley tlIe pet &0 of w" • • 4 11,• ' io4 * 7 • t • ,
t 0 ontele fruie from
vee must choose the riereent 1.141-1••• II" 21 rd` -• h a' sittoe is in the olailie of knowing ntoro tbau eeould denote superiority, have I, it ha -netters a heath. In the majovity hdebe. constructed sentences.
n happens to he riro ens! your
good. Procrestination
o corral, a railway, and an mem:lea'
o.ble brook:. II
Sport Isodge noes Sq11Qr4-1.1.1111ilt
intermediate Eamon o'dtradde to „Ler m
ro-tnf ing Fooleneighbors, of berg able to ane heard Our Canadian ei:taiShiS in tile inStAllt:'7‘5-122 oglts yl':1;ysteeXt.firatt r; jliitcoutithierefii‘rurnooliefarsglii‘pvnioesizliip,c111
ems ntes o, :prose thew with eeeso el superior ringcoden
. nrascrurnpled borned ;In tile ese of nervt
old-faeltimied, eeaneortable tehode, Ole " to rot the one and take the ;reel t It:1,!tolt-ovr rin..12;e1i714,"ineittlyt?'_e" 044- 5'5.1304h PL nrd sIiriiwileiligv,er AYrshire euw rmar°11ess beRY tbe il°rsn ir°311 i.4.51re though its commission is seitetioned
folio rea ttrielss of waieh its wallsI otl °Ila‘*r- A't li'aSt 5.3 :tier /Imes, tvlio are neither vicious itor 'Felt to universal request, This wr. rt.gna. anPorte'eurla.74%tehrPlectli7eofIletelie breini„ ieetV be fears and- shown that theY " t,hors and orators of etninent etand-
borne f,liseee gradually accustomed to the
g the custom of huoimerarde au-
eomPosed being mellow -et' by tee ,it
names, Nos itOr gocni. bait nho we of insPortence SkOtertel dire For- 4" uld not hurt him he would never ing. For the false genitive he could
tn. a). Ise e• tin nee
la d of time end the werrines the '14'3 /•ln• 1"- • - 'Ts te „ei , , • , e • • • t • • sriorzip uritiarr.
-me sew tiort t. E:- a t.1' V"1111" 411' reSter.8 .9110 wae folly alive
jeosetimsetnitust,3111)leattscsohllia;tattpor te‘ell Po;u1e,er*p°retecheerzert..c::1;V:t7tvoraelconn".ts rp:111;:r,riet.:;t1:51,3 thfueztiv2islsu,:!:rtri.ttecifn,..1 to de;r oldro, "Tile higiteat excelleuee of a. dairy
d nes. time 2^ or cow is her csarecity to 6.1,e0 tee hoe.
1y witie the glossy /eaves of the ivy l'"v1)11/' "3 e " tiore e. irstirv,PO"*01;:e '4‘;')
fo4ti*A- :treatil‘de .:1„.'ursltit of a`vrsid where- est dairy t)ro'dn'et from tile -le -lest eard at close oroxinitty for the lost iteml husitte.,4 prerenta 'Me Making
clinale.g, -------------------------------- fes, ri Wonta r‘kot such tuft %-,Ith to gr atlfs or est ern.1 her vain- cooseened, met wben eetix study Ur?
, tiEne entil vet 1 Steve repeatedly prov-' • t. d'etan f
6 ane engeoernents a a ia co rota
tts own eta . tion open up a field worthe ,yolar -
t. s. coesIs see,
-have become a shyer. admit uo excuse Is this he and
Neerly every Waren foe inetance, is afr. Chamberlain would have. differ -
railed by alp beeting of a, drum if t ed "I regret that preesure a Of.
