HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-12-02, Page 17i 16-GL,INTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1887 011111/0010W 1. Articles for sale FANCY GINGERBREAD HOUSES for the holiday season. Phone 482-9717 after 5 p.m. No orders taken after December 12.-46-48x FREEZER READY ROASTING chickens from around 5 lbs. to 8 lbs., $1.00 per Ib. Call 526-7543.---47,48 EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS GIFTS, hand crafted cedar family name signs, $20 each. By 2 get the 3rd one free. Order Now. Blyth 523-4455 evenings. -47,48 OVEN READY ROASTERS. Weighing approx- imately 61/4 to 8 lbs. CaII 565-5314.-48 CHRISTMAS TREES for sale at 193 Townsend St., Clinton, everyday but Sunday. Proceeds 1st. Clin- ton Rovers and Youth Fellowship. -48x LIKE NEW 5 pc. chrome leg kitchen set, woodgroin table top, size 35"x58" plus 111/4" leaf, 4 chairs, brown tweed with vinyl trim. Ask- ing $200.00.482.7503,-48x CHRISTMAS SPECIAL - For the young men in the family. Lakefield bolt action repeater with 4X Scope and 200 rounds of ammo, only $149.95. Lakefield 22 semi -auto, with 4X scope and 200 rounds of ammo, only $159.95. F.A.C. required. Lake Huron Rod and Gun, Underwood, 368-7182. Open 7 days. -48-51 EMERSON STEREO video cassette recorder with full function wireless remote control. Model No. VC5955H, $400.00. 482-7137 after 6 p.m. -48x CASIOTONE MT100 keyboard, never used, $260.00, batteries and books included; basket- ball hoop and ball never used, $25.00. Phone 565-2974.-48 RED WINTER MATERNITY coat, 3/4 length, size 9/10, in excellent condition. Phone 482-3835 after 6 p.m. -48 RADIO SHACK 17 level computerized chess. $130 cosh. Call 565-5288.-48,49x TWELVE ANTIQUE dealers of Kincardine are hav- ing a Victorian extravaganza, Fri. Dec. 4, 9-5; Dec. 5, 9-5 and Sun. Dec. 6, 1-5. Each shop is decorated with gifts for everyone. Pick up your guide maps at the tourist bureau; or any dealer. Storm date is next weekend. -48 USED SKATES, bought, sold, exchanged, also sharpening service for skates, knives, scissors, sows etc. 139 Queen St., Clinton, 482-9412.-40-49x SOLID PINE DOOR with oak inlays. Measures 60" wide x 90" high. A real steal at $100. One pair of ladies blue figure skates, size 7, $30. Phone 524-8423 after 6 p.m.-43tfnx BEEF FOR SALE, front quarter, ready for freezer. Frank Falconer 233-9128.-47,48 LAST CHANCE Greatest savings nowt Patio furniture warehouse open Fridays and Saturdays. 71 King W., Forest, Ont. (519) 786-4405. Closing December 12th. Watch for spring opening. -43-49 HOMEMADE CRAFTS for Christmas. Sweaters, dolls, doll clothes, wreaths and much more at Cindy's Crafts of Walton. Cal) 887.9608.-47-50 20% OFF ALL GUNS, ammo, fishing gear, clothing at Lake Huron Rod and Gun, Under- wood. 1-368-7182. Open 7 days, -47-51 8' r FOOT GEORGE SMYTH snow blower, double auger. 1000 PTO. Used very little. 482-3349. - 47,48x SEW, KNIT, SURGE: Singer, Janome Sewing Machines, Save $80 to $500. Singer, Passop Knit- ting Machines, Save $50 - $330. Surgers $499.95 to $899.95. A small deposit will hold for Christmas. Mondoy to Friday 9-9, Sot. 9-5:30. Sew and Save Centre, 149 Downie St., Stratford, 271-9660.-48-50 - - CANADA NO. 1 Christmas trees, Balsam Fir, Scotch Pine, White Spruce. Also Balsam Fir Wreaths, $2.00 from the sale of each tree will be donated to the Seaforth Hospital Building Fund. Available from the lawnmaster 527-1750. Paul VanderMolen. -48ar SNOWMOBILERS Check Our Prices on TRACKS First! WE ARE NOW YOUR NEW LOCAL ARCTIC CAT PARTS DEALER * Largest inventory in the areal ... Parts and Accessories in stock for most popular snowmobiles. ARGYLE MARINE AND SMALL ENGINE 88 BRITANNIA RD. E., GODERICH 524®5351 mo CHCHRISTMAST . for sale In the lot beside Verbeek's Parm and Garden Centre nowt SPONSORED lit' CLINTON OPTIMIST CLUB OPEN: 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Six days a week 482-9333 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAYFIELD BUGLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES Classified Word Ads .,.,, Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ., Tuesday 3:00 p.m, CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 14 Snowmobiles for sale 2 Motorcycle for sale 3 Garage sale / yard sale 4 Antiques for sale S Cars for sale 6 Trucks for sale 7 R.V.'s for sale 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sale 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 39 Education 13 Out of town properties 40 Lost & Found 16 For rent 41 To glue away 17 Apartments for rent 42 Death notice 18 Houses for rent 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In memoriam 47 Cards of thanks 24 Wanted to rent 23 Wanted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wanted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors .36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room 8 board 21 Cottages for runt 22 Lots for rent 23 Commercial property for rent 5O` DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE PHONE 482-3443 C') ct, 'cam MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. A. For Sole GL'ENCO seven shank 565-5075.