HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-1-28, Page 3l'111 WOE, DT,
dnaettle, Grain, Cheese,
and Other; Dairy Produce
Erne and A.broAd,
Toronto, Jan. 26. -Wheat -The of -
ernes of wiater wheat -are very
lifht, there is e better millieg ne-
eded ani bolders are eating 8Se for
he 2 red mut white east and west,
U1(1 Millers would probably have to
ay that pe this arternoon for car
ets. nut iecal, dealers are only
uotine 81e bid foe No. 2 red and
hite otoside. Goose is steady.at
!"?.• for No, east. Spring Ls 'Iran-
i' at 76e to 77c for No. 1 east,
Tatitoba Wheat is higher at. 94e for
cut, $17.4.10 to $18; American snort BEHEADED HER CHILD,.
Pot elear, $17 to $17,S0; Americe,a
ft backs, $18- to $1.8.50; compound
lard, Be;..Canodian lard, Baize to 20;
kettle rendered, 104e; limns, 11'..c te
18e: bacon, 14c; fresh killed abat-
toir hogs, $7.75; country dressed
hogs, $6.75 to $7; live hogs, $5.50.
Eggs -Candied selected, 27e; Meat -
retie limed, 23e; western limed, 22e to
23c; refrigerator, late fall stock, 23e
to 24e; suuoner stock, 20e to 21c. -.
Better -Eastern, 19e to 21e, ac-
cordiag to qualiter western clabsy, in
tubs, lee; western roils, leine to -
Cheese -Ontario; lOtic to 110;
townships, 101e to 101e.
Potatoes -Per 904b. bag, 75e 56'e
Terrible Deed of an Insone Ilnother
• at Oakland N.
A Paton, N. 3, despatcli says:
'Mrs, Arthur Oewold was arrested, on
Wednesday on a charge of murdering
^,laer 8 -year-old son the day previous
• at her home in Oakland. Sie is be -
noted to be insane. Since she came)
from Germany she lived hi New York
T d. t Ac-
Variotion Can Be nrrie o
count in the Improvement
of Plants. •ere in the rooms of the Western So-
Mao Cheeks Pia With Sulphate
A. Chicego despateh. says: Joseph
Ferrell, of Philadelphia, has thrown.
handfuls of excelsior on a hot gas
• clety of Inigineers. It smoked, but
vaGrieofe4 liwnoesrleiwbas been done aloes;
. .
tee oentielee, Ina. it did not blaze. Then putting slow -
when parteaent of Agriculture and by some e . .. n the ere and
Otty outs' about a, year aeo, ot the Provincial Departments of • Piling pine splinters on top of them.
her husband moved to Oakland as Ito
had obtained employment witn the Agriculture in Canada with a, vi ecv to and piles a pine shingles and slabs
at pine on the e n ei • • »-•
epresentat v
at Toronto,
re T1 o.
1SEW Teen Le
said that the bill now pro,
posed will prove to be a most inter -
..A. Stifles
estii,e, document. The A.tternee•.sGon-
eral hes been in consoltatiou tvith , TemesSetaing
Mr. Iscrritan, of tbe Toronto Aseess-1
meet 1/epartatent; Ste. Hutton, of Ines to
, • „ •
GS PaOlt1
T1 -1Z 0,14;03,
• and 0
encounage the use of hifsh class eeed' • ett, poet aly minim Ifanititon, her. ..Liceonan, aud oteee woo oothere
E. O. Potter Company, at Pompton of the best varieties but there is yeOnaterial belotv, mail be ahould have asses -soma morn', slave the nicetetwo loot onto,
m for a coosiderable inereeee in had e. good-sizen bonflre started., illgS a tl.e. co nunitte(5 in Deienther.
Bethg used to flying 111 a CitY rtkl)o- •er neld of eienurion field 'nitre wero tiamee, however, too toga of toot. gottoQoottogo. /egos centred for th new' Wat^
ountrove of
hie ot
elle did not like the quiet life f 0
o as- s:,^pd grainaleept tho blue on front the gen. i 'ivories at Levis, Que., vestitg 523
. • - eir Ferrell bed Inn tit '1 t is the iww bill.
to 60c M car lots. crops by pie use tor botter
land and had often asked ber 1ms- oleo h;".$ irrela signed.
The oblect of orming aesociations - • , . a. a a. CI a to - . ..
,e ' It is iiseertiel that tte Vends-, "
, . ..
• band to return to nTeier York. He fin- rowers -- t e -..epti 'dreriS tile Engineers on the suleeet of , holsisg rorPoretioes will Void them...! Port Arthsr Ann nerneee a
IrOPFAI,0 GRAIN MARKETS. ally gave up bis place at Pompton 'of seed moo no e peo t. y ,
clear to all. The idea may be uew in •,fire -proofing wood anal combustible senses face to ewe with a law tiottd 000 to 10,0110 hose power on
Buffalo, Jan. 20 -I strong. Lake, and on Tu.esday went to Jersey • Canada, but there are aseociairone cif ,fabrics. To show that theatre- ecena- they will lieve die-Len/an in eve:Si:we 'rent Ilio -...r for ligliting end Inauta
e grow ers in c 4. t .4, z. / ,..
sue% :,erv could be mede as imem•vious as Tele•Plielse eollrlianies eael street reit- „ tering ereeposes.