flt 54t0051 255 of a short evolaoentrine. small (low- r tor eanallze tioduSy relegated to eterat-; Let " widow in =startle life arid ducera nou do not and them 1 a it , s 11 1 11
ture (poet y ow a tun 1.1,5 Spl mg
dr to I 1. ° to ti• Liverpool Client-
- d " Tar. Chamberktin wrote
"t entatttly net; don't aPprove o. , 3 I, t? 01 , • e I toes rottea bis elect; or put upon • ber of Coleinerec. Sir Edward riante
d kitchen g vxdarn, ano PN .h.,t c wow pon geese ..atm. cco4ra peesesning CONopet.r.ce which. large home or straight backa. Whilo • lossUv •
rapacious arse r,1111V,Veenareerljttl 4,1:14 two enfeetee ete see:twee SUed res Jort, her tastes beteg teeth frugal ond one or atone oi tha charactelrlIns iti'5:1-t11)3(1Tz al`4:11z1w:;'74.4.541141
art o x . a.
paddock. Inalcle, the rooms, "" , ureleretand it. but env udital retaqn ual es• s eet "et - y
tnot obtain erti.'t she is '5)10 s''1 • *, " I ° Ut bl " 414e" 3'055 1413 now art4 .114'n FA a 1.U.r.Y fiso minutes oi hia finit introdection emite a homily Loin Mr. Gladstone
o eat rest enceeid „,„ iteeinee V -Sts 24.,.ter.writ , . n•-• it c
C7:13 bor righto by the leap of cede " ,.. t1.41“41) tO 1.‘c lroo 'alba a• esaed pradtzet from 0, COW laGhinq,
ed that a green cut morn et pas on on,
talent' s • :Suet tierty eienter be meetly rewarded erous accotaintance. seatworO formation of to great pro- -
I.45 .ovied frozen the 445 44 otooel-,31t1 • drinert. Kett,' I ondly w `' !Wilton v teso, /toil gesretteeed 1 e' • til ea*••il titest 1 t4lp
r'eret I let the colt loot. at t te
- In spite or being Inane' de- • nierareeenteut,"
esettone, raV:S.7 moot ilaido her ,ni22iplp„ l.schrre.51e,hr, switze ten or ties, still it is the witcaliii0U, atal le , "t„ IA' tile O. 0. rd's inetructions. the
of cultured aeethetee o: the Os- e Itteeilore, elatuld not 14‘ envourirRd. /eel stop again nortaitting introductiou of the 1114Sitfip id the
• • woolel mot Wee Viet, rr4-ereell propertv at a nroolsiotis mu- reelection in ell those. oitats that '
• Weide
S'50 '-1 saes :wittier r";
• • 1,,u. v1;41555. courzt c7cnv4" '„.0ern rart 0"5* 5(5& tea", ,,, 3' ti , t v I , ,' • " r to I..% os. is and tenell it. Theo '1 genitive.
d dud, „ „, oesatcaleant erata Iteatel. a:sago:el-en, , • r, 41,., n tovit„rt., 0 "1 e in memot,,,,t1 ewe; to do her ,1 elp 55. 1r/railer teed gratletilly bi- ALWAYS LOOKING FOR IT.
raar nor obttusteete. lod ans, ,r r i4 , thee toe qua.' tenntaei ao n Jae. 'cooisial!rably deteriorated value. :Wert worn olioolal 15t• eucotiregea
3 3,40, and QinbnariviNg pero.PntS. 'woe t „ "" ••••e` ("Ints 'Ire not 5/and cer-IT'reit° :11:41'044e7ctitil':•1443141! C':05151; f' 21. eil;‘"ens hir4t1.‘v= retTiliteigte
Fiell to (wet
ets to an olthorrenee on the part donto (4,:n foci 2i2tC24,AvOtc. , Tilts neateele„ ensustFt 14-4.e4 011' d%-reiti..ne,03
r, „
05 esssssn 44. that might be eeneidered the least • rd' - real: Mrs.74g12 et'.'I.I'Imtere. h .inso touse orel a couple of heratleeil ;in rows doing the highest work I
hetet. Therefore. qtaito eolors WW1 1051F onirdon."
