HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-12-02, Page 12Page 12—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1987
Former Bayfield resident tours Scotland
This past summer Janice Bonthron,
daughter of Doris Bonthron and the late
Harold J. Bonthron, formerly of Bayfield,
travelled to Scotland to pursue her
genealogical research.
Janice met Mark Bonthron, a distant
cousin with whom she has been correspon-
ding for a couple of years. Mark has done
extensive research on his own family and
has traced Janice's back to 1660. Janice
travelled to the county of Fife, visiting the
small fishing villages along the coast. In
East Wemyss the tombstones of ancestors
still stand in the graveyard by the sea.
In the Fife Advertiser of May 26, 1855
James Bonthron and Catherine (Deas) Bon-
thron were given a farewell dinner at
Robert Bonthron's Inn before their depar-
ture for Canada. With them were their
children, Margaret, William, Robert,
James, Isabella and Catherine.
They travelled to Warrensville which
later came to be known as Rodgerville. Two
children, Christian and Janet (also known
as Jessie) were born in Upper Canada.
James Bonthron was a merchant and owned
a general store and post office in Rodger-
ville in the late 1880s. His son Robert mar-
ried Mariah White and they operated a store
on Hensall's main street. They raised their
family, Florence Edna (Joynt), Louise
(Simpson), Margaret (Vair), Edith
(McMartin), William Deas, Frederick
George and Janice's grandfather, James
White Bonthron, in Hensall.
There were other Bonthrons in the area.
" James Bonthron, a cousin of Robert, his
wife Janet Logie and family lived in Hay
Township and their descendants still live in
the vicinity. Thomas Bonthron, a brother of
James, and family farmed in Hay in the
1870s but moved to Southampton to become
a fisherman like his Scottish relatives.
One of the highlights of Janice's trip was
discovering Bonthron Lane in the town of
Buckhaven. Mark and Janice visited the
library and the museum and discovered a
few facts which have been helpful in the con-
tinuing search.
Janice travelled throughout Britain
before journeying to France.
A gift from Mark will always remind
Janice of her time travelling through Fife on
the Bonthron trail. A copy of The Fair Maid
of Perth by Sir Walter Scott, one of the
characters is a Bonthron. A most ap-
propriate gift for a librarian.
Hensall people, events and group news
Hilda Payne attended the . mastectomy
Christmas Party held at Victoria St. United
Church in Goderich last Monday.
Northcrest residents were happy to see
Margaret Mole back after a brief stay at
South Huron Hospital, Exeter.
Lois, Al and Tina Aubrey of Ottawa
visited on Friday with Glen and Pearl
Dorothy Munroe is confined for a few days
at Seaforth Community Hospital and all
wish her a speedy recovery.
Olga and Ernie Chipchase travelled to
Aylmer last week to visit Ernie's mother
Mrs. Nora Chipchase.
The Hensall Nursery School is sponsoring
"Portraits with Santa" this Saturday,
December 5 at the Town Hall.
These top quality prints are 5 x 7" in size
and will be taken by photographer Peter
Anstett between the hours of 9 and 12 a.m.
What a thoughtful gift idea for someone
special at Christmas!
Also this Saturday, December 5 Hensall
Scouts will be selling lovely Scotch Pine
Christmas trees.
Only 75 of these 5'/2Y-6'/2" beautiful trees
are available. The Scouts will be selling the
trees in the Agri -press parking lot in Hensall
starting at 10 a.m.
The Hensall and District Kinettes will be
setting up their store front at O'Connors in
Hensall beginning at 3 p.m. this Friday.
Make a trip uptown to purchase a gorgeous
Pointsettia plant to brighten your home this
Holiday Season.
Continuing with the Holiday theme, these-
cond Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony will
be held at the Town Hall this Friday evening
at 7:30 p.m. Come out and get yourself in the
Holiday Spirit. The Hensall Public School
will perform and rumour has it that Santa
will be in attendance again this year.
On Sunday December 13 the Hensall Ex-
plorers will be presenting' a Christmas pro-
gram at Hensall United Church at 2 p.m.
Enjoy the music and recitations with
refreshments to follow.
Visiting with Hazel Corbett recently were
her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Chaffe of Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. David MacMillan, Ayr, were
recent visitors with their grandmother Mrs.
Laird Mickle.
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Pollock of Sarnia
also enjoyed a pre -holiday visit on Sunday
with their grandmother Mrs. Laird Mickle.
High ladies' scores for Tuesday, Nov. 24
were: Eileen Dowson 336, Pearl McKnight
236, Emma Campbell 180. High scoring men
were: Percy Campbell 343, Walter Spencer
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Anyone with news for the next three
weeks, don't forget to call Brenda Pulham
262-3244 or drop it off at the Library. I will be
resuming correspondence the week of
December 30. I would like to take this oppor-
tunity to wish you all a very Merry
Christmas. Peace and Joy to you all.
The Hensall Tykes, the youngest future
hockey stars, played to a 1-1 tie against a
strong Goderich team in a game Sunday
afternoon in Goderich. Scoring Hensall's
goal was Jeff Campbell while Jeff Rathwell
played a good game in goal.
The Novice team continued their
undefeated record with a 6-2 victory over
Bayfield last Wednesday. Hensall's goals
were scored by Brock Weiss with 3, Mark
Bell 2, and Jamie Campbell 1.
Hensall United Church was beautifully
decorated for the first Sunday of Advent.
Following the lighting of the 1st Advent
Candle, Rev. Douglas Wright led his con-
gregation in prayer and the Word of God.
