HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-1-28, Page 4:41 X P.1 TB TIMES JANU R Y 28th iL 415.1.4.1041IIMILMMIIMMItl Staxids any Test The most severe judgment athe expert tea taster pronounces Blue Ribbon, Tea absolutely the best Why? It is free from tannin and other bitter substances—no coarse 6brous leaves employed in its making. The taste is pure, rich and creamy—that nameless quality that igniees to the expert and lovers of true tea that it is the best we and shoots of the tea plant properly cured. Rib Ceylon 40c.rould bet elesae f bee leebol ea—a Ail the news of Interest to 1 Times Readers liappenina in. these Counties, Huron A Lmp-,Y4.13,, Ball dated for early in February is in course of arrangement by a number ei Wingham young ladies. 'lotions Bank bout for a, late train,:. let him try to find out from the etation agent! 'Arm y.Aet or parliament nas). the tram will arrive ;Jett him sa in a Uead °ince, Meltreal, . cold ear while the tribal ;:hno.ta and Cavite,' authotiec(l s,,,oafioa would have the time of. 'Ilia life. Ifyiervor• tied - 42.720..; T'hero have. liesu kings who went rintbeilsrgupau uditi- lse to studr the co Bianches in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, ,otgasrt% British Columbia ond a nit eta. sopla-excelhleit ex - bunts handling freight ears. lie 32,K,G.Itt B.spitnil fall paid sp) EXETER BRANCH Open Every Lawful Day from 10 ta to ft p. ne; except Saturdays. 10 a. m. to 1 p. ea. Farmere Sale Notes cashed or lected. Fornessupplied onapplicatiou. Drafts on all pietas the Dominion. area Britain and 'United Stales ought and Fold at lowest rates of for railway managers. ' Exeter Munlcipal Council. 'inenell erne pureuent to adjourns nu t Town Janusr,y •101h,ML, present. Miniates of pre- -; eeting, raad and confirmed Teylar-eltfuir.-That tine I. O. Pt be *bargee granted lite us: of C431.r.3 raraVidilla f,,SAVT,N(48 they be reeerenetble for any damage reepeeits of Slekand upwards receiv- dem flvraava1.--carrisd, interebt ccamoundol half yearly. Ikeylor-Arraetrong.-Tliat A. 11, Reid added to principal June 80th axed Fulee be one or tbe auditors. -Carried. Deceraher 81st. Deposits Receipts also M'uir-wacia.-Tha t E. Elliott he the lesued and highest current rate of other auditor. --end that the audit be interest allowed. made in strict. accordauce with the Advances make to reenters, stock hti'v'413rried. )dealers and baelnees men at lowest Mezir-Armstroag.-That Geo. 11. ratVs and en meet favorable terms. Ilieseap i.t be pointed clerk -Carried. Agents at Eseter for Dominion Toyler-Wood.-Tbat 5. Sanders be Government. re eeppointed t re iveure r.--Zaerried. N, D. RUP.DoN, •'Wood -Taylor. -That A. G. Dyer SOLNITOUS, 3611ar"= be re - appointed assessar.-Carried Muir-Armstrong.-Tlett W. 3. Bissett be re -appointed street commis stoner, etc., -Carried. •Wood-:-;Teylor.-That Douald Mc- Innes be attpointod a member a the Board of liealth.--Ca.rried. Wood-Armst rong.-Tha t tenders be asked rex *for bell ringing, use of scales and priuting.-Carried. Taylor-Mtilr.-That the regular meeting of this council be held ore the first and third Friday in each month -eClarried. Arinstreng-,atuir.-That council- lors 'Taylor and Muir together with street commissioner be a committee with power to act as to there/miring of 'gasoline engine. -Carried. Taylor--:Anustrong.-'Thal. uny per- -sou usiws water during winter months be"Chagred 5Pc. perliour tor pumping. The ',street coMmissionei to have Pull control or eneinee-Carried. cou;t1 ilaere the 4imxf hislite. Taylor.--lf,hat the treasurer be no - that the aid tiaMrs. Sutfon bo discontirated.-Na seccinder. Muir-Arrnstrong.--that the clerk notify the business men to call a,meet bag with tha vie of forming a Board of Trade, and that this councll will give thein every assistance in their power. --Carried. Muir-Wood.-Tlia t the elerk pro- cure copies of the 'Iunicipal World ndar for January 1904 8 10 17 24 31 . 