HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-12-23, Page 13Hensall Public p
Hensall Public School delighted its guests
Wednesday, December 26 with the message
Christmas is.., the birth of Christ, candles,
elves, Christmas trees and rejoicing in song
and dance.
The balance of the program was perform-
ed by the Kindergarten to Grade 4 classes
with a finale given in song by the Senior
The evening reminded people Christmas
is the Birth of Christ, as Mrs. Telford's class
re-enacted the Nativity scene. The audience
felt close to the action as the Three Wise
Men walked through the audience and up on
to the stage.
Christmas all were told is a candle - a
symbol of joy. Mrs. Strang's class spoke a
Christmas message in rhyme as they walk-
ed up on stage carrying lit candles.
The next phase of the program centered
around a small Christmas tree which was
visited by a family, snowmen and
snowflakes, a rabbit and a squirrel. Mrs.
Horner's class delivered their lines en-
thusiastically and the dancing snowflakes
were very picturesque. The tree which had
aspired to be tall and great with shining star
found it was happy protecting the forest
animals. the theme of sharing and giving of
one's self was beautifully protrayed.
forms Christmas is ...
The ate) : phere was brightened with the
prancing � Mrs. Preszcator's little elves.
Decked au in brilliantly colored costumes
the elves ., ced out a Tap Tap Tap tune and
showed st books and teddy bears.
A flaw 'ss square dance by Mrs.
Hoelscher; class was next on the agenda.
The sure oices rang out cheerful songs of
hglly and mistletoe, a song of sleigh bells
nic accompaniament, and a
of snowflakes with the sound of
h rh
cheery so
jingle bell
e eve ing closed with the well trained
voices of a senior choir, under the direc-
tion of Mr Revinton.
The prgram was hosted by Katie
Rathwell find Shelly Gardner who did an ex-
cellent Oil of delivering each message of
Chrislma Of particular note were the sets -
a result ofthe deligence of Lorena Fink and
Angela M `r.
David lrthcott effectively operated the
curtail and Sean Kyle did a fine job of coor-
dinating things back stage.
The entire evening was filled with festive
music barks to pianist Deb Wood.
High wihners for December 15's shuf-
fleboari were: Bruce Watson 352, Dave
Woodward, 315, John Pepper 287 and Alf
Ross 266.
Margaret Mole visited her son Bob, his
wife Betty and family at Dungannon over
the weekend and attended the Senior Citizen
Christmas dinner on Monday. On the way
home she called on her brother Warner and
Jean Andrews of Auburn.
The fourteen residents enjoyed a lovely
Christmas potluck dinner and each other's
company on Monday evening.
Comes pasing of another year,
The Hensall writers wish you cheer.
We hope that we have served you well,
And brought you news, your hearts to
Our goal - to give a glimpse of life,
From schools to political strife.
Is meant to inform the readers,
Of neighbors and social leaders.
The joys and triumphs of each one,
Is shared in print - a victory won.
We'd like to spread the news far'n'wide,
And perpetuate Huron pride.
For you we will report our best,
And try to meet every request.
Merry Christmas is wished to you,
And thanks for being our readers true.
Prondo Mni'nnrf_P,,lh,ni
Christmas program at WI meeting
The Walton Women's Institute members
enjoyed a Christmas Program for their
December meeting at their hall, Wednes-
day evening.
President, Helen Craig opened the
meeting with a poem, "Christmas Wishes"
and conducted the business. Margaret
Shortreed was pianist. Minutes were read
and correspond Ince. Members answered
the Roll Call with a line of their favorite
Christmas music.
Thirteen members took part in the
Christmas Program consisting of songs,
recitation, a play, and duet, and several
carols. Marion Godkin read "Santa
Retires in Florida". Helen Craig closed
with a poem, "Crooked Little Tree" follow-
ed by a gift exchange. A tasty lunch was
served by hostesses.
