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Clinton News-Record, 1987-12-30, Page 16
DEIVID EMSLIE Resolutions I do hereby solemnly resolve... To tell you the truth, I'm not really sure exactly what my New Year's resolution should be this year. Last year, as you might recall, 'I semi -resolved to quit smoking, and to get myself back into shape. I was semi - successful. That is to say, for about the first four or five months (or maybe only two or three) I rid myself of my cigarette habit, and worked fairly diligently on getting back into shape. However, after a bit, my resolve broke down. I began with me telling myself I'd just have a cigarette at par- ties, or when I was on a long drive. Then it went something like, "I worked hard today, I deserve a smoke." Once my summer vacation rolled around, and I was going out to see my old friends, I was back at it full time. One point though, over the time I quit and started again, I at least switched from a strong brand of smokes to extra lights. Now to the sporting part of this sports column...getting into shape. That resolution went basically the same way as the smoking one. For Christmas last year I received a rowing machine, along with a floor mat for exercising. After quitting smoking, I went at these two pieces of equipment with a passion. Alternating rowing one night, and floor exercises another, I think I was getting somewhere. Then my diligence started to fade. I would get home from working a night and tell myself that since I worked, I really shouldn't have to work out. After a while, I got very good at mak- ing up excuses not to do any exercising. Next thing you know, my rowing machine is standing up in the corner collecting dust, and my floor mats are stuffed under a counter in my spare room. So, the question is whether or not I should try out these resolutions again this year. Perhaps it would be better to tackle them one at a time. Maybe if I can get back into shape, the quitting smoking will come naturally. As I'm already considering joining Clintofl's new squash and fitness facili- ty (if there are any spots left), that could . be a big move in the right direction. I know from my experience with ra- quetball that raquet court sports can be pretty painful to an out of shape smoker. Those first few times on the courts I thought my lungs were surely going to collapse. My rowing machine should, also be taken down and dusted off. Right now it's a waste of good machinery to have it standing in the corner, holding up the walls. Therefore, I guess I can say that I solemnly resolve to get in shape this year, and maybe (I stress maybe) quit smoking again. Wish me luck. Recreation Section Just a little note to let the area sports fans and contributors know that the new recreation pages will once again be shifted to the inside pages of the newspaper. We are hoping to have at least one full page inside the paper specifically for sports, as well as one or two others to follow m each week's addition. Even though recreation has been moved, it doesn't mean that I need any less contributed news. Over the weeks the recreation section seemed to grow as more and more information was received here. Hopefully this growth pattern will continue, or at least remain at the same level at which it currently stands. Thanks to everyone for making the new section work. One last thing...Happy New Year. Pink Flamingos .lead Tuesday Tuesday Afternoon Ladies Nancy's Pink Flamingos 78 Grace's Geese 77 Roy's Ravens 77 Mary's Magpies 77 Lexie's Larks 76 Helen's Old Crows 72 Evelyn's Eagles 72 Ruby's Robins 71 Nancy Atkinson was the top bowler for the ladies on December 22 with the high single of 298, the high triple of 733 and the high average of 208. The hidden score prizes donated by Dixie Lee Chicken were won by Marj Carter and Candace Elliott. Those ladies who bowled games over 200 included: Cathy Mustard, 200; Candace Elliott, 201; Helen Faber, 201; Lexie Murch, 201, 225; Roberta Plumsteel, 203; Iva Boyes, 212; Lois Gibbings, 224; Mert Elliott, 225; Hilda Semple, 228; Pat Roy, 235; Pat -Taylor, 237; Wynne Homuth, 238; Iva Reid, 233, 231; Edythe Beacom, 261; Nancy ftoy, 273; Gladys Telford, 292; Nan- cy Atkinson, 225, 210, 298; Sheila Keys, 252. Tuckersmith Mixed Jenny's Jewels 82 Rose's Rubies 80 Marion's Diamonds 76 Freda's Pearls 72 Ann's Amethyst 70.5 Stien's Sapphires 69 On December 21, JoAnn de Weerd had the high single with 282, as well as the high triple at 585, while Stien de Weerd had the high average of 189. For the men, Tony Fidom had the high single of 221 and the high triple of 618, while Angus Hummel had the high average of 203. Bowling games over 200 were: JoAnn de Weerd, 282; Marianne Snieder, 232; Marion Snieder, 211; Romayne McClin- chey, 