HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-1-28, Page 5POPPLZSTONE & GAMINEXt. POPPLEMO E & GARDINER.. n; General Merohante, Garment Merehatettto re eet tei • Alg, 0 re tei tg8e 0. A Lot of Valuable and Useful Articles T E E LAMINGTON1 .4301N,E§S Tito iNllits Yon l'he Buse:own Wor d wants only be young weekend women ono are thoroughly eompeteutentbeir week. There es uo eater playa to get this thoroughness than at neteADAin nenT enall091., Begin the Taw wan enrol too Itailway fare to elo xelunded. Catalog"ponow ready to mid 74114Xge. BROWN, Prhieleal. S JANUARY 28th 904. ler IN'hoe they were corafortablyloolee 1A. full eneetiog of tile. Board an en after by tin fe. T. R., uotil Saturd, Council is eet for Fritley evening of day, wheu titer were, then able to re- I title week ot n o'clock in ale. Towo sumo 1.Ireir joerney, Paseengers go, , tan soutb were also detained here. On Sunday a. gevere storm Again pre- ; IS YOUR BREATH BAD? veiled, completely blockint. all trafe fie by rail and ell Monday' and ?Town I Bad breath is oue of the early syr J ay ?II trainL$.. were cancelled.. The iltorns of catarrh, which ellnult ba first train to get throogh readied ';ebecleed at own ad rot allowed to here on Wednesday afternoon. The Jun into consumption. The sureet freiglat sryic is vompletely tied up 1 tura is nraeoraut, beating ca Catarrhoz- Th secret of the re_ one: wineh oure.e, arrie Aerie vino ' t o f Th; ,stlizegeltitis,pitsealli,3 Ilt;s eause. No case is too, cbronic. •teton the most stubborn yield. in ...,1be,en revealed bp a, eb bel ean- / balsamic: va yer of ant arker lhiriy-four yeare: silence. a abort time to lei 33 ,This wan, wise is to -day a Nvell..Ignowu ICatarthozone. ft. =akin cures that 5 days. laet, nor ono cured by Catarritozone XElle3-11.A.Ehle-.ru • Usborne. ()reject - Locals lwas a IlMa nit °bamet ctetrione, ud,son Bey Company factor at tar cured. natarrhozone is ploas nary 13th. 1901, Mary Ann Rowe, p, Mr. hta ond Mrs. of at on. ONES. -In Ponoka. on Jan. 6, to Mr. apd Mrs. Morley Joites, fore ninny or Seephert, a son • MARRIED. EAVER-FINKBEINER.-Int iCreelie on Jan., 13tre, by Rev. G. D. Daman Dlr. Harr, av y Beer, to Miss Iitotrut daughter ot Mrs. Boehm Finlebeheer all of Oxediton. Sodom. on Jan. 17th ,e904 Emily Wilson, wife a Mr. John Smith. aged 36 yearse1 month and as ay, ithe time of tbe rebellion, at the fun- 1dIA3ss ; bite or Woodstock, w ot, as eral of Pierre Des-ebeinbault and nee vulgerl to Mr. Nacnarlane that after spent the past month with her friend Miss Cora Fowell, returned bornwitiain the foancltarrhonone, ceon e this /Seett's 'warder a g"ug ix -h rave-wa' week. trt a cotfin eupposed i idele. Ptt .5-1.00 : f Parkhill on Saturdav, owing to the tie grave. but Seatt'S remains were Puroplotey, iinterment the body was dragged by a l ante convenient ond sere to use, re- lieves almost instantiy and is guararn . teed to ure revery typetof Catarth, bronchitis and asthma. Use only Ca, Mrs. J. Charltou was' called tee it° eautaiu 1•IPP ba1.17 was 133wered siz 254n4 serious illin atoam oess leer another, Mrs. in°t After the noeek • •Grediton thL. few trusty men. to the. bank a thei -The very severe cold s a the Mr. George Creennan nes 'peen ale- „Red River, and at a point near wal here :rooet itopessible state of the °ode pointed to sunned Dr. Mille as Prin- eipal of toe. Ontario Agricultural ,;ththe Broadway nridge now *tends wee -Itas ,lieen felt very Iteouly horn Our Celleoe, GuellPutb, . ron.....t. a bole in the me and stoele of provisions is beeoining re- , ,g, E. matfett, woo ;Iasi Nen:1r 'sank by =nine or a wereht tied about eluced nod tlie coal•bins are getniug low. All are hoping for a illavoseon past moatii wnh Kir Invents, Dr axid ' ans. liannon. returned to her home in Chatham, on Saturday. Iliss Kemp wept to Senfortie, Sat- e et t The rreebytery of Huron met in i -An oyster supper will be glee!). y Willis vluireb, Clinton, on "Inesday the Independent Order or Forestera, of • .