4 11 18 23 ever 5 12 10 20 G 13 20 27 TOVItsDAY7 14 21 28 Ifeunseer• 1 15 22 20 • 2 0 10 23 80 NI.TARY 28tb 190, HINT Ti.o, MANAGER HAYS Teranto-Stnee___. __e- ater/ .iger tie:T-5 of the Grand firmer. has a love of adventure, he lkliniatexae, lawyars, leachers 3 ethers whose oceupa.tion gives but little ezercise, should use Carter's Lit- tle liver Pills for torpid,liv.er and biliousness. On is a dose. Try them Co Tuesday last, Mrs. Thos. ICelly died at the resit,feuse of her son-in-law John alurley, Goderisrh; She. was seventy-six years of age and had been ID .for aboat a year. ller husband a section boee on the railroad, died over a year ago, and two daughters eur• rive. • A.re you. free from all crude and irs itating matter. Concentrated medi- cine only. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Very Small ; very easy to take; no pain; no griping; no purging, Try hent. Thounia Sherritt .of Stank.), the wareant •for whoee arreit on a charge 1 heatillg his wife. was issued last week, was foilowed by Constable Gun- • dry through ?,Lichi,gan but had got a far as Minneapolis. Ilowevca, theetal of last week, he. returned and gave himself up to the authorities, acting on the advice or brother. He was brought up before the magistrate on Monday raorniag, W. Preudfoot, K. C. appearing for the defence. The COS e was adjourned till this morning Ur. Sheri:lit appeared before tile tag istrate, but through his couneel, Mr. Prondtoot, waived. the holding to pr ohm Ina rs Unroll ga I ion, and the' prisoner woe commit for trial at 111; next court of compsteat „iuristlics tion. Crown Attorney Saeger exam- • d the brother, John Sherritt, for 5 purpose or esuthlisithig the juris- iction in the came. From the videnee ie appears that the prisoner had got into a !scuffle with his wife in which she hit hien with a poker lie had a whip. which was broken iu he scuffle, and with the broken plere ho hit her on the head, intlictiog evert! wound. Lexa-Liver Pills are a positive cure. Ear Sick Ifeadaehe, Billiousness, Con- tipation, Dyspepele, and all stoinaeli and liver complaints. 'They neither gripe, weaken nor sicken. Price 25c. at all dealers. . Dizzy ,itppetite poor? BOWeis constipated? Tongue coated? iieati ache? Ifs your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills, all vegetable. .441.1%,, aaNitt: ling, in ditteoiet throughout Westpraa Ontario ou ;Le branch line:sat his rail :Way. Let him ei :si. oanithat, he has gone ahroed-then, let luta alter his per- sonal appearance and etfectually con- ceal Ithe fact that he is a railwaytex-) pert by travelling on the cars and trains that the public have to use. When he trevele in his affleiat cape. 3 for the use, of the council. -.Carried. city in his private ear, on his specialW`ood-Arnistrongs..-=That council train. the whole. Grand Trusild-Aystsm a.i/Sourn to Friday J.anuary 22nd., at trembles with csiriactancy, and glows. 7.30 p. m.-Oarried. GEO. II. DISSETT, Clark.; Tvith a desire to please. What speed! ECONV 'courteous the employes are lifow.fperfect the arrangenaents at all N E 1211 A LG.] A. aunctiong-hud busy ce,ntres oe traffic. Mut let Mr. Hays fillet carpet bagbeen suffering about six With. .toramercial sanap,lest and start months with neuralgia when I starts nut. for a for.triksht preitendingl that, ed. taking Milburn's Rheurnalie Pills. he Ls a drummer dpingi the . towns They did me more. ;,rood than any me- dicine f ever used. Mrs. Annie. Ryan, Sand Point, IN. S. along ithe lines to Wiarton, Goderich, Sarnia and other points, travelling on the .'rain g provided for public us:sand referred to on the tirae-tables: let im wait at way stations hour after Falling hair means weak hair. Then strengthen your :hair; feed itwith the only halt. food, Ayer' s Hair Vigor. It checks falling hair, makes the hair Jr V I grow, cornpletely cures dan- druff. And it always restores