Clinton News-Record, 1987-12-02, Page 35SAVE BIG ADMIRAL MICROWAVES AND DISHWASHERS FROM GROVES IN STOCK FOR CHRISTMAS ADMIRAL COMPACT MICROWAVE MR13100 •Electronic .54 cu. ft. •Equalizer Cooking System •Instant Minute 27995 GREAT SELECTION ... WE HAVE ONE FOR EVERY BUDGET! 44 41 Page 7 ::Arialefirkfilita akrryessrrryW�i' ttrrs Gift • • • giving is a By Helen Owen If you are the sort of person who starts preparing for Christmas the first week in January, then no doubt, your Christmas shopping is more or less completed. However, so often this is not the case and the result is a frantic last minute search when stores are crowded and prices are high. But gift giving is not just making a pur- chase — it is a token of caring. Admittedly we live in a very materialistic society, and the media advertising certainly perpetuates this concept, but surely it is one of which we should be aware of. True giving may mean giving something of oneself — time to knit that complicated sweater, con- struct a stool or child's desk, utilize those special skills which not only produce unique gifts but also items that are treasured and perhaps may be passed on from one genera - Hints for kids' parties Having a party for the kids? When the kids are getting a bit too boisterous, try this strategy: As each child arrives, he picks a number from a Christmas stocking. A duplicate set of numbers is kept in a brightly -wrapped box. Then, when things are gettng overly boisterous, signal drawing time by ringing a bell or flicking the light on and off. Draw a number from the box and the child with the number gets to choose his prize from the basket of gifts. The little expense of the prizes is well - spent since it helps to keep the party more pleasant. The Christmas tree has a long history... • from page 6 According to an old legend, a poor peasant woman, with many children, decorated a Christmas tree with such humble trimmings as she was able to gather, mostly berries and nuts and such odds and ends as she had managed to save up during the year. She labored far into the night trying to make her tree as beautiful as she could. While she was asleep, spiders came and crawled from branch to branch trailing their lacy webs behind them. To reward the woman for her devotion, The Christ Child blessed the tree and all the spider webs were turned into gleaming silver. tion to another. Producing this type of gift means time, thought and patience and these combine to express the true meaning of `giving'. Finding the right gift for the recipient is also a challenge. It requires imagination, and sometimes ingenuity, and it is not always the most expensive and sophisticated toy that delights the heart of a child. Rather it is that which has a strong personal appeal. Then again in, some in- stances practical items which eiurage in- dividual hobbies and home occupations not only delight the recipient, but indirectly token of caring reveal the perception and awareness of the donor. And, how often do you hear — "What can we give older people. They always say they don't need anything." But that's not really true and some consideration of their life style may provide valuable clues. Are their families widespread? What about gift tokens for telephone calls, sta- tionery, postage stamps, boxes of assorted greeting cards. Perhaps a pre -paid trip, restaurant meal or theatre ticket would of- fer a treat to be enjoyed long after Christmas. Then for those with horticultural in- terests, indoor or out there are a number of = acceptable items, plants, shrubs, bulbs, equipment to facilitate gardening chores, as well as materials and kits for embroidery, sewing and knitting, paints and brushes and sketch blocks for the artistically inclined, tools for the would be cabinet maker. Remember that retirement is the time for pursuing long delayed interests. So just a few thoughts on giving, giving that is not a chore but something that can prove a very rewarding and enjoyable experience. Words of wisdom It is good to be children sometimes and never better than at Christmas when its mighty Founder was a child Himself. —Charles Dickens. ADMIRAL OVER -THE -RANGE MICROWAVE OVEN *Electronic 1.0 cu. tt. capacity •Easily installed •650 watts output 669 1 WARRANT ROVES t.v. and appliance centre including •the Board & Batten Gift Room (' PARTS & LABOUR 6 YEARS - MAGNETRON Y 3 YEARS - TOTAL SYSTEM ON ALL ADMIRAL MICROWAVE OVENS ADMIRAL DISHWASHERS UNDERCOUNTER DUR41500 DISHWASHER •4 Pushbuttons •Silverware Basket In Rack •Rollers for easy Installation from 49995 Value you 10 Huron Street Clinton 482.9414 on Admiral Home Appliances