• can testify to the curative prop. leen On 'account of the state of tbe ' thie place on Wednesday evening., Feb. 5 ties of Iron -ox. I was so urday to attend tbe funeral of the el • 'ir ads the attendance 3rd. All tbe members and them fri- , . . late Miss Piokard. eldest denialther of , was eauell affectea. aes.non minutes eRds axe luvited to attend. Af ar e I) d so much torture that eating becatne a dread to me. I was I induced to try Iron -ox, I was completely cured and have not bad a return of the trouble since. I can safely recom- mend your medicine to any beloved wife a naive Irerelake, ale.1 ed 57 sears., months, 29 days. u e Cutter .0.0utter? We bave the finest stock in toWn il the hetes - in tbe newee colors. Our prices areCa motor 0 T L1BN VA. -Drowned near Victoria, for first-class I3. ne, on January Oth, 51rs 'Norman ship, 1 %furrier, nee -74135 Hannah Green- wood, formerly of Stephen, aged 42 years. Food Was Torture—How lron-ox Tablets Cured I R. j. Fowler, of Orillia. • February 19, 1903. It is with gratitude that I Mr. anel Mrs. Urn, lane, er oteveral emeoralmaions evernentim- oreters are *erred, eoert. peonrein , a, iy trout, cc! • with dyspepsia The gpupil$ or room: v. ra OUP petb- ..q4e4 anni approved. Elders' connote- nil) be een I that whatever I ate caused tut lia >soloot ban a. Itotiday during the emus in favor of tile follening were Deetti of ntrs. Flannery. -It is our torseu'ete9C mete. Torch' earr‘.11%ritsel/ 11.1°Tereedi:arletk,INevsnars.' 1 olleueli.inMeeheatt,ID114. LdeidallidoulrYM.Z•so. TI.I.°Inintetryh!'ionetrotiliZ Otelfoven, Jas. Buchanan, A. nIcPbere daugbter or Mrs. Jas. liodgietee of this . eon, S. Cartiothan and We elallantyne. 'place. Deceased, was ni her 40th year Tile usual grants to ad reenevingeene and non a cneraJ iavoritawith ell grogatious were reeonantondto. tin• tile remelt:le were interred:in tbe Exwts- reported that the congregation or eler cemetery, On Wendeeday. Ontario 'Government timber hunts, OT °Ilit°4413;torilaruecteiprie‘tnirt itTadheadaudildi t; , Mr. McDermott Ilan 1.13ue4 Li-wrIt for him on. a limit that went to Time. balanen and suet). Care, as warented o `of the board for the current year was • ci, • teed with gratification and Mr. Shaw ;change WaS made in the officiateetne j , . Orlillat Opt. mrs 7.4ger reeenno the men intern. was appoiuted to convey to the ladies officere and members et contrail -tees at eleat society t1e. congratulatione of "remaining as for leen Ito.enediately " in au -ural an adjourned ees- Job Lot of Dress Goods in plain and fancy color. ings,regular 2,5,35 and, 40c to clear at 22ge. job Lot of Window Shades, 37 inches wide with fringe and lace, none worth less than 75c to clear at *ft* •• t••• •• sr** P*4•4.91.50C Y* Teazle Cloths for wrappers, 21 pieces, regular xo and I23Ac yd to clear at tz yds. for oo All Wool Puritan Blankets, best made in Canada regular 65c a lb to clear Gallatea Shirting in Stripes,Dominion Dili% goods guaranteed fast colors to us regular 12$4 tor ........