HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-1-28, Page 2ad of the Evil tlas Blunted the Keen Edges of
Pub c Opinion in the United States
tlenterte aecoreing te Ace of the e'er-
lireeent caneess ta t110 Ye4r Qrt°
lean:semi eine itemised and 'risme,
by et Toronto. at the
Depertateet Avieultere, (Melva.)
kleepatch from Chicago say$:
Frank Pe Witt Talmage preach
from the following text; , Mark
tit, "What tberefore God
d together let no ma.a pelt
Js the civil war was the anortal
elfish between ewe coofficting ideaS.
se to -day we end conflicting, ideas in
anortel cote/eft over (lie ufai.riege
tap. The one is the Christ idea.
deeleres that marriage is not
coefederation that can 110 broken
at wfli, tAtt UT, indissoluble itmeta.
This ilea ateems that, after marriage
twain in every vense het-on:es one.
Tee seeted idea tierlares tbat easy
i;vor s not, a criene. Inn often. for
• Oea peed, aoeccessity. It says
we a man and a womet . are
tinevally yoked together it is better
thatt they he separated by law.
ti14' 107.' P -1/1;,.1.11t11011 r1f't
S;TiOlq,', CAS tAt 11.ecogni,-,..;1 ra
testi, niore. that Ilse; may.
tbey wish. votetraet view vitereieges.
ook at his respousibility in another
way. 1 suid to myeelf: ••Yes. I ton
W'oag That taunter clerk eanpot
t 1 e -what I ough o do. The
per he sends to lue is only a Ike
governmental privilege, per-
mitting rae to merry the parties if I
*wish. I am not compelled so to do.
For instance: The saloon keeper gets
fa city liciere and has the privilege
lot' slather me a glass of whiskey. But
iheeause it is lawful for me to buy
!whiskey from him that is no reason
twity I should drink it. Because the
isporting element of Sau Fre-mist°
',gets a city license for holding a prize
,316,11t, that is no reason why 1 am.
''conipelled to go and witness two
pugfliststtatter eath otter's face in -
"to a pulp. Beetaise Chicago elves a
eetZiSe to game/ere tck opea
I trace that is no reeeen why I ei.oulti
giO :VW iIe bOOLVe4.2.r.sOrti.
rtskwauf...,: tee comity keere tells nee
that 1 an remarry libeefine who
44tiS levet siefully divorced,. tiet is ref
,esen yen; 1 shotild taveish the good
of me eiturele by teacher -1 seelf
br 1 t
• .
,• , 110. Iny brotilsr
'tees, we cannot thits shi&e. tow re -
good People to keep pure and to
pare thereieelves tor a Christian
marriage, which will never be broken
,er it be men Or ungels or creatures,
the one thief; tin their port is obe-
dionee. Whether it be a great fish to
this side or on the other side of tile swallow Jonah, or a little iish to
grave, is ter them, to live with good bring a. piece of money, or a multi-
Pe0,131e. Thee, 71111St WOCk, to make tude of fishes, to All these nets, ell
men good. They must positively re -1 are obetlieet to Me. Jesus said.
fuse to a•SSOCiOte with the bad, "Let down your nets,' but Simon
wleether thee bad is found in ficton, said. "I will let down the net. lin-
or ia real life. When the newspapers i /Joliet on our part is the great hind -
of the Ilnited States amide heroes ranee, ;,tt sm this oceaelon our Lord
Out of the Chicago batudits, they 'wrought, uotaithstanding Simon's
1 placed 0, premium on erizae. When .1aelt of faith. It is our Lord's way
• bad book eulogizes and glorifies to till enipt - reeeels and empte • peo-
the bt•okeu merriage ring. it is only Pie, end one of His very precious
the open door of the divorce Words to us is, "Blessed are tliey
court, which is thes guillotine of mar--; that Imager and thirst after right-
RIal love. eousness, for they shall he filled,"
, MIEN DIVORCE IS JUSTim,D.: xings hie Ent. xl; 11 (loon, v;
' But SOltle one aslis me, in closing Lake fee; Acts II: .?att. v, 11-lph.
"Are divorces 'always wren's' le 18). He oft allows us to toil in
that we may see our own help -
Should a husband and -wife he coin -vain
yelled te live together ;leder an eon- ,lessness and let Him wink.
ditioes ?'' gh, eo, Tho rjohltia4 I 1Then the Lord thus wrought. Sim -
the reareee4e, vele i I es ornate, 011 SO Saw 1i orthiimes that he
Citriet's own words haply that. lerled, "Depart from me. for I am it
Teem are other conditions which sinful man, 0 Lord" verse St; and
tuseete separative, evee when there so it was with others when thev saw
has beim ro violation (4 that vow, the glory of the Lord alob xlii, fi.
It would he a grievous injustice to 6: Ise- et 5; Pee. x. 8; Rev. 1. 171%
enionee conetant companionship when f, We ore vessels, earthern vessels:, and
; °fie of tee narties to marriage has 0 if we would let the Master have con-
liOR E 110Ki
ir) 999
a 0
Recipes for the Kitehotik
ifYglene nod Other Notee ge-
e for tho Housekeeper w`i•
The odor of onions may be reneee-
-01,fig-oreuat trial° vr.mx,:ege.1): rubbing •them h114 8.11 th°raligilitv
white of egg, will not burn the skin
A mustard plaster, if mixed with melte hit° small cakes t.NO inches
long and oue wide. Dip into beat.
together and
with eelery.
