HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-1-14, Page 6ileges AL NEWSP-APERS NERVOUS O. leTeate to Be Used. AS ,Getal, N hiskey in Tabloids Gala Aleo 0 lettown that, One of the most reeervellove of re- Rittee eee, cetit, inreatious is• mierostoPe d tirve-or* tIZUIU is the only which wilt inag-uily equal to 40,Ge0 t to.eon iu the wlo is prieiteg. dioneeters.. This is to say, it will ea t vt the Tower ex arty hour Make-vieible on object ahnost ,01' t dal or night.:. •Alteru each. Unlail es a tiellifelltit Tri irteb la gu-;47d •is .OrnallOeil. cetuteersige, is • diameter. It is ht)Ped that by tbe deceit; teemeler be- Tee Soteetign, methods enejeloyed it 1.71.111 be able to ,vonuneateettel to ti e (Slicer in •,com-r cor.struct. art Inatrument whittle will mune, ad no ten net le po.aeesioni make visibto ()Weida ortly ton tiznes ,d it r;,-zo, hope te, as t p(Irtal$, i;j:tth diaMeter Of a MaleeOlO4 Vila% it lemeteu's eita, ipoit however,, the lees - onto leen elered far tte niget, "letie:elbilitiesof tilt- Method WZII etop. ,:•.,c,ouu•-•0.•6'igli is, however, ley atiriertt Iisari Francisco they are talking, caste:11a in-tall:113Y eon:route; Wed to '2 ot Prganishne atteelal ueivepapere -for the tetiof Meet -.trete t.tt1 City ter 1. cero4tls Persolm• OltteStroPllos ,ette :hue betugeoatel to lira e.lorte t and grueeerne relbjects generally will extiongeall Rio elaieety's erehje ts. be treatezi ir; a. soot:lire; style. For Oeteit:e the City hoentextes Load tJayor routs r.t's owl; an reeedereo altos tale„ -Rat, int io tel•es, pre. e. en. e over • axt - except is Seer- ' ce (text. trely. notallie lieStatee of the way whoa riot reuired. your wag,e determine* your the, enottetof. the -lahle (is ood a•f weirletesolet neter .Vvertie .: plata-917,e Unnta-PattlYeeleettAtUtiorgaei. we tertaL The- hails are et eeteltressed• see 'flint `ail things -are -sarred. - piteho.while elle is a e,leret. rod leiter; a, eimet, falealme/e ,on, ..teeths with: a -cozk!. tip, eteanitealle,•.,erreteire. he deelareshienseltoot ot argennenta, ed. Of emiese, the halls! ere. Theee is- as muele 'danger bk.'the iect ti tile the electrified pieta' atethe riches you desire as lo those you eteneple the sickeniag thud ith which, in the ordinary news- pepers, le etated. that, a 'work:von ettmbes the:grimiest tepee. the top of a eight -storey building. will beeetree the -light flying fall tet.ten by ao -01.4 0 eutred irt 1506, whee., a the forcool el Lord Nel-on, tInve a tz:e • el2."at. I'sFon•-tter Pole Wetere France's latest novelty is a must - the Pete t4 Norio e", Throe ballot -h(') Ail eleztors who d Clareece-ree-e he the proees .es not go to tbe IhOli will be tined. hut centre of tile table, amd. the oobeet of the, game is to. make coroins de- spite the repulsion exerted- betteeeu them. This is quite a gailna tat Teetide Dar tit -v., ;vexes firet. tbo row wdloole is to 'maw voting et the itelt thse e the flea' trera „ an at t roc: ive pee -Lime: The reearicol James sboue toomee ,,balitte-bere an SUStruzaeut whieh .-ettitileeltea tie right to in Plat's Polluter tnees ofr eilttervaels To el tteto tlo Lead a• tte whileitte Polls ars 01131-- t dorm for the =ousel:scut of electors tbe 1.eid Mor hewhe will thli.t bo pet%5madail.' not let every sertee of the word, • , GREATEST NOVELTY. shopkeePing originated ine•-the Own of c ouversef, 1,adiana. The whole eouutry for miles around bas been stirred by the uotion of a ellen- Iteeper named Nortom publi*ed his decision to runt his shop , "as Christ woold run it.. Thie uteatre. fuses to sell i.obacco. Winn: the pro- ets of any one day reach, $3 he Us for the rest,of the day a,t cost r_toice. Pio gives_ away *200 loaves oteletead to the poor each -elqa sthose withonte stoney receito groceries ;free. idle othets evim ,con pay a little et then; at Cost price. The nature lt te that Nortoe's slop• -bas ..