Wheat, sprMg firm; No. 1 northern City to seelt employment there. On ,o, d • (SP *r couutri .^
herd, 92e for No 1 uorthera, • -7 . his return late et Mein ho found the l''' wets will in to , -,,-•s .snd citiee he - •
s000ti the chemist held a pieee of eau- ' - , - e . :-. a .* . , A len so encoerage the formation
, _ _ - _ c.i.f., 9,fec, winter Ne, 2 red quoted ‘ -- ' - tas the Illinois ',Seed Corn Growers 11
-i.iiisPiet tot leo. 2, northern at iseme o2e to won -Q. Coro dull and steady; house, in darkness. He opened the 'i AseocietIon that are doing good . vas in the Oanita and whOes it smelted taneo on U•Ani* eaLtIllfra and withe of toutnel inseunnee teeeeciations hoe
I work. The 'benefits deriven trout as -Q e around .e cave,there was-. .. 1. ••
,regard to theS3, annOnirter.:^" win he I leen pessee by zbe Ni./va. SC9tia.
, 0. „, Gout, ,„ie
one door with nis latch-lcey, and after A ' ' " ' - • 'a little • d ti• • '' -
ay ports, and 6e more grinding No, 2 yellow, 50ec• N s • •
i tr, nen. (-Au] iseed for c Meet' et ••-ci ecen*
to 491c Oots dull but stron t• No •
strng a, match, walked int o the, breeders cif live stocit no name.
• , a r noseoes ot cnal^^
kr.S- •
limn -els firm at $3.15 for cars of 2 ort -t, dos • ot 2 • o .o dining -room. There he wae horrifieills°e14 writst °
e, o. noxe, c. ar-
e • 6, .
ara pre y u • •
.11 nderste eel The. Sulphate of aluminum is the corn- i/Igo-hyr°111
telepitone ccurene.O.s are Profeeser Jaome Peleenn et?.
0 per cent. patents in buyers' bags'position Mr. Ferrell had usel to Pea-
ky, offerings light, 55c to 61e, Ite-e, to see the .
headless body o his 8-.1
f - aipc-antages to Le det*Ived from or -
no. 3., 04c.
London, Jan. ISO -Wheat, on pas -
east or middle freights. Choice
are held 1,5e to 20e higher.
nfointelia !lour is firin at $4.6,5 to
itl.to for Hungarian patents,
n1.60 for second patents, and $1.- „, ilrtetive. eartoen .a.untrait Oswold found his wife tying in 1)Ni
--- ' - and the general operations of an or-- deeds:eight, and tho exPeitee co/Lillian,- i will rot Ile Da any ra•-i•vcsnieAt. 91 tf.'.1", spot One unite', fitern Port Artie:en te'
nelleied, on the track Toronto.
f storts owl $15 for bran in built ,.----(rn , co. -LU; - ,., P t.i .? . 1 lieeheaul spoke to her elle did not odstniatione breeders of pure i i anel--11ter:iitktliii:iLIIZ-ff?:-.'eZ.21e.f. z7e11;erbete't: -1 iiliavt;':;! (tat!, w$ftt zeiot.p7-,,nalci•I:yri
011 Poseego. no III g ( oe 0j (333' to reeegnive him. When ask- im,,d stack fix e dard ml,leh innst4 - ut ofeFieFfltient, tenien wol coe-ce their liziwon 2,^,v4.t von im io
rain, aell roonbed on oell as their 'med.
)5 to .$1.5'0 for strong bakers', bags o r ee se. are nolo tively is small.
an, anuar,e- ‘e Nary, s , par- anotleir room with her vouna wires, bet ovIII be levied (It so =nc.":1•14.014.d being gnawed r!..V;T
baby III her arlus' She was 54-r 11;4•Trr!ti(ret; AsFuria-
, to Fa t;:o.. op.i,V.44e muntegp
e wco and cotton, Ilis he Ontario Agriculture/ Collegee hzs
) e oor. 'zed efforts on -the 'art of seed r
which had also been beheaded. .,,eataiet. through their
. . . ;associations, '11111 is Cf^leap, costing 7.1 cents. a leen 1t1Q3.t.sPrIl.:)21n41"4.1;notteeit,CL,1151,1,a'171-7:14;,,:..na ea 11,f,'13
year-oId son head lay near the boy's foot. Near :gar" I itcdo is to na.tur.on ear, Inater;„1 on*. ties. eere, the„y will be troxell orc, tee4 °t'lered PO$Ition on tl:97
ioh breeeers of pare bred live stoc•It• t der a pr sin. indpha. te of ajoit'iins' t'1;6„r t""I;41a IS '110 o
v;" Ce441:45k144-
the boy lay the body of his pet dog, :,,egwill*acreis are not dissimilar to those l3 3
sage, eel r tz,
eels N.?: 3 northernManitoba,
eillifeede-Is steady at $17 for cars
• auLddle frehIhts. Nallit"a ing: eurgOeS 144 rlut" Fell°W4 482 ed. about tie' murdered boy she did , on Eels will be
W. P. rrocts,
softly to tile infant. one when her - •
*RutzER I DLCI4Nz.
y 14 „ml T.aizes
Intereet in Atnoirs.
