Exeter Times, 1904-1-28, Page 1'1.9.0,u.asuslawn...1.msallowpsomussualommaateasaramosw
We have in stock the best supply a stoves and. Furnaces1
together with all fixings, from which to select from, We carry
all the best makes.,
We keep constantly hi stock toe National arid Star Brands
of Portland Cements, If you are thinking of building in the
spring', be sure and get our prices,
We have the largest stook of BardWare in town. Rave.
troughing and Builders' Supplies of all kinds. For Force and
Lift Pampa eafl on us.
liensalt No Paper Last Week Plulies "1.1"inels" Vire' eQuid r°eQ'ver
G. J. Sutherland, 'Notary Pablic, Conveyen
Ter, Conalsioner, Fire laintrauce Arnt$ 6141
d• amages in that ease also. We had :
also interviewed ;Jae Provicial Goy-
or:merit ha regard to the taxation or 1
curer et arrig,ge Licenses. Legal °commits Owirtg to the serious crip-
carefully drawn at reasonable rates. MeneY corporations and ain vice -sett to say i
to loan on real waste at low rates of interest, pled state of the railroad ser- . .
we will 11a'er legislation dealing with 1
Ofileeat the Poet Office IXonsall
-Mr. B. Blatchford, of Nortlellako.
vies, due to tho many and • that question the next session: 4.11
to,- with his wife and child, are vis- freauenr storms of snow, our this has been accomplished. in one
iting his relations. hundle of papers failed to )'ear !bronzy the efforts of tbe Far-
`iners' Association. More le.gislaton
-Mrs- -Conies' Cook, and child. reach us in duc time (nor has file interts or the cd
back Again front a, lengthy visit at
Mrs. ,O.00rs borne-
-40ur genial sta!tton ageoat, /Mr.(
' to bis duties, but is down town, nearly
A.. Want, has not been, able to attend
1 -We regret te report
The that Nor_ th . . b. H. , • farmers ask for nothing but t °IA wl e sa is ed.
Wan COOlc is seriously- 111, with grip . wbat th
_is eir just rights, and that We also do ordered work, upholstering, picture framing and all
Mr. IL J. B. Cook is bid Up With the / doubt had Jolene side-tracked, ' they abould have.
satiation demands of the Mc)+, V 1 ^ -999,:'t
I Li- I 4rill"" '' londs of repairin-, with neatness and dispatch at moderate prices.
joHN Vvrwrs & Sots
We are still to the front Onr largo warerooms will soon be
c once more v. zt r a complete line of new furnitUre, Of the latest
it .yet, arrived) 'oz' publication
last week.. The wires wereset
to work hare and at Toronto,
munity than has been Secured in rir- designs and finish
Jean years. Showing what organize- e invite all intending purchasers to visit our show rooms
; tion on the part at the tarraingeam-
ect our stock and get our prices before placing orders if you don't
every day orarliVainYarat'iotal?doirrgihaeniXIVe9.'MN`foarmgeevr! SpPurobuse rvili be satisfied and If you do purchase we guarantee
but trace could be had or .ernment would ignore ,their requests. y .11
same disease.
and there it. remains. llops a 'reduction or freight rates. Thu tar
Mr. McArthur bas resigned as ,
give all his time to his private busi-
1' an'ah 0Wrz, -fiTKINSON
manager. of the $overeign Bank to deferred, ee..; stilt expect:tun issers or Caziada are inp..t. 4
• With by the railway estriparelee of this
we had to (*mad getting out ir
lies been transferred 'from Torontotto The llama. We might Say .,peting point they will leave your stuff Practical embalmer
41.# what, a man's clothes should be is that they were defeated by the same
phases a agricultural work wern de- we expoci. Our representatives in by ete. mefuoi,$, 'Dap spzek-4•
eorrespondenee is so great thee it ie
His termer partner Jar. Arnold, . .
eouutry. 1r you do not live ar a come The leading Furniture Dealers and Undertalters. Exeter, Out.
take charge. bIr. and Mrs. Arnold here. this is thr, firs; instalica•i:Ant31,11 sulots thex,to, retnooyierit.