"A Festival of Lights" was the theme for
the presentation the Walton Public School
pupils put on for their concert, held in the
basement of Duff's United Church, Thurs-
day afternoon. The program consisted of a
welcome, introduction by Chad McCallum
and Brad Hoegy.
The First Christmas put on by the
Kindergartens. Introduction by Brian
Hawks, Ben Finlayson, Dennis Rykhoff,
Catherine Bourne, Jillian Houston. Song -
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Angels were
Wendy Glauser, Amy Shortreed, Alicia
Dalton, Theresa Pryce, Melissa Dube,
Amanda Comeau, Catherine Bourne,
Pamela Elliott and Sandra McNichol.
Song - 0 Star of Wonder. Mary and Joseph
were played by Jillian Houston and Dennis
Rykhoff. Choral reading, song - There was
a little Baby, Shepherds were Bradley
Shortreed, Bradley Somerville, Matthew
McLellan, Justin McGuire, Brina Hawks,
Justin Neault, Ben Finlayson and Fraz
Khan. Song - Out on the hills. Wisemen
were: Christopher Siemon, Jason Mac-
ao-Donald, Darren Neault. Song Away in a
Manager and Wind through the Olive
Canadian Customs by Grade one. In-
troduction by Armand Dube and Jennifer
Lubbers. Christmas Symbols by Barry
Comeau, Jason Thompson, Ellen
Workman, Sarah McLellan, Melissa Har-
rison, Jamie Emmrich, Jamie Smith, Ker-
rie McClure and Kevin Bernard. Songs
sung were - 0 Christmas Tree, Silver Bells
and Santa Claus is coming to town. A
medley of Christmas Carols were Deck the
Halls, Silent Night and Joy to the World.
Taking part in the Christmas Candle
Dance were Robbie Mitchell, Theresa Mc-
Clory, Kevin Bernard, Janice McCallum,
Nicholas Den Haan, Carali McCall, Dar-
rell Dalton and Abby Dietz.
St. Lucia Day Swedish Festivals of
Lights was put on by Grade two. Narrators
were Loni Horst, Mark Beuerman, Chad
Hoegy, Justin Bourne, Matthew Shortreed,
Sherry Power, Kelly Boven and Craig
Somerville. Cast were Boy -Brent Pryce,
Girl -Melissa Pinkney, Mother -Stephanie
MacDonald, Father -Jason Badley, boy -
review family
Christmas dinner
Queensway residents met Monday in the
activity room for Coffee Hour. They had a
great time reviewing their family
Christmas Dinner and program which had
taken place Sunday. Everyone agreed it had
been a successful day.
Tuesday afternoon residents welcomed
Rev. Van Essen as he led the worship
On Wednesday several residents enjoyed
playing games and listening to Christmas
tapes in the sun room. The Pioneer Girls of
Exeter Pentecostal Church were unable to
be there due to the inclement weather and
residents hope they will be able to
reschedule in the new year.
Thursday the film "Huckleberry Finn was
shown in the dining room. It was a nostalgia
afternoon as most everyone had read the
book, or seen the movie in their childhood.
Thursday evening Queensway staff enjoyed
their annual Christmas dinner at
Hessenland, with owners Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Osimek present. They also said farewell to
Leila Hay, R.N., who has retired after 14
years of service. Leila will be missed by
residents, staff and administration alike for
her caring and efficient manner.
Friday morning residents gathered in the
activity Room for Fun and Fitness and
loosened up a few of the kinks. Residents
feel this is one of the most beneficial
Everyone would like to extend sympathy
to the families of the late Asa Deeves and
Laura Justice. They will be missed by all at
Brent HHselgrove, Lucia -Erin Siemon,
Lucia's sister-Loni Horst, Barb Kenney,
Star Ioys-Danny Shpak, Robby Kenney
and JJfi Bourne. Songs sung were St.
Lucia Cozy - Santa Lucice (revision) .