. steady at $20 for ears of :Its.. rye ttoms.
I Jnstiee Stowe:Se ot ti.e
May -Jame, 19s 81.1;
ho: tet tiaS for bran, sacks ier• „ Jowl. oy ed,
cat „eke cssa,
Inileil, Toronto freielits
P Said to her. Nene the bed her two!wove:eel ileileee Conee
e parcels mixed American, paesage, llls standards of excellence for peiligreed
neriev-is firmer at 43.„'e for No. , outer children lay sleeping in 0, crib. . ftt will ninny i•e oesittter. Siton asoiree, renened fetreT e'er -
d • . I* les h ur s4;s: Vost Thulszla5-•
not seem to unenrstand what was recogineed as pure bad. In fixing A oilmingliono.
laud coed real prov et-.
, n
a friend (1^1 00. raid Kruger .f.a8 SLAV-. 7410 no -toned • eeene tree
. •
i •
a, p ee o
sauw priticiples tbat aro apnlierl in President of the 'Franeeeel 1). not lenteelioltler aecordleo to tne mete
arreet. In the roo/Ti In which the •
only initial:Tent. hut that he et. ss cite pent,. Will oleo be
, east or west.
1.e tor ,No, $ extra, am .00 for No. shipalents within a month, 19s Oci, 'errs. Oswold was later placed ender thet the health of the /ismer
t -inherit.; flee also
autlieritfes oven. notiCed
new; corn, parcels Galata Foxenian, iniproveinent are rerognived.
Itienwheet-Is In fair demand and prompt, 208 6d• passams, '20s Od,
el:iffy to firm. at 48e far No. 2 east noteeopt 20. -Wheat. spot,
-or west. steady, No, - red winter, lif. corn,
Inen-de M good demancl and firmer Oat American mixed, lleW, 21f.
J. :11e for No. 2 east 0r 'west' Inoue, spot Minneapolis patent, p
verii-Is firmer. Canada. mixed is 'sac!: of 280 lbs, 201. 00.
quoted at 371e and yellow at eee for par's, Jan, 26. -Wheat, tone
ear lots west. American is higber steady; , 21 e
lc for No, 3 mixed and 52e for No. 4 r '• •
3 Y'llow be car lots on tbe trock 'August, 211 80e. Flour, tone steady;
January, 20f 83e; May and Auglist,
1181 80e,
0 to -Are in good demand and dear -
IT at 82e for No. 3. white and Mc
l'er No. 2 white east or low freights
imhr "IS7 for rotehler late. toielees that
ropoeo to t• * co re
boy and the doe; wore killed every40 (I33'L.3.3 0131
r'ePPlied 311 tbe llisProYeasnde of vart progressive decline. Ilis nenelear•Ole TAN DETAINED*
do:position for exereise is inereneeene -ono nieente. e tee °
thing mete spattered with blood. fieties of farm erops,
SHRUNK FORTY PER CE1T.1bY wmeh iluvr""'"" 333I10, b • t ,
oetints or animals depend to fix de -
Effect of Surtax on Our Imports . ,
sirable coaracteristics; bin 110 mew
FrOOT Germany. 3 that begets Illee most be Innen in its
An Ottawa despatch says: The broad Luse, 'amuse it would not be ;
Customs departmental returns nitows"poseinle to matte improvement if it
his eetit in feebler, mei Lin weesory ?, 8113 38 o, t„ were ie
failing. Whereas berietifore 1)0 team-, 6.31,o0 oaopooci. 633 1130 eacq, of 1,,,Lcurn
'd ern s t oat la Re an be . ineeetei 310 retaireri, ehil Vise
IlOw mantfesta 2102a. whatieer. Ilis oleo sea, in ot,e er too iestauee3
hino wev. L,E,
1.104S are .11110S anxtoes been devilled Ili iementliis. to tg.I
at rani
tee piece et tee oreeent versenaley
FIF ry DERVIST-IES Sr d ••• t s o.e ens -vino igtee
4 4, • 4.4 . Ara 23"(417t, "„1.., ,.. ,4 . .• ,, . ,.. _
that in tte three months of October, were 2 t for the tenden • toward %Pr..' • I
7, iste teem eternieni en Il -i gelf.tleg- a.
November and Deeember einee the oar- ,iation. Heredity 38011 11:.f. tvIrIPMF -;,,,,,;+./, -, .-. _ ;
Toronto, e ' 3.,1.11Ey'n' 3 4,AP‘Q..143, 01 1,2.4 10,31N 7.
J"• ilensePriees on the tax on Gernum precinct% cline " t t • el • I Cut te ii 1 e val. .4 to '"-"ss. 4:ore '34.74/'r*r'ed 0 73 ed a4 ^ • - a ,- • -.3, f - . re. - •
. ill 0 OW O. vex a ii. 1, / - • ."
!CR ,Xf•W ' ' ' .' It
1 0. :1(Me west.
- loin. No. 2 eel to are quo,- whole were Stea(ly to none though full operation, our tpurebasss from account in thee iniprOVt!Me!,t ^it 111•1344 IatturAwa
itiets tan via le aeireo I. In tscd4,
oicome, a tamp," nits , ei ,„, 0.
t "'elm is It feeling thnt there env that country have decreased by e 11 , s well as in the ineiteie. An Ad. , Amnia, desealeo - , ,e4, , , to, e., ..„2 el ale, ot, ,,..,a,,,,,.1„1,, •ve ..,
quo y a ,.. a i. oi e eio „ ., v i. • k « ..1 ..