cow bits neter won it. done how otion he eeta1. traced the 'vulgarism' back
4-r oPs fsa• Inlmt ara I ta 'acne% WW•i Iva altaietal within two (Nero; r iota
to both girls' satisinction. when tame ''''r ° c."""...""hvta'le 1111rw.""* r'.3t141 11' /arr. loc4ed 'tot enter unitiotted." 1/:0-,--ts. The land Mee. rorreeter 'lest Of oilier nointe ale
.:I‘sliltn'tio is the foundation of_ : tnrvirlu,1 4iiitillgovsiuttti:74taitidAlillileila:ift3' Mttelr tftwaot ofitett.larlsougholZeto ti
e ra/ill patterns nrezionitnated, mom' ^ , • • • , , ..- ' ."'" Inc into toy !elate Tose; are not f.,,,i;••1 liorid -. if th 1 .
. °Well 'Otte von relieve nos reira 'tlt"' a "eb thf"'F'9" a'rot- 11Pf".1 4-'4';2-. 1.41ik'S of the town, ;eel entremely 'i,
e or e ar,ger portion to the ceneellenco bevaties without it
after their cello:el titeo comae -lova a c111.1„t;IYIIIIT'4;," :41.4%„rrtai Siiilatnt‘4;f4'0' rC1Clig"; 1, **Y01',1 'are 11 hzirabgo girl, Kate, and i formed 4. 74 and there Wiadi no bet- ' conetitution in' a dc.:tiry
. e.,„ „.,,,,,,„„,, til.;,H Ovaten loadly the whilo. Wiiy? Shupe found in Shareselearee or in such
cd"do's'1"(10 114, ter became ler Ins bon/ shown, that it Intro writers of English as Addison,
speetion, accompanied by old Moor- elast 1711'..0 minutes, while' Yati hal'.e ealot at all; I ant aireid it is tile ibuyee and seller of beast*, in the
gie, the latter, however, being more ""1 "/4110017 in idle tail,: I have'lother way ciLout. and they are eiev-i
seatching and ealiatestive tour of ire • •
're„t• to. Ltiet, i..ts your ;t i will not hurt ton. and Johnson, and be tielled
ter 3inge o Stoc or mow te se ous
mean that rale 13 1.Me beef ant/Oat, In like matiner the horse, when anyone to di -waver its occurrenco in
first brolen hatatess should be aeo
ustomed to every objeet that fright-
eas hint. Patt too °lieu he is not.
taken sat la; state cif the Wank -
ors. betiding aril kittiten otensils than • ;
„ „fare. e tient, nownodaya peoloe two acemints, or tort) o larger pro -
beet :id ell g 51 to,
• 2
With VIP teeter displove Ity lato
been reirenin the even tenor of rev 1.
Wave. atti worl eft with te perten'eteoe ;
whole country round. The 'cells -e+.
aanv more than 1 Would require a min-
i •
Atine• Thoroughbred to hove the form
• ,Qt'vr than I OM. Po yon Meow. i grazier could not 6110W more favor. of a Cnotio or a Percheron. I have
5. 454 eo-- 1.4"1/4P8 it 16 " 1°g bY the roaelside, ' UrY • • A • : .
Ise fears- men to 150 Indifferent to tite arbitr-
dictetee of rammer The Ism-
tenent. The drawing -room, as noteht , - • gentnees. 1.17, compeRitton is so mot (To be continued.) Ite meots an object 0 at
,moet rinneeeroory dieplay of vigor. to 1 I 1 1 - hurt ination trautsfornis i - Perot' •Sigitanund. th the sreeelt In
And Mary proveettee. with an al- 1 • I .• •
have been expected. came in for the; ormons, ont tee atteratetistete etages
anaincipS1 • Acre of tames\ e 1 11 I - I.
ti:e Bible or in lIfticaUlay's works.