-tli-peciple trona 'at roe:tees!, ,for de, •to the detriment of Other, K.! ,k! • ever e such a title i'erldt" tilltY :ratite:a ese, tied (al er trivaure alc* 21'4'1)1'11s v°t'es untslealt In lUe eteette.,a to (him eyEor inetance. when a hundred ee ioeee. „eiaee eonoentene. ;;per; have been dettesitetle it will alro jtalgte ante is jeer -wee' lila," a, certain 'MU°. two limudred cottunfosiox.s 4s gab. d wit' etart a eecond tune, tbree tired a different melody again, AND SO FORTH. It ie the business of comPressed yeeirits. however. which la the ;love elt:17 of greatest ietereet toe “Illact-lietter " A eornpany oitli T TILE COliONATiOtt ' f ing or (preen, who has to eet PS not vev.y diT005 Q rov;arded by t irtely hateeeolue elm of weottabt carital Of rt. million dollare hes been cOMAitutt.'s Wks pri‘ a* forawal Illegimentort. NaW, VOrh. gal,Ivr.ty• lette. the at oestien of tle Lordship has eitel. meeting of •reneteettterien,' It nen tLe volze of .oito goolovmuti tawels. wilma to Ler. ra f retin-ti State ltareree . tie! it; setreleee ecetex ine on t le teed ait- ottee Errelenti, FItt-O, • for the perpose of dealitig vont- spirits. The atm! .,to e. renenciere in New Norio Bee - re,„ end, Othee large. American th ne." ley: e ueW promo; it To poesible to Aura : +tout whieley and possees, The self-Cooceited Man is always religious,- he coneot get awaY, ,Ireett his god. Your grio,ort suceese depends tome- ly on the tidings you arowilUpg let go. The world ia men liltelY to ba Wen by tbe cheortul religioo thou by the tearfol kind - The relga of succeee is never sue-, eessrul in religion. You cannot eapeet God to take the root of evil out •of yew heart while are hanging on to the fruit with both hande. AFTER' YE118. . . 'TEaltIB.LE. MONT Pers. who boinplain bitterly, DODD'S =NEY :PILLS OVRED the rien on --the---shop is' so g Vat. that- a soecial '-tetrete of ptifice has- been called: oaf Otette;;..-; order there- IIe is an Feaglishmare. Blooms ere now produced at u atural sea -eerie the yea by ans of anaeethetice. Ether is ghly aucettettful to the vow et lilac, chloroform can be used with laliy good results on lilies of 0:vafle6 v, hot only about ontefoturth the quantity of anatestbeties should be used. This may be model to hor- ticultural reatime. axxx the inveixtIon et Mr, Cliartes ' i0beraltuigh. et New 'York, the aid ref this voranfeny!:: productions elm 414111-1 it ie pot:elide to carry c. Iltrite t 1,,,•%;cal'-; amonot ot toblete about tbe person, ,°,F,.e ; ready for being converted into Vpir- =kW ' 411-9 ' itelotes drinks. _ leardebto, een coot:nand t at tea- rta at . V.RA nuirch greer valuo ;to tbe gen- den o et this relater. lie is ele ea. 4:Co:wawa ut.Lt,..; tat that, Is leit of szoxxx xs,, the ete priellege of the citiztoe . of Iromleat, gruitted to tlem by Henry I., to Wait Mitlelesee rano anneee QUAINT 15„IGEELAND tr. IFLeOlespuu Cleth ro far away els iLe Chiltern • e .Li rI.ii, roust he alerted et- ` rt among ',tt•t:. alto:Awn; but t here t !deg t1o pato. tt r (Tir- ing neeelett&cU over ord over again.. An e. geeerrti Itoweeer, ore year a *Rae is enough tor return th ettet geedy rrtel- er neter civie hover s. It coetsUm it•om $75,00O to er100.0.00-in othilriirm to ;Lisette:1- ary Ouriettleete-antl- it -is, beretestea year of herd work and wearitg NV,‘‘OF teelees St•itieti VI 'Lititz- . imee• titre 'e Med' the 'chair; and a tees' fewe' in dose Iong -gore by, -have idled it tote, fiver tied evaa tires. While ,ehe .erete Lord, Mayer of worn nn rood txieta-, IiretrY Fite-Ear:rue, office for tweretret forte beset:et-lee e ea: ` • • rox•d l.than • . Kir Weak, eielely babies t. ial to mothers. They need n- 4,. etre both night and day and eel, the mother out. Baby's kt le stomach is the cause of most ef the trouble; it is 'vow weakand n ettresequenee very easily upset. Babytt Own Tablets will curb all baby troubles. They are mildly lax - :dive and give prompt relief.Co- eerutizg them Mrs. IL J. Balfour, Oriente°, Ont., seea ”/C have used Baby's Own Tablets for stomach troubles end ennstipatien trim. which my little girl enffered end they en- tirely eUred her. They prodtwed sound, refreshing