Wben broiling fish be Sure to liave
a steady, clear fire, and let the cooee
ing be slow mad uniform.
When peeling onions begin we the
root and. peel, upwards, tine' the on -
. ,.•.1•. scarcely atlect your eyee.
of grated horseradish add the same
quantity of dry =estate:1, add
bunch of any sweet herbs chopped
D.ne. Grate a large onion e aud add
with it a tablespoon or salt and
enough best vinegar to make the
sauee the right consistency. For im-
mediate use the sauce need not be
Beef cakes are useful, when one has
underdeme meat to use up. l'ound
the meat with a. little ham or
streaky bacon, season with mustard,
Pepper and salt and a little shallot.
en egg and breaderwribs, or flour
thickly, and fry in deep fat to a
golden brown. Serve in. gond thick
There is a good deal of Pleasure.--
eateebilbx,3e.k alie )a.kilipeiTnntoktel,leeCaeetilnge' Aftusallingl itosf ccaQinal5Veartabilieonfl,e-o.rlbt-utinitthise
ljZiscIsibfrieesh,10andluttvhe ictafeelryreehtlIS
removed by washing it with a /ittle
lukewarm soda -water.
°111°" 11145- 1)0 in
eesilY bSyo Thee chill
removed from dishes or pans if they
The odor
contriettal habits weich render the trol of us wbo can tell what ;Ix be first rineed in cold water, and dren, and. they Will enjoy the inaking
; 'hen we tire tteolten down and con- , stain from parchment and will not titlanty of each is, necessary. Of
It is mit for me to ray wlien a stage
eat ti almost OS much as they do the can. -
continued relation an Intolerable ard mighty tires ne rigot do r stop melts in welts with plaeter 6Y-
,, then washed t tormigh y n hot.
misery to the oteer. I have known l (11 Car. iv, 7; II Tim. ii. 21; Orel... of parte edeed tette, te,egae, end Preparatore to making the candy
- ewe teeee and have rejoiced that 'txvtill. 8.) in tome milikelY way. here water. The former dries slowly one should provide lie, dates, uuts,
tie hos tee -unite the .ineotent, party. and eerhaps through. FOOte Weak but candied cherriete. raisins and citron,
and renders the cement - more pliable.
i to be reneteeof tea burden and ad- empty vessel, the t-..tpirit or God Benzine gently applied wan, a as a great, variety in the product
; for's proteetion frean molestationworks and we all stand astonished. ;sponge, wilt remove alniost every Will thus he serured. Only e. small
hies le -en react/ea winth (Wineries that emotes at our etnedneee 4.ULI utter un. dea,0,,, the texture, In the least. eourse, emu° jqntis
tnterreetiee Ile hew. bee 1 de worthiness, then we hear llis "Fear Stet; breadif broken Into roegli no such additions, but in faney van-
“emtend teet it is a memeee to the note. or •,r,„,, „r, pieces dipped eweetened mile and dy making they are neceesary, We
• •
011 ,
teoreis iee evople who; e contract other word of 4114iutrie••:4 4.1:041tm. b el butter tht till drv end silo fast some simple hinds
ett so',.eeat eettl sacred' afe 'Met of neamert lt ie fel.• tee 'motel crisp is delicious to eat with Letter °Iitletliate 1"firige'-ileat tw(i CUPS
f t Id two -
A cAne, FOR reeeeTteet meryoN, irvereinintiee„ von tele e ete, et.e1,4eet marriego eon be broken on ereteets ful, rebellions and hard of heart who c or ebeeee, o g art a e sugax al
0 divoree'ow r
siogthirds of a cup of milk to the boil-
ne? before Gee teem wt. towel,. te,„ • eo frie01,747S i14, itioc:i.t. r,ecnized 'love cause to lkrfor
e,, all c
suh 1; 04.1, when loaes ere halted too brown,
tie, keiternfieration of this divoree Tetettrig parties iii the marriages of :4,,,ttittet let dirocsir of tb . \rhea ing POitit Add two ermares of cho-
Agesinst the eurilace' seated and ter ., .- . • - ' • , in reseaee stetes. I protest also will humble aud anuee (Ise. Re 13,.. ' do not try to cut it off, but
1e-7 Dan. iv, n7). But tra,,,,e- wri01,01a rub it over with a coarse tin (*elate and stir constantly nail the
in arms. Against it ette Peeseneei -. '" " • - /6 -r 1'4 i• a ; temie 1 k. voefetien tlf41 11neertithitY ete tem bless awl else. utes, stierieg oseasionally. Add
ti 4210 temeeb, with tot general seseteee ib 11 contract. If not. why do , in tee eenttiou so Vi141.1 11,S thiS tO AS tO foreakine till, notice the ! erNtisetv'er use: soda for washing chine. three level tehlrell°°°1°18 af butter
bly fommittee worlities in itinia.n le ewe te. r oplo 41 1' to lie Ineerkei , the taelekiite- end etahiete. et sokeety.