Onon...1,1-Is firm at 81.10 for cars - plenty of cattle to come forward as forty per cent. .1.11
relight tee(' $2,e0. 'lee rarer a: -
gierei, and wen allowed to retern
(111E4T T A ISO
r 7:fa IA-m(4141"S
Lant it Was pi
1.119 Ilon. 1.!oraw ironer:,
11 of the fleet, is cli.^(1,41, 'OMNI13i y ars.
Tee beineleetioo in Nero' it ree
'74 ia the otein 01 it e eet by T.130
toil Siren Ara' faelero at
Feet:e'en COW N.V..,r4i0.4
' 1311 '3' eanelre of °snort
(4 1013' and $4.35 for barrels en the FOon as the roads are opened, arta nnent of animals, but liefortmettely ir 'A IM 1 1.. 3it te 2Zs' per C43. of ti o ote '"
The following statement of imports few farmers !melte any iota:met t Mranl's Fomali ntIonnto.t1 infantry eed oel a lee pr• ee. Steel QUI trx1 • woe, -
free% 'Poronto, and 30c more for boyers are not. eager to buy more
Uiet iir.4%.n lots. toay .qthltneell°sg
it t° jakme4latere-of eutiable goods from Germany bers systematically apply tli3361 1131 n63^16f44 bol; of tne Mulioliid, a etote 3-41,4 11:e •on 11411 l. :141
11...4sd(Wr out ths statement:- to tht) improotei t il ts J1nourv 17 in thvieinito gt da 33 CZ '6 1•1`kr12 j" "(
112 6:t
,mireatuoN°. uitneuts.
;al or west. 1002. 1903. „Through. hereflity and voreition lues. 1'1:Montilla. hiding Eft' speorinen , (nein --;l1 pire teen; en ienetee of .M.4%. ;log „IrOerZeo„33-11 oonon 333
Iii.l:CpOrt-There Were four or five Oct 1 • $nnr ne o's 'proved varieties of Veld ere: s tena stildurinie 8.000 c(3niels and 01)13e:ivies tore. Avid the iitatetot ono oteepine • the Loone.1i6q1161. lis
>et ••• ••• • •• 6/.4 ow q. •• 1402--13
eattoat eneee
loads of export, in the marhet. of November ,.. 657,920 ' 302,1110 to revert to the NS ^
"" from , of Sheep,
COUNTRY' PRODUCE- fairly good quality. Prices, bowmen'
aro not bigh, foreign quoTations not
December . 78o,rai 3O3,926 , which. they evolved; but ulten these ' tan ot 310.11111s. If tin napeue it. fion.
it will he 3.31V3 031 fer else lantiee-1, en reei
'improved • sorts are proving! with' STOLE 'PROM TRAIN. • :deo tbe 131.4 I14.4 Ci;0.1:141
Totals ... $2,882,7,54 $1;356,034 : the environment beat flail ed to their
11 atter-The feature of the trade is ,
tt, • (inn-alma:lance of dairy rolls at "mg PartieulttrlY eneourogiug hist
now. The range toniiie* Ives from
coming into the market, and
detiers find considerable trouble
t • -
It will be notices.' that in November growth, and a continued vele:lion nesonsitable Peat the extra, ascee • !reef .
of Robbers on FOR DEPA litTelltit TA LS. eit fee eii
getting rid of anything but a small .1 'Utters The light inn helped to Li the (eve ef :nen /wine oho eavry ,oesl•elld lot e recantation
elvers woo 1"
Southern etaeine.
the shrinkage of German ini )OrtS WOS tb meet, desirable s weiteens IOW,. , ..
part of the stock offering,. An alin .4' henPatell frollt San *Francisco L oil more thee five, 3:115323 of burineo; Tu, 13vaited Steles Wren/ham
Stinlidate prices a little for the Mere conspicuous than in October.. Used, this natural tendeacy totvard t 1
choice cattle. Good butchers" eat- and that in December the chenge was •reversine is overcome. sons t-erain robnors etole the /roe; under ore roef the r.vleenicam't of Gm verition will he held ea CeSeego Juno
eseel result of this glut itt that the tle were about steak", while Ma- rnere noticeable still. This in the Though it is highly imperiant Or& sae from the express cat' of tkee real estate ibet wilt 0.fe talien on tite 21.
mon and rough cattle sold down to condition of things that brought Ger- the variety of grain be well enited to Sulteet Limited., northbound, on the ,baels of the In15,,irs.03 LIN: IS reteel Tito next Iieurieratie notiononeoro
$2,90 for common butchers" eowS, many to time, and what prompted the locality where it is to be grown, Southern Patine Railway, near San; to 50 per ceet. Tnis is the way 'life 1.-Q3113i011 ItOtit br.Prt arranged te. talill -,
Steelters-There Is a fair demand the recent request of Herr Bopp that too much faith has been pinnet1 to Luin Ohtspo on Taurtelay, and it Is 1 department eiox-es will be difitme °place at len lamin on July eitin tent.
for stockers awn feeders, but there Canada should re -open the quostioxt the names of varieties without due UtiderstOOd aseUred a large •amouuto guiehed.
was practically mule ofitoing. of tariff relations with hia Govern- attenLion to the quality of the seed of tre,atinve from the etelen :Armin Thie, buelress tax will he 1;iten
Ankh eOWS-Tho demand IS very meat, itself. It Is not alwaos recognized hos, the sum hang Placed es Mtge , wide applicalSon. Under it bru*sei
_n_.....-4,_-__ that there may be as much ditrerence ',80•000, This, however, is denied I mad distilleis -will ne placed in . sters 21 per vent.
o .
tni) butter afi quoted Inglier than
nets. The warnet ail round is easy.