are welcomed borne zgain• (give . 1 19 ri about
ur„• supiht,:outhe was e4:teci wherein tble pap,.=r has missed two months ago. (haters were given WWIANS' INSTITUTE VERTICAL. WRITING
S. • to unload all cars 'promptly ond bill was :the next spzelter who gave an in-
. W. Ortwein. The councillors aro:
by a majority of 3$ over las opponent, elle issue during its Lister a i to the London Huron cSr. Drucellirancli Mrs. Colin C'arepbell, of Goderich
.vook, 1)x. rovnisop, weDanald ilirty_hhe years utt we•1.01, ao(torieb izameattos, wh2t was tarestiug, tam waraates itistiture6 A 'Boston bank offical heel noodettlete*
discovery lime the new *vertical"! ha -
and /Mr. Geiger. ti.rliree or the' roue tr 0' • I • • • , their objaet in doing so. Iheir and bow to make theleretings inter.
councillers will sit at the' board for
the first tin. - 'nit they are represent.
tiVO Melt at hetild make goad coma -
9 '
esting". The adclx,:ss w•as beipita, to ing.rio,tingoro'rfotr'enotr12'!''Vol,18,br,1:
Lye% was to take to the seaboard, Ara -
make mas ter s right with our lerican wheat lauded at Ooderich, hatii
!mg it ror fie per bushel letV1 tban they
many subscribers and patrons ;charge for irantsenting ours. Bail -
the large delegation or ladies present.
,:tfter the address the ladies adjourn- eeative officer of tuo weak, tichoca
e;ted. againet the raetltod to an ex -
ed to the library ltall, where( a piper uoar(t .dedarea that ralen :s firm-
-on"Breed " v
• - ways in Canada ave lieen subsidized 4
-.. the Sinacoe Street rink, Lou- ly est..iblisbed it will be, as easy fel'
i by our governmente to the an -taunts Mr's. Ceropbell followed wit Ji a eerieral
den, hist week, the primaries la group, ........4.......p.a.p.w.werg4.4...4,--0;...v.........,,A..0. , or ,52044,0011,000 in cash. and lande discussion by the ladies presen'i; ' A Jolt u .4.irtith to \nit,: the carrWk •I'
8 4for the V. eiterit 0 Mario 'Tankard
took place. London, IIe.n.sall,, Inger-
soll and Embro were in the group but
En:1hr° defaulted, leaving three clubs
to otay. um/sail was fortunate
•nough to draw the bye. The London
inks, which were tileserne as won the
tankard last year, WAS leea fortUnate
- a a streak a bad, luck from the
S% art, particularly' nu tho seconcit rink, livered at ti..);,. Farmere' lirstitute parliament “travellIng IYI111 rna Vas's a ,the ev2ning -`5.'S'ItIn' 1V4S1:311'' l''raS" iriSlifiad, l'ortiter mere accerding to
! 0 er 1 s,.,i of 0/9 ply. The ficst rink mane I
it which was twelve shots down at the iflec,tluav eta ju rr„ oa prida:),, C'e in th':..ir afezi•••lie:tg.• .1"";" 1414PAri ;Ir er? 1* . - ' '
aged to tie with their opponents. In- mute oho et Le
' municipalities also, and that Is the brotteht (rorth on the topic.