ClutinlierInin and Lord Row -
here* aro not the nrst. illstingulebed
heard it said that you must have
;width between the fOrelees of a dairy
47.14 • • • CS
ought to be hotel either feola .te o, shorter thee,
-------------------------------------5 has the StrOn et' con Wlet
T -
• which lie opened, the Council of Coo -
1 tlr' stautlan to Some gre it beast, readv to flprino•
,o xeera ng Imp aeant. poia
•,111t1 you over eee aninnine; Go 1114"nmer "11-4aeli; it" tIttlt Wan Pre' faze walleattere ev4shout the talent
, to endure a, hard etrain. the race
upon hira. Tnetead of lx•ine• nhown I n'nure* uttered 4111 enPresblen which
liOrA0 or tho draft? Witich tho lee o • " • OCorclinel Placentinto corrected. 'lam
awful?" eeeculetted Kale, though itk IlaratorY .1° 11nli!""infl 'ur "P"rtirte,stecetanev to lead t•to fultdreent is
• her heart of lie:nets ft•It conseious print, rel.resentines Jorroc1.1 u, roosn't "feta/ rif I 1 f
t. t ie t to on 0 T.A.LITY IN THE ARMY. rror in a, ratioecti way he '
ithin in the withers and light in the ' ever agreeable you may be to
•••••••.• prelonth, cur/teed in oo Is% itos e
' I
ntronger constitution, the dairy cow • Emperor replied, "Ple.centinue. how -
t 1'1 tr.]
over a diminutive obstaele, .
thines might bays been a very girttat I/111°11mA the grapes. One pants after Maher Thou ne the Walks. mammas%
deal worse.
regarded with feelings of the most
' s ma Abing. lo th f e die d • °I of Entreryday Lue. i her weight in milk during the eta
that can produce. ten times . 1 . • ottims, you please us not when you
with tis driver, and it is ten to one . , - ,
that before at is over t le norse in
. work ol art Nine. as a sportswoman '
But half an hour's. tabor worked , ranee by retiring when lie found 'the and a half her weittht in bUtter:*n;
Inteeve %e.t.a ration. and insisted en , some. measure has got the best, of it.
o, a prominent poeition. , clusters beyond his reach. and in per -1 The Pioneer. of Alkiltabail, cum- ,,,, ,, ., - -
;omelet cow that can in the two
&amnions articles and stowed them its e°e°117.7‘ '- Melling himself they were ewer. Our nienting on matte recent Indiar mill- / '-' 4
or roe years of her lifetime mo
* I Thereafter, oven tholigh he gets over
wonners. The girls hauled about the 1
a -wee- in unobtrusive noors, produced' "1-05,5*r. ., tduce half a, ton of meat? his fear of that particular object, he
. e ibtela Vary."
for tho patient i if nuly
til° rt'''' grapes are not nom, but -very sweet, tury fitatistics, remarks tbat it. is
we eould reaelt there. whieit v:ell recogutzed that nuicide is more '; - -.-- will feign terror whenever he sees it.
vards uPen vards of pretty. bright- fltnr4e(•• "li 'lute'
, , • 4 Cr,.
rerhaps the next point in import- ne will also. from association of
Ideas, constantly find fresh objects to
shy at.
cannot attend In orthography.
To Vol-
cure the shyer when hfear 1
is tu tl o recei t Of 1119 first
genuine,* there is no way but to
r from FredericktheGreat, was
do as should have been dono in tbo
"full of encouragement -does a. lit -
first place and properly accustom him tie in correcting, solecisms of gram -
to all objects that he feel's.cDuring the early
Clings ofitlete'friendsliip 'Voltaire told
Frederielt that he was a better
APPLYING ;MANI,I311.1 GREEN. Frew% scholar titan Louis XVI.,
An experienced farmer being asked 1 who conunieted many mistakes. Fre-
the question n•Itether it was better to tie -rick replied that Louis was a great
. . , . s II .