Ornate -Ty, prints ..., 200 to 22e
dit•- ;plias 3.0ec to 20e
Vlbe rolls, choice . iGo to lele
arg,) rolls ...... 14c to 15e
do tubs, good to
elmice ..... 15e to 17c
310 medium 1.3c to Vie
do poor . 10c to 12e
Cheese -Ts fairly steady and un-
eliatestel at Mc per pound for twins
"el Ile for large.
'very firm in tone.
Mations are unchanged at 35c for
sec' laid, 80e for selected fresh gath-
ered, 270 for cold -storage and 25e for
Potatoes-Ileeeipts are not heavy.
Cors on the track hero are quoted at
71k to 75c. Potatoes out of store
n...41 at 850 to 90e.
Voultry-.-Outside of chickens the
-demand is quiet. Quotations axe
unehanged, choice .chickeus being quo-
ted at 12e to 14e per pound, turkeys
at 19.Se to 1371-c, ducks at 9c to 10e,
and old fowls at 50 to 6e.
Dressed Hogs -The movement is
quiet. Cars on track here are quoted
at $6 Per cwt.
Baled Inay-The bad state of the
country roads is responsible for ligh-
ter receipts and the market has a,
• timer tone, Car lots on track here
are quoted at $8.50 to $9 per ton.
Baledi Straw -The movement, is fair.
Quotations are unchanged at $5 to
$5.50 per ton for car lots on track
Mentreal, Jan, 26. -:Grain --The lo-
,..ent_monleet for oats is strong 'and
priten show further advances, owing
to searcity on spot. No. '..1, were
sold at 87c, • and 'even a faction
more, while No. 3 sold at 86e to
1361c, and as See° was made it is
thought that it would be hard -to
get any more at 36e. No. 2 oats,
• low freight west for export, 30c;
No. 2 peas, 68c; rye, 52e; No. 2 bar-
ley, 43e -c; No, 3 extra barley, 42ec;
No. 8, 41e.
Flour -Demand is good and the
tone firm. There is a difference of
15c per b,arrol between Manitoba mil-
lers, according tte the quotations giv-
en out by them. Patents range from
$4.75, to $4.90; strong bakers', $4.-
45 to $4.66; winter wheat patents,
$4.15 to $4.50; straight rollers, $3.-
90 to $4; eetras, $3,50 to $3,65;
straight rollers, in bags, $1.90 to
$1,95, and7,s, ie bags, $1.65 to
Feed ---TI e deemed is good and the
market strong, it being expected that
erne consumption. sill be large from
this out. Man ol..)a, bran in bags,
$18;, shorts,' $ -, per ton; Ontario
bran ia bunt, $17 to $17.50; shorts,
319.50 to 320, mouille, $e6 to 327
per ton, as to quality.
'Rolled Qats-The aseociation price
erems •to be in force, $2,15 beirg
a sked for I • ags eild 34.40 for barrels
I11 --The noo'eat as easy. We
:,:•otfote.:- No. 1, 30 to elee No. 2, eS
• . to $8.5,Se"ceever, mixed, Oe 10 37.50;
Clover, $e.50 to $7 per toe, hi. car
= lets.
Ileanso-Greiee primes, 31.55 to -$11.-
'010 eer beslfe. mid 3150 to 81,55 Oa
l'rovieioo? ••••'.1.eavY Cava di an sh °et.
eve Doric. 3:12 o 331123 1.31 120121 sI. 011. 1
New Yost eareet nienuffeeteirerst
iaVe advanroti their onlette on 'tape*,
'velvets, and certain gradea 1.28
fair, with not many offering.
Sheep ond liunbs-Everything was
gold, with trade good and prospects
steady. Lambs are steady at $4.00
to $5.20; export owes, $3.50 to
$3.65.: culls, 83 to 8840.
flogs' -The marnet continues stea-
dy, with no change in the Toronto
market quote -Uwe. liest at $5,121,
mai lights and fats at n1.87i•
Report, henry „.... ...$4.50 to $1.75
Export, light 4.00 4.25
Bulls, export, Leavy
cwt. •• 3.75 4.00
do. light 3.00
Feeders, 800 lbs. aud on-
wards ... 3,00
Short keep, 1,100 The 4,00
Stockers, 4.00 to 800
pounds 2.50
do. 900 lbs. 2.75
Butchers' cattle, choke 3.65 *
do medium 3.20
do L picked - .- 4.25
do bulls ...,.. -.en- 2.75
o Iougi 2.50
Light steak bulls, cwt 2.24
Hogs, best .„
do light -.