212; Diane Bruinsma, 201; Tony Fidom, 221, 220; Angus Hummel, 202; Jack Snieder, 205; Andrew Kaastra, 215; Nick Heykoop, 206. owlers Londesboro and Area Ladies The Blue Jays The Loonies The Dodos The Hummingbirds The Orioles 72 64 53 48 44 The Cuckoo Birds 34 Trudy Pollard had the high single for the ladies on December 22 with 241, while Helen Hutchings had both the high triple and the high average with scores of 647 and 203 respectively. In the runner-up posi- tions, Helen Hutchings had the high single with 241, while Dorothy Airdrie had the high triple at 553 and Janet Taylor had the high average of 194. The most improved bowler was Marj Marshall with plus 18, and the runner-up was Dorie Blake with plus 16. Those ladies who bowled games over 200 included: Trudy Pollard, 251; Dorothy Air- drie, 204; Josie McGregor, 203, 206; Helen Hutchings, 201, 205, 241; Janet Taylor, 221; Colleen Maloney, 226. Blessing of the Crib at St. James By Blanche Deeves MIDDLETON - On December 24 the Blessing of the Crib was held in St. James Middleton Anglican Church with Rev. Aubrey Bell officiating. Holy Communion was celebrated at the Christmas Eve service held in St. James' with a good attendance. Ron Greidanus was at the organ. Rev. Aubrey Bell officiated. Conrad Schilbe lit the candle on the Advent Wreath. Paul Aldwinkle and Don Middleton received the offering. The Service of Nine Lessons and carols was held in St. James' Middleton Anglican Church on December 27 at 11 a.m. with Rev. Hoggarths gla Mr. and Mrs. Al Hoggarth were glad to have their family with them for the holidays, Greg, Paul and Janet. On Christmas afternoon the Hoggarths went back to the Bluewater Rest Home to visit with Al's mother Ruby Hoggarth. Mrs. Hog- garth's sister Janet and mother from England called early on Christmas Day Mary Broadfoot, a former Kippen resi- dent, was able to return from the hospital in time to spend Christmas with her family. On Sunday, December 27 she spent the evening with Murray and Allison Connolly and their daughter Amanda. Mattie McGregor, who is spending the winter in Maplewood Manor in Seaforth, spent Christmas Saturday with her son John and his wife Mary. Also present were John and Mary's daughter Carol and her husband Aubrey Bell officiating. Readers for the lessons were Ralph Welsh and Hilda Bell. Ralph Welsh received the offering. The congregation of St. James' thanks Anita Vander Haar for her beautiful decora- tions in the church this Christmas. Personals Don and Audrey Middleton had a great Christmas with 19 sitting for dinner. Lois and Edward Wise had their family home for Christmas. Just Brenda and her family from Matheson couldn't make it. Ray and Estelle Wise had their family home for Christmas holidays as well. Vera and Keith Miller had their family of 16 home for Christmas dinner. Delores and Alvin travelled to Cornwall to have Christmas with their daughter Arelene and husband Bill and grandsons. Edward, Blanche and John Deeves travelled to Chatham for Christmas where 18 sat down for Christmas dinner at the Coopers. The ACV will meet in the church hall on January 14 at 8 p.m. Devotions will be con- ducted by Lois Wise and Phyllis Aldwinkle. Lunch will be provided by Deeves and Vera Miller. Church Care and Chancel for January is Lois Wise and Phyliss Aldwinkle. d to have whole family home Kevin Scott, and Dave and Terry McGregor Bob and Frances Kinsman of London were in the Kippen area over the Christmas holidays visiting for several days with their family, Lyle and Julie Kinsman, Dwight and Faye Kinsman -and their sons, Jacob, Luke and Daniel, and John and Karen Kinsman and their family, Michelle, Richard, Jeff and Andrew. Noni Jacobi was happy to have her family return over the Christmas holidays. Visiting with Noni were sons Harry, John and his wife June, Bryce and his wife Barbara. Also present were Noni's grandchildren, Jen- nifer, Jacqui, and Rob and his friend Linda, and Lisa and Chris Jacobi. Gesa Wisch travelled from Waterloo and Kai Wisch returned from Lindsay to spend Christmas with their parents Thea and Uwe. Pee Wees settle back into game winning ways, Christmas guests with Mrs. Emerson Kyle were son Jim and his friend from Kit- chener, grandaughter Debbie Jane Kyle from Halifax, and Mrs. Wilmer McClinchey from Varna. Jennifer and Brad Oulton along with their son Nigel and daughter Hayley spent their first Christmas in Canada after emigrating from Wales earlier in the year. Visitors with the Oultons over the holidays were cousins Ruth and Ron Howard from Kippen and friends Stu and Betty Taylor also from Kippen, and an aunt Alice Rogers from Goderich. Three daughters of Simone and Marcel Vanneste returned home to spend Christmas in Kippen. Linda and her hus- band Dave from