. 1 OUght to have been a man, lihe YOur ' according to modern theortes, suicide apply Manure green or leen rotted, monarch in many respects, and
- , . , ,uncle, and then you -could have gone is most, common aintingst the unfor- and straighter Inc udder the greater replied: There is less loss in putting mistake in spelling could not tarnish
lowed tie* grass to grow tinder our floon,...
she said preeeethe looeine ,
out co the wiraeow Ill a speceeettve ;out into tl world and lull tunate class known as degenerates. or capacity and the lines of beauty aro manure on laml green than in rotting the .brilliancy of his reputation, as -
feet. No one can say, considering - tise , .
we have wasted our thee." •
tidy myself up a bit In that ease." I
"I wish 1 It d"Our interest here toolav centres there is a special advantage that iu
it before it is applied. Besides this, hta.abdlisimraltedobrialsiozedinahlitnyl,ac,ctiaoc,nssarwhiecslti
grammatical:a.' "
we only et -rived this -morning. that :sort of wad..
"I ought to go owl Leent to • .le here the signs of utilitee
snot enereees.
Or '.. given individuals who are phyainally, ment-
2 1 aoeluck.that's ally, and morally defective,
bad 4'
"Certninly not," replied 'Mary. ..;I h , Id think • doubtful1. ,. .
- which ,' in the Ayrshire breed of cattle, and putting the manure on in the winter suPra
lettered ebiate, with wbiea they drap-,1""""'r 1" 540 :`" ' ten t‘' ;Ivo nonce can, They dangle tempt. common in armies that in civil life,
noneeueleel (Ibsen% stone "
eel the mantle -piece. etrewiel Itoules • • tritely over tom heads, hut aro not although the soldier is a pie:teed nran
"st St• selistent ial form of Mr. :for-
1.•oc loolis beautiful." said Mere% I wine. t he
to be graspod. Therefore nay the ;PLYsieallY, dmi usuallY of an rtge
ned knicknachs about the room,
etech op some photographs and Jolt- dumb, and the tneenstete , at which life appears in as favorable
enese faus on the Walls, mid in a at l'"14,1Y. "Ire eNaetts fins 'what are happier than a person like noe- • a light as it is ever likely to do.
ot terwme would hove been ugly .
very Short time eompletelv motamora elf. possessing, just euiTieient brains inenee the reuses 01 the Prevalence of
vacuUM. And now to desreed core-
olureea the apartment, bestowing on
fully from my enaltail but not alto -
It hat air of retirement awl come,
; gether :•:(•Vtlre tosi inn." Whereueon
fo;•t whieh folninene Moore '
wtiously placrel one foot on
kno - rum of the steps on which
eounted, and reterned to
ance is the inclination. and ability to
consinne and digest a; largo amount,
Then follows the perfection of udder
to recogitize the full extent of her ;suicide amongst soldiers must be and milk development, and while wo
OWn deficiencies, and yet not enough uought in tbe conditions of military trould allow 0. material departure
to supply tix,. svinedy, or Nein renown service itself, and the deduction would , from straight lines io shape of the
in any 'Milk of life." be that more streneous the condi- dairy ma, her udder should `when
herei“ motel/net/ Kato. "Alt! Win renown in any walk of tions the more nuiticrons the eases of young, have a good doom of eon-
' tn. "I WOnfit'Z' If any l'58- life! TI:PrO speaks the bold. ambi-o self-destruction.
all 1 ho satisfaction derived I t 1 formity to straight lines, because,
successful effort,. "we have not al-, .. ro .s. I e s . ri, i s, r evil i . Cate, you But this is only partially true, for.
. other things being ecmal, the squarer
assert that we have Iees authority
than the grammarian Priscianne,
whom you say I have offended."
Napoleon used to excuse Isis errors
in orthograpby with the saying. "A,
man occupied with public business
"Your activity and energy arse some-
thing quite remarkable. At least
they appear so to me. I do not
know what I ehoold do or how I
shoUld ITIIIMMO without you to goad
on. I fool positively certain, if
left to myself. 7 should not accom-
plish as much in a week as you get
through in a single (lay."
"eh yes you would, Mary. Tt's n.
mere nurtetion of strength. You bar-
-pert obe the more delicate of the
teen: beenlest which you are blest witli
a naturally eahre eauable. and un-
exeitable disoosition, which. T freite T
0 •
Kate. "Anyhow, we are ready for
anything or anybodo, from a pious
ecclesiastical -visitation to a regular
11511845 01 the aborigines. By -the -bye.