Belva Fuss sang a solo, "He touched me"
with Jean Jacobi at piano.
Rev. Wright spoke to the congregation
about Advent.
Serving communion were Raye Jacobi,
Mark Consitt, Mona Alderdice, Janis
Bisback, Janet Consitt, Dorothy Corbett,
Jim McGregor, Wayne Corbett, Ernie Chip -
chase and John Thompson.
Worshippers were greeted at the door by
Grace Drummond and were ushered by
Wayne Campbell, Bob Campbell, Jeff But-
son and Gerrie Glenn.
Next Sunday, December 6 is the annua'
White Gift Service which will be c•onductei
by the Sunday School. Offerings placed n
the colorful Mission and Service Fund
Envelopes will go to extend Christian
outreach and mission to Canada and the rest
of the world.
The Explorer's group for girls, which
meets Mondays at 4 p.m., needs additional
leadership. If you can help call .Joanne
Rowcliffe 262-5569 or Barb Gackstetter
The afternoon group of the U.C.W unit 41
will meet Thursday afternoon December 3
at 2:30 p.m.
The second monthly Senior Citizens'
Euchre card party was held on Tuesday.
November 24 with eight tables in play.
Prize winners were - lady's high; Enuna
Campbell, 2nd. Pearl McKnight, Men's
high, Ross Richardson, 2nd, Carl Payne.
Lone hands, Annie Finkbeiner and George
Dowson. Draw prizes were: George Dowson
- paper towels, Lorna Spencer - box of
crackers, Anita Bengough - hanging hand
towel, Alf Ross - kleenex and Irene
Finlayson - bag of sugar.
The next card party will be January 23,
1988. Merry Christmas from the Euchre
There was a bazaar beld November 28 at St. Andrews Church in Bayfield. In addition to
the items for sale, refreshments and goodies were served. At left, Doris Reddoch of the
UCW and Sara Roth, age six, inspect the merchandise. (Paul Rudan photo)
Senior choir will lead
in ministry of music
By Blanche Deeves
HOLMESVILLE - The senior choir of
Holmesville United Church led in the
ministry of music Sunday morning with
Rev. James Bechtel officiating. John
Greidanus played the organ. Rev. Bechtel
spoke to the children before they went to
Larry Rutledge and Greg Lobb received
the offering. Decenter 6 will be White Gift
Sunday at Holmesville United Church with
all gifts going to Family Children Services.
1 JC.WNews
The UCW of Holmesville United Church
will meet December 8 in the church hall. All
members bring in Christmas stocking and
gift for Friendship House.
Enterprising Seniors News
Enterprising Seniors will meet an
December 3 at the White Carnation for
Christmas dinner at 12 noon. Everyone is to
bring a gift up to $2 wrapped.
Members will go back to the hall for fun
time with Marion Powell and Mary Sterling
in charge.
ueensway happenings
Pageant practice kept everyone at
Queensway in Hensall busy Monday morn-
ing. Residents are looking forward to per-
forming Sunday, December 13, at 2 p.m.
Beth .lantzi and several Auxiliary members
were in to assist. In tte afternoon the Bethel
Reformed Ladies were in to play Bingo and
led a hymn sing.
Tuesday morning residents worked out at
fun and fitness and played games after-
ward. Tuesday aftenoon was a little dif-
ferent as residents and activity staff per-
formed their own clurch service because
there wasn't a minister available. Thank
you to Lillian Smith, l.avina Watson and
Mildred Gingerich for their contribution of
story and poems. It was a beautiful service.
Wednesday several residents bowled in
Zurich. Gord Beierling was men's high.
Muriel Gunning was ladies' high. Thank you
to Iva Reid the volunteer driver.
On Thursday the residents' council met.
Members discussed the Recipe Book pro-
ject. This is a fund raising project under-
taken by Residents Council to purchase a
sound system for the home. Anyone from
the community is encouraged and welcom-
ed to contribute recipe3, for information call
262-2830. Thursday afternoon Queensway
celebrated November Birthdays at the mon-
thly Birthday Party. Birthday Greetings to
Mary Westlake, Esther Gill, John Kats and
Hattie Wiltshire. All took part in an
energetic sing song led by Laurene Madge,
Lorne Hyde and Gord Harrison of Goderich
who came in to entertain for the afternoon.
"Tootsie" was the featured movie for
Thursday evening. It was hilarious comedy
that everyone liked. Residents are happy to
have ladies from Northcrest apartments
join them occasionally for the movies.
Saturday residents focused on Germany
at the International Day for November.
Saurbraten was on the menu for supper.
Black Forest Cake was served at the after-
noon program. ,Everyone enjoyed being
entertained by George Mathonia's group. A
special treat for everyone was Maria and
George Mathonia singing Silent Night in
German. There were many German items
to browse through. It was a wonderful
Residents have been busy unpacking
Christmas decorations and December 2 are
having a "Spruce Party" to spruce up
Queensway with Christmas decorations.
Family and friends are welcome.
New book is out in time for Christmas...
• from page 11
with the added advantage of adapting them
to meet contemporary needs and achieved
so much more easily with the use of today's
labor saving kitchen equipment.
Each season is dealt with separately and
includes the cultivation of fruits, vegetables
and herbs as well as preservation and some
unusual usages, gift ideas and activities for
children Delightfully illustrated by Wes
owe, and with a generous sprinkling of
verse and prose quotations this book should
be of interest to the experienced cook as well
as the career housewife. It will, no doubt,
prove a favourite choice not only as a gift
but for regular reference on the cookery sec-
tion of many bookshelves.
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