--39tf soil saver. Phone WEANER PIGS for sale. Phone 233-5202 after 6 p.m, -48 1976 -,SKI-ROULE LAZER 440, , excellent shape; engine and body. Asking $700. Phone 233-9857 after 4 p.m. -48 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS OFFICE - 262-2831 Victor Hargreaves Clinton - 4e2-7511 Barry Miller Exeter 233-2717 K irk ton . 229-6203 Gregory Hargreaves 262-2619 .C. Wanted WANTED TO BUY clean baled straw. Cal 565-2979 between 12:30-1:00 p.m. or after p.m. -48 D. Livestock POULTRY FOR SALE: Day old 8 ready to lay Leghorn pullets. Available year round. dual pur- pose brown egg layers available spring 8, fall. Call toll free today 1-800-265-8536 McKinley Hatchery. -48 E. Farm Services BERG Sales -Service -Installation • Barn Cleoners • Bunk Feeders • Stabling • Manure Conveyors FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives R.R. 2 BLYTH 837.9924 F. For Rent HURONVIEW AGRICULTURAL PASTURE LAND FOR RENT Approx. 60 acres of grass with water. Rent for good pasture from May 1 to November 15 with a 3 year contract. Rental Will be considered on a per head per month basis with a maximum number of 50 head. Renter will be responsible for fences. Proposal should Indicate the sire of cattle. Proposals are to be in the Main Office at Huronview by December 15, 1987 at 1600 hours. Wayne Lester ADMINISTRATOR 1. Articles for sale TWO MEN leather coats, size 40-42; ladies block leather coat size 12. Good condition. 482.5395.-48 STILL LIFE 01L pointing of flowers, size 36 square inches, in a gold and white frame. Phone 482.9548.--48 CHILDS 2 pc pale blue snowsuit, size 2 and tandem baby stroller. Phone 233-9122.-48 DUAL WHEELS for sale, 20.8 x 38, hardware only two years old. Phone 482.3349.-48x LOG HOUSE 20' x 28' plus out buildings, to be removed from property. Proof of Liability In- surance and Workman's Compensation required. Apply to Doug O'Brien, Hensall District Co-op, Zurich Branch, 236-4393.-48or USED 7 FT NORTH AMERICAN snowblower with single auger for sale. Asking $500. Phone 482-3520.-48 C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/3 mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades * Weddings *Portraits *Family Gatherings *Christmas Portraits Check Our Prices 523-9212 (located at Westfield 3 ml. N.E. of Auburn) CANADA NO. 1 CHRISTMAS TREES Balsam Fir, Scotch Pines, White Spruce Wreaths 8 Roping In Pine. Cedar, Fir Balsam Wreaths THE LAWNMASTER Paul Vander Molen 327-1750 •2.00 from each tree will be DONATED to the SEAFORTH HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND. 5. Cars for sale BUYING OR SELLING a vehicle,. then be at John McKenzie Public Auto Auction, Thursday even- ings at 6:30 p.m. 1881 John Street, RR 8 London, Ontario. 453-7182 or 1.800-265-1906.--41-50 FOR SALE GOOD SOLID car for winter driving. Asking $900 firm. Phone 482-3512.--48,49 1978 DODGE CHARGER V8 auto, 2 tone paint, ex- cellent condition. Asking 51000. Will certify. 482-7569 days or 482-5750 evenings. -48 1....._ 6. Trucks for sale 1974 DATSUN PICKUP, runs, cover. As is, $350. Call after 6 p.m. 524-8423.-43tfnx with topper and 12. Recti estate for sale PRIVATE SALE OF new 3 bedroom brick home in Clinton. Just completed, fully carpeted. Phone 482-7676.-48,49ar NICE CASH INCOME. Coin laundry and 3 rental apartments on large corner lot, located on Main Street, Hensall. 10 washers, 5 dryers, $102,000. Shown by appointment only. Call 519-262-3403.-48,49 "SUDDENLY IT'S SOW" 82 ALBERT STREET. CLINTON Mason Bailey 482-9371 BROKER Gordon Hill SALES REPRESENTATIVE 233-3307 HWY. 8: Raised bungalow, on '4 acre, 1200 sq. ft. VANASTRA: 40 Victoria Street, 1 floor, all in good condition. GODERICH TWP.: 75 acres, vacant land on paved road, south of Holmesville. Contact Gordon Hill. LONDESSORO: 1 floor brick home, finish- ed basement, inground pool, large lot. CLINTON: Dunlq.x on Huron St.. showing excellent return, A good investment property. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: with 2 apart- ments, Queen Street, Blyth. 125 ACRES: Near Blyth, good' brick home, 50 acres workable, 22 acres hardwood bush. 25 ACRES: 2 miles from Clinton, small barn, goad building site. 73 ACRES: General purpose farm, good red brick home, all drained, Morris Twp. 100 ACRES: Farm near Auburn, 81 acres workable, 11/2 storey brick home. General purpose born. MODERN HOG OPERATION: Fully equip- ped for 1200 hogs en 85 acres. Call Gordon Hill. 240 ACRES: Hullett Twp. 225 acres workable, frame home and 2 drive sheds. Contact Gordon Hill. 12. Real estate for sale HIGHWAY 8 ON 1 ACRE LOT: 1232 sq. ft., all in good repair, paved drive. Rec room and garage in basement. Contact Mason Bailey 482-9371. CLINTON 1 FLOOR: 2 bedroom home with attached garage on '/2 acre. New gas furnace. Con- tact Mason Bailey 482-9371. - Culli an - REAL ESTATE LTD. FARMS NEW LISTING - 197 acres, 187 acres workable with a large brick home featur- ing an Earth Loop Water Furnace. This til- ed cash crop farm with highway frontage has a former dairy barn with silo. 12,000 SQ. FT1 aRY BARN on o scenic 5 acre lo d starter farm in- cludes house. NEW LISTING - 145 acre farm and Lakeshore trailer camp, 70 acres workable, 35 hookups for trailers. This unique proper- ty also includes a large brick home and ap- proximately 1000 ft. of lakefront exposure. Call ROBERT VODDEN RES. 482-3160 OFFICE 527-1577 Head Office: 62 Ontario Road Mitchell, Ontario Tel. 1-348-8355 Your Agri -Realtor 4 I ler &f lit •rQ•� 1Y1 - f. CO, L1'6411'113 AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION TODAY! 3 bedroom, 1'/2 storey home situated on 105' x 99' lot. Close to downtown Clinton, Sunroom, carport, and more. Asking $48,000.00. SOLID BRICK HOME Quality Built home with 4 bedrooms, fireplace, plaster walls, low taxes and more. Immac late throughout Asking 3105,009.0a VANASTRA HOME 3 bedroom bungalow, large insulated garage with workshop. List price only $39,900.00. Call today. NEWLY LISTED! $32,000.00 will buy this 3 bedroom, 11/2 storey home. Large lot, large workshop, garage sundeck, patio doors, and a B.B.O. pit. Must be seen. FOR A FREE EVALUATION CALL TODAY Bill Steenstra Mary Divok Aileen Craig Peter Damsma Sharon Medd (Seaforth) 482-3780 482-3370 482-3669 482-9849 527-0560 RHALTOR rtr'riitr)tt REDUCED! 3 bedroom home, double garage with pav- ed drive. Upgraded like new throughout. Asking price includes all drapes and ap- pliances. $72,500.00. 3 LOTS 198' x 165'. Brick and Mansville sided home with 3 large bedrooms, 2 full baths, laun- dry room, sewing room, double garage and a workshop. Asking $89,900.00. HULLETT TWP. Modern Pullet Farm - 50 acres. Splendid residence and buildings. Ask for more details. List price $500,000.00. TUCKERSMITH TWP. 100 acres all workable, good house and buildings. A genuine farmer's farm. Vendor will carry mortgage at reasonable interest rate. Asking $195,000.00. SIR, YOUR APPRAISAL HAS ARRIVED! • it OFFICE: 11 VICTORIA ST., CLINTON 482-5991 S'd�1 _.., ALL POInTS REALTY INC GODERiCH 524-21i POWER. TO MOVE 4 Bedroom Home In Excellent Condition 13' x 23' family kitchen, 21' x 21' main floor family room. Heated, insulated double garage with 200 AMP service. Many many more features. Call Karen Scruton at 482-9716 to see this lovely home. COUNTRY RETREAT Near Londesboro on 3 acres - lots of trees surround the Century old home with recent board and batten addition. Hydro, septic, in- sulation, roof, updated. All for $69,900. Call KAREN SCRUTON at 482-9716. (20287D) Marie Hughes 482-7508 Bi11 McGregor .............,233.7539 Wayne Wigelsworth ..,,;2-3091 Karen Scruton ..... 482-9716. Marg Tugwell 4824760 An Exceptional Country Property Rebuilt school house with large addition on 1/2 acre, 4 bedrooms and upstairs loft sitting rood. large open Country kitchen and fami- ly room. Many, many features. Less than 10 minutes from both Goderieh and Clinton, 2 minutes frons Benmiller. Call Karen Seruton at 482-9716. (26187A) esu Nevi' Listing - Highway Location Ideal for a general repair shop, or trucking ,ntEte. 3 b‘Arcom.. bn_galew with h a 40' x 100' Wondersteel building, sitting on 1.6 acres o land. Phone Bill McGregor 233-7539. 65 Acres workable land in Stanley Twp. No buildings. Phone Bill McGregor 233-7539. THE LARGEST REAL ESTATE ORGANIZATION IN THE w0D EACH OFPICE IS INDEPE3'ENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED 4' , and OM) trademarks of Cootie 21 Read Estate i". sties, ALL POINTS REALTY INC. 234 bayftetd Rd., Godetkh 124-2111