•numh-r or int viable suggestions nere. r b lui-t
FAIZ,MERS' INSTITUTE 'he3yv ard himself. Infinite trouble 41
low for bankers. and OA tit. ehe who
1 service they r:ndrr the public in re- the
Meetings at Exeter, Large Attend.' turn. There does not appear to
allee and •SnCceSsint Sessions b ellen the Individuality irehandevrtie
ever been a. goverzunenc calola2dv:1 tatTsralle toirs4. was attended hi nig for purpoeus •af isientificatienerlo
• 5 fr. •-• • r• • '• •
who had i courage to deal with tile, consideriug the iniftinesihr:: etate ot gtLa1111.1,,oritgt%.31-va.ttt'zoctccg ‘tsh.oas.l'eL7,,lei/r1" or
"railways of this 4'aunt.r). in the inter- the roads then,
un v4r.°139 'e9t$' 1.11014. Mit v-'har et.,e• "I1 preeent. The. chair balug ably filled nes 10 tbese Nebo bad, to ukelele
was a large' Iluvab?r the forger, its eompensating advanta.,
%be Is termed tile 441.1tor cE tclie ;
,ses fa,•ova, the rad- h . eers etre eau, exererce eir rain
4t, artrrtteett itwetinzr w. woot not aceeli.121mrltItsePt,V ihat ArY stitute spo c on -Farm Lir?" probab. 11? n'.9t1:12914U°1 Ikt31:4
• mast 0 t em •WalltQd, .13.9 !mu., •••• bank's•
gersoll lined oer, against Ifensall S• Fraser,. Esq.. or Bradford. siroke on trays, hut, who, ..tEter'IMOg at:14424 riches, but probably that would, noit r";,..4; aink" w91ra,11._42t a .111Pal
, eeee
enen- =ors- ..„,
tlie livening, and the !coincidence wa.sa tbe bubject Or"CiOver 7rOT:ing:" trnrei eli nethirt4 U. ka•-•. ••bp 4t9 asset or th2,greattst t
pretty accurate. There can be no
pearanee if your lotbes are made to r mom and Glioppino
or. be said is one,or the mast valuable 11'41m tbe (" P• IL 4'. In8t-aa"' 1.""V..
SAIi. i«. ' 1 40.009$01i0 of road mos, standard ee ;,,,„tel„,,„.„, ',',,,,a„. have ever been a tnizzle to the, un-
tertioon. Total 82. Majority for Hsu ps. Ile favored tire' common red. 1 I d
a should be cut ben most or the t 1 ' ^ b ' i t *""--- - *"..""''''''"'"'" killed deg ner i' -ng by th Croce
le4 • (.124 a caunY eote luau Salt a in work farmers might co-operate 6 1 a 1"11 a 1 a
t Tim 17"i" • , .c oul endrvivor to inw
produce tuov, and b2t. man as succeeded in putting money
at ion of marks that seeznas grotesque
ads are tunring brown end should line, last suramer when 1 told hini, at-
Biddulph Township Council ni4Z be 0W wbell the de ----------- "
I a er Ids query "Aye mon ye about gsed
. with nature to
ter food for Lbw Inhabita.nts of tbe in a bank into some fantastic- combine
when a cheek comes in signed in the
was the mest desirable pesF,ession.
• score •r,s were the 1,oxidons in thou&
possible fatait to find with your an- t 0
ing V5,000100..3 in cash ;$20,0110033 afar- new and legible way, Signetures
%measure in itn expert way. The style
of the garment we make is a suldeient
guarantee for first class work. Ail the
new nri.to•date Fall
are bscomingl ess sociable the ter snake. Bac to the, spaying teller
id ' b b • "b-• titese stvang4 sYMbols have definite
D0116 Fromptiu
them the, coon 1W, world, He la d
Orstario ;produces the very bestowal- i•ient. as the frightened wrigglings or a gar-
11.Ir. Nan Horne could well go to ve.his s'ot ial )osition Earmere
, The woollen root Janunry pur-
riy of alsike Alfalfe ie behrr' Ost • • • ,
ed, and is pre-eminent as a droutit- with Canadian calutal not i.‘,.eetring
tive ration than the red,* which is of bonus even paying far
resister, ,arAd is or a narrewer mad, one deilar
'libel t.,1/..fht‘v.aal y. wCoarenuatdeari s thieLpluaef
balanced eettion, eelpecially good for pgeurisI teozhal get; wi;at wags
Suitious Ovor 60atillo we aro giving excellent sa- suant to :statute. Present, A., e• Leta and Inn 1.13, .
and Fantinus
jufit arrived. Prices away down.
W. W Taman.
bisfaction Hour since re- arm, reere; and tTelios. Armitage, J.