Haniltl:ah - Jewish Festival of Lights
was pit da by Grade three. Narrators were
Valerh Collins, Amy Siemon, Sandy
Rizkhrff and Joshua Dietz. Cast were
Mother by Shannon Davies, Father by
Bradlty Hoegy, Children - Clara Glauser
and Sherry Lyn Hugill. Dance: Tea and
Rice -a dance from Israel consisted of
Mangy Workman, Chad McCallum,
Sherr -Lyn Hugill, Valerie Collins, Clara
Glaus'r, Bradley Hoegy, Amy Siemon,
Collect McCallum and Lee Ann Mc-
Donall. Gongs were My Candles, 0 Hanuk-
kah aidHora Dance Song. Choir sang My
Dreydeand Happy Holidays.
Di all - Indian Festival of Lights by
Grade Wee. Narrators were Jason Shor-
treed, ilee Ann McDonald and Mandy
Wor . Cast was Mother by Colleen
McCall , daughters - Tammy Neil, Uz-
ma, tina Martens, sons - Randy Lin-
ton aid eremy McNichol.
Chine New Year by Grade two. Nar-
ratori ere Tracey Neil, Chad Hoegy,
Mark uerman, Craig Somerville and
Cast: Drummer - Matthew Shortreed,
the Dragon - Brent Haselgrove, Brent
Pryce, Erin Siemon, Chad Hoegy, Jeremy
Bennewies, Sherry Power, Jason Badley,
Loni Horst, Melissa Pinkney. Kite Car-
riers - Robby Kenney, Kelly Boven, Danny
Shpak, Barb Kenney and Tracy Neil.
Lantern Carriers - Jeff Bourne, Mark
Beuerman, Stephanie MacDonald, Kerry
Blake, Craig Somerville, and Justin
Bourne. Songs - Lets go Fly a kite and
Finale with Neil Saur the narrator sing-
ing - "It's a Small World."
Thanks was given to all those that helped
in any way, helped the children share this
splendid production with the large crowd
of parents, Grandparents and friends who
attended this concert.
Six tables of euchre were in play, Thurs-
day at the hall. Prizes were awarded for
High lady - Margery Ritchie, second high -
Mrs. Townsend, low - Alberta Stevens.
High man- John Simpson, second high -
Elmer Townsend, low - Sharon Godkin
(playing as a man) . Lady with a birthday
nearest Christmas - Malinda Johnston,
man with most zeros - Harvey Craig.
Hostesses were Viola Kirkley, Marion
Godkin and Ruth Axtmann.
The next euchre will be held January 21,
The Clinton Public School presented an Old Fashioned Christmas Concert last week.
Mrs. Thomas' Grade 2 class put on a play with Michael Atkinson (seated) playing Tippy
Tom the elf. The Indian at his side is Chris Baldwin. (Anne Chisholm photo)
Four join United Church
By Blanche Deeves
HOLMESVILLE - The Senior choir of the
Holmesville United Church led in the
ministry of music for a full church on
December 20 with Rev. Jim Bechtel
Four young people joined the church.
They were Greg Crawford, Shari Lobb, Jen-
nifer Tyndall and Julie Rutledge. Alice
Porter of the session presented each
member with a Bible. Rev. Bechtel spoke to
the children on Christmas Giving.
There will be a Christmas Eve Service
December 24 at 7:30 p.m. in Holmesville
United Church.
The Enterprising Seniors will meet
January 7 at 2 p.m. in the community centre
in Holmesville.
At this time I would like to wish everyone a
Blessed Christmas and a Very Happy New
Year. I would like to give the same
greetings to all who went on bus trips in 1987
and hope to see you in 1988.
Shop early! This is an outstanding Annual Furniture Sale Event.
Storewide Markdowns.
Interior Decorating
Bookkeeper and Sales
from all of us at Ball & Mutch to all of you. Our best wishes
for a Merry Christmas and all the best in 1988. Thank you for
your continuing trust and patronage.