tdeep, and '1 regeed them as indispeiThible ill „dere-home wheee there teseetiones." Idoetheleerettem all parts of Canada tr IV in Savor of Illthy's Own, Tale 1ts, proving the claim that they are. tho very beat medicine for all • the minor ills'of infants aud young'ciell- ✓ litte more ''`el'edreA. Guaranteed to contain no teriant„ apeoeeted .hee. him ate. t Prieto tet cents .a box at at - from theeillieene- -what.; dru 'sts or •direct•from tha Dr. ECKER'S ICIDNEX DISEASE. One )0'4ztfer Treated, for 13 -right's DiSeene, Another Ter' G Pet ravel, but ne Got, so reeLtd he tied DodeVe Niels:My Tii1:4,-• They Cured him COrapletely.. St, eatharinee, Out. Dee. US. (Speeird).-The cure of Nicholes Ec- /ter, a well known and highly el fernier liviug near St. John's, P. 0., about tell Miles from this city', hos caused son:what of a sea, sation in Pelham anti Thorold town. kips. For twenty -eine yeers, Mr. Echer WaS1 terrilde sufferer from Ann firktuartli will be 13ald by '64 Lever Brothere waited, Toro;te, to any pereero who ,an pcOve that this scrap- etintairt$ fform of adulteration whatsoever, contabis any inturiters chemicals. *Peter the octagon /ter. ins and at the presen.t rate of in - will doubie ogee:* withio sixty 2°114 Wil'i/Q t''4113" Kidney Difiease. and eo wale-apteto At the recent highland mod -the bas been thee interest in his cure that ivalent trf the eistedfodel-at In- -he decided to make a statement, for -emcee southions bad an opportun- ity o leerniug something about ' soup. witieh wore ren- amed by tho Edinburgh ladies' 'the benett of the public. In eon (leased form Mr. Echoes statement hi as fOlIONN^S: "I had been a sufferer trent KitIteli, that is to satta 19al, it will ;oder 83,000,O00. 'he average peasant of Macedonia. has a net. yearly ineorne 4>n1Y bout $30, of which about a. third goes in taxes. It le-aecomsion inci- dent for villagers tn. cut (hewn their fruit trees to avoid the tax 'on them. Messes given iu public are a,etiorte able by law in Iluesia, A kiss in the open street Is penalized. with. $3.7.5; while a kiss in a tramcar is under a fine of $6.2. Deelarotions a love ort a poet -card maim the ender liable to Rue of $2.50. A eertYPotlY 01 thirty aetors can] be engaged for the equivalent of hi ' $30 in Cna, to play ! many drame.e and commixes OA may be der edinary seats cost about 5014; s Gaelic Choir :stewed as hightail iTreuble tor twenty -Mee years. 14r' veaith's°• Whell 11°244'511ml had the mot* thietreseing Drecleeche ie woven it, is .woullted, mul- ti eta a gcOovell bUO..1%11 thieeen. seretterthea anti rnuane: it. the o t would be possible for man to ear, Ileadaches, Irritation of the spine mid at times an excruciating efreuler baritZ4e4 previateele beau sv,.1. nis ;poll About the lower part of the is dune bY ratullter. ori hotly. What I suffered no pen eau le 0 women, according to the leuatel 01 describe: web, the majority beteg e eieatilertge "I was treated by three doctors: "It See= to me, ITarry." said his reeet with much euvouragernent thqugh• t'hre ---.".•ane of them a speciallet. One Sal" father, "t,hat you are very roUgh account of. the uncertainty and patn t • or three droues areeeng Father (after a loug seaxch)-- Well, here it is. I wonder. why oue eal always ds thlog in the 'last Place ia which one hunts?" lloy-"I ispect ire "cause after folks tiods it they stop hunting." - - -Dr. Von Inarro irtnoappto TAblets.-WdiOld science by acoident ceyered the potency of tee faineapple apanacea for stomach. troubles. The imineree pexceetage of vegetable ptpsin contained ie the fruit makes it P.a elmost indispe.nsible remedy in pasf cl of dyspepiagnc ..l irkligesdoa, One tehlet ;titer each meal will cure most ebreeic caves. fro la•a hox. ee cear.S.--42 ;. .