color to gray hair, all the rich, dark color of early life. Tr 1.3.33ar Vag fa'ling out badly ,ancl 14a9 of :odd r would. lose n au. Then I tried Ayer'll II 3 3 It (illicit:y stopped the rail Ituand /ado haixait tcoukl v.Jelt it to be. _ .c.eccA LIas abthN. .r. 0. ATXttt 00., Lowell. Paas. 174600,0s--- si.a0. a be, Ail trut trig itiair Perth In corriegnence ot the House o Commone being called for early in March, the; nomination of a cantlidate (or Ithe Liberals in,Sentli Perth has been postponed. Atter a aught with "the boys" there is no better remedy teclear trho head and settle the stomach. than Milburres Sterling Ileadaehe Powders Price 10e and 25e at all dealers. A ,quiet wedding took plciee last, weir at the home of Mr. and Mrs. SenitheSe. Marys, evlien their daughter, Miss Ilanne.h, became the bride of Mr. Robert Yates. The Rev. Thos. dilanning orficiated. Prompt relief in sick headache, dizziness. nause,a constipation, pain in ehe aide, guaranteed to those using Carter's Little Liver Pills. One a dose. Small ,price. Small dose. Small pill. Bayfield -,Mr. Wm. rellirllS011 ,O,e Cleveland, is home, for two months' visit. ,GeorPse Peck, of Dakota is visiting his mother here at present. -Ms. Ed Peck, or Toront,o, is home for It two week's holiday. La Grime has glot several on the sick list; lately in the village. -Miss Lizize Ferguson, of Toronto J;unetion is visi,ting at her home at prosent. -Miss Flossie Stanbur'y, asisont public school teacher was'off duty last week .owing to la! grippe. --Mr. W. 3. King, or Winnipeg, spent a month with his parc,nts hare a.nd Teturned home last week. --The ',"1.11:e Lb. odist chtirch peopby are holditig a social: tt the re.sidience, cif Jas. McGee on edilesday eve of this ---Tha ball held by, tile, I. P. F., 0.11 the eve or Jan, 8tii was a decided sue - cess. About one hundred and fifteen t 017,ple lvara in a tend.a nee . Music, )vas furnished by the. Excelsior Orch-- estra: Zurich, and everyoneenjoyed a pleasant, evening. --.The .(annual meeting' oT • the Bay- field Cemetery Co. t was; held in the Town .-1.1a II, on Monday, 'Jan. :128th., The fc.11owing directors were appoint- ed tor 1904 1, Jas. Thomson, pres. ; J. tarks vice-pre.s: A. E. Erwin, Sec- eas..t. join Middleiton, John Mos Igliton, John Greta, Ga brinl; EI lint L Thos. Brown , Jas. Campbell, Ocfnmitt.ea. Itiehaid Elliott, Sexton. ichaPd . sex ton Mrs William Illeradzen, or Marys, met with a painful accident last Friday after= on. She slipped and fell while. ero.ssing. the G. T: track at the town station and susain- ad u fracture a her thigh hone. The, patient is doing •nicely bat will be confined to her room Tor some weeks. .Mrs, .Alex. Wood died git her. home in East Nissouri ,on Friday Zan. 15th, after an illness of several months. Besides her husband she- leaves a family of five sons and four daugh- ters. They are W. 33. Wood, rergist- rar a Brant county; 13. 13.; T. L.,and J. W.; Mrs. Caspell, and Mrs. Davis of 33rantford; Geo. D., of Macgregor. Man., Mrs. Balls, Goderich and Mrs. Vatterson," of East Nissouri. All kinds of Coughs and Colds, Bron clads, 'Whooping Cough, Pains in the Chest, Wheezing, lloarseness, Sore Throat and Asthma, yield toithe Lung healing properties of Dr. Wood'atialor- way Pine Syrup, Price 25c. Hon 'Thomas Ballantyne has pre- sented the Stratford ,hoopi)tal trust with "The Mary Ballantyne Nurses" Residence."in rememberance of his late wife. The Stratford Beacon says 'It is a splendid- naonument to the memory of a most :noble -minded, charitable and sympathetic woman, and her husband and children and grand -children will ever regard it as the most splendid monument that could be founded to illustrate her life and work." Want your moustache or beard at beautiful brown or rich black? We BUCKINGHAM'S DYE ....i..HAIX*000t16017LICIL lLimyifle -- -Mr. Ira Andrew ,of Cromarty, spen":. Sunday under the parental roof. -Mise Martha