Sheep, export,
Bucks .
Calves, each
between two strainS, ot seed of tile at the office of Weile. Fargo ond class by tlarlroielreS. Their busiite•S i An eetraordinary -gold etrine has
- . ..
Mem two (11StInCt VarietieS, So gfiTe. inT111,060sum.i.ch.7teitcmisimaiitiriLltwwat,trianyi.11tim 11 Ittbiewle,,,,Nytel,.,,yoop-1.4,14,:rat;tnent. Titat. is, 'Front a space no larger tben a ratin's
Industrial Conditions in. British as the capacity of the seed to
of the express cars of the stem d' $1.01) 1100 it m ill not oisnt.cl•gr'befvf;(1 taut !body ore to the utlue of $2 1)0(1 has
Columbia, •a, large eield •of grain of good men- ection that the robbery 4 ' ' . , Leon shipped In 080 day.
, Tile express mez.,sesrer. .1% socucialuile.T.). Ts, taxes on tliat $100e1006 bOt e /
%lit -owl ,12.....,A ., 1 • ene Coin, a trepeer, nix miles
A. Victoria. dtspatch says: .A. bulk-
It is concerned. It is, therefore im- 1'
vincial information for British Col-
_ portant to use seal of the best va-
riety tbat lias lied kindly treatment
"veral ..11.ortly after the train loft S• I • . g
had two Cara tO 1011k after, isti1112/1 14t.a,m5ullier attl'10
. •tn ens , .1.00tti„st7h, toud'.." "10inorth of the village) ot I.ittle Forks,
tin just issued by the Bureau of Pro
Obispo, and WOO() the train eas i Minn., leas Leen killed by wolvee. His
vinble,, reviewing the Industrial con- PROFESSIONAL MEN. tawbone. shoes anal part (11 hiS cloth*
dittoes of the past year, ,gives the years. In the production of good notogoo. nog ogottoitotto, Ile iiistoo_i Something of a similar basis of mg were all that remained.
anti continued .selection for s, ,.
th Nr' t 12-6 000 t T1 small but the influence of the seed been working in the forward exprees !taxation will be directed against all 1 The Chicago Health Departinent
output eSthe metalliferous raines of paying crops the cost of the seed is erect tele loss 01 (320 safe. lie had
car aud as soon 4 1^ (1,', t t II !profeesional men, doctors, laweens. I has dieeosered that an overtop! Cid-
eurists, eculiets, and all the x•est 017cagonit of treciay lives twice as long
A PROSPEROUS PROVINCE. same variety of grain as there is be- CoulPanY. t id on 125 her eente neu »0 31t Ira ied 1.1111.
1 1 f ) 1
3.75 coal mimed amounted to. 1.68,000 is great' 1-4111'ness l'e""°
front ininurities Is not suillcient proof rear he made tile eetotmoing. otio,„
i 'them. Lawyors will pay on, a, eaen. ,_•••randfuther, and tha+. the
tons. '17he total value of the mining - - . . .
wrenched from the corner of the c talinition of the rental value of their •ro- io .,e, st3tilly i f..m4,114-7tritiloalirilk.,
covery that the safe bad been
where it had been verured by ;a- I ollic,ei. 11 a law,ver pee's Stne a, cleanliness is one of the local valises ne
heavy "month for his oinea, or $80e, , year, given.
steel bars, and carried away. The then, taking 5 per ceut. as the basis The New York State Health De -
messenger immediately gave the of intinnst, his businees tax woad,' pertinent is taking corny twee:nation
warning. the. train was stopped, ard ;be reckoned on $7,200. It is stated to prevent the spread. of smallpor.
word was wired along tlie line to , that in the case of the larger firms All places of public gathering in the
loon: out for the robbers. The train ,this Sew arrangement will cause them districts in which the diefetse has
reached this city on Thursday and :to pay aboin the same as did the old been reported are closed, and no
detectives were at onee sent to the 1 income tax, when -true returns were boohs tire distributed from public
scene of the robbery. , matle. . The new basis will have the - libraries.
The safe was found alongside the ,aciventag-e of making evasion difee
track. It had been rifled of every- cult.
t i
8.25 output is $19,200,000, woito was t m See pain IS capa e. o eio Ine
nearly two millions of dollars" in- a good crop. Breeders of eoultry do
crease over the previous year, not_ not pay much attention to the sizo
withetanding the strikes whicli pare- °I eggs for
first of incubations; they want,
3.4:50 lyzed the industry in the early part
all, to know something about
71-e25 of the past'year. tbe good qualities that the germ in
0.4-0 With th • . the egg has inherited from the par-
. a
pack, which is greatly' below" the av- ents, and nat,only from the parents
erage, all other industries show lame but from the majority of the maces -
' ' ats C ' ,. o . is equally important that
- -1 rs It '
2.60 -
4•5° 1.310
ear was fifteen ce t r t • seed he taken. from a crop in which
• a.)•
... . . .... .... 5.12 i ti,e dairying output one-third; fruit
marketed, thirty -Live per dent. 133 -
cwt. 393) t.13731' 8.75 crease; halibut and other fish, tarty just as important -to have definite
„ 42..6500 5-.20 per per cent. information about the crops and how
. ,..... .... 2.25 The value of the total productions
3 oe of the province eves about thirty
. mut the work of selection was carried on
2.00 10.00 lions. The rattle of the exp,orts was
1 twenty-one millions, five millions' ha SEVERAL PRECEDING YEARS
as it is 'to have a knowledge of the
FEARS OF WAR DISPELLED crease over the previous year,
ancestors of breeding animals. In
consideration of these principles
which underlie improvement in com-
mon graia crops, and in view of the
limited supply and. growing demand
for high class seed grain, au effort is
being made by the Department of Ag-
riculture tat Ottawa to form an as-
tbe individual plants bave had an
opportunity to attain maxim vig-
or and yield per plant, and it is
Peace Fs Assured For a, Long Time
to Come.