• :When the devil is driving you be willing you should boast tha trod for two days At a atretelt. The iyou are leading hint. the beet run to three or our certte. TIIFI WABASII RAILROAD ut great winter tooriet rooto W01.11.1) IltttillelATE Btt the south and west. including Text little story comes from a sea- 0ld Illexie° and CaMentia' the /an umshine and dowers. Through eitle village in Normeady, where a. welFhnoW MILS of letters was stay. $tandard mid tourist, sleet:nig ears ing in eompany with a young writer are elow run Via thIS great southern of triflea at a. emnewhat primitive route. The new and elegont trains hotel. One Due Morning the former On the Wabash, are honied hy the addreseed the host as follows; meet powerful eugine$ ever Wilt. "You would oblige Ma by making 'Every eon:fort is provided equal to your charges as low as poeeible tor ithe best hotela, or the most luxuri- my young colleague. IIe is not a, ouS homes. Nothiug is wasting t rich, man. cemplete one's happluess. The days The lo.rdllord, delighted with the and nights pass ouly too quielily, presence in his house of the man of while travelling en the great Wabash renown, promised to have due con- line. For irdormation as to rates, sideration for • tbo purse of the ,routes. eta.. address any ticket agent J. A, Richardson. Dist, FOS% , N. E. corner King and longe , Torontet. Tyruouti FOR SUICIDE,. Paris comes the news of hod of suicide. While nove eption, it is not likely t _ ran no ready to mar- ry, Ir. Fr esbaaa42:"' you let mo know when you are?" "Cele teouy. -1e1.1 .geud you a wedding, cad. (W$Se Tread) rdslafea.„ nt Soap rowder la a boon to nay home. It disize:ects and cleans at the RAMO UAW- youureer guest,. But a few days ate revards the famous outlier came to him again. saying': "By the way, don't let my bill be bigger than that Ot young friend. It would immilate him; boys Wm that. oro so extreluely touchy I"' Veatherstone-"Do you believe irt. &pets?'" Travera-"Well, for years I have been living it; a bauxite(' house," Featherstone --"Not reallyl ITho is it haunted by?" Travers -- "BY my tailor." The 54• ------------------- 1;u Mug appropriate enagtheenlas. had MIMI, another Bright's Ms. NVben you PlaY with me., See how 'a the procedure and the difficulty of they move the cloth eunwiee round lessi". and -the third declared I was in you bow torn m..,F e0at I" "1 did procuring the ueressary material for same to the eye and p .... 0 , „e,„ the board. nod the eFeet. is picture - ear. All are merry as Merry Van "'''" la dangerous romlition. 11--ene ei utY' it ou purpoee, daddy," said Harry. ,--ea 1st -di -destruction. A young woman be, highland girls befog quiet: a "At this stage I gave up other me." wit. The cloth is tightly rolled up, ttreatment and started taking Dodd'e and then follows an impreesive eoneeNidney Pills. I received help after Lady: "'Whatever do ton do with -err0.tlon vereniony. The oath islet:sing the Meow' box and eon:invert all the stewed tea -leaves I give you, the Jill I bad taken sixteen boxes when jenny 1 Surely your mother can't most intOortant woolen Presollt. who llny troubles had vantsbed and I waS enloy a cup of tee. made frolei stuff turned sunwise three tiUtell by each repeat a, "vann" while turning c ugtrin culOying the splendid vigor of lite that V' Jenne, ' "Olo no. nd,%isf I3Ut we'vee-er,--got a, lodger now t- it. Then the chief ettlebrant, with 4 earlier manhood." her hand resting on the cloth, pro - "I want, to wear that coat OUt patient in a hospital obtained sever- - „ friends thought I had much longer to match that it can't be cut down ic'r al Culture tubes containing a mixture es be these to treiti'oefe--. Willi q' Medicine" Co., Brocirville, LARGE SUMS Ole MONEY, 'f nOunces "Sriell" on the cloth end HOW'S ThIS 1 on those who are to wear it a. azas ANTY -TaBsz.-• blessing which begins : 'We offer One ittandred Dollars Reward and oral public le the new enterprise to 1.1 is day each 1 ew Lox d Mar. -or BaroSoli which has its origin. in Boston. *4'1,1ot-bevel- -teetaebte is ea fit and IThere a cos:pony has been. establish- ed, • witielt, for tin annual Subscr.iP-- has to satisfy' theelting's regret ehurer note oieoreeee t than el $1, lends out umbrellas - to pe Mr- men"- to tetitreitake tbis dna teembeee; ' .Supposiege for in - an _leases his .liorae • o "evarrii -there stance that a <xit r case rit V.atstrrit that cermet be May the num of this 'cloth uever be Bits ot Information I'rom the!! curee y Hen s utters -1w Lure wounded, , - Ilitorld Over. P. J. 011eneler a Co. Toledo, 0. eati 1 4 ITh.rens,..