I wonder why it is that wherever one
goes the divines, male and female,
are invite-1'1bl, the first to pay thelr
respects? Ts it for our sins, for our
raoral welfare, or for the off -chance
of all invitation to dinner? The
problem is one I have never yet suc-
ceeded in solving to m3r satisfaction.
It will take some little time. 1 dare-
say, before people know of our ar-
rival, though 7 sunnose $oonor or
hi h ur
In Regard to Hea.ith? -
Easily? That Orga
Where Do You Tire Most
ra Givos Out First?
Most people are not constructed
like the deacon's one-horse shay,
which was equally strong at every
point, and showed no sign of weak-
ness until it ail went to Pieces,
It may be weak action of the heart
lungs or stomach, pain and weakness
of Cie back, failure of memory, eye-
sight or hearing -some weak point
of which you at times feel Conscious,
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is most
valuabk, because of its strengthen-
ing arid building -no influence.
The two 'mediums of the blood and
nerves axe the only ones by- which
the body of man can be influenced in
health or disease.
It is by forming new blood and
creating new nerve force that this
great fooil cure sends new strength
and vigor to every organ of the
body. :1-1sear0hes colt tlie weak
spots arid makes them strong.
ny noting your increase in weight
55714110 ustin 7, if • u ean prove that
firm ond tissue are being
Mrs. C'ha11 Keliiig, St•, 0 -wen
• , 004, svri cs 'ft is a
laitesna to 1011 v1sat 1,fmcifl: 1 ba,ve
.ved .fr`1,ft Br. 0hae' .Nerve,
104. f,-4bou 112V2-CLv54
old and for about five years my life
was one of great suffering from ner-
vousness, weakness and extreme
p1ysica1 ethaustion 1 eouLd et
s'eep and hot flushes would pass
through my body from feet to head.
I consulted ray farnily physician and
two other doc'tors' but they told me
that about my time of life I was
likely to be troubled that way. I
continually 'grew worse and despair-
ed of ever being cured. Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food came to my notice and
as we have Dr. Chase s Becem t
Book I have confidence in the Doc-
tor. I was so surrrisedat the help
I recerved from the first, box that I
bought three, morerPhee built me
right -up and made me foe) heal -thy
and young again. They. hallo proved
a great blessing to nle and 1 lio, c
this fe,stimonial will be of help to
some weak nervons women suffering
as I did."
1)r. Chase's Nerve Foon, 50 cents
a box, six boxes for $2.50, at all
elealere, or Edinanson, Bates & Co.,
Toronto. To protect you against
imitations the portrait ancl signa-
ture of •Dr, A. W. Chase, the famous
receipt book author, are on eVary
*Ire% us -the fates were unkind
enough to etermine otherwise, you
must content yourself, at all events
tor the present, by winning renown
in the hunting -field, and with that
end in view how would it be "if you
Wore to go out and intervieW the ex-
cellent Stirrup, who else, 1 fear, may
feel hurt at its mistress's non-ap-
"Happy thought!" exclaimed Kate,
with one of the sudden transitions
natural to her, descending from the
abstruse study of tbe psychological
to more terrestrial subjects, "and
I think I will profit by the sugges-
So saying Kate fetched a. neat lit-
tle black felt hat from tile peg on
which it Was hanging in the hall
ty head, put on a pair of dogskin
gloves a few sizes too large, but
which: she kept for similar visits to
the one she now intended paying,
and after a certain amount of fumb-
ling succeeeed in extracting several
large lumps of sugar from the re-
cesses of her well-filled pocket, which,
preliminaries terminated, she pro-•
ceedod to take her departure.
1 Kate's entrance into the Aables
was the signal fer various itnpatient
neighs of welcome, while Stirrup, the
stud -groom, who had been btsying
himself in the harness -room, immodi-
ately stepped forward to greet his
young mistress with sniffing alacrity.