A. St. Petersburg despatch says: The
Novoe Vremya states that news just
received from Japan has dispelled all
fears of war. Peace has apparently
been ' assered for a long thne to
come. It is unofficially stated that
the Far 'East Committee, at a meet-
ing under the Czar's preeklency on
Thuriday, practically completed the
answer to Japan, which will be
shortly presented. •
It is the inipression in official eh--
elee that it will courteonsly, but
eranly, insist, that whatever commer-
cial. concessions hove been granted in
'Manchuria that territory must re-
main politically and strategically un-
der Eussian influence. It is alleged
that the hopes of a settlenient are In-
creased by the reported readiness or
Japan to undertake not to fortify
ports on the Corean coast., which
w 1 d threaten Russi n, comet-m.1i ca-
tions between Vadivestork and Port
Arthur, and also to her willingnees
not. to object to nussitin understand-
ing with China, peoviding for the
permanent secluety of the rnilwa
F ur 'Mee b Ca -e -in in
Moot -one Mien.
A Butte, Mona, despatch F'ay91
a cave in of enrin in tile lilost Gray.
Rock mine, on Wednesday, one of the
A no, ,a,o_o tcol Di ape (11110 men
\vele Oilled ale'. two iniered. The men
12331(0) workiee in illo 1 .4:01), root leoel
\vie:en -the' fell. Tile four
Ifocl'ee 'err, 1:1' '10'. fIrtc•Qii or, (-3t;11
.r,1!1:,1 it 8^0ip,0 tiiue
3 073 110
Half a Million. Dollars to Put
Theatres in teood Oraer.
A. Chicago despatch says: Nearly
two months of work and $500,000 sociation that will operate for the
expenditure for repairs trill be re- mutual benefit of seed p'roducers and
quired under the new theatre build- seed consumers,
leg ordinance, for the opening of the According to the provisional rules
Chicago playhouses. • This is the of the association, seed grain that
estimate of theatre managers and it
does not include the amount which
will be expended for the entire build-
ing of at least one theatre.
Three theetres are closed certainly
tied five others have almost adanitted members are closely 1nSpected and
that they will be forced to snspend. records are kept of the amount and
There are few theatres which will be pedigree of the seed they produce, It
'able to nse more than two floors for is proposed to issue a catalogue for
many months, and many, even of tile general 'distribution each year in
best, may abandon the gallery per- which names and addresses of Mem-
inanently. 'hers will be given, toc,ether with the
The. price of theatre tickets is al- kinds and varieties of seed produced
most eentain to be increased. It is by them, the Pedigree of the seed,
said that 82 aud 32.:„i.0 as a, stand- the amount of seed for sale, and the
end price for seats 18 likely to be Price per bushel. It is also pro-
anvocated by the manae,ers, tad that Posed ,to supply members with cer-
the low priocl houses will make Cor- tificate pmrienratebcVertshereaorne
res increases. the rules
required to comply in the prodection
is pure, true to variety, and that had
the tenefit of a system of careful
&Towing and contirmed seleetion for
three consecutive years, is recognized
as improved seed. The operations of
of seed. Purchasers of pedigreed seed
AFTER TH_Ii PRINCE. may obtain one of these certifica.tes
with seed bought from a meinber: the
His Neglect Caused the Death of a signature of the pimplier would be' a.
Woman. guarantee that the eeed supplied ead
' been produced in accordance with the
A London clespa,tch says: At Lam-
teth on menday a eQ1,01,101,7s iviy. re- rules. ''.0he purchaser would theit
turoing verdict of accidental death ha" °I1 °T)9°r1'ntlitY to verifY 1133
1,,i be of the seed by hAVIng
in ' the case of a. women who fell
clowe stairs added that, ti 11211(1 -registered'
lord seould bo coirmelled to provide
hencire'ls haul- Which 'Because 111-01* 9917 was in 0.rrnal7
11 • -eol h cl Tii dlorcl is about foe. hundred arnieti
too, rrinoo al ivaies and the heilse soldiers nretinred, pit:maned ohops
0,„ , „ 0,„ in1,01,0 , 01-1-23012(331 Mementoes al Van..
1 excopt a /Hanlon(' and some It will be the same way with doe -
valuable papers. Notwithstanding tors. A doctor Owning and practis-
the express people's statements that inn in ,to $10,000 house. will pay
tlicee was little of value in the safe, twice on the 810,000, one. as real es -
it is stated that one package sent tate and again as a business tax.
from Santa Barbaea was worth The bill will be only informally dis-
about 81,500. None of the Passel"- cussed by the committee before be-
gers or trainmen saw Inc crime com-
mitted, nor 'did the express messen-
ger know of the robbery until he re-
turned to the express ear.