se 0
niek, and d,,,..y. Agaiwt it enfy e ettstine or a minify judge?
g,'Y 1,1' VIMIN'tvan inetead 01 l'Y 44 ribnce 111 tld' 41h"v86Stnn 1 11 44.1 Preseat- disciples In efatt xvi. 2 1; Lae xie, • eoda win in time sut•oy remove it To tell when it is cooked enough dip
eonditions cm which we tem beeome 1 that has any gliding on it, ioe the end rook fiset or eix loin:nos longer.
with the sister ehurebes. ie ettneetee
.G.A . , • 'd.r • . x • ,! ed. for 'the mos', part. may the tem- 33. All alio true:, i eceiee Josue ! all. Instead of soda, use a, little a skewer in void witter, then into
sew weees age ell the mode foetal .a.E., 1. o,.,. irraLi 1 Y 01 MIN Ite 1 1 .1,e, , poral elai, of the filvoree 4111,014i011. Clu•iet. as 1 In.h• Seviem• hecome chil-! soup; that has no had effeet. the syrup, and then into cold water
oteeiaters banded themselves foseetiter • , We are respontiele :,4r: 11;413iNterS, A if I ha I ' 1' ' f '
t,atiloie church is „wee, !served persons. A religious mar- few.; of ea neeteet sf ates,
elate ineees inenifelv it e II • wheel lave come to the mill of teereeers• t t • nova all dark brown chocolate is melted. eight
4-1, er o ite
t Eros, a tom the spiritnal dren of Gott, for the gift. of (loci is 4
, Cakes keep best in tin canisters; again- . ass the skewer ketween
to give religions eorabe.t. Tlets. es lteni the twee. ie ninety-Ili:lie catzes ' tie(' the '..e .1! e ouel h.ste been self eternal life Apart from any work% i wooden boxes, unless well -seasoned, the thumb and linger inte‘stgdo
e ettni
e le
tllthne Le -eel. -TS of reale? denotelete- :Chit 0,1 kt iventleeet, ie not see:Tient ievi'leet• 1:cste'l lore ete•ee gave oi mire (John 1. 12: liken. '*i, 21: I are apt to give them a disagreeable '10 push t)ri ti114 candy. 1 1
Attlaing tizis unth,mtneeng ;eteeele, tor tt „...betet.e eiteseee, We- tarot to e... -et teee. ..doy tie. christ iii. 4..,4; tr. ,70.. liot. to 1, a diseipk, • ta,Ao. brown paper should be avowal dissolve, but forms a soft ball be -
Seed V0 '4.1 tAt tlestrat-er of th- letees, te';'t2" 1 1,egeeent'lee IVIet title 22444 R"141' lot- 4.4110 Ottorell the 11e0teet al the tra noeffis a whole laa,•tett fog 94114111g of for the Faroe reason, • tween the fingers it has been coolw,d
ie is not 'V41424.41)42 4.4.43 lien; 11i,it to "tor,' 442•0 WO -t4 stW,A13 ist' ti`g relief- *4.,, 4442"t 14('ISd:.3"4144.' d4V44." i'te5S, tell for Ille sake. The te‘t of our i A little VstEclice or cold -cream rub-, enough. Take from the lire at onc(4.
speae a few worati in rerTerwswe to '-431 *4.43 011 110e (1421 4.14 Wee. legal ,, tte eeeee' 1 Ileards ot. 11:14(' t',11,8a1. 11044 seleatekin f441 1.41.4-114. 4111 ehriet; the, kel into tiko bridge of the uose at add a tens110°11ful of 'Vanilla extrert
dies,. legal ;sad deenee a. atitee .t , aerotteite flee often kilkteiiieet oa tee - Mite gree; ie bletsed 1.4t4 16 ,,,, 11Olipy cost ot 411,,otilha,hio t.„1,1s on us. :nt,.irt town solpg to 14,,d wiii relieve land heat until the mixture is creamy
. .... .,. t, 4. , ,b- i;c1.4.).1, I' ,triAdIA S. ie 4012 • i '
'which naoTot t,1%-:;:ittl'r alWi::` ' k"..t5:: '1 II ' * 7, li ^ , .• , 1
a :Va• 1:ii;44:: alt :k 141'4224 4,41.. lima 44...! ,
(divorce" on itapoeseeility.
ii ............,,,11*-Rw . the stuffy stnisation which generaity, land eugars round the edges of the
accompanies a cold. saucepan. Then pour quieldy into
,e . 1. i STRUCK 11151 1:NFAYORABLY. To make fly papers, bout linseed oil buttered Pays. and when pertly eool
'-ieeelc(9 . i ?gee 0aetten, who nal "nee recent_ with a little resin until it forms a 1 mark In squaree.
i 1, (veva-el seeinte let idle tt tittetird
74tLing can be iramonenlar:tel 01,11 LT1 1......2111•Vt5 1211 14244 121-.(24,,,[12311 of
tweeeeiel v.-ete; tia'er'' 441141 1:,011.4elt L,,N11. j
0:.21 le-dee:Aeon of. nez• 4:44-ratt One woman got 0. tiled !