A coekney pur sang by birth, his
features were somewhat hard and
dour, yet they 'Possessed that look
of unmistakable honesty which nev-
er fails to win confidence.
Stirrup's hair was grizzled, and
his face puckered into many wrinkles,
but the ken eyes'g
Mrer, and the whole countenance full
of shrewd common-sonse. ..,hoit of
stature, standing about five feet six
'miles in his boots, his legs possess-
ed that peculiar CM VO Which so fre-
quently reveals the horsey individual.
In fact, a man must have been the
veriest tyro not at 0110 glance to
determine 1\ir. Stirrup's "prof assion.
orrest.er belonged to the ac -
stress of need= eivilieation. Se breed the Ayreltire cow so as to have frottlng the manure under the most
much bas lately been beard of the de- her constataly progressing in ability favorable couditions chemists tell
terioration of the classes from which to produce a large aanount of dairy us that it loees 50 per cent. How -
are drawn the recruits for the Brit- product of good quality at a mini- ever, when it is on the land in the
ish army that we might expect to MIMI Cost. It is only recently that g•reen condition and the fermentation
find that suicides were more fre- any coneerted action has been taken alloyed to take place in the soil,
quent, especially in India, where the to find out what was really her dairy as soon as any plant food is liber -
effects of the Climate aro depressing, ability, and while WO have not as atod it is in the place where it is
than. in, continental armies. large a number of cases as we would most readily taltea up. Besides this,
But, in spite of ennaate, long sere wish to allow its to comaare the form the decay of manure in fermenting
vice, and somewhat unnatural condi- with the dairy result, we have a has a beneficial effect in warming up
tions, the revel -so is the case. The few; and as far as I have been able a soil. Experiments carefully' con -
average of deaths by suicide in the to obeerve, the same rule holds true ducted at Guelph as to applying ma-
13ritish army in India is .203 Per le- in Ayrshire as in other breeds as to mire fresh and rotted, proved that
000, in Italy it is .88, in France .27, the dairy m thexc
forat els at the -the ordinary way of
appeals to be necreasin under the leaving raanpre
it is for us to inquire bow we may time it is done at less exPenSe. In
in Germany .47, and in Russia ..5 or pan, as you depart from that from. expoSed to the weather was wasteful;
.6. In India sickness and mortality the form the yield as a rule decrees- when protected from rain it was still
subjeet to loss, and when. put on fresh
ore far greater than in any contin- .
ental army; the Germans lose in this eThe ceuestion for Ayrshire, breed -+74,n best results were obtained.
way 2,18 men per 1,000, and tho ers to decide is whether they will
French 5.9, while in a comparatively hold to the Ayrshire model as laid
healthy year in India, 14.62 is the dawn by Scotch breeders for the show
average. ring, or will change Somewhat the
Then fevers and other depressing ideal type as 'aid clown in the scales
illness, which so often lead to sui- of points, and allow a more decided
cide, are very rare on the continent; dairy to be the standard of excel -
In, a recent year enteric claimed 25 lence. Aro the breeders of Ayrshire
tintes more victims in the British to stand still and keep the stand of
, arnay in India tban it did in the Ger- the Ayrshire cow at a mediusi grade,
man array. Yet in the same year the or are they ready to push her to the
suicide rate itt the German arxny was front as a producer?
double that in India, although the ',There is a limit to the product al -
conditions under which the Gemmel most in proportion to her shapeli-
conscript performs his work are ness as laid down in the ecale of
measurably superior from a physical points for the show ring. The clues -
and mental point of view. tion is are you breedieg show Ayr-
shire or dairy Ayrshiree? The scale
C CREAT of points as issued by the associa-
tion is supposed to be the standard
merits with liquid air two are par- RULE TO GUIDE BREEDERS.