- and setustebeeirTea.*ait, Ion al Lord Chaneellot to obtain through. him tbe grrtaitees" .rtri.pro-val ef:the CroWn to. the thoic:o .the zerii' have xtre,de,z 'Erwear- bY-astrl-la,v. which constitutes .e..F.cuse. for 'Pei. 1,401"c iOts gar': '41.nown. there C'eht.tixies,r4t, as the bk; StieiNV." y " Mexitioo ,has already been. Iiratle.! 14 a general way of the =nye. public% ourees,..the eteeharge ef which press; es so hail-y.11Y upon iiis'Ler(141-0 dU -iik.,--11,3s:y6ar or " 't 'Of '''tlieset7the.se!'itextfertaielini to the polite renogistracee eat • the, • tfaxteion ll'otteeteloone largeetrein tee, pelolle : But is;.alsti o. judge of ,tbe ,,..Central,, thane -Mai Coart• and el , _Vett tleondon eSessibni.WJ' 7jUrstris.e. ‘,•tille PearcE for SouthWark; a judge of 'the Corirrt",:eg Eu.StingS;. an eScheStor in London and' Sonthwark; and an ex.,» officio governor or trustee, several 'soo'res Qt.,311.1vig p.4s . leer eteri:•.rtes ig legeid, 99'1. • Ali thes-,, .claini Q*nOOrt1qS :0 -kis • t tele; ay, b' he -ear; and -.11-e hars,„;440!•Ito,,,,prosi.de pror¼-? ec>ntriimajty.oVe,,e,:;laana,',M.in* May be never be torn; . e London bus 2.300 miles of sewers al. change for the lest 10 years. end 4 ,, Cie. the undersigned. lave known. r. nuts only 4AML i believe hue perfectly lionoreble in an What thne he goes into battle or combat , lia the reel' a Gibraltar there ' are , business transactions and financially Be the proteetiug shield of the Iaord ,, '''' satleirty milieS ot Oulueis. i able tO carry out any obligations made " by theif trot. about Itini, tlibia•-ftia4ed.'tiglirthi. .44 tics, Ou a. fine thoreing ovithout any,peo- 'tectioa, agaInet: rain. 4.11,•tt,',.then 'it begins -to peer down ,t411 •theet he has; to do is to . eater the teltefest.,-.411OP. : of altd ticket. .141e is then, handed. ver".. $tont t unabrella, eeedtedeparts fiiUyProteeted: .,Witen...,:tha 'storm •simpry •,leaves the eM1Sterlta the: `: 'nearest, 'tbtaneh °fetid the \caulking of the elotli First-class railway fare in Indio, :11 r.t.tten, whotestue Druggists. asp go+, a share in, ofun. and t, as hig as the mother-eouttry. Utters Catarrh Cure is taken Inter - Toledo, O. WALDINO, .K.INN AN 4 trvas always followed by o. dance, ales ittAltVIN, Wholesale Druggists,. Toledo, is less. than half a. cent a. Mile, . Irelland's eolonies are sixty ee- whert"the young -------------- of the to-, ' • twleo a daY, and thousands enlY Veleitim2,)ellilt?lre,ntwirg Ol . oriee lee. per the system. bottle. Sold' by eit druggists. Ball's Vemily Inns are tee best. directly upon the blood 'was se also on this ocension, for FeW peopiu India eat more than nallY. acting shop., and Art this,: 'Mannar. 'be, 'lleed 'nevet.be ,aireivd.oft;filiel To in. is 4lie-u.se Of, Pcircati. 1)1 ick ..0(4,41'• Xt; is liow-"taiisideret1 that. div•naany parts. Of "tfia..e'atiney efeevillebe.fprineibtO, to de. Witlitiiitr co al:;en-Viit.e0.:_b5teith0 of these' briokeoe ' filmy .co.neis'teeira- ply of a earii,ation 'peroet.S•letielt • s eetk- ed.' in coal oil and IN TI•let C-RATter OR STONtE. - the ln-vernerre Gaelic (Awn. melee all competitors at the mod to spene i 011" - It costs $75,000 to run a big the rest of the night in dancing high- I liner from Liverpool to Now laud reds.. which they did with sukai i zweau hearty good will that the morrow I York and hack. The hide of n. cow produces about ,was between four and five hours old! before these "merry dancere" patted:3;51h' 01 leather; that of a horse amid many friendly threats as to i about 131b. the destination of next Near s, prizes, whieloare to be competed for in the ancient seaport town of Greenock. bee of Frb.ittlyT. im-lniting=...the,OciAi•t4.40,4rmen; the Conitahni . 