• •• •••• YR** •••• toe Job lot or Dominion Suspenders, to doz. bot at a price, made of ends of 35' 40 and 50C alas - tics toclear at...• Ise. air. Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose SineS 85.1, 9.1 90 regular a$, and 40c to clear at ......25c. ap r Alsorbant Lurgan Crash Towelling regular tot for Sc. Blue, also red Check Tea Towelling very wide and heavy regular, 12 Ye for •••••• ••• • • • • oc• Brown Waist Lining regular x5 for Colored Liberty Ribbons, very wide, in blue and pink regular 25 for. • ..• . • * • • r • • • tsc Shot Ribbons, very wide, in good staple shades regular 4o for •••••r***1.11,....*••• 20C If you want anything in Furs of any kind come to us for GENUINE BARGAINS We will sell you job Lot of Men's Tweed Pants, all sizes regular • SI 75 for .... ........ ............ .... 1 Men's lined Smocks, lined with flannelette at 1 45 ri and $1.7o .... .... .... .... .... • • • . * . • • I i Men's Rubberised Double Breasted Sinocks,made • by Standard 1Vicintosh Co. sold all over Canada at $2•50 our price .... - .... S2.0o 154 1 Men's Tweed Top Shirts, very heavy and well i sewed regular li.50 our price...-. 950 P. la Men's Navy Serge Top Shirts, very heavy and ' • well made regular 1 75 our price .........., $1,15 04 We stll Johnston's Cheese, none better, obtains best prices on the market, our price.. ....i5c lb. re z 4 fI fte atrial; McDermott.. a auntie j. V', Ont., bum Ids way' there will ba more exeroine than prorit for Peter Ryau iu tne recent auctiouing of the oeureep damages beeause, ,3fr repo re. tors appointed eneteoned the trees - EXETER SCI1001, DOARD fused to aceopt as finale bid made by =e'en boots and t"UllO I:V.-arable 'January 20,eli, The Eiret rueetInn , suffering from rlyspepsia report of the W. F. AL S. was ream. .21Oth, as required he eterletn• .3STO quite within lais righte in selling Alacicie. Mr. Ryan said that be. was ireondunoll of thaulte. Thu favorable held in be town hall. -Weilnesdiey.Jan I In Igestion. Virty Iron -ox Tablets, in an attractive aluminum pocket ease, ee cents at drug., gists, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of price. The Iron -ox Remedy Co„,-enin.. ited, Walkerville, Out. R. J. FOWLER, property to the ingbese bidder. genes last. week or the deatb of her cousin, Lucinda Portico, beloved. wife of 4Mr. Downing, who Wed at Sarnio, on Tueeday, January 10th, after a 'ef Intone. She wee in her uellal heelth up to within Awe or three he l'resbytere. the next reoular ; ener flC"ng takes piece in Clinton on the . sion Wan 1101d when toe following Tuesday ili March. „bueinese Wa5 duty submitten and ape Snowed. In. --Ten denrees erat then wooed ;- eighteen degrees inlow zero, no Sun- ' Per II. Huston and S. Martin-Tbat . h d most heartily approve of eod days of her dentine %alien she %vessel& da$' accompauied by hevy „no daily seeized With a never° iUaess storms and bigh winds driving and the teetiroonial given be the clam to il'ere „the snow into lenge elrifteatone is Helen D. Pringle. and most cor- day. still cold. Blowine an easterly ,dially testir to tbe aItbtU1 and ef- 90 acres, tot 6, coneesslon 4, Steplien gale on Tuesday, with tha mercury in factual services . ten:dere& bee leer to ownship. Good buildings. Plougb- the thermometer down lo nowhere the Exeter public, in her role anpri- lug all done. 12 acrenot fait wheat. for Sale or Rent clear being orated