HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-12-16, Page 9Page 8 —CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1987
I3ayfiId Bugle
The Bayfield Lions Club held their annual turkey bingo on December 14, at the Bayfield
Community Centre. There were 15 turkeys to be won and three shares of the wealth.
Shown here is the Lions Club Treasurer, Gord Graham (left), presenting the evening's
first winner, Edith Burgess, with a turkey. (Paul Rudan photo)
UCW enjoys turkey and trimmings
The Holmesville UCW ladies held their
meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 8.
Call to worship for the Christmas meeting
was John 3:16 read by leader Elaine Bechtel
followed by a prayer.
Marg Yeo read the Scripture, Luke
1:46-55. Elaine gave a reading on Christmas
shopping. The members united in the sing-
ing of Christmas carols. The Wonderful Ex-
citement of Christmas was ready by Betty
Bayfield and Area
We have the equipment for fast and effi-
cient service tractor with front -mounted
blower, and a dump truck and loader for
snow removal. Book now!
The president Charlotte Norman opened
the business meeting with a Christmas
reading. The secretary Betty Stoner read
the minutes and thank you letters were read
from the organizations to whom the group
had sent donations.
The nominating committee submitted the
following names of officers for the term
1988-89: Alice Porter (president), Phyllis
Cox (secretary) , Kay Harris (treasurer),
Mary Yeo and Doris Batking (stewardshi
finance), Bessie Towshend (cards), Letitia
Riddell and Lorene Young (flowers, gifts for
shut-ins), Verna Labb and Luella Yeo
(visiting), Betty Stoner, Elaine Bechtel,
Charlotte Norman and Maxine Johnston
(Christian development), Grace Walter,
Dorothy Whitely and Muriel Grigg ( world
outreach), Isobel Sturdy, Isabel Harris,
Jean Ginn and Olive Bell (social commit-
tee), Ada Tebbutt (manse representative),
Verna Lobb (archives and pianist).
The collection and Christmas stockings
were received.
Ilene and Frank are high euchre winners
ByHelen Owen Januaryso watch out for details. son and the required equipment, erected the
BAYFIELD - The euchre club here met on new Bayfield signat the south end of the
December 9, and the results of the games Minor Hockey Happenings village.
played were as follows: ladies' high - Ilene There were no games played last week, ng
Cleave, ladies' low - Mabel McClinchey, but on December 13 the two Bayfield teams On December 16, the Bayfield Lioness will
lone hands - Jessie Blair. Men's high - Frank went to Zurich. Although the Tykes lost by be presenting their version of A Christmas
McClinchey, men's low - Glen Dowson and 6-3, it was an exciting game with goals Carol at the Huron Day Centre. December
scored by Ryan Bender, Tara Hessell
lone hands - John Lindsay. 17 is a special date, as that evening judges
assisted by Matt McKee and Jeff Turner,
Seniors News will be out to assess prize winners in the
Atoms won their game, 2-0 a shut out
Last Thursday the Diners' Club paid their TheLioness annual competition. The best
second visit to the Captain's Cove and once for goalie Jason Turner, the two goals being decorated homes and businesses will be
scored by Mark Webster and Tyler Hessell.
again enjoyed a delicious meal. This week awarded prizes and the name of the winners
the Club will return to the Bayfield Village Lioness News will be announced next week.
Inn on December 17. Members of the Bayfield Lioness enter- December 19 is the date for the annual
This will be the last one before Christmas tained residents at the Clan Gregor Apart- children's Christmas party which is being
and its a good time to thank our hosts for the ments on December 10 and concluded their held at the community centre at 2 p.m. A
good food and hospitality, and to thank their performance of Christmas music with lively program including movies, treats and
staff and wish them all a Happy Christmas homemade refreshments. a visit from Santa Claus are all part of the
with best wishes for the hew year. On December 12 members of the Lions proceedings which will conclude with the
The luncheon schedule will be resumed in and Lioness, helped by Dave Johnston, his draw for the giant Christmas stocking.
Sobering event during count down
By Doris Hunter
BAYFIELD - It's countdown to Christznas
now, but in the midst of our Yuletide Hap-
piness there are sobering events occurring.