0'Pe• ;-1-1•14"4004°0'11Yr Polish women are engem, at wor as navvies axi the dams, now' being constructed near Ilredetetit. Schles- wig, Prtissia. Russian. railways are the most dangerous in the world. 'I'hlrty per- sons in every million passengers are either 'tilled or hurt. France, though supposed to be the roost highly cultivated country, has 21,000.000 amps 'of forest and 1.7.,- r.400.090 of waste land.. e Railways in Itollend are so care- fully managed, aisle. the aticideneal deaths On them average ienlye one' a year ter'the entire couotry...e: ' Tbeldegrde .of olvilimatiOn attained by Turkey may be judgedfrom the fteet 'that the Turkish postal systed has only 424 Pillar -boxes fru:et:ha as`e Of the public. ' t • ,• • An Austrian colonel has jugst.,died,, leaving. to the, Army Illepetize,tViett- ria, a collection of 50000 debloier- roadie s'oldiars in' th.e 'uniforms, -Of meet • arinies, ',past and -Present. The largest carpet -in.; the; waEld 40ft. in breadth and contaang 5fiet ea.0:0,00 stitc.hes. It took ';;ev„ieliteer eight men. `over fotirteen .monthb .; to ntake it. It is now ' tit,eWiedsor• Casa `Muth better bricks are those made of asbegteSe'llieee areoitt:on 'Usually.. three -are .•.--bought at one tinte, sa, that, one can be, cooling, while'X,second. burns, and a thi.r..1„ia,„so,,alq..14.01r: F1'ach brick - burns. for hour at .a White heat, anerwhilfsti.,aoalcing;'. absorbs a, pint Oeqt.tatlellartr' whore: -oilF'daschaaA/V.,441So 4.$44oT.,atalci away! the inost economi.cal fuel in the SENTENCE SERMONS. The false must fail. , The downward road is not so downy. Ile gives twice who gives thought- fuTib'll*e. senses `aro. the 'windows of the soul, • • • ' weeed. . • . lier/iite are tete lights of the Ile Who' late ito'fbes- ill) extend to Worry ..i.ttlle.-wor,stovpli tllat .comes to olr1 Doctor Was-Pnelsedoey His Own Case, ,•tqf-rxid)Tinle It's', easy leetee; odin- aly pabple getefooterU by coffee evoen doctors ,ehenaselvee!soinetimes. forget the ^fadef.J. A physician Speaks 'of his own -.en- perieace ``I had usedilqqffee for years and .r.delLY:44.1-1PSA exactly believe it was ,inj14.Wg,'411911q0.14141.1k4 118-6. VOPit- 11(am-of; thslkhem•t,,;every ,day. thc altolt: Poll,t4?4,Y" f?Kttle(Aofrigo:0:ili CO ort '.C.rntrnii"O and 1., 'aiter'Ilieattit Prnall'atiOn. of Bli 1 -s (22 Small w 0 rider 'that; tile out going '1.110:11eP'.i'liP-'r;strgerii•S•• Pt " kattilitotair\Cliiiii.. Load. Tgayor., should brgaihe a sigh '01 are connectod mrith. the liouSes of -oliet iviien ,it i,r..1‘ at last 6:von :' ' ' --$abscribera.. ,- .., 0,91:1,1„:.: ,iairr,,, is „: f crepe& 'Net it in, Wortfly of note, that; only throUgh, • the pip ,e.:ti,"reill'etit . SI ac e. - i770 has ': a, Lcid Mayor threAgh i...116- 11011.,*eTr#4, Ifli.dr.- sain'e WAY died during, iii,S ,,'S• -or droPtice. .--2-11?eat'!.- in which steam is in' heating ..;-,qp._. ,son's wol,fy,. ,, - '., pla,,e,---.a.iici afterwards is fe!‘(.: 'Off .in, a - 'waSts.'i.-ilbe', , ,..13,y tlIe"thetho'd:s',INVItich.' .ar..eoriere,,P,' (1'"'1).t,9-ci, 'r,? -'..t',. -is; cIA„ h'i,e7d-...'fi'',4'tr, "Finally,. one, day p. severe and ''al- xntost fatal, attaak of heart trouble fx*1itene,4 -.me and . gee* •im beth Ife,at 0tilTee, uSijag Peetl.tingeac.1 solutely no 'heart' paipitatien iegeept, tried a sinall quantity- of coffee „ ,Praved, .'nettsti'„leteit„elene. 'and. since i',.hat^,-,ebiee 1 hllll4ab- ca,114,r1 TkrYeltiiit4i0,11 -!and .t•teIrOXIS goteeeetiseeeenet 'lord, ,re it, admits -, that ; lut ider. -the were.tI2¼-d not ob.: gr. 0.4.0., .s a!: ca..' eari- 'elb '0.1e.S''' NV el' "VC.je'.4 three . years in the cci.,.sEirtry 01-1;! i'eitirficiei • .