Iieularly curious. A ball of indict- Now let any breeder go through his
rubber immersedin it becomes as herd and keep a careful record, of the
brittle as glaas, but a hall of lead, dairy yield a/le-compare it with the
m the parne CUCUMSGances, - acquite
elasticity, and will rebound like
t44 W4 CHASE'S fj
is sent direct to the etseasea
pares by the Improved Blower.
Rojas the uleers, clears the 255
passages, gtope droppings in the
tiwoat and permanently cures
Catarrh and 1 -lay Fever. Blower
'rec. All dealers, or,Dr. A. W. Chase
l'iled.k:ine 00,, Toronto end BuiRla
perfect type as Iaid down in the
scale points, and Med where it lands
him. Are the cown that ecale the
highest the ones that pay the best?
Every breeder should, as far as he is
able, have bis nerd close to the typo
of the breed, and which shall he sac-
rifice, looks or utiaitya, Tr the scale
of points is, net such as will enconr-
age breeding, yree res • of the highest
utility, then tee scale Should he
ChallgOd 110 ae not, only to allow but
encotmage breeders to develop° the
Colored rates possess a keener
sense of hearing then \\elites.
A caterpillar is so greedy that in
one month it actually devours 6,000
times its own weight in food,
aA person usually begins to lose
height at the age of TAO and at the
age of 00 has lost at least one and
one-half inches.
Only ten persons in 100 dove bo
legs of the sante length. More than
50 per cent. have the left leg
slightly longer than the right.
It is a curious fact that the coun-
tiles of the tallest and the shortest
people of Europe-the_Norwegians
and the Lappse-adjoin each other.
A curious effect s noted in the An-
des. There is an inn half way up the
direct route, where ascenders and
descenders frequently ineet, the form -
Failure to Nurse Babes Causes
Increasing Mortality: creasing heel.
er half overcome with inereesiog
cold, the latter overwbeltned by In-
es' for many 13alie7fWunhnoligae°
s beenthe mking research-
tiliversitY inTsheeparraagtPejecill'srinoifnities for so inany
centuries that they have almost a.
Paris have lived
years on the increasing
dietinct race, having their own laws
incapaeity of women to feed their in_
fonts, has just published an alarm -
and patois o
custhen. own. toms, their own 011103, even
ing report on the subject. Ile states a pat
Paper cart be manufactured out of
almost anything- that can be pound-
ed into pulp. Over fifty kinds of
bark are Said to be used, also ban-
ana skins, beau stalks, pea stalks,
cocoanut fiber, straw, seii and fresh
water weeds and many kinds ot
grass are all applicable. 11 has
also been made from hair, fur, wool
and from asbestos which fttruishes
an article indestructible by Ere.
Leaves make a good strong paper,
while the husks and stems of Indiaa
corn have been tried.
that the mortality among children ar
tificially nourished 13 11540 greater than,
among those nursed by the mother;
also that once the power of feeding
is lost it is neve'r recovered. If the
mother has not nourished her chil-
dren the daughter is equali3r incap-
Prof. Bunge, in order to obtain the
opinion of the leading medical men
in Europe, issued a circular, on the
subject, and out of 3,000 questions
-received 1,629 satisfactory replies.
After an examination of the opinion
of the European doctors, Prof. Bunge
adds that he Ends that in 1,62111 Gas.-
.. . ,
es only' 519 women are capable ,. of ' wAVEs. P.4s,J.ErN. PILAI.. 1 L.\ •YA
0-41 , , 4- , ^, , V in
feeding their ehildren, and.1,110 have Waves travel ranter Ili an 'the w i , A ,
entirely lost, the faculty. which cailses, them, toad in' t4e Bay of
• Studying the causes of the- diminix- *Biscay frequently, during the autumn:
.tion ,of the ability to nurse among and winter in cairn, weather, 0 11001737 . .
woinen, the professor adduces, as- the sea; „pets up ancl rolls in 00 the coast
principal, alcoholism, which habit, he twail;ty-fotir hours before the gale
ackle, is increasing to a frightful de- which eausps it arrivsa- i -5-1c1 of which
• ' ' ' it is the prelude.
' , 1
gree among women.