IL Bryan, Michael Breen and R. D.
modelling our mill.
Stanley, Councillors. Each member
took and subscribed the statuary dee
claration of office and qualificat ion,
and took their seats.
H. SWEITZtR1 council, pointing out the •arteat ha-.
portance or watehruilimes and faith-
Morciricirtt Tallor.1 fullness to the obligation they had
ANNUAL. inEETING L.. 0. L. jos' :taken.
,....,.4....-•-. The -treasurer's bond \MS read and
114...44..414.4,...41,•••••••••1•44 The annual =mating or Ole District approved. The followiug are to be
°minty -Lodge, L 0. L., was held t Ulu alllaries Ler 1904.-Cierko $.115/ser
viees under ditches and watercourses
Parkhill, on January 12th, when the
following (officers were elected.; -Die- l'et' 1) ; tre4tahrer, W; collector,
$05; auditors, 414 each. assessor .130 ;
trict abater, Walter Coursey; Depu-
townehip =printing, ,548; members of
Br. Smith: •Cha.plaie, Bra., Arun- ' $3' per day tor sitting
tage, areas. Bro. Ryan; Lee -tura, the, 'council
ited !91.50 for commissioner's. work;
Bro. Davis; Secretary, Bro. Davis; A
full attendance was res nit I n • .1322.Dradtto°1r, llanelip §.4.. 2
L. 11 °0.1‘fodr actual'Lser-
. .4 ay -sant ail
Our stock is the tnost complete we pleasant /feature of the anee.tiaa was "t4
have aver shown. , the presentation to Mr. Davis. The vzees'
,rollowing is the address ;--. • ',MO .t0110Wing are the munieipal of -
Pianos and Organs . ;Parkhill, January 12a 1004 titers for 1001.-W. D. 4'anley, Clerk;
We .the officers and members. of L. a chn Fox, treasurer.; ‘Alt. J. Smyth,
For the tettior we have Pianos and
0. .L., District or I3iddulph, avaireur aisessor , ON W. Hudgins, collector, rn
Organs of the most beautiful designs
selves tor this opportunity, combined lirect ..,1 T. H. coursey, audit: ars ;
and finisb and quality unsurpassed,
With file esteem we holdsfor you #or Board oZ lloolal, r• 'A. Bann, W.. D.
your :services as District 11,1aster.,13e- Stanley, Wellington Hodgins Dennis
Sewing Machines , sides your loyalty Le the Orange As- ilennanarid Chas- Foster; eanitary
specter, Chas. Foster; M. H. O., Dr.
sociation of which we have -every as -
Our sewing machines are a elass by
suranee. Dear Pro .Davis, you have Lang.
themselves. In working qualities and
finish The Beat.
The reeve briefly addreesed the
, shown by your integrity and, love for The claim of Robt. Donley against
the brotherhood, that where ditty and the township was settled for 05.
For the Children
W, have Sleighs galore, at all
price Also Shoo Fly Rockers, Games
Whistles, Mouth Organs, etc.
In Music
Irer4ervorance would, bring honor and
peoeperity to the association you
were always found at your ti)ost. Dear
prother we now present to you: this
Past Master's jewel, not as a zenum-
eratiort 'for your valuable services,
but to show you the love and esteem
with which you are beld by Lho Breth
We have the latest Popular Songs and rem And when our labors on earth
fi-:Cstitunentals. Hymn Books and are done and wo Wore our Great
Bibles also in stock. Oa -Ater atbava,may you ehateo the
Call and see as and get one
of OUP Artistic Colanders
. ANTHONY 3,./EVIN, County Master.
. 1 "WILLIAM LEWIS, Chaplain.
8 Mar 'n
ilt •1=e3la. x .n....
• Bears th, The Kind You Have Mays Bought
. of 1..". ...0
jewel for a crown and hear the Great
welcome ;pronounced. "Well done."
Signed in behalf of the L. 0. L., of the
District of Riddulph.