•.:Itis"ri.ord- ' '11 C-f-e'j10. • 110010 - in which, Eberth's bacillus of typhoid fever was being cultIvated. She swallowed the contents of the tuhee with the result of meriting a beau- tifully trilleal attack of typhoid. A ieature of this method Of self-des- truction which will incline to make it unpopular with tramps. is that, in the course of tonternent of the fever, as NVI1S the ease with this young wellean, frequent cold baths are giv- en. The woman became ill at the end of ten dayS and in the course, ot the disease received 176 baths. She eventually' recovered. lation, put him on Crutches- . Smith, dairymen, a Grimsby, Ont. "My-114am were elmeet ;review* *cietice etal theliMathre, WI! AO. %Me% Ter teem- for piles:clans., must five the credit where it heleugs. cured man Malay, and South Amen - AA Waeurnatta Ceps mast have all the credit. IV* a, he -PA. -by do you look, so worried, Ilertio? Did palatt (deject?'" Dertie but be satd, 'It's all right; retell soon find out its tteeleas to object -when Neli is et on atly. " tMluies t itci SOUND REASONING, "They say the way to a rt Se through hie etenue.cli," d berglar to himself; "and on tht same prirtelple the way. into his holm I brough his peutry. ' re he softly raieed the 'window d crawled inside. Be Wes philosopher and a talk- er. She was a woman of action. They stood' together en the brietssil and weetehed a tug tbat Was luttehig a long -line ,eUttarges trp rivet., "Look' there, --illy-dear," sald -"Such is life. The tug is like the aeopmeamgolow. man, working and toiling, while the barges, likolho woinen, are ---a." ttnims•-e"And, Charlie, (leer, would wife gave lark.' MO gale to finish the Y" have really shot Y°ursjii it tivsentednVes*, l'utrewb)."0:,hinegshard. "the: hIawould. ser/I liYaodula"lrettedllYttisleis-nt 'tIonfdeeteadr bargee bear all the bm,dert." 'Sta,ylate-"May I have a kiss be - TARE NOTICE. During the year the space devoted to advertising MINARD'S LINI- MENT will contain expressions of no uncertain sound from people who speak from personal experience as to the merits of tide best of limner hold Remedies. • t -f itioua Alta Beano c 4S-21 pATENTs Tiqt,sPE111 satosteur=animatnatat TrAtD,Mettot anrIrei•••••.. fore I go?" Miss Weary --"If I give V' one will you really go?" Mloarth Unimerit .11tes Molly--"Ilow does she make out limorti's Mint Gums gargei gows.- : 'Fond Mother -lam -goo' ig give that•elin'e OnlY Sly.enterethree?" I)011Y -"She says she only reaily began to. dear little Johnny a "tirttni." Fond live'. when. slieMeti her huabendt! Inge--Prottamedeqateeeh peoduces deaf-. relief in orradaye encl. in a very short while int,tralaY fgt. Dinrrliesn. 'Is•enty..ilve cents a bottla "des.frali lift hinilentlrelyI..lt iii11 do as i''„,714747_,EtWxgritt,Ilat3041:gaii;;.,,V)).,,n•TI 111.4.14foriVous4 CHENILLE. OURTAI NS wed all klub et betuellf,nilrmiilie ODBILINS °"811%%Ileir" Writoto as stout rms. AldeRICMI OYOUtla CO., Sox 15/4 mahatma! BASTEDO'S " xTr:R:AttA"' Nat IF3liCIMILII0 Fatlier-"Then I will give him.. bea*rtelis Voaiiii Stand-, 1°.1-lf0," ness in many cases. Capt. Connor', of , For Over 5ixty,;Viate- Toronto, Canada, was deaf for xa Years froth 160; YrnroLovr's SooTnnio SiEretithii"O been need by', .anillionsea mothers tor ettilic teetinng.., Catarrli: All treatmeats failed' to rAeve." Algiletire tifirrhal 'Powider gave him igaltdot,igggeg,,tzPeer.t.tagulinlitici - - JUDICIOUS FLAT%T‘t..YL.4 Iridignant Mairlexr--`Mihrat I r..f.1?risoner, halre you , 'tipr Sonie of the cod lines. uSefl .1-n f tire 33ritisle,reihing intustey. GOO fathoms pr eeelinaeyemilee, having 4.,6go hdolte.' the whole Coatieg; hosoneet 'cedes, 111.0(10 t9,50. "te-- Life ',•z; ItSSuranee' ecenpanies:tejoot about three-fourths of. the applicant$ Whi3 haV'S been gynix' becatismit ga,s found that most of there- harie Strained theiritearts .;by axres- sive ,exercise." . • 'the 41,41,4a.tiOrt ' pf ". C-ISOat; '- Britain tend for onteleg. Wertivo extra. veine. Row 'Furs add ElOrtairNE. Sena tor erica e3t Tglifirit IN ALL Wig * GOUNTRIE% R I ID 0 T & ATTENTION To PATEACT _os um:venom tale ler naneesot las Say St4TORONTO err patent% Stra. DOITIiniOn LitIO Stearnshipa IVientrea1 to Ilavorpoo) UostoO trO LiVorpOol Trrago pod Vot Stammslimo. Superior oteotunorlottotx forts atom otpa.sonsers. 