11 eeron ttra°113' 11W' idle -of -ye Inmeese tier lateleind eedieted
54.2248 1$Iltn'.'S 111441 „thiS 8111,4,414' 'ire tee Inettel States another
The "Isl. be Over VW lr41;11 heeauee huseettil eteoemi mid 0
ietelielIe lee4ed leget aeUoeu gavr tier headaches; talotifer
1Llia Jt ,bitpd eelle,.-1 her seet.5`
Ail:N:1,1114V 111241,10 liffillPSSII)V, for a man wake, eteeteete r -or lassnaed deal eat
to titt ti divorce ift Otte State tcbieli 1:4,1" fr011t 411141 Clitt poet of 3
120 ceeold not obtain on the same ; it off. t)ne husbend seeute„1
gromul in may one of the 3.04'41 voree because his alio reeeed to: .
some, cotirts of tile United States, ,,retv on Mi. bitttOffs;
All beep civiiinhi ought to be, in wee, e- :lie lead hie 'wife lie hail foetid ea
tete t}te tieso.„.elee „if coleeeeet efringes paste wben cield. Slimed • Frtfit Puelge.--I'repikre thn fudge as
11:15 inalice iiioet excel! .nt_ ft ell of candied herr' °.11 4 I
NJIT.3:017-Ael. LESS011, large. eirit'e butildilite,. 411211 woe tits- t .raj P t
"AS id) tri o lientre, mew." tefid 1)o tacit e(tt any sweets or stareby I doe. Inis as dli'evtet for eleaco-
014844 44') !ix! deeithel to erect a tilif3022 PaPer'' "lug 1"rge brush' i-abere. 81)41 atld "1311 the v"illa "e"
cussing the plate; witli arebitect. flies' apple, ;troll am tetb.17 oppZi
4.4kEr. .
• architeet. "you wenthi want them in 8u4 tu,
Leseen, inlets; v., patterns, 1 3.reseleene etc., if you wish to reduce your I Venuelde.---Doil three caes of light '
spont:ed (Inewoll, eubeeesb • Meelvawl take plenty of exercise till it n ball wlieu tried In cold
31. .
acratching Ids jaw. et huilet got IC,vory 'tiay. Keep this up for a water. Stir in two teaspoonfuls of
110 14 441ox"1t!Q ri Text, Telin "1 don't know about that,- weight. Brink only a little betweeo brown sneer with one cup of milk
edite s leeson 14.11s of leveled Cg...•4- any twopence aguinet Meet's es a m°,14,11 ,a,t,.,10aste butter nut* 0. cup of nut. inteite. Stir
Uhrt left alit to ;whet: diette. num. 111141 ht. tartuiLly uow,,t1 u • t Eti)4eb1)00n1111 oi tin•pentine In a tiIl creamy and begineing to stiffen,
elothes-boller will whiten linen, take , then drop by smell spoonfule 012
11101A OS 10 'al It causee etettely vet! othee woman \them lie 4(4 12! low14 17:011141 St,.‘11t iron) .It,1411 onIlls good deel aboet Lew; but leneu
tut ehe s toid render washing bettered Parer.
5,1801 do not 32 8414,2. tie. alce 1.14itten bettete '114*3 1 af .v.„ tn.; that Antirt•ev and rVatt 1 P11;119 and coulee to 10e tee; floors! It kind
0 varier. Fl lir is Very cleansing aud MaIde 1`.11411 ee-T44.e e81110 or the1I1e
I,itilal 4. .1 deei. 111
Illft I'dou',twereltetivt estr'ouu
f a marriae. 'ieeiniteofsuLiheinom,FinasNlaiai:te
elean thgoods--W.91 as , Segedr (aboutpound) and two -
neg e
wunsyftne6tomarrymicloov bet etidntle mit to the uneterian
ee"i el fle thirs of cup of milk 01' W;tPr.
eriitimal courts of the Uited '-tte211:123 parisiere. It is lope tnue "to *'d •* ?