THE-- ,
Iris gone out oefavor. meaning -no two men are attacked lay
aa midress,ou .. The exactly the same symptoins VI-
bia to cows, Ile sows Iris clover withatlaht,; for. But, as a (Monet minister st, sktlurInkinegr'sd1412;'ellg°h4talrY b21211 tthu2 dilaanmeesIlloteenhetellk: 1).;1?Ivillo;t17e;;tst"aci-t.
given ,as much attention as any other
seed drill ale, 611 of flv'. eeth ons or vertical teaching, however, mal,-
adapi. itself to onimal, and .11,st above ell, proper brings abouet thoerguextriTtrunidilti.orzt:,bsat tiliew-• •
Llze IOU WRS paul La the bou.es• 143
a ny Ind of s I;ut °t 8est o°141i1:11.t1 it:cu61q:till Ileliy:1°1' :Ili tuvbt leittv':roltInt3riee8rUllialoat le:511131:Aritgo; SS fatilditatlt:at when he ellose;b‘b, subject dte, ba"nhkte.r. (11 r
covers :with tile roller., It see xx •
will not ahvaYs "catch," because the 'something with the Grand Trunkmeant the routal eSi!ght rather, but „
bn,ote:eb/iiiinueeLtinftutitnfdorinitLeire•eaNsvetsh, ;racy_ Nsas afrai
d he could not do in- "15° the 13.14sh•al• Tiore were 1113.115.'
farmers who could not buy a geed
cure soil from a field, where it does
thing with the Canadian Paeific,
thereby acknowlediring will:, a rain.
way magnate stated not long ago. Ile
firrally convineed that they could,
horse or cow, although they were
They did nor alwoyc esc their eyos a9
grow, and. eow this soil, about 1-2 a said he cared not what reeaSUre NI,as
'necessary baoteria. 11 a was overcome was a greaft;athentge.
bushel ler acre which su »lies th brought tiefore parliament they would they should, Bvory advs.rsity thait
1 ,
not carry it if it was not suitablethatot When ,a man. found IiiinseIP in a tight
11Ir. Erland Lee, ot Stoney Creek, the railwaY eamPanies• $Ilowing place he would learn a %treat Ilea'
selling the Injurious Effects of Dry try instead of the government. Tide-
cotnpanies run this coon -
ed elleir brains nem the ones who
Ontario, spoke on the subject or "Les- the rallwaY 'Imre than ordinarily. The men who
Weather." The agency which attend- ty years ago steetrails cost ade the sucense , More study and
ed that was tbe feeding of our crops ten. In 1808 they met; in th . ,
less hard /grinding \whit' 1 01114.1.: 1),eqg
to stock, and selling titz 'finished pro- .418 per ton. With 111 these t I ,
iI t Nen--
better results:. 'rho 'man with the
duet in the shape of butter, cheese, tages ehe railway still charge tm the brains before the strong arms gener- , goo o L.)
and beef cattle, thus returning to the same rules practically that they did ally had a refined home. If the; farnas
soil the greatest pertion of vegetable 3U yeors ago. The Pal -mere' Assacia-
gold mines. Wel it. wise for the boys ,any time.
.4,oil !would not hold sutfacierit, moist, -
ore to insure crops in the dry weath.
The Imiganic xnatter should be
We have our Chopper
now in running order
lield solicit a share of
your trade, and will do
nr best to give you
were worked right they would' be pared to do 121o;ping it
matter without which substance the tion demands a reduction of freight
rete, and a tte passenger ratio., -Be, to be allured by all the glitter andbe
fore leaving the subject I Will refer- taken lawny- from the fawmstl. What
briefly to our North-Western roads, could happen. in ten years 'ens. a ray -
kept as far as possible, close to the The C. P. R. Company put about° $8,-
surface, where the bacteria assists to 000,000 of their own money th that stery. Science was bound to rule,
and everyone should be ready to grasp
change it into plant food to a greater road, then they wo.tered it. to about new Rims which would be given them.