Dern spent a couple of weeks under the -parental roers'at Zion. -Revs. Cooper and Baker are hold- ing reVival services at the Bethany appointment. -Miss Linda Miners has aeeepleal a good position as cook at the Home af Ineurables, London. Cromarty --- -Ploughine out roads eems to ba the order alba day. --Mr. he Allen has an cat ra smile en this week. "it'e enn." --3fisa teehuelder, of Logan alien t week with Miss Emma Campbell, lately -JIlliss Maggie Robineon, or Chat-, liam, is speeding this week with rola. Hew here. -Miss Zeta Andrew, of Etiraville, Jus returued Lorna after spendieg two veeks with friends bere. -A number of the young people of this vielnity gathered at the beautiful liorae or Mr. and Mrs. Andrew, last Friday evening and all report having ti had a very eujoyable me. I-Miss Itached Henderson. is laid up with a bud celd those days whieli we hoph she will soon he able to be" pat large number frm ohere attend ed the concert hi the Mathedist church., 'on Monday evening. All re- • port ate concert as bth eing goo -Friends from. Woodham visite.doit Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Henderson, oue dtty • last week who are going to leave. for British Columbia, ia a short. time. • ...no (party at Mr. David .Matvli- • Laney's. on Wednesday evening was • well attended being about 65or 70 •ileople there all report having bud a goad t ime Orad I3end -Ur. at. McIntesh, of Thedford, spent Sunday and Monday with triv- ands Imre. Mr. Frank Allister has movedinto le house recently occupied. by TIxos. 'Webb. -Mr. II. Ilossenbury and Jos. Mais- el intend startler; a livery barn hero in the summer. Mr. and Ales. 41. Bossenbur.y opent S4turtlay awl Smutty wiUzfri- ends al Zurich. -Mrs. Brenner spent a few days of last week, with her daughter, Mrs. Hannon, ar., or Shieka- -Sealed. tenders for the, construe - Lion of a wharf, a road approaching, and dredging at Grand Oend will be eceived by the Minister of Public Works up- to February 12th. The plans and specifications canl ba seen t tlie post office, hero. Oreenway -Miss Myrtle Wilson. Millie and Mable Forbs, Stanley %iLii1s, Da).:14 Short are taking a busine.ss course in the Parkhill High School. Death of Mre. Baker. -Alza. Baker, wicew or the late -John Baker, pass- ed away, Wednesday afternoon, Jan. Min 1904. after a lingering Illness. Deceased lady was widely known, and highly respected. She was in her 69th year she leaves a large family. Mrs. J, Corbett, Mrs. Corbett, or lluntsville, 'Washington; Mrs. Charles ilayie j. Baker, -of Ilarpley and and Miss Emma Baker, at home. She was always known as 'a kind and eh- ; liging mightier and her death is re - gaol ted by a very largo eircie or. fri- ends. The funeral on Fris,Lty was Ilargt4 a.teacted. The rentains Were interred in the Parkhill cemetery. An Ancient Foe To health and happiness is Scrofula - 3 ugly as ever since time inamemorial. 1:1 causes bunches in the neck, dis- figures the skin, inflames the rnucoug membrane, wastes the muscles, weak- ens the bones, reduces the power of resistance to disease, and the capacity for recovery, and develops into con.- . . sunft.tion. "Two of my children had scrofula sores widen kept groWing deeper and kept them from going to school for three months. Ointments and medicines did no good until I began giving them ITood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine caused the sores to heal, and f.te. children 'have ShOW11 TIO signs of scrof- ula since," 3 W. McGIN.N, Woodstock, Ont. Tood's Sarsaparilla • di rid you i of tfr radically and per- raanently, as it has rid thousands. leceeeny Crediton •••••••••••,., WI MIR 3 .113131111313.1313 311113111134313111311113111113133 drolrlo 111.1 It Illt -Mr. Chas. Wolfe is confined to his I bed at present. -Mrs. David Stalls wino was very ill is slowly recovering. -Beautiful weeding presents at Charlton's :Fair, Exeter. -Mr. Beu Bertrand, of Detroit, is isiting under the parental•roon -Mae. .Paulin, of Dashwood; was in the village, on Tuesday, on busineee. - Nichols spent a fPw days a the home of his grand -mother. Mrs. Henry Mote -Henry Bilber, M. L. A., is in To - roto, at the session of the Legisla.