'nom Rhort walk before bedtime sometimes curdle). Whin
worldng hi harmony. Why shauhl , for us inintstet's TO hand to:7,0411pr Aftt'r 1.e0p14. Of if P0SSitt10. Before guittg to bed, • at the boiling pteilit. cold a square o
WI' not reeognire the neeessity of :and 11"01:5e fit1Wi4; sentiment upo31 ties drove Min tett He moth. Caplet:Min
rted actiou by ----------------1ineeleuestion, tee- tan. etetious tts Big 1101110. 111.11 44'0111 lir WOW' bathe the feet in hot ealt meter then , elioeolate, and stir 1111 molted. Boll
liORSES t IlCri NEWER, DRINK. sip n glassful of hot wetter. IfaVe eight minutes, then test as for the
Some ye -ars att'll in fedetego a man bY our PreavhIng We' ninst' Protest ',Remit all Galilee tenealne. 1w...twine:A' 1 , bodrooifl 44S11nd 44114." and other fudgenue tinieh in the same
Lillie' his wife :red learned Iter body 1••••er,',Tiisant this WaitlImi erini0. lie, must fined healing all manner of &Vials's.;
filldie ;. .tT
her. e ae
e 11411)111411)1>04)8• 1 ' of 1104se' - and
p",F" " ' w ," 1,„
1 t.e„e:l„ing 02* ..ee iem
nt wa'
y'1'14*. choeolittee may be omitted
IaCIet orastrenetheninghairwashtaiandacupofbrkhnnutmeets add-
one oune of tincture of rautharitee,,'Lel
one ounce mill it half of olive oil, one Maple Nu'e Creams. --Cook a pourd
uce orose:mre. Shake all well or motile 1114411' with ball a imp ofha thvat of a sausage fatorySup- this ber14,1: elliti.ch rottrrluge dweeee(Atmre, „„1 0. . 1 1411
e e
4)1 0441 IOf; f1101' that crime he could before God awl Man 4114414 thetthewould matie-22; Islands whielnever tithe a drink of
h°ritilrchSly"hovst•ppd aerosstestateMut4
its mulcion to meee t1d-20thut soit d water thrnighout thwhole course of
Il Iu181t.111*it'13wl in ?.,)).m'_ their Bret. On all the islands the
antiinudinnedeeed the legaan-1 (vuhth884;4dS tY',AkaretvWokastepuonf
thoriT les of Illinois. What would • • 1,d • , i upper altitude:. of the mountains are
land inui-soluble
.,e. HINT TO PARENTS. ,, 1„ . . t ogetiltw, met rtpply to the scalp boilieg wetter to the suit Mill sttlge.
have been the result? Supposing itifill that Jaime:, and :Conn he:teeny given tip to teeth. raeges. 14:xcept with a small piece of sponge once or without stirring. 111011 stir till
*al o. notable neurklerer eould hate , I ouee heard uf poesibly two oe three. month:l bi the twice a week. creamy. Drop from it teespoon on
walked a free 7141111 ill Philadelphia af- !need to boast tieettt 3.144* 24"4.41 allot, :Joined them,
.. wilily season there are no streams or Lenton ittiee and salt will remove bettered Plates end Pries the me.
ter he ha.d poisoned Iiis child wife in to three 'j j' young me g'atk:e•' 1 °11 that "ceaffi MI SU"' 41 "" An- Peels er water hi env pnrt, where the ironntould front linen without injury brohen half or an English walnut or
New York City. Why, murder and :eetne tze.e. -sne had- in net. illeetette ,c,,,..?‘‘.dealTateetils:414 ,itc:,,,,,,,,1 ,is!::.. til::: steil, ,a.ttlo range, but r'.,. 4.4.1)814 there to the filmic. Wet the stains with 111'') 014.2)1) meat on the top of eacll.
outlawree.would be everywhere ; ihe ; eiOn three different etigegemeikt riage. ,t'''. : t -4 • r 4 ,.. .. glows a rents:Mont, jointed grass tho mixtue.e. and set the article in the O. n (' ,. ' "
t cal leocelates wit hout boiling-
' P "t .,, ...'..e ''eserlmai' . . sant wee tame ottaer montane'•
- th I hnown by the netive name of "Man- sunshine. Two or three applications Put 1110 white of ene egg and an
bowl, flavor with vanilla null beat
long stantling.
----------------- c‘fter bile she ismissed ell three 71in. rf
111 our lesson toekty the fisher- .
value of a pin may zie you wero alde I you. wonder that .iefter eueh peelitlice were washin their nes There is no a -.-
k ay your tile would not lv woeand aried a fourth. De 414.142 3 d , ,01*1 f rid et •ind
irs is bot food and driee.
to protect it With pita' own arm and her married, life wae unhappy 7 ine d , g ,
defy your would be murderer behind tree to her flaixe, of course she was re 4.Ito try to recone t f• fame s. WI -TAT AILED IIER PI"I„Sfe.
berricaded walls of your own 1 entree to her husband. A divonv ' ' 1, , )f e 4. boiling writer, then pans oeross '
t • • •
bome. No, no: 'The only f. 14.. nt , seamed e few zi.eet.t., later was the ete,iin, 131 tog 1'1%4 titiv korsome Wati recoverinee. from
" 1 petit them a hot iron so as to raise the 4orrn in small balls. Put in a cool
dry pltice for two fn. tb ree litote8.
dspericie upon this fact: If yen insult. 1 Ier father, a. noble Christian their nets. inn 1104V tiffT fOrfUlkft all. a, ”r4,311 0 eVer. 111(1i .(t,' pile. The iron should be beld up -
The life 01 the Ilene.% 1.1. la a Notivi.7 bad legun to a. ser „am , Put half a pound of chocolate in a
eominit a murder in one state and wan of 1-1,03 west. us a rkisult felt • by one person while another
d I have moie than this, mania sbe 11 b 1 f th dash across tin ills auil set it in hot water to
Jney be rieveseary if the stain is equel quantity of ko elite]. Lan a
sift in suincient vonfec-
To renovate plusli, hold the affect- till iroilien
ed parte. Plush downwards, over tioners' XXX sugar to meet: a. stiff
. e• 't t'l emoote teen
then run away another state goner- 't h • imself illis•-eraeed nikd resigned his of separatiens ficien sin and se an draws ie ac to the
nor will recognize your eeteeeefe„ pulpit. for fle MIS a minister. Ills the world to become inore wholly the asked, looking at the meager slice of
papers ard allow you to Ile forcibly . • • A bail been brought to her becisiee.
toast and the -shadow -tea" lila' Linseed and liquorice teas -Tab;
one ounce of whole linseed and 3
3 life Wits to some eateet, weeeeeo as Loiers for His service.
course te. timt ie an extreme, enee ? probable that the sermon on the "1 • In efraid to give eou more
returned to the piney where you coire• I we 1 :era You say stet ecorkling to geeing hermonies it is ends
Isn't half enough."
witted the crime. . . - •
drachms of licmorice rapt sliced.