upon'at the, ea- pital she ouccUmbed to leer ailment. Deceased was a doughter of Mr. Ed. Portice. of Sarnia, who resided hero Lor many years and conducted. the and a blunting snouesolm. . n ne ina . retaliate betel. Piled up evenYwhere;three feet on for the last, thirteen years. They Word bas been received ah Quebec tlie level. Lots et purnen frozen up : would also as cheerrully testify to the from Cleatetto Ilan' on tbo Labrador Trees in the bush and the frame house exemplary col:idea and correct de - coast, that a courier old arrived ira roticitiog with loud report, ow- 1pertment that has cbaracterizeel ail there frone NortheWitst River. Ori.th ing to the severe frost. Roads block- :any:malt 'the years, making her Ano tlao information that Mr.11ubbard,oe ed :from fence to fence with snow, trusted servant of the boand and the "Outing," of New York, had died drifts. Several ears anlltenh-asba°112o3rVid nst beloved friend and model of all those under her care. the explorino, party sent out by the alraoet impassible for i from starvation in the eriolds of Labe nipped, by "Eing Frost." No freight ', Per IL Huston andS. Martin. radoon the lath of October last and trains since Jan. 18th. Ntails irronue ,That the following accounts be ap- r that the remains were on their way ler and none from Saturday till Thurs revved ;- up to Quebec by dog train with the day,. No communication with the i IE. J. npacknian & On, brooms, etc., other mortabers of the expedition, tl -------------- is • ste 80 - Ross & Taylor,. lumbar, $3.60 ; which expeeted to reaele Cliateau Bay ' •some tOme in Mardi. North-West River is several hundred miles below 'Chateau Bae. Trains Stalled. -On Friday, of last week the trains north and south on the Landon Huron &arum were both stalled. On Thursday night the train going north became fientein a snow bank about one mile and a halrfrorn here, most or the passengers baying to remain on Me train all night. In tbe morning rigs were eent out to to bring the ftassengers to Exet- -. • •ber in tlator pulalic sebool for further nerticulare apply* to P1111,12 LANE, Centralia, P. oatisitte wor . , coal in the hands or the dealem and $1...25; A. E. Evans, plaotering, B4e6O; J. Ilearnan. hardware zundnette factory at Winehelsea and there war in in the far East or not; wt NV a *limited supply in the bius 0 the .n. goneen, en acct., scrubbing, none; loaded into tbe ice? hem. The work consumers, tbings are assuming ratb- . in golooe, ahovelling snow.. VA : to be completed bythe last day. of or 0 serious outlook.Garlinfr.- February, .1990te The , lowest or any I Per II Huston and W. (That che board declare their appiava BLINDED WITH HEADACnE• ;al of the comparatively fnequant. use TENDERS WANTED 40••••....111.. There will be received tby the un- dersigned. until entTUREAY, JAN. Wth, at 6 o'clock p. m., for cuttiog and drawing from forty to fifty cords or nee, as rewired. Fatie etard to consist or thirty blooleV 21x21 inches, by more than ane. toot thick, from the pond at Nnoodisara to the Butter I 40 .,g c•1:. • • Visit us for Dress Goods Loss of Flesh When you can't eat break- fast, take Scott's Emulsion. When you can't eat bread and butter, take Scott's Emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing, take Scott's Emulsion. To get fat you must eat fat. Scott's Emulsion is a great fattener, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for con- valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and com- fortable food, and a natural tonic. • • Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. We will send you a free sample. Be sure that this picture In the form of s label is on the wrapper of every ipttie of Emulsion you buy. ,J. O.ne Door NortU01:rQS1-'Oi116 11 SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS. TOMO% Ontario. 