-- tiro Assembly. Mr. Joseph 114ist is ,slowly reeov ie ering from his njuries received some six weeks ago. - lierbele IS.. Iiilbec bas been recently appointed a notary Publie in and• for the Province or Ontario. Miss Diva Wood, of Londou, is visiting frieuds in town the guest of her collet% Miss Evelyn Kerr. -It is rumored that Mr. lArien low is, J. P., is to be the Reform candle date, in Swett Byron, In the next Do- minion elections. -Bliss Rose, Vinkheiner has return, - ed from Sarnia, where elle has been visiting her sister Mrs. John A. iumble, the past two weeks. -Mr. Frank Smith, wlio bus-bee attending the past few week's vsiting under the parental roof left Monday evertong for Toronto, where he basse- cured tt poeition as barber. e. very prette wedding took place n Wedneeday eveniag, of last,week at the home or Mrs. Finkbeiner.when lee daughter Emma, 4was united in he holy bonds tt£ matrimony to Mr. Item y ]leaver,. The Bev. G. Damm M. A. officiated. Death.-Deatlx has removed from our midst one of our oldoet residents in the person or David Braun, who died on Fridays at the ago or 80 ye:vs.:Da- ceased hasr-heen an invalid for years and had to be wetted on like a child. The reraains were interred. in the Ger man cemetery on Sunday !Arternoon, the Rev. G. 11. Damm officiating. 11n leaves to mourn his demise four sons and three do.ughters besideif a large number -of relatives, who have thes -napatley of thtx community in this heir tiati bereavement. (Too late for last week) -At the meeting' of the eleetion of officers and teachers of thelS. S. here Ur. *.thos. L'assmore was unanunously- re-elec,.eil os supasntendent. Ho has held this position for over seventeen years, with credit to himself and to school, which is very prosperous. The old staff of officers were. also elected. -Rev. W. 11. Cooper, assisted byhis colleague, Rev. C. W, Baker, have bean 'conducting revival serviees ;us the. "Methodist church here duringithife past week. ThE,., attendanee has not been large on account of the extream- ly bad condition of the, roads, but the metniugs hatve .boen very iatereslting and •greatly enjoyed by all, and good is being done as thei people wait upon i he Lord and listen to " the great spiritual truths presented. Thuwea- ther fand roads peamiltting theimpet- ing.s will ba continued allmext week, when it is hoped therewill be a large turn out. ellanellles-"Waterth.-A every- preety ;elating was solemnized at the rest- ttete of Mr. and Mrs. Fred ;Vuortb, It:I the 30111 ult, whoa thein 05100 ,Miss :ethane Wuerth, was united in mar- riage to Mr. Ernest; Glanville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Glenville, of Na- pinka, (formerly of Crediton.) The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. G. Pl Damm, isi the presence of immediate relatives at the eontracting parties. Miss Agnes Fahnee, acted in the ca- pacity of bridesmaid, while Mr.) Ed- Mund betel:bee of the, bridee tisscales had been p g ed for e ithe 'ate& the groom. A number aoval valeta and useafrutlapxreellsenoirs NtNhTeretrial:::-reasr251d,ouble3veths.bolvou: thbeeispurchase. ()tuagranenrat48 ed .by At the bride, ter a. dainty lunch that 24r. G. M. Fox put in, and that touple lett for Manitoba, e.vhere they evill take up housekehpixag in. the town or j1iflk�, Manitoba -1 4. hos friends join in wishing, Ur.' and MTS.. peGlraint.111e, many happy years of pros - Kirkton --The annual ineeting of the Blansh- a rd A Ericulcural Soc'y was neld in the hall. on Wednesday afternoon, et last week. lie See -Treasurer's report was read and adopted. The society is now out of d,e,b,t and hava a small balance in the