Foltz- on is
water and add a. 50W HUM Of 10111011.
Let this stand in it covered tar for
six beers, then strait).
To clean a black chip het, brush,
it thoroughly with the brusti you
use for polishing your boots. le the
black is faded you might try apply-
ing soine kid, reel -Sem this would
?lot glosay-looking if yeti
want it to be el for motunele
. Of eourse. BM, all evils should not mount Matt. v.. 7) tennee in be -
be despised le-caste:a they are not ',.tween the lett lesson and this one, "Your fever is not quite all ,g•one,
just yet, dear," Auld her mother.
A second breakwater to dem back mouetrous evils. The little, Fiteln- but the order of events is not of so -few. pulse is still too quick.'
Otis submerging flood of national in- ingly harmless flirtatioes during
filmy: It is for the gospel mieisters teunmer VaeatiOliS or at a ehurcla -much importance as becoming better 'nelut don't you see, mama.," -urged
acquainted with God teroogli .TeSIIS eteeele, "that it's my excitement be -
:0 protest against it by prectiee as 1 picuic or in the street car or concert Christ.. As 170 SO: Him standing. he cause I can't •get enough to eat that
well as by preaching. The pulpit hall . are all 'divorce seed plantinge. ,
, tilelake Of GeDOUSaret, the soa of makes my pulse so quick '1"
--- tennot speak loudly and with the You cannot trifle with hunian effete
voiee of a' true leader 'unless at tile :lions in youtIk without being in dim- Galilee, we remember that Iitt made
it and every living thine; in it, the
party to the national crime of easy mai•riage shrine when you axe raid- - '
river that flows. ihroueh it anti the TO BENEFIT YOUNGSTERS.
divorce. What do I mean by this (*1$ eg°6• Let parents he careful hills that surround it; all things
with whom. their children associate. were made by Peet and for Hien( Col.
ataterrient? That the •minister him-
self shall oot be a blatant and a 'Let them beware of what they ill'e i., 18; Deb. i., 3; John 3-, 1-8).
brutal divorce? Oh, me ',tie sett allowed to say to others and what The people see that He spoke as
to say to them. never man spake,
respecting Christian church wointl others are allowed
It is all well enough to talk about and they crowd
allow like , 14211114 01' -to continue around Tints. to receive the Hybl°
the vaunted -freedom of the Amer/ -
preaching iit her pulpit after a di- bread and living water which are in
voree escapade. Paul writes, , can boy anil girl; but, for my txere Him. That be now seperate a little
ee part, especially in reference to the
bishop must be beamoIess, the hus- . from. the. crowd and thus bo bettor
band of ono wife." No minister's
life can. be blatneless when he tures
Itis .back aeon his first wife for DX
unjust cause. But I do mean . this:
A minister should not effielate at
the second marriage of a divorcee
nnless ho eireself knows positively
teat the divorced man' was not culp-
Ode ia the snapping et the marital
mends. Ly sitch a eineeterial course
public sentiment would be aroused
same -Dine it refuses to become a ger, as au iconclast, of sniteshing the •
egainst this natio-nal arid ar01.1S-
• mkickly mid pernmeently.
have talteri oely lately teis stead
ifl reierence to the cletigytnams re-
' spouse, i 1 i ty. Like hundreds and
thoesands of other ministers I ha,ve
ItUr01.010re said to myself: 11e1 ant not
in any -way compelled to look 1040
thit pereonal therm:tees of -those
whoin unite ill martiage. WI0en I
used to live in New York "state I
514241 11) sk the conlrecti g parties a
tong lea of encetious nod make a re-
sort to the :menet: ofilcials in -refer-
nice to tee Faroe. lett in tee state.
3)4 Tiliemet tee sleek of tbe comity
court itoeit thil 4. De asle; (time-
nolitt gmes the license. De is
restetnitil,Ie 101 the marriage, pot rearieee. Thece tbe boy aed the girl,
i'11`1011t time 'ego, whee Ileum to cell crime -respectable teed
taleilin to a 'brother tide -1st -0e 11/1011 !a etaine dieltanor a ''free latice of
111e 13,1/),i0Ct, 1142 'YOU en' wrong. gold.'' A bad boolt worins its way
Yoe seenot• seise reispOnSil)ilitY into the moral vitals ann fetidly
let y.'' Thee cerameeced te peittens the Leer t. Tee 'way ^402
• -
o eat t He steps into
pronnecuous 41,S ow. Ion . young t
people and the careless promises they
Dundee, Scotland, is thinking. of wear.
improving the physique of its chil- If you have overg,rown ,voer
dren by making ten o'cloels the ear- strength do not go in for extra ex -
best time for going to School. This crease, but rest ilat on your back
hour it is believed would enable the as much as possible. if you have
youngsters to get a bettei.. breakfast
before starting school.
are ellowee to make, I titink they Simon's boat anal asks hien. to push ,esee
have altogether too much freed0m,
Another 'divorce preventi.ve : The -tale brjaie /1';'e 121a3r sal'e137 e°11clude
PURIFICATION OF THE PRIES'S. ting down, . Ho tatight .ethent out of On [I.