extent than if put deeperinto the enil ,5:65,000,000, and claims a divideud of 10 ' Mrs. Campbell also gave in address
This change. is called nitrofaction. per e ent. on freight on the W,5,000,- "Weman ,and her Ireporeanze, tot rho
applies only to crops that 000 before the govermranit can inter -
State.". The program= AVIS inter-
com be cultivated while growing.,This fere. Now iiiko the McKenzie &
hem) spersed with yoeal seleetions from
Tha 'allaying accounts were order- eitelul2tivolactbioynizraa)saet :ltitorof:parf vetanucyt II: ta,hd: )1,textylltiracyttetisot,(Terlie12'4joalinageasno.Nf 0rortatt in the male quartett ; piano selortions
ed, to bc paid, -
by (the Misses Martin arid vocal selee-
Election , expenses and suppliee, evaporation or moistere in the soils. the North \ N.' est- Sattlers
865.45; G. 'W. Hodgins, in full for tions by Miss Anna Bee•kev 1 or at-
collecting tax of .190g,. v70.00 ; Forest
City Paving Co., onnect, of contract„
845,00: W. 13rown, behave fax grad-
ing, $1,35; interest on sidewalk debeu
tura, en7.50; W. Sovereign in full fax
printing eontract of 1903, $20.4.0; E.
Guilfoil ,spreadirtg gra'yel $5.00; M.
Hogan work on road, $0.00 ; Dor-
cey, cleaning out diteh, $2.50; sep. S.
S. •No. 6, balance due, -3.111;.Jas.' P,Sr-
dir, div. $1.40
The !following appropriations were
made ifor the present year. -
Division No. L -Division wors...1$200
Townline, $60; London Road, 4125
townline :,3100. Total, 8485.
• Division No. 2. -Division work, $0,00
townline, soo; 0, s. n., $90.00;Clam-
deboye, $30; gravel road, W. E., $70
Division No. 3.-, Division work, $200
lownline $75; C.. S. It., $a25.
Mircharits arik Canada c....-
thri ton , vthine
sa. ,51N715o.;,‘A,..•,--f:07,ston
. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL.• AfArYs road; Total, 55004'
, Division No. 5,-.Divston work
SAPITAL (611 Paid. uP) • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • . • .. • • • -$6+000,000. C. S" R., $200; (ownline, $150 ; St.
RESERVE AND UNDIVIDED.19510'Ys 'road, i.S50;,Granton, $50; Total
deneral Wfwaa'ger §ixiierintendeilt of Branches
, .
. Interest at Ill3st favorable current rates allowel; .Savings
, •
Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts.
Special attention given to the business of, Farmers and Catt)e- , •
ififfeS.FYSIIE E F 11El3DIDN
The speaker recommended less plow-- along their hues t en w
nee in Exeter become quite a favorite
for every erep, but they *were advised fellow farmers' living. near the.C. P.
and lunch enjoyed as wasOvidenced by
stead they should use some deep cunt- paying; 'running expeuses, intel ott
Irak, whieh she responded to most gratious-
b * been obtained by Mr. Lee, Lboy clattated $300
Itroit, who has since her iftrst appear-
ing. Most farmers plow every year ed for 6c. per 'bushel less than tbeir
Her Selections were aIl well ronderekl
to !try and. plow leost fregoentiy. In- R. The Canadia.n Northern. after
encores received all of
vator from which system the hest re-' 'money invested in building the road, Lhe ileaTILY
R. T. McLean, Rippen, who was must the nrortt au tIlle (1, he
!la* next speaker said:- Yet no adjustment of freight rates by
ways have also increased 'over 200 per
cent. in 20 years. Withall their ad-
vantages justice demands that we be
given a fair service at a reasonable
cs.si . may say before leaving, this
tit opening' may that ihrough
the courtsey at 111e-1)ms:dent of the
S. 31. Parmers' Instituter T. ant tple,r-
nattted to , ehange the usual cost ora
followed. at Verniers' Institutes. In
stead of delivering an address on how
i.o create wealth, 1 wosild tutu the subject the nallicrs are organized and
Hoe of wealths propzr distribution Ithe act their flour carried for '2(1.tear
would endeavor to show the necessity en,I.1 use than we,do our wheat. In
of ,organization among the fartning t1901. the average overcharge was 25
comm u y 'caking „for in y subjec.t per cent. being f$10,000,000 more than
`•'.',Tlie -Tanners' Asso'clat ion, tt.' Aims it would cost in the 11'. S.. Compare
and objects" alter the coo- this with. the cost.ot carrying ota the
sill:0,10o of the -Farmers' Association Pr,ovineial Goverunicat. $1,038,831.