treasury "Yhd 'Collow- ing officers were appointed for this year :--President, W. R. -Car r,; V. S., ; vice-ipres., Sam. Donge; directorsJas. Hazlewood, John rotheriugha.tn, Jas. Ttoutly, A C1108 Doupe, Wns 37111c, A. Sooli, Goo Licntly, Wm. Ilaziewood, Wm, flanson; auditors, E. N. Shier, Wm, Brown. UobdrL Beattie was chosen tgain for secrat.ary- treasnver, bu.L resi2tned. Mr. Beattie has held that position for 35 years and the, dir- ectors will find it rather hard to find a person lo fill it as -well. Tbe meet- ing, made Mr. Beattie an Ilon-Diree- tor for this year and a life; Member of Ale society- in recognition of his past services. A meeting ol the direc- tors will be held in, a week or two te 'appoint a. sec-treas. Goshen Line -Mrs. •England is visiting at XI% Thomas .1. -earl eT's Joseph Lawson in ousy break- ing in his bronco3...,.. now. are pleaheci to see ivirs. John Keys oui again after her rennt • r7. tiVe getable PrcparationforAs- sltatiag the:coati auditeguta- &lag thaStoutaas andl3oweis of iBEN I Promotes Digestion.Cheerful- 1 iiness andRestContnias neither ! OinuoUlorpili110 nor unerai. iiNow 1.7..4Mc wile. i • I.L'Ic.7.1.fa?.frX4r="17= . 44.7; 414.*A.7.014 Ract444,,reist a•e24.4470.F., 47:4:0444. AVV,•,.2" • 41, VI•11474: ot••••••••••. i•611. *Nlt tly toreonstir Sour stora.z.th.Dienipea t -teas end Loss 0.2.• SE.E.EV. FeeSeade Signature of 4 STORIA Eor„.„. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Ih.e Signature of , Use For Over Thirty Years ASJORI It 0 DELICATE BOYS N •...parlimmakor Are alteeether too numerous. Our sehools are full of them Chances are your own children aro weaklings, It's o .ehame so xuany ehildren grew up without health when thee- could 'be • made strong by Ferrozone, the best toxtle going boys and girls can take Ferrozone invigorates the whole body helps digestion, makes the Wood pure and rich. It eupplies more nourish - recut than thildren can gat in any other way and soon establishes a re -- serve 'of force and energy. Give your thildreu Ferrozane and watch them grow strong. Price 60c per box. COMMU N ICAT IONS Those Weigh Scales Exeter, January 19;1903 To the Editor of the Time& Dear. Sir, - At a meeting or the rattspayers held on Dec. 2811', oneor the parties nominated for- councillor named, A. S. Deavett made a bola and uncalled for statement on the platform to the effect that someone had been ,S. Deavetti made a statement on the pletforra that some oleo of the come Inlitteo boa bewl greased for the pure lohaeet of the town eentes,lhat you pat iu and that be could have bought the came =lee for 1%0,00 less. Now we as a committea woUld like if yOu couI lot us knew by retura mail if any Of us received a bribe or a tpromise tee any kind. Awaiting your reply, 1 %V.' main Tours truly, T. til. Carling. TREY KNOW IT. Thousands of people throughout the oeuntry know that t,he ordinary remedies for piles -ointments, suppos- itories and appliances -will not cure. The. best of them only bring passing x*teiLr...Lecsahardt's Hem -Bold is a tab- let taken internally that removes the clause of piles. hence the cure is per- mtaltltryt. package sold carries a 'guar- antee with it . It is perfently harraleas to the meet delicate Calle titution. A mont'h's treatment An each package. Sold at $ 1A0u0. Frcher informtation in 1rega rd t it at the dreg store. that tommrttee thought al nothing more than right that I should write to Mr Fax regarding the 'matter, and find out through him if such was ths case. Below I beg to submit tuyou the eorzeepondence whicb epeaks for itself, and wilt leave it to you to be the jury. For my pert I ,believe Mr. Fox's stetements to be correct. and how Mr Deavett could make, such sta.tement is mora than I can un- derstand unless it was to injure some one of that. committee. Now'it remains for Mr. lamella ta make a suitable apology or else be responsib- le of an uncalled for statement. Zion -Another old rafsidanl of lisbor.nlet passed away on Tuesday last in the persor. of Charlotte Aria vVilley, be- loved -wife of Mr. SancueiGE. Horn. Born in the Township a:too, out., neerly fifty six years ago, she with her husband settled in Ersbornei ri2ar Zion, over thirty-seven years ago, here she continued to reside. respeaed by her neighbors and eloved by her friends until the and geacefull3r came and where surrounded by her beloved ones, with faith in. her, Saviour and a bright )1op32 of immorality sheenter- ed into rest. "Asleep in JosusI bless- ed (sloop, 11'0111 1V.h i 11 none) , vet wak- es' to wocip.:-„ The funeral which took glace on Friday at 2 o'clock, was ot wi ths tand in g the exlremety btd roads, la r,s,,,elY attended, The, service Was Vcinducted in the ZionYMo,thodist church of which deceased was a mem ber :tor many years, by. ;Rev. W. [1. Cooper, Who preacheil an appropriate sermon from Num. 23: 10 ILa was as- sisted by ;Revs. 3 ilarI and C. W. T3aker. A husband, IWO sons, John. and 'Weston near Zion: three dang,11- terS, Mrs: E. Avery and, Mrs. Thomas Brock, near Zion, and Mary Laic home, survive lo moarn Unit' graajLoss, ,Yours T. B. CARLING, ex -Reeve. Exeter, Jan. 4111, 1001. To :Geo. M. Fox, Lond,on. Dear Sir ;-- 4.1 a .raeetiog of the, ratepayers held Dee. 28th, one of the parties norainated ifor, "councillor, named A. London, Jan. 7111., 1004 To Mr, T. B. Carling,'Exeter. Dear air ;- This is to certify thal the come anitte,o, wbo purchased the town scaietv Lor tExeter, did not receive a bribe any ;clod form me or any agent o mine and it was bought at suy lowest perics 'tor such, a ecaie either at time of purchase or now. Respectfully yours. Geo. M. Fax. ••••1•11/I/•••••••••••• ]xeter, December 23rd 1903 - Fax Seale Mfg. Co. London. Gentlemen Please tgive me your best, exalts price on scale same as sold to Exeter Council. lla.ve two prospects of sell- ing. Send prlces by return mail • and oblige. Yours truly,Y A. S. DEAVITT, Implement agent 095.00 for Setae scale. e75.00 for 7x14e Exeter, Jan. 1,4, 1904 Geo. M. Fox, Esq., London, Ont. Notice to Creditors In the Matter of John Ernest Beffmare of the Village of Dasuw oed n. thee vCeonunty of liuron, Builder, Insol- t. Notice is hereby given that the saidt John Ernest Builmare cariying oz business as a builder at the said vil- lage of Dashwood, hes made an as- signment under R. S. O., 1897, chap- ter 147, of all his estate. meeits ands effects, to Joseph Suell, of the villager of Dashwood, aforesaid, banker, for - the general benefit of his creditors., A meeting of creditors will be held. at the office of the said Assignee. -- the said Tillage of Dashwood.on Thurs- - day the 4th day of February, A. D. 1901, at tlaeihour of ten ceelottk in the - forenoon, to receive a statenaent of affairs, appoint inspectors and for the - ordering of affairs of the estate gen- erally. Creditors are requested to their claims with the Assignee, with proofs a.nd particulars as requir- ed by the said Act. on or before _ the- day of such meeting. And notice is further given that after the twenty- second day of February, 1904, the As- signee will proceed to disteinute the assets of the estate arnoeg the parties, entitled thereto, having xegaid only • to the claims of which. notice shall then have been given. and that he' will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so alkali/Med, to any person or persons cf veliose claims he shall not then have had notice. SOSEPEI SNELL, Assignee. GLADM AN & STANBUILY, Solicitors for the Assignee.. Dated at Exeter, this 23id day of Jan- uary, 1904, /21WE,westo Thin signature is on every box of the gt,nu,-- Laxative Broil:to-Quinine T.10.., cue remedy that cnres VI opold to elle o Cure a Cold in One Day Taw Laxative Brow Quinine TaMets. Seven Million boxes sold in post 12 months. Titus stgnatore, •Cures Grip in Two Days, On ever!? /-Pvtee...00 box. 25o.