50c. and Sly; druggist$ BEFORE YOU L fitstf, eee usse Alt Town Rail. ▪ Mr - l or 'the fire drill, People oftten geblinding headaches ; Per S. Martin and:W. Carling; -- that 'surfer from constipation. Simp- Than the appointmerit of a commorci- lest remedy is Dr. Hamilton's Pills of , al master with the opening of the Mandrake end Butternut They are . , Easter term be submitted to the tea- nuld, 'Pertain ond sate. For headache i chars' supply committee for coneidera and billiousness uso only Dr., llama- ; tion witla the. principal in consultation ton's Pills. Price 25e. tand that a report or their judgment -- be submitted to the board at itei•nexf Thames Road regular nestion. ny Will be held in the tender not necessarily,.accepted. JI.ES JONES, Winehelsea. JOSHUA JOHNS, Two Door ntEPICAL kv lb; ti &I. D. M .r. (4r::doato V•etotia ,x‘re. :ce 1.4, ttottoMett LOOM. L•ry, Exeter- ENTA1, iiiini.1.4Elleaire,e1V1', s.p. Honor tiradluttO of Toronto leniversity, Demean Teeth noreent wnbout pain sr • bed After latftvls,, °Mee in Fie. son's block, West side of MOD treet.' Exeter' 04•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••mamwoemswo.loomils••••, NOTICE The annual leo:toting oE the memb- ers or the llsborne and Hibbert Far- mers' Mutual Fire Insurance Com- -.The anniversary or the Thames an inepectoral visit be'neade by the Per J. Evans and II. Huston. -That ' Pa Public Hall, Farquhar Road Presbyterian church will be board to the sellout at 9.30 a. In., On held on Sunday. January 31st, and Thursday, Jan. 21st -On the- Mo.nday, Irebraza.ry lste Rev Mr. Por W. Cerling.-Adjournment. IIST FEBRUAR -- a Sea.torth, will take (be J. GRIGG, &Wry.i At 1 O'clock na . viral CRICK I'S THE BACK 1 Ilusiness.-Receivird the Direc'tors'---- Secretary-Treasu.rer's and Audetors' You tare up against a whole lot of reports : the election of Directors, and trouble duless you hgve a :strong re- auditors and any other business deena- SION WITII WORMS. medy like !etre nee on -nee. , Te and. dielodge stiffness from the, mos- ;Company. Airs. 3.- B. Mayo, S'Ali.11.8tuk°'1" " • cles and joints. Just rub isTerviiing on ,,THOS. CAMERON, THOS. RYAN, Q., hvrote the following; "Ono on my the painful spot -not much rubbing ; Secretary. President. children took sick wieh worms, and . because Nerviline has plots power ; •••••••••4 1),IV ANDIES014, (0. D. 1. 08 DBNTIST. Boner Graduate of the Toronto Vniversu,7 and Reyel Colleva or Dental t4urgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Voqt,grativate of Chicago School of Prosthetic .Peni ry (with honorable rocatica. Everything known to the Dental Profession ilonein this oilice. Bridge work. crowns, al, lurainum, gold and vulcanite 'tastes done la the neatest manner poAsible, A perfect), harmless anaesthetic used fat painless extrao- tion. OdIce one door Eolith or Carling Expender, xetereout, ONEY LOAN ends to 1can on Faust proves -toot Four d ale per cent. ERNEST imam- ViONEY TO LOAN We bave unlimited private funds for firms* meat upon i31111 Or village prey/en:ye* levet* rates of intemt.. DICILSON & WILING Fatiter. riONEY TO LOAN: We have a nine amount of private funds to loan on farm and villageproperties :144...wrote. of interest. GLADISLO.N STANBITRY Barristers SolicitOrs, Moin-St.,..Exoter* FRED ELLIOTT BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to Lean Oirmn-(Formerely of Elliott and Glachnana lifAllst STREET, =Ernie, DICKSON & CARLING, Barrieters, Solicitors. Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. Solieitors for the Jiteleans Bank,Etc. Money toLoan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE:-NIAIN 13TIMET. =STEM 8. R. CARLING 1%. IT. mama services on Sunday, and on Monday the usual tea-nteoting will be held, which always proves the great attrac hon. vensagnartoomenansimiweamp • • • Terms—Cash or Produce. ••- OPPLESTONE & GARDINER. POPPLE.SITONE & GARDINER• eterearert Merebanta„ Gautelat Merohnnts. ' • ttl in and ed neces.sary in the interest. of the after trying everything without get- than ordinary reinedies. You won't -win he made to the L—egislative Assembly.or and oEfeetually," • ' * Adonis of Oakland syas, Grand Bend hat Exhibitors say " 414, " ‘010.tore.".‘ re. ting relief we procured D.r. Low's suffer long after Nerviline 'APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT for it relieves almost instantlyenirri ibe PrOVIRde Of Ontario a. I e nex Worm $yruipt -which meted prompeiy hadOat used Nerviline I guess:my back Would ba stiff yeti., A few, applicani- INSeossrtihoti mtbiedireiontdfirimwAae; icnocmorproonra3rtintogr Ttihnet Ions viline took out ail the sore , Notice is hereby given that au application ef -Mrs. E. Bossenbery Ls at o -resent' 'ness and stiffness: I can recommend ur ose of constructing and operating by eleo- on the sick 1 the Bailway Coxnmittee any other motive triOdY or compressed air (or If approved by -Mr. Ezra Brenner spent Sa;tur- day and Sunday with friends in Exet- er. -We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Je.W. Holt is reeovering after a sev- ere sickness for a four days. -Miss L. Young left her this week to visit her sisters'in London and -De- troit before returning to her home in Xint Portage. -We notice that Mr. Richard Ilarailton bas his mill yard pretty full of logs considering tha difficultyithey bad iit ,getting them hare with the great depth of snow. DOnI.OR THE HORSE. Nerviline for any ran o rom in near or through ni the Olty of London and the Townahirs of London. Biddulpla,Blan- T1EM,A.N.-In Dashwood, on Ian. 11, andHullett s.nd the Town of nton and ( ) Mr. -and, Mrs. Prank. Hill, a sten. bony and the Town ofiWingham and in its- : locrwer except steam) a system of railways pain, also for rbeurctatism. Price 25c. chard and Down eand the City of Stratford BORN. • i and (b) the Tovrnships of hieGillivray, Stephen, Plan.Md..-31.1111.s.Bers. lalymil' 0,32a js1131.. 18, to Mr. • of Seeforth and (e) the Townshais of mciKuloi i Usborne, Hay and Tuckersinith and. the Town thoettTowm,hips of Hibobert. Logan and Fuller - to Mr. and EzraeTiem.art, a sort. t° • TOnWlIttigOef a'roewril, Motr '2affittloh:rtka, and ECILL.-In Port Huron, on Jan. ee course through the said Townships or any of 13°MNr.DeEnd-Mt.SWthmPh:Brio' vovndejna,ne Isia,let.° incorporated cities. Towns and villages lying them M and through any of or all the various Intatz.