Montreal, Brenda from London, and Diane from Oakville, where she is attending college. After a loss to Parkhill in the Lambeth Tournament, the Clinton Pee Wees settled back into their winning pattern by defeating Milverton'1- 5 in Milverton on December 22. Clinton began the scoring with Scott McClenaghan scoring on a pass from Dan- ny Wildfong, at 6:45 of the first period. Milverton answered with Tim Knechtel's goal, near the end of the first period. With only 34 seconds remaining in the period, Shawn Chipchase scored for Clinton and again Danny Wildfong made the assist. The only goal in period two was scored by Rob Consitt on an unassisted rush, giving Clinton a 3 - 1 lead after two periods. The third period saw four more Clinton goals and four for Milverton. Scoring for Clinton were: Shawn Phip- chase, unassisted; Jason Carter, unassisted; Danny Wildfong, assisted by Chipchase; Rathwell; Carter. from Chipchase. Silver Stick Tournament The Pee Wees travelled to Ripley to face a team from Hespeler in the first game of the Pee Wee Silver Stick Tournament. They will face Wingham and Tiverton on December 29 to decide whether they may advance further. This tournament aims to promote inter- national goodwill. For 27 years youngsters in Canada and the United States have been vying to bring home the precious silver treasure. Clinton 4 - Hespeler 1 The first team Clinton faced on Monday afternoon in Ripley Arena, was a strong Hespeler squad. At 5:03, Hespeler's Terry Lowry started off the scoring. Mark Livermore of Clinton, took a pass from Jason Carter and Shane MacDonald, to even things up. With one second remaining on the clock for the first period, Scott Jewitt scored the go-ahead goal for Clinton on a play from Scott McClenaghan and Rob Consitt. Rob Consitt consolidated Clinton's lead at 1:27 of the second period on passes from Shawn Chipchase and Scott Rathwell. This was the only second period goal. With four minutes remaining in the game Scott Jewitt scored on an unassisted rush to complete the 4 -1 tally for Clinton. Win over Milverton extends Atom streak. The Clinton Atom A hockey team travell- ed to Milverton on December 14 and returned home with a sound 9-4 victory. Playing with only three defencemen and six forwards proved no handicap, as Clin- ton dominated the first two periods of play. Scoring at the end of the second period stood at Clinton 8 - Milverton 3. Third period play was closely contested, each team allowing one additional goal. Improvement in passing plays kept Clin- ton in control of the Milverton squad, off- setting their significantly improved skating. Goals were scored for Clinton by: Mike Hohner, four; Nate Burns, three; Ryan Crawford, one; Bryan Watson, one. Assists were by: Scott Lobb, four; Ryan Crawford, two; Paul Vandendool, two; Bryan Watson, two; Ben Lobb, one; Nate Bums, one. WINTER SWIM PROGRAM '88 starts JANUARY 11, 1988 at VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE (2 miles South of Clinton) CALL 482-3544 FOR TIMES AND TO REGISTER "A Happy an Healthy New Year To All" Clinton 8 - Mitchell 2 The Clinton Atom A's played their third regular season game against Mitchell on December 19, in Mitchell. Their win gives them two games won, Mitchell one. Playing short one forward, Clinton didn't manage to score during the first period, but Mitchell found the net once. Second period play found Clinton's se- cond wind and four goals for the hard play- ing squad swept them past Mitchell's addi- tional one. Clinton did an excellent job of out - skating Mitchell throughout the game, and goaltenders Dan Gibbings and Jeremy Sherle provided top-notch net protection. Clinton goal scorers were: Mike Hohner, three; Nate Burns, two; Ryan Crawford, two; Scott Lobb, one. Gaining assists in the game: Scott Lobb, three; Ryan Crawford, two; Mike Hohner, two; Ben Lobb, two; Ken Colquhoun, one; Paul Vandendpol, one. ANNOUNCEMENT 1 am very pleased to an- nounce to our patients that dur- ing my absence, Dr. Earl Sawyer, D.C., a close friend, has consented to continue my prac- tice beginning January 4th, 1988. Dr. Sawyer has conducted successful practices for many years and is completely qualified to provide the finest in chiropractic services. Appointments 482-3481.// Wood, SIood, D.C. ET NifffSPRYTOfTNcr 1'O The 2nd Annual DICKER DAYS Dec. 26 to Jan. 3 SO SPECIAL You'll want to drive to Dicker with us! 1 Mile South of Myth, on Hwy. 4 0 O LADIES' FALL & WINTER 30©/® 011 0 GLITTER of the NEW YEAR 2 pc. dresses Sweaters & Separates ('519) 523-4595 OPEN DAILY MONDAY TO 'SATURDAY 9.6 9`-6 SUNDAYS CLOSED NEW YEAR'S DAY 'Major Cards Iekcome camp') Ill en* w plain ammo, . canton 462.732 Main Corner Clinton 482,4732 SALE STARTS Wednesday December 30th December 31 st Saturday January 2nd