Dr. William Mustard has died, one of the
truly great of the Canadian Medical World.
He was able to give a chance to live, to un-
told numbers of "blue babies".
Talking to him last year, he told me the
most wonderful experience in his life, was
the sight of these children turning with the
proper flow of their blood, to the normal
pink of a little child.
The Toronto Star had a very comprehen-
sive list of his honors, of course, he was
awarded the Order of Canada, the Order of
the British Empire, a long list of degrees
and the great respect of our country, cer-
tainly richly merited.
But in Bayfield, he was Betty Burch and
Neil Mustard's brother Billy. He spent his
boyhood holidays here at the family cottage
and is of a good Huron County family. Our
sympathy to Betty and Neil. A beloved
brother is a very great loss indeed.
The Rev. Douglas and Elizabeth Pitts are
having an anxious time as their grandson,
Brian Douglas, has had a very dreadful ac-
cident and is in serious condition in hospital.
There are joyous things to report too.
Carol and Tom Penhale, with their daughter
Wendy and husband Tom Johnston, were in
Toronto Sunday, to attend a reception and
dinner, following the marriage of Cathy
MacFaddyn and Gordon Bell.
Bayfield c s uld not forget the three pretty
daughters % Reeve Mac and Marion. Carol
says she ooked wonderful at the party.
St. Andrew's
United Church
Hwy. 21, Saytleld 763.2074
Rev John F Hoekstra M D,v
Organist Molly Co.
Sunday, December 20, 1987
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
Sunday School during the service
Nursery Available
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Village of Bayfield passed By-law No. 354
of 1987 on the 7th day of December, 1987 under Section 34 of the Planning Act, 1983.
AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal
Board in respect of the by-law by filing with the Clerk of the Village of Bayfield not
later than the 12th day of January, 1988, a notice of appeal setting out the objection
to the by-law and the reasons in support of the objection.
AN EXPLANATION of the purpose and effect of the by-law. describing the lands
to which the by-law applies, is provided below. The complete by-law is available for
inspection at my office during regular office hours.
Patrick M. Graham
Clerk -Treasurer
Village of Bayfield
Box 99
(5191 565-2455
By-law 354-1987 has the following purpose and effect:
By-law 354-1987 affects all lands zoned "Residential" in the Village of Bayfield
The by-law amends Bayfield's Zoning By-law 49-1969 in two areas of the text. The
definitions of a duplex dwelling and a semi-detached dwelling are added to the defini-
tion section for clarification purposes as follows:
3.7.5 "DWELLING DUPLEX" means a separate building containing two
dwelling units horizontally attached each of which has an independent entrance
whether directly from the outside or through a common vestible.
3.7.6. "DWELLING, SEMI-DETACHED" means a separate dwelling con-
taining two dwelling units vertically attached by a common wall each of which
has an independent entrance from the outside.
The By-law adds the minimum ground floor areas in the Residential Zone as follows:
Semi-detached dwelling 750 sq. ft. for each unit
750 sq. ft. for each unit
Duplex dwelling
Mary now lives in Meaford, teaching figure
skating and Shirley is in Toronto.
There was a baptism at Trinity Church
last week when Corey Edward Bender was
received into the fellowship of the Church.
Corey's big brothers, Ryan and Trevor,
were there to support him of course, eyes
wide. He is the son of Shelly and Jack
Fern and Harry Baker are home, to enjoy
family Christmases among their large fami-
ly. They enjoyed a week's holiday at St.
Martin's Island in the Caribbean.
All grandchildren are reputed to be
beautiful, brilliant and beyond compare.
Harry's granddaughter, Julia Hislop, cer-
tainly seems to meet all such requirements.
She has just received a Master's degree in
psychology from California State University
and is now in the clinical psychology doc-
toral program in Fresno, California. She is
the daughter of Harry's daughter, Dr. Con-
stance Hislop and her husband, Dr. David
Hislop. Their home is in Port Huron.
Councillor Helen Owen flew to Ottawa to
attend the ordination of her son, George
Bruce, into the priesthood of the Anglican
Church. He recently resigned his position as
Colonel in the Armed Forces and will now be
known as the Rev. George Bruce. His
father-in-laww and mother-in-law, the Rev.