. out a little from the land, and, sit -
the morning newspaper. Tbe pesti- and the things concerning IIintself,
te that He taught them out of the
Verification of the prese. both
hook form and in periodical and in Scriptures the things of the kingdom
ferous trash which every 'day and. and that His word eves with power:
Peery tveek and every month, like a and that some believed and 501310
winter blizzard is dung, itito our belivecel not; for 'fro Eineself taught
faces by the snowetorm, of the print- -that the seed alwaye falls on -way-
ing press is etiough to destroy -the side, rocky, thorne and good 'ground.
healthy. heart tlitobs of traY young Blessed aro all 'tvho reeeive Its word
person wbo ts allowed to read it. with_ meekness (Jas, „ 21). Flaying
arn, of course, not spktaking used Simon's boat as a Pilleit Fre
against good publicetione, 'bet bad Will reward him lot- the loan 01 it,
puleications• Co ,to almost any and so Fre 'told 41hh• to launch out
bookstand that ;eou see and olten into the deep and lee ciowti his nets
some of the books at random and for draft, No one ever suffered
read. There IVO flIld alIthOrS loss 'iry giving ,attention to the epeci-
mole their heroes old of 13ad mea al work of Christ, but multitudes
and theie bereenes out of litid Nvo2-n- hay, beon blessed' for Ulm crifd eten-
en, -with bore and there a redeemme; nity by olpeying Matt. vi., 83. If we
white spot to offset, thcce black eliee- .1111
- set, to s Wor•:' e w 1 see a
actere. _broken inarriage vows,
lfasolde indecencies deceit- c'n'tr 11(54241 13'tter than w°
fill wives, ileceiving trien--these move There vsere ttlenty or fish 111 the sea
• an ever (11allgilig ealeidoseope :Ind they Were no mean fishermen,
foro tile lase ed eyes of the yoiteg bat '`ntilect and tal,..en itotleng" de -
'scribes the retell-. ef their lebor.
ba'd been thus fer their skill, their
wisdom, -tbeir label', Now it is His
woed ' that they let down the 11445
and the Tess rt 154 t (2 boats filled
with 'fisees. When lie worlte, tvhoeli-
no proper lotion:rig boar11, ie an e
floor in. a positi071 free from
draughts with a small pillow ender
Don't keep the dampers' oliert when
you are not usirie the flre, It licrt
- e the only burns away the coal but rums
the firebrick -as well, D071' Sbaald
brOOMS iu the corner resting on
their ends. :Hang t.hern up by the
handles. or turn them upside down.
For falling hair, castor oil mid
bay rum, two parts of rune 'to one
of castor oil, make an excellent ton-
ic. Rub well into the roots of the
hair two or 'three 'times a week. le
,the hair is carefully parted, this will
-not melte it very unpleasantly
1Don't scold the little
)( ones if the bed is wet in
en.P' the morning. It isn t the
faule It is suffering frim a weak-
ness of the kidneys ancrbiadder, and weak
kidneys need etrengtherkinge-that's all.
You can't afford 410 14114 delay, Neglect, may
entail a lifetime of suffering and misery.
strengthen the icelteys and bladder, the
ell trouble is ab an end.
Mrs. 11. Kleiner, a Loudon, Ont., mother,
living at 499 Gray St., says:
"My little (laughter f,IX 'VOW'S e1/1 has
had weak kidneys since birth. Last, Veb••
ruary 4 got a 'box of Date's Kidney 'Pills
at Strong's drug -store. Since takingthem
she has had no more kidney trouele of any
kind. I gladly Inake this atateinent be-
cause of the nonefit lay °Mid has received
from this niedieine."
To clean rose leae•es from blight.
taiix tog -ether 0(.50:4,1 quantities of sul-
phur and tol)acco, 'clu.st and, place it
,a flour 'dredger. Onee every day.
dust the lortx-cs tt‘rer wit11 the ruix-•
tare, , early morning is -the
best tittle for this, while the lea-ves
are still damp with dew; After-
wa.rds syringe the trees.
For eases of 'rheumatism the pain
may 5,50 greatly case'cl, if 11011
by 1,110 fellovvilig enethotl----Tent ono
0111700 of ciitit 01 late, of , sede, 111 rether
re then 11 elet of boilum weler
I3421,110 41)11 affected joint with flatmel
wrung orit in the lotion us hot
1254. p0(54( Lir 'Apply ibis cliary night
tilt "rolicved"." -
f.zt 11 e p 15 5)41(14(1
1110`1"0114111y, 1110001 541/1110.
ltS 541111141 4104.01'. '110 one cupful
melt. Take one ball at a thee on a
silver fork, ilip it in the melted cho-
colate till well covered,, then lift out
on greated paper.