Volunteers' Camp Nave Doctor,
Dentist and Tub.
A despotch from Ottawa. says
The several breeches more or lesS re-
lated to the meeical corps win be
amalgaraated and placed under
the Believed to be Passino Wiuter in
Chesterfield Inlet,
mg presented to the House by the
Attorney -General. There will be an
oar:tension of opinion in the House
and afterwards it will be referred
back agaia to connnittee, probably
the same committee as has had it.
Many changes may be made in the
foregoing draft before it reaches the
statute book.
control of the I/vector-General, while
there will be a tnenical officer for
each military dis-trict. It is also in-
tended to incorporate. 'with tho army
nieclical corps -a, dental corps, whose
A despatch from Ottawa says :-It
is thought at the Geological Survey
that the Low expedition to Hudson's
It is announced from St. Petir
that tbe Cearina is sufiering
Lidividnal subscriptions to the war
fond have begun to reach the Japan-
ese Treasury.
France has withdrawn her Minister
to Servia, that country having faiked
to punish its regicides.
Tbe Snanish naval programme calie
for the building of forty-four vessele
at an expenditure of $60,000,000.
Woman InaillxidedlanteresreuT.wo Childree
• A despatch from New York :-Mrs.
Louisa Elton, 28 years of age, 01
East 61th street, •was found mortal-
ly injure.0 by a pistol shot woond at
her home on Wednesday. Her' two
children, Annie, eight years old, and
duty il will be to look after the Day is Wietming Che.oterfleld In- U°,,nsocs been killed by pistol \rounds.ie. 9;e3e33 years' we"'" " f
teetli of the militia. After the for- Ieor
t, No word has „
as been received for "a- -
mation of the dental corps, there some months, nor is it possible that, The woman died shortly after being
will probably he a 'dental unit at allrelling found. It is believed that she first
will be heard of the ex -
s see ;e
each canap. !earl to cap it all, Lord plovers. for molly months yet. 1£ is
Dondonald intendto that ther
oxpeeted that the members of the
shail,--ba,abeolute ,cleanliness, and expedition will pet in the long
facilities will be provided for each Arctic Winter surveyito, and gologiz-
man to take his 'daily tub. ing the rogions arounethe inlet. The
eepecli lion wiU be abte to continue
NOV.& SCOTIA'S PINATCES. active work on land until the ice
breaks up in Jane.
Betlirns Which 12.,11101V a Surplus .0£
$66,250. 3105,000 PIEM N D.A.IRTSON.
A. despa.tch froth Halifax says Thermometer Was -as 35 Degrees I3e-
Premier Murray laid upon the table •
of the, House of Assembly on Wed -
low Zero.
nesclay afternoon Taturn9 el exeendi- despatch: from Dawson says
tare and revenee of the, province for fire in Dawsou on Thursday morning
the year. "leveller) received from all caused' great censfernation.
soorces was $1,O4.3,581, \a -Melt is thermoineter was at 315 degrees 1)c:-
3103,800 in excess of the estimate. low zero, and water was tla•own on
'Royalties from mines and minerals the fire with difficulty. The firemen's
amounted to 3619,234, Crown lands clothes were covered with ice. Afier
gave 36.2/197. 'The total expee'cli- one hoer's work the fire evas con --
tare of the Government was 31,177,- trolled. The loss 10.251 was 8105,-
8:30, or 338,8-15 more .tha)3 wzis eo- 000. The 'Ladue Company, in Whose
timated, The surplus is 860,250, lieeelquarters the fire 3)0010)21, lost
The totel expenditure on cepital ac- *75,000, hair eevored '111.S-Pl'ooce=.
count 1009,1999,1, 614 of whieh 3328.-
038 wont to aesieting lotilway9.
shot her children and then conunit-
ted suicide. The bodies were 'discov-
ered by firemen responding to a still
alarm for a 'fire 121 the apartMent.
It is believed a spark from the re-
volver eneiseil the fire.
Mrs. Elton was despondent because
of the knowledge that she was to be
tli$Pos'essed. While a doctor v,:cis
bending over her Prank Eaton, the
wonlan's, husband, walked into 1-101room banging a disposeess netiCe•
Ile said he know /yeti -flog of the
shooting, that 11e had been sopar8.t.-
eci 100211 his wife for some ieirne reid
had come to 13121(0 1237017 the 310-
1311-0110, wilieh. belonged to 110 ,
was held for exeminat•ion. It is bo -
110123313 Mrs. 101ist, on firshot her.self
arid then 11er C111]01011,her 03711,
3701711:19 110
't 1101.11g13120(111, and, 3(11.00
suffering all 11111121 -from her 17o01111151and finuing, [hat tacky were not fatal,
shot 12331-2.9111 121(12111. 1:11247?,0 1.P.111i1( g
had 1b-ce fired _tete ,1.1.e• won's.
33121111111011, hut 1,11,7 51101. 1"1.0.1
/111(1 the 12 3133312 cloieree.ree 1193 3g3,. been ()veil into each. ,o''; 13013 )09 of