George and Flo Youmatoff, were also pre=
sent at the impressive ceremony in Christ
Church Cathedral. a Bishop of Ottawa,
Edwin Lackey, zed by the Suffragan
Bishop, John A. Baycroft, officiated at the
ordination of six, into the service of the
Anglican Church, five men and a woman.
ird Sunday of Advent
celebrated in Varna
By Joan Beierling
VARNA - December 13 was the Third Sun-
day of Advent. The topic was the Sum Of
Things. The Varna Sunday School Concert
followed with a pot blessing lunch and a pro-
gram at the Stanley Township Complex.
The official board meeting was Monday
night in Goshen. On December 10 both
Youth Groups met at Huron Centennial
School for a gym night.
The Annual Turkey Bingo was held at the
Stanley Township Complex on December 9.
There were 15 games for fresh turkeys and
share the wealth.
Bonnie and Kerri Barraclough have mov-
ed into the apartment at Lyn and Lowell
Mount's house.
Marg Glavin and girls are living in the
former Grant Webster house.
Barb and Wade Ron are living in the house
that John Coultises lived in. Welcome to the
Three of the Varna boys, Chris Taylor,
Raymond Beierling and Neil Atchinson play
hockey with an Atom team in Hensall and
attended a series of games in Howick
recently. They won the first two games and
tied their third one.
Christmas carols played
By Blanche Deeves
HOLMESVII.1.E - The Holmesville United
held their morning worship service Sunday
with Rev. James Bechtel officiating. Rev.
Bechtel spoke to the children before they
went to their classes. Nancy Lobb played
`cont. inn.
c �1
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the piano and Shauna Hemingway also
played a carol on the piano. Betty Stoner
and Pat Hemingway received the offering.
The Enterprising Senior will meet
January 7 at 2 p.m. in the community centre
in Holmesville.
Main Street, Bayfield
For that gift with a "difference" " — be it a gen-
uine "Inuit Carving" or a "Treasure from the
Past ", we invite you to visit our Antique Shop and
Inuit Gallery. We will be open daily until Jan. 3rd,
1988 — (except Christmas & New Year's Day).
Both of us would like to extend to each of you our
heartiest Best Wishes for the Christmas Season and
wish you Health & Happiness throughout 1988.
Because we live so close to our shop, please give
a call during our "Off Season" — (Jan. - March)
and we would be happy to open the doors to let you
browse — Winter in Bayfield is the perfect Winter
Bill and Marg Makins
565-2 700
ice rs<.,,
The Rev. George Bruce will continue as
assistant at St. Matthew's Church in Ot-
tawa, for 18 months, before being appointed
to a Parish of his own.
The fire last Thursday was at the Huron
Church Camp. It was in one of the dormitory
buildings. Our firefighters were there for a
long time, a lot of damage and no word as to
the cause of the fire.
The yearly carol service at St. Andrew's
Church was as lovely as ever. People said
you had to be there early, if you want to get
a seat. Proof positive of how very popular
this service is. Next Sunday carollers will
gather at the church at 7:30 p.m. to go
carolling together in the village. Very nice
Trinity Church will be having their
children's Christmas pageant. Here every
child is a star performer. Fathers and
mothers and grandparents and friends
gather to admire their talented offspring.
That's at 7 p.m.
Recipes are not my special thing, but I
usually offer one at this time of year.
They say the presentation of food is what
makes it appealing. Color is essential,
cherry tomatoes often solve this problem in
winter, but how on earth can you spear them
with a fork if served whole? A very pretty
and flavorful answer, is to cook broccoli
flowers, "crisp. tender". Give a good dollop
of butter in a big frying pan and stir in
cherry tomatoes and the broccoli. Keep stir-
ring to cook the tomatoes and reheat the
broccoli. Don't scorch the butter. Voila, a
Christmas picture.
We Thank God
Psalm 111
30' 100 g. Ib.
33' 100 g. 1 .50
8alaer's Pure
Semi -Sweet
31' 100 g.
4d' 100 g.
200 lb
88° 100 g. • lis.
Dins 273-0440