Cream Dates -Take the stones from
the dates, make the cream as just di -
rectal, form it into oblong balls,
place in the cavity and roll in gran-
ulated taigar.
Lemon Drops. -Strain the juite of
a couple of earge lemons into a.
bowl, then mix powdered loaf
with it until .smite thick. Put in se
porcelain pan, boil five minutes,
etirring constantly. Drop from the
tip of a spoon on writieg paper.
Molasses _Canely.-vrtai a. pound of
brown. sugar, quarter pouted butter,
one quart naolasees. Boil till it will
crack in cold water. Just before you
take from. the fire add a pound of
blanched peanuts or other nut meats
or cool and pull in the usual way.
neve ice in the we.ter in which you
test yoin• candy if possible; try. it
with the lingers under water, ond
after the candy has been in the tee-
ter a full, italf minute. Always anti
the liaeoring tee Ictet thing- befoiti
taking from the fire.
Popcorn- Cantly. -Two cups of su-
gar, two tablee.poonfuls better,
•and a cup of water boiled till it
threads, and terned miser 'Tour quarts
of poppea Stir 1.411 COOL thee
form in balls. a •
Cream Walnuts.' -Form the eream
made as above, Date round, flat
mime; press large, unleolten nut
meats into the sides and M
granulated sugar,
Little Liver s,
Most Sear Signature of
Sea PaceShnita Wraprer Benne.
Tarr amain enst ee Gate -
to Wee as eteeare
_ a
111,4441,1 ttib FOS nriglINETI,
Q. -0701.4,,v
SPOILT Tliele 11()Itleeelats,
"Wo nee lookine 101, 4170 contet,"
oxp.lairiecl the • 3<101154 111‘411 ill, tile
4104 di, as 4110 fa b110r of the young
'womu.17 ea tnc. out, soo what • was
bless son] the 4414141
ge,ntloniutt, ''1,11); oolnet is in 12 41
ell t irQ):2" 1.1400114 3114(44 01 020
“T'71424•4, (1110 2114122' 1124.14 T r•an sny
abo'jt t tuy dit ugh ter sold 411.' Gun: -
vox. "She Ints :1 tine iiisp11'.3ltir111."
you kturwil' 1101' to fleet 4*11;,1
'41:7:e: 0. 1 0,.ts '0' • Nos. -5-11 81,10
2e.11 41 (411)1 11111541110 1,441i.•1Q1f
4, 0 -:Arg.,011C-,
and 800tb,e5 the islulga
ohial Tubes, Sures. COITOITS,
BBoRoBras, 110ABSB,
t eta, vlokor th*m any rem.
own, yonhavo that irri-
gefoogb that loops you uwake
'gilt, a dm of ea Syrup will
it at once,
itave used DR. WOODS NoRWAll
PINE SYRUP for every Old I have bed
for the past eight years, With wonder-
ful success. I never see a friend. with If
cough or eold but that I recommend it.-+
U. M. Ellsworth, eeckeonvillei MB.
Thie tarty mere an exaggeration to you,
Erg IT IS TRI.T.G: 0-ee .o
alleuffereas from Bad Bleed ehould
about this miraculous cure by
CURED IN 1885.
Mr. David F. Mott wrote us from
Spring 'Valley, Ont., in 1885. He nide--
suffered from impure blood and had
over 500 boils, but sinee taking BUR-
cured, and e4111 recommend it to any per -
ion troubled. with bad bloed,
Mr. Mott writes ua from 62 Broad St.,
Utica, N.Y., under date of Dee. 31st,
1901. Ile sayse-Some time ego I re-
ceived a, letter from your firm, saying
that some years ago you received $.
testimonial front me, stating that I had
over 500 boils. Yes, sir, I bad, and
I must 50.3? that I have never bad the re-
appearance of one since I took the course
I thank God that I have had good health
ever since, for I was a great sufferer.
I wish B.D.B. a world. of success,whic
it surely deserves.
For sale at all druggjets or dealers.
Tux T. lirovurr Co., Imam%
TooNro, ONT.
421;711i) 0V.'1) 1,11111 S1Ifi 1111.11::1 11112(42 ex-
traol.‘citilaty,' patience, .
11-71-11 Palpitated.
VIII. U1111
Cures Mrs. Edmond Brolan aftwood Ont.,
whorl oho had alennot given up hope
of evor getting wail again.
She vrites : "I was so run down, 114111
I was not able t'o do my work, WaS Sheri,
of breath, bacl'a sour stomach every night
and could scarcely oat, My heart palpi-
toted, I had faint and) ;dizzy spells and felt
.weak and nervous' all the time, "try
Emsba'nd got me a box of :Milburn's Heart
and Nerve Pills but I told him it was tio
use, that I liad given up hope of ever
being cnred. Ile however persuaded 1013
to take them and befor 1 had used hall
the box I began to feel better. Two boe-es
made a new woman of me and I have beet
well and have been able to (10 111)' work
ever since,"
Milburn's Heart ;rod Nerve Bills ail.
$0 015. box, or 3 for .51.25, all or
TET..4-7. T. PO R,F3i3PA 0(1.,
%6144C)S101. ern.