--ba Stephen, on January lst., iu the route vvith power to build and operate son. tinovurff!), ortilranch of the said railway in sec - to Mx. and 'Mrs. Joshia Metz,a to Mr. and 'Mrs. Richard Car ter, a. not exceeding in length in each case thirty such branches however not to extend T,MALLO T. -In Exeter, on Jan, 7, eo aforesaid biunicipalities resituate.1 nen. , beyond the limit of the counties M vh*ch tho 1r d Mrs Sohn Mellott, Jr, a London, Ontario, 161:hr.'NlIsa.00lvilUtoSbrCer400.111p3E.p,licants. CARTEB,.-Near Brinsley, on Jan •S.,. ate bi.mige,7;weltIl=r/troorabullhide Mrs. Thos. Thompson, Roland, Man., • writes ;- "lily husband would riot; be 'clatighter. WARD. -On Oa nu ary 101h, to Mr. without Hagyard's Yellow Oil in. theJ house, as he use's it a. tood dc,a1 tor doctoring up the horses and: considers it splendid." Price 25c. Civic Advisory Council In 'response Lo a special request of the ‘council a ropregentative meeting of ilte business naen of ' the village was held in Lac town Hall, on Tues- day evening last when an association was formed to a.ct as the councils ad- visory- On all important question.s• re- lating (to the civic administration and industrial development of the village The ,following offioers avere duly elect at, ;–,Ptesitlent. T. 13. Carling„ 1st., viee-pres., Dr. Lutz; 2/1d., vice -pros. Dr, Dtowning ; See'ry, J. Grigg, Trees, T.iLvt4mmtea Mccooailunitt,,.poo t a dindiottaiob%rvi als, eona; 8u also formed composed of the follwing --W. H. 1,evelt. R. Pleks.rd, T Harvey. N. D. Iluxdon, F. E. 1(arn. The num- ber enrolled at presenU M twenty-four AT LIFE'S • EVENING. TO those well along in years there comes, accord- ing to the condition_ or the system, their measure of ills and suffering. Some are young at 70, while others are old at '.10. Elderly people who once use Dr. Leonhardt's Anti - find that it has marvel- ous power to relieve them of the troublesth at nothing else will shake Off, espeei- all y backache, constipa- tion, bladder trouble, fail- ing appetite, and indiges- tion. If ANTI -PILL is used upon taking cold, the aches and pains that usually fol- low will be avoided. To prove this, send , to :Wm- sax-Ftr c Go, 1‘,Tiag ar a Falls, Ont., for a free sani, plc. A"srt-Prnt, is sold by druggists at 50 cents a box. 90 per cent. DE Fat Cottlo exhibited. at Provincial Winter Fair, 1903,nvere fed with Worthington's Canadian Stoe ckTonic. Dealt Sirs - We have been feeding yet= Stock rood to cattle for some time, and fthd it to be an excellent tonic. 'We have also fed it to horses ,and pigs, end are quite sure it is tire best stockfood we bare ever tried. Clux• priz,e winning canto at the Provincial "Winter )F<iir, 1963, were -fad Worthintnton's Steele' tonie. LESLIE & PEAREN. Breeder Shorthorn. Cattla Acton Ont. Dear Sirs -- 1 find your Stock Poodle a very ex- cellent Tonic nor eattle ,giving them a good appetite and keeping their di-. gergive organs in, a healthy ,working °audition,. nue eteernScothen exhibit- ed anWintea Pair, weighed at birth 80 lbs., at 35 mmetla's 200 lbs., xnakenn gain of 55 lbs. per. month. It pays to Worthington'4 Atook FoccLIA ANDREW RICHARDSON, Ereeder Shbrthorn Cattle. • 1?eopabun, Ont. Dear Sirs - We have -used your 'SLock 'Food for both cattle and hogs and find it gives e•ood. szaisfaction. Several nt our tle haVc shown sa ,gainitd ovetn100 thi per month -while feeding it. SAS, WILSON &,,SONS. Breeder of Shorthorn Cattle and York ,:sbiro, Hogs ,•, Per,gus, 'Ont. t 6 th 6 Price... 10 lb. :box, 200 heeds. 50c,; 50 lb- sack V -00 - Manufactured. by ME NVORT111VGIC0N DRUG CO., 'Gnelph, Out. 0,7 sale by, Qarling Bros. Exeiixt..r ; & Son; ; 5, G. Y.oung, itoitt;' '