84opos owl Staterooms aroutulathiplE. Sper.loir.tteationbas botn given to tha Second Saloon arid Third-elocs oceouniso!lotion. rotror eaorpossav mud all pqtiettlars; %poly' to 507 spa of the Onnipanp, or to passengor agent. DOMINION LINE alt$MES: Boatel& 11,1a., , • Poultry KIDID8 OP . meme„b,y trying to kiss nap?" Gommeicet„ 'going to popeee."Itosiimes. ,ip esstontary to saaup,le o*oods before bidding , for fit k`c,,r1ki . wa.ireg,ao,uting...P.9t1;14.,:.,. it did not ntirlaa it accor:di2et,0 dire'e- ttons-,-.b:;ntr,4 -the D,Ok 13011111g tile •Uii;Pts'i'',X4!140,iaaPPear klen,ce 'May, be. kept- .a1• 0.-a'tilte 'She 'yrr. tole year toitncr:.• • • , are, conceiineci. , Paris -bas birth ..nov .„ '40,, me, Tht anfe' iS7piayed -On a. .smail table tiPad to, ii,V,dilvillf0dan •to Ygnelt. tarried ''ete and put out ; eaalt 'end!te1tei0e Peetteinete!,150ik.' ufl '1;6 'O.171Iii4 0AiOlgr,5;,d1.Vre-S. tire,t/tOf)O1,. :•131:.°‘'vn itave',:adn'settaai*rear ineeeet:ebf :ray triendsi:, atid;P:ati.ents Ott 'erhile-.1toetereteoe.,eeeee, daily,,,g!e-er ;this by .Pos d ,,,e34•Aratgge many ,eitscincl -Pos tuna' ace opiitee IlI their o ..ho ¼V22" 25? to lUte uoiiTeletitn! ilie;•pasi.dity-eight •.,4=? The 109 Pa15-e015. "Ph ere 0..? reasonefi'' ' "A. teinciIrkabla"-'4 'Attie `-i.yo' MIMS ',10.A1111:441p,SakaS,„ 'Oath tifil[imit tures ,littempn, ,sa3r ;ficiur ? i 10;.:d.' • It" comforts Iran to Dino* ihaVorie' Wise man on.` the bench can undo rau0a of the mis- '013,ief wrought by twelve idiots in Lthejurybox.u.,,,,-- • • • ..• • ,...• • 'Whereupon_ the judge gave him :light sentence. - ; THE 012EDIENT TYPINE. '63 • ...The chief was crogs that inoilaing 10L,. Width on • .the Pretty „.yKvinlacly Who, manipula..ted, the t'yPeWriter.. farAyeayeleing.fe-14,!conti-010,0.onny desk'," ''S.aid teStily,. 0,1*aY1s ACC 01 !A1 ¼2221 V TO ITS ..tOND MON:- V the ileart, tire hlo -puntp, of the t. tItee Uostet that, ,you don't want 'anything ...,dietuirbect there,"!. e ' re- sP'`a'1Vrta.Celicl,' my Papers disturbed, but *1.- .•don't • want, 'this sheet of 'postage -stamps lett there." "Where shall I put thein '?" she , aomprely as she took them "ljoat.' t ask 80 ' inany• he snapped% ,`•,`Ptit th ;Where t out, of my „ , "Very well. ". Slao SOitly as a do -v -e: And licking them wit e t rod tongue., she stuck the, his bald head Ind sack a ne"W'' eitaa,tion. iruman system, is . - order the ,noryes are starved for want 01 lilbod 2ild • irtdPCltl0n„ sleeplessness, 2loh-1012d- C11C 1121211 er 212(1 nervousness are the result. Dr fitrpovil.t Tioart Cure re- lieves heart -diSease i 130 ruinut•e; ellieS tan ci strengthens the "email 'se; -that rleh bided eourges through :the veins Etna health veigns' where- diseaseW401 su- pronae. The bettor the ,bloail the more Iigerous the health': ilarety-nine out of a hundred heio'fs ate weak or rr-Ty!„, , dEseased: Tile- first ; close of .A.gnatv's kleart Cure relieves. • ..Or. Agnew'er Liver Pills cure Sy& , ins, locZ, The thousands of people who write to me saying that hilo 712 xma reTek e Lg7fenic'1,,: . cured theta of elirrinic , cannot all bemistaken. !Ther,e.nuist be:triith intl Trtrf.- khettle Ott theat'ettigh ofte,q.se!' Butter, FRUITS' And Farm Pro.L Ego osy ri 3 consign it to us a1 we will get - Aptilpsio you goo: Th r'ic 'Dawson Commisaton 004, :- .Z•• !m.TEh e a riA:at iLeLst Book of the Year. , Preens 5c., 50c. and $1.00 WELLS ar. CO. Toro 0, Can. 1..triny, NS. F00111 THE HEDatg,sANo Ileetalfellyelexeed 'fib green leather, I.. stamped in ".gOdi.".; PRICE $1,00 • .44 The Anon Publishing Co., of Can-, ada are issuing a series of Volumes. comhiled :froin'afe Newtspapers- and, Magazines of the day. The First VOlunle is no- ,ready,• an!d. bo 802112 .1 or Onif. iijoitar with !Qryilege of returning, if 'oi'der to ecure •2121121201e8 tOr tha Eutbsequent volumes the publisherS' -.Lire oiteling • TE THSAN1 CASH tor NeiVS0aper, periodical and :Maga- rine Clippings from which to 4se1ecti0ns. Capy 3�ok, Prosptctus, co, enairnair tisi 1wrtte 12. 0 Dra,q(14,, mon.trbai; "dandda., , Issue 2-04,