of Canada. I wish to show wltrot, It The ,overcharge on freight would' ',lay
has :done, lo Lire 'fanning coniniunitry, the vast of Governnrent for I.NVO and
with ,the help, 011 1,11V0 CDU three,. 310,e01- ornelialf years. All of which goes, oo
ber,, of Parliament and the fitriner,s i<diow .the necessity 01 orccaniyattion
paper, '',Che-Weekiy Sun, of TereatoeI
...veold urge averl ferui.er present to
e readers of the 51311.becomas it is
taways ready 1.n chalup,011 their causo
The )fttriiie r.S had also sent depula.-
tions 110 hoill Ilia J)aminion, and Pro
An additional !p20 was given Lo vincial narliameat 11) urge LI pOT1'1 11C'3
00111 division to moot tui'sPecia. " bodies to remove gteivances ny which over billion of dollars,, that of
11.1011(1 the fa ruling ool001011IiY jil d jaii iailw-ty proper ty, c',500 000 000 Rait-
'Ile council adjourned to meet reason for complaint Ilitire \ s 1110 ways Laxe,s :,,0300,000; that or
'again, Monday February 1st,. 3904, drialagige law -which roiquit:ed amend.i Coo 1 property $4,000,000, over ILII 1111
tl eire nue law ,for ihe ' •1, much 'Why should, ,•rail -
r SrrANLDY Cl dividual and another for the corpora-
tion ,and of 'which:3 am p1easol to bd
able to say. Nye :have gat the law
amended ithat, the farmer could have
hiS land drained through railway pro-
perty the same as individual properly
I believe 1,11,1 irsL 1:} NV 0 f the kind 11001
u pen I lie Dominion S1 a t.lbek,„
wn s n 1so Ahe 0,111'gtia rd que.ttion„
t. ttm„).tte, )At;
our .o'bvernixients. The traffic of. rail
axxl.cing farimug, communas 1
Ity -.
think they are the. only Cass Nve
may expect to have these grieviences
rein ectied .
\V e will no...fy 011.0h on the question
of taation of corporations. 'rile
wane or farm property in ()Ontario is
at 10 a. m
Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of tile CAST
men= •
For Infants and Children.
Tho'Klad You Ilave Always Bought Vithave suce.e..0dill h
211 he 1 1 t,
)vays and other corpor,itions escape
axat ion. It is eu rely an injustice, to
the ueople thi,s country. I could
go on for a. length or. lime, along the•se
lines, but 1 will close by 1.31 O113,1( upon
the farmers of this eountry to organ
ane, -
iyti d havtlie o•rievances' remedied
11 they Avill do this they wit] conf.2r
a 'boon upon the people, of this: ;noun-
CRED1TON ONTARLOrY, ins well as llie/aseives and "Chelr
country. f • hope %via lal;e ;to -
• Bears the c.,(1 passizit4 over tile. c<mnpany's lion along the lines,1 have inclici.1e.(1,
W, S 0HISHOLM, manager P1gnatur4/ of lion, 444There 11Ta"{ also Ilie'questiolit of be hew-ers Ivood and drawers11e guarels. alley cciuld get conir,a4:,,n5..:1": doari, they may ex,pect to still
:maga Aly fire eati,,c..d, C4 -I er
Come in
and examine our (lop,
we are .1.tre you will like
Bring in a Load and
Give us a Trial.
Snell & Slatehford
Corner of Main and Station SrCee
Next Electric Light Plant,
Our Prices are $i.40 to
, .rers ZC.•*:4 •,•F
Meat, vegetables,
and all kinds of
